Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 23 Sep 1977, p. 3

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Safety in schools topic of meeting Safety in ublic schools will be the topic of the first meeting of Barrie Association For Safety Education The meeting will be held at the Barrie Police Station Thurs day at pm The purpose of the meeting is to coordinate safety in the public schools and the school safetypatrol program Teachers as well and principals in charge of the safety patrollers in area schools along with patrol captains will be given the opportunity to air problems regarding patrol stops in their area Kerry Columbus of the City Engineering Department will discuss proposed installation of new crosswalks and the phasing out of existing ones in the city The need for the new belts and raincoats for the patrollers will be discussed with Doug Renault of the Barrie Kinsmen Club who pay for the equipment Expected at the meeting are 16 teachers and principals in charge of safety patrol programs 10 patrol captains and Constable Crowley Safety Officer Work about complete Work on Highway 27 between Barrie and Thornton is just about wrapped up the Ontario Ministry of Transportation and Communications said Thursday The last bits of paving on the northern part of the stretch was to be finished Thursday with paving to be completed on the southern part by early next week The project which included ditching and installation of sanitary sewers iii Thornton began iii August 1976 Sidewalk shuttle proposed new lnnisfil Street sidewalk which had been switched from the north side to the south side in response to residents protests will be built on the north side after all Councils general committee agreed to reverse the switch this week after learning that the sidewalk near Marshall Street would cost about S2oooo compared to budget of 34150 to install on the south side Construction on the south side would require retaining walls due to hiin front lawns and terraced boulevards on that side of the street Soutliside neighlmis had expressed fear construction would datiiage their yards Must lease land Iour Allandalc residents who want to fence off 20foot strip of cityrowned land connecting Springhome Road to Ilighcrott Avenue must btiy or lease the land it they wish to tence it city councils general committee decided Monday The residents whose propert ies adioin the strio complain ed that the land is used as walkway and play area and causes invasion of their privacy The land is technically city road allowance and carries underground telephone and hydro cables as well as sanitary sewer Buildings coming down in councils general committee agreed this week to tear down two cityowned buildings on the southwest corner of High and llunlop Streets after city administrator Gerry Iamblyi said renting the buildings would mean the city would either become slum landlord or spend thousands of dollars bringing the buildings up to minimum city proper standards The buildings tourple and former tailor shop stand on land the city has acquired for eventual improvements to the intersection as part of plan to carry Bradford Street tratfic up High and Toronto streets and over Highway 400 without using Hayfield Street Searching for man lilMlE Ontario Provincial Police are searching for 19yearold Toronto man who escaped from amp Hills dale lhursday afternoon after serving only one day of two month sentence for possession of stolen property Kenneth Thomas Stagg walked away from working party he was assigned to near 13 in Thursday arid hasnt been stcn since says Sgt Mel Gait ie of the Elmvalc UPI Calling for election IlRl ll RBUtlt SIMClitl Local residents are circulatingI petition asking the Ontario Municipal Board IOMBi to call civic election for new village council The petition signed by 330 ratepayers says the majority of the electorate does not have confidence in the present ftLllm0lllll council that resigned Sept 12 Reeve Theo Bernard ltptlllt Ralph Gray and two councillors resigned over the firing of Fred Miller village works foreman for allegedly not carrying out work order The petition aSks the OMB to uphold the resignations and call new election New Teaching Master Awardwinning graphic artist Michael Maynard has ac cepted an appointment as Teaching Master of Graphic Arts at Georgian College in Barrie Maynard fiiieiirts graduate from Tufts University in Boston started with the Ontario Educational Communica tions Authority in March 1076 following job as art direc tor of news graphics for ABC affiliate VB Bi ston White with ttll Maynard provided strongimpetus to the growth and development of its publication design stan dard By JOHN BRUCE Examiner Staff Reporter BARCLAY lnnisfil Township like most rural municipalities suffers from lack of commercial and in dustrial tax assessment As result residential and farm property owners bear most of the burden of pro viding the township with enough tax money to stay afloat According to lnnisfil treasurer George Novako vich residential and farm assessment accounted for slightly more than 90 per cent of the townships total tax assessment this year In ffi nisfils total 1977 tax levy amounted to $1393273 To try to bring the towiiships industrial commercial assessment clos er to the provincial ideal of 36 per cent lnnisfil in its 1969 official plan designated about 80 acres of land on the 8th concession just east of Highway 400 as industrial GEORGE MCCAéUE NAMED TO NEW POST and zoned it accordingly Since 1969 the land has passed through the hands of variety of developers and individuals SERVICING THE LAND In the last five years work has been started on servicing the land to make it attractive