Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 24 Sep 1977, p. 4

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nmfin The laminar Is mombor oi fho Canadian Pross CF and Audit Iuroau of Circulation ABC Only tho Canadian Pross may ropubllsh now storios In this nowspapor crodltod to CF Tho Associalod Pross loutors or Agonco francsPros and local nows stories Mllshod in Tho laminar NEWSROOM ADVERTISING Soan Finlay managing editor Len Ssvlck man soar Randy McDonald city saltor sALESMEN Sheila McGovern assistant city odltor Gaynor BI CUFFCH county editor Ly Johnson Werner Doreen loom editor Barb Boulton Bill McFarlanc wire editor Gnnam Hope Dempsey lifestyle John zka Marina Quattrocctii photographer my Gimme REPORTERS John Bruce CLASSIFIED Paul Deleon Ruth Blots supervisor Richard Dunstan Lesley Young Pat Guerais Freda Stunner Scott Haskins Karen Atkinson Sheila McGovern Peoay Chapeli Sue Burke BUSINESS Marian Gougti accountant Betty Armer Dorothy Bowlanrt Gail Mr Parlana Vikki Grant Pubilshod daily Oxcopt Sunday and statutory holldpys WEEKLY by carrier conts YEARLY by corrlor $4600 IV MAIL Iarrio CIRCULATION 680 Jon Butler manager SIMCOE COUNTV Linda Haikes asst manauer $3650 Andy Houuhlon Micros tHIowort Judy Hickey Wayor Alva LaPlanle ELSEWHERE IN CANADA Elaine Porter Gary Prlngle 50° the examiner serving barrloand simcoe county Tho Barrio Exominar claims copyright on all original nows and advertising matorial croatod by Its ornployoos and publishod in this riowspapor Saturday Sop 24 1977 Published by Canadian Newspapers Company Limited l6 Bayfiold Street Barrie Ontario LAM 4T6 Copyright rogistrolion numbor 7036M rapistor National advortising officos 65 Ouoon St Tutorlo 8M l7lO MOCothcatt 5L Montraal Tho advortlsor agroos that tho publishar shall not be ltablo for damagos arising out at or rors in odvortisomonts boyond tho amount paid for tho spaco actually occuplod by that por lion of the advort mom in which tho orror ouuttod whether such orror is duo to tho nogligonco of its urvants or otherwise and fhoto shall bo no liability for nonlnsortlon of any advorlisomont boyond tho amount paid for such advertisement Elia Agostini publisher ADVERTISING 7266537 CLASSIFIEDS 72824 BUSINESS 7266537 NEWSROOM 7266537 CIIlelAIION 7266539 bunwww Khwhi u5 Give main stress to common aims Need for revival of the Spirit of compromise both in Quebec and the other nine provinces of Canada is becom ing more evrdent if the country is to remain united in too many iitical eeches and comments more stress seems to given ifferences than to the common interests of English and French Canadians It should not be forgotten too that intermarriage through generations have united many families so that many with French names have some English blood and the reverse also is true Overall the eneral interests of both French and English descen ants along with other Canadians are very similar and more attention should be given to the benefits of the Canadian heritage There are some who feel that the federal government would take more responsibility in giving emphasis to the obvious advantages of united Canada Certainly something more positive should be done to encourage co operation and working together rather than bickerings over lesser issues It would be tragedy indeed if those advocating policies which could create breakdown even temporari ly held sway on the political horizon Like every other province in Canada including 0n tario the people of Quebec have had to bear record heavy federal taxation in recent years along with in creasing provincial and local taxation It is part of an era But anyone suggesting this could be solved by separatism would hardly be supported by an analysis of the actual facts All provinces have their share of responsibility for the climbing national debt which is said to be around the $50 billion mark Attention was drawn to figures by area MPs which showed the interest alone