neighborly news Grassland by Mrs Allen 3221 339 Knox Presbyterian Ladies Aid met recently at the home of Mrs George Minty with 12 pre sent The meeting was opened Gegrgue Archer with bg ii an present re atin the Lords Prayer Thepemottg was He will be our guide even in death Roll call was biblical era with the word abide Topic was taken by Mrs George Archer which proved enlightening It was decided to help the St Andrews Church of Elmvale With meals at the Elmvale fair Mrs George Archer and Mrs Alex Finley will head the com mittee Meeting closed with Hymn 401 and Mrs Minty giving the closing prayer Mr and Mrs Alex Sheffard were recent guests of friends in Meaford Mr and Mrs Thomas were weekend guests in Kingston Mr and Mrs Dell Reynolds of Wyevale were Thursday guests of their cousins Mrs Allen New Flos 4H Club met at the home of Mrs Allen on Satur day The New Flos Womens Iii stitute met at the home of Mrs Harold Smith with 12 present Mrs Alex Finley was secretary in the absence of the regular secretary Meeting opened with the oflt fering ode followed by all repeating the Mary Stewart Collect Correspondent was read with Mrs King reporting on training schools in Barrie and calling meeting at her place as soon as the books arrive Mrs Sam Allens contest was won by Mrs King and Mrs De Garter Mrs Camerons draw was won by Mrs King thornton Myrs Holt 4589298 ongratulations to all the prize winners at the Cookstown fall fair especially those who took the time to show exhibits from Thornton area Local names noticed with prize ribbons were Anne Spencer June Fisher Vi Peacock Sadie Sander Teena Sturgess Dawn Black Shirley Breedon Eleanor Maltby and Sue Sturgess The local as well as the and Ills and 4H homemaking clubs also had quite effective displays at the fair where each club received merit award About 10 Thortonites attend ed Cookstown curling club room sponsored by the Fair Board on Sept 16 when 17 tables were at play Some local folks attended the Beeton Fair on Sept 14 when there was good crowd to view the many exhibits St Judes Anglican Church will be holding their Harvest Home on Thanksgiving Sunday ct9at 11am ivy by Mrs Jennett 4240238 Lynn Johnson was appointed president of the Ivy 4H group They meet every Wednesday at the home of Mrs Rick Bates at 730 pm Saturday they go on tour of Tiffin Conservation Area in Utopia Mrs Larry Smith is the other leader Mrs Florence Bar of Bar rie spent the weeken with Mr and Mrs Hamid Broley Mr and Mrs Kenneth Smith spent few days this week visiting friends in Toronto Aurora and Nashville Several from here attended St Georges Utopia Thanks giving Service on Sunday Services will be as usual in North Essa Parish on Sunday Helen Smith of Toronto spent the weekend with her parents Mr and Mrs Kenneth Smith Mr and Mrs John Watson of Kitchener spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Jim McDer mott Sr Ron Cooke has moved to Angus The Ivy girls held their baseball banquet at the Em bassy Hall Barrie Friday They were presented with the runnerup trophy Susan and Dave Pierre of Toronto and Heather and Bob Lawson of Barrie visited Sun day with Jean Jennett Mr and Mrs Mervyn Flem ing Mr and Mrs Mark Nelson