Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 22 Sep 1977, p. 14

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14 the examiner Thursday Sept 22 1977 Eliroomful gt J32ttuaftustlla FURNISHEDROOMinAllalIdaleatbus 75 MERCURY MARQUIS stop cooking lacilities available BROUGHAM door sedan va Gentlemen prelerred Telephone Wmmallci P5 P8 PW radio 7284268daysor72808109venings Mitewallsi wheel covers electric CENTRAL FURNISHED ROOMS common rooms free parking laundry facilities 7267186 FURNISHED ROOMS clean modern central location Parking available now Phone Hamilton Real Estate 7371000 FURNISHED ROOMS tor reni near Iaé tories and shopping From $22 to $30 weele 7269859 and 7371631 EXTRA LARGE FURNISHED rooms Share kitchen For singles or young couples Linen suppllied Downtown area 7266392 FURNISHED ROOM to rent in Tall Trees area Complete use at kitchen lacillties bathroom rec room and grounds Linen supplied Telephone Len 7372756 alter 700 FREE ROOM lor female senior citixen in new home in exchange or companion ship lor other female senior citizen All household privileges Close to bus stop 7284463 alter 500 pm CLEAN BRIGHTWigneo bedsitting room lichen privileges Close to down town Telephone 7281922 TWO UNFURNISHED brig clean rooms private bath Suit one person Baylield and Cundles area on bus route No pets or children Telephone 728 6649 FURNISHED ROOM with privileges Central location Young working man prelerred Telephone 726 6383 LOVELY CLEAN HOME large bright lurnished bedroom with sink Rooms cleaned linen changed weekly Kitchen facilities Free parking Gentleman prelerred 7280598 2Iroom and board SINGLE ROOM 3rd lloor color TV home cooked meals Close to downtown also room mate for double room Students welcome 535 weekly 726 36770 FERRIS LANE BAYFIELDV sT Ferndale student or working girl only 535 weekly For appointment calli 132155 23oltices stores tor rent MODERN OFFICE space lor lease small or large suites immediate 0c cupancy short or long term 726 3400 Angeloll OFFICE SPACE available from 125 10 1200 square leet Rental rate $450 per sq lt Call Bill Sakaris National Trust Company7289201 TWO OFFICES iust over 500 square leet each can be ioined together 150 mon thly each includes parking and heat Located Dunlop St downtown Barrie Mrs Petch 726 3338 10101 922 2458 4space for rent lME INDUSTRIAL SPACE 2000 60310 sq lt lully Sprinklered transport and light truck loading docks Hit 18 It clear part at large expanding industrial mall 726 7130 FOR PLEASE IsaaCe arnd industrial warehouse Telephone 7263400 Angelolf VERY NICE Industrial bUIIding on Dunlop St West with large lenced in property Phone 7287044 or 416 6350637 WANTEDCEMENT FLOOR barn Shed or large garage in the vicinity oi Barrie Telephone 72672268 alter pm 800 SQ FT WORKSHOP lor leasc Available immediately Rental includes heat and lights downtown Barrie Call 728 0580 beloreSp 26accommodationsto share SHARE large new turnished house within walking distance at college With two males Reasonable rent For in lormatiOncaII 436 17290atl7er75 30pm PERSON TO SHARE Comfy home Vin Stroud $100 monthly includes utilities Call 436 5074 SEERETARGE URNI SHED HOUSE near factories and bus Own room Eonse 728 I97 32wsforsde 1974 PLYMOUTH FURY III tour door hardtop automatic PS PB air con ditioning tinted glass radio whitewalls wheel covers vinyl root Lic No HTP 337 52928 DOUGLAS LINCOLN MERCURY SALES LTD 81 Essa Road Barrie 7285558 1965 CORVETTE Stingray coupe 327 cubic inch certified $6950 Telephone 7261001 or 7269005 1976 DART SWINGER cylinder automatic radio rear detogger low mileage excellent condition priced to sell Telephone 436 4517 alter pm 1977 CADILLAC SEDANDEVILLE loaded 11000 mils Fully never seen snow excellent condition For further in formation or appointment TELEPHONE 7266474 523 1974 METERO RIDEAU 500 door hardtop V8 automatic PS PB vinyl root radio whitewalls wneel covers Lic No HTN404 $2988 DOUGLAS LINCOLN MERCURY SALES LTD81 Essa Rd Barrie 728 5550 FOR SALE 67 Merc Park Lane P5 P8 PW way seats tilt steering can oc certilied $600 or best Offer 424 9528 1973 METEOR V8 automatic power steering brakes 58000 miles radio new exhaUSI system good condition 51800 Phone 7280851 1975 PLYMOUTH CUSTOM Fury power steering and brakes automatic radio etc 360 like new $3200 Telephone 7B7484ev 1973 DOD CHARGER special edi tion Green with white viryl top two door hardtop motor power steering power brakes and rad Certilied under coated and Ming glazed 45000 mies Ex cellent condition $2850 or best ofler Telephone 728 7538 between pm 1931 FORD COUPE Model Etcellent condition Trade or cash $3903 or DeSI otter Ail performance options Telepnorie 726 013 or 728 6807 1974 DODGE MONACO tout Goof il automatic 95 Pp raca whitewalls M1925 covers Ho HFH063 $1678 DOUGLA NCO MERCURY SALES 70 Ease Road Barrie 72 552 1974 F090 FII JD Farrier ILT PS Pa as 521 Make Her TeleVire 22 5791 aters 37 1973 MJEAHG aitoacr tJi power 3m V8 new race curer Icon drtiori Prvae 1277 70 824ueriing 1967 CHnrsE= IiEIWGpT or V8 no Do rose 71 condition $470 as Ver Telephone 7310a 1968 CHE ELLE yiflea110rriatir