30 the examlner 1Nedneeday Sept 21 1971 l14 niobilo homes trailers RUSSELL CHURCH Mobile Homes Ltd SALE RENT parts and Service Exclusive Dealer for Bendix and Glendale Modular Homes Northlanders Travel Trailers Corsair Glenette Cygnet Terms Up To IS Years Highway 11 South 170 Burton Ave 7289866 TF TANDEM Citation Bendix deluxe trailer luxury furnishings kingsize bed sacrifice at $7000 firm cost $9500 new used only six limes 7054451400 1975 TRAVEL TRAILER sleeps six tul ly equipped To many extras to list All camping equipment plus towing equip ment Show room condition Telephone 7264535 16optsto rent KANEFF APARTMENT HOMES Barries Finest IMPERIAL TOWERS 7269580 7264991 Adults TF WELLINGTON PLACE APARTMENTS 135 Wellington St West ONE TWO and THREE BEDROOMS ADULTS For appointment to view call 7263827 TF FURNISHED ONE and two bedroom apartments available Central Adults only 726 0900 weekdays ONEBEDROOM apartment stove and fridge parking Central location $160 monthly 7269410ajter pm SMALL ONE bedroom basement apart ment close to downtown stove and fridge included Available October lst Phone 726 2316 TWO BEDROOM APARTMENT for rent $125 monthly plus heat and hydro Oro Township For information tele phone 487 3401 or 487 5009 LARGE TWO BEDROOM Apartment with balcony and dining room stove and refrigerator laundry facilites cable Adults only Available October S250 monthly Telephone 726 1093 BACHELOR APARTMENT 5110 than thly TWO BEDROOM apartment $225 monthly Call alter 500 Mr Kennedy 728 2705 ONE BEDROOM downtown Barrie kit Chen fridge and stove and living room No children no pets Ideal location for senior citilen References required Available September 30 720 0500 before 5pm Mississauga Court Two 2bedroom apartments available October lst and November lst Colored appliances drapes supplied Next to SimcoePla1a7263577 Two BEDROOM APARTMENT tor rent November lst No children or pets All utilities paid Telephone7261026 ONE BEDROOM APARTMENT in Bar rie available October lst Close to schools shopping and transportation Call collect at 1727 9057 or 1059 4493 BAYFIELD Immaculate bright one bedroom furnished basement apart ment New home 5200 utilities included Parking for one car No pets Telephone 726 5637 COMPLETELY FURNISHED one bedroom apartment $200 monthly Everything included Suit couple Available October lst Call 728 0755 ONE BEDROOM FURNISHED Apart ment in downtown area Available No vember lst for girls only Rent $130 monthly plus heat 7263257 between and 9pm ONE BEDROOM APARTMENTS avail able now with fridge and Stove supplied Rent $135 to $160 monthly plus hydro 726 3257 between and AVAILABLE NOVEMBER 151 Three bedroom apartment in house plus base ment broadloom throughout stove and fridge Pay own hydro Call 720 0277 for appomtment References please $240 One bedroom apartment third floor underground parking stove fridge utilities included near Georgian College 720 0657 LARGE TWO BEDROOM apartment for rent stove and fridge downtown Bar rie $245 monthly Available October lst 726 9524 NEW APARTMENT one bedroom large living room with fireplace wood panelled fully broadloomed New stove and fridge Suit couple $255 monthly hydro included Availabe immediately 720 7640 ONE BEDROOM apartment in house Close to bus routes Allandale No pets or children $175 monthly Hydro extra Available November 151 Telephone 726 5602 after pm TWO BEDROOM frige and stove Iaun dry facilities and parking $224 monthly plus hydro Adults only no pets Apply to apartment 201 55 Blake Street l7houses to rent BEDROOM HOME in Angus situated on treed lot in nice area S275 monthly plus utilities For further information call AI Beacock rep Urtigroup Inc 7371771 THREE BEDROOM mobile home First and last months rent $250 monthly Pay own utilities Available November Ist Telephone 728 4610 NEW BRICK HOME