Joe and Jim Penalton and Mrs Eleanor Reany of Hockley were dinner guests with Mrs Irene Hirons on Saturday night Mr and Mrs Bob rling of Midhurst entertain several friends to dinner at the Brookdale Inn Barrie It was Margarets birthday Mr and Mrs Lennox Black of Ottawa Mrs Morley Black of Stroud Mr and Mrs Don McMaster of Barrie were re cent visitors with Mr and Mrs Cleve Patton William Black of Stroud was injured while working on hydro pole on the farm of Bob Kerr on the eighth line of Essa Apparently the pole broke and to over when Wilson was strapped to it He is in Royal Victoria Hospital Banie His many friends wish him speedy recovery Bruce McVanell and Marian spent the weekend in Ivy Mr and Mrs Lyall McLean visited friends at Simcoe Manor Beeton on Sunday John Kell and Mrs Gordon Whipps were Mr and Mrs Hugh Andross Rev Speakman of Minesing and Mr and Mrs Earnest Pratt of Bar no The annual Taylor reunion st pauls by lies held iccently at Mr and rs Jae Tay ors home Mrs Pratt Members of the family came 4361667 from Bradford Churchill An Barrie Lefroy Orillia an Stayner The afternoon branch of Anglican Church Women of St Pauls Anglican Church held its Miss Kathy Stunden has returned for her third year at York University Recent visitors with Mrs WE INTEND TO BECOME TNE NO Cor Truth RetoIIor in the Barrie oree VOLUMES LOW OVERHEAD is our SECRET I974 DODGE MONACO door sedan V8 auto P5 P8 radio wwalls wcovers Lic No HFH063 FORD CITY SALE PRICE ONLY $1688 I972 METEOR RIDEAU 500 dr HT V8 auto P5 P8 radio vinyl root wwolls wcovers ten der skirts Lic No FCW209 FORD CITY SALE PRICE ONLY $1888 I973 MAVERICK door sedan cyl engine automatic PS wwolls wcovers Lic No FCV698 FORD CITY SALE PRICE ONLY SW48 I973 MERCURY MARQUIS BROUGIIAM door V8 auto PS PB PW vinyl roof radio wwalls wcovers Lic No PCT994 FORD CITY SALE PRICE ONLY $2258 I973 FORD COUNTRY SEDAN Station wagon V8 auto PS PB radio wwolls luggage rack Lic NoJKV9l5 FORD CITY SALE PRICE ONLY $2278 974 PINTO STATION WAGON tires electric deluxe wheel 7H90F565418 SAVE $756 Village station power steering buyer defroster rocker panel 7H96H566243 SAVE $1026 I977 dr 250 radials power FORD CITY SALE PRICE ONLY SAVE $404 Emit Opon to Thurs until OUGLAS DOUGLAS DOUGLAS DOUGLAS DOUGLAS DOUGLAS DOUGLAS DOUGLAS DOUGLAS DOUGLAS DOUGLAS DOUGLAS DOUGLAS DOUGLAS DOUGLAS DOUGLAS DOUGLAS DOUGLAS DOUGLAS DOUGLAS DOUGLAS DOUGLAS DOUGLAS DOUGLAS DOUGLAS DOUGLAS DOUGLAS DOUGLAS DOUGLAS DOUGLAS BRAND NEW I977 COUGAR dr HT automatic power steering power brakes 302 V8 WSW radial FORD CITY SALE PRICE ONLY $5233 BRAND NEW I977 COUGAR tailgate WSW radial tires luggage rack protection automatic decor group tinted glass dual racing mirrors light group power windows mouldings FORD CITY SALE PRICE ONLY $6888 BRAND NEW detogger radio wheel covers rocker cyl engine stand transmission panel mouldings Serial NO radio wwalls wcovers Lic No 7E34L554247 HTM73 FORD CITY SALE PRICE ONLY $4838 1973 PONTIAC VENTURA 22 °° ii li °J°iéisfln° VICE SPECIAL ia we °°° mom ENo ALIGNMENT $I088 0N MOST DOMESTIC PASSENGER VEHICLES Otters Expires Sept 30th DISCOUNT 7285553 rie Io Fri and Sat till azflsxxm Sunday IOI IHSPOCTIOD 0m to customer September