transmissvm rad7 Corrie 711 work re ired Not certilied 531 or mat otter elepnone 728 7945 after tr 1973 MERCURY MARQUIS BROUGHAMJOUV JIK automatic P5 PB PW redo detroSter whitewalls wheel cavers Lic Hr FCT994 $2248 DOUGLAS LINCOLN MERCURYSALESLTD8EssaPoaJ Barrie 728 5558 TWO CARS 1966 TRIUMPH SPIT FIRE been reStoreo asxing S900 1968 Chev asking 36 Will CNN both cars Telephone 7260909 ask lor Steve i972 GRAND TORINO sport Slarsky and Hutch stripe automatic power steering and brakes $1800 or best otter Call 7372755 1973 MERCURY COMET six cylinder automatic transmission radio radial tires excellent condition $1800 will cer tily Telephone 487 5468 alter pm or weekends ONE OWNER I975 DATSUN 710 stan dard low mileage excellent condition with tour winter tires economical gas saver Telephone 7265757 alter pm LINCOLN CONTINENTAL 1970 Air conditioned power equipped 84000 miles Newly painted Private sale $2000 Telephone 7287156 1994 CHEVY NOVA Supersport 350 Automatic bucket seats AMFM stereo tape radio rustprooled new Salety checked Best otter Phone 726 7040 anytimeHW 197273 ALFA ROMEO GT 2000 Mint condition extras Asking $3850 Must be soon to be appreciated Call 7266181 or 734631 1974 CHEV IMPALA wagon excellent condition curtllled Chrome rack radio many tixtras Priced to go Telephone 7372559 1966 BEAUMONT No rust 236 automatic Must be soon Excellent con dItIon Call 7269142 altar pin TWOWAC VENTURA Twodoor coupe six cylinder automatic power steering radio whltowalls Llc No KRX637 $2 DOUGLAS LINCOLN IMERCURY SALES LTD ll Essa Rd Barrie 7285558 delroster vlnyl root Lic No JLX026 $3688 DOUGLAS LINCOLN MER CURY SALES LTD 81 Ess Rd Barrie 7285558 m9 DATSUN 1000 oeine good condi tlgn as Is $200 new brakes Telephone T923 DGETVIONACO door hardtop stereo tape in car heater two mounted snow tires good condition $500 Telephone 7373969 1971 DATSUN door standard transmission radio snow tires new mulller needs lender work as is 8250 Telephone 7372206 1973CAMARO for Sole 44000 milesjask ing $2500 Also liberglas canoe l4 lt £150 Telephpone 0074alter pm 1973 TOYOTA tor le 40060 miles ssoo or best oller Telephone 7286485 alter Pl gt Add 7777 gt 1974 FIREBIRD V8 automatic power steering power brakes radio 8Track AI condition callAalter pm7726 3357 1976 MALIBU beaulilul condition two door hardtop with many extras Telephone two door hardtop with many extras Telephone 726 1328 I967 CHEV35000 original miles Six cylinder automatic tour door sedan Body good clean inside will certily $900 or exchange tor small car 726 2455 GAS SAVER 1974 Vega Hatchback tour cylinder automatic radio Finished in springtime yellow Showroom condition Priced to save you dollars at 51525 HTS 893 In ternational Automobile 100 Tillin St Barrie 726 9050 1969 TRIUMPH SPITFIRE new brakes rebuilt engine Very good condition $950 Telephone 456 5900 BRAND NEW I977 Pontiac Parisicnne two door vinyl root V8 305 cubic inch engine extras Won at CNE Telephone 728 8283 alter 500 1968 BUICK LE SABRE ps pb mechanically in good condition needs some body work as is 5300 Certified $350 Also tree I966 Buick Skylark tor parts and tires most parts inter changeable lor above car Call Bob Graham 726 4739 I975 TOYOTA CELICAGT 25000 MLES speed AMFM Radio radial tires rear window delogger block heater Al CONDITION make otter 728 8864 CERTIFIED Buick LeSabre new paint iot new brakes excellent condition private sale Telephone 737 0587 1969 DODGE VPOLARA wagon tor sale $600 or best otter Certified cylinder in good condition Telephone 1975 CHEV IMPALA two door hardtop air conditioning split bench seats Vinyl root plus many more options Good value at only 52500 728 5470 ECONOMY PLUS 1973 Maverick two door coupe six cylinder automatic power steering bucket seats radio Low mileage Super lional Automobile 100 Tillin St Barrie 726 9050 I965 COMET cylinder automatic in excellent running condition new brakes and lines good body 5200 Telephone 436 2212 I974 CAPRI V6 $2800 excellent condi tion only 18000 miles radials silver with black Vinyl root 52700 or closest ot fer Certified Telephone 728 2473 1970 MERCURY MONTEGO door power steering and brakes 302 V8 other extras good condition throughout $700 asis Telephone 737 2337 1976 GRAND PRIX very clean low mileage Air power windows ps pb bucket seats mag wheels Asking only $4850 Call726 7294afler5ix 1971 CHRYSLER NEWPORT 44000 miles tour door hardtop power steer ing power brakes radial tires In very gooa condition Certitied $1300 Tele Onene 737 3664 evenings I974 CHEV MALIBU two door radio automatic power steering 250 engine AI condition Certified Asking $2600 Telephone 436 3677 GAS SAVE I970 Maverick door automatic 61000 miles new paint and body work At mechanically Certified 5995 Telc phone 726 8273 alter 1976 MONTE CARLO landau light blue many extras including Sun rool power locks windows seats Good clean condi tion Best otter Phone 737 2630 after pm 1977 CHRYLSER ASPEN two door 05 tom sedan 26 options including on the flow overdrwe balance at warranty will sell tor low price 01 $4875 lirm 728 3634 I971 CHEVELLE MALIBU Hardtop tour door