Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 18 Oct 1977, p. 4

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The litatnlnar iaa member at The Canadian Press CF and Audit Inraauptctreuia NEWSROOM anvuznsmo ausmus you hens ADC Ont the Canadian Press may mount an nawsatorlas In this Sun Flnlav unwind editor Lan Seviclt manager Marian Gown mummy credited to CP he Associated Press Routers or Ame FrancePrasaa and local Randy McDonald city editor SALESMEM Betty Armor 30 mum MW in The Examiner snail McGovern asslstant city editor Gaynor Dorothy Bowland we ha vm Curran county editor Lyall Johnson Gall Mc Parland ml the Examiner clmswcfiymton all original news and advertising material craatad serv Mr 90 sports editor war by Item oyaas is In this msoapar Tuesday Octobor 18 1971 and 59 °Y Mgariane wire editor muhwmh one mpseyl ester right lstratlon numbermts register Published by Canadian Newspapers Company Limited rgrgnnoueaggoccmphotographer jggglgmm cmcuunou Maizxnle on no of 90064 060 artS l6 Boyiiold Street Barrie Ontario LAM 4T6 John Bruce cussmeo Jon BUIIOhmanaper cacao mamannular cas as Queen st Tore Paul Delean Ruth etas supervise Linda Halkas asst manaoer 50 El i0 Agostini publisher CNN 905 Lesley Youno Andy Haoonton Moron rttnoworr TM advertiser agrees that the publisher shall not be liable tor oamaoaa arising out 509W Freda stunner JWY ma errors in advertisements beyond the amount paid for the space actually occupied urwsnoom cracuurlon sovmnmo cussmrns ausmrss 333 Korenmnson gangPiggy mumuma my um mgvgmom Inwmnmrm mgr433 ofqu overn Chaos oanca aorv nts re no 7266537 7266539 7266537 72824 7266537 Sue sum °° Gary mm mm Wm nonlnsartlon of any advertith beyond the amount paid tor Well ndvonlmt More than talk needed for unity Is talking about Canadian unity enough It isn But it is start Canadian unity has many enemies The geography of the North American continent which runs north to south not east to west works ainst unity The several regions of Canada each wit its own in terests and traditions works against unity Canadas closeness to the economic might and in fluence of the United States works against unity The dual culture of Canada appears to work against unity But working for unity is 110 years of history The enemies of Canadian unity have always been there At times they have been even stronger than they are now But working against those enemies has been the deter mination of men and women to make nation where geographic logic says there shouldnt be one to work to show the regions of Canada that being one is better than being several Canada is nation today and has been for 110 years largely because of the United States Canada is not in danger of falling apart because of the dual culture bigots on both sides are using the dual culture now as they have in the past to serve their own ends Talking about Canadian unity is only worthwhile if people learn about the history of this nation the aims of the Canadian people which have not changed that much since the earliest days of Confederation Canadians sadly know more about other countries than they do of their own We can talk about that but the talk is useless if nothing is done to teach Canadians that their history is proud one of men and women creating nation from nothing more than few hopes and dreams Lets talk about what is ood about Canada Lets also commit ourse ves to keeping the dreams of Canadian nation alive by learning wh this country is nation what makes it nation and at can be done to keep it nation simcoe yesteryear Tms one has got us stumped The scene is from post card produced by Barrie photographer VI King and it shot of the waterfront area of Barrie The church steeple to the right is me Collier Street Methodist ow Collier Street United The large building in the centre is the ow Barrie post office But the smokestack at the left has us puzzled as do the two steam ships area2 in from of the post office What were the names of the two ships What was the snitmesiack the left for and what happened to it if any of our readers know the answer Dicey let us know and let us know if you know when the photo was taken VINCENT EGAN Business nd unsan Ufun Analyst Thomson News Service Saritrade sages are fond of mtmg the old adage aria its darkest just are the Applied to today stock market which is in its 17th month of weakness the adage would mean that an upturn in prices is due soon Any forecast of improved stock prices however flies in the face of current economic 75$ composites of leading economic in dicators that are published the two largest chartered banks the Boys and the Com mercelmperial are both gloomy about the Brospects for the next several monthsand oth composites are based in part on stock arice movements pinion about the stock market is never unanimous of course and others see reasons expect better things Canadian Business Service for exam ie totes lhat the average price of 30 leading ew York industrial stocksthe widely watched ow Jones Industrial Average DJIAhas alien to within few points of the average book value underlying asset or breaku value of those 30 stocks and that the DJ seldom goes below book value The newsletter also cites the Alaska High waMipollne act and the eventual lift ng of antiin at on from on Canadian cor route dividends as two other reasons to Icok or renewal of buying in Canadian stocks TURNING POINT Stockmarket bottoms are usually made whim the outlook is black bleak and bombed bible thought Jesus saith unto them Did ya never read in the scriptures The stone which the builders rejected the same ls become the head of the corner this the Lords doing and it is marvellous In our eyes Matthew 2102 Jesus is that stone which lies the whole building of your iifetogether Nothin also will He mint have His rimtful place ore we can havapoacc Stock market upturn forecast wt when most of the former bulls have become bears and commodities are wallowing in says analyst Stone of Yorkton ties Inc Toronto HethinkstheoddsarethattheDJIA recently ata 1977lowofabwt835vs ahigh of 99975 for the year will bottom out in 0c tobermost likely between Oct 20 and 27 But be warm trying to achieve bottom or toppricesissomewhereontheroadtothe loony bin Its the trend that counts Stockmarket histo shows that its the trendoftheDJIAa ofNewYorkstocks firmly that establishes the direction of disc stock prices That has been demonstrated again this despite an anomalyNew York stocks ve been weak it is generally agreed because of an increase in US shortterm in taest rates but Canadian short rates have been declining As interest rates in the US have risen they have made tress bills and other debt securities more attrac ive and have thus drawn investment money away from the stock market To illustrate the yield obtainable by in vectors on My commercial paper last Jan 28 was 368 cent higher in Canada than in the US Sept 21 the spread had narrowed to only 110 per centyet Canadian stock prices on average remain close to iheiriimlows GOLD GLISTERS One major of Canadian stocks however has been ing ly dos ite the markets general lethargy is gold poop The Toronto Stock Exchange gold index recently set 1977 high of 119160 428 cent from its low of 03031 act oar ier year This reflectawand oxceeds the recovery in the price of the yellow metal on the London bullion market from $110 US per ounce last October to recently Analyst Ian Notl writing in Market Trend Analysis pub iahod by Dominion Securities says that cycle periodicity and seasonal studios suggaal that more dramatic movoia in tliomaking That move could well retest the old $196 peak am and lead to new historical higlu vqamivonu Dime Wmwfln owl maa Parliament hill By STEWART MacLEOD Ottawa Bureau Thomson News Service If it were 25 years ago when investigations under the Combines Investigation Act were made public with every juic detail we could look forward with unbridled enthusiasm to the inquiry now beginning into that con troversial uranium cartel Back in those days even conversations in volving cabinet ministers found their wily in to print and such ministers as CD owe were often enraged with the way their knuckles were ra ped in ublic Now un fortunately just bare findings are made public So in year or so when Roy Davidson ac ting director of the Bureau of Competition The world Valli today By JOHN HARBRON Foreign Affairs Analyst Thomson News Service Neofascism raises its head again not only in Italy and West Germany but in Britain of all places where bad race relations are stimulating it in new forms The immediate occasions are the growing number of street demonstrations involvin the quicklygrowing National Front whi began in the early 19003 as British Nazi par Its resent leader appeared in the early 19608 jackboots and wearing swastikaer insignia His seconddncommand in char of the ational Front once wrote an artic on he wasa Nazi he National Front mounts an increasi number of candidates in Britains nationa electioons even though it has not yet elected member to Westminster The reason for its rise the failure of multi racial society in Britain should concern Canada where so far there is no neofascist party but dangerome risi racism In Toronto members Sikh Pakistani Caribbean and East Indian communities have been assaulted physically and verbally Our racism is still by and large subtle but its there and growing The days when we could smueg look south of the border and chide Americans for their urban black uprisings are one few ns are saying we face racial weavais in Canada unless mainly white anadlans change their attitudes Polic completes his inqui we will know whe er the Combines Investigation Act may have been violated with the establishment of the cartel but we wont know much else And by that time am not sure well be that concerned An election is almost certain to be held in the meantime This is why its difficult to be enthusiastic about the announcement from Consumer and rate Affairs Minister Warren Allmand tha the cartel will be investigated While it is the only action that he himself could take it is also convenient way of taking the gov ernment off the hook while it was being pressed to initiate public inquiry ANSWE NEEDED And is is unfortunate because we have Neefascism back in Great Britain JEWISH FEARS The Jewish community in the province of Quebec is becoming concerned again that ram nt nationalism this time in the form of Qu separatism will result in new wave of antiSemitism Quebec was the home of Canadas prewar Fascist party under Adrian Arcand and of in tensive antiJewish feeling Understandany the Canadian Jewish com munity is even more concerned we will have new Nazi party in this country than are the newenarrived races under attack in our ur ban communities Bigotry of the kind we knew against French Canadians in the 19403 is pearl again across the country with min less stupid comments about the French wishing to take control of Canada by language domination All these elements preceded the res pearance of nonfascism in once racia peaceful Britain This is clearly more terrifying prospect than worrying about the new psarance of the heirs of Benito Mussoll in modern Italian politics or neoNazis which have never been completely axpunged in postwar West Gwmany in some Latin American countries again where la Jewish communities live and in which rl twing military re imes are in power economic commits of ati at losophlcaionaa nationalism angst mmwamm MMu yWm Enthusiasm found wanting in cartel probe results heard enough about questionable in ternatiomi business trarsactiom this year to be justifiably curious about all pricefixing cartels This particular case first came to light in the United States during an investigation into what part the 1972 cartel might have played in increasing the price of uranium to no pound from $8 in the following four years Evidence pointed to Canadian involvement The opposition led by Tory Sinclair Stevens quickly raised the issue in Parliament charging that Canadian par ticipation may have contravened the Com bines lnmtigation Act PrimeMimsterlrudeau snap back with challenge to the Tories if had adv evidence of violation he said should take it to court When you go before the courts and ya believeinyourlegalcaseandywuenot simply involved in political blahionic such as we have seen in the past ecu of days you dontfool around You go toa oer As it hrrned out Comervative loader Joe Clark had already gone to lawnr only to discover that because of special cabinet or der passed in 1976 it was illegal to even discuss the cartel This cabinet lrder said the Opposition leader made it impossible for the lawyers to advise or give any opinion to us or to any member of the bile in any way with respect to legal proceedings AIMED AT US Trudeau said the cabinet order was passed so outsidershe obviously had the American investigation in mindcouldnt force Canadian firms and individuals to reveal in formation Trouble is the order embraced Canadiam as well Stevem has been press blic uiry on the nds that Canadian ve rl to know us how the cartel which was dissolved in 1975 might have affected domestic fuel prices Former energy minister Donald Macdonald has said domestic energy costs were not affected the cartel but no details have been relea Now of course no one is sayinfi anythin All the politicians and senior pub servan who are familiar with the details say it would be inap to for them to comment while an investigation is under wa So they should oy year or more of re ve tranquillity tovcns naturally ati wants public inquiry but he now knows he wont get one So far as the current lnvoati tion is con corned he says it may we be the con spiratora invosti ating the conspiracy Someday wo ll be told that as result of the inquiry the govammant violated its own act that ma have violated its own ac that it didnt olata its own act or that didn apmr to violate its own act holgut by time alas none of uswill givca ing for Baronecy for setting By non BOWMAN Canada has had some attractive im migration plans and one of them enabled new citizens to become baronets King James created the order Baronets of Nova Scotia on Oct 18 1624 to encourage settlers to live in huge territory he had given his poetry tutor William Alexander It com rised resentday Newfoundland Nova otia ew Brunswick Maine and part of Quebec In the order of nobility baronet ranks below baron but above knight The title also is hereditary Provision was made for 150 Baronets of Nova Scotia Each member of the order aid Alexander £150 and received grant of and three miles long and two miles wide con taining 10000 acres Most holdings were along the coast of the Bay of Fundy The baronets were entitled to wear around their necks an orange tawney ribbon from which mall hang pendant in an escutcheon agent saltire azure with the arms of Scotland Some of the baronets did take up their holdings in Nova Scotia but no rovision for continuing the order was made en England and Scotland united in 1707 However descendants of the original baronets are still active Their headquarters are in the castle of Clackmannanshire Scotland and number of them visited Nova Scotia in 1973 OTHER OCT 18 EVENTS lossFathers Jogues and Lalande were killed by Iroquois 1748France regained Louisbourg NS through Treaty of AixlaChapelle soGen Amherst learned that Wolfe had been victorious at Quebec irisAmericans captured Fort Chambly MiloGen Levis returned to France after being guest of Gov Murray at Quebec 1878Lord Dufferin laid foundation stone of Dufferin Terrace Que 1899Henri Bourassa resigned seat in House of Commons because Canada agreed to send troo to Boer War 1917 anadians relieved Anzacs at Passchendaele linoImperial Privy Council ruled that women were eligible to become senators in Canada roarCeiling imposed on wages and prices as wartime measures interpreting the news Support for claim LONDON CP Labor government claims that Britain is pulling out of is economic slump have received supper from an unex quarter with drum vote confidence from some leadm Wat German industrialists and bankers West Germany has been 22 5mm lately with criticism Brzssr ecmurmc aur icies as they para expansion 11 tie European Eccuormc Cumminzt 2E1 Prime Minister James Callaghan ms at be known that though 32711 vii mum within themEC 33111211 vi so in tough and independent asm However 316 Has in 31325111 British ammunit sauces from semur Vast German busmess examsres mu rave us wound up tour new firm cf the in my willing recommend Serrano nvastmem Britain on ize casts was my raw ear and The execusz momma flllMllt 211s 343°C chemxca mucuslinger View uni Begum We see very gt mamv or recurrent New you wru 11 hi im do for the rumors sun Karineth SUN neonsided Jr Was Set7mm 52 rloym ewe 81 REPLACED Slfll£ 83 He tux ever leadership 21x mruc Era Hammmn Sethyer Bl ctrstem who Mbunkximmxiby terns386 andsuii mm What imprefied the visxtors most boomer the sacramentraters the last two wears which kept wages and contributed to the fight agsimt inflation Soldsaiddierearenotmanyoormtries where tradeuniors wouldbep man no taloweedstandardofliving ane political observers here have been cautiors about accepting at face value the glowing reports by the minirity British government better times ahead federal election must come within two years and some observers suggest the elee tionconscious Labor party may have overestated the case for political reasons Sohl however is representative from richandindependentcom tingcouniry When he says Britain in good way for better ecmomic future it has good chance of overcoming its difficulties of past years Britons take heart we want your opinion Something on yotu mind Send us letter to the editor Please make it an original copy and sign it We dont publish unsigned letters alih name will he used address and telephone number because we have lo verily letters but we Wont ltllll your address should you prefer Weve ound that short letters are the host read Because of space limitations public interest and lasie we soineiimas have to edit condensfi or reject letters batten to the editor run Wednesdays and Saturdays Send yours to letters to the film The Examiner Box 370 BarriclntL 4TB ough pen upon request Include your good

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