ï¬wï¬ï¬ï¬wwï¬wï¬Www 16 the examiner Thursday Sept 22 1977 sawssew sNWr James his aaglance Siteenyearold Keri agner was oiic of the prettiest clrmiis in Tuesday parade part the annual trade lair at Sta ner The parade was the opening meat at the fail llltll eiidiil Wednesday tllulmiiier Pliotoi VicePresident Walter Mondale assumed prayerful look Tuesday as iihliiiiitisota lltltl convention Mondale asked for labors backing of tlic atfiiiinistrations labor law package and plearled that they would continur their efforts to reduce unemployinrnt lie noted that Minnesota is receiiiiig Sill million to build roads hospitals and schools ll lliotoi Mctlung leaves Washington iiome heading for Rockingham County Jail where he must begin scriing jail term for his part in an antiwar demonstration The deni onstration took place at Madison ollege in 1970 AP Photo iin censorship imposed Scinora Ariaslasio Nicaraguss strongman an nounced this week he was lif ting martial law and press tlii ei years ago following guir rilla raid in Managua ILI Photo Senior Airman Louise Young ho stands 3feetlall uses stool as she measures Ilasic Suaraiiiie Henderson tiLZ ilui ing processing at Weslmei ir Force Base Mass recently Both women are Mr lrorce ltesetwists assigned to the liltltli Tactical Airlift Wing at the base Al llitlitl The doctor says Vitamins not weight cause By THOSTESON Ml Dear Dr Thosteson had drinking problem and have been put on Antabuse and vita min Beompies with vitamin havent had drink or desire for one in two months But my weight jumped from 175 to 190 am feet 10 inches 51 and retired ive been biking couple of miles day feel fine biit lm discouraged because after two months havent lost the extra weight ould the vitamins have anything to do with In weight piobleiu How long ltl taking Anlabuse can one get the reaction if he uses ilcoliolltli answer your last question first The manufac turers say the reactions to An tabuse can occur suddenly or up to 14 days after ingesting the drug Vitamins are not causing your weight problem You feel better and are probably eating more Your weight siioiiid leVel oft it you continue your exer cising and push yourself away from the dinner table bit sooner ongratulatioiis on your silccessfili turn to sobriety Al the worst youve traded serious problem for one you can control much more easily the weight Dear Dr lliostesoii have pains iii the back and side and my mouth has bitter taste My tongue is covered with heavy white coating The doc tor says have sluggish gall bladder Is there medicine should take am tfi arid am afraid to be operated on for lcar of cancer ml vom an if the pain is under the bot tom cdge of the right ribs and in the back there is possibility of gall bladder disease More information is needed The bit ter taste is consistent with the gall bladder idea it can be due to bile resulting from partial obstruction of the bile ducts yellowish tiilt in your eyeballs would indicate this also its sucii fears as yours that kee lot of folks away from ear treatment for problems that may or may not be cancere related hope that with more education about our bodies and what treatment can accomplish for various ailments the less well see of this fear you have As it is its like the man who never wanted to balance his chequebook for fear hed find mistake And youve probably heard this old story He was opened and closed because can cer had gone too far llave done what must be done by all means Dear Dr Thostesoii If becomes pregnant while having an lUD in place is the device left in place or re inovedfMrs Some doctors remove the fill intrauterine device and others dont The device is out side the amniotic sac and has no contact with the fetus Nevertheless the chances of miscarriage increase if it is left it place it retained through the pregnancy it is expelled at bir th Removing it or not is judgment call based on the in dividual patients situation the length of pregnancy and other factors BRIDGE Oswald and Jim Jacoby NT bid scores top 22 NORTH WEST EAST Di 10 ti l0 StilTlf it l0 10 Northboutli vulnerable West North East South Pass 25 Pass Pass Pass Pass tlpening lead By Oswald James Jacoby South was very disappomted when North dropped him at two notrump but was delighted when he saw the dummy The game was matchpomt duplicate and it looked as if spade declarers would have to lose two hearts ruff the ace of spades and king of clubs to Wind up with just eight tricks and South could see eight tricks at notrump unless East held s1xcard heart stilt East allowed dummys eight of hearts to hold the first trick The seven of spaces was led to the king West ducked West also played low on the second spade if South