automatic power equipped Excellent condition $1450 or best otter Certified Telephone 726 8692 I972 OLDSMOBILE ROYALE tour door hardtop original owner Power equp ped including air Completely serviced this year With Michelin tires exhaust system maior tune up shock absorbers etc 1040 197i CHEVELLE MALIBU Hardtop tour door automatic power equipped Excellent condition $1450 or best otter Certilied Telephone 726 8692 m1973 PLYMOUTH CRICKET 69000 Recommend viewing 52195 728 miles runs well but needs some body work Bestotler Telephone 728 8275 1976HAORNET HATCHBACV package like new condition Low miles $3100 Make an after This car should be seen Telephone 728 6168 alter SPORTS CAR 1971MGB CONVERTIBLE four 50000 With overdrive stereo ritle and tape Everyores dream car $1350 Lic No AHM 150 International Automobile 100 Tillin St Barrie 726 9050 Elm VOLARE FOUR DOOR cylinder automatic transmission powar Steermg iiill vinyl root delogger radio whitewall tires with lull wheel discs Low Mileage Price$4295 Rcg Smith Motors Ltd341 Licence No LMJII3 Baylield St ii 7370801 778 e757 JJcars wantedto buy TOP PRICE tor top cars Toke Motors Ltd 119 Bradlord St Barrie 728 811i JUNK CARS WANTED Highest prices paid Same day pickup Holt Auto Wreckers 7268711 TRACY WANTS cars and trucks tor WVPCHng and parts trip prices paid Free pickup Telephone 726 8487 COLE BROS Cars and trucks wanted tor wrecking Fast pickup 435 6322 Alters 414 59497 WANTED Clean UJO cars Barrie Hon daAuoSale I7Gowan51 726 6488 SHAKELS WRECVING and Towing ver metal cars bought over scales Beslpricespaid 437 3677 SCRAP VEHICLES WANTED prices paid FrLrr irrirriedial anytime 43179 34trucks and trailers 1977 DODGE DELIVERY VAN 3300 mitts only specd overdrive transmis snri Fuztprmled radio 15200 lirrrt Telephone 73 049 TOD pickup 1976 CHEROKEE CHIEF package 360 47 10900 rriiIct Loaded Equalizer hitch root rack Telephone 737 3256 1976 CHEVROLET hall Ion pick up truck Black Never seenmntur Bestol ler Telephone 72 5597 1973 DODGE Vito HINT miles no rust Certilied 51700 Telephone 436 3012 1974 GMC Suburban ton lull time tour by tour automatic power brakes power steering 726 5609 76 CHEV VAN I976 Chev Vdn VB fully customized with every con ceivable option Finished In at block with black and red custom Interior Only 17000 miles This yon must be soon to be appreciated IIVICOE DATSUN 549 Boyfleld St ust north of Georgian Moll BurrIo 7370254 1968 FORD pickup on Telephone 456 5406 ms DODGE FARGOVAN cylinder uncartlllod running condition Askln 8200 Telephone 737 3215 evenings certilied Days original 75 RANGER XLT 1975 Ford F100 XLT VB automatic pa pb only 32000 miles Two tone brown and white with mot chlng Ford custom cop This week only $3850 Nico DATSUN 549 deflold St lust north of Georgian Moll Dorrie 7370254 523 1973 FORD RANGER XLT Ion pickup 360 CID V8 automatic power steering power disc brakes radio tinted windshield whitewall steel radlal tires step bumper and wheel covers Lic P7832 $2695 Call 726 1102 tiller pm 72B 5965 daytime 1970 VW pickup truck tour speed stan dard radio certilied $795 Telephone 487 3333 alter pm I975 DODGE MAXI VAN Camper con version STD transmission Many ex tras 55500 or best oller Telephone 42499 I968 CHEV VAN automatic 5495 68000 miles good condition radio Telephone 728 3060 gt allservice and repairs LICENSED MECHANIC will do general repairs by appointment only Nigllts and weekends Telephone 728 1871 36auto acce ies BRAND NEW GOODYEAR all winter radial snow tires set at two on rims to lit Maverick Granada Asking $125 37motorcyclesr 1976 KAWASAKI 100 like new only 400 imiles $475 or best oller Also two hel gtmets IOr sale Telephone 728 2473 250CC YAMAHA lor sale 1974 best ol iler In good condition Telephone 728 2084 ISUZUKI TF I25 Bought in 1976 Ex cellent condition 8500 miles Ollers Phone evenings 726 5678 irsnowmebies IMOTO SKI snowmobiles sales and ser vice Check our new season warranty Barrie Moto Cross Centre Ltd 389 Bayfield St Barrie 726 4112 RUPP NITRO II 74 440 snowmobile good condition new track 5700 or DCSI Ioller 16 Wellington St or call 7264851 Must sell 40 wtlclas for sde ADVANCED VACUUM 1416 Mulcustor St Barrie buy at 51495 Lic No BLU 253 lnterna Ifl articles for solo GARAGE SALE SAT SUNDAY to pm Camper equipped $450 gas dryer $150 hanging flower pots spoon racks pinecedar tables truck cop $300 portable TV $100 nic nac Items Many more items 6th Line 51h Slderoad of lnnIstI Follow Signs 4589039 $16172 SWIMMING POOLS to Rent WIII lease and install lOr homeowner lamily silo aluminum swhnming pool with patio Choice 01 styles meeting all lenclng regulations on one two or three year rental basis with option to own No payments till 1978 Try belorc you buyl Call collect any Ilmel 416 663 9508 Mixed split hardwood $35 loco cord delivered $30 plcked up WANT SHADE GARDEN CENTRE II No IAIII 726colt oe DRYER Inglis apartment size 575 new Singer sewnng machine 8130 China settings 5100 or best ollcr Silverware and chest $50 737 3264 alter pm Gas 879 Includes lull service and oil checkll SUnoco Car Wash Baylield St COLONIAL HUTCH and bullet $260 