near Snow Valley Ski Resort References Prefer no pets $300 monthly Available October or is Call Sydna MCAskin 7201035 or 737 1771 rep Unlgroup Inc RE Broker RENT S290 MONTHLY Brick bungalow three bedrooms appliances Include washer and dryer Oro near 0th Concession Close to lake and 0ro Park School bus private beach 407 6243 THREE BEDROOM HOUSE in Utopia area fridge stove washer and dryer all utilities paid available immediately Ample parking 720 7649 or 726 4169 BARRIE TALL TREES area four bedroom house with double garage broadloom throughout Available Oc tober 1st Telephone 3222559 EAST END 4PLEX Two townhouse units available October lst Three bedroom two storey with fridge and stove $295 monthly 416 0040649 or 004 6207 evenings BUNGALOW FOR RENT Close to downtown middle aged couple prefer red Parttime work available Including apartment and yard maintenance and office cleaning References required Write Box V70 The Examiner Barrie TWO BEDROOM Home Angus Large back yard $195 monthly Available Oc tober Pay own heat and utilities Telephone 726 7704 after pm BEDROOM HOUSE available October lst Rec room garage and large back yard Cundles Rd area Rent $330 mon thly plus utilities Also close to bus stop 726 3257 between am and pm TWO BEDROOM HOUSE available now on Gunn St Broadloom throughout Also den Rent $300 monthly plus utilities 726 3257 between 9am and pm TWO BEDROOM with third bedroom or family room 9th line lnnlsfll $275 monthly TWO BEDROOM main floor apartment midtown Barrie ln duplex building $275 monthly Call Wall RE Broker 7202291 or 720 9050 TALL TREES AREA Three bedroom side split with garage fenced yard 1V2 baths fireplace in family room on main floor reC room broadloom throughout $350 monthly with lease References re quired Available immediately 726 9543 or 14164949325 ELMVALE New 2ï¬bedroom bungalow full basement electric heat available Immediately Telephony 361123 THREE BEDROOM house vlclnlty Hwy 11 and Little Avenue SIx rooms plus family room $290 monthly plus utllltles No pets References required 7200212 THREE BEDROOM farmhouse In town Avaliobo October 1st For more informa tlon call 7370340 before 309m 10 opts WIMOII to rent URGENTLY REQUIRED by October 15th Furnished bachelor apartment for single middle age responsible male Must be reasonable Good references Telephone 322 3059 GENTLEMAN WISHES furnished flat or bedroom apartment to share Tele phone 7261664 t9houses wanted rent WANTED Three or four bedroom house In Angus or surrounding area Bet ween S200 and $235 monthly References Telephone 4246235 zitrooms to let FURNISHED ROOM ln Ailandale at bus cooking facilities available preferred stop Gentlemen 7204260 days or 7200010 evenings FURNISHED ROOMS common rooms free parking laundry facilities 7267106 Telephone CENTRAL FURNISHED ROOMS clean modern available Estate central location Parking now Phone HamiltonReal 7371000 EXTRA LARGE FURNISHEDriioins Share kitchen For singles or young couples Linen suppllied Downtown area 7266392 TWO UNFURNISHED bright rooms private bath Suit one person Boyfleld and Cundles area on bus route No pets or children Telephone 7206649 LOVELY CLEAN HOME large bright furnished bedroom with sink Rooms cleaned linen changed weekly Kitchen facilities Free parking Gentleman pre ferred 7200590 21room and boar ROOM AND BOARD for young gentleman In centrally located home Lunches packed light laundry parking Abstalners Telephone 7207560 22rooms wanted YOUNG MAN would like room and board Monday to Friday In Barrie ï¬guld prefer young atmosphere 720 clean 23offices storeSfor rent STORE FOR RENT 3500 Square Feet Con Divide Jolrl loblolor Vloolwortbs lC00 Shoppers Drug Mort At the BARRIE SNOPPING PLAIA Space Suitable For Furniture Store Radio and TV Hardware Womens Apparel Florist Fabric sllop etc Phone Don 0rIn6 416 9252051 