amounted to whopping $4706000000 year of the national budget This must not only be frightening to many in Quebec but also to taxpayers across the country Whether Quebec separates or not it would only be fair for the people of thattprovince to assume their share of the responsibility for is government spending in which they benefited All provinces of Course face the same situation Every Canadian in our way of life has the right and indeed the responsibility of doing his part to help make this country better and more progressive democracy so ion as he does not infringe on the rights of his fellow Cana ians It is perhaps because Canadians in Quebec and the rest of the country have so much in common it is considered so generally recognized that it doesnt need stress But this side of the issues should be given proper stress rather than the talk of strife and differences Political compromise requires not only adroit leaders but also reasonable moderate people behind them More inflation Dear Sir rm fraud fftlb guvanrrien am an use alrm for causing our Mariana attain arr inn an it 11 Know but the MM that try 11 21 mil mac art and ram am no ffiJl Sit spermrni 11 oac Vlad 91 Ell Conflii oL 114 721 If II 74 31 It Ifk we bylaw 114119 70 nJAt Tut Taigt 21 their Ixac drieer oIf uni gt1 ecu by JJk 11 vf 11 IJU¢M Icy 99 um www11 luv Jr and1r uu Lir in ue 11 til 41 facu tiet 911 var1 is Aintqu vu our urJw na¢r fidwiu 411 34 ll 11 4a 1210 Miclain baa0 tlcl Luiliil lithauwtrllfliu IQl Lilu id 5ni Law fill Jim ikau°LII no 411 111 i454 by up and and Iillvl If onusi 04 hi ijlf uufl ¢f13 tiu mil uu we ifdlun legal to 111 Pension Fund 3w til it JA fr1n pay nth abut the imprng of or an im Wrulli you rrnryil some drummer Qrii sirram passions are not indexed mill tlt person has as mints which is calculated by adding the age of the person and years of serviceieIf one is 50 years old and has 15 years servrce They also pay into the fund it is not gift Travers County Museum Dear Sir The following is copy of letter sent to Lockfy Stepuliiis which may be of general in rcs First of all thank you for your sincere kind remarks about his miseum following your visit to us on Pioneer Day Reactions such as ours are what make it all worthwhile and it the sharing of these open house events with interested and appreciative persons that make them so successful The continuing growth and development of both the museum snd the archivu iii built on the goodwill and support of the people of the county and we are always very grateful for it The second part of your letter caused some concern to the mtaeum and archives board and the staff in that you are not aware ap letters to the editor paffr fn ll the uflitiul Inunty of 5114 Mme and Air low suppoilld by rr in noun rn luding all the township Magi and Mini also rwriw linuriciol rug2 from viii Il lit rill5 lril rated hlIIIIII luv lw form of grant from Irj an rJI annual mntrrbulion baad on per apr tinii iiiwont to amiruzinmlrly yr run of Um musturn ltrlal budget haff trioiodine mating rims suitnblc 1Ifir1f lim inmntlruarr Ul NW new Lil Ii yin nihilime criyry lur rnm tianiririg firm for liilrinp thi iron ripcs yrl uppiw lilIlIli Hi publir It It fullmun firtlflflflfl Erin ml lllffll Mlihtilili out Ar chive iiourd uvrtbalycnsr HFLIWTFWJ It you would hire In write your Member of larlrnrnenl or Member of Irnvmiiai lai iiarirrnl pr intcd bcluw arc tlrcir mailing lid Ill mu if you send us copy of your letter it rriiyrl tr suitable for our Letters to the Piilm columns Aftcr all it there is met 17 of umrmn that makes you want to write in your MP ur Mil it it is not personal rnallm it should be of interest in your fr irndii and neighbors loo FIJIIIJRAI Dr if ltyniird Ml North Simme Parliament Buildings OtiawaJlnt KIAtlAti Rolls Milne MPPeeliiufferinSiincm Parliament Buildings Ottawa Ont KlA 0A6 Sinclair Stevens MPYorkSimcoe Parliament Buildings Ottawa Ont KIA 0A6 Gus Mltges MPGreySimcoe