the examlner Wodnosday Oct 19 1911 Travel urge amon the oun 9X9 Business never better for driveaways MONTREAL CP The urge among the young to travel may be satisfied by driving to faroff placesin someone eises car Brian Little 21 and Andrew Wilkin 20 are two students who got just such an urge and headed for California in 1973 navyblue RollsRoyce Signed up by firm called Auto Driveaway Co Little and Wilkin are part of booming business that includes several firms in the Montreal area and floating army of adventurous drivers Although the driveaway idea has been around for years spokesmen for Montrealbased companies say business has never been better The number of private cars leaving here has increased 10 per cent in the last year due mainly to people leavmg the province said Paul Smith owner of the downtown Mon treal Drive Away MOST GOTOUS Smith who has been in the business since 1963 said 80 per cent of the cars he services are bound for dealers in the United States or other provinces while the other 20 per cent are pri vatelyowned Auto Driveawa chain with six Canadian an more than 80 American outlets concurs In the summer we usually have very few cars going to Florida said manager Sandra Decarie This summer the number was astronomical Most of those cars were going there for good and many drivers seem to be going where the car is to look forjobs The driveaway system offers one of the cheapest forms of transportation anywhere Heres how it works car owner contracts with driveaway firm to pay fee be tween $40 and $250 de nding on the type of car the istance involved and the firms rates to have his car delivered to specific destination The firm contacts willing driver who if deal is made then pays the firm deposit of the same amount the owner has contracted to pay The driver must be 21 and licensed DRIVER PAYS GAS Insurance for car and driver is paid by the firm with the cost of food lodging and in most cases all the gas paid for by the driver Upon delivery the owner pays the contract fee to the driver who usually pockets the fee owing nothing to the driv eaway firm But there are ex ceptions Montreal Drive Away charges summertime drivers fee uivalent to onequarter of the eposit on cars going to Alberta and British Columbia Most companies impose time restrictions seven days for Vancouver delivery and mileage limits estimated mileage plus 10 per cent Most firms make the driver pay for all gas but Auto Driv eaway provides one full tank for every car leaving the city making trip to Toronto real deal said Mrs Decarie SALESMEN WILLING You can get there on little more than tank of gas We always have salesmen willing to drive cars to Toronto on Mon day mornings Richard Hammerbeck 25 packed his belongings into driveaway station wagon last week and headed for Toronto to look for job He estimates the trip will cost about $22 in gas probably the cheapest move ever made Eleven Montreal Expos play ers and staff had their cars de livered via the driveaway sys tem to and from Daytona Beach Fla during spring training this year The servrce has been satis factory said Sandy Carter wife of catcher Gary Carter The only trouble is making sure theres driver available On surplus list Eight months ago Fatman was coveted togram rarity one of the few hognosed badgers born outside China But now hes sevenkilogram glutton whose voracious ap petite haa put him on Metro Toronto Zoos surplus list CP Photo Favorite Iovv low prices Your choice at Your choice hawkestone bv Muriel Hart 4872030 Members of the St Aidans Anglican Church Womens In stitute met on Oct 12 at the home of Mrs Victor Hart at oclock Mrs Len Hall chaired the meetin Cor respondence was dea with which included many thankyou cards as this was the first meeting since June Church calendars were sold