szhreflexaminer aturgay Sept 24 10977 extra UN observers trapped in fight BEIRUT AP Israeli gunners shelled Palestinian posi tions in southern Lebanon today as the United Nations tried to arrange ceasefire to evacuate its two observers from the embattled town of Khiam Palestinian spokesmen in Beirut offered to accept temporary ceasefire at the hilltop town three miles from the border where guerrillas held off Lebanese Christian rightists for ltth day The Israeli aggressors and their rightist allies should fir st stop shooting the spokesman said We are only an sweri ng fire Once they stop we stop The Phalange radio stat ion retracted claim by the Chris tians that they had captured Khiain focus of the fighting that broke out Sept 15across southern Lebanon The broadcast said the battle continued today and Israeli gunners on their side of the border began firing at dawn trying to dislodge the Palestinian defenders from Khiam and oi her guerrilla strongholds along the itimile border aiiadian liiion of Postal Workch president Jeanlaudc Parrot announced in Ottawa Friday that the union is prepared to return to the bargaining table with the post of ticc rcgarding new Contract agrtwmcnt Negotiations bet ween Illc LfltllHlltlllhtI ttiiioii and the post office broke down in Man ftcr only one hour Pliotot Posties agree to talk itlI WA itPi The post office and the anadian Inion oi Postal Workers IPWi ended long standoff Friday by agreeing to rcstimc contract negotiations The agreement lollows lourmonth break in coinmu iiications and both sides said they hope the new talks Will result III collective agreement without any work stop pages The date tor renewed negotiations has not been set but Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei ironiyko calls on President Carter In the Oval Office of the White House Friday Groinyko is here for negotiations on the expinng Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty AP Photo Were closer says Soviet WASHINGTON AP US State Secretary Cyrus Vance and Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei Gromka are looking ahead to meeting in New York next week after two days of marathon talks that brought progress toward new arms limitation agreement The position of the two sides has drawn somewhat closer together Gromyko said Friday night after seven hours of meetings at the White House and at the state department President art er personally took part in the White House negotiating session his first meeting with top Soviet leader Vance indicating he agreed with Gromykos assessment said the administration would have more to say today on the subject of the talks The two sides have conceded they will be unable to reach new agreement before the Oct expiration date of the 1972 Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty SALT The treaty sets limits on landbased and submarinelaunched continent al ballistic missiles of the two superpowers inter Carter not getting away IASIIINGTON AP President arters eightqiation lourcontincnt trip starting Nov 22 is far enough removed from the next presidential election that it hardly will be compared to former president Richard Nixons successful campaigning in hina and the Soviet Inion shortly before the 1972 balloting But because Fridays announcement of the arter jounicy came so soon ftcr the resignation of budget chief Bert Lan cc and coincided with presidential slippage in public opirr ion polls Press Secretary Jody Powell was asked at his daily brieling il arter was getting away from home front problems Rarer at loss for quip Powell responded The trip was planned before we knew had quite so many domestic problems Powell said arter had been thinking of trip to South America black Africa ASIEI and Europe since last spring oncrete planning was said to have begun about month ago Tolerance shown to death SAILT STE MARIE ni Ii The public has shown disturbing tolerance to dcath and injury on the highways ttorncyGeneral Roy IcIIurtry said Friday He said studies have shown that use of scat bclts has de clined recently Iclurty who was here for talks with the citys law association placed part of the blame on the failure of manulacturcrs to de ise comfortable and convenient belts really believe if they allocated the money they could do the better IPIK Prcsident ll Icant audc agreed to return to the bargaining table alter the post office promised to allow union meetings and distribution of IPII literat urc on post office property during rest breaks PostmasterGeneral JeanJacques Blais said the sooner Parrot said the union The orin previous negotiations in May lasted just one Blais said at news conference he thinks the new round of negotiations