Parliament Buildings Ottawa Ont KIA 0A6 PROVINCIAL George Taylor MPPSimcoe Centre Ontario Legislature Queens Park Toronto M7A 1A2 Gordon Smith MPPSimcoeEast Ontario Legislature Queens Park Toronto M7A 1A2 George McCa uc MPPDuffer Simcoc Queens Park Toronto M7A 1A2 It says here By RIIIIARI IllNSIAN ltsuvcr cxccpt for lhciintxirtunt purl of tjiunif lhc marathon annexation hciiring which bored reprintrs rcaidcrs itlltl city officials to tears off and on for the past it months WIilfflptftfl its lust Wttk und illl lIliil rcinums is thc Itllhllm Wcrc supposAd to gct one it month or so Lawyers at thc hciiririg not to iiiciition limiting chairman Alix Arrill iiiltl his mrt ricr fkilin flirirrun Illittlf thc lust din cliici tul dcspilc arguments over Urn lownships legal msls and ot licr issues The biggest laughs cuiiic during am ex change IItIWtttl Aricll illlfl lliuiics own Icter lfnwdin who was riprcsciiting scwriil landowners ill Vcsprri lownship lluwdcii spent must of the din plciidmg case bch ii judge in smother courtnoin itillI was wearing his gown not required ill Mll Slohliiiih during his brief presentation to Arrcil and Iiurron lve been calling suiiicuiit Yulll honor ull mm rung Ilftwtltii told Antll who is proper The world today Ify fIlIIN It IIARISRUN Foreign Affairs Analyst IIioiiisun News Servici lhose old bulfulues the retired colonists generals and admiruis in civilian life ittt still ammcrmg against armed torccs lllillltillliili which took place ltl years ago None of them have been iii uniform for years The antiunification gcncruis and lid minds in the forces are long retired illlfl inuinl forgotten In re Canadian Armed lrorces tliciiisclves upress release of Sept it last emphasized that larer half of the personnel of the funridiun forces today were serving before unification in littill That means lttlllli officers men and women out of the till 000 in the forces today have joined since Feb littiti It iii also more difficult to find an officer of general rank who served during the Second World War batch of them Went out of the service after the illyriipics in tlic suiriincr of llflti The new vice chief of the defence stuff though promoted to little for the ob wus boy in school when the war cnder in 1945 and cartel at Royal ltonrls in 1950 More and more officers of colonel and general rank are being promoted from the ranks of officers who were not in the forces as recently as the late 9508 N0 WAR The Canadian Armed Forces have not shot gun in an er since the end of the Korean War con ci which will be quarter cen tury old next year This means there is an increasingly younger military establishment for whom service under fire is an experience they do not know But the basic military loyalties serving Canada defending the realm still motivate the new generations of officers and men as they did the warriors of the 19403 and the Korean war veterans of the cold war era This is why the reaction to the possibility of split Canada and separated Quebec is 076 qou ever house Cirx uncontrolioble wrote fc breaK er Lu ly uddiisscd is Mr lmuiiiun uid may slipwcnsnirmlly till dont mind litll chuckled druwmg gigglis trnm irnund lhc courtroom Milic youll llllltl in lord llimdcu suggcslcd Iltllllllll il thc lnughlci grim got up to your cwcllcncy oncc iicll illllMil pnmikurg lilll cnlc gultuw Nird lcss in say lllitl ursnt tniin I2tti It you do lll mint Ill cull you lliilttl you likc llimdcn grimicd buck lnliircscttlundowntnbusincss Anuthci Iliu ric luci lioch lliitlcy turn cd into tlic invisiblc nnm liilti in tlic din Uitlli origiimlb icpirsintcd dculupcr luck Stullui who mnlcd In lmd Ill lliu ilil iicxcd bill Stolltu illlllit lcu days ifth lllt licuirng bcguu Inst ycui Jumcs Mctullum lliu iics munutiun luwycr ltltlittl to thc iillidiumzil wlicn arguing tWtl liros tltlll for NH costs at thc litnitric Vlc liuvcnt sicn Mi iintlc since In urihuicd Aitcll drrmiin grins from nthci limycis who