meeting at the home of Mrs Thompson presi dent Fall work plans were discuss ed Lunch hostesses were Mrs Thomson and Mrs Turner The Oct meeting will be held at Mrs Crai Hunters at 130 pm Mem ers are urged to notethechan ein time The Can ettes evening branch of the Anglican Chur chs Women of St Pauls met at Mrs Jim Strangs home for its September meeting with 25 members present WE CHALLENGE ALL COMPETITION THE 78s ARE GOING UP BY SAVE NOW OVER 60 977 MUST BE SOLD IMMEDIATELY AM Serial radio No defroster covers wagon automatic power brakes power group electric airconditioner Serial No MONARCH cyl automatic WSW steering rear window SVIOOOO SVTOIIOO SVIOIIOO MOM SVIOIIOO SVIOIIOO SVIDIIOO SVIOIIOO BRAND NEW New president Mrs Douglas ï¬alick was in charge Mrs Harry Holdcroft presented gift to Mrs Bess Morgan out going president for her faithful work Mrs Holdcroft spoke on the work of the Church in the Park over the summer lengthy discussion was held about the nursery and pre school classes The annual Penny Sale will be held Nov 17 in the basement of St Pauls Church It was decided to have just penny table and bake sale The Oct 6meetin will be at the home of Mrs Et el Ladies 132 Major Trail Sandy Cove Acres Lunch hostess were Mrs Strang and Mrs Bessi Crane Mrs Brian McKenzie of Toronto spent the weekend with her parents Mr and Mrs Douglas ï¬alick and Family The Harvest Thanksgiving service was held in the St Pauls Agglican Church Sun day The urch was filled with worshippers to hear Rev John CARSON srnucrs STOCK murmur tuvm of USED In the some location for over 20 years well be here forthe next 20 Over 80 years combined management experience Buy with confidence Our record uninterrupted service speaks for itself We PROTECT you 12000 mileI2 month WARRANTY available on all advertised LINCOLN MERCURY SALES LTD CARS ESSA RD BARRIE NOW YOU GET NERE IS YOUR BUSINESS NOW YOU LEAVE IS OURS FISTA IOBCAT CAPRI MONARCII COUGAR MARQUIS lEPIIYR VANS PICK UPS BRONCOS NEVER IIAVE SO MANY PAID SO llYTLE TOR SO MUCII SVIOIIOO SVIOIIOO SVIOIIOO SYIOOOO SVIOIIOO SVIOIIOO SVIOIIOO SVIOIIOO SVIOIIOO SVTOIIOO SVIOIIOO WOW as xi IF YOU DIDNT BUY FROM US YOU PROBABLY PAID TOO MUCH Dowder trom St Thomas Anglican Church of Shanty Bay Edenvale by Mrs Aubrey Gifferi 7281 857 Edenvale Womens Institute met recently for their regular monthly meeting at the Eden vale Hall Ihe roll call What can do to conserve energy was answered by all of the THE ONLY DEALS WE MIS ARE THE WE DONT KNOW ABOUT ERIN ALWAYS om BRAND NEW I977 MONARCH GHIA dr sedan vinyl roof 302 V8 luxury cloth trim automatic WSW radial tires power disc brakes bumper prot group electric defroster appearance group tinted glass light group dual racing mirrors Serial No 7E37F550203 FORD CITY SALE PRICE ONLY tosss BRAND NEW I977 MARQUIS dr HT automatic power steering power brakes deluxe wheel covers vinyl roof 400 V8 WSW bumper group electric defroster tinted glass remote mirror body side mouldings power steering airconditioning SAVE $595 Serial No 726355609989 SAVFERD ClgSALE PRICE ONLY mat5953 BRAND NEW I977 MARQUIS METEOR dr HT automatic power steering power brakes 35I V8 WSW digital clock electric defroster tender