01 sllop tonsoï¬duted building rorpnrotion consoldotod bulidltg corporation limited MW EOl MODERN small OFFICE space for lease or large suites immediate oc cupancy short or long term 726 3400 AngeloffW TWO OFFICES iust over 500 square feet each can be ioined together 5150 men thly each includes parking and heat Located Dunlop St downtown Barrie Mrs Petch 726 3338 24space for rent PRIME INDUSTRIAL SPACE 2000 6000054 ftfullysprinkleredtransporl and light truck loading docks 14 ft10 it Clear part of large expanding industrial mall 7267130 FOR LEASE industrial space and warehouse Angelotf VERY NICE Telephone 726 3400 Industrial building on Dunlop St West with large fenced in property Phone 720 7044 or 635 0637 800 SQ FT WORKSHOP for lease Available immediately Rental includes heat and lights downtown Barrie Call 720 0500 before pm 26accommodationsto share GENTLEMAN DESIRES gentleman to share his home kitchen Stroud area another privileges 32 cws for sole nonsmoker RARE MODEL 1969 MUSTANG door coupe automatic PS PB radio buckets and console New paint tires and certified Lic No MNC239 COMPARE AT $1195 International Automobile 100 mm St 7269050 sports VB ECONOMY CAR Hatchback cylinder well 1974 automatic radio Vega low miles maintained Ideal second car Lic NO HTS893 COMPARE AT $1395 Intornotionol Automobile 100 Tiffill St 7269050 SPORTS CAR 1971 MGB Convertible speed with stereo radio and tape car for the trend setters Lic No AHMISO Compore At $1295 International Automobile 100 Tiffin St 7269050 overdrive 1965 CORVETTE Stingray coupe 327 cubic inch certified $6950 Telephone 7261001M 7269005 1976 DART SWINGER cylinder automatic radio rear defogger low mileage excellent condition priced to sell Telephone 436 4517 after 6pm 1973 METEOR V0 automatic power 50000 miles radio new exhaust system good condition $1300 Phone 7200051 1975 PLYMOUTH CUSTOM Fury power steering and brakes automatic radio etc 360 VB like new $2095 Telephone 720 7404 evenings 1973 DODGE CHARGER special edi tlon Green with white vinyl top two door hardtop V0 motor power steering power brakes and radio Certified under coated and Ming glared 45000 mles Ex cellenf condition $2050 or best offer Telephone 720 7530 between pm pm 1911 FORD COUPE Model Excellent condition Trade or cash $3900 or best All high performance options Telephone 726 4011M 7206007 steer lng brakes offer 32m sin for solo DRV HARDY Takes The Risk Duth Buying Used Car If after visiting our used car supermart you feel you did not receive the caurtesy and service our customers deserve or that our product has been in any way Lnisrepresented you will al Dear Used Car Buyers better Do yourself favor before you buy any car Come in and iust look at our mer chandise Putting you behind the wheel of the best used car your budget can of ford is our business YR MAKE ft MODEL 76 Cadillac Delllle dr 76 Ford 14 Ton PU 75 GMC ton PU 75 Chev Impala 4dr 75 Chev Monte Carlo 74 Mercury Marquis dr 74 Chev Biscayne 4dr 74 Dodge Dart dr 73 Dodge Monaco SIW 73 Pinto dr 73 Buick LeSabre dr 73 Chev Impala 2dr 73 Pontiac Laurentian 2dr 73 Chev Biscayne dr 73 Valiant Scamp dr 72 Mercury Marquis III 72 Buick Centurion III 72 Ford Ranch Wagon 72 Marc Montego MX 72 Datsun 510 dr 71 Chev Caprice d1 70 Pontiac Safari Wagon 70 Volks 70 Pontiac Parisienne dr 69 Pontiac dr 63 Buick Wildcat dr 69 Ford LTD Wagon 69 Chrysler Newport 69 Chev Impala DRV HARDY MDTDRS LTD 175 BRADFORD ST BARRIE The home II drivmg mans car at thinking mans price $25 32 cars for sole i973 MERCURY COMET six cylinder automatic transmission radio radial tires excellent condition $1000 will cer tify Telephone 407 5460 after pm or weekends ONE OWNER 1975 DATSUN 710 stan dard low mileage excellent condition with four winter tires economical gas saver Telephone 726 S757 after6pm LINCOLN