Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 24 Sep 1977, p. 8

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the examiner Saturday Sept 24 1977 Film may revive old Controversy LOS ANGELES AP Lit tle has been heard since 1960 about Caryl Chessman the red light bandit whose long stay on Californias death row prompted worldwide con troversy for 12 years But new NBC film Kill Me If You Can may revive that controversy It takes strong position that Chessman finally executed in 1960 was denied justice In my mind he was not nec essarily decent and good per son but an obnoxious person ality is not an excuse for deny ing person justice said Alan Alda who plays Chessman in the film to be seen 011 NBC at pm EDT Sunday Theres no question he irrilt fated the judge He completely destroyed his chances with the jury by being arrogant know itall and sneering television guide Chessman insisted on acting as his own lawyer Although he acce ted legal advice Al said think big problem was that he had been in jail for number of years before the trial so they were dealing not only with an arro gant man but an arrogant ar med robber They just decided he didnt deserve consid eration Chessman was convicted in Los Angeles County Superior Court of 17 counts of robbery kidnaping sexual perversion and attempted robbery He was sentenced to die for two counts of kidnapping for the purpose of robbing where in bodily harm is date to the victims Police said he placed piece of red cellophane over his car spotlight and posed as police man to stop his victims SATURDAY EVENING VIEWING 600 111 Boommwi 1115 1531 News Fish News Reach For The Top Fcrsutidcts 1130 Aniaznm Knish l9 Plow That Broke Saturday ngtil it Fntcs Raikics 11113 Movm tins Earth Is 10 pan my Do Plains Minot IS Paw no1 Herc Comes Ttic Moyn 110111 Joiicsi Fit Future 1140 630 15 Colombo Ryan Maw Laurel Ann Hmm 1150 830 a1 Ru Nlovic The Night 01 Now JLIIIHWIS Inc Geiicralst UDq 5m Operation Fcltwooi 1200 Facbal It So The SW Goes NM Dr Ass 9300 ll Movu 11111 An Otat cp Movie tHdld Tmus oywy NJLWi cs SVGSKV and Hutu Tamv 635 CFL Fxobdll Intuitminimal gs Far 11 Wet Only Juklnq Cmcma 700 CITY LIOVN 1220 Htr r13 15 NW RIM 1240 930 11111Hit1uttx 1215 in NLxaq 11w mum or Mar cf NAM 1113 Doss 110 cc San 21111 py 51 wt Ruck Cami icc Hon 140 3s 8w Zone 30 Cow 99 200 50 tutvcxzc Su3 Mix ttsvt it 31 1010 215 Me 31 IJ 1030 gritg Nine Cur 1100 230 ji NC Nth V3 11 250 is 3d 91 SUNDAY AFTERNOON VIEWING 130 Rant 35 Courn Crane 430 NE Yacay WNWSIEIS Iarat C33 ll Tmy Tatpnt rm 200 19 Sec Curraw ms 5mg Nov The Geaes 12 013 Global were Srow Ear LC Fran Nasqurjqx NFO Foooa copmn ssrw Atzu Move Test Pno 79 Mowl Thu cw Sean re v9 Bu icing Decent Hand Oi 131a in De semen Future 15 MovetvOyagcTo 5100 gt Any 04 1230 598 rm NE 75 Cine 79 at 230 torso 300 330 The Bottom 09 Tre Oral Roows Che itdtqra 21 People oceys yna Suwzay SuD 125 35 Hrm Augrr has ANN ca eow 895 UTté1yFQ it VI to 11 noun SteSat 72 Bugs Bunny Quatt Dunner IS WSEBr 530 Ben Nrwar th nuv Jr fie 41 Le TN Agar paw 400 Owl NF 2334 11 r4 Ci Say SUNDAY EVENING VIEWING EH ll 20 tie12 1130 in 357 91 EL 1135 Dnv 39 ri 1150 it on E1 1200 May Ch Ln as Fort ppm extra Co ya Jay 1mm llotd 24 Bean Hctr Qt 7v Innn at at warm 53 1205 Caugt 7W MA 1000 1220 CT Pear2 Hm Ned terrarwr Patlr 30 030 Mar whiny 130 oawe win Tm p11 J5 HJ 2145711 tww 00 II 19 IN Adam Hightr5 15 Beau 71 87111 800 35 Irranl Vmsmior Mary Hrif on