Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 22 Sep 1977, p. 15

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the examiner Thursday Sept 22 1977 15 7lIIelp waited Itelp wanted MANUFACTURING ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGISTS leading manufacturer of office education and library furniture requires manfacturing Engineering Technologists with an industrial engineering background Must have to years experience in sheet metal fabricating environment Salary commensurate with qualifications Excellent company paid benefits Please apply in Person to Personnel Department OEL Manufacturing Corp Toll Road Holland Landing Ont S24 SALESPERSDNREOOIRED Due to increasing sales of Toyotas Central Ontarios largest Toyota dealer requires new aggressive salespersons immediately Ex perience not necessary BENEFITS We have best automobile sales training program in Ontario Company car Excellent working facilities Excellent remuneration Long established business and repeat clientele Plus many extras CALL FOR APPOINTMENT 7260288 Ask for Bob or Orville Jackson LARGE ruIIIiItiIIir OPERATION SALESPERSON Experienced already accustomed to earning $20000 year need apply For right person new car supplied TELEPHONE ORILLIA 3259527 FARMER JACKS FURNITURE WAREHOUSE ASK FOR MR THOMPSON S28 TF OPPORTUNITY THE HITCH HOUSE LTD Ontarios most Progressive Builder Denier of manufactured homes requires immediately an eager and aggressive SALESPERSON to sell factory built houses Applicant must be decisive intelligent in terested in meeting the public and selfstarter Knowledge of house construction is definite asset FOR APPOINTMENT PLEASE CALL JAMES WILLIAMS 7289700 524 STOP If you are tired of facing financial problems and now want to get ahead in life we have four openings in new limited company Must have car aggressive personality Full training for rewarding career as Filter Queen represen tative For interview call 7374904 521 22 23 26 27 ADVERTISING REPRESENTATIVE Long established advertising specialty firm requires area commissioned representative Full or part time Experience preferred but not essential For appointment in Barrie on Monday September 27th call 6133423486 TO PM WED THURS OR FRIDAY YES CANI You can add additional $23 dollars to your family In LL come with Avons beautiful new Christmas line plus makeup and fragrance for todays woman Its won teqUIleCl derful opportunity for the for interior work energetic woman Top WAGES How aboutYOU Call Must be experienced CALL PROVINCIAL FLOOR SERVICES 7282950 7289652 524 ThOI3 SALES Ladies wear chain requires full time and parttime employees Experience essential MAMSELLE BAYFIELD MALL BOX REPLIES While every endeavor will be made to forward replies to box numbers to the advertiser as soon as possible we accept no liability in respect of loss or damage alledged to arise through either failure or delay in forwarding such replies $9335 9X GUNNOAK AREA WELDONNAPIER AREA VESPRASANFORD AREA DONALDFRANCIS AREA ROUTES ARE NOW AVAILABLE lnmA HEIGHTS SEARE TIME 78tenders SALE BY TENDER LIQUIDATION SALE Contractor must liquidate and Win Prizes 7IIIolp waited If you want to work approximately hrs daily days week no Saturdays or Holidays hold valid drivers licence over 2t yrs of age pass medical Then we want YOU Call Mr Howlett Stock Brothers School Bus Lines 72859 rr 77359Ieiflfll5199555 EXPANDING CANADIAN Oil Compan needs dependable person who can war Without supervision Earn 4000 pe year plus bonus Contact customer around Barrie We train Write Dick Pres Southwestern Petroleum Brampton Ont L6T 2J6 SELL LIGHTING experienced sale person required immediately to sell our guaranteed tong tile lighting products Age no barrier Car necessity Highest commissmns paid weekly Full time or part time Write Lightmaster PO Box 56 BurlingtonOntario L7P IAI 76ffemployment wanted EXPERIENCED WOMAN will babysit in her own home Altandale Heights district Telephone 726 835I STENOGRAPHICOR CLERICAL POSI TION several years of varied ex perience Available immediately Own transportation Telephone Margaret 4336 3669 BOOKKEEPER Accounts payable receivables payroll clerk Several years experience Available immediately For more inlormation call 726 3784 anytime MALE 30 Reliable employee seeking trainee position years busmess exp order desk purchasmg advertising customer relations marketing years prof counselling interwewing univerSI ly background Phone 705 549 7767 WILLING TO LOOK AFTER CHILDREN in my own home Monday to Friday until 30 Prayide hot lunches Telephone 728 7643 EXPERIENCED TYPIST bilingual Is looking tor pagition in general office work Preterably small office