Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 23 Sep 1977, p. 12

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fvr 1391 assminer Frldavswt231977 ataglance Inn wouldnt Ilt fair lilltilli rand Ipplt Threw earvilli larie lortl from reemore was lurk enough in hm one of the first one II the Stay ner trade fair Tutstilt Examiner ihotm litv 1rr ill iv will 0tlIIJ hm Ham ri t= ii mt fii il iluiilinfi Inn this mek The light ilimrlltilliilllitgtPilul10lld rip who mil in Join linrgur Al Zaha grilll ll mi iHUIlil ii ui lir ilii lHr iI The doctor says Lead in kettle is dangerous By GC THOSTESON MD Dear Dr Thosteson jmt read an article in the news paper about two children who died of lead poisoning because their mothers boiled water for the formula in an electric kettle soldered with lead have an 18 monthold son and used that kind of kettle Obviously it didnt Kill him but Im wondering if lead could have been built up in his system Can you answer some ques tions for me What are the signs of lead poisoning Does any lead eaten remain in the system or does it eventually leave What damage does it do What is done to determine the amount of lead in body is it of any value inthe body What are some of the common things that could cause lead poisoning Is there any way to remove lead How do find if my kettle is soldered with lead Mrs GD Lots of good questions Your electric utilit company should be able to tel you if the kettle is soldered with lead If so use another kettle If you have not noticed any symptoms in 18 months of using your ket tle chances are pretty good it is safe Now to your questions Children are exposed by nibbling paint chips from old houses or chewing furniture painted with leadbased paints Prior to the Second World War leadbased paint was common Today it is outlawed for such uses in this country Beware some of the imports Symptoms of lead poisoning are irritability ab dominal cramps anemia pallor and weakness The vic tim often has history of picathe chewing or eating of material other than food ln the body lead is at tracted to soft tissue and bones It leaves the body through feces and urine but ver slowly and thats the chief lem It affects nervous sys tem the blood cells and the brain when consumed in large amounts There are various tests used to check lead levels These include blood tests stool exam ination hair analysis and rays which may show bone cha es tests show elevation of lead drug called EDTA edathamine is injected in travenously or taken by mouth This helps remove it from its storage places in the blood or bones Lead poisoning also called plumbismfrom the Latin word for lead is found chiefly in children up to five or six ears who live in old neighbor hoods The lead industry has done much to combat the problem but despite this more than 20 000 cases of poisoning are re ported each year Theres no apparent value of lead in the system yet we all have some amount of it mainly because it is amounts in food and in the at mosphere Dear Dr Thosteson What is or was the appendix good for MBW it serves no purpose Its wormshaped outpouching from the first section of the large bowel It may have been vital part of the primitive digestive system Dear Dr Thosteson Can high blood sugar cause vagi nitisMM Yes to infection by yeasts moulds or bacteria Oswald and Jim Jacoby Two suits better than one NORTH AAS vA72 01093742 aQB WEST AQ1082 V105 EAST 01973 VJ9643 OJ65 0K3 QAJ94 106 SOUTH AK6t VKQil OAQ 4K7532 Neither vulnerable West North East South lNT Pass 3NT Pass Pass Pass Opening lead 2A By Oswald James Jacoby The professor looked over the dummy for some time There appeared to be several lines of play at his disposal He could work on clubs at tack diamonds either by win ning the first spade in dummy and trying an immediate finesse or by winning in his own hand and banging down the diamond ace and queen Finally he decided to work tion that the deuce of spades lead was genuine fourth best As he said later Two suits are better than one He won the spade in his hand and led club toward dummy West ducked Now the professor was in dummy while there were still two ex tra entry cards He took the diamond finesse cashed the ace of diamonds entered dummy with the ace of hearts knocked out the jack of diamonds and wound up mak ing five notrump How would South have played the hand if East had held the club ace He would have had to hope for 33 club break Suppose West had hopped up with the ace of clubs South could set up his fifth club or take the