20 the examiner Saturday Sept 241977 ataglace The rainy miserable weather didnt stop Brian Baker 16 and Judith Ives 16 from havng fun They were both taking part in Stayners trade fair parade earlier this week Ex aminer Photo rd Joey Moth 12 of Pecatonica 111 is railroad enthusiast Shown here throwing switch on tracks which lead to his museum Joey says he couldnt wait to grow up to become railroad man AP Photo Diamond in the sky was rewarding find for Dan Allyn The combination of his own hand camera and the sun won the liyearoid Belleyue Wash photographer an honor award in the 1977 Scholastic Magazine Kodak Photo Awards Prizes went to more than 200 junior and senior high school students with the results of their work going on display at New York tys Kodak Gallery The 19711 competition offering $6000 in awards for blackanrlwliite and color photography opens in September ï¬ssi ï¬fe 53m ï¬ts An unidentified person atten ding rally welcoming former director of the Office of Management and Budget Bert Lance back home wears tee shirt expressing the view of number of persons The doctor says Isolation must for cough By THOSTESON MD Dear Dr Thosteson Is it really necessary to isolate child who has whooping coughMrs ET Yes both for the protection of others and of the child him self The disease usually runs its course in about six weeks The possibility of infecting others may last for about eight weeks The first symptoms in clude running nose slight fever and persistent cough with whoop The disease lowers the childs resistance to other infections such as pneumonia which is why say isolation is as important for his own protection This dangerous disease could be wiped out if all children were protected by immunization Unfortunately there is still long way to go before this hap pens Dear Dr Thostcson am 51 years old and was told recently that have necrobiosis lipoidica diabeticorum Can you explain this condition to me There is history of diabetes in my family and un derstand there is connection Does this mean have this con dition whatever it is instead of diabetes Is it something will always have or can it be cured How is it treated Should be dieting My doctor did not tell me to do so am somewhat overweightMrs WB Lets cut that tongue twister down to size and call it NLD for short Its matter of degeneration of what is called the collagen tissue that supports and con nects internal organs attaches muscles to bones and forms bones and the walls of blood vessels Diseases affecting this tissue are lumped together under the heading collagen mwmgf Although the NL part of the problem usually occurs with diabetes it can appear as forerunner of it Disfiguring red areas form on the skin varying in size It also causes occlusion blocking of tiny blood vessels such as those ser ving the skin Its important for you to find out some important facts prom ptly You should have sugar tolerance tests to determine whether or not you are now diabetic The fact that your doctor used the term diabe ticorum implies he has de tected or suspects diabetes With family history of diabe tes that would be more than likely You should lose weight and take every measure available to control whatever diabetes exists Uncontrolled the red blotches may eventually ulceL rate Theres no other answer but control of the diabetes Dear Dr Thosteson My 18yearold son says he can feel lump under each of his breasts What do you suggest we do WB suggest he have physician confirm the presence of lumps Your son may be feeling normal breast tissue Gynecomastia breast enlargement in males can oc cur during adolescence but it usually subsides in year or two This may be part of that process but any breast lumps in males or females deserve in spection Oswald and Jim Jacoby NORTH 86 V753 O42 ï¬KJ7654 WEST EAST AJ10953 A742 VQ1064 VJ982 OA653 0K7 JIM 4281098 SOLTlliD AAKQ VAK 0011098 IQ32 EastWest vulnerable West North East South Pass 3N Pass Pass Pass Opening lead 15 By Oswald James Jacoby Here is hand to try out on your friends but if you do try it out dont laugh at those who miss the correct line of play It is the sort of hand that looks so automatic that almost anyone from the best player in the world to the worst player in the world will land in the soup South wins the spade lead and will attack clubs right away If he goes after diamonds he will wind up with Only one play for NT just three diamonds three spades and two hearts Therefore he has to lead club at trick two and here is where the right club must be led South must lead the queen of clubs If clubs are going to break or 31 it doesnt matter which club South leads If West has all it doesnt make any difference but there is East with all four If South leads low club East takes his ace right away and plays se cond spade Now South wont be able to run clubs and wont have time to establish diamonds 1f South leads the queen of clubs and East takes his ace South wins the return ducks club next and scores four clubs three spades and two hearts If East ducks South goes right after diamonds West Virginia reader wants to know what we lead with A532VJ740K64¢876 The bidding by our opponents has been one notrump three notrump We lead the four of hearts We arent sure that this is the right lead but just that we think it is the one most likely to cause trouble for declarer daily crossword ACROSS 46 Indian nurse 48 Fleet post Asia Minor office abbr mountain 49 Misfortune Womans 51 Dress Iter name 53 Hightest gas Mouth parts 57 Notebook 12 Bite typo comp 13 Athletic wd contest 60 Paper of la Long vocal indebtedness solo 81 Bolts 15 By birth 62 Light fan 16 Radical 63 Christen 18 More certain 64 Eye infection 20 