WV 32cras for sale eeaglbeihaiaiaiii evaeaiibiilaaanllaaibielvlilla raesiaa the examiner Friday Sept 23 1977 15 tion as is $200 7267910 1973 CAMARO lor sale 44000 miles ask ing $2500 Also Itberglas canoe 14 IL 8150 Telephpone 7370074 alter pm 1973 TOYOTA tor sale 40000 miles 8500 or best otter Telephone 7286485 alter pm 1974 FIREBIRD va automatic powé steering power brakes radio 8Track A1 condition Call atter7 pm 7263357 new brakes Telephone rebuilt engine Very good condition $950Telephone4565900 BRANDNEW m7 Pontiac PartsicnnF twodoor vinyl root V8 305cublc inch engine extrasWon at CNE Telephone 7288283 after 500 M1 1968 BUICK LE SABRE ps pb mechantcaiiy in good condition needs some body work as is $300 Certified $50Also free 1966 BuickSkyiark lor parts and tires mOSt pans inter changeable lor above car Cali Graham 7264739 1975 TOYOTA CELICA GT 25007 MILES speed AMFM Radio radial tires rear Window delogger block heater Al CONDITION make otter 7288864 Tm DODGE POLARAWEOJnror sale $600 or best otter Certified cylinder 3222658 1965 COMET cylinder automatic iFI excellent running condition new brakes and lines good body $200 Telephone 4362212 gt 1974 CAPRI V6 $2800 excellent condi tion only 18000 miles radials silver with black vinyl root $2700 or closest ol ler Certitied Telephone 7282473 1970 MERCURY MONTEGO door power steering and brakes 302 V8 other extras good condition throughout $700 as is Telephone 7372337 32 I969 DATSUN 1000 Deluxe good Candl 1969 TRIUMPH SPITFIRE new brakes Bob motor in good condition Telephone ears for sale 11 1971 CHRYSLER NEWPORT 44000 miles tour door hardtop power steer ing power brakes radial tires In very good condition Certified $1300 Tele phone 7373664 evenings 1974 CHEV MALIBU two door radio automatic power steering 250 engine At condition Certified Asking S2600 Telephone 4363677 GAS SAVER I970 Maverick door automatic 61000 miles new paint and body work AI mechanically Certified 5995 Tele phone 7260273 alter pm 1977 CHRYLSER ASPE two door cus tom sedan 26options including 4on the lloor overdrive balance of warranty Will sell for low price otS4875 llrm 7283634 t97l CHEVELLE MALIBU Hardtop lour door automatic power equipped Excellent condition $1450 or bestoller Certified Telephone 7268692 1972 OLDSMOBILE ROYALE tour door hardtop original owner Power equip ped including air Completely serviced this year with Michelin tires exhaust system maior tuneup shock absorbers Recommend viewing $2195 728 I971 CHEVELLE MALIBU Hardtop lour door automatic power equipped Excellent condition $1450 or best oller Certilied Telephone 7268692 WsPLYMOUTH CRICKET 69000 miles runs well but needs some body work Best oller Telephone 728E 1976 HORNET HATCHBACK package like new condition Low miles $3300 Make an alter This Car should be seen Telephone 7286176899 pm GAS SAVE 1974 Vega Hatchback tour cylinder 32Oarslorsale SPORTS CAR 1971 M65 CONVERTIBLE four speed with overdrive st reo radio and tape Everyones dï¬ea car$1350 Lic No AHMtso international Automobile 100 Tillln St Barrie 7269050 1977 VOLARE FOUR DOOR SIX cylinder IUIOMBIIC transmission power steering lull vinyl root detogger radio whitewall tires with lull wheel discs LowMileage Licence No LMJIt3 Price $4295 Reg Smith Motors Ltd 341 Baylield 5114 7370801 7299757 1974 CAPRI V6 2800 engine excellent onditlon only18000 miles radials sliver with black vinylrool $2700 or closest oller Certilied Telephone 7202473 HONDA CIVIC 1976 Honda two If tour speed radio rear delogger 000 miles Brittany blue with black vinyl Interior Everyones lavorlte economy car $2675 Llc KTP281 International Automobile 100 Tillin St Barrie 7269050 1969 CAMARO Will sell complete or lor parts Telephone 4361970 days 4362288 alter 600 pm Ask lor Gary 1968 DODGE DART lour door sedan automatic transmission radio Good condition with recent paint lob Telephone 7371051 1975 TRANS AM white 400 Cl 4speed power steering power brakes etc 27000 original miles excellent condition Serious enquiries only Telephone 726 1028 alter pm I970 OLDS new exhaust and transmis slon Mechanically sound Ideal second car S700 Telephone 726 3143 1968 OLDS power steering windows and seat Stereo radio New battery and tires Good second car Excellent condi tion SSSOor best oller 726 0191 any L33cars wantedito buy automatic radio Finished in springtim TOP PRICE lor top cars Toke Motors 1976 GRAND PRIX very clean low mileage Air power Windows ps pb bucket seats mag wheels Asking only Sign Call 7267294 alter