diamond finesse for his ninth trick Adkins An Arizona reader wants to know if we ever pass our partners forcing bid We do so once every couple of years but do not recom mend this action Even if we are right partner is likely to on both suits on the assump hate us present in minute by making the vaginal tract more susceptible WW lent 24 1071 rise in status and advance ment where your career Is con cerned ls Ilker this coming year Unusual situations and con ditions will be contributing fac tors LIIRA Sept 23Oct 23Success is likely today where your work or career is concern ed provided you handle whats expected of you responsibly SCORPIO Oct 24Nov 22 Play life as If it were game to day You could be extremely lucky In matters where you dont let yourself get uptight IAOITTARIUI Nov 22000 21 situation thats been thorn in your side should begin to alter more to your liking today The change will come unex pectedly CAPRICORN Doc 224cm 10 Theres strong possibility you may cross paths today with someone who has previously AstraG raph Bernice Bede Osol PIOCIB Fob LinMarch 20 Anxletios regarding how you will be accepted by someone you hope to impress are unfounded Youll be big hit ARIES March 21Aprli 10 it could prove foolish to trust your luck fully today You may come out all right but your chances are lust soso TAURUS April 20May 20 Things may not Initially go too been lucky for you The meglcls well with close friend today still Intact AQUARIUS Jon 20Feb 10 Joint ventures arent promising profltwlse for you today However enterprises where you perform on your own are STUDENTS SPECIAL Typewriter repairs clean oil and odiust from only $1100 Free estimates Call us now at Whitfield OFFICE OUTFITTERS 1310201 Should this occur rut matters right with grand unselfish gesture oemm my 21Juno 20 Youre lucky today where you are not involved with people with BARRIE PLAZA whom you have cidse emotional ties With loved ones Its another story CANCER J1me 21July Esr ly in the day It may appear as If the odds are stacked against you Conditions become far more fortunate by evening LEO July 23Aug 22 Sticking to your purpose has Its merits but today you will find that little flexibility Is better than holding to rigid line VIRGO Aug 2280 22 Even though people you deal with to day will fall to adhere to your standards keep In mind you and they are only human WINTHHOP BIRTHDAY MESSAGE Ag Will CHMWE ARE 55NPIN5 YOUON IIWHAKJIMUSPIM mss SMITH BRING PHE HAVE You HEARD THE New THERE ARE mra uéENT Tflm THAT WWIQENCE AND STUPlD rHE SrupxsT Acaoss Blackthorn Answer to Previous Puzzle HERTBD Pea L5 HAMTCTTHfYACREMT THEORY 1er EVER HEARD fruit HELP HE Vex 42 Building 33 wee ITE INHeRtTeD Blue lddlllon eENES Lynn 43 590k manna nun Gershwin 45 Boys book Qua Eng 12 Day of week author mug Dunn sbbrl 47 Talking bird flu unnn 13 Monican 48 Yank EDGE BIZ money pl 49 Music buffs HUGE DEC l4 Bucket purchase an Elan 15 indefinite 53 Physicians ss DD flflflflm amount socistion mum 16 Legislato abbr man an rh WM 54 an mums Born Loser 18 Reduce In advantage of our count 38 woodcho if value 55 Carpentry tool sbbri 38 150 samuraie 20 Tag of lacs 56 Quantity of sinbgdg bird 39 one 22 Chinese coal sp up HWY 57 vouch Style Wm 40 Charm 23 Indignstnon 5B Boundaries to Queens 41 we 28 IDeléulorss 59 Stage of Dscrssss 3mm an iiinimtlleii ltmlget Director 27 Ham mt hmory 19 223 WU 47 liwri Laure walks toward his 29 Military DOWN 60M CO home in In tummytown sec school abbr for Ann llml oi itushingutn Wednes 30 Sea mammal Cisslpino land 24 Doctor M°dm° Utiwulnni hm llll 2w lili In rimm all gm in Imlllt before President 31 Shade tree Expire hum by 1be Merlotail Urinal liiilillitlll ellphone Imploar larler ziunounrltl lilill Lamr 33 Wreath Groove 25 Full view 50 co0° unlmpp out ul tuilt limul ou lhliillli hurl suinniiIrtl his resigna Shame CODYCBK 23 Common vsrb tho bbri LIL iv lMollilll lori HimH turnip my sn ll will lulu lion Lune drove himself 35 Enonunfle BUddhilm 32 Lighted WHEN 115 IllillzliV llllli lillill htnnr IAP Finn 903 hod WOO MIIUOIT on III III mm MINWWW OFm In an II one TVSL NORTH ERN STATIONERY BACK TO SCHOOL SPECIALS 250 Sheet lined refill reg $248 NOW LSS lBinderregS2l9NOWl89 If Rosemary Brown lt Nlil MLA uses throat spray to keep her voice in top form for her 1V2 filibuster in the BI Iegislutm ilrown protesting in government mow to abolish the Vun 7373880 comer Resources Board begun her third rim of debate on Wednesday Photo new 33 Nv MAflxri

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