skirts radio heavy remote mirror duty DIAL DISCOUNT CUSTOMERS It you have any problems at all FORD CITY can give you the KIND OF CREDIT YOU check by phone 7285558 battery mouldings Serial No 7252H57I040 FORD CITY SALE PRICE ONLY PARTS Our Retail Ports Counter is open daily from om to pm Tues Thurs to pm Coll direct 7285915 WE NEED USED CARS TOP TRADEIN PAID the examiner Saturday Sept 24 1977 members who contributed ideas on how to conserve and save energy Mrs Robert Giffen read paper entitled Why conserve energy which was the motto Letters were read concerning the area convention to be held in Alliston Nov 1415 the Womens Institute Day at the Museum on Oct 24 to 4pm Mrs Giffen our convener for Canadian Industries introduc GLAS DOUGLAS DOUGLAS DOUGLAS DOUGLAS DOUGLAS DOUGLAS DOUGLAS DOUGLAS DOUGLAS DOUGLAS DOUGLAS DOUGLAS DOUGLAS DOUGLAS DOUGLAS DOUGLAS DOUGLAS DOUGLAS DOUGLAS DOUGLA $8 IF YOU QUALIFY tario It you owe money on your car If yoU have been Umed It you are tear over down by other dealers If you are new on your ob Douglas first your choice NEED and still sav money Co or sigh dr sedan va auto PS PB radio wwolls wcovers Lic No JSBSl I974 prot 2dr HT door HTROI2 I974 dr HT block heater body side JYJOO7 7285558 WE we wont to hear about It personally 914 013 roan moroiï¬toir AND BANK FINANCING AVAILABLE It you are New in On In Towners and Out of We decide on your credit quickly Drive home today in the car of FORD CITY SALE PRICE ONLY dr HT V8 auto PS P8 vinyl roof radio wwalls wcovers Lic No HTN404 FORD CITY SALE PRICE ONLY I974 CIIEV IMPALA radio wwalls wcovers Lic No HMA36 FORD CITY SALE PRICE ONLY I974 DODGE CORONET radio wwalls wcovers Lic No FORD CITY SALE PRICE ONLY vinyl roof tinted glass wwalls wcovers Lic No HTP337 FORD CITY SALE PRICE ONLY I976 PLYMOUTH VOLARE door cyl auto P5 P8 radio wwolls FORD CITY SALE PRICE ONLY 975 MONTEGO MX dr HT V8 auto P5 P8 vinyl roof radio wwalls wcovers Lic No FORD CITY SALE PRICE ONLY $3098 Leose Any molte or model tailored to suityour driving requirements The cars shown will be sold exactly es advertised UTE WE ARE IIAPPY TO SERVICE YOUR VENICLE REGARDLESS OF WIIERE YOU IOUOIITIIT WEVE BEEN IN BUSINESS FOR YEARS DOING WIIAT WE DO BEST LOOKING AFTER OUR YOUR USED CAR Note vehicles sublect to tronrportetlon and pro dellvery costs ed the speaker for the evening Scott Muir of Minesing who gave talk on Insulation Congratulations to Mr and Mrs James Ward on the birth of son Kevin Mrs Aubrey Giffen of the Edenvale WI and Mrs Wilbert Maguire of the Minesing WI attended two day course for the Dairy Festival at the Blue Flame Room Consumers Gas Barrie AS LOW AS II you have little or no credit Our experienced Iinan ce personnel can probably Iind plan to suit you Towners see $2688 METEOR RIDEAU 500 $2823 V8 auto PS PB vinyl roof $2838 sedan V8 auto PS PB $2868 PLYMOUTH FURY III V8 auto PS PB air cond $2878 wcovers Lic No KOE489 $3848 WILL BUY All advertised brand new SVIDIIOO SVIOIIOO SVTOIIOO SVIOIIOO SVIDIIOO SVIDIIOO SVIOIIOO SVIOIIOO SVIDIIOO SVIOIIOO SVIOIIOO SVIOIIOO SVIOIIOO SVIOIIOO SVIDIIOO SYIDIIOO SVIOIIOO SVIDIIOO SVIOIIOO SVTOIIOO SVIOIIOO SVIDIIOO SVIDIIOO SVIOIIOO SVIOIIOG SVIDIIOO SVID