Part time Telephone 726 9550 assets Including Ten acre parcel of land in the Town of Gravenhurst in the District Municipality of Muskoka formerly in the Township of Muskoka being part on Plan 35R4265 with three bedroom home spacious livingdining area Hollywood kitchen four piece bath and large walkin basement l967 Chev C60 dump truck as Is I974 Fleetwing ll ft pickup camper fully self contained sleeps six All sales by tender obtainable from PERCY GRAVES Barrister and Solicitor IOI Muskoka St Box 676 Gravenhurst Ontario POC IGO Solicitor for the liquidation or by phone 705687349l Tenders are to be opened at the office of Percy Graves at the above office on Monday the I7TH DAY OF OCTOBER I977 at 300 pm EDST All tenders must be received by that date and time The highest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted Tenders and information available for the Solicitor for the liquidation S22290b 77 auction sales ANNOUNCEMENTS Australian unemployment SPECIAL NOTICES CASH RATES Death Notices Engagements Births $550 maximum 40 words additional words to cents per word Card of thanks 40 words s5so Unemployment In New Zealand Additional words to cents per word In Memoriam no verse $550 Verse per count line extra 22 cents per line Coming Events $322 per column inch srunrnr SPECIAL Dont be out of the news when youre away at school this yearGet Student Subscription to The Examiner Only $I950 For an month subscription Postage included Send cheque or money order with your name and complete address to the examiner CIRCULATION DEPT t6 Bayfield St BARRIE Offer Expires Sept 30 Mondays Child is fair at lace Tuesdays Child is lull of grace Wednesdays Child is lull of woe Thursdays Child haslarto go Fridays Child is loving and givmg Saturdays Child works hard for its IIVIng And child that is born on the Sab bath Day Islair and Wise and good and gay Children hearing this verse by Counter Cullen always want to know which day at the week was their birth date Keep this and other important information lor your childs future An Examiner Birth Announcement Wlll include the name at your child the day at the week month and year of birth the weight and other Vital information printed message can become permanent record in Babys Book or Family Albums The rate for an Examiner Birth Notice is only $550 maximum 40 words Add Iional words to cents per word PHONE 778 24 YOUNG Michael Young would like to announce the arrival at his baby Sister Angela Lynn Angela arrived Wednes day morning at 73 in sunshine and happiness and shed better not keep her father waiting up for her that Iatr again 83 engagements FLETCHER SUTHERLAND Mr and Mrs Lloyd Fletcher of Ora are pleased to announce the engagement at their daughter Catherine Joan to Robert James Sutherland son of Mr and Mrs Fraser Sutherland ol Barrie The wed ding Will take place on October 8th1977 at Ora Central Presbyterian Church at 30p 85 deaths BROWN Maud Florence Al the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie on Wednes day September 2i I977 Maud Florence Brown beloved Wile of Harry Brown at Big Bay Paint lormerly ol Islinglon In her 79th year Dear mother at Maud Mrs Douglas Davis and Harry Junior of Oro Township Allan at Streetsvillc and Queenie Mrs Frank Little of Big Bay Point Sister ol Elizabeth Brown London Ontario Survived also by to grandchildren and great grand children Friends may call at Stockltr Funeral Home CID Worsley Street Bar ric after pm Wednesday Service in thr ctiapul on Friday Siptcmtmr 73 It Interment Cilunualc Memorial Gar dens Toronto In lieu of tlawors memorial donatitm to Caliitdidrl Cancer Soc ioty would be appreciated NOTICE deadline for classified word ads previous day noon Saturday 79 auction sales ANTIQUES CANADIANA COLLECTIBLES Property of Harry Barbarian Toronto Restauranteur and TRINHY PARISHHALL Canadiana collector SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 24 AT II AM BALDWIN GRIST Ill HWY NO 4B miles south of Sutton Property said Everything including Toronto pieces must be sold This is fine selection of early Canadiana sale well worthy of public noiice your attendance PREVIEW Friday September 23 I26 pm POLLARDS AUCTION SERVICES 6476360I Examiner Want Ads Dont CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DIRECT PHONE 7282414 Classified advertisements and notices lor these pages must be received by pm day preceding publication with the exception of Classified Display advertisements which must be in by pm two days prior to publication BIRTHS ENGAGEMENTS MARRIAGES DEATH NOTICES 40 words 5550 Additional words IOcII per word RD OF THANKS 40 words $550 Addi tional words ts per word IN