had been looking at all the cards he would have played nine but he did play the jack East dropped the nine of clubs and South saw he would have to abandon the spade suit and look for some other way to find eight tricks It wasnt hard for him He just cashed the diamonds to get to Six tricks threw East in with heart and waited East cashed four hearts and had to lead club South rose with his queen and had his eighth trick and top score Note that this play would not have succeeded if East had cashed aceking of hearts and led third heart to start the defense The opponents have reached three notrump on the se quence Diamond notrump notrump Partner leads the queen of spades Dummy shows AA VA 9K 10 x+KQX He plays low What do we play with AK VQ Ox Axxxx We play the king of spades and lead the suit back if partner holds five spades and an entry we will beat the con tract daily crossword ACROSS 40 Gridder Jimmy Farm meaSure 41 Docks Alley 44 Basement Minutes of opening court 48 ViCinity 12 Subsequently l3 Conjunction 50 Mexrcan Very Fl sandmch 15 ï¬ne 51 Coat with 16 Stage oi gold history 52 American 17 Speak Indian 18 Dad all 53 River in 20 Book pan pi Germany 54 Being Lat Raw metal 55 pawng qumd 22 Sea mammal 23 Money home 56 Extend 26 Getting up Upwafd 30 Greek daily 31 Confederate DOWN 32 Row 33 Navy ship 3223 Well labbl Detective 34 Lincoln and Charm Forias Cleave 35 Actress Absorb Magnaiii Stout 36 Crossed wood possess framework pronoun 38 MeXIcan School organi money pl ration abbr 39 Tax agency Seizure abbrl Precipice 49 Along in years Answer to Prayious Puzzle I3 In 10 Far prefix 31 Alphabet IPnterrogates 34 Affected oetic manner preposition 35 Oxygenator 2O Entreat 37 Protracted liar 38 Before prefix 23 $3231 40 Command 24 One oi the 41 5mm my 42 Spring Bears 25 Take five Dome 26 To me Electric fish sheltered Side Hgh La 27 Charged 45 Dry river bed pamcles 46 Makes perfect 28 Onebillionth 530 mam 47 Antiquity 29 Mardl 49 N0 in AStIOG raph Bernice Bede Osol Wool Binomial Sopt 23 1077 Give your creative bent lull rein this coming year It could put you in the profit column Dont be afraid to experiment with new ideas or unique projects LIBRA Sept 23Oct 23 This may be day when you are spin ning on wheels The inroads you Ieel youre making could be devoted to those who dont really count SCORPIO Oct 24Nov 22 You Whitfield WINTHROP BOW ON ONE GALLON OF YOUR FINEST PETROL MVWD FELLOWj iN MINUTE SYLVESTER1 of Id WHEN5 THE LAST ach LAUcH tau HAD mm Born Loser NSL NOR ERN STATIONERY 29 Dunlop StW 73753860 STUDENTS SPECIAL Typewriter repairs clean oil and adjust from only $1100 Free estimates Call us now at OFFICE OUTFITTERS ii you WERE HMMM have knack today lor getting those you feel responsible for out of tight spots The trouble is Y0u may not let them readily forget it SAGITTARIUS Nov 23Doc 21 The longer you think about things today the more youre likely to dilute your ideas When something is fresh in your mind act upon it CAPRICORN Doc 22Jan 19 Should good things come to you today spread them around bit Share with those whose aid you could need someday AQUARIUS Jan 20Fob 19 Plans carefully conceived will work out as you anticipate Last 7370201 FILL ER UP SHOULD TAKE ABOUT 30 sicfir AWAV DOC fiï¬x Firx 47 qï¬ BARRIE PLAZA you WILL NEVER HAVE TO WORRYABOLJT RléKlNGr YOUR LJFE lN WAR AW Wu TE WHEN SHCVED Penal UP THE M295 mi TAKER WHILE minute changes leave answers up in the air PISCES FEB 20March 20 Imagination is either positive or negative tool tor you today Be positive it you visualize victory taurels can be won ARIES March 21April 19 Friends wont fully react today in ways youd like them to Try to be understanding and hope theyre the same with you TAUHUS Aprll 20May 20 Dont dwell on past mistakes to day as it will only cost you necessary momentum Make your present ettorts count GEMINI May 21Juno 20 The social scene is not good forum HE WAs comma 0N H16 PAD BACK TO SCHOOL SPECIALS 0H WERE NOT REALLY GflRBAGE wERE GONNH THROW IHIS STUFF anl in which to solicit business to day Save your pitch tor office hours Just enjoy yourself CANCER June 21July 22 It youre party in joint venture today it doesnt mean youre automatically elected captain To succeed all should play equal roles LEO July 23Aug 22 in oneto one negotiations today you cant expect anything to tilt in your tavor Compromise may be necessary VIRGO Aug 2380pt 22 Through your honest efforts much could accrue to you today Be watchful 01 those who try to plant in fields youve plowed tqlbyWineiï¬roshc HOD INIMIUVIJJ 912 THAIEa WANNA 8th SOME aim SCOUT CleEs GET MuCfl FOR muse mess DAYS 250 Sheet lined refill reg $248 NOW 155 1Binderreg$219NOW189 1V2 Binder Reg $279 NOW 259