Plus numerous other articles Telephone 7269008 KIRBY VACUUM cleaner and ac cessorics excellent condition months old $350 Telephone 7261906 alter 430I pm SINGER UPRIGHT vacuum cleaner in good condition one year old Cost 5129 Sell 550 Telephone 424 l337 evenings SOLID OAK antiqufltining room suite with Sideboard tour piece living room elc5l9 669 2157 i40 tildes for ado HOCIltEY EQUIPMENT com Iete Iii cludos ads helmet with mas skates etc Fl 1215 years Excellent condi tion Telephone 7288053 KENMORE STOVE Corningware top sell cleaning oven used only months Oil I2Ih line Innlslil east at 251h slderoad Apply Box V59 The Examiner OIL FURNACE BY BEACH counter llow model 68 to 70000 BTU Excellent condition complete with thermostat Best otter Telephone 7267429 EXERCISE BICYCLE portable elec trIc antique llreplace brass wine keg antique bullet Jacobean 45 long an Ilque chalrs All In A1 condition Telephone 728 3009 aller12 noon KENMORE WASHER SPIN DRYER good condition apartment size $70 Telephone 728 4645 GARAGE SALE Saturday and Sunday September 24th and 25th 10 am to pm Antique radios sectional chester lleld household Items 108 Kollov SI Telephone 726 0834 GARAGE SALE Saturday September 24th 1000 am to 400 pm Bowman Aveoll Nelson RECORD CALL 70 telephone answer lng machine Telephone 737 1792 USED INCH PLYWOOD Excellent condition Ideal lor shelving workshop etc Also plywood display tables to It long various widths Phone 728 4605 SEARS GARDEN TRACTOR 16 HP twin cylinder with snowblower wheel weights and chains one year old good condition Asking $1600 Phone 728 9432 alter6pm MOVING MUST SELL Sola and chair Telephone 726 245 GIESELAUCTION lo miles east ol Elmira on Hwy 86 Saturday September 24 Estate lur nislting live antique lashion dining room suites Nine piece mahogany oak mis Sion oak carved walnut Five old lashionod bedroom suites Antique oak bow lront china cabinet Oak round single pedestal dining room table cedar chest chest at drawers dressers wooden rockers outstanding little lancy tables and stands also modern bedroom living room kitchen color TV clocks stereo electric stove CB radios 41 boots motors WATERCRAFT SALE 16 Fierglus bolt only $695 15 Springbok 100 5995 suite one year old Both in good condi lion Reasonable call 737 3794 CUSTOM BUILT three piece livmgroom suite in excellent condition like new Telephone 728 6094 STOVE 300 ELECTRIC small Oil burner CICCIFIL heater bookcasechina cabinet With alter pm 458 9222 40 articles for ado 7268643 Toronto One of the oldest and most complete vacuum services north Of Special offer $1050 with this ad only COMPLETE SERVICE parts not included Bags and belts for most mach vacuum hose inos in stock We also rebuild Dont take ct chance on door to door selling you are losing money Advanced is also service warranty depot for HOOVER EUREKA and ROYAL SERVICE IN IAIRIE SINCE 1961 ELECTRIC SemiAcoustic mum and Amplifier approx months Old Both in excellent condition Asking $550 726 3435 USED FURNITURE AirconditiDncrs small lridges lor ollice or cottage sobes freezers odd chairs chcstcrlield sets lawn furniture and bedroom suites Clarks Home Furnishing Warehouse tree deliver 728 2843 SWIMMING POOL CHEMICALS AIQI ban Kaypool ctc Robinson Hardware 31 DUOIOpWSt East 728 24371w 77 Reupholstering Itocover it Yourself Wide selection of discount fabrics OFOdm cushions Tools both amateur professional Needles threads twine OButtons made to order 0A complete line of upholstery supphes UPHOLSTERY SUPPLY SHOP Div odebric Drapery Mill outlet Just north Of Georgian Moll 7371510 wThFTF SWIMMING POOLS 1977 models1 sliqhtly scratched in transport Fully warranted complete WIIII pump motor lilter fencing walkway and lock 30 9eslrd retail price $2295 Now available at $1288 No payments till 1978 lm mediate delivery and installation Call collect anytime 416 663 9508 FIREPLACE wood lor salt Top Delivery service Telephonc728 7587 $6PER WEEK Buys beautilul 26 RCA color SJiflllSN to the Iloor console telcwsmn No money down no payments until November 71 Phone tonight delivery tonight Krnry Roll Barrie Plala 7371182 FORK LIFT International71toolltlt Perlecl condition $5500 lcIiiptiiinr 72610010r 726 9005 HARDWOOD veneered plywood dress ed and cut to SIl European hardwan Progresswc Wood Design 726 3379 soul FIREWOOD tor sale Picked up or delivered Telephone 728 9367 or 7264119 BASEMENT SALE Love seat twoI SWIVUI rockers cradle hurkey equip merit skates ski boots carpets tire ct tinuuisticr Iloor polishcr 10 gallon aquarium microphone and stand Telephone 737 I295 OIL SPACE HEATER Soldier Super Iloor heal 70000 BTUs Combination record playerradio Not working Soil cheap Antique swwnl desk chair and school desk 487 5661 ICABLE CONVERTERS $7944 special purchase limited quaritii ty Cash and carry while supplies last Only at Barrie TV and appliances 8d Durilop St Phone 728 4297 Simcoe Coun Bettyialld Jims Aline StN Shopppers Drug Mart Georgian Mall Brookdale Inn Dunlop St iSimcoé Pharmacy Blake JOWn 726 5537 GARAGE SALF Septomlinr 24 and 25 10 piints tor buy12pnir oi pair 737 7037 THE EXAMINER Available Daily