LAWW the examiner Wodnosday0ct191977 sim N3 it the boots fit Jciin touiv it of algary gets lift from Lieut Gordon antley of the citys fire depart ment into finmans boots llnli vi ho won fire safety poster contest and follow winner Brian Pope also ll received tour of the fire department and rode fire truck The boots weigh three pounds each IP Photol First Prize $2000 Vacation Holirta Second Prize 10 Portable Candle Cassette Recorders with BuiltIn AMFM Radio Model JTR 1215 Third Prize 2O Polaroid 8X70 newest One Step Camera Outfits Heres all you have to do Open 3a Cr eCu more at any it between October 17th and De ember 3rd 1977 With every $50 new deposit you rrtalre to that account during the contest period youre entitled to one entry to Him the great esc pe lonehalf of the value of the trip no he Hare and accornodation Arrar deferr will be rate through OK Johnson Taret or trierr afinaten or one of 10 Candle Cassette Recorderz approx value it 20 each or one of 20 Polaroid One Step Camera Outfits approx value 365 each For example deposit $500 and you get ten opportunities Present customers can also participate by making $50 new deposits to their existing accounts rag account for $50 or Think of your chances to win with only six branches participating downtown Barrie Georgian Mall Orillia Midland Gravenhurst and Pembroke compare the rates the Municipal is offering on Savings and Chequing then open your account today WINlQS must answer time limited mathematical skilltesting question Each contestant Will be entitled to maximum of one hundred opportunities to wrn Complete details on Entry Form at Miinimpa branches We 35 the municipal at turn fly It it ll lliJl lrJillJli Convenient Hours Monday thru Saturday Barrie Drinlop at Owen 7269311 Georgian Mall 76 0340 rt of line Provriirï¬ lelllll uilmtlii Deposit Insurance Corporation Those incredible tunnel men Queen meets Mounties praised by dying officer Associated Press Pulitzer Prize winning photographerwriter Horst Fans who covered the war in Vietnam war for 12 years recently made return visit to that country Hero is report of trip to former Viet nam battlefield By HORST FAAS CU CHI Vietnam AP As LtCol George Eyster lay dy ing from Viet Cong sniper bullet wounds on jungle trail he said to me Before go Id like to talk to the gu who con trols thosc incredibe men in the tunnels Eleven years later met that man and he showed mc the in side of the fantastic tunnel oc topus that took 30 years to dig and stretched 150 miles with tentacles sometimes winding right under the chairs of US commanders as they sat in their headquarters Eyster died in field hospital while his battalion the 2nd of the 28th Regiment lst US in fantry Division was trying to fight its way out of the vast un derground network 20 miles Skiing with hiiritiiii iIripV Illilll it wit ivillr Chi iii lrial Ati i9 31 00 ii Aliivriirilili jun 3pm Out Rtq $71990 iiIfi Moris Soft rinii Wriiiii ilu Sr ll Nnn rim 247 Open Mon to Free Parking northwest of Saigon The now peaceful tunnels were on the itinerary of Ger man tourist group travelled with on rare twoweek trip to Vietnam One of the briefing of ficers at district headquarters was Capt Nguyen Thanh Linh who said he had commanded the Cu Chi Liberation Battalion during 1966 That was the unit the American colonels bat talion had opposed TUNNELS T0 SAIGON Beneath the former Vietnam battlefields at one two and three levels underground was twisting octopus of tunnels and caverns stretching from Chi towards Saigon and the sur rounding provincial capitals The slippery humid corri dors about two feet wide and two feet high blocked with wooden trapdoors at under ground intersections spanned the history of the whole Viet nam war from the days when Communist agents hid from the French police until Saigon was taken As more American soldiers arrived to occupy the surface Allli will ltlniilliti lii hm SAll Atli Viiil lli in itrrii lll intro lit Iilfvl Rtl SALE S3 3109 SAVi $6 227 above the more we extended our stem below said iiin ior ficer at the briefing ol Duong Long Sang At the end we had threetier tunncl sys tem and everything was under ground the toilets the hospi tals all our soldiers many ci vilians and even water buffalo 30 YEARS HIGGING We literally dug for 30 years usually in the dark 5uatting down We carved out out metre every eight hours and women distributed the earth on the surface hiding it under fallen leaves The tunnels crcpt under some US positions Several times we knew that American field commanders would sit like this on their metal chairs directly above us said Linh with grin Thc Americans attacked the tunnels with hunting dogs thcn thc tunnel rats small tough Americans like us linh said They crawled into the tunnels with explosives and gas to blast us out We instalch more as capo routcs morc ticrs Mi lily ux All 817 Oiii Run Barrie Boyfiold Rd llwy Nu ii Iiiiil Nu from coronation days UllAWA fli Twenty fiw years ago troop of 46 young Royal Canadian Mounr tid policemen paraded for the Qumri at her coronation in Lon don Monday in near zero weather and whipping wintry winds the Qumrn met members of thc troop still in the force and waif htffl now gentration of Moon tics train sleek black horses for musical rides and perhaps future coronations The Queen wearing turr quoisc wool jersey coat and felt hat drove to the RCMP train ing barracks from nearby Gov ernmcnt House in skybluo convertible despite the chill threatening Sky She was greeted by thousands of cheering flagwaving school children brought to the train ing grounds from the citys east end in more than 50 buses who jumped and squealed and hoi lcrcd We want the Queen Following an official greeting by RCMP Commissioner RH Simmonds the Queen met 33 it it $t ss hii Rm remaining members of the coronation troop smiling politely as they toasted her with champagne Simmonds pointed out that the Queen is honorary commis sioner of the force and assured her that the RCMP always stands ready to be at your sch ice FORCE FELT LOSE The force has always felt very close to you Later the Queen walked through the crowd to training arena where 12 Mounties put horses through their paces The Queen asked training school commander AL Ander son questions about the horses then left the arena to look at others The Queen is an avid horse woman and rarely misses chance to visit the Mounties and their horses when she is in Canada BARRIE DENTURE CLINIC COLEllA DJ Complete Denture Service 726472l 149A Dunlop St Barrie Member Denturifl Society of Ontario on risfls Poll toque on ever cold eais iri lflh will Mons ikVWtJ utngrtl OLHRN Days ttprwr ilirv OuRuq S1I9 RAH uys tAlf Morn SAL 47 147 247 All iii in Mimi llillltltHllt llllll Illllltft rlului Jlrust Towers For Selection Value and Satisfaction emu