six Barrie 7269050 finest iob possible ALUMINUM CUSTOM FENCING mHARowooo FLOOR GEORGIAN Efllfltifxï¬ï¬w 2S BUILDING pgooucfs IMPROVE YOUR PROPERTY MNW CHAIN LINK Siding Eavestrough Soffit Windows Facia Doors ShUleS Awnings Galvanized and Vinyl AdditionsRoofing Installed Porch EnclosuresStonework FREE ESTIMATES For free estimate CALL Cal PIIIl SPURLING 7266907 Local Famlly Business DRESSMAHNG NORTHERN ALUMINUM Products Foscra Siding Trough All colors anleed 7262609 7269002 Guor LL77 lions 42 Eugenia SI Phona7266000 EDRESSMAKING TAILORING End altera itions Reasonable rates For appomtment ALUMINUM £L7317 P912729 9K sun13w OWNER OPERATED DRESSMAKING AND ALTERATIONS quick PROTECT and BEAUTIFY 2761237577 your home with REYNOLDS ALUMINUM Vsmoucumc tGRAHAM EAVESTROUGHING sdfg 59rm5 troughlng installed Call 7286628 SOTIIIFOSCIO SUPERIOR YATESTROUGHING SpOCIOItsIS Eavestrough seamless FIRST CLASS WORKMANSHIP FREE ESTIMATES CALL 7269769 Call Marlin Vorstralen 4241956 New Lowell ELECTRICAL PETER GAMBLE Electric Commarual Residential Industrial installations and ser FRALICK ALUMINUM ndfsffa° fflï¬m OSiding OSOffit OFascia Shutters Windows Resdenloh Forms Doors OEavestrough desgn Electrical consulting C0 I°d°Yl 20yrs experience City Masters Lic 118 7288234 mums PARRY ELECTRICAL ELECTROLUX Canada Ltd authorized sales and service leAlltoncg and 7283392 IndUSIIIOI 0Commerctal OFarm AUTO REPAIRS Residentigl Electric Heat WE REPAIR British European and Japanese cas Caronatton Auto Serv 17 Mary St ye ges 72634 gtgt7W RoofDeicing BIRD HOUSE QUALITY SINCE 1949 PURPLE MARTIN Houses for sale Apply at 92 EB é°°91L9T1°L°PlI 7785283 N23 BOORKEEPING xc 1N5 ACCURATE BOORREEPING SERVICE septlc systems trenching loader work Why struggle with bookkeeping gravel 4361558 436L2L Let us do the work for you WEST GROVE Accts ReCAccls PayPoyroll CONSTRUCTION Trial Balance etc Bockhoe Excov For information call Tr°nching 7312275 WF 526 Horizontal Augoring 7289833 CUSTOM MADE CLOCKS ï¬mb XCAVATING AND EQUIPMENT RENTALS agilne backhoe bulldozers grader Law struction Ltd Sharltyloy 7268229 TIREPLACES CARPENIRYSTONEWORIlt and fireplaces specially Vic IAND General Contractor Kitchen rec flfc9°m9285 rooms renovations additions ï¬replaces guaranteed 7371507 FIREWOOD FOR SALE Hardwood split and infrec Vroorns in delivered Any quantity All dry seasoned mod4912 leriar remodelling trim etc Please call 738084 IIONIE IMPROVELIENTL CARINEF MAKER Ettropooh ttotnad Rit INTERIOR REMODELLING Kitchens rec rooms Call Russ 436 3681 after 630 pm chem vanities Pine furniture renovations alterations Domestic Commercial 726 References available 2948 KED MORE living space recv Dom exITa FENCES CARPENTERS Cohort north bedroom play room laundry ollice storage space Also painting wallpaparing Murray cottages renovations repairs Satisfaction Boll 7286906 and CONSITUCIVIOVFI136274977 CUSTOM REC ROOMS Comploto basement plannin and decorattn privac screens CARPENTER wilI do rec rooms renovations remodelling etc No job to small 7261271 and patios aluminum door The number for all your needs 7788906 njCONSTRUCTION licencedvcarpenlers SPECIALIZING iN Tuck pointing chimneys waterproofing brick and stone caulking win for renovations additions homes cottages Freeeslimgteï¬s 4354995 dows and expdilsian iotnls Work guaran teed4509346 Wirian CARPENTRY Decks rec roams LEONSCustam Made Clocks will also do repairs Showroom Hwy 93 a1 Dalston 739548 General carpentry Additions garage rec rooms but in Closets Drywall texture sprgying Free estimates 726 3853 RPET CLEANING YOUR START cleaning today Revitalize your carpets withA carpet steam renovations extensions etc etc Guar spring 72w COMMERCIAL ART COMMERCIAL ARTIST design art work layout etc Place cal collect 416 gig CONCRETE MANIERI PAVING Patios sidewalks steps curbs and garage floors Work Guaranteed FREE ESTIMATES 023 chino work 7262609 or 7269902 EXPERIENCED CARPENTER RenOvOlions house raising panelling masonr and Mnaysgooling Estimates call 726 135 CONSTRUCTION House raising loun dotions renovations additions Phone 432955 or 4364175 after pm WELL DO IT RIGHT AND OUR PRICES WONT BITEIII Additions Family Rooms Our Specialty Your Satisfaction Our Only Concern FREEESTIMATESI JULIAN AND SONS 737I 743 READ THE EXAMINER TO I307 laway Just give us 4B75525 03736340 5°l DRESSES FIT II made by lOSIE AOUINO Spenalizing in pantsuits gowns and altera ond effluent reasonable rates Telephone Eaves Rooling and roofing repairs Free estimates lRerRT