Conrnmliuu Ma an Money Talus 25 Pglttour memwe 230 1110 Stimla Surprise Cinema 00 1115 Aacnnyr MONDAY EVENING VIEWING 600 7171117 IV 63 14 ll iv 75 64 News Hollywood yquarus Toronti CBC Nevshout Dtdtriitmn Polka Dr Nouwltc CIT Putzt News Niwn Mary Tyler Morin Party Game Rradalottu Gout mow LAi tutI Covvr To Cover 655 19 Women 01 Ontario 700 u5 II 19 17 HIilrwood Connor 11011 Murmur Cross Wnt Mary Tyler Moore Tell The truth Bobby Vintun Young Danl Boone Dont Ask Ml Fernwood Night Daniel Boom 730 00s Hollywnoct Squares Strikes Spares Misses Variety Specuil $170000 Question Headline Hunters Movie when Grow Up P1 to It 27 Sorlord And Son NW 79 Movie 1pm s10 1030 800 Man Alit ll Ltttlc Home On Hootemf The Prairu 11 00 35 Betty www 345 It News Emergrnnr Onti thtvtrntrm San Pedro Bean Pop Grits The Conn Bums try Waltons 1105 19 Comedy Show Arwmc Lupm 25 Cause Dr Mon On 11120 rle News 830 1130 Front Pagt Johnny Carson Challenge Mowe tMcCabc and 19 Edurahon OI MIIIL Mrs Miller MCManus ll Lynne Gordon 25 Le Pont 19 Comedy Shoppe 900 77 winners Circle 7MOVILfln TotMat 35 90 Minutes To LIVE 01 Karen Ann 40 mean Movu Berlin AI 15 SUDCTSINK rat Betty White 200 119 NFL Football flag grazdlglgngzzrxr ll Marcus welbY MD 19 Power Play won 77 M0 30 83 Judy LaMarsn 19 Education 01 Mike 17 SELMUCIIV MCManUS 25 Mom Mr Cloud PTL Enlever Ie buttit 205 25 Cumma lLA 1de 930 17 Maurie 1230 59 Movm Love 1000 Mvsyeyy 35 Newsrnagdlmi 19 cmuunqun RelicHy 100 Delverrtno Yonmymw Farm Min1e Banyan I9 Speaking 0111 MUN Gym Conductor Elmer lseler Festival singers coming to Barrie lntcri11t1onall acclaimed Festival Singers of tanada conductml by Elmer Isclcr 1II perform In concert it the first program of thc 12mm olr Icgmtc onccit Scrics in Barrie tcntrzil oIIcgmtcs udttoriumat tip 111 on Oct Ihc conccrt sciics Will also feature the Barric ollrgiatc liaiiil thc tiiivcrsity of Michian Synphon Band and Canadas National Ballet of Canada who Ill tippcai as soloists Wltll thc London S1117 fonia Tickets for the Festival Singers of Canada arc $5 133 for studcntsi or SH for thc complcti foiiicoiicilt scrics isotor studcnlst lickct rmcrvations mm 11c Dinner concert by Mirth Ihcicii lu Mirth at thr Prmccot Inuitgal llighua ll restaurant lttt David loincs Itowcn and thi fcinalc duo ot Watson and lttynolrI knoMt coIIrcmcl IS Mirth Will be poi forming at itillillirtitilttlt All thrH inusir IJIIIgt Itlg and play £tlltl of instruniiiis lhc haw zipprarirt at thc Na tirinal Arts flntrc major tolk festivals and on national teItvt sum and have yIILtt had ltitilt exposure The liradfordliasid trn prescnh total Show of music thcatrc poetry stor1c and of fUllISl inirth The cost of thc liincr ot Itoncgal concort which Will 111 troducc liliitttrlill from an up coming album is $1130 singli Siiia cou lf It includrs 2i roast beef bid dinncr plus com plinicritriry 0ij of the gioup new singir Ihcrc Will also In special door prius Doors optn at it lhcic no reserve seating Playboy threatened CHICAGO iAli Playboy thc magazinc that raisrd cyc brows with what was consid ered sexually XpllClI photo graphs in thr 1950s says it now is threatened by the gutter filth of the 70s The magazinc has hired and fired executives cut its world wide hotel and club enterprises and even put its famous man sion tip for sale to fight thc com petition All the changes show theyve been reduced to desperati methods in fight theyre losing says Bob inc cionc publisher of