CONTINENTAL 1970 Air conditioned power equipped 04000 miles Newly painted Private sale $2000 Telephone 720 7156 BRAND NEW 1977 Pontiac Parisienne two door vinyl roof V0 305 cubic inch engine extras Won at CNE Telephone 7200203 after5200 TWO CARS 1960 TRIUMPH SPIT FIRE been restored asking $900 1960 Chev asking $600 Will certify both cars Telephone 7260909askf 1973 VW SUPER BEE stick shift gas heater rear window defogger good condition $1500 or best offer Call 4362579 after 1975 TRANS AM white 400 CI 4speed power steering power brakes etc 27000 original miles excellent condition Serious enquiries only Telephone 726 1020 after pm 1960 OLDS power steering windows and seat Stereo radio New battery and tires Good second car Excellent condl tlon sssoor best offer 7260191 anytime 1974 CAPRI V6 2000 engine excellent condition only 10000 miles six radials silver with black vinyl roof saddle In terlor fully reclining front bucket seats tac clock radio and tape deck Standard four speed transmission $2700 or closest offer Certified 7202473 1969 FORD CUSTOM DELUXE runs well has block healer clean little rust Can be certified 5300 or best offer Must sell 407 5961 I971 PINTO 31563515 MEG153668 running condition Body needs minor work Clean Interior Telephone 7264236 ter 1973 CHRYSLER NEWPORT Custom door Sedan radio V0 auto ps pb split bench seat heavy duty equipment block heater radials excellent condition original owner will certify $1900 Telephone 720 1510 after pm 1975 PLY PASSENGER WAGON its pb pw factor air all heavy duty equip ment Excellent condition Telephone 7260405 1972 TOYOTA CELI standard transmission AMFM six radials rustproofed Ansa exhaust recent tunou 50000 miles Excellent condl tlorI ertlflod $1550 Call 4075714 1959 VOLKSWAGEN BEETLE mint condition 0500 as is Telephone 720 4001 1969 CORTINA four cylinder automatic two door sedan Good cheap transportation As Is 3300 Telephone 7205060after5pm 1976 TOYOTA COROLLA 1600 deluxe two door hardtop four speed rust proof ad 36000 mile warranty whitewall rodlals rear defogger 19000 miles 7202130 1972 TOYOTA CELICA certified Al upholstery body good new paint speod AM FM radio Best offer Call 322 1344Dr 7265007 weztfllém 32 etas for solo OPEN LETTER TO USED CAR BUYERS FROM ORV HARDY MOTORS LIMITED 176 Bradford 51 Phone 7284272 We at ORV HARDY MOTORS feel it is unwise to pay too much But it is worse to paytoo little When you pay too little you sometimes lose everything because the car you bought was incapable of doing the lob it was supposed to do The 32 oils for solo Al listed are experts in their field finest iob possible CUSTOM FENCING ï¬lqflgble for your consultation Ammmm GEORGIAN m7 IMPROVE YOUR PROPERTY MTM CHAIN LINK 09 aves roug Sofflt Windows FOCIO Doors Shutters Awnings Galvanized and Vinyl wed 28 AdditionsRoofing Installed nes 0y ep em or Porch EnclosuresStonework FREE ESTIMATES For free estimate CALL Cal PIIIL SPURLING 728 7829 Local Family Business mmlmc common law of business balance prohibits paying little and getting lot it can the done If you deal with the lowest bidder it is well to hold something for the risk you take And if you do that you will have enough to pay for something Yours truly ORV HARDY MOTORS LIMITED EQUIPMENT BA PS PB Spd BAuto 8APS PBR 8APSPBR 8APSPBRPW 8APSPBR BAPSR 8APS PBRQPass 44Sde 8APS PBRAIC 8APS PBRPW 8APS PBR BAPSPBR 8APS PBR 8APSPBR 8APSPBRAIC BAPSPBR 8APSPBR 44Sde 8APSPBRAC 8APS PBR 44Sde 8APS PBR BAPSPBR 8APSPBRAIC 8APSPBR 8APSPBR 8APSPBR 32 curs for sde 1968 CHEVI 307 MOTOR body good I971CHEVELLEMALIBUhardtopfour power steering asking $200 tlac body good power steering and brakes $100 or best offer Telephone 7209204 and rear and Excellent mechanically Eyenmgs 7760785 Lowmneaoe wIth radio Uncertlfled Asking $100 97 Phone after pm 720 5667 ELM059 Beige $1795 nearest