eovcnorr Excavating haulage yenow Showroom condiylon prtced Ltd 119 Bradford St Barrie 7288111 save you dollars at $1525 HTS893 InJUNK CARS WANTEDHihést pIices ternational Automobile 100 Tillin St paid Same day pickup Holt Auto WreckerslgoBZII ALL THE HELP YOU NEED RIGHT HERE Daily Business Directory Need help Just look over the ads below The advertisers listed are experts in their field and will assure you of the FLOOR REFINISHING 33 Oars wanted URGENTLY REQUIRED For Barrles Newest Car Dealer TOP CASH GOOD CLEAN LATE MODEL AUTOMOBILES ORV HARDY MOTORS I76 BRADFORD ST 7284272 MWFTF TRACY WANTS cars and trucks lor wreckln and parts top prices paid Free pic up Telephone 7268487 COLE BROS Cars and trucks wanted for wrecking Fast pickup Days 4356322 Alter pmi245949 WANTED Clean used cars Barrie Hon da Auto Sales 17 Gowan St 726 6488 SHAKELS WRECKING and Towing scrap metal cars bought over scales Best prices paid 436 3677 SCRAP VEHICLES WANTED Top Telephone7283060 prices paid Free anytime 4362900 34trucks anitrailers 1976 CHEROKEE CHIEF package 360 AV 10900 miles Loaded Equalizer hitch root rack Telephone 7373256 1976 CHEVROLET hallton pick up truck Black Never Seen winter Best ot ler Telephone 7265597 immediate pickup 1974 GMC SuburbanLJTx ton lull tiTmTe tour by tour automatic power brakes MEEPQWZWL 1968 FORD piCku 5600 certified Telephone 4565406 TESDODGFFARCEVANL cylinder uncertilied running condition Asking 5200 Telephone 7373215 evenings 1970 VW pickup truck tour speed stan dard radio certilied 3795 Telephone 4873333 alter pm 1975 DODGE MAXIVAN Camper con version STD transmission Many ex tras $5500 or best otter Telephone 4249917 PAINTING Installation ondl refinishing old and new guaranteed nol to cliparpeel 3258341 Installers All floor wall mosaic tiles and vinyl asbestos Work guaranteed year Precision Tile Company 7292197 IIANOIMAN lFREE Garages cleaned trash hauledl your castoffs Telephone1 lHANDYMAN will do pDITIItn pOpeT hang ling cleaning basements an garages fur nilugstrtpplng and TGIIFIVISFJITTQV7372875 llIANDYMAN CAN boat meet any raasanable quote for IIOpIOCQS rec rooms etc For old lashlaned workmanship call 371036 INCOME TAX INCOME TAX returns prepared Angus Bar rie area 35 up Dobson 4245910 alter indwesteid INSULATION INNISFIL INSULATION It RENOVATIONS 4364899 Blown Cellulose Fibre FREE ESTIMATES MWFM7 NORTHERN INSULATION VELLINGA PAINTING and deLUlflIiIg Irl Iorior extartor Work guaranteed Establish lodaoyaots no 2225 726 9002 lWAYNE FOLEY Plulassntnal painters Ex llariar and Interior Brewers 77° 738 DON SIESLING Professilonal painting In orior exterior paper hanging custom work iSatIstactton guaranteed 726 6808 IPAINTING PAPER HANGING oporletcud Irea estimates Jack Richardson 726 20l2 1115989 lPAULS PAINTING Free estimates Satlslactionguaruntood 7117 I295 Free estimaIIs Work InIrrtot Low rates uxlermr Fast seIVICD PAVING PAVING DRIVEWAYS PARKING LOTS CONCRETE WORK ALLWORK GUARANTEED FREE ESTIMATES BARRIE 7370179 MANIERI PAVING Driveways Parking Lots Tennis Courts Concrete Work FREE ESTIMATES Written Guarantee 726008I Serving Simcoe County for I7yearu Attic Blowing PICTURE FRAMING FreeESIlmoles OAIES In Dutllup 5t Et can Work Guaranteed Wing all types We Stork In on Phone 728 3270 ARTIFRAM Custom piculo Iloilvntq Widt selections Fast selvtr in pm 788633 evenIrI LANDSCAPING PERSONNEL SERVICES BOTTING PROPERTY Services Rough Mow 33355333 Iag°m°rzgmij PROFESSIONAL RESUME AT LOW COST 726 4536 Call us foraortftdIntntlappointment Today Get that all tlnpnrlrlttt Ittt IlllII wow Tomorrow LANDSCAPING zixzzu RE EDYA PIN IR sw ONT PERSONNEL SERVICES LTD Sodding lawn and garden bottle Street East maintenance MWFS28 Ill Evegem RIDING INSTRUCTIONS Cedar Hedges Fertilizing and Patio Repair lFERiILIzING WEED spraying ihedge and shrub lrimmiing Also roughl glowing Vic Triemstra 7260427 RUSHS SPORT CENTRE mil north of Bar mowing MUSIC INSTRUCTIONS GUITAR LESSONS Classical and Popular Marcel Patvln Guitar Studio 726717489 DANCING INSTRUCTION Ages years and over Tap Ballet Jazz Baton Enrolling now for classes commencing in September Telephone 7264723 REGIONAL ACADEMY OF DANCING 015 guitar piano Organ bengner and advanced Two months trial instrument loaned for home practice Canadian Aca 2210191 MAI 71937999 779 GUITAR Classicol and talk string and drums The Bandstand Bayllel 734973 bano Mall PIANO LESSONS taught by experienced teacher All types music For details PIANO VOIC AND THEORY Beginners to Associate