Barrie businessmen claim mm Being landlord isnt popular occupation By RICHARD UNSTAN Examiner Staff Reporter So you want to be landlord No you dont say those who are there alreadynot unless you enjoy repairing damaged apartments and going to court for your rents and dont mind making less money than you could get by investing in trust certificates Thats what they saybut they have their doubts youll believe them especially if youre tenant dont think tenants believe that landlords dont make profit says one landlord He didiit want to be quoted though because his building is up for sale and if that kind of talk gets around whod buy it He wasnt alone in trying to keep his head down number of landlords sur veyed by The Examiner refus ed to be interviewed at all lest their buildings limited sale potential become more limited still and one real estate agent asked for few names said he knew landlords but none that would talk to you Being landlord isnt popular occupation with the general public the agent said and who needs the abuse ltent review the Landlord and Tenant Act bad tenants and rising costs of operation dominated complaints from those who uld talk HOLDINGS ARE DOWN lld Jennings has been landlord for almost 15 years and at one time owned about 230 units in Barrie Midland and rillia Now he says his holdings are down to about half that figure Jennings who is also real estate broker and developer says he got into rental proper ties to make money and can no longer do so iexccpt he hopes on some properties he plans eventually to tear down and rulevclop Initially was getting as good return as could get as good return as youd get in any other type of business he says Now he says the return of his investment is closer to zero than to the lit to 30 per cent he says his money could earn elsewhere made the decision three years ago that was getting out of it except for development he says Jennings says few bad tenants plus the Landlord and Tenant Act can raise the devil with the profit picture If someone doesnt pay the rent kicking him out takes up wards of two months he says and even court judgement wont get the arrears from former tenant you cant find El JENNINGS return near zero HENRY l1ltSlRlEf minority had Ive got stack of judgc ments this high he says holding his hands foot apart inc bad tenant in small building can put you in loss position for yearat time At one time the landlord could seize tenants posses sions in default of rent lcnir iiigs says btit the Landlord and Tenant Act now forbids it Another landlord puts it more strongly Our policy Ifor tinpaid rent my favorite photo Garden notes Fall bulbs used to be wed turn the power off and the next day wed take the door off he says Needless to say we cant do that any more under the act Henry Verstratennot the man mentioned aboveis nearer the other end of the landlord scale An insurance agent he has invested in three small buildings in Barrie over the past decade making him self and partner landlord to about 20 tenants EETSRENT Verstraten says he generally gets his rentsometimes after three or four callsw but bad tenants are problem for him too lot of them leave lot to be desired in looking after other peoples property he says think it would be minority but the minoritys large enough to give the overall picture bad image Verstraten says he doesnt enjoy paying for total rtxlecoration nearly every time tenant moves outespecially on those occasions admittedly rare when paint job turns in toa drywall job Fortunately the worst case Verstraten can recall involved him as an insurance agent not as landlord Vacating tenants of rented house left behind holes in the wall the floor the carpet total of $8000 worth which turned out not to be covered by the landlords in surance policy lheres trouble involved as well as expense says Ver straten it you get pipe break at 12 um youre going to get phone call at 205 lrofit it used to be around to 12 per cent he says but in creased taxes hydro costs iii terest rates and rent review have all eaten into profits and anyway he says 10 per cent profit once considered good means little in todays economy Another landlord told The Examiner profit runs about four per cent annually it Would be niec Verstraten says to sell his buildings and put his money in trust cerA tificates but he isnt holding his breath waiting for the op portunity People with money today wont buy apartment huil dings he says Nttllli Leon iarrick another real estate broker has sold the residential properties he once fly HUGH llllv lllftltll would like to paint my root with aluminum paint hear it will help deflect the summer suns heat keep the house cooler and in winter help deflect house heat back into the owned but hes still in the landlord game as property manager for sixfloor 51unit building on Wellington Street West Like Jennings he has kick against the Landlord and Tenant Act The act he says is probably the poorest piece of legislation the government has put for ward ever It doesnt protect the good guy it protects the bad guys Once stuck with bad guy he says it takes about two months to follow the acts pro cedures and get rid of him and then the landlord is out mon ths rent the other month is covered by the last months rent paid when the tenant moves in plus $300 for cleaning and redecorating loss of rent while the apartment is vacant and soon lhats no joke he says when you consider that profit on each the examingri Friday Sept 23 1977 ein landlord isnt always profitable unit amounts to less than half months rent Less than 10 per cent of tenants cause trouble Garrick says but we dont know who that 10 per cent is until we have them as tenants Garrick checks prospective tenants employment record the local credit bureau and other sources but bad tenants still slip through in part he says because bad apples previous landlord may recom mend him just to get rid of him More extreme measures are somtimes taken to avoid pro blem tenants The landlord who used to cut off the power and remove the doors also bars children in the seven to 14 age group because they tear off the wallpaper and cause other pro blems separated married women because their estrang ed husbands are sometimes known to come around and kick in their front doors This same landlord admits that he still occasionally takes off doors or cuts power despite the law and says he has been threatened with charges but has never actually been charg ed Both Verstraten and