at These Pailsi118 Variety PérksldéTlT Bayfleld Mall Smoke and Gift Shop HarpeIs Pharmacy Penetang St IShoppers Drug Mart Barrie Plaza East End Variety Blake St COLOR TV RENTALS RENTAUPURCHASE 26 Eloctrohonla per week $495 20 Toshiba per week $390 20 CA XLIOO per week $565 season and disaster salt boating and Seamanship by anon 26 Panasonic per week $650 NO MONEY DOWN NO PAYMENT TIL NOVEMBER 77 Phone tonight Delivered Tonight KRAZY KELLYS IAIIIE SHOPPING PLAZA 7371182 cc flflii AMFM FIGHT TRACK Stereo amt IJOOSIIr SIOO firm powtrr 7265624 USED COIN OPERATED wasllind machines tor snic 50 cents slots $175 each Telephone 728 6646 OIL BURNER lur turliitre $50 nmhoquny fSllrl0VlIll1J 350 black and1 whiti onsole TV $50 skis With bindings hill medium 325 Telephone Tclophlml Slrrro to In bir vclii 724 WarIIicd Road tcIiviiion LPS bnrt Isproad paperbar NS1TYimUTllmOFD PAIR BAUER HOCKEY SKATES Sire DiIIf hockey glovlru pair hockey Tullphone SNOW TIRES pair 678 15 wmttr riidiiil Used one 565 COVE 14 Iikr new blui Vinyl liir Ii bunt $75 BASE BOARD HEATER Illurmu stat rontrolledilo 737 3737 altar WITTICT BOAT DISCOUNT WAREHOUSE MORE BARGAINS Apartment size four bur ner electric stove in har vest gold 5119 New gas furnace with blower fun 5195 Double pedestal oak desk 559 Big discounts on room size carpets Big savings on womens and childrens COOTS ADAIII VOLUME SALES 21 Mary St Barrie 7372221 winter 523 APARTMENT SIZE FRIDGE $401wrtl continental beds with headboards S50Ior pair plus desk and chairs Please call between pm 726 6481 GAS HEATE RS two gas space heaters also two air compressors Telephone 726 66321 ty Merchants 31 Mill Sate 146 Fbugles with 55 flp $1295 15 Calm Molt $1895 15 Grow whh1976 55 Ilp $1895 150 Lg Mercury motor only with trill $1395 15 Slvorlne with 50 hp $2195 1615 Slvarlna 165 Up 10 $3950 17 Sunny with 115 hp Johnson new $5195 NEW 1977 JOHNSON OUTBOARDS up $279 $379 in $51999Ip$666 tsli $717 SPORT HAVEN MARINE MILE EAST OF BARBIE ON SHANTY BAY ID 7261001 sliding glass doors All in good condition Call O4 22 FT SHEPHERD mahogany boat double hull cylinder Chrysler inboard motor condition Asking $2500 Telephone 435 4245 dfllt 30p 17 FOOT SPORTRAY runabout 105 hp Chrysler outbomd convertible lop ski bar TCKQSiUTlf5 $3000 or best otter Tellpllolli I28 8960atter BOAT STORAGE Clean Call 728 0915 IS YOUR LIFE WORTH 44 hours The boating oursv taught by the Barrie Power Squadron can make the dil torinic between rho enioyable boating Learn elements 01 inSide or OUISidu reasonable Reserve now CIan class one night wrok TITITKI tlII tall and winter Rigistralinn Slptottlbor Mann 30 to9 30 Easlvicw Col IPOIiIIu 26 FT GOLIATH iltiin FUISLT 318 in boilrd lully tqmppll Sicops Six Ex collint condition ScCrllfU sale $6500 Call Rick Hika 726 4940M 7371414 1972 STARC RAF 71 tuot abill rumor 120 lnlchry IO ski bar lully equpod excellent condition $6500 Telephone 487 3333 aileron 15 FT PACESHIP40 hp Murcnllron train electric Start and Irililor S900 firm Telcphurio 4241952 alter pm 42 articles wanted TOP sou WANTED must be clean PHONE 7285540 09 CASH lOR old lurnitur books dishes old pictures locks odds and ends Pli 1950 items 728 8234 COINS WANTED Collector wants to buy Sirlqu cuini LTIIITCIIOnS or arcumln lions Best prices paid 726 4544 WANTED TO BUY store fixtures meat milk and pastry coolers scale and meill Slicer All in qooil conditian Telephone Orillia 325 0793 WANTE onc UllrpiILJIl steel pvt Iuc approximately 36 long 22 Wtdll 22 high Telephonth 0260 WANTED INSULATED CHIMNEY approximately 18 Telephone 3221317 APAR IML uruirntly CiIIl weekends 44dogs and pots BARRIE POODLE Salon Shampooing anrl clippinq at all tineds Sophia $121 piano wanted 7769452 cVIninqi or Strcel East 726 4141 POODLE TRIMMING prolossional grooming all breeds pickup and fl liver 726 8798 Pet StlIItin TROPICAL town Aquariums iIlI Sizes at unbeatable FISH Best selection in prim Evoninq and wrwkenrls Edlll hill Aquaria 143 Ardngh Road 726 0094 SAMOYFI PuppiIS WIIIIL purbrId male and 101110 575 all 726 7885 anytime MAYS POODLE PARLOR Prolcs smniil tipping and trimming Rims onillili ran Photw 726 0061 ADORABI OLD English Sheepdog puppies Top blood lines Aphrodite remlcrtit TelepltontI 519664 2120 TWO MALE English StIIipdous 5150 each or bust ntlcr AlsnlrII Smonlli old part Porsmn malt kitten Illllfl 1lenf Telephone 728 5519wuckdiiys TOY POOTLE pups Six wotki 3125 Telephone 737 017i FRI NCH POODL tor sale male good pol lor elderly person 550 Telephone 424 13811 REGISTERED IRISH SETTER PUP PIES wetks old excellent pedigree nccdlcll very unod parentage 595 with popers $75 Without Call Bracebridge 645 5178 POODLES FOR SALE while miniature purebred weeks old male and lcmale $75 each Telephone 456 2544 APRICOT POODLE PUPPY Iivc mon ths old Good with children Telephone 4246130altor3 30 47 home Improvements uvtsrnououmo dean Your Eavntrouglllng Ono Storey Home $1 00 Eev troughIng Conn Proftlom Book New Grahams Euvutrouglting 7286628 017 Sitgarden supplies CHOle IOP SOIL Excellent tor lawns uarrllrns otc Evening and Satur day delivery Call 726 3928 or 726 1117 $01 FOR SALE large or Small quan tlllus Delivered to lot or home Call 424 17107 1514 RILS Canes for fall plan lIIIu teuulm TIM piece on sale 25¢ liters inritmi Centre 26 Furndale Dr IM Ml finest ALL THE IELP YOU RIGHTIERE Daily Business Directory Need help Just look over the ads below The advertisers listed are experts in their field and will assure you of the ob possible ALUMINUM GEORGIAN BUILDING PRODUCTS ALUMINUM OSIdIng Eovestrough Soffit Windows Fuck Doors Shutters Awnings AdditionsRoofing Porch EnclosuresStonework For free estimate Cal PHIL SPURLING 7266907 Local Family Business PORTHERN ALUMINUM Products Sofflf Foacio Siding Trough All colors Guar de 7262609726901 FRALICK ALUMINUM Siding Sotfit Fascio Shutters Windows Doors OEavestrough Call today 4361830 STROUD APPLIANCES ELECTROLUX Canada Ltd authorized qu endsNico 18 Alliance Blvd 72841392 Euro REPAIRS WE REPAIR Brltlsh European and Japanese cors Coronation Auto Serv 17 Mary St msui BIND HOUSE PURPLE MARTIN Houses for solo Apply at 92 CUSTOM MADECLOCKS LEONS Custom Made Clocks will also do repairs Showroom Hwy 93 at Dalston nil3248 CARPENTIIY AND General Contractor Kitchen rec rooms renovations additions fIrepIocos guaranteed 7371507 CARPENTER Spociolixingwln rec rOdms ln terior remodelling trim etc Please call 7286884dfter6pm CABINET MAKER Eiiinoan iTuinod Kit chens vanities Pine furniture renovations alterations Domestic Commercial 726 2948 uchceo CARPENTERS cuiiom homes cottages renovations repairs Satisfaction guaranteed It DndJ Construction 7267461 CARPENTER will do rec rooms renovations rornodallingigtc No 101 to small 73612 CONSTRUCTION llcencodAcdrpentors for re ovotio additions homes cottages 4354995 Ger urol cdrpentry Additions gorog ec rooms built In closetl Drywall texture spraying Free estimates 7263853 cum CLEANING START YOUR spring cleaning today Revitalize your carpets with AI carpet steam cleaning 726632117 CHIMNEY REPAIR Gmhum Chimney Repair 10 Years in Barrie Chimneys Repaired Chimneys Rebuilt Chimneys Cleaned Call 7286628 CONCRETE MANIERI PAVING Patios sidewalks steps curbs and garage floors Work Guaranteed FREE ESTIMATES 7260081 SItrees and shrubs SHADE TREES Now is the time to select your shade tree We have large selection and Small deposit will hold lorlallpickup Brays Garden Centre 26 Ferndale Dr 726 2951 PLANT your while spruce trees now IIII lreeze up All Sizes available Free delivery 728 9404 52plantsand bulbs TROPICAL PLANTS tor your home or ollice ctc Brays Garden Centre 26 Fcrndalc Dr 726 2956 CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT 1974 Chev Tandem dump 45000mlles 1971 Ford Tandem dump 1976 Ford halfton cylin der standard 544 John Deere two ydrd loader Articulated Austin Western grader wlth snow wing 1977 ton Tagalong float IIICIS SAND GIAVEL OIILLIA 3258780 450 JOHN DEERE TRACK Loader canopy 1V4 yard bucket Excellent shape Asking $7500 or oller Telephone 322 112i 57livestesli9r 56 TACK SHOP English equipment Ger man saddles and brIdles Robinson Hardware 31 Dunlop East 728 2431 HORSES BOARDED Close tooarrio Well cared for Track and trails Windy Hill Farm 436 5624 RICK SZIJARTO blackSmith by ap pointmenl 705 4356808 HORSE SHOW September 25 10 em Dolcan Drill Farm 8th 01 Essa South ot the 201baideroad English and Western classes Everyone welcome 424 1007 HORSE TRAILER FOR RENT or will move your animals 245 Edgehill Drive 716397 HORSES BOARDED large box Stalls outside lumps dally turn out 41h Line pro Telephone 4873333 alter6pm Il EWES YOUNG white laced cToss breeds entirellockVTeIephonerno 8779 MORGAN bay more 14 handsSix years old Friendly disposition Telephone 7266455 or 7267933 alter pm 59poultrychicks DEKALB READY to lay pullets avail able Also larm lresh eggs Craig Hunter Poultry Farms Stroud 436 1811 Btloho 72esmup M°A iHpM gruvol43615584361257 FEE layout etc Place col 2631 CUSTOM FENCING RESIDENTIAL FENCING Chain Ilnk custom wood fences Improve your property 737 1507 DIESSMAKING DRESSES FIT If by JOSIE AOUINO Spociollxlng In pantsuits gown and oltero tions 42 Eu tile 51 Phone 7266 DRESSMAKING lions Reasonable lea For appointment ooII7373984 betw 9omond9 DRESSMAKING AND ALTERATIONS ulck and efficient reasonable rates Tolep no 7371235 uvrmouollTlcl GRAHAM EAVESTROUGlIING Irou hln lnstollodColI7286628 SUPERIOR EAVESTROUGHING Specialists Roofing and rooting repairs Free estimates Call Martin Ventroten 4241956 New Lowell E01 Rasldentlol ustrlof Installations and ur vIce 7264921 51 COE ELECTRIC Indus rial Commorcidl Residentldl Fdrms Lighting design Electrical consulting 20 yrs experience City Masters Lic 118 7288234 EXCAVATING ROBERT BOYCHOFF Excavating haulage tlc systems trenching loader work and 4362955 or 4364175 oftorb pm land CTHICAL 53 PETER GAMlc Electric Commercial iVlc Triemstrd 2641427 HOME IMPROVEMENTS INTERIOR IEMOOELLING Kitchens rec rooms Coll Bun 4363681 after 630 pm References available fiEO MORE living urn rec room extra bedroom ploy room undry office storage Also lntlng wellpoperlng Murroy an OJSTOM REC ROOMS Complete bosomht plonnln and decorating privacy screens pot os