JCru Melenbacher LTCL ARCT AMUS RMT 7234436 GUITAR LESSONSTVCiouicOIJ popular and rocky Phone gafnyowntier 72619090 BUY THE EXAMINER TO REA plied Call Lloyd Gabriel 7264723 OIANO LESSONS for all Will visit your home lor details Phono4509IB9 Ieangp callrrgasooo iENGLISH RIDING INSTRUCTION lrtilaor mt outdoor riding schools Flvr minutes from FREE ESTIMATES teqrrioWINDY HAUGH FARM 72mm PHONE 7265666 9I£Il9 Iln As Ill hill lot IRCSSIS SSOIEnlagd qsaï¬lys walk RGOSOIIOblB 416 895 7533 rrtllnrt iWTAND RoorING New and old Repairs lFroeyastimalas 436 CII77 nltnr tll 27 Slttngllllg Pillllllttt FIO W05 SI 43 WY 0W 907 Snowmobile rgpglrs 7263450 FALL FERTILIZING lall cleanups Hodge oncll shrub trimming Mowing and weed spraying ICOMMFRUAI NHAI Vic Trremslra 7260427 New And Illtilttit MUSIC ENTERTAINMENT Dgurham Mmmlun VII Angus WARREN BROWN Music for people who 955710 dancezGOofl rates 32227I3 A2A109 PIANIST AVAILABLE FOR WEDDINGS RECEP TIONS DINNER PARTIES Call 7265213 alter 6pm SNOW BLOWING SEASONAL CONTRACT or as you and II blower or plow Simpson Telephone 7264538 or 8355957 SNOWPLOWING EICHEN SNOW PLOWING and Snowblowing sonable rates Contracts seasonal or by TWOWAY RADIO CB COMMERCIAL way radio Sales and Service SHOP ON PREMISES Dockside Electronics Moved5 Mulcaslel St at Lakeshnre 7267310 TYPIth DO YOU NEED TYPING DONE° Fast accurate servch now available Roasonablo roles Call PROFESSIONAL DRUM INSTRUC TION Private lessens available in ion rock or classical Reasonable rates EFPLSWHPEW Gilberts Water Well Drilling Farms DRUM lESSONS Starter Equipment sup homes collages Frau estimate 10 years experience Angus 424 5657 WINDOW CLEANING ALLEN BROTHERS Window Cleaning Apart ments Stores Houses Factories Reason able rates Telephone 728 I914 cT 75 RANGER XLT 1975 Ford FIOO XLT VB automatic ps pb only 32000 miles Two tone brown and white with mat ching Ford custom cap This week only$j850 LIV100E DATSUN 549 Bayfield St iust north of Georgian Moll Barrie 7370254 S23 I968 CHEV VAN automatic 8495 68000 miles good condition radio 76 CHEV VAN 1976 Chev Van V8 fully customized with every con ceivable option Finished in iet black with black and red custom interior Only 17000 miles This van must be soon to be appreciated JMQQF DATSUN 549 Bayfield St just north of Georgian Moll Barrio 7370254 ashservice and repairs LICENSED MECHANIC will do general repairs by appointment only wants arid weekends Telephone 728 1871 36auto accessories BRAND NEW GOODYEAR all winter radial snow tires set of two on rims to lit Maverick Granada Asking $125 37motorcycies 1976 KAWASAKI 100 like new only 400 miles 8475 or best oller Also two he Inets tor sale Telephone 728 2471 250cc YAMAHA tor sale 1974 best at for in load condition Telephone 728 2054 SUZUKI TF 125 Bought In 1676 Ex cellent condition 8500 miles Ollers Phone evenings 776 5678 SIBsnowmobiles RUPI NITRO ll 74 440 snowmobile good condition new track 5700 or best otter 16 Wellington St or call 126 4851 Must sell 36 with for sale 34 trucks and rollers 40 articles far sale TlRElIIOOO Mixed split hardwood $35 face cord delivered $30 picked up llSTAIIT SIIAD suitorCENTRE IRIIO mm 72600I 08 Tilephone 7260702 GARAGE SALE SAT SUNDAY am tO pm Camper equipped $450 gas dryer $150 hanging flower pots spoon racks pinecedar tables truck cap $300 portable TV $100 nic nac items Many more items 6th line 5th Sideroad of Innisfil Follow Signs 4589039 ThFSTF 726663 HOCKEY EQUIPMENT cornpletef In cludes pads helmet with mask skates etc Fits 12 15 years Excellent condi tion TelephoneluBOSJ GARAGE SALE at Guthrie Saturday September 24th and Sunday September 25th 1000 am to 300 pm Furniture household and hardware items Telephone 4872501 STEEL HIGHWAYCULVERT 30 Rio WIth coupler Price 375 Telephone 49775012 DISCOUNT WAREHOUSE MORE BARGAINS Apartment size four bur ner electric stove in har vest gold SII9 New gas furnace with blower fan $195 Double pedestal oak desk $59 Big discounts on room size carpets Big savings on womens and childrens winter coats ADAIR VOLUME SALES 21 Mary St Barrie 7372221 S23 4T1 Title$10130 ADVANCED VACUUM 1416 Mulcoster St Barrie 7268643 One of the oldest and most complete vacuum services north of Toronto Special Offer $1050 with this ad only COMPLETE SERVIC parts not included Bags and bolts for most machines in stock We also rebuild vacuum hose Dont take chance on door to door selling you are losing money Advanced is also service warranty depot for HOOVER EUREKA and ROYAL SERVICE IN