the examlner Thursday Sept 29 1971 lifestyle Faith in God secret to health says multiple sclerosis victim Thirteen years ago Marlene Danchuks future looked grim Today wife and mother with two small children Mrs Danchuk is able to lead what she considers full life Mrs Danchuk has multiple sclerosis Multiple sclerosis MS is disease which attacks the ner vous system It is the burning of sheaths around the nerve en dings and usually occurs in people around 40 Mrs Dan chuk was 26 years old when the disease struck At times do get exhausted and there are days when cant get out of bed but compared to whcr first became sick am so much better says Mrs Ilaiichuk Mrs Danchuk first became aware of her illness soon after she was married and working as dental assistant in Toronto remember one day feeling my legs go numb and then the numbness working its way up my body said Mrs Danchuk thought maybe my shoes Htc too tight went to the doctor and he said it was nerves and gave me some pills liIIItItl VISION cut weeks later Mrs Dan chak iecatls having blurred vii Sltll her arms and hands going numb and being unable to walk without ialhiigovcr lpon returning to the doctor he told iiir to lllgtt vacation so she and her husband Bill rim ided to go to tape od On the day she left her left side was patched as if she had had stroke but she went on tier acah anyway text wicks later after she lt11llittl from the ape she hm much stronger attack this time ifli continous periods of nausei and dizziness After hr return to anada she was put it iicliospital for tests was put in the hospital in ltzoitw under the care of neurologist and had every test possible from brain scan to Sltliiii rap said Mrs Dan was hit timi Mrs Dan was itiillltl as having lllll1it IItlti The illness exits Ml to lie Jaiichttks vrc oid there is no ttlti Iy Itov tl told me would be perinaiwrily in bed in about two years time says Mrs Danchuk But instead of being defeated by the doctors prognosis the Danchuks were determined to find way to beat the disease DETERMINE TO FIND IT My husband felt there had to be an answer and he was determined to find it said Mrs Danchuk We went in search of learn ing more about God We went to people who were knowledgeL able about the Bible and people who knew what was going through During the next year and half Mrs Daiichuk had attacks that would last for three or four months at time The dizziness multiple vi sion nausea and extreme fatigue still went on One morning woke up and couldnt smile my face was paralyzed My hands and feet would get ice cold numb and tingly said Mrs Danchuk During that time the Dan chuks heard of doctor from Germany who was in Canada and had Worked with MS pa tients in Europe The doctor started Mrs Danchuk eating health foods drinking natural juices and taking vitamins After year of taking vitamin supplement Mrs Dan chuk began to have fewer attacks and the attacks were not as severe Anytime had an attack after taking the vitamins it was milder says Mrs Danchuk SlIIIEIENTS Tixlay she attributes what might be remission to the vitamin supplements she took more vitamins they seemed to help and even tually she dispensed with other medication completely The vitamins were taking the place of the medication said Mrs Danchuk Within year and half Iwas able to go and do just about anything During the first year of her it lness Mrs Danchuk had become shy Withdrawn and would often spend lays in bed or in the house with the curtains irawn She had always been an active person enjoying swimr ming water skiing baseball basketball and snow skiing When first heard of my il lness hated the outside world Marlene Danchuk was stricken with multiple sclerosis lit years ago Today she isvife and mother with two children Mrs Danchuk takes 32 different vitamins and 111 units of vitamin daily Examiner Photo and just wanted to be my old self again said Mrs Dan chuk couldnt go swimming because the motion of the mov ing water would make me nauseous today can swim andjt doesnt httlhlr mc If DAY Mrs Danchuk and her family all take vitamins even her dog and cat She takes 32 different vitamins day as Well as 1800 unitsof vitamin Its part of my meals says Mrs Danchuk Today Mrs Danchuks life revolves around her family She enjoys doing things for and with her children She does oil painting and tapestry work as well And five years ago Mrs Danchuk got up on water skis the first time in ten years The Danchuks have done lot of reading on vitamins and what they can do for you just