to potential buyers Robert Lemon Innisfils lanning coordinator said ast week that the industrial land has been provided with overhead hydro services and work on central water system is almost complete The water mains have been installed he said The pumphouse and reservoir located on the south side of lnnisfil Beach Road are in the final stages of compltL tion When the system is opera tional Lemon said it will provide all the water the iii dustrial area needs in cluding enough water to operate sprinkler systems and fight major fires McCague says new role will be challenge By JOHN BRlE Examiner Staff Reporter TORONTOV lufferinSinr coe MPP George McCague said Thursday his new job as minister of government ser vices will be challenge because of the restraint pro gram announced by the treasurer McCague one of three new provincial cabinet members named by Premier William UaVis Wednesday said his ministry has budget of $288 million this year It will be his job as minister to keep the largest real estate operation in Ontario within that budget he said The ministry of government services is responsible for pro Viding accommodations and other facilities for the 26 pro vincial ministries allocating space for MPIs and their staffs in the main legislative building and providing support services such as computer operations the governments inrhousc mail service and printing McCague was quoted Wednesday as saying that one of the first things he will do as minister is find out why some New Democratic Mlls havent moved out of offices reserved for riicinbers of the official op From Christian Island Conference Want more say on decisions affecting people FRED KELLY SEEKING MORE INPUT Hy PAlL DELEAN Examiner Staff Reporter HRISIIAN ISLNI federal department of Indian affairs should support rather than subjugatc native people in their collective goals ac cording to the departments regional director general for Ontario Fred Kelly Speaking at press con ference on the Christian Island reserve in Georgian Bay lhurs lay Kelly said that there should be reversal III the pro cess which sees policies established in Ottawa and handed down to Ontario for implementation Ontarios 110 Indian bands have to be participant in the decisions that affect them im mediatcly and in the future have to be fully participant in the direction this department is following he stated To determine the aspirations and expectations of the pro vinces native people was the primary purpose of the three day Christian Island con ference which concluded Thursday The conference assembled nine of 10 members of the ln tario Regional Liaison Council formed in 1976 as an advisory board to the regional director general The council consists of the presidents of the four regional lndian associations in the pro position to make for Liberal Mlls In telephone iiiteiview Thursday he said however that part of the problem could be that office space allocation in the main legislative building is under split jurisdiction between the ministry of gourm ment services and the Speaker of the House There has not been Speaker of the House since the June election when Speaker Russell Rowe retired and the minister of government services office has been empty since former minister John Smith was defeated June it McCague said he spent his first day as minister in his new offiCc getting stuff together talking to deputyministers and being briefed by section managers way When he moves to govern ment services frotn his office at the ministry of treasury economics and intergov erntiicntal affairs Mctaguc said his executive assistant Dan Needles and his secretary Arlcigh Jones will move with him Needles and Mrs Jones have worked for Mc ague since he was first elected to the legislature in 1073 Vince five chiefs and an Indian woman with legal background Tm fhicf Andrew Rickard presi dent of Grand Council Treaty Number Nine was the only absentee due to illness POSITION PAPER The outcome of deliberations was 12page position paper on advisable future directions for native peo pic in areas such as com munications education eco noniic dewlopmint local government treaty rights land use and housing Vt itli an eye to cultural freedom and economic SlllSlllllllCllty Kelly was reluctant to elaborate on the specifics of the paper because the chiefs arid eoplc have to sanction it efore it has any meaning Its basically sounding board for policies that might be developed Copies will be forwarded to the 110 bands for scrutiny and the contents rcappraiscd at the next meeting of the RLC at Thunder Bay next mont The general tone of the docu ment is that ntarios Indian people will not be satisfied with less than full part nership role with government in determin ing their needs and aspirations as part of of Canadian socie ty Kelly said WANTS MORE lNllll What we are attempting to do is to create more input from their the examlnor l=rtday Sept 23 1977 IQ ease residential tax burden lnnisfil industrial area almost ready The hydro service supplied by Ontario Hydro is Goovolt secondary line Services to individual buildings will be installed by the utility on de mand he said railway spur line has been built on the site he said and road built to provin cial standards runs north south from the midlot line to the 9th Line with an east west line to the service road bordering Highway 400 Natural gas servicing is not available on the land at the moment Lemon said but he added that Consumers Gas would probably pro vide it if the demand is there SEPTIC SYSTEMS Sewage will be handled by septic systems he said According to the town ships 1977 budget the tax rate on industrial properties is 208 mills major attraction of the lnnisfil