MEMORIAM NOTICES No verso $550 With verse per count line 22cent per line COMING EVENTS $327 per column inch 74 WORD MINIMUM cussttitu Auvziinsma Cosh Discount Rates apply if paid within days One or two insertions 9ic per word insertion Three VESPRA SANIFORD AREA DONALD FRANCIS AREA LETITIA HEIGHTS Please fill out the application below and return it to THE EXAMINER Circulation Dept 16 Bayiield St Barrie or Phone 7266539 Address Telephone Age consecutive Insertions cents per word In serlion total $648 Six consecutive Inser tions Bc per word per Insertion total 224 Multiple insertions may be ordered subject to cancellation when satisfactory results obtained Method of counting fewer than 24 words count as 24 words Each initial abbreviation set of numbers etc count as separate words ERRORSANDCORRECTIONS All phone insertion orders are accepted as convenience to the advertisers Therefore the Classified Advertising Department re quires ad advertisers to kindly recheck their advertisement immediately after first lnler lion In order that any error or omission may may be rectified for the following day publication The Examiner Is responsible for only one Incorrectly printed insertion of any portion at ad that involves the mlsprlnt Er adverlisetnenl are not eligible for correc lions by make goods The Examiner reserves the right to classify revise or reject any want ads EXAMINER WANT ADS 72824I4 rars which do not Ieuen the value of tlie CANCILLA Francesca At the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie on Tuesday September 20 I977 Francesca Saso beloved Wile oi the late Frank Can cilia in her 90th year Dear mother at Josephine Mrs Scaletta and Rose of Barrie and the late Anthony Cancilla Lovmg grandmother at eight grand children and IS great grandchildren SUTVIVEO also by one sister Mrs Angelina Bondi Resting at the Stecktey Funeral Home 30 Worslev Street Bar rie alter pm Wednesday Requim Mass at St Marys Church Barrie on Friday September 23 at It Inter menl St Marys Cemetery Memorial donations to the Remembrance Fund of Royal Victoria Hospital Auxiliary would beapprcCiated 06 card of thanks ROHLING The family of the late William Ranting Wish to thank everyone concerned for their donations cards to ters of sympathy visits and calls Socma thanks to the Innislil Police and Fire departments tor their valiant of tort Werner and Irene Rohling FAWCETI Thank you to so many lriencts in Barric who brought blossmg into my fathers latter years He did so very much Appreciate your friendship and lctlowship and we thank you deeply for this Speoal thanks to Dr Jake Dick and hospital stall Carlos and Linda Olivmra and lamily Pastors PenncII Running Wucsl the senior groups it their churches and lust host of friends who kept in touch glad TLUIIIOII awaits those who are In Chrisl W0 ttopc his memory may be constant sourcv of in spiratian to us all Paul and vi Fowcutt Shelley Lori inrt Colleen coming events MURRAY DOREEN CALDWELL would like to invite their friends and relations to GUTHRIE HALL to dance on OCTOBER lst AT PM to celebrate their 25th WEDDING ANNIVERSARY s22 BINGO REBEKAH AND ODDFELLOWS EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT 800 pm l00F HALL FERRIS LANE Jackpot SIOO refreshment booth run ic TNEARLY NEW SALE OCT 8i 9AM TO PM 7265486 726l582 S22282930°I 3l WHAT IZYEARULD BUSINESSPERSON CANT LEND MONEY Answer Your Examiner Carrier on Collection Day TODAY IS COLLECTION DAY PLEASE PAY YOUR CARRIER PROMPTLY ThTF Cwfiat DAY IS BEST Advertisers frequently ask this question Fortunately there Is be reported before 9am In order that same no day to advertise Each doy new wants arise bringing new readers as old ones satislyj advertisemenlandthenonlytotheexlentol tholr wants recommend that you start your ad tomorrow and cancel it when you get results After many years of ex perience with millions of want ads we know tomorrow Is the best day tostart your ad and every day Is the best day to ad iverlise in The Examiner Classified Section Phone 7282414 AUCKLAND NZ CP remains little more than token in spite of this countrys current economic difficulties great outcry is being raised by the Labor party opposition and by trade unions about soaring unemployment Yet the total registered unemployed for the entire coun try is only 6445 or 05 per cent of the work force Even with the addition of 628 people on special govern ment relief works those without normal employment still number only 12 per cent of the work force In almost any other western country such figure would be hailed as sensationally low In fact Labor party spokes men deplore the figures as ap patting and say they are pointer