put back into my body what foolt cant give me says Mrs Danchuk would have to eat lot more food than do to get the vitamins need says Mrs Danchuk Mrs Danchuk feels her secret to better health was made possible by her belief in God and she wants to share her experience with others have never had doctor laugh at me for taking vitamins says Mrs Dan chuk They have always said if it works for you do it just wzmt to help people like myself who are sick feel can do so because of what have learned End of 15year television cooking show hasnt meont end of busy life for cook I1t ltt itPi Hiltli tru was toprated eIcwi shoe hostess when the Galloping Gourmet was learning alk and Bruno Go run 91 311i taste hi5 first llrt pa Fill tjr giltjkt hwi fllllllitlfl cookery captured aur iiimes and brought letters seeking iflit iIi cmking prob lems Millii vieMrs sent in far voi rte rct ipc Eight years have passed sinr cc the show and its hostess Nllrtl and although changes have taken place in Mrs rockers life she is as busy as ever She still receives letters from fans seeking advice or special recipes Despite different lifestyle she retains the basic food phi losophy she has had since she was teenager was always very strong on balanced diets she said in an interview think that Jane arias Food Guide is still the best rule to follow Mrs rockcr has seen fads Tottletope Itinemaric Lafacc passes throu tattlctape security tiVblllll act un rcccntlv in John ltobarls Library at Unlvcrsity of Toronto The system uses magnetically charg ed iitrips attached to the books which must be desen sitized at checkout counter liclorc passing tiirougn llllll Milts niar Library exits The university is putting In the $250000 electronic security system to stem an annual drain of about 00000 in books and materials Photoi come and go but she maintains food never really changes only the ways of preparing it She said she refuses to be lieve most food scares and dc fends normal amount of sugar as being harmless part of diet If you have an occasional craving for sweets cant see any reason why it shouldnt be satisfied provided it isnt constant feeling She also said that for the most part anadians eat well probably too well and too of ten Mrs rockcrs hourvlong television program was the fir st locally produced show to go on the Moncton station KtW after its official opening After nineyear stint the program became halfhour show be cause of national time slot changes Ilome economists from all parts of aiiada appeared on the show to divulge their trade secrets including one of the countrys most famous cooks Mme Jeanni Benoit In 1907 Mrs rocker fear tured faVorite recipes of famous Canadians Twice during the year she was asked to do Coasttocoast shows from Halifax ENCOIKAGIZI IIY MOIIIIIII Elaborating on her early cooking career she remem bered as young girl she was always allowed to go into the kitchen and to do things for her self think this is very im ir tantshe said Some mot ers today dont allow their children to do this and its shame lliglischiml graduation was followed by graduation from Mount Allison ladies ollege with certificate for teaching home economics She then stud ied dietetics at the Itoyal Vic toria Hospital in Montreal Mrs rockers first job as staff dietitian was also first for the Victoria Public Hospital in lrcdcricton Prior to that senior nurse had carried out the job Gold Rush days are recalled in Skogwoy tourist attraction SKAGWAY Alaska Jli lwo curvy legs in black fishnet tights high heels and little pistol tucked in frilly garter Its not your average small town chamber of commerce publicity stunt Ilut Skagway is not your average small town The legs belong to the fic tlonal lady known as Lou who stole the pokc of the stranger who was shot by dangerous Dan Mctlrew in the Malamute Sa Ioon in the authority of verse makcr Itohcrt Scrvuc these events occurred in Skagway tilt years ago when it was gold rush hooiii town full of sour doughs heading for the Klon like In those days Skagway was way station for minors from around the world attractcd to the gold fields of the Yukon When the gold petcrcd out Skagways floating population of 20000 quickly dwindled To day it has crept up to 800 and Skagway is no ghost town Skagway like Dawson has kept many of its historic build ings some with Weathertxatcn false fronts lining boardwalks and dirt streets The chamber of comiiicicc labels it the city with past IDIINIIIIIZSIIANGICI few of the old buildings are used asstorehouscs the Idaho and