the examiner fThursdayL Say122137 Just how much will Barrie need gestcd density of ahotit 12 persons The higher tltc figure the less land the city needs tince the density issue is set tlcd the hoard nieiiihers have to decide what Iaiid is usable aiid what boundaries vould iiiiiketlie most sense The decision that handed down within month and must be handed down dais INIttlt the target dateol Jan How much llo room will tulure Itarric residents need IIiats the main question before tiitario Municipal Board iiicttilxts re rrell and olin Iiarioii as they set tle dotiti to decide oti Itarries LIIIJItItl acre annexation ipplica lion The question at tIIlSI II IIIIIII people can he put on an acre of Itititl was II£III Ithated topic through out the IltIl hearing on the illllllltilllnll and rricIl said Wednesday II II he the lirst lllIII lie and Iiirioii iiiiisl decide Itarries iiitication hearing etidctl LIttstltt alter titirl II iiioiitlis tieII has ruled that lllt hourd iiiiist gixe Itairie enough Lind to iccoitiiiitntate popiil iion oi litttttt target Iiuurc tor the ycai 3011 suggested lit the hiiiicoe hemtitan ier Task IIircc Itepoit adopted In Ilariie Ill its annexation argu iiictit and tilllllllllttl iii Ilc cciiilicr hi Unlgirio Ircasurei liit IIeotiizli Iliit the target liguic ineaiis IIIItItIII things to dillercttt people Home has argued that Illlltll litIltIs sliotild he developed at rate ol illititll tILll peisoiis pet iistilile IlllLtlI am xi IiiIe opponents hate lIL Arrcll and Iiarron Iiope to have decision within month IIIltilivti date ol the citys new boundaries isJait Uppoiiettts ol the decision will have 28 days to appeal to the CARSON OUIT SMOKING CENTRE PERMANENT ETHICAL SUCCESSFUL Having been established for 25 years and having helped over 12000 people to quit smoking we are able to say with complete confidence If you sincerely want to become PERMANENT NONSMOKER you can do so by following our simple program We do not ask you to try and cut down YOU know that rarely works We do not ask you to stay away from coffee drink or social ac tivities YOU know what happens when you return to those life patterns We show you how to quit smoking without interfering with anything but the deterioration of your money and your HEALTH and they only improve steadily If you are interested in finding out more about the program you can do so by attending our free explanatory session at pm on Sunday Sept 25th at the Brookdale Park Inn Rec Room ISO Dunlop St Barrie Ontario CARSON CENTRE FOR PROFESSIONAL HYPNOSIS 2i JAMES 5mm scum sun 202 HAMILTON ONTARIO l8 3A9 In the event of an appeal the cabinet may either confirm the boards decision or order new hearing provincial cabinet but only if they can gather the signatures ii to per cent ol the voters iii the area to be annexed from any one township or to per cent ol Barrie voters INDOOR TENNIS SQUASH Enioy Indoor Tennis and Squash this winter at Barrie Indoor Tennis Courts After hearty game you may relax in our own Whirlpool with your partner or go for Sauna and then rebmld your tan in our Tropical Sun Room For the energetic group guys and gals you may work out in our exercise room before you shower and cool off LADlES We have FREE Babysit ting Servtce during scheduled hours throughout the day We are now offering Group Tennis and Squash Lessons at different times during the week Call us now for more information or visit us at BARRIE INDOOR TENNIS COURTS 5254644 79 Bell Farm Rd 7373721 Patti liIIir lit of IItIIIlItsI is newr at loss tor things to do Betiitcii it partlinit joli at local paint and iallpapei shop iiid at an interior decorating lillsiiiess she and her mother started last etr Iatti keeps quite hits She also tlljti lettiiis and horseback riding tE aniiiier IIioioi Facilities fro get help The Siiiicoe ouitti Separate School Board itll provide tittancial assistance to Midland Township for the development of track attd tield lacilittes at Sacred IIcatt School School The Ievclopiiient oi the track and titId tacilittes at Sacred Heart School Will he placed under the IISINIIISIIHIII ot the tieorgian tat Roadrunners Midland area track and held cIul PLEASEASK US WERE HERE TO HEP PANELLING INSULATION Now is an ideal time Pour to start that Rec Room project Prefinished woodgrain easy to install There is grain and HEAT SEAL tone to suit any furnishing style colour scheme and decor in valE attic The protected late ot opening tor the tie sports facilities is itxt summer hen the Roadninners track and tteltI Iul hope to host eiitcniital track and held meet tor the In not Midland titlier sporting actiiitics the playground zit Sacred Heart School Ill provide for are toot hall and soccer ields sa incinlicr oi the Midland iomttiittee am pleased Ittl this Board is tatorahle to this eciIleiil protect Hoard trustee ltUItII IiIluinc said STUDENTS AND TEACHERS WORK TOGETHER IN SMALL SEMINARS small private school where boys and girls grades three to thirteen receive an education and goon to University Peer pressures are resisted and emphasis is brisk and backtobasic Horsemanship boating sailing and gymnastics Capable students can mm get grade thirteen in five months through our scnicstercd full credit courses ZONOLITE Attic Insulation SEALS allheat escapeholes Colored Panel Nails lIlrIII lC ONLY W1th liltlisli lIiI iiII patkaiw lot lliritwttis it ihylira MIDHURST COLLEGEMIDHURST 0N1 Cooured panel ans are ZONOLITE pours litirilrll5ilï¬rllllllfllllllAllalll 10L lXOPHONE 7057269685 available to match the 333 mflnpw mllimdlihlf panelling of your choice ZONOLTE is ï¬reproof EA ReogwschLY ZONOLIIE is clean CUFtBag Prefinished Simulated covers 20 sq ft OUR OUR co Woodgrain Panels REG SALE Brazilian Rain Forest 579 479 FIbreQIass agiféfagalmne FIBERGLAS WSULATION is light easy to handle Carooatiiiiiiiizixz11111111111111111111735e35 909d soundprooï¬ng value and the ï¬re Random Plank Elm 769 669 estance to woodfae walls Arctic Oak 749 649 R5 25 8¢ Red Manor House Brick 1689 1549 sqfl Heritage Pecan 679 599 Veil Oak 719 639 sqft sqft Strapping Lumber 1x2 spr4¢ 1x3 spr 6¢ 1x4 spr 7¢ ll 2x2 spr 9¢ Dap 2x4 spr Panel scant AdheSive 14° 39 113 oz tub reg 189 BEST CHANCE TO WIN MILLION sqft nzo 27¢ sqft R28 36¢ sq We stack Friction Fit Paper Back Insulation in most sizes FROM THE Rigid Foam BARGAIN CENTRE The practical choice for your rec room insulation needs LOUVBIOd Interior its super lightweight and Panels seconds Doors easy to stal manufacturers seconds Approx al sizes Values 349 =R24x8 tz I39SHT 34 L9 Decorative 1t 633 Cabinet Door 3Hdwre Obs Pulls 99 R64x812 399SHT 39¢ Ea Ea R84 x82 559SHT CFISIII CARDINAL EH Pricesin LUMBER BUILDING SUPPLIES Canada The National Lottery Loto lumb MINIMUM effect until OCT 1st Hwy 26 27 Opposite Georgian Mall Barrie 7268132 MonWed am6 pm Thurs Er Fri am9 pm Sat 8am5 pm trutoizx VISA