WTHERN ALUMINUM Products Solllt Fascia Siding Trough All colon Guar anteed 7262609 7269M DRESSES FIT It made by JOSIE AOUINO Specializing In pantsuits gowns and altera tlom 42 Euggnla St Phone 72660m DRESSMAKING TAILORING and altera tions Reasonable rules For polnlrnent call7373904between9amandgpm OWNER OPERATED DRESSMAkING AND ALTERATIONs uldr and efficient reasonable rates Telep rte 7371235 EAVESTROUGIIING GRAHAM EAVESTROUGHING Eaves PROTECT and BEAUTIFY your home with REYNOLDS ALUMINUM OSIdlng OStorms SOffItFoscla SLPERIOR EAVESTROUGHING Specialists °V°°9 ctmmmrxnlttmwmt LIC COLOR l°°° mp EAVESTROUGHING contractornnd regain roe estmates urton ve KJH579 Burg $9095 Rimï¬gmgm 23005m5 085914 Blue $4295 CALL 7269769 ELECTRICAL PETER GAMBLE Electric Commercial Residential Industrial lnstallatlons and ser vke 7264996 SIMCOE ELECTRIC Industrlol Commerclal FRALICK ALUMINUM °Sidlng OSoffit OFascia OShutters Windows Doors Eavestrough H83289 Beige $3695 KFX645 Blue $3195 KZA438 Burg $4295 Call today Jesidetzlal Farms Bronze ElectgrlcalgcorTssuTtlng BBIQB C20 yrs experience lty Masters Lic 18 SiddingfSoffit Trdugh Awnings Doors Windows com dd us NO mer STORM WINIFDEEVE INSTALLED Form Electric Hsid°nï¬al Green $2295 7265609 N2 021 Jelligingges FCU413 Sand $2195 AFFITAHEEMh QUALITY SINCE 1949 EliCTROEUXlaszdO Lglgaggaogsgl sales HETBBB Red $1995 mimmm Fr 15m Gold $1695 AUTO RIPAle 15 sovcrlorr amt 101 septic systems trenching louder work WE REPAIR British European and Japanese maul 4355534361231 cots Coronation Auto Serv 17 Mary St FCSl155 Gold $1095 FMJ829 Grey 595 Etétt Cgï¬grgjngyétq FCJ57ll Gold 51 11111011005 Backhomw VIA524 Blue $1595 irmnng Horizontal Augerlng CUSTOM MADE CLOCKS 1289833 LEONS Custom Made Clocks will also do repairs Showroom Hwy 93 of Dalston 7289540 ALL THE HELP YOU NEED RIGHT HERE Daily Business Directory Need help Just look over the ads below The advertisers RBDENTIAL FENCING Chain link custom INTERIOR REMODELLING Kllchens rec wood fences Improve your property 717 rooms Call Russ 4363601 after 630 prn oughlng Installed Call 7206620 EXCAVATING AND EQUIPMENT RENTALS Drogllne backhoe bulldoxers grader Low and will assure you of the NOME IMPROVEMENTS PAINTING VELLNGA PAINTNG and decorotln In terior exterior Work guaranteed Est Ish Id ears 7262225 7269W2 WAYNE FOLEY Professional painters Ex terlor and Interior Free estimates Work onlood7267309 References available RED MORE living rec room extra bedroom ploy room undry office storage space AWlntlng wallpaperlng Murray PAINTING PAPER HANGING experienced 0510 EC ROOMS MRI Mum free estimates Jack Richardson7262012 plannln and decorating privacy screens 17565374 and pot or aluminum door The number for PAVING SPECIALIZING IN Tuck painting chimneys waterproofing brick and stone coulrlng win dows and expansion lalnts Work more 00124559 NORTHERN CARPENTRY Decks rec rooms renovations extensions etc etc Guar anteed work 7262609 or 7269m EXPERIENCED CARPENTER Renovations Im mklgg vegJuno mm mg PARKING LOTS ms rig mates CONSTRUCTION House raising Ioun monk Gimmeo FREE ESTIMATES WElL DO IT RIGHT AND OUR PRICES WONT BITEIll Additions Family Rooms Our Specialty Your Satisfaction Our Only Concern BARRIE 7370179 MANIERI PAVING Driveways Porklng Lots Tennls Courts FREE ESTIMATES fEEOEcgï¬xTOEF Written Guarantee 7260081 INCOME TAX Serving Simcoe County IMOME TAX returns prepared A231 Bar for 17 Year rls Oreo SS up Dobson 424 10 after and weekends INSULATION INNISEIL INSULATION RENOVATIONS GATES 02 Dunlop St East Custom framing of all types We stock many sizes ARTIFRAM Custom picture framing Wide selections Fast service Low low price mam even In gs 4364 PERSONNEL SERVICES Blown Cellulose Fibre WWW IESIIME AT IOtf COST Call us foraconcgdegymlowdnmmt MWFM7 Get that allllmportantlab Inlewa 7206002 Rlllilil El