BARRIE SINCE 1961 ELECTRIC SmntArnusttc tuner and Ampltlter Ipnrux imprints old Both 71 rerlIrnl vnnutltnlt Asking $550 126 341 USED FIJRNIT UR ItIrcilrlrlllImItrs small trtdue tvr ntttru or cottage solves Irftililt will hairs ctlrxturliulll sets lIww llllntlurt Ind brlroom SUIIOS Clarks Hliltll Furnishing Warohltust lrcr trlvvrr I28 7841 SWIMMING POOL CHEMICAL Aiat ban Kilypool tc Rttbtrlsntl Italdwarrn ll Otlnlitp St ll 728 2411 COLOR TV RENTALS RENTALPURCHASE 76 Electrohome per week $495 20 Toshiba per week $390 20 CA XLIOO per week 5565 26 Panasonic per week $650 NO MONEY DOWN NO PAYMENT TIL NOVEMBER 77 Phone tonight Delivered Tonight KRAZY KELLYS IARRIE SHOPPING PlAlA IM8T2Th TF SWIMMING POOLS to Rent Will lease and install for Itallteownnr lamin SIIP alUITltfllHTT swimming pool with patio Cl101l If styles meeting all lencmq rrqulnllun LtIl Unn two or three year filllitl basis with option to own No payments till 1918 Try baton you buy Ciili collect any Itlrlrl 4l6 6619508 OIL BURNtK Ior Illrnflit $50 TTIIIhIlgnII tttrln Viking s50 hlack and wintr console TV $50 ski thh bindings down hill medium 695 Telephone 558 GARAGE SALF Seplrrmhtr 24 and 75 III 111 to In 274 Warnica Rand StartII bicyrlu telnwsmn LPS bod sprcarls paperbnc ks toys much mun PAIR BAUER HOCKEY SKATES Sill pair hockey gloves pair hockey pants tor boy pair at pads Telephone Ill 2037 SNOW TIRES pair 378 15 winter radints Used one winter S65 BOAT COVE like new blue vilin for IS boat S25 BASFBOARD HEATER thermo stat controlled $10 737 3732 alter 2p APARTMENT SIZE FRIDGE S40 two continental beds with headboards S50 tar pair plus desk and chairs Please call between 4p 7prn 726 6481 FOUR G70 x14 RAISED LETTER Tires on Pontiac mag wheels plus two G70 l4 Snows on GM rims Good condition Slso Call 436 SIW FIREPLACE wood lor sale Top soil Delivery Service Tollphone 728 7587 $6 PER WEEK Buys henutilul 26 RCA color Spanish to the liner console television No money down no payments until November 77 Phone tonight delivery tonight Krazy Kellys TV Barrie Plaza 737 1182 FORK LIFT International 21 loot lift Perlect condition 55500 Telephone 726 1001 or 726 9005 HARDWOOD veneered plywood dress ed and cut to size European hardware Progressive Wood Design 726 3379 FIREWOOD tor sale Picked up or delivered Telephone 728 9367 or 726 4119 BASEMENT SALE Love seal two swivel rockers cradle hockey equip ment skates ski boots carpets lire ex tinguisher lloor potisher 10 gallon aquarium microphone and stand Telephone 737 I295 KENMDRF ELECTRIC RANGE while window and oven door Also I970 VW Bug Ior parts $100 each or best oller Telephone 436 554 CABLE CONVERTERS $7944 special purchase limited quanti ty Cash and carry while supplies last Only at Barrie TV and appliances 80 Dunlop St Phone 728 4297 021 $AVE Reupholstering DOLLARS Rocover it Yourself Wldo selection of discount fabrics OFoam Cushions Tools both amateur professional Needles threads twines IButtons made to order 0A complete line of upholstery supplies UPIIOLSTERY SUPPLY SHOP Div of Fabric Drapery Mill outlet Just north of Georgian Mall 7371510 VWThFTF lWlMMIN POOLS 197 models slightly snatched In Iranlnrl Fully warranlrd Complete WIIII pump motor litter touting walkway and deck Sug Tested retail price S7295 Now availabil at $1788 No payments till 1978 Im mediate delivery and installation Call collerl anytian 416 663 r7508 ANNOUNCING GIGANTIC END OF THE EASON SALE AT THE LAZY ARMER TRADING POST No II HIGHWAY MILES NORTH FORILLIA 25 OFF EVERYTHING IN THE STORE ASK US WE MIGHT EVEN DICKER BIT MORE ON SOME ITEMS Imported and Canadian Gif lware brass bells top quality plaid iackels for men ladies and children candles lamps Coffee grinders brass coach lights books round tables on tique rockers coal and wood stoves jewellery leather pur ses and handbags for ladies and girls iack knives hunting knives soap pictures un finished pine tdble figurines wine sets cruel sets plus literally hundreds and hundreds of interesting and unique items Here are few samples Curved glass chino cabinets regular $325 sale price $24375 Moose calling horns reg $895 sale price $595 Indian Doll re $1295 sale price $971 Canada Handbag rag $295 sale price $195 wine sets reg $2295 sale price $1721 beer bottle can dles reg price $325 sale price $244 stem ginger in stone cracks reg $595 sale price $446 BEAT INFLATION BUY YOUR CHRISTMAS GIFTS NOW AND SAVE 25 Sale starts 501 Sept 24 and en ds Thanksgiving day Oct 10 Open daily 10 am l06 pm