Meet 65 Clock face 21 Automotive 90 66 Before poet ciety abbr 22 Oil suffix DOWN 24 Luxurious 26 Decorum Hostel 30 Dynamite God Fr inventor Copycat 33 possess Midwestern contr college 34 College Rocket fuel athletic group Intestines 36 Fishing fly Afloat 37 Forbid Escape 39 Shush incongruous 41 Fri expression 42 Fiuhhook wdl leader 10 City on the 44 Small dogs Arno Answer to Prayious Puzzle HEBEBE HDEHUB EDEDBEUE El III I2 l3 EDD HG EB DD BEBE DEBS NEE HBDUHD EB BEBE HEB DEC 11 Fill 17 English prep 40 Aspiring Metallic fabric 9Ch00 45 Tmy speck 21 pemd 47 Punched out 23 Engrave gfmdnes 25 Earths star 26 Rights 52 Onetenth 27 Russian prefix novelist 54 Skin TUQOMV 55 Possessive g3 wg pronoun up 31 Chvelands 56 Lubricant for short waterfront 32 Residue 58 C°lmp°55 35 On wds DOllll 38 Shrawd 59 Macaw AStIOG Bernice Bede Gaol Sopt 25 1977 Dont be lntlmidated by enter prises this comlng year that are bit larger than youre used to handling You have what it takes to measure up LIBRA Sept 23Oct 23 Am bitions are apt to be unfulfilled today not because they are beyond your reach but you will rationalize reasons for delay SCORPIO Oct 24Nov 22 As bargain hunter you leave lot to be desired today Take care or someone may unload their white elephant on you SAOITTARIUS Nov 23Doc 21 You may be unsure of yourself today because your goals arent clearly defined Hazy targets blur your marksmanship CAPRICORN Doc 22Jon 19 Today when discussing mutual friend who isnt present say nothing about this person that isnt factual AQUARIUS Jon 2oFob 19 Be sure anyone doing work for you today estimates all the costs ac curately then doublecheck just to be safe PISCES Fob 20Morch Short Ribs SCOUT AHEAD FOR SOME GAME Wizard of Id 555 MAN lN Amxam FAiNTirré Hi5 causal Born Loser NORTH ERN 20There is opportunity about you today but you must be keenly perceptive to discern It Dont let the chance for something good go by ARIES March 21Aprli 19 Your willingness to do things for others today could possibly be for the wrong reasons To expect something in return isnt the noblest motivation TAURUS April 20May 20 friend who talks much but in es sence says little could get you all enthused today regarding venture of small promises GEMINI May 21Juno 20 In matters where you hope to gain materially today dont use methods or tactics that arent up to your usually high standards CANCER Juno 21July 22 Unless your plans are well conceived today your energies will be misdirected Reason things out then act not vice versa LEO July 23Aug 22 Business or commecial dealings in general could be exceptionally tricky for you today Be wary where money is involved VIRGO Aug 23Sept 22 forceful associate could coerce you to make commitments today that oppose your better judg ment Be strong enough to say No i9i7byNU rir YMMUSMM THIS MUST BE TH DAV VA MAKE YER MONTHLY DRYMENT 0N SAMEVDYOLYA OUDBANUmuuA LIBRA AsewWPF APPucAWW Tour 616 Widow Sept 26 1977 The chances for success in your chosen field look extremely promising this coming year Be prepared though to contribute lot of perspiration work and even overtime to attain It Sept 23Oct 23 Associate only with those who can enhance your reputation to day If you travel with questionable company youll be counted as one of them SCORPIO Oct 24Nov 22 Youre popular and well recoived today but you must accept kudos graciously or you may irritate another enough to conspire against you SAGITTARIUS Nov 23Doc 21 Persons with whom you have established solid bonds will bend over backward to help you today Not so with others outside your circle CAPRICORN Doc 22Jln 19 Bargaining for something ma jor Dont wait too long to wrap the deal up Trying to grind out more could blow everything AQUARIUS Jan 20Fob 19 You love to champion the under HAVE SOMETHINGBVANA THE szlCE yamé dog Thats noble instinct To day however remember who signs the checks before backing anybody against your boss PISCES Fob 20March 20 It would be better not to borrow anything today If you must han dle it with all the tender loving care you can muster ARIES March 21Aprll 19 Should you have Important matters to attend to take care of them early Delay is not to your advantage and could even prove costly TAURUS April 20May 20 You could be more interested in hav ing fun today than in keeping your nose to the grindstone When its too late you may realize the folly of your ways GEMINI May 21Juno 20 Con ditions affecting your finances and career are quite favorable today with two exceptions Dont gamble and avoid confrontation with the boss CANCER Juno 21July 22 in volved In project with another Stick to your script serious rift could reSUIt if you change it without consulting your cohort LEO July 23Aug 22 Show ap preciation to those who have put forth 100 per cent to do what youve asked of them Grant any requests they may have today VIRGO Aug 23Sept 22 This is the day to look gift horses in the mouth The donor may be trying to use your gratitude to set you up far something sleazy BUT PLEASE BE PATIENT 1917 iambic Inc IMMUSPZIM cONFISCflIORY fflxES AND SociflLISflC Ransomr upon RUGGED INDIVIDunLISM DRovE ME 122 DRINK SIR OIWMREAJKJMMUSPIIO THAJES 924 BACK TO SCHOOL SPECIALS 250 Sheet lined refill reg $248 NOW 155 You never know who youll have to share park bench with on these waning summer days Steve Ilassay iii seems un preturbed as squirrel scurries up his shoulder searching for food in Toronto park assay apparently listens intent Iy as the squirrel whispers in his ear Photo In the area Some 1500 home folks turned out to welcome Lance and his wife Latinlie back from Washington AP Photo 1Binderreg$219NOWl89 1V2 Binder Reg $219 NOW 259 29 Dunlop St 7373860