to the alarming and de teriorating state of the econ omy Labor and trade unions Iead ers say that the figures are far worse than the statistics in dicate They point to con siderable outflow of people Horror of Hiroshima Is haunting LONDON Router The wartime atomic horror of Hiro shima and Nagasaki has re tumed to haunt scientists with some peculiar statistics More than 350000 residents lived through the US atomic bombing of the two Japanese citim in August 1945 and these survivors have provided most of the existing knowledge of longterm radiation effects in humans International organizations and govemmenls setting max imum allowance radiation ex posure for workers base these limits largely on studies done on this Japanese population But they may be getting it all wrong suggests Prof Joseph Rotblal in recent article in the journal New Scientist Prof ILOllIlll 69 is well placed to raise questions lie worked on nuclear bombs at the US atomic centre in 105 Alamos after the war He recently has served us prrr fessor of physics at St Bur lholomews Hospital here and has served on the World IICflllll Organimtions advisory vom mittoo on medical rusuarth QUESTIONS IISIIMAIICS The question now arises whether it is justified to base estimates of risks of populations exposed to radiation under normal peacetime activities on the results ovblaincl front Abomb survivors he writes The problem IS that the survir vors and their offspring lef doing better than expected lruo they have more concurs and leukemia than thi resI of the Japanese population but despite this they have lower mortality rate overall Illitll their fellow lilpitllfSf This Is an incredible finding us almost all animal studies show total exposure to radiation shortens life echtuniy Also no gcnolic affects how been found In the children of the survivors No increases in Hill cers have been found In people who were in their Inulhcts wombs in the cities Wllfll IIIi bombs hit These findings also contradict animle lulu This is grxid news for lll sur vivors perplexing news for scir enlists One interpret illlltll lllitl immediately offers itself is that 2i little radiation Is gnarl for you 31f carsfor sale from New Zealand in the past year The net migration loss for the year to March 31 was 19072 compared with normal migration gain Critics say these people would be out of work had they remained REAL TOTAL HIGHER The president of the Feder ation of Labor the central trade union organisation Sir Thomas Skinner says that the true unemployment figure in cluding parttime workers out of jobs people who do not regis ter as unem toyed working wives oblige to remain at home and other such cate gories bring the total to about four per cent of the work force Yet even taking every possi bility of underemployed cater gories into account the per centage of the work force out of jobs is still much lower than in most countries whatever the basis of calculation The minister of labor Gordon says seasonal factors and recent measures to stimu late the labor market should result in fall in jobless after this month Davi The Second World War avoid ance of any substantial pool of unemployed has been priority policy with every New Zealand govmment of any party It is such basic tenet that any gov ernment which allowed unem ployment to get out of band would be signing its death war rant The policy is maintained at the sacrifice of some other eco nomic considerations For in stance the level of imports re mains at much higher level than conventional economic considerations would dictate The reason is that substantial pro ortion of items imported wit out restriction contribute to employment FUNDS IMPORTS Conventional economic policy would let some such in dustries go to the wall in view of the need to reduce the deficit in foreign payments Instead New Zealand continues borrowing at high rates of in terest to fund imports and so keep jobintensive industries functioning Little more than token Some economists say that situation of virtual overfull em ployment which has prevailed for most of the past 30 years oductivity in New en anyone can go causes low Zealand round the corner and get new ob most of the time there is ess incentive to work at top ca pacity in order to cling to an existing job However despite various such factors New Zealanders continue to insist that job secur ity be top economic priority Indeed such situation is seen as one of the most valuable as pects of quality of life in New Zealand making for easier pace and less strain and tension in daily living It is for this reason that the present rise in unemployment even if so far to only modest figure is