Getwell cards were signed by all those present to be sent to Mrs Prigsley and Mrs James Leigh Report of the annual bazaar was given by the treasurer Mrs Dunn Members of Hawkestone Lnited Church Women met on Oct at the home of Mrs Ken Neiles at pm Devotions were given by Mrs Wm Baker and Mrs Ron Shaw in charge of the program Mrs Stan McDougall was ac companied by her sister who is visiting from the west Members of Hawkestone Womens institute were invited to attend the regular meeting of Argyle Womens Institute to be held at Oro Station Community Your choice resident Bob Williams of Bobs Diesel Barrie would like to announce demonstration of the Steyr Tractor line at RR No Barrie on October 20 Come and see FOURWHEEL drive power in action and test Save 27 Set of Soccer Boppere Reg $249 Smo 77 snakes an Rugged leatherlook Save 86 1012 doll In ladders Gama Reg double holster set cradle Reg $399 $299 Save 77 38 high bob bags Reg $299 16x24 chalkboard hangs easily on wall Value Pt 23233 it at drlve them In the hed speaker Directions Mrs James Leigh had the misfortune to fall and break her left wrist in Oriilia recently We hope it will soon be more comlt fortable Mrs LaRena Clark of this village is having new album of songs released titled Her tita of Folk Songs which in cl es 10 songs These have been made by Quality records and put together in the studio of CRAY Barrie Her songs include ballads lumbering songs shanty son and even song unite es ecially for Hawkestone lage Her collection of folk songs go back over 700 years BAYFIELD MALLS ANNUAL PET SHOW SATURDAY NOVEMBER 5th AT 1000 AM Take No 27 Hwy south of Barrie to 12th line of Innisfil Go east 34 mile to No sideroad Demonstration on the north east corner Bobs Diesel Equipment RR No Barrie Hwy 27 miles south of Barrie Your Leyland and Steyr dealer in Barrie 7260079 726 I4 Save 77 Funfllled gyroscopes Reg $299 Chip Away set for sculpturing fun Save 77 grooming $299 Plastic hair set Reg rescue vehicles Reg Save 86 $399 Assorted plush hand puppets Save 38 28 plastic anow ahovei Light weight Reg $149 Save 100 Battery Save 77 on assorted operated racing car 58 77 80PC Fl1913 plush characters majlgs set Reg $299 Save 66 Bert or Ernie Golden Disney stuffed dolls Reg for the kiddies books Save 48 Durable metal Ilre enginea Reg $159 £15 5135 HQYLYOQQAZ EllLE JUST FILL OUT THE BALLOT BELOW AND SEND IT OR BRING IT TO BAYFIELD MALL ADMINISTRATION OFFICE 320 BAYFIELD ST BARRIE Save $177 finger Creative 77 tu Save 77 Set of 32 painting aet save on my feitcarioon board wooden blocks Reg Reg $299 $299 Save $186 Pooh wind Save 35 up wristwatch Reg $499 D°ts on Dip int set VAoonzss PHONE TYPE OF PET CLASSES OF PETS TO BE JUDGED 1PUPPES CATS LONG HAIR SMALL pass MICE MEDIUM DOGS GERBILS LARGE DOGS 10 RABBITS 5KITTENS 11BIRDS 43 6CATS SHORT HAIR 12FISH Frlctlonactlon Save $127 Attractive Save $177 Doil In ap toya Save 86 Sturdy poun ding bench Reg $399 Inflatable doll furniture pie or pear Reg $399 Reg 349 Save 66 Assorted tall super heroes Reg $399 PRIZES ALL CHILDREN ENTERING WILL RECEIVE RIBBON CLASS WIN NERS WILL RECEIVE RIBBONS AND SMALL GIFT BEST PET OF THE SHOW WILL RECEIVE RIBBON AND $2500 IN CASH Satisfaction guaranteed 0r money refunded 59145 to be complete sets own one yew pchases Se ul tot in st Sears conned by 0C JUDGING JUDGING WILL as DONE av me BARRIE HUMANE scenery BASED 35 j735=13L33353411233 ON me HEALTH AND CARE or me PET PLUS ms CHILDS KNOWLEDGE or HOW TO TAKE CARE or THEIR per AND ITS EALTH to DA GENERALH rs SimpsonsSears Ltd Store hours Charge it Emo no Use your Sears Barrie Gcorgnan Mall Prpose Account 509 Baytieid St 7264451 Reg and Wae refer to BlmpeonvSeara Lid pricee IleNTUESSAT 930am 105 30 WED THURS FRI 30 to 30 Sears Auto Centre open weekdays am BE SURE YOU ENTER YOUR PET