Garrick say tenant problems are getting worse In the early 705 we never had vacancy and we were rarely unpaid says Garrick That isnt true today Verstraten blames the deteriorating standard of apartment tenants on the fact that what he calls the in termediate tenant who usual ly caused little trouble now can often buy his own home with the aid of the Assisted Home Ownership Program and other federal and provincial assistance Your choice of tenants has declined considerably he says Leon Garrick says good tenants pay for the bad first aid to homes house so it isnt wasted is this principle right As have no spray eqinpment could use roller The principle is right aluminum certainly can help deflect heat dont recom mend the roller it wont work the paint down into cracks and crevices and gaps as spray flll Spray equipment can eas ily be rented liAllllttltiM MUl llY ur bathroom is very small teigiit feet by five Even with tht door always open fun gus covers walls and ceiling in spite of frequent scrubbing Would vent hooked up to the switch help get rid of this prob lem it surely would Make it wall fan mounted near the ceil ing Then it can vent the warm damp air directly outside in stead of letting it stay on the walls where its perfect tar get for the fungUS mildew mean color By ll2 ilflli liairic Horticultural Society The tall bulbs are in and they make colorful display in all the stores that sell them Pictures of the bulbs are on the boxes so you should have no trouble sorting out your color wtllflllt ltcmciiibcr what you plant and the work you put into your garden til the next six weeks ill pretty well determine what your bloom will be when the snow goes next spring until mid June lhcrcforc it deserves very careful planning and multitude of plants and bulbs to make show fcw general rules apply to all your bulb planting buy only good bulbs plant mg solid bed he sure you get all the same variety that ill grow the same height and bloom at the some imc lit the borders plant lll clumps using uneven utunbcrs for best effect three five or seven depending on space and what you have It you dont intend to move the bulbs for several years plant them further apart so that when they multiply there will be food and they wont choke each other out Iulips should be planted at least six inches deep and ll they are going to ll for some years eight to 10 inches isnt toodccp lherc are many varieties of tulips species double single curly mid season and late st find out when you buy them what they are Just now priority should be given to buying your daffodils and small bulbs or minor bulbs as they are called llicsc iic id thctimc to get root on them before treeclip Since most people have just so intich money to spend each week you can budget to buy just daffodils then the small bulb then tulips You can plant tulips from now until the ground it ttf ili good results lhcrc iiic ii lot of different kinds of daffodils blit two of my tavoui itcs iic lying lfrcd and lcxas old lry always to plant daffodils where the Wind doesnt get at them llicy ll do well under trees or shrubs or even in the shelter of the hedge They are the best bulbs for iiaturaliling Next week will discuss some fall bulbs StKllllY NEWS tin Sept l7 group of society members visited lligli lark lll Toronto and tcntcniiial Park in lIlobicokt The hanging baskets in High lark were feast for the eye and there were somespectactular flower beds lwo things used extensively in these beds were fountain grass and ribbon grass liach was effective and dif fcicnt We then went to lidwards flardciis which was at the peak of bloom and to the Dublin and hrysaiithciiium Show at ivic tcntrc llicrc wcrc blooms from the USA various parts oftaiiada and lillltijw However the dahlias from our tliowcrs tool my eye To all who may have been there and illll to get these dahlias will supply you with nainesof people who have them on written request Ilant sale comes up it am Saturday at the Market lanldiiig Yonidonations welcome lur city recreation department is sponsoring good course on horticulture The course runs cl filth to Nov Zit lcachiis arc Hill lrovcs and Kenny lieltoer Iasses run 1mm ttiloEi ttip in Awards night for the society is Nov it at odrington Street School and Herb Marklc will be speaker Time is it By STEVE ELLINUSON When Kelly Whitman was twoandahalf years old she and little friend decided to play in sand and water Kelly ended up wearing most of it This picture submitted by lr and Mrs Bob Whitman of Barrie is this weeks My Favorite Photo The shot is worth tree roll of Kodacolor film plus processing at the Kamcra Shop Hayfield Mall IIiitiics may be sent to Mv Favorite Photo The IZxaiiiiiier Box 370 Barrie iit LtM flti Quarterly VHIIIHl receives gift certificate worth $50 in Moscow ircus lour comes tip ttct and lladassali ltaxaar Nov Annual banquet tickets now available for let lit at Ccn tral United hurch Speaker will be Dr ltiiilay iordon Stewart formerly of Kitchener who will speak on You are Somebody lickets from any iiiemher of the board or call gMarion Met orkiiidalc 728 1032 lont forget we have 00 tickets for the citys concert honoring Queen lIliabeths 25th Anniversary available from Marion or tho writer reserved also 7284543 Tickets $4 Whether you use this contem porary heavyduty table for sewing drawing working on hobbies or whatrhavevyou its certain to find place in your home The tabletop measures 35 48 and is adjustable to three different positions Unr exv elusive design eliminates the need for moving parts so chang ing work angles is snap Also since it has no moving parts you know that once its ad justed it will stay in place Built from pine or fir for even constructiongrade scrap lumber with lywood topi the table also at jlists in height from 38 tthc perfect height for stooli to 31 tcliair height The table frame is connected with stove bolts and heavyduty wing nuts to insure several lifetimes of use When not in use the table extends only 33 from the wall and the base is high enough off the floor to allow for each cleaning and vacuuming To obtain the Multirlurposc Drawing lable number 604 send $350 add 25 cents extra for postage and handlingt by cheque or monev order to The Examiner Barrie Pattern Department 4630 St Catherine St Mont real lQ HBZ 2W6 HANDY Tll neat way to apply stains on raw wood is cellulose sponge it requires less dipping its easier to mgulate the amount being plied and the square edges heir on corners or edges