will goon tor long periodol tiinc The last collective agreement covering the 221m sorters and postal clerks Ill PW expired June lo Opposition MP5 on multinational firm behavior fllTAWA Two op jllltll IPs Voiced support Friday for stronger govern ment st and on the lxhaviour of anadian multinational firms in countries like South lllttl But they diltered on how tough the government should be in controlling operations of ar nadian multinationals outside anada They were commenting on statement by External Affairs Minister Don Jamieson this week that anadas traditional handsoft attitude is bit oi coprout He suggested the government shoultl scrutinize the policy on apartheid ot anadian multina IOIIV ROIHtItil If boycotts Force ends first days HALIFAX The Task Iorcc on anadian tnity otll pletcd the first days ofcountry wide lieiriiigs herc Friday and ilil ta tftltllt of the rep lttliltLiill indicati that anadiai irc ready to debate titiiiiai 12 ltvugim tlic lltilIl oyi Si otiiii told Ilit Iask Force that the problems facing tlitI country are economic neglect of minorities and the failure of the federal govern rncnts bilingualism policy tionals before granting these firms tax concessions lor their South Afrrcan operations NDP MP John Rodrigch Nickel Belti said the govtni ment should slap trade boy coils and controls on anadian currency flowing to countries like South Africa whose racial policies anada has con deinned SllOLH RE AR onservative Roche vicechai rnian Doug of the GEORGIAN COLLEGE velop better seat belts The industry has learned selling safety features does not increase the inarketabilityol their products Broadcast hearing over ltRl Pr Telecommunications Ihe anadian lflitlltteltltVlSlOll and oinmission itltlfi wrapped up public hearings Friday on the question of policy on multilingual broadcast mg At 13suc says RTtcommissioner Roy Faibish is the ex tent to which the government and its agencies will recogniu aspirations by minority groups for increased linguistic llEllts party caucus on external af fairs said anada should be strongly critical oi human rights violations But this coun try should be wary of witlidizi yr ing economic aid hangcs should be made rc qtiiring federal jxmnssion bi fore anadian currency is sent out of the country Rodriguc said This might reduce the flow of kinadian money into South Africa He also urged ending tax con CONTINUING EDUCATION Evening Classes Miss our Registration Nights Mislaid support stand cessions to anadian multina tionals abiding by the apartheid policy in South Africa Prefer ential tariffs on South African sugar should be changed so that South African sugar does not have tllleflllth advantage in this country He said the trade department should announce boycott on trade wnli South Africa and nadian unions should refuse to unload cargo from South Aan can ships in anadian ports your Brochure There is still time to get involved Drop in or call during our special late registration period until October I3 I977 MONDAY THROUGH THURSDAY FRIDAYS or CALI 705 7281951 AM PM AM PM FOR INFORMATION FREE BROCHURE AND REGISTRATION We still have room for you in number of our classes Some examples for your consideration COURSE Accounting for Income Tax Art Society Conversational French Crewel Embroidery Defensive Driving Dressmaking Beginners Introduction to Air Traffic Control Introduction to Counselling Marketing Mathematics Outboard Motors Painting Successfully Operating Your Business Typing II Winemaking STARTS October I977 September 26 I977 October I977 October t7 I977 October I8 I977 October I977 October I977 October I977 October I977 October 3i I977 October I3 I977 October I7 I977 September 26 I977 September 27 1977 October 12 I977 FEE $25 $50 $50 $45 SI $55 $35 $40 $50 $50 $40 $50 $50 $50 $20 Two injured in fire TORONTO CP Two men were taken to hospital ï¬iday after fire and explosion at the paint plant of Bate Chemical Co Ltd read dense smoke and forced the closing of major traf ic route Police said the smoke in the Don Mills Road area forced them to close section of the Don Valley Parkway Toron tos northsouth expressway Six men were in the area of the plant where the explosion occurred pot ice said They said three men escaped unharmed one suffered minor injuries and was not taken to hospital and two others were reported in good condition in hospital with minor in juries Davis arrives in Tokyo TOKYO lteuter Premier William Davis of Ontario ar rived here Friday heading 70member mission to promote increased Japanese economic participation in the province Ontarios Tokyo office said today The premier will pay courtesy calls Monday at the finan ce international trade and industry and foreign