causing concern Un less the government can check the trend and restore full em ployment it will be in trouble It has little more than year to act since eneral election is due at the en of 1978 David Kokol four ookslowm trxik part in the parade at this weekends Cookslown Fair Mziny designs and varieties of bikes and baby strollers each decorated in different way were judged and awarded prizes accordingly David received 50 cents for his bike entry and first prizi for his erikir Kroalure entry made of garden vegetables Examiner Photo Hong Kong is battling its teeming birth rate HONG KONG Router Mr ComonudBeSterilized hands out contraceptives to 32 COTSTOT sale TOKE MOTORS LTD I9 Bradford 51 Barrie startled businessmen and preaches vasectomy to fertile fathers Rape victims are given morning after pills and shirts are sold advertising male prophylactiw These are just some of the methods employed by the Fam ily Planning Association here in its battle to control the birth rate in teeming Hong Kong Such methods appear to be working association spokesman Peggy Lam said ha th brthr MAKE EQUIPMENT LIC no PRICE in ii 322 anivieai l7ebilths Se mm mm IVEw incestuous 76 Ford Ck bcyL Jims $3995 Birth control is Vita in this 75 Ed V3 7° V3 AT PS PB NBS830 $2995 British colony Mrs Lam said 75 Bob Cat Dr Cyl 1532 $2595 jThere are four and half mit 75 Cutlass us At p5 p3 L413 $3995 ban of us In atotal area of 400 $3895 square mIles 75 my V3 it080 Not all that land is habitable 75 Glmi 6CylR JMP585 $2495 and there are no natural re 75 Plymouth Fury vs A1 p5 is Air H402 $3695 Zgufieys here So we must cut 15 Pm cyl 400 $2495 Latest govemment statistics 74 Mlonte Cleric VB AT PS PB HXASSB showgg bthe populattihon fin 74 Pymout Fury v3 ups run 5035 creas 36294 in 0irs 74 vw pusher cyL 0492 $2395 half of 1977 to $513900 no third lit was due to 14 Dotson Cyl am it JLT390 $1995 migraiion gal 74 Pontiac SW pp 5055 $2895 ADVOCATE PAIR 73 Harvester Scout v3 691 $3995 mygaggéalyagmgavsgofig 73 Ford Capri AT p712 $1995 enough 13 Camera vs AT rs r3 It DRY338 3595 Chinese tragiiioi does lot 73 Plymouth Sat V8 Al P3 P3 11653 2495 agree Most amI Ies wan 73 Omega 6c 16 $2395 son to carry on the name and this Is very Important for an 72 Bill VB AT PS PB ECUSol $2295 cestor worship said Mrs 71 Pontiac vs ATPSPBR sun225 995 LaTrE rg associa Ion mom runner 5cm v8 is the man Research showed V6 Ecpzn that 94 per cent of the persons 70 Eyelid V8 AT PS PB FLCI 69 attending the DSSOYCABIIOII clin 62 For Tow Truck Fully Equipped IMO624 05 are Women 5° cam to Increase ma res vw 4Yl hub in ngiglity for birth 00 trot pvllas 17 Chev Pick up vs rs rs II 43529 $4995 launched 73 Dodge Van camper 39034 $5995 In dintie two pulfr Canto nese com ac ors now 15 and motorcycle 66 $1835 dubbed Mr BirthControl 74 SunIn Motorcycle 30435 and um ComeandBe 73 Honda Motorcycle 803W 795 Sierilized with mobile Prices in effect until closing Oct I977 The Home of Hand Picked Quality theatre that has toured the colony with family planning propaganda show They descended on central district heart of Hong Kongs business world to distribute condoms t0 bemused office workers during their lunch hour They are backed up by tele vision campaign with leading jockey soccer star police constable and top actor pro moting vasectomy About 1000 vasectomis year are con ducted here WANTS LAWS CHANGED Mrs Lam would like to see Hong Kongs abortion laws changed In Singapore you can get free abortion Here you need the consent of two doctors and think the law should be liber alized Women pregnant through birth control mistakes should be allowed to have an abor tion she said Rape victims are aided by the association which gives them morning after pills Its kind of high estrogen pill which should be taken within 24 hours to ensure that possible pregnancy is terminatedl Mrs Lam who with just one daughter practices what she reaches admits to one allure fisherfolk Dotted round Hong Kongs 250 islands is floating population of 60000 and she said Thats the big problem at the moment Those with six to eight chil dren wont listen to us They get food from the sea The need more help on board and 00k on itasfreelabor China trip called probe WASHINGTON CPI US State Secretary Cyrm Vances recent China trip produced no dramatic diplomatic break throughs in achieving full rela llirons with the Com Inunisl coun However US officials say such breakthrough was not the point of the tri instead the vrsil was view as dell cate probe by two new govern ments of each olhers views to ward decisions and com milments made by previous governments

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