rcincinbcicd tlii Iilllt liclng tell more SIliilpI Iil lhc elilllttl tnrccs lliltll lii lllc chci iil cniliun Iiurcniiciucy For lllt liuucophuncs lli llic tniccs IliIl ls huppciiliig in ucInc with lhc clcur possr bility of ii scpiu utc IlrIIIttll stoic III tlicir nutivc pruvmcc must bc cspccliilly ill ulc Would they stiiy ill thc iniuulnui Armed Forces it sipiuution cuiiic about or lcnvc to Jtilll ii ncw Quibcc nuttonul gunrd thc ktiid of force proposal by tlic luiti Qucbccois lhrs thought must be going through IIIt minds of Iiiiiiiy Fririch speaking officers und incii in our militury thcsc duys This is probably why rctiicd icncrui lucquis IhXlliii fornur chief of tlic Itltiltt stuff mudc his Visits to the Quebec loco ME XHIW lVIY Marathon annexation hearing often boring but important ivprcscntiiig urorhci clicr turd itz thc hearing only hours curin Iiobcn liric npicscr also got chucklc ilc uncut his iilrrcsscs hid ulii iiitonnution slccpiuc lZI my subject iuuttcr IIic cpcr husband Ik cxpiuuml ittcr gurusc 0R0 thINIIIRtIAl SIIlll Seriously look for llk tiii gr tw Iliglmu BtvJT cuiruuciczui some land from Oro lmirxx Struud Ilic Littlc ikc irm muck IUSIStlilIlS ll tbc ix bculiiig tint Stunc Illttllll stuutly dctciriicd lbs ply softball diamond at Ktllc lick iuxw ugumst nldcrrncn ho think Wlluld be better idcu lbc cit uxtix be diamonds unin tiim ll iltsl town sud Its likc Ilc gin the titsci its mg tor drink at am uid you it nw Illlll bugot potato clups ticrviz ii tcc otul tor mittr iustcml FrenchCanadians in forces face problems over Quebec buses tit lhc uimdmti iiiinl Furics lll ill 01 Ill spring risking llic iiops to rcnmm loyal citircns nun Ilis ziddicss to tbc iuiidim bulits llnsc nlcéiiticr the lrugcst lllli unit ill Qucbic was publtsliul ltl lc Solcll of Qucbcc lii iiid rcccivul it special cmptmsis in tlic Qmbcc pltm ilut ll was almost totally uniond in English spcukmp lunridu Murry lunudmus illt mndcrmg I1l would be lllt mic of our urincd torccs in III tulmc vlolciit cmfrontution bctwccn tunudu niid Qiiclxc So zm many in thc IlliIlltII wcigluui thc consmucnccs of vlolcitcc if Sfllillillltlll occurs Britain fails to meet economic growth targets Ry IIARUIJ MORRISth LONDON UP The pucc of economic recovery has fuilcd to impress the British government iiiltl lrirnc Mlnistci lumes Cal laghnn is culling for fresh strategy In two economic summits in Puerto Rico last year and in London last May leaders of some the worlds major ca itrilist countries tried to draw blueprint for ringing much of the world out of economic recession without building new inflationary fires in the May summit growth targets were developed which Callaghan now says have not been met He has called for fresh start and senior authorities from the seven countries in cludin Canada will meet in Washington later is month to rcvicw economic progress and achievements and see what further measures can be taken Callaghan has singled out the United States and West Gcmmny as two countries which have undershot growth targets In Washington criticism usually bus been aimed ill Japan us well as West Germany two countries which have managed to build up large foreign payments surpluses through heavy ex iris while most other countries in cluding anadu have reported big dcticits which have tended to undermine the value of their currencies Both Japan and West Germany have an nounced refiationary plans and by the limo the Washington meeting opens at the time of the lntemational Monetary Fund con ferenceihe two countries may be able to demonstrate that they are trying to fulfil their economic promises whiic tillllltiliSI seeking to avoid the inflationary pitfalls The situation in the United States is more doubtful Earlier encouraging signs that the US economy is picking up were follmwd recently by slow own The Carter administration may be deliberately reducing the economic pace wrth defence ainst inflation talking priority over