industrial area Lemon said is its location ln holding to heritage ROBERT LEMON He feels it is in an ex cellent location 45 miles from Toronto on major northsouth route Hi way 400 And were not rea ly out of the way from the northern centres he added Lemon said lnnisfil is hop ing to attract dry in dustries to the area Something that doesnt discharge large volumes of water Because of the kind of in dustry lnnisfil is looking for Lemon said he doesnt feel the township is competing with Barrie for new industry Theres no way we could handle the scope of industry that Barrie can he said But we can handle what were looking for and ac commodate them quite nice 1y He also said Barries pro posed annexation ofl3500 acres of lnnisfil land in cluding sizeable chunk of the townships commercial assessment has not had great effect on the town ships desire to get the in dustrial land developed This land was desi ated industrial seven years are annexation came up he said However he said the addi tional tax assessment from the industrial area will cer tainly be of great assis tance to the township if it loses the commercial and in dustrial assessment in Painswick to Barrie TOWNSHIP CONCERNED Lemon said he feels the township is more concerned that we have industrial land but we need services to get it gomg The formal procedure for getting an industrial site and starting work on factory may be little complicated because of the complex ownership of the industrial land Lemon said the property is divided among 10 owner Harry Fogler of Toronto controls 32 acres of the pro perty the largest individual holding Lemon said there is We must applaud Quebecers Smallwoo By RllLEIGll MacLEAN Examiner Staff Reporter Joey Smallwood is no stranger to national crises Speaking before an audience of Barrie Rotary Club members Thursday Small wood related his central role in Newfoundlands referendum on onfederalion on March 31 1949 Before 1949 Newfound landers were still part of Canada but just not constitu tionally Our most painful deci sion in this referendum was this Would we be Canadian or would we go southward and link up with the Americans And it took two referendums before Newfoundland voted for Con federation Smallwood said In his provinces referendum By RICHARD DLNSTAN Examiner Staff Reporter scenic route around Kempeiifelt Bay Too many vacant downtown stores The density of development in lands Barrie hopes to annex Keeping an open mind on the old ollier Street firehall An unstable residential neighborhood just west of Bradford Street Provincial help in controlling develo ment just outside an ex pandt Barrie Poorlydrawn zoning bylaws These were among the pro blems and proposals batted around Wednesday as con sultants for Barries $61000 core area revitalization study met at City Hall with the studys citizens advisory com mittee and the core study com mittee which is supervising the sevenmonth project The consultants had most of the say Wednesday but it will be the advisory committees turn shortly and the con sultants gave the committee plenty to think about Architectvplanner Jack Dia mond head of one of two firms involved in the study set the tone of the meeting by sug gesting that scenic route lndian communities in our rela tions with governmental agen cies in order to make clear our needs and objectives added Chief Rodney Monague of the Christian Island reserve Kelly does not feel that the replacement of Warren All mand as minister of Indian af fairs will impede constructive discussion and negotiation with the government from the In dian standpoint Many will regret seeing All mand change portfolios he said but we look forward to good working relationship with Hugh Faulkner do not expect that Faulkner will undo what has been started with Jean Chretien Auxiliary plans event The Royal Victoria Hospital Auxiliary will be having Marathon Bridge again this year Joan Symonds is convener of the event and anyone wishing to participate is asked to call 7281425 or Marlene Morgan at 7287504 or Madeline McKenna 74730 before Oct issue of 1949 Smallwood said the Canadian people knew as little about the Confederation issues as they do now about the existing issues involved in the planned separation vote in Quebec Twentyeight years have elapsed since the last crisis referendum vote was taken but Canadian misunderstanding doubt and hesitancy continue he said If strong united country is to take place in Canada Smallwood said respect adA miration and pride must be employed by all Canadians toward the unique cultural features indigenous to Canadas regions We are intensely proud of our Newfoundland culture and Scenic route around bay one suggestion at meeting around the bay might bring tourist dollars downtown MORE EOOI Everybody says you shouldnt put road around the bay he said but route along Essa Road and Lakeshore Drive then back to Highway 400 via Blake Street might do more good than harm to the core Diamond and project man ager Steve Janes set off across another unexpected field with suggestion that new city lands in what is now lnnisfil should be developed at higher density than is currently proposed The lower the density the more rtsidents must rely on cars instead of ublic transpor tation they sai This approach not only ignores fuel costs Janes said but will lead the establishment of major shop ping centre in the south end which will compete with the downtown area contribute to core area decay and send the citys sense of community and identity down the tubes The retail vacancy rate downtown is already 15 per cent compared to about eight per cent across the city and vir tually nil in the Highway 2627 malls Janes said Another likely source of com