the examiner Wodnosday Oct 19 1977 ptimist Club holds intallation tioiil ltflllt front left and Provincial tonrt Judge Don Inch from right take closer look at Rolf Brocknian cen tn as he mugs for the camera Saturday at the installation Vf officers for the Optimist Club of Barrie Jeffries and Judge Inch were installed as vicepresidents of the club Brockman as president In the back are past president Ed Harper left and Vic Di Biasio secretarytreasurer The iii stallation dinner and dance were held at the ontinental Inn Elllilltl Ihotol Womens Resource Centre Marilyn Jennings was presented with the ptiMrsofthe year award by Maurice Kreogh Saturday night at the in stallation of officers for the ptimist Iub of Barrie The award is presented every year to the outstanding ptiMrs member by Kreogh Examiner Photo Club pushes for focal point UL ERtiIS Efuniiner Staff Reporter oiiieii did lot iii the early days Canada and if you read the history books you never even know most of them were aiii says flsie Gregory Macxizll who was in Barrie Monday eyeiiizig to speak to the Nrrie Business and Profes sional omen Club was the women of Ontario who kept Lie cultural life going the hamlets villages and owiis and lile importance was eyer aitached to that fact until recently shesaid Miss Mactiill spoke to the club at the Lonsumers Gas Blue Flame Room about the proposed plans for Womens Resource Centre in Toronto She is past president of the Business and Professional Womens tlub of Canada and it is the 50 Ontario clubs which are spearheading the move ment for resource centre for women One of the main functions of the centre would be to keep ar chives where they would be safe and could be used to gain ntc the ï¬nes and Va 53 ilJJClVA 11 erg we iiv ir Li place such as Sudbury and feels she would like to show it in larger centre the Ontario Womens Resource Centre in Toronto would be available to her Miss Mactiill said NOT NEW Professmnal and Business Womens tlubs are not new to Miss Mactiill Her mother started the first club in an couver in the 20s and she Joined herself in the 305 was brought up on it licked more stamps and made more sandwiches than could ever remember she told the group Born in Vancouver in 1905 she graduated from the timer sity of Toronto in 1927 is the first woman to take the Elec trical Engineers course Soon after she graduated from the Universin of Michigan as an Aeronautical Engineer the first women to do so From 1934 to 1937 she was In volved in the testing of pro totype and producing of air craft During World War II MacGill was in charge of all engineering work for the production of the Hawker Hurricane Fighter air craf for the mud Kangdom as uris Wrzgh IZl hierazrcraf opened an offzce in or lung if have women put in authortalive positions These people are source of inspiration to other women Men have had this source for years When women see other women in job of RSpOflSlbllll they realize the possibility which exists for them or their daughters she noted PRESERVE PAST People all over the province have bits of history from the past but they dont know what to do with them so some are thrown out this is un fortunate would like to see womens groups of all kinds start pro jects to gather information about their area know some are doing it already she said Miss MacGill noted that the centre would provide connec ting link for Ontario Women We disipate our strength because we know so little about each other and about our womens groups It comes as surprise sometimes when you raid where some other clubs goals are the same as yours In place such as this we could come to know each other It would proVide earlier we ignition for women artists who are usually to to 12 years older than men when they receive recognition sim ly because they don have ace such as his to show their work New artists would have place to learn from others and dislowr new rends in the arts and humanities Miss MacGill mid The project was begun in 1974 rmulting from an increasing in members got together and began the search for budding The old Metropolitan Toronto entral Library near the lnivcrsity of Toronto was selected The building was designed and built in 1908 Following one addition in will the building now contains reading rooms library facilities storage for documents an art gallery public meeting hall two elevators and looseat theatre The total floor space in the three floor building is about 110000 square feet Four dif ferent entrances to the budding would allow free flow of traffic to various parts of the centre It has been designated as an historic budding by Met ais Hair Bazaar Welcomes the addition of Carol Foster to our Salon Staff We hope that she may look forward to sewing you in the near future Call 7264451 ext 221 for your next appointment SimpsonsSears Ltd ropolitan Toronto which hits owned it since it was budt The club hopes to convince the provincial government to take over the budding as public project including llio in itial financing The centre must be kept busy Miss MacGill says We cant expect anyone to pay its way once we get it going She said times are not good right now to be asking the government or anyone else to give money for the pllljttl The lniversity of Toronto is renting the building now for part of lhtll library and Miss MilCtilll says ths three or four years wait until the lttt up Will be ule to gain publicity forthcproyect ROAD CONSTRUCTION SPECIAL PERMS REG $3000 NOW $1500 Style cut extra House of Iicllini GowanSt Allundale 7268571 October is designated as immunization month October has been declared Iunization Action Month in Canada by the Canadian In stitute of Child Health and the Canadian Paediatric Society The program the first of its kind is an information cam paign to increase parent awareness of the need to im munize their children According to Dr Tibbles president of the paediatric society infectious diseases are still among the four leading causes of hospitalization of Canadian children Accidents respiratory problems and congenitaL anomalies are the other three Dr Tibbles said many LIQUIDATION OF children die or suffer disabilities because of common curable diseases such as measles ing cou and diphtheria of whic could be prevented through immu ization The problem Dr Tibbles said is the false sense of security people feel because of the controls and technology available to combat the diseases Dr Peter Watson director of the Simcoe County Health Unit said it is up to family doctors to keep patients informed an im munized The schedule for im munzation begins as early as two months with vaccination for lie tetanus wiming coug and diphtheria is followed at four 16 and 18 mon ths The school takes over the schedule from fivetc 15 years Dr Watson said record should be kept with the parents for reference At 15 students are given their own im munization records by the health unit The county is 70 per cent im munized by the schools but wed like to improve Dr Wat son said 1000 Original Oil Paintings Sofa Size ll ll Washe and Drye Holida Inn Essa Rd oft wy 400 Phone 7286l9l Sunday October 23 r1 CdLdC vclll LyLlzS p03 zuflp Vater i77 ivtfiiyi ilk irez in Ontario past Atlsilt mt lcicie especially the activities and ac aoriiplisliineiils of women in Sears Barrie Georgian Mal 509 Baylield St 7264451 ilety liil so tcl 83 13 developingtinprovince 09 and Wu refer to SimmonsSoars Ltdprlcos nLuLmHAny SunAutoControopon wookdaysflam Wywmw 53 Start group of and IWt lllll Stlttl DOYLBiicl idcl OL jK JULX WASHER DRVEQ PORTABLE 20 Color TV S48995 PORTABLE INDOOR TENNIS AND SQUASH Up to 25 savings on ilu 2152222 W°° Dcnby OvcntoTablcwarc laCk arid Wh lte TV OSimHmHI Ltklart oce Irarr isa Room Olmo Babysitting during ron 0L solo state so handle prowdes portability Nice polystyrene cabinet With woodgain accent strip Glassware and Stainless Oct 3th thmughOct Zlnd Im Gmup lessons ovoilablo timing the day or evening $16995 as oumop st on to pain Saturday to Firestone Stores SF Mutton Fire Hone CREDIT MAN OR Qiaqrmnlidld Elihu of Quagmiilicld Elam leï¬l BARRIE INDOOR TENNIS COURTS 79 Bollfmm ltd mi new Mull Ionic 13023 an uni mam