Penthouse Playboys chief rival Playboy Enterprises faced with loss in profits from $11 million in the peak year of 1973 to $1 million in 1975 closed hotel in Jamaica and club in Detroit and has start ed remov ing the famous bunny label from records limousine serv ice and modeling agency Founder Hugh Hefner put his 54room Chicago mansion 011 sale f0r $25million As Playboys circulation con tinucd to decline llcfnei hired Derick Daniels last fall from the KnightBidder newspaper group to be his chief operating officer Daniels is said to have been lured by an annual salary of $250000 plus $225000 bonus madc by phoning Mrs Ic1vcn at 751 1037 tit11y Barrie to participate in Canada Music Week Barrie will participate in the observance of Canada Music Week from Nov 2027 The Barrie branch of the On tario Registered Music lcachcrs Association are plan ning three recitals and two lec tures for Music Week which is designed to promote Canadian music talent The upcoming recitals are being staged so people will become more aware of music in our country says Joyce Lan ford president of the Barrie branch of the Music lcachcrs Association Mayor Ross Archer is ex pected to officially proclaim Canada Music Week in Barrie early in November Music Week will commence Nov 20 with an allgrade recital at Grove Park Home As well Barries Music Teachers Association is planning an all girl and allboy recital which will be performed early in 1978 The two lectures scheduled for Music Week at Grove Park Home will be presented by music teachers from the University of Toronto The sug gested themes for the clinics in Of James Dean clude teaching methods for piano and performance style Prices for each of thesc clinics which are open to the public are $6 for nonmembers of the Association $4 for members and $2 for students Canada Music week coincides with the National Youth Or chestras NYO planning of its auditioning for its 1978 season Young musicians in Canada between the ages of 14 and 24 are invited to compete in the auditions to be held in December and January in Toronto London Sudbury and Ottawa Autobiographical movie HIS ANGELICS tAl Ar Do you remember the day James Dean was killed James liridgcs docs and the tragedy changed his life Ilis experience can be $0011 this month in highly auto biographical movic 943055 which Universal Pictures is rc lcasing on the 22nd anniversary of thc moody actors death Last months death of Elvis lrcslcy offers curious paral Icl Says filmmaker Bridges had heard the story about Elvis 111 the paramount commissary when he went over to the table of Nick ltav ltid you direct James Dean 111 ltcbcl without iiusc Elvis asked th11 Roy said he did Elvis knccled in front of him lxan changed my life Elvissziid The change that llcan brought to Jim Bridgcs life is portrayed in 03055 ltichnrd Thomas late of The Waltons MCLAUCHLAN in concert With the Silver Tractors EEORGIAN COLLEGE 111mm TONIGHT SEPT 24 1977 SHOWS PM 930 KM Advance Tickets $550 At the loot $6 50 Availablu it ROXYTHEATRE Dunlap in mi mum Georgian College Box Office Sam the Record Man The Bandstand Hayfield Mall and Mumc World Georgian Mall PLEASE NOTEI FRI SAT SHOWS 630 920 SUN TO TNIII 130 ONlT Warning Some scenes language may be offensivoT11reatres Branch Ont Atlnlt nit1101111110111 NATTONAL stars as Jimmy sensitive Arkansas youth who is oven whclmcd by Deans perform once in East of Eden When he learns of the actors death in car