Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 22 Sep 1977, p. 12

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WV wrwrwVWW 12 the examiner Thursday Sept 22 1977 By HOPE DEMPSEY ExaniiiierStaff Reporter John is eight years old and fatherless He has three sisters and his mother is wor ried about him growing up without the companionship of man John is part of the 500000 fatherless boys throughout Canada who are between the ages of six and 16 John needs big brother Sept 25 to Oct is Big Brother Week in Barrie There are many mis conceptions about the Big Brother organization says Stephanie Cox executive director of the Barrie branch It doesnt require lot of time to be big brother We only ask the men to give three to four hours week The relationship is unstructured meaning what the big brother decides to do with his little brother is up to him Another misconception is that being big brother costs lot of money We dont ask big brothers to spend much money says Mrs Cox They dont have to spend any its entirely up to them We just ask that they provide the friendship The little brother always Carl Brother Hes been Big Brother for six years and enjoys it Ive found it to be the most rewarding thing Ive ever done in my life says Harris Harris and his little brother spend time canoein in the summer working around the house or just talk ing on the phone The basic behind Big Brothers is pro viding friendship to fatherless boy The qualification for Harris is Big philosophy remains in his home There is no respoiisiblity in thc legal sense when man becomes big brother FAMILY ACTIVITIES We encourage big brothers to involve their lit tle brother in family ac tivities if they have children of their own We encourage them to show the little brother what family situa tion can be like Big brothers can be 18 ears of age and up and must willing to commit them selves for at least year We have matched 70 big and little brothers says Mrs Cox But we have 35 boys waiting for big brothers The little brothers are betweer the ages of seven to 13 We dont accept emotionally disturbed children we dont feel they will benefit from this program she says Big Brothers are in corporating new program this year known as Pals Program Its for men who cant make full time com mitment but would like to come out to special events and spend the whole day with achild In most cases mothers call us says Mrs Cox But both the mother and child Big Brother is that he understand the art of friend ship says Harris Sept 25 to Oct is Big Brother Week in Barrie At that time the organiza tion will be recruiting new bigbrothers Big Brothers is just something you cant sell says Harris The interest has to be there Big Brothers does not stress group activity among its members but rather onetoone relationship bet ween the man and his little brother Big brotlicr arl Harris left and his little brother Bradley Murphy enjoy game of Scrabble Giving friendship to Ronald McDonald coming to Barrie The newly remodelled McDonalds on Bayficld Street will formally reopcn to the public Sunday at 130pm Ronald McDonald and the McDonaldland bunch will be part of the ceremonies to enter tainchildrenaiid adults Another feature of thc day will be the cutting of ribbon of 100 $1 bills The money will be presented tothc Cancer Society on ROYAL DOULTON STONEWA RE It and 45 pc sets STEELES CHINA SHOP QEnglisb albina AND iftfi CORNER OF BAYHELD COLLIER ST BARRIE ONTARIO 7282395 Attending the event will be mayor Ross Archer Reeve Allan Johnston Ald Del Cole and directors of McDonalds of Canada From to pm re resen tativcs of Contact will ie sell ing hellium filled balloons donated by McDonalds for 15 cents each with the proceeds going to Contact Contact is an organization which recruits and trains volunteers to work with corri munity social services in and around the Barrie arca Local groups will stage con cert at McDonalds such as the lluronia Youth Orchestra the lluronia Regional Boys Band Canadian Academy of Music Wayne Forget and Vaircty and the Barrie North Concert Band There will be free draw for trip for two to Disneyland sponsored by Apex Travel and Sun Tours Indoor scaling for 212 people is the major feature of the new McDonalds McDonalds of Barrie opened in 1970 and the public is invited to take part in the rcopcning ceremonies Antiques on display The Georgian Guild is holding its fifth annual Antique Show and Sale starting tonight at the Barrie Armoury at pm The show will continue to Saturday Big Brothers Helping fatherless boy have to be interested in the program SCREENING There is screening pro cess involved when choosing big brot hers We are very says Mrs Cox The men are interviewed twice and must provide three personal references The men must also to vidc reference from cir family doctor and routine police check is done on them Its quite good screening process and usually takes about three weeks In the case of the children the mother is interviewed alone Then talk with the childs teacher follows and finally an interview with the boy himself We find out what the boy enjoys doing and we see if he knows what Big Brothers is all about says rs Cox Sometimes we have to in terview other agencies iii volved such as liildrcns Aid or public health The careful screening process takes about three weeks to month MATCHING Then the personalities are matched According to what the childs needs are and what the man has to offer Understanding art of friendship is important for big brother Big Brothers are there to fill need in boys lifc Basically being big brother is helping to prepare young boy for life says Harris Were there to answer questions or if our lit tle brother has problem During his six years Ilar ris has been treasurer on the board of directors of Big Brothers and last year was named Big Brother of the Year The rewards of being big brother are always com ing says Harris Youre fatherlcss boys is what Big Brothers is all about Harris says being big brother is the most rewarding experience has ever had IIJxamincr Photo Location is taken into con sideration as well as the mans interests Hopefully the end of October we wil have all the boys matched up says Mrs Cox Big Brothers provides companionship for fath erless boy Activities may iii clude sports event building model or laying quiet game of ess But the friendship and guidance for young boy is there The organization has Christmas party every year says Mrs Cox We plan canoe trip and sum mer picnic During Big Brothers chk softball game has been planned between the Big Brothers and the No Stars from CKVR It will also be week to recruit new big brother for the organization Big Brothers is an organization in Canada and the United States There has been chapter in Barrie for seven years We are selfsupporting group says Mrs Cox ur Bowl for Millions is our big fund raising project for the year For further information on the Big Brothers organiza tion in Barrie call 7280515 constantly aware of the deeds youre doing Harris has had two little brothers during his time in the organization Ilejust met his second brother this March But Harris still keeps in touch with his first little brother who is now too old to be in the organization hope when hes 33 hell still keep in touch with mc says Harris Were there to fill need and you just cant put dollar value on the rewards it brings says llarris people Er places Open house An open house reception was held at the home of Mr and Mrs Fred Prince in honor of Dr and Mrs Holm who visited the Barrie last week Dr Holm left Bariic in 1963 to assist in the formation of chiropractic college in England At that time students had to travel to the United States or Canada to become chiroprac tors For several years he was head of the clinical science department and lecturer and also established clinic in Southampton England known as theSimcocClinic The name was derived from memories of his time in this area Ir ilolm took up flying as hobby when the Barrie airport was opened and now owns his own Cessna plane which he uses for business and pleasure trips to Europe He is member of the British Medical Pilots Association During his stay in Barrie lr llolm was on the Board of Directors of the Barrie YM YWCA Onc item of contrast between the two countries noted by Dr Iloliii was the trout fishing English fishermen have to pay sometimes up to thousand pounds per year per person for very small section of river bank in order to enjoy this sport rca Fall Meeting The first fall executive meeting of the Barrie Prcsbyterial of the Womens Missionary Society WMS was held at St Andrews Presbyterian Church on Sept 13 Mrs Forrest McKee presided over the meeting The theme was Let your light shine and devotions were given by WMS ladies from Dun troon Ont Mrs McAulcy of Elmvalc reported the fall sccv tional meetings were planned Plans for the annual meeting were also made Survey of USA men shows sex is not most