ministries andalso visit the Federation of Economic Organizations Keidanren and the Chambers of Commerce and Industry irtl Nagoya and Osaka in western Japan during an eightday ay The principal events of his visit will be seminars in Tokyo on Monday and in Osaka on Thursday which will discuss the investment opportunities in Ontario the Tokyo office said Premier Davis will leave here for Hong Kong on Oct Indians ask UN for help GENEVA AP An international conference on dis crimination against North American Indians ended Friday with requests for United Nations protection of Indian rigits including guarding against alleged plunder and ex ploitation Resolutions adopted at the close of the weeklong confer ence included call to set up working group on North American Indians under the UN human rights sub commission on the prevention of discrimination and protec tion ofminorities The Indians also urged the UN committee on trans national corporations to investigate the alleged plunder and exploitation of native lands by multinational firms Plant may be mothballed TORONTO iCPi nuclear generating plant on the St Lawrence River may be taken out of service because of poor perfomiance okesman for Atomic Energy Canada Ltd AECLtsaid Hi ay Burge AECLs director of public affairs said in an interview that study now under way may result in the Gen tilly station being taken out of service because it has con tributed little to the power needs of Hydro Quebec Burge said technical difficulties have been the chief cause of the plants failure to meet expectations but strikes and other labor problems have also been factor Levesque like magician PARIS IP Premier Bill Bennett of British ol umbia says Qaebec Premier Rene Leccsque has lost touch with the aspirations of Quebec people and is like magician who offers the illu sion of future prosperity without resolving current problems The Quebec government does not have the sympathy of the majority of the citizens of Quebec in its desire to separate out of the Qinadian family Bennett told the Franceanada hainber of om merce H1 day Bennett maintained the young people of Quebec who almost universally supported the Parti Quebecois feel their airns and aspirations are being frustrated by Mr Icvesque BILL BENNETT illusion Our Prescription Drug Plan provides your entire family with coverage for expensive prescription drugs Get details where you work or give me call ONTARIO 3th 95955 NAll 59 synpit Juvte 208 KILEHLI1H N26 RIM 59 re Youre Invited to the counterweight WEIGHTLOSS OPEN HOUSE rm ADMISSION Youll meet Jam lent Countemeights nutritionist and learn the Counterweight cooking secrets Learn how you can eat the foods you love such as spaghetti roast hamburgers desserts and still lose weight Youll meet our lecturers who really care because they are weight losers themselves Be sure to come You have nothing to lose but some weight Current members of other weight control groups may transfer with no registration fee September 26 Member 27 Hohndl Community Rel St GI Church Strud 95 Cook Strut Monday 730pm Tuesday 730 pm September I00F Ital ISS Ferris lune Wednesday 730pm For class location and information Call FREE 80026822l counterweight PEOPLE VINO CARE Fox disappointed TORONTO CF Solicitor General Francis Fox said IM day Canadas policemen have not been doing an adequate job in fighting organized crime In speech to the annual con vention of the Canadian Police Association Fox said he was disappointed in past efforts of police forces to mount co ordinated attack against organized crime The Canadian Intelligence Service Canada CISC na tional police anticrime organ ization established in 1970 has been the victim of interservice jealousy and rivalry but has FRANCIS FOX not adequate now been extensively over hauled he said When the group was formed I85 Dunlop With WEDNESDAY BEEF STEW THURSDAY ROAST TURK FRIDAY DEEP FRIED With Egg Sauce OPENING MONDAY the new home of the full line of FORD cars and trucks Sales Service Leasing Lakeview Sunday Special IREADED CANADIAN NAM With Horse Radish Sauce IREADED PORK CROPS With Apple Sauce These are complete dinners including special dessert MONDAY BAKED CANADIAN NAM With Spanish Sauce TUESDAY SAVOURY MEAT lOAF Tomato Sauce With Dum Iings With So Dressing ADDOCK All above dinners include Soup or juice Potatoes Vegetables Rolls Butter and Beverage TRY OUR DAILY lUNCHEON BUFFET SERVED MONDAY TO FRIDAY FROM 30 AM TO 145 PM ONLY $295 there was no real common na tional purpose to control organ ized crime he said 728515 $325 Children under I2 $225 IAYFIElD AT CUNDLES IARRIE Phone 73723 thgstonicuome ii til ii ii til III Ti 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