LOOK FOR THE BIG RED BARN Phone Severn Bridge 6895053 $2324 COLONIAL PRINT CHESTERFIELD wood trim makes into 34 bed and mat ching Chair 3150 excellent condition White bathroom sink and taps 55 GAS HEATERS tive gas space heaters also two air compressors Telephone preschoolers toys and Quality clothing 50 garden supplies CHOICE TOP SOIL Excellent lor lawns gardens etc Evening and Satur Wm SOD FOR SALE large or small quan tities Delivered to lob or home Call 4241307 IRASPBERRIES Canes tor lall plan Sunoco Car WashBaytield St tlng regular 35¢ pieceon sale 25¢ COLONIAL HUTCH and bullet $260 lBrays Garden Centre 26 Ferndale Dr Plugétolamerous other articles Telephone 7262951 726 SOLID OAK antique dining room suite with Sideboard lour piece living room suite one year old Both In good condi tion Reasonable call 7373794 USED COIN OPERATED washing machines tor sale 50 cents slots $175 each Telephone 7286646 BELL AND HOWELL Cube Slide Pro lector with 12 cubes auto locus Like new $95 7266746 OIL FURNACE BY BEACH counter llow model 68 to 70000 BTU Excellent condition complete with thermostat Best oller Telephone 7267429 GARAGESALE Sunday Sept 25 14 Christie Crescent Letitia Heights 3rd street up from corner of Anne Street Many household articles Iadies clothing mens clothing childrens clothing boys and girls babys articles 40 alleles for ads DRYER Inglis apartment size S75 new Singer sewing machine $130 Chlne settings $100 or best oller silverware and Chest 850 7373264 alter pm Gas 879 Includes full service and Check Sltrees and shrubs SHADE TREES Now is the time to select your shade tree We have large selection and small deposit will hold lor lail pickup Brays Garden Centre 26 Ferndale Dr 7262951 PLANT your white spruce trees now till lreeze up All sizes available Free delivery 7289404 VERY REASONABLE PRICES Shade maple walnut locust Border cedar poplar Evergreens pine spruce Must sell Dig your own and save Call weekends or weekdays alter pm 7269295 szpiantsand bulbs TROPICAL PLANTS lor your home or ollice etc Brays Garden Centre 26 Ferndale Dr 7262956 and other articles toonumegous tomen LET tion For more in orma ion ease 1e39fl99¢122699c mm mm GARAGE SALE Saturday Sept 24 am pm at 73 Owen St Dishes lloor PHONE 1282414 potisher clock radio and TV Boston rocker mans ski boots size toboggan goll clubs old treadle sewing machine lishing equipment accordion home improvements womens clothing sizes 912 winter coats books Much more incl GARAGESALESSiitï¬ï¬yWEnaa September 24th and 25th 10 am to pm Antique radios sectional Chester 59mltryIIcIlIcks able Also larm fresh eggs Craig Hunter Poultry Farms Stroud 4361811 6oleedseedgrain FOR SALE 20 acres good ensilage corn Call after 830 pm Lorne Birch 3221977 CUSTOM CORN COMBINING trucking and drying Reasonable package rates Storage available Phone 4362597 SHOP SIMCOE DISTRICT COOP 7266531 FTF 4larm machineryw BROWN AND BELL Farm Dairy Equipment DELAVAL SALES AND SERVICE Complete Line of Dairy Farm Equipment and Supplies Barrie Holly Hwy 27 7260338 or 7286766 MWFTF TWENTY PLATE DISC six leet wide to lit Ford 8N tractor Telephone 7261530 alter pm 47 home improvements REGIME Iield household items 108 Kozlov St Telephone 7260834 GARAGE SALE Saturd eptember 24th 1000 am to 400 pm Bowman Ave oll Nelson RECORDACALL 70 telephone answer Ing machine Telephone 7371792 USED 577 lNCH PLYWOOD Excellent condition ideal tor shelving workshop etc Also plywood display tables to It long various widths Phone 728 4605 SEARS GARDEN TRACTOR 16 HP tWin cylinder with snowbiower wheel weights and chains One year old good condition Asking SL600 Phone 778 9432 alter6pm CHESTERFIELD AND MATCHING CHAIR rocker chair living room drapes some dishes May be seen at 319 Duckworth St between and pm LAWN SALE Saturday Sept 24th across tram Barrie Raceway beside Kitchen Motors Household goods books records lurniture In case at rainwilbeheld0ct11977 USED EIGHT FOOT two tube tluorcs cent lixtures lor sale 25 each Telephone 726 3400 1964 ACADIAN CONVERTIBLE lull lrame buckets console new front end 350 block head and gaskets barrel good body headers $250 as is Also ladys bike like new $75 15 Dunlop St Apt 2alter 7pm USED FRIDGE loT sale in goodcondi tion Asking st25 Telephone no 3525 after 30 prn GARAGE SALE Saturday September 24 to pm at 92 Owen Street TeIeVlsion stove appliances clothing books dishes toys etc etc GARAGE SALE Saturday Sept 24 239 Rose St nl pm Combination door new small apartment size stove replacement