world irat growth Carter tries late to stop nuclear arms Hy GARRY FAIRIIAIRN WASIIINGIUN Although ham pered by historical inconsistencies in US nuclear policy and opposed by stron ecuiiorriic forces Presi cnl Carter is siil struggling to halt the spread of sophisticated nuclear technology His objective is to severely limit the availability of weaponsgrade nuclear material reducing opportunities for other countries and terrorist groups to acquire nuclear weapons liut he is starting late perhaps too late His task would have been far easier had he become president five or 10 years earlier Carters chief concern is plutonium which can be extracted from used uranium fuel rods and is well suited for nuclear weapons as well as for generating more power in recent years several countries have built plants to obtain plutonium and the roblem has been complicated by the devel ipmcnt of breeder reactors that use plutonium and produce more fuel than they consume The spread of nuclear reprocessing plants is partially result of US action three years ago in halting export of enriched uranium fuel Foreign orders for the enriched uranium used in nuclear power plants had reached the limit of enrichment capacity litlltiSES GLARANTEE Now Carter is proposing that the United States guarantee supplies of enriched uranium to foreign countries in return for thou phdgc not to reprocess the uranium into plunnium As part of his effort to stop the plfiifl of plutonium he has also announced 2hr the lrnzcvl States will not use plutonium 15 fuel in its nuclear reactors izhir dvvfntfrllt political problems are gtl2 rid rig Porters policy since guaranteeing enriched uranium to other countries would pm the tinted States further into nuclear dim lopzmr than it needs to go for its on netL UUIEIEL rlu 1976 preszder led the al eiectzcr carn ep of relies and site si Lx 21 1339 if 7lci ta xxx Vetch won Port Royal in not rum group or ccfsrucc had buu successful lbc Republic of lurrrii would no be Nova Scorn uxl picscut do Now Scotia might llll bc mdm lhc chose the lsthrutsof Da ricu so Iltll colon would border on the llJlrtic uid the licrtic an astute idea Un toi inuntcl tbcy mcrlixikcd htI fact that the Spdilldltls rind thc mosquittxs who lived there cri tuu frcrcc even for Scotsmen and they iycic turcnl to It1lt Unc or thcm was Sumucl Veich who made up for lost tunc by going to New York and mat mg daughter of the wealthy lilii1luiic family From then on Veich inoycd lll such influential circles that he was able to go to IAllIlIl and present Queen Anne Illl plrui for owning all of North America by driving out the French and the Spaniards ctch was quite showman He arrived in lnmion with four Mohawks chiefs in full rcguliu and the Queen took great fancy to thcm us did London society They were clad in luiicy robes designed by theatrical lllllll and were the hit of the season ihc result was that campaign was orgnnimi to capture Acadia and Veich was mndc scuindinmmmand to Colonel Francis Nicholson Their expedition of 2000 men in cluding 400 British Marines sailed into Port Royal on Sept 24 1710 and the small garrison there had to surrender early in Octo bcr it had been so poorly provided by France lhut lov Subercase had been paying the soldicrs from his own pocket for two years They were given free conduct to France in the British ships So that part of Acadia became Nova Scotia with the nnmc Port Royal changed to An napolis Royal as it is today OTHER SEPT 21 EVENTS lilti9LaSaIle and Father Galinee met Joliat near presentday Hamilton as Joliat re turned from copperfinding expedition at Lake Superior bible thought And the Lord appearrd again in Shiloh for the Lord revealed himself to Samuel in Shiloh by the Word of the Lord Samuel Zl The Bible is Gods way ofrevealing Him self Faith cometh by hearing and hear by the Word of God Build your faith more time in your Fathers book

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