crash he and his friends go on an emotional bingo Most of thc things in the pic turc are what happened to inc and my friends on that day Bridges remarked We did get drunk down by the river we dirt put on ghost makeup and cos tumes and scare the neckiers in parked airs There was no acci 726994 Cjt9ll Paramount PICILIICS Corporation or THE 5319 away 191W WfiWfi an IAIIGII it reusing 57 190 units and rccumcuusoutm AMBICAN lau Bayou It dental burning as in the pic ture but most of it is case of art imitating life We even shot in the same radio station where went in 1955 to confirm the news that Dean had died was mph omore at the Arkansas State Teachers College now called the University of Xantral Arka nasa Liki Thomas in the movie Jim Bridges left school and headed for California to find out more about James Dean AT 715 915 BOX OFFICE OPENS 630 Aim mmmumf fix rm in noi Im101 All WARNING Some scenes and language may be of Ionsive Thermos Branch Ont IMPERIAL TWIN THEATRE 41 DIINLOP IAIRIE CINEMA CALL 7203440 ANTTIME While the courts free the Buford Passer protects the innocent And there is one way to shop Anthony Ht Hardy Km Laurence ivicr Ryan Ncal unmqu Witt datum Iilk Bogardc nines Cami Michael brine Scan Immery lidwxml Iux Elliott Gould Gene Inclunnn ipkins Inscph Ii Levine pram 24 1511111113 mo FAR 11 111111 Artists Adult Entertainment suownm 700 itnoo age greatest ighting force of all time and they obeyed but one command ORDIE ADULT INIIIIAINIINI than IAN HOLM cii 111m NE DENEUVE mum Dan Hill returns anadian folksingcr llan lIiII rlLllllt to the Georgian ol lcgt Tiltftttlt for two concerts Oct 17 and lit at p111 It age 221 Hill is oni of the most popular solo pcrfonncis in thr country The release of new album Longcr lusc and single Snmetimrs htn We Touch is coinciding with his current tnurv1hich began Sspt It in law Yukon It on cludes Dec 10 in Montreal Among lliIls Iiit tcrknov 11 tums are You Make Me ant To Be Ironing in thc shadou of the ISAI Phone fall Ilold fin and ion 5a Yourc Frie Collegiate Concert Series presents the Internationally Renowned FESTIVAL SINGERS OF CANADA Elmer Iseler Conductor OCT 1977 800 PM CENTRAL COLLEGIATE AUDITORIUM $3239 Admission $500 Students $300 OR Buy complete series also including BARRIE COLLEGIATE BAND KAREN KAIN AND FRANIlt AUGUSTYN WITH THE LONDON SINFONIA UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN SYMPHONY BAND Four Concert Series Ticket $1400 Student $600 Most of our patrons prefer this money saving op portunity to attend Barries premieie concert series Barrie Collegiate Bond Association PIione Betty McNiven 7261657 for reservations Tickets may be picked up at box office concert night 11111111115 rwm DRIVEIN IIWT II AT GLITIIIIE CALI 4012112 ANYTIME SCREEN OPEN 11 SAT SUNONLT ALL NEW Adventures of the true life hero llllAllIIIAlIE 1111111111 11111 iiiiSVENSUNasBmuunwt 111FINAI tiII it 11111 WI SECOND ATTRACTION AT THE DRIVEIN ONLY TENTACLES an American International Release JOHN HUSTONSHELLEY WINTERS 80 HOPKINS 211 Nlilumntt tlv IN illIlAttu HENRY F0 DATENTACLES DELIA 15 Mr WOIILIIIJU Adult Entcitaintnent DOUBLE TIIRILLS SUSPENSE uwx DRIVEIN scum 91000 People 33 Exit Gates line Sniper JIIIIII CASSAVETES ix TWOMIIIUTE WARNING MARTIN BALSAM BEAU BHIDGES MARILYN HASSETT AVID JANSSEN JACK LUGMAN WALTER PIUGEDN ENA ROWLANDS $11 warrants 511 MS onurirut iiiliiINleiwnm Ihxl Niet

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