glass for patio door Urltslonc garden lurniture small sun dry items etc Owner movmq GARAGE SALE Saturday September 24 214 Blake Street to am to pm Kirby vacuum pine Cobblers bench QULerj small pine table Chatr aavonporl hair dryer mangle pet cage humiditiII LPS clothes stulled toys Something lor everyone GARAGE SALE Saturday September 24th Ballroom furniture car snow tires and table clothing elr miles west at Hwy 11 on the 12th ConceSSIon cl lnnislil GARAGE SALE Saturday September 24th 10 till Odds and ends 728 Blake SI 11599£E12r5L WATERCRAFT SALE 16 Flierglas boot only $695 15 Springbok 100 llp S995 146 Fibergltls with 55 Ilp $1295 15 Catamaran Solltoat $1395 15 Grew with1976 55 IIp $1095 150 IIp Mercury motor only with in $1395 15 Silverline with 50 Ilp SL295 16a Silverline 165 hp 10 $3950 17 Sonray with 115 Ilp Johnson new $5295 NEW I977 JOHNSON OUTBOARDS 2hp $279 I1p $379 6hp ssn 99 Ilp S666 ISIIm $117 SPORT HAVEN MARINE MILE EAST OF BARRIE ON SHANTY BAY RD 726 001 O4 17 Ft SHEPHERD mahogany hunt double IIUII cylinder CIIIYSILI Inboard lnrtlul condition Asking $2500 TPlOpltulii 415 4715 other 10 pm 17 F001 SPORTRAY llJlItIll 105 Ill CIIFVLIFT outboard LIrtthlc litp SKI liar lilf41l $4000 nl ltfll Olin tvtmtittll 188060 alter GI 11 lltui STORAGE Instclti nr oulslitt trtlt Llltt rQJlIrIITll l4tvl now Crlll Win BOAT AND MOTOR STORAGE Reasonable Rates Pickup Available SAVE IO°a on trailer OBriens Sports Marine Ltd Oro Station 487221 Open days week Sl7230lH 40 HP JOHNSON outboard electric start Controls good shape $300 Call Ken at 128 1675 26 FT GOLIATH Cabtn cruiser 318 in board lully equipped sleeps six Ex cellent condition sacrilice sale $6500 Call Rick Harker 726 4940 or 7371414 1972 STARCRAFT 21 toot cabin cruiser 120 mercury io ski bar lully equipped excellent condition $6500 Telephone 4873333 alter 6pm 15 FT PACESHIP 40 hp Merc all con trols electric start and trailer S900 BA In TIII 46m wttttoutliomovol Introductory Special BATHIUBS REGLAZED gift ad ALSO CERAMIC TILE ACE REFINISHERS 72828 Barrle MWFOS 68personals EAVESTROUGHING TELECARE Why light your problem Clean Your Eovestroughing alone Let atriend help Call Telecare 2731223911le 5m ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUSI286581 ll you drink thats your business ll you want toguit thats ours Call any time Dirty Eavestroughlng UNWANTï¬D HAle Hremoved sdaleLty permanen the ICE approve am 959 dia Hrenchuk Certified Electraiogist ooh Now 737267IV RIDING INSTRUCTION indoor arena graham Eavesmughmg Horses boarded Barrie0 live minutes WindIJiLUQDfEETJEQ 97 lNTERNATIONAL INVESTIGATION 0I7 Services Civil criminal divorce Am surveillance Discreet and conlidential 72L72 LL MONECA pshyic and card reading £9°95 PeTs counselling Days and evenings Monday BARRIE POODLE Salon Shampooing 39ughF5FEYLghelne729L89771a and clipping or all breeds Sophia BOWLERS WANTED KemPVe 509 Easy 726 am Bowl Teams couples or Singles Men or bbooLE TRlMMiNG proesgiénal ladies lor leagues starting soon Contact Art or Chuck at 7289761 grooming all breeds pickup and ae livery 776 8798 Pet Studio TROPICAL FISH Besrtwselection in town Aquariums all Sizes at unbeatable prices Evenings and weekends Edge hi Aquaia R05 7749 tree book The mastery or tile explains SAMOYED Puppies white purbred now through lascinating study You can male and temale $75 Call 7767885 master your problems and lind hap anytime piness Address Scribe lII Rosiscru IMAYIS pOODLE pARLOR profes clan Order AMORC San Jose Calilor lslonal clippng and grooming Reas $33511 onable rates Phone 726 0061 KEMPVIEW BOWL announces the star ADORABLE OLD Engltsn Sheepdog ting of mixed league on Sunday night Kpuppies 10p blood mes Aphmdne at pm interested bowlers call Chuck registerca Telephone 519664 2120 QLNLMJPRW 31 LADY 49 would like to meet secure lgeph02293tyï¬ps wee honestsober gentleman Apply Box V53 The Examiner FRENCH POODLElor sate male good aim pet to owe 9050 $50 Telephune YOUR TOMORROwtoday Tarot cards 474 1333 and tea cup reading For appalntment CBIITQBIWOI REGISTERED IRISH SETTER PUP rrie77A PIES weeks old excellent pedigree LADY NEEDS RIDE 1° Toronlo needled very uood parentage 395 mm weekdays Must be in Mississauga by EXPLORE your mind discover your in ner resources and overcome personal limitations Learn the tremendous possibilities of your own mind Explore the mysterious world within you The eh 815 or dropped all at subway at 715 12663225178575 WI llout Ca Brat rtrtne Fleyagflciauzy $45 uï¬k