SERVICES LTD Attic Blowing MMW erS2a Free Estimates Wark Guarani RIDING INSTRUCTIONS 1311121 ENGLISH RIDNG NSTRUCTION Indoor and outdoor riding schools Five minutes from Raffle WINDY HAUGH FARM 7260192 ROOFING and Roofing New Asphalt shingles Repairs guaranteed quality work Reasonable 141609975 collect AND ROOFING New and old Repairs Free estimates 4363177 afterb pm LANDSCA REICIIEN LANDSCAPING 219 KENNEDY AVE PAINSWICR ONT Sodding lawn and garden r1116 Stinging Painsng maintenance CENIRL ROOFING Rota tilling Evergreens COMMERCIAL RESIDENTIAL Cedar Hedges Fertilizing and New And Repairs Patio Repair Uphill Mlnnlrln FREE ESTIMATES iii111 39 PNONE 7265666 530 697316971116 remusz WEED ipmvino ml SEASON comma Or as you need It COMMERCIAL ART COMMERCIAL ARTIST design art work layout etc Plese cal collect 416 All floor wall mosaic tiles and vinyl asbestos Work guaranteed year 3270113191306 commmo LIL13Ea£s7uam mdgm oil4k we bbwer or Simpson Telephone 714530 or hon FALL FERTILIZINGJ Il IOOIIUPI 1139 and 5317 Whte 1335 mieniupioiï¬ 5mm 616 who Vt may Moiinoami waspam suownowmo Bronte Wa 7201599 260 CARPENTEF Talixlng In rec rooms in non or rooo ï¬HENJNewLmggflmmnbg forlor remadelllng trim etc Please call hostage coda Hie39JLE and L5° MAKH IMd FIEWOOD FOR SALE Hardwood sp falNIIEJOnIties PIneluï¬itOCe Ignovalions IVTrzediaArg quomfly dry Tmoud WARREN Rom DJ Muk or p09 who Blue malmm D° C°I° 726 llketodanceGoodrates7209S45 0mm Blue 695 1555535555 gag ï¬g IFISRSEExIJEg MUSIC lltsrltucrlotls on COMMESCIAL cottages renovations repa rs sec on WC r0 i0 nteedRondJComtructlon7267461 GUITAR LESSONS Classical and Popular TUIQ tiï¬feIraojlï¬oï¬i€zï¬m MarcolPotvIn Guitar Shrdlo726l409 saes and senIce W490 Bmwn DANCING INSTRUCTION SHOP ON PREMISES far renovations additions homes cottages Ages years 00d OVOI 5333199 1951995 Tap Ballet Jazz Baton wuul Jsrvrhlibnrhglloesiti Enrolling now for Classes COTTON noon FINISHING comm in swims Moved5 Mulcaster SL CARPET CLEANING mowooo Hogs Installat13n and 111154113 81 Lakeshom It mm more pnn cleaning 1316 LEL21°£5511T°° REGIONAL ACADEMY 7257310 Sflltl3f722i3ii Whit WW Trrltlc 015 ACCORDION guitar plane organ beginner arr advanced Two months trial Instrument loaned for home ctlce Canadian Aco of Music 121 flield 7281799 Do YOU NEED TYPING DONE Fast accurate service now available Reasonable rates Call 72636 WELL DRILLING 1631 door automatic power equipped Ex 93L LLE GUITAR Classical and folk strl bone PM cellent condition $1250 or best offer concur Pueblo 11 50ml and drums The Bandstand Devillg Mal ale mm mum Mm certilied Telephone726 8692 72921 7264973 ham comm Timon To Mr VOLKSWAGEN 1977 Su Beetle with PIANO VOICE AND THEORY 91071 ID IEHOM0ADEI4245657 17771 T156 TRIUMPH CONVERTIBLE 35 1° Mwm Whom CL WELL OIGGING new palm radio bum mnsmlssior shocks In excellent shape S900 firm NANDYMAN ILMusRMT72114436 POIIOS Sidewalks GUITAR Lessons cloaslcal lor and FREE Gard cleaned trash It led $1300 WillcertlfyLTelwePhone 726 3204 1972 DATSUN 2402 excellent condition steps curbs II we your flout hwém rocktheGo Gontler7269090 l9 CHEV 99m winder auomanc $1925 Certified or best offer Telephone nd mgssonuu OFESSIONAL OUM msuuc garage 013 TtON Prlvafe lessons available in tau Ban 1969 PONTIAC SEDAN 30000 miles my W°1P° P°P rock or classical so6mm rates brand new dual exhaust master cyl W0r Guaran 99 09 b° 99 Tole hone72629m Home Farm Cottage 97 PINTO radlo 53000 mues may inder upper and tower ball iolnls power Banrm onn anduflnlhm 73 375 MUM LESSONS St rt Equl merit In II III alEr brakes body very good Asking MANDYMAN CAN beat or meet any concr90 we as good shape S650 or Telephone 7264559 evenings SACRIFICE SALE 1977 Chihora cer tilled 13000 miles hood scoop spoiler 39 CHRYSLER NEW YORKER 305 engine two tone brown 60 series rand new mus l° 95 