aluminum door The number for all your noeds 7288906 SPECIALIZING IN Tuck pointan chlmneys wotorprooflng brick and stone caulllng wln dam and expansion hints Work guaran loud4589346 NORTHERN CARPENTRY Docks rec rooms renovations extensions etc etc Guar TAIORING °nd alt0oiiiudwoili7262m°r7269ooz EXPERIENCED CARPENTER Renovations house raising panolllng rrtoson and chimneys roofing Estlmotus call 726 135 11 CONSTRUCTION House rolling foun dations renovations oddltlons Phone LANDSCAPING IOTTING PROPERTY Services Rough Mow Ing pruning lawn and garden mointononca acq ing soddln Free estimates 7264 LAWN CARE FETTILIIING WEED spraying mowln and shrub lrlmmlln Also roug wing Vic Trletmtro 72604 NUSHS SPORT CENTRE miles north of Bar rle west side of 27 Hwy Lawn and garden Snowmobile repel 726B458 FALL FERTILIZING loll cleanups Hodge and strutl trImmIn Mowing and weed spraying PAVING Bi PAVING DRIVEWAYS PARKING LOTS CONCRETE WORK ALI WORK GUARANTEED FREE ESTIMATES BARIIIE 7370179 MANIEIII PAVING Drlvewoys Park1ng Lots Tennls Courts Concrete Work FREE ESTIMATES Written Guarantee 7260081 Sewing Simcoe County for 17 years PICTURE FRAMING GATES 82 Dunlap St East Custom framing of all types We stock mont sizes Phono7288270 ABBEYWOOD CUSTOM PICTURE FRAMING RETAIL CWMERCIAL CHARGEX MASTERCHARGE MUSIC ENTERTAINMENT WARREN BROWN DJ Mualc for people who +1 like to dance Good roles 7289545 PIANIST AVAILABLE FOR WEDDINGS RECEP mus DINNER PARTIES CoIl 7265213 after pm MUSIC INSTRUCTIONS WEST GROVE CONSTRUCTION Bockhoe Excov Tranching HorizontDI Augering 7289833 FIREPLACES STONEWORK and replaces specialty Vic thotson for free estimates 7281599 FIREWOOD rncwooo FOR SALE Hardwoodyvspllt and delivered Any quantity All dly seasoned wood4872113 FLOOR REFINISHING HARDWOOD FLOOfi relinlshing old and now chiporpol 41258341 HANDYMAN 70mg cleaned trash hauled my Jua give us your coatOffsTolephono 4875525 or 7263441 HANDYMAN will do palntln paper hang Ing cleaning basements porn fur lmtdllotion and guaranteed not to HANDYMAN CAN beat or meet any reasonable quote for fireplaces rec rooms etc For old fashioned workmanship coll 737I INCOME TAX rie area 35 up Dobson 4245910 otter Sand weekends TM INSULATION NORTHERN INSULATION Attic Blowing Free Estimates Work Guaranteed 7371727 99195959951931 nlture Itrleelng and rollnlshlng 737 875 Im of IIIIOME TAX returns prepared Angus Bar iGUlTAR LESSONS CIGuIcoI and Popular IMorceI Potvln Gultor Studio 7261489 DANCING INSTRUCTION Ages years and over Top Ballot Jazz Baton Enrolling now for classes commencing in September 7370832 See our ad in the Yellow Pages IFRAM Custom picture framing Wide elections Foal service Low low price am nin Illitlllit INsnucno NGLISH RIDING INSTRUCTION Indoor and tdoor riding schools Five minutes froth rria WINDY HAUGH FARM 7260192 ROOFING and Rooting New Asphalt shingles Repolrs guaranteed quality work Reasonable 14168957533 collect AND ROOFING New and old Repairs Free estimates 4363177 after Telephone 7264723 REGIONAL ACADEMY Shlnliinll Famine or DANCING CENTRAL ROOFING OI COMMERCIAL RESIDENTIAL IACCORDION guitar piano organ mini New And Ropers Ir3r°t°rttfi EZIISLRZY unicm Manama derny olMusic 121 Hayfield 7281799 hug cl ndf lIi bo 3313sz Tilikéafdiiafd $713 743i 0264973 530 PIANO LESSONS tou ht by experloncod Iteocher All types music For details 7371468 PIANO VOICE AND THEORY Beginners to Associate June Melenbocher LTCL ARCT AMUS RMT 7284436 SGUITAR LESSONS classical track Phone Gog Gontier 7269098 IPROFESSIONAL DRUM INSTRUC ITION Private lessons available In Ian cldulcol Reasonable rota Telephone72629m IDRUM LESSONS Starter Equipment sup lplied Coll Lloyd Gabriel 7264723 IPIANO LESSONS for all ages Will vislt Iyout homufordetollsPhone4589189 PAWTING VELLINGA PAINTING and docorotln In terlor exterior Work guaranteed Esta lllh Iod30 yuan 7262225 7269m WAYNE FOLEY Proleuional palntlra Ex Itorlor and Interior Free estimates Work IErontood 7267389 IDON SIESLING Professional pointing in Iterior exterior paper hanging custom work Satisfaction flomnteed 72668W PAINTING PAPER HANGING experienced free estimates Jock Richardson 7262012 17568874 PAULS PAINTING lnteilor exterior IFree estimates Low rates Fest service Sotlsfoctlon guaranteed 7371295 67truitsvegetables popular and Graham Roofing 10 You Dorrie Shin In Installed lng Repaired Donth Untl lisiim Roofln IOyoars old or more cou give you problems Cull Graham Ioofulg 7286628 sNow BLOWING SEASONAL CONTRACT or as you need it blower or plow Simpson Telephone 7264533 or 8355957 TYPING DO YOU NEED TYPING DONE Foal accurate sorvlco now available Reasonable Total CoIITW WELL DRILLING Gilberts Water Well Drilling Forms homes cottages Free ultimate lo yuan grleMtAnfls 4245657 WINDOW CLEANING LEN BROTHERS Window Cleaning Apart ments Stores Houses Factories Reason able roles Telephone 728I914 For Best Results Examiner Want Ads I7Ihelp wanted FOR SALE 20 acres good ensilage corn Call alter 830 pm Lorne Birch 3221977 TWENTY FIVE BUSHELS ot Frederick seed wheat Cleaned and treated Also good quality hay lor sale Phone 726 2411 or 737 0058 