Mascot Saloons are vacant and other landmarks have as suincd variety of new identi ties The lcaiiisters Ilall is meeting centre the Canadian Pacific and Alaska Steamship ticket offices are gift shops the Pantheon Saloon is bakery the old laundry is liquor store and the Arctic lhothcrhood Lodge is the visitors centre Still thrivnn are two hos tclries of the period the Pack Irack Inn and the toldcn North Hotel lhe Iack Irack Inn is three storey white clapboard structtuc with shingch spiri over corner bay wnidows Its sign depicting two prospectors on horseback leading their pack horses invites visitors inside to see the first and original bar of Skagway told Itush days The Golden North Ilotcl is the most imposing building in town ii three storey white wood edifice Willi ii golden donn The lobby has ornatc llillltil and light fixtures iocknig chairs coal oil lamps tnnd tor uni brcllas and hats an old piano and pitltlltt ot SkittAHly in $97 ININAIIIID IH ItIlslllllNlS The rooms havc toni roster iron or brass Itttltdtilt bit rcaus with cintnoidcmt scar vcs or crochclut ltttllth mar blctoppcd wanhntandr wtth china bowl and pitcher and small tiiblcs Willi corkscrew legs When the hoth changed him Is some yciirs ago the new owner oflcrcd to trade its con tciiixiriiiy furniture lor iold Itusi cia relics and rooms are named for the more generous donors including the White Pass and Yukon ltailway Much of the credit for Skag way staying alive goes to the railway llilllOWiltlllLt Illlt linking Skagway and White horse which was built in 1900 to bring gold from the Yukon to the nearest port on the Pacific loday the ice trcc port handles ore shipments operating year round In summer the train is opu liir with tourists who riifc the 110 miles over the Trail of 98 to Whitehorse The $20 fare iii cludcs stop at Lake Itcnnctt for lunch of iiimsc stew beans and pic Overnight iiccoiiiiiiinlations range from the vintage hotels to modern motels and camp grounds IOll lliAlt WIIII IOIlIIISIS Restoration iltliVIiltS coir tinue and Skagway has become ii popular port of call for cruise ships as it is the northernmost point on the Inside Passage new highway is being finished this year to join with the Alaska Highway Stores olfcr gold nuggets juiintings fur parkas IZskinii mid Indian ciiivnigs and jcw clry Ilntcrtainmcnt is staged dur ing the summer at the fornici Iiiiglcs Ilall where The Shoot ing of Dan McGiew is were utcd tuitiiring the lady known as Lon in her can can outfit lint Skagway is not merely museum piece It has an air port seaplane base and good terminal facilities on the ex cellent dock at the head of long narrow inlet called Lynn fanal where the Skagway ltiver flows into the sea It is terminus for ferries to other parts of Alaska people and places Peach Tea Peach Tea and Bake Sale will be held Saturday from to pm at St Andrews Presbyterian Church Admis sion is $1 The tea is sponsored by the Evening Womens Association of St Andrews Presbyterian Giurch 15 The Aim The Big Brothers Association of Barrie hopes to sign up 15 new big brothers Saturday at its recruiting booth at Georgian Mall The organization will also show slides and give away pro motional materials Big Brothers will be in the mall from9amto 330pm Bake Sale garage bake sale spon sored by the Barrie Montessori school will be held Saturday from 10 am to pm at 33 Theresa Street Baking household items an tiques toys and clothing will be sold All proceeds go to the Montessori School For further information call 7283284 Lions Service The Innisfil Township Coun cil has proclaimed Oct World Lions Service Day On this day more than 1200000 Lions throughout the world will be performing various services in their respective communities to help people in need The In ternational Presidents slogan for this year is People caring for People October is Canvas for CNIB Month The Innisfil Lions Club plans to canvas their area as well as the Chur chill district New Years dance is plann ed at Lakelands Hall Only 50 tickets are available and will be available to Lion members un til Oet 31 Tickets are $20 cou ple After Oct 31 tickets go on sale to the public Prayer Breakfast The Barrie Prayer Breakfast will be held Oct from 730 am to am at the Holiday Inn Guest speaker is Frank wedding album Peters president of Sir Wilfrid Laurier University Admission is $5 The event is by invitation only Reach Out Program Reach out to Jesus after noon program will be held Oct at First Baptist Churc with ventriloquist Brian Staples