tires mag rims on rear Call 424 5452 or Hper V9 sm°°m engme 59 4245771 1974 VENTURA HATCHEACK 350 automatic er steerln 30000 miles $2500 certi led or best offer Please call mar demon °°°d nnno mndmon 4362206 after TOYOTA CELICA exCellent body In 1974 GMc SUBURBAN46000 mlles350 PS PB trallar hitch wiring and brakes °° mm AM FM 5mm heavy duty springs anemaior and radials mags rustproofed Will certify radiator Extra heater In rear seat Excellent condition 720 6726 my FORD60 CUSfOMI 35 mm enginewlth towing package Good condl standard power steering power brakes 500 be °° Teephone 15000 miles Will sell to any reasonable offerTelephone 407 3290 WHMETEOR MERCURY Mémcaiml terior four new Mlchelins excellent condition New exhaust system Sgtlgaepxgggfggslailamg rustproofed $2150 certified Telephone miles Certified 61650 Phone 720 3468 1° SUM T91METE0R77ooo original miles In 33Cats wanted10 bUY CludeS SPOT flathead 1010 and rad has 1977 plates Good condition 7265050 after Spin MUST SELL1971 Buick Lesabre door hardtop automatic new tires CB For Barries Newest Car Dealer equipment $1500 or make an offer Phone 720 7400 1971 TOYOTA 1200 01 Itl 01 radio good condltlbrat Eertlfelzd solicioo GOOD CLEAN LATE MODEL miles Best offerTelephorIe 7260530 1969 FORD GALAXY 500 In goodrshape cylinder Asking $050 or best offer Phone 7373026 1975 CHEVROLET MONTA v11 four eod radio mags white lettered new tres ll II dltl Secrlflgesggwoofroroffliï¬7222072r on 76 BRADFORD 7284272 1967 MUSTANG for sale as is or in parts MWFlTF Telephone after 5pm 450 4707 1972 GREMLIN Xfor solo standard In Top PRICE for top cars Toke Motors 900d COHUIIIOOI S950 lellllï¬d Ltd119BradfordStBarrle7200111 Telephone 7205120 197 Z73 CAMARO 5150in 511990730300 paid Same day pickup Holt Auto miles Many extra performance parts Wreckers 726 0711 In excellent condition Telephone Brian fiAtg wANfs car 555570 017260431 1974 FILYMgtUTIIURBARRACUDA 3111 Free pickup To ephone 726 0407 It standard trangmlg slon navy blue with white stripes hood COLE BROS and am scoops chrome rims and track stereo Immaculate condition inside and out Will certify $3000 firm 726 0094 after WANTED Clean used cars Barrie Hon 1974 CHRYSLER TWODOOR Newport Custom Telephone 737 1450 1973 CHEVY VAN 350 power steering power brakes sliding door radials Al 999191591991 9936171 TED mechanical condition Certified 45000 SCRAP VEHICLES WAN OP originalmlles Asking s7ooo Telephone Prices paid Free Immediate PlckIIp 7265939 057265546 phone 1973 LTDBROUGHAM dear power 737 0713 vvorkmansw call 7571066 gar2m running condition One door Is damaged Asking $300 737 0213 1972 MAVERICK FOUR DOOR radio Telephone 726 3202 Third 01700 726 6773 34 trucks onll trailers lIFT TRUCK SALE 018000 lb Clark 05000 propane power stage upright 03000 Clark propane power stage upright 02000 lb Clark propane power Phone 72851713 FOUR WHEEL DRIVE 1977 Dodge Club cab three quarter Ion V0 automatic radio Al condition 15000 miles It accept late model Icku as tr de in Phonon0304 evenlrfgs 1972 EDRDVAtTvIT stander fully carpeted Interior tear drop side win steering power brakes automatic 400 34TIUCRO Ind TNIIOIS 1975 DODGE MAXIVAN Camper con version STD transmission Many ex tras $5500 or best offer Telephone 4249917 1975 F250 FORDLlotir wheel drive vs automatic In good condition Telephone 4455562after 59m 1976 FORD VAN E150 V0 power steer lng and brakes extra fires and chrome rims custom Interior In excellent con dltlon Call 4245467 Itsservice and repairs LICENSED MECHANIC will do general repairs by appointment only Nights and weekends Telephone 720 1071 3631110 accessories BRAND NEW GOODYEAR allwinter radial snow tires set of two on rims to fit Maverick Granada Asking $125 Call Nell 0355791 after 530 RIMS Shelby 14 reverse five stud with G60 Grobbers $100 In good condi tion Telephone 