64Wlarmfirnachinery TWENTY PLATE DISC six leetwide to lit Ford 8N tractor Telephone 726I430 alter5pm 67 fruit vegetables PURE NATURAL HONEY Whites mile north Georgian Mall Hwy 27 7288522 APPLES Apply Koole and Son Con cession Oro Telephone 7288489 or 726 1907 Closed Sundays TOMATOES bUSheTS $5 Spanish onions 57 Drive Telephone 726 3407 RASPBERRIES CANES ToFsale LastingCall 77266892 onions 50 lbs 745 Edgehill APPLES PICK YOUR OwNorréSay picked Brays Orchard in Nottawa on Highway 24 two miles South at Coll ingwood APPLES FRESH FROM OUR ORCHARDS TO YOU Were back again with truckload of OCOTtIond Macintosh 9Apple Cider Apple Butter LOCATION Next to Mothers Pizza on defield St We will be there FRIDAY EVENINGS and all day SATURDAYS during the season LOOKING FORWARD TO SEEING YOU AGAIN THIS YEAR Jonas Wllow Grove Orchard II Chrhburg Ont 5195993668 68 personals HOLIDAY IN THE sUN iAt TREASURE ISLAND 5T PETERSDURG FLORIDA We have vacancies from July on word Efficiency units train 575 week ifor two persons Phone Bdrrle PBSldgforilntormotlon WINEfl TELECARE Why light your problem alone Let lriend help Call Telecare 726 7922 anytime ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS 728 6581 it you drink thats your business It you wan to quit thats ours Call any time UNWANTED HAIR removed saloly permanently medically approved Ly dia Hrenctluk Certilied Etcurologist 7372671 RIDING INSTRUCTION Indoor aieiiii Horses boarded Barrie live minutes WIndyllaughFarm7260192 INTERNATIONAL INVESTIGATION Services Civil criminal divorce surveillance Discreet and conlldentlal 7372972 gt MONECA pshylc and card reading counselling Days and evenings Monday throughfrlday Phone 728 8868 eowce RsWANTEDTor Kempview Bowl Teams couples or singles Man or ladies lor leagues starting soon Contact Artor Chuck MES9761 slsl62é23 68 personals qL KEMPVIEW BOWL announces the star ting at mixed league on Sunday night at pm Interested bowlers call Chuck or Artat 7289761 LADY 49 would like to meet secure honest sober gentleman Apply Box V53 The Examiner YOUR TOMORROW today Tarot cards and tea cup reading For appointment call 728 0902 LADY NEEDS RIDE to Toronto weekdays Must be in Mississauga by 815 or dropped all at subway at 715 Please call 737 3845 CUERRIER pl 17 School St Borden Ontario will not be responsible lor any debts incurred in my name lrom this date September 22 I977 lorward without my written consent 69finstructions SENECA COLLEGE Finch campus person wanted to share driving Monday and Wednesday evenings Call 726 3184 07265213 Tit1 and found LOST PUPPY Golden Retriever 14 weeks old Tattoo In rlght ear No 2wle Answers to the name Maucheo Lost In area at Barrie Speedway August so REWARD 487 3005 LOST male blacklcat Edgehill area to on each paw lnlured answers to cum Reward Telephone Tar2m SALES HELP required in Barrie or sur rounding area tull time or part time Car necessary Can earn $450 or more an hour Telephone 14168956532 HAIRDRESSER REQUIRED ex perience necessary Part and lulltime Commission For interview call 7289831 Ior4872820 iBAReER STYLIST needed full time considerate wages Barber Shop Stroud 4364715 COOK REQUIRED immediately Year round position Apply in person to Chet Cramb Bayshore Motor Hotel 7285528 REGISTERED NURSE required for part time duties tor small home lor proloundly mentally retarded children must have own transportation Telephone436l461 LEGAL SECRETARY Junior position Real Estate and general legal ex perience required Call Lesley at 7266407 WANTED COOK lull time Start im mediately Salary depending on ex perience Apply in person Highwayman Inn Orillia LEGAL SECRETARY required lor litigation lawyer Experience le Telephone 7261181 ANTED by Howard Johnsons short order cook and waiterwaitress part time evenings and weekends App ly in person RECEPTIONIST with typing bookkeep ing and payroll experience Please apply to BoxV56 The Examiner STOREKEEPER product Apply at 205 Dunlop St Thursday September 22nd between 12 noon at8pm SALES CLERK retail Iewellery Part time approximately 25 hours weekly Write Box V55 The Examiner Barrie RELIABLE SITTER WANTED for two year old Three hours day Five day Iweek Riverwood Farms area I€°P°2£7793 GIRLBOY FRIDAY required im mediately lor Farm Equipment dealer ship located approximately miles north ol Barrie Must have bookkeeping knowledge and own transportation Should be capable at working with minimum supervision For Interview call Murray Richards 7285530 CONTINENTAL INN Part and fulltime waitresses waiters required lor the collee shop Must be over 18 alert well groomed and have own transportation Please phone tor ap pointment 7261834 ask tor Gwen Howells TEACHER lor Canadian Law three periods per week Call Midhurst College 726 9685 WANTED LOVING responsible babysitter tor two children ages 275 and Pieter In my own home Hlltcrest school area Two and hall daylweokly Apply giving retaronces to Box V60 The Examiner Barrio Peter Noy Apply Rogers nursing to 10 Woodside Dr $200 per week operating alone with one filRDREssER experienced tor lulJ

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