LAURENT ROUSSEAU of RR N0 POODLJES FOR SALE whlte miniature purebred weeks old male Barre responsbe tam 9an 575 each Telephone debts Incurred In my name lrom this 56 75 date lorward September 23 1977 With outmy writtrenconsent 77 MINESING BOWLING ALLEY Two open nights available for outside leagues Contacttrene Miles 728 7163 APRICOT POODLE PUPPY live mon ths old Goon With Children Telephone 424 6IIIU alter 30 NEWFOUNDLAND PUFS Black and Landseer mates Sired by the top Cham GENTLEMANsingle 40 interestedrin oduce Canada CKC meeting respectable lady between 30 fnwsufed phone an 0mm and 40 tor companionship Reply to Box V63 The Examiner Barrie 375 0093 RIDE NEEDED to aria irom COT ltngwood weekdays tor working hours Please phone 726 6468 evenings or 415 0580 ask for Karen CONSTRUCTION SENECA COLLEGE Fincl campus person wanted to share driving Monday SSVOOnstructionAmacIRneryI EQUIPMENT arm Wednesday evenings Call 7263184 I974 Chev Tandem dump or 716 523 45000 miles HOLIDAY IN THE SUN 197 Ford Tandem dump At TREASURE ISLAND ST 1976 Ford haltton MW PETERSBURG FLORIDA We der standard 544 John Deere two yard loader Articulated have vacancies from July on word Etliciency units from $75 week for two persons Phone Barrie 7283136 for information WThFN30 1°77 ton Tagalollg float BUCRS SAND GRAVEL ORILLIA 3258780 Austin Western grader thh snow wing 69instructions PIANO LESSONS Playing an instru 10711 Is rewarding and lullilliilg Revive yllur mtet est or start lrom the begining Fypotmnrctt teacher QueenBerczy CIVJ 736 iVBbcvcnings 70lost and found 450 ItlIN lIEF RF lRALk LnildeI atnny in yard ILllktl wailent LOST PUPPY Golden Retriever 14 shape Asttnh $7 50007 ulfrr Talcphant Weeks Old Tattoo In right ear No 322 liII WXIJ Answers to the name Mauchee Lost in area at Barrie Speedway August 57Iivestock lorsale 30 REWARD 97 3005 TACK SHOP English equipment 607 DEFTT man saddles and bridles Robinson Hardware 31 Dunlop East 728 2431 HORSES BOARDED Close to Barrie Well cared lor Track and trails Winay HIII Farm 436 5624 reqUIred RICK SZIJARTO blacksmith by ap printmont 1705 as 6808 for Inleror work HORSE SHOW SLDIOITIIIII 28 10 lit Dolcan Drill Farm 8th at Essa South at IhP 20m slderoad English and Western Must be experienced classes Everyone welcome 4741007 HORSE TRAILER FOR RENT or will CALL move Your animals 245 Edgllllll Drive 7263401 PROVINCIAL FLOOR HORSES BOARDED large box stalls outside lumps daily turn out 4th Linc arc Telephone 487 3333 arterapm 7282950 11 EWES YOUNG wnitc laced cross breedsentirellock Telephone726 8779 MORGAN bay mare 14 hands six S24 years old Friendly disposition IMMEDIATE OPENINGS full and part gï¬lfphone 655 or 726 7933 an time Fantastic new sales program lor marketing movie cameras and so pliesNocompetitionhigh consumer 67fmhgvoogfobleg ceptance Excellent commission In come lor ambitious people with cars All llrm Telephone 424 1952 alter pm 42 articles wanted OP SOIL WANTED must Ito clean PHONE 7205540 O9 PURE NATURAL HONEY Whites ix 7590m9m5 suppued Mr mile north Georgian Mall Hwy 27 7288522 APPLES Agply Koote and Son Con cession re Telephone 728 8489 or 726 1907 Closed Sundays SWEET CORN lreozer quantitieS 75 cents dozen Holloway Lane St Vin SALES Ladles wear chain requires full time and parttime employees Experience essential cent St North near Midhurst momentes MAMSEllE TOMATOES bushel 55 anioIIs so lbs as Spanish onions 245 Edgehill BAYFIELD MALL BIBSTEEPMWHQ 997 St APPLES PICK YOUR OWN or ready ptcked Bgays Orchard In Notlawa on way two mies south ol Coll InowoooLM 67 fruits vegetables CASH FOR old lurniture books dishes old pictures clocks odds and ends Pre i950items728 8234 COINS WANTED Collector wants to buy single Coins collections or accumla lions Best prices paid 7264544 WANTED To BUY store rixiures meat milk and pastry coolers scale and meat slicer All In good condition Telephone Drama 325 07 WANTED INSULATEDCHIMNEY approximately 18 Telephone 3221317 APARTMENT SIZE piano wanted urgently Call 7269452 evenings or weekends SPACE HEATERS two or three all space heaters in good condition and workingrorder Phone 726 6633 WANT ADS PHONE 7282414 APPLES FRESH FROM OUR ORCHARDS To YOU Were back again with trpckload of Apple Cider Apple Butter LOCATION Next to Mothers Pizza on Bayfield St Wewill be there FRIDAY EVENINGS and all day SATURDAYS during the season LOOKING FORWARD TO SEEING YOU AGAIN THIS YEAR Jones Willow Grove Orchard RR Clorkslturg ottt 96993660 Cortland Maclntosh 515162223