720 0920 37motorcycles I976 CAN AM 250 Enduro 3000 miles Knobbles spare sprockets etc Sacrifice S975 Includes many extras Call 4075714 75 HON DA 750 cc Excellent condition Llc 00494 Only 51495 Cuillngford Motors Ltd 94 TIffln Street Barrio 7373440 KAWASAKI 100 less than 400 original miles In excellent condition Can be us ed as street or trail bike S450 Telephone 7202473 1976 YAMAHA 400 RD black with sed dle bags and windshield mag wheels 7000 miles Show room condition 7267771doys 720 0200 1973 CAPRI V6 metallic blue deluxe In Call URGENTLY REQUIRED TOP CASH AUTOMOBILES ORV HARDY MOTORS JTJNk CARS WANTED Highest prlcos wrecking and arts top prices paid for wrecking Fast pickup Days 415 6322 After pm 4245949 do Auto sales l7rGowan St 7266400W SHAKE5L5 WRECKING and Towing scrap metal cars bought over scales dows moon roof and new wide tl outsiders 01600 Certified Toluedhgrrl WANT ADS mum mo 7205701 WHOE 7234 reasonable quote for fireplaces rec rooms dslrnneys painting etc For old Iashloned For Best Results Examiner Want Ads 30 snowmobiles fled Call Lloyd Gabriel 7264723 PLANO LESSONS for all ages Wlll vlslt home for details Phone 4509109 Pump Installations For Free Estimate CALL 1206634 myths WINDOW CLEANING ALLEN BROTHERS Window Cleaning Apart ments Stores Houses Factories Reason obleratesJele bottom1914 40 tides for sdo YMPIC 300 snowmobile for sale SWIMMING POOLS to RentWill lease 21123050 Low mileage In excellent opd llnstall forl horrteowner family slxe 0530 oum num sw mm ng poo pa condltlonTeIephone720 Choke memo hman regulations on one or recyear To MidT hr Td rental basis with option to own No payments till 1970 Try before you bqu flakwlgfmmï¬f For mgï¬ Collcoltect any met4166613531 warranted complete with pumpfmotor dAR lawoao 7min pmwdrxgg filter fencing walkway and deck 5170 aimD lflzoï¬n pasted retail price S2295 Now available WLé at S1200 No payments till 1970 Im BASEMENT SALE Love seat two mediate delivery and Installation Call swivel rockers cradle hockey equip collect anytime 14166639500 lenti kateséskl foerpetsé firenex FORK LIFTlnternatlonal 21footllft it 00 9° 9° Perfect condition s5soo Telephone WWW mICIOPMM and and 7261001 or 7269005 TIW 7371795 FIREWOOD for saloPlcked up or delivered Telephone 7209367 or 7264119 SHOP STOOLS RECORDACALL 7o telephone answer RAPISTAN BELT conveyors soc steel 11111 machine Telephone7374792 shop stools each Toronto USED EIGHT FOOT two tube fluores 4162742561 cont fixtures for sale S25 each ACCORDIANS Two RED CARUSO Telephone 7263400 bass In good condition Wlll kept Slso INDOOR SHOWROOM lull sllod pools each Telephone 7262952 ondlsplov Come intodavorcall 7264606 RECYCLE LOST HEAT from your fur for free 32 DOW booklet of Inground and nece Install hoot mlsor In your smoke above around POOIS Pioneer P0011 gigscnllor Information 7240755 3Vm°°1 snow BLOWER Sumbean ELECTRIC SemiAcoustic Guitar and snowchgmp 20 Inch and Amplifierapprox6monthsoldBothln Infamy uud Ml mu excellent condition Asking $550 31101Wnsm4 7263435 LlGHTs Own arkl lot or are USED FURNITURE Air conditioners We have hundredspof funlof uugstrigl small fridges for office or colt90 of lights for sale You can see them It sotves tractors odd Chairs Chesterfield Limit ony sets lawn furniture and bedroom suites pm 716459 pm Mon Clarks Home Furnishing Warehouse toFrldgy mk wooo BURNING COOK STOVE cost SWIMMING POOL CHEMICALS AIOI 1m and porcglgln glx mrmnl ban KBYPOOI etc Robinson Hardware water reservoir warming shelfflro box 31 Dunlop St East 7202431 In excellent condition Telephone JOT UL The sags wood burning stove for 71171703 excoptlonal fuel efficiency and heating woop gunning stove my Open the doors for cosy fire Contact chum er In um It Moth NONNI 00 ComPlflYI many more toms ALSO 1969 Barrie Ontario 70572021 or 4364129 Dmm mun 734401f