and singers The Fligg Family An evening service will be held at 730 pm with cial guest singer Jane Blac and musicians The Tashiyah with Rev Dowker officiating at the service Testimony speakers will be Ron Ellis and Bill Tate morning Reach out to Jesus service will be held Oct at 1030 am at First Baptist Church Special guest singer will be Sara Dale Hartshorn accompanist will be Marshall Martin and testimony speaker Betty Evans Rev Waldock will officiate at the service An evening service is planned for 730 pm with singers Jane Black and Ann Betts Rev Waldock will officiate at the service Fall Session The Evening Womens Association of St Andrews Presbyterian Church began the fall session Sept 26 with pot luck dinner held in the lecture hall The regular monthly meeting followe President Helen Brown opened the meeting The business session included plans for the Peach Tea and Bake Sale being held Oct at St Andrews Church from to pm Mrs Greta Adams wife of the late Rev Adams past minister of St Andrews enter tained the group Sie recalled the years when her husband 0c cupied the pulpit at St An drews The meeting closed with the Mizpah Benediction Midhurst Fair The Midhurst Fall Fair begins Oct with parade The fair goes on all da with displays vegetables aked goods woodwork and pony rides Everyone is welcome Mr and Mrs Keith Pratt PrattPigeon candlelight ceremony took place at St Marys Roman Catholic Church in Simcoe Sept when Mary Lou Pigeon married Keith Richard Pratt The bride is the daughter of Mrs Victor Pigeon and the groom is the son of Mr and Mrs Elmer Pratt of Barrie Rev Marentette and Rev McDonald officiated at the ceremony The organist was Angus MHCILOd and soloist was Mrs Helen Martin engagement The bride given in marriage by her uncle George Miller of Stratford wore an ivory polyester gown with short veil trimmed in pearls She carried cascade of coral sweetheart roses and white carnations Maid of honor was Paula Pigeon and best man was Ed ward lePage of Ottawa David Pratt was an usher reception was held at the Norfolk Golf and Country Club The couple will live in Ottawa CromptonLovegrove Mn Joan Crompton and Mr Walter Crompton of Barrie announce the forthcoming marriage of their daugher SherriLynn to Kenneth James Lovegrove son of Mr and Mrs James Lowgrove of Stroud The wedding is to take place at Trinity Anglican Church ollier Street Saturday Oct it at pm Ann Landers as Vets wife pleads for pets Dear Ann Landem My husband is veterinarian In Au gust we saw beautiful srxmonthold puppy die of heat stroke He was in the sun only two hours The pups tempera ture was 115 degrees My husband and have come to realize that the public has mistaken idea of what an animal can tolerate Dogs and cats cannot survive in all kinds of weather Here are some typical comments from wellmeaning but uneducated pet owners The puppies seem to be dying realize its 20 below zero but thev are in doehouse Epilespsy Or heart disease or whatever didn realize they otthat hMy dog ank antifreeze Why would she do thing like at dog left for days without water will drink anything Please ask your readers if they would be comfortable in sub Iero weather without wearing warm coat Sad In Belvidere Dear Sad Thanks for word on behalf of mans best friend Youve done your good deed for the day Dear Ann While visiting relatives last Christmas our twoyearold accidentally bmke ceramic figurine It was the first gift my brotherinlaw had given his wife He had paid $50 for it was told to leave and not come back until the child was grown The following day they telephoned and demanded three thi an apolo financial compensatio What my rat broke an that lspank the child lsen them check for $75 and cried for three days It mined my entire Christmas My brotherinlaw and his wife are in their mid205 and have no children They have one dog and two cats We have not seen or spoken with them since this failing out We have had to reschedule several visits to our in laws because we heard they would be there and dreaded more on pleasantness They are still waiting for me to apolo ize and tell them spanked the child Am wrong not to so Rumble In Ohio Dear Rum That pair sounds like couple of winners In the future dont reschedule any trips to avoid them Put the burden on THEM Goand behave in civilized manner If they dont they will look bad not you Vm Dear Ann Landeis am widow with no children Several wellmeaning friends invite me frequently to have dinner with them If decline they are hurt The problem feel