petition Janes said is com mercial development outside the city If Barrie succeeds in annexing Georgian Mall and other Highway 2027 commer cial areas from Vespra Town ship the township will be temp ted to bring in more commer heritage which go back for hundreds and hundreds of years just as the French Cana dians in Quebec are intensely proud of their culture and Frenchness As Canadians we must ap plaud the Quebecers for their tenacity in holding to their culture and heritage Part of the ongoing problems besetting Canada according to Smallwood is the lack of ap preciation Canadians have in the greatness of their country Native Canadians are not as appreciative of the greatness of the country as are new Cana dians New Canadians seem to be more aware of the special llelllUIal features of Canadian Smallwood said the decision cial development to recover the tax assessment loss Janes said the city will have to talk to the provincial government about avoiding such problem Current zoning bylaws discourage downtown commer cial development by requiring too much parking space Dia mond said and Bill Anderson planner with Diamonds firm said floor coverage and setback standards will tend to ring downtown with highrise office buildings Turning to residential areas in the core Diamond said strip commercial development on Bradford Street and industrial land to the west have created instability in the small residen tial neighborhood caught in bet ween However committee members said the neigh borhood is actually changing for the better Kevin Garland with Dia monds firm who is in charge of public participation in the study told the committees no decision should be made on the controversial firehall restora tion project until the study can determine how it fits into the overall picture of the core area Consultants are working toward report due in February setting out strategy for official plan amendments zoning bylaws and other policies designed to bring the citys corea lar area stretching far beyond downtown business district back to life Yarns in wools knobby synthetics for weaving crochet knitting For the spinner we carry fleece tops Cotton floss Persian yarn canvases kits for needlework Earthy jutes colorful beads cords tor mocrame Rug canvases kits complete range of hard soft cover books magazines to complement our craft supplies Sale boglns Mom Sept 26 End Sum Oct Quebec reaches in the separa tion vote will not be recided upon by them it will be tided upon by the other 18 llion Canadians We can decide Quebecs acres in the industrial area an agreement on title reintr ing future buyers to boo up to central water system and keep the access road up to Standards The Fogler land has not been divided into lots he said and nrosnective buvers must go to the townships committee of adjustment for severance by consent For the lands belonging to eight other owners Lemon said the practice has been to ask prospective de velopers to enter into development agreement with the township He said only Cedar Hill Holdings Ltd which owns 26 has registered plan of sub division which divides its land into lots condition of the plan of subdivision he said is it re quires future owners to hook up to the central water system and keep the interior road up to standards choice in only one way We must show the people of Quebec that we 18 million Canadians respect and admire them We must applaud them for their Frenchness Smallwood said Liked what he saw Former Newfoundland pre mier Joey Smallwood got his first look at county government this week and said he liked whathe saw Smallwood was in Barrie for speaking engagement Wed nesday and during the day rislilted county council and city The former Liberal premier said he liked what he saw and is strongly wondering if such system should be used in his province In Newfoundland he said there are 100 small mu nicipalities dealing directly with the provincial govern ment County and regional governments would decen tralize control he said Construction projects are now winding down Highway construction pro jects in the Barrie area are win ding down for the season as winter nears Main provincial job still underway is contract on Highway 11 north of the city which will eventually see box beam median installed and flyovers overpasses built to carry traffic over the busy highway at Oro Townships Third and Fifth lines fivefoot widening on each side of the highway has been com feted and steelwork is cur rent underway on the Third Line flyover Work on the Fifth Line overpass has been delayed while workmen wait for materials to arrive ministry of transportation and communications spokes man said today speed reduction is the only interference with traffic caused by the job at pre sent The job is expected to be ROAD CONSTRUCTION SPECIAL PERMS REG $3000 NOW $1500 Style cut extra House of Bellini Conan St Allcndole 7268571 BARRIE DENURE cumc COlEllA DJ completed in early December Road construction and pav ing are also underway east of Stayner around Sunnidale Cor ners and flagmen are slowing traffic ministry spokesman said the job is expected to take another month road reconstruction prOJect on Highway 26 near Elmvale listed in this weeks road bulletin from the ministry as causing detour has been com pleted in this world theres always room for one more its Lvn Call your Welcome Wagon Hostess now Phone W54 Complete Denture Service 7264 72 149A Dunlop St Barrie Member Denturist Society of Ontario Friday October Presents iHARVEST HAPPENING Roast Beef Barbeque Dance at Barrie Raceway COME AND MEET YOUR PROGRESSIVE FRIENDS Live Music Cash Bar 700pm 100am Tickets $750 each

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