WWWWV the examin gy Imrlol Callandm with every Bernina or Omega machine sold up to November 15 I977 Alan we will smvire any machine brought in by November 15 1977 lor the low price at Johns Sewing Centre gxtra Wednesday Oct 19 19777 RCMP document ruling may spark court case MUNTREAI Cl The passzll oi ii mmprommv llll ltlll llhl com chcrdieprm th li your ilr Viil 212 li1 to ltltlNUlll certain poi TUKNM ilkr Jxlkl liiillr li til Ilttillitll iqll17 mi 1m iww sunk lo said sections oi the olocuimiits Ilia iUt litVii 3x ask the riiqiiii to keep Mlitt uiv rrosr malarial litMl informants or Im parse 1m tstigalioiis lltl irlatmi to iti IZrl it fii saizt tar general iitl new to mkr Iw r1ltgt whys commission iiziclt lltNll iiivmlurs tli lr7 tistiiiiom titft rs vtzismi Ilir lil gtlt In aamfi lilKJl ot Kcalili Qiiilx Supra nitouz 13101iiltlrsfilirligalhiliilil oi VIM txim 1mm ti ltlli orilvitil llit iL svnij tint to produce or linulgi lllt thi tliuriruiizs or national pix 1L liliilltiltl ll stt ti tl lr 3xt ilit iilliilll llltxl UN mi In some or the liaiiiiuil locum half iltzmi xii illlllKl nor in the it Quotwr llltl Moiitiial police iii iniiiimiisi ni Contractor warned to keep costs in line iiilk tl Unhiiin llgiiio lilis 1hr cnrszn building limo new rt liv liiutv iiillmr P0tl prgui to knit costs in lllt or llnlio ill MW the il is ltITti lx Ttl liiwgt ltiilni gtlltl lxl lit lligtllii Illitgtilll in the li2 izi trim itpiisiiwii lvtlllltl Niitli sit Alm tiznigmi Ilia no will llit mu Im it iiiizrtiiis ln Linaila ll Mis iiul ms nu lltlm ilsn intr list in poi Hi llit llltllKW luv hum iaei plants lllt sm iii the Moor Sound iim niigiiiall tlt schmlulul In to about $1 ltlllllill but the cost is no vigttwl to lic closer 51 it liillioii liliii said the contractor almu Slim unlittr owi original cost tsiiiiiatus oii Illt iii li liuililiiius llltll MllNllllttl to in viiwrainu iii ltiHl lini lltl llylrns portion of tilt cnxl has rtwii aluiii Yhi same amount as lliv luniiiius intreusi IPIIIIII Niplnii li lil liiiilii harml that llylm has lxtll iiiisiiiaiingul illtl twistiin Ylltltiltlllllillt an ask you llii you can Hllllllllt to haw ltlllllllllltt iii the iiianaLtiiiiiii oi llyrliu filWll lllt ltllllllklllrlt escalation in costs which you ouiwll haw iirm Hill liriiivd ltltllttl layloi Wlls YlJiH ans ors qutslitms Prince Charles arrives for US tour llllf IVA lriiim tiiarlcs lie1r to mlll YMMV Htl lUNlNF Ill lsll lllt ll liisliliiti iiirl lllt liiiwr Vilma mt tlit UIul cities ll il liiiii4ii aliwri tlii lll llllltli tllll ll llt llllltt All lll Jill iaiitloiiil srlivieil uiirliiLlrmluziiis 157 ht ml ll NT and hold tlllllil1 iilli on other lllltltl iic wvilgiiists oi ltilllltl president Richard mullin in lilt pruwciiii upmmi Nixon British otiiiials saitl it is kind oi was mummy Mman lKlillNi tribute to llit lltlllllllill lii liiraigo liarlvs llltl lllt touring part Will boost small claims court jurisdiction lliltltNlli Ultlllflylitlltléll Roy lilurtr says he Will llllrlxlUH lLlSl£llltill in increase the Jurisdiction of small claims court todeal Willi uniountsup ioSl ooo lle ziirl Honda that the alleriiatm now for recovering laiiiis oi momy lwtwmn Moo aiiil $1000 through count ouii llials wry tXlltht lillNHtllllL and much to elaborate loi llii amount of momy iiivoltirl Hailed as modernage breakthrough Swiss craftsmanship has done it again swept the market with the new electronicallypowered needle look what its dorm for your srwrriq gt ilitillrl lliill iiviiiiilu lrt iwlrruuii alllillllililtlllliIl ltt Vtii IIlnrli4 llli1tlltlll ilunlyntirj 11 1ill4ul 4l iljl iiv it lill llll ltwiiiliiii ItIirllf Hill Iiirl Hui trl i1illilli lll il iil lrll uriiilil Ilitll III si ltiiiii with only tit rt 4er iiit it yiiiii liiiriIiliii iiilriiiiiili iiiv il lltrlliliM iyjll it ii iiiiilluiiiiuiiiih yiiiilliiiwni l7rtlï¬illltlithiflll Int lIlillllllrllll Il ll BERNINA the power blhlllf Ilii rimHr look What Johns Doing FREE SEWING COURSE phi 162 Napier St Ample Free 010 at Nelson Parking 7264510 Wgflzrr Children flee guerrilla ambush hildrtn llm their rural school iiiai Managua Nicaragua this neck as gurrilla aiiiliusli ol Viraraguaii soldiers as taking place only some 00 yards aa pparinll all t3 children scriptd injury during the attack in which liitist Saiidiiiista gutrillas killed at least four soldiers and wound ed iii others asualties for the guerrillas were not known AP Photo Wrapitu beattherush Shop Ch SimpsonsSears Ltd Sears Barrie Georgian Mall 509 Baytield St 7264451 Released man TORONTO tCli con fidential bulletin by the Ontario Provincial Police ltflsltrilflf 38yearold man relrmwl Mon day from the regional mention centre in Kingston in as dangerous sexual mytbopam former NDI member of Hi tario legislature tthll JSJiit The bulletin sent to all nine forces in the proviriu we released by in Aoror Shulman former MVP for rr Toronto riding of Hag Park who said he obtainIt tron Metropolitan loror pan murm lhe bulletin fie2 the mar living now With relat 177 rl Guelph Um area rep newspaper clip 27 r2 prison cell almu young children in the Kirritzrer Waterloo arr2 and may of KitchenerrWaterlm lororo and Kingston With the lrtaion of schools marked The possible ramitirztiona here are obvmus the bulletin says It will also be obVious that this mans movements Will Sears dangerous require close observation uterhridge chairman of the National Parole Board said in an interview from 0t tawa that the man was previously turned down for arole and was released menuse he had served his writer l8 tllX CRIMINAL The OP bulletin says the man =i record includes sex rirnetr robbery possession of fllmzll weapons breaking and entering and theft His last conviction was in 1974 for amault causing bodily harm following an incident in which warm old childs nose was rammed The man had been idina Cubicle of womens rzazhrmrr at service centre mar Hellexille Ont IJItYllrldgf said he did not know the detAils of the case but the UPPJ dncription of the man warn the Opinion of the police and not legal one The man is not on parole and was released under mandatory supervision istmasWish Book Find all the Store hours MON ULS SATI 930 am to 530 pm WED THURS FRI 930 am to 930 pm Enjoy it now Use your All Purpose Account