responsibility to reciprocate but cannot afford to take family of five or six to dinner at to days prices in restaurants Can you come up with some sort of gracious solution Hit By Inflaiion And Hurting Dear Hit And Hun Welcome to the club Your best bet is to plan simple payback dinners at your home Invite couples onlynot the children You dont have to serve caviar or lobster or filet mignon Ask friend who en tertains nicely to give you some suggestions Buffet style is simpler remember And as final note may repeat something Ive said many times beforethe success of party is NOT what you put on the table but what you put on the chairs Erma Bombeck Dan Rather iust missed Open letter to Dan Rather author of The Camera Never BlinkSi Dear Dan am addressing you rather infomially as you nearly missed being named in suit to end 2year marriage Last Sunday was reading your book when my husband said How do you likethe book told him thought it was fascinating and he asked if you broached the subject of that infamous press conference when you arose to scattered applause and Mr Nixon asked Are you running for something and you replied No Mr President are you baldalways felt that was an outoHine retort said my hus You had to have been there said It wasnt the way it seemed at all Knowing you you probably got it screwed up anyway What do you mean by crack like that Exactly what you think mean You are always quoting statistics that when tallied exceed 100 per cent At least know how fee before bumper sticker comes out on it Unlike some people do not have time to read for pleasure am too busy cutting the lawn moving the hose and cleaning the garage If had wanted to work Sundays Id have been priest And suppose do not work Sundays This morning ldid load oftowels got breakfast went to church Thats another thing Why is it when we are supposed to give one another the kiss of peace you kiss me on the lips then turn to the people behind you and whisper Who is this weirdo Just little humor Cant you take joke anymore Speaking of your mother she wants you to call her You know what lcant stand about you Its the way you smile when you argue Why cant you snarl like everyone else read the other day where 69 per cent of the American people hate it when you smile 35 percent like it and 13 per cent had no opinion There you go again That adds up to 117 per cent He picked up the book Why does Dan Rather want to break up our marriage dont know never figured him for homewrecker dont know your reason for doing this Dan but know that Walter Cronkite would never make trouble Ink spots on shirts DEAR POLLY My pen with blue ink on it has leak ed on my shirt pockets and my wife has not been able to remove the spots hope you will be able to tell us what will erase them and oblige an old age pensioner JOHN DEAR JOHN You failed to say what type of ink was In your pen or what sort of fabric makes your shirts so our answer has to be on the vague side too For ball polnt ink stain spray hair spray on the spots let dry and wash as usual Some permanent inks cannot be remov ed For pen inks that are not ball point one could rub in lemon juice and detergent let stand five minutes and then launder If stain remains after this spread paste made of baking soda and peroxide over stains and hold over steaming tea kettle Launder as usual Good luck POLLY DEAR POLLY My Pet Peeve is with the new spools that thread no comes on These spools spin on the machine and cause the thread to knot under the needle ETHEI DEAR POLLY Helen can get rid of those grease ants in very simple and safe way Ants hate salt so shake regular table salt into several small jar covers and spread around where they are seen In no time the ants will disappear had these red ants on my kitchen window sills and sink counter and the day put the same around they disappeared The salt also worked for friend who had ants on her terrace MRS FJC DEAR POLLY have discovered really good way to keep the birds from eating the fruit on my trees saved two aluminum pie tins punched holes in the rims and tied yarn through the holes so the tins could hang down about 12 inches from the limbs where they hung also tie yarn to paddle such as one uses for mixing paint and tie this about four inches away from pie tin on the same limb so it hangs down just opposite the pie tin The other pic tin and paddle are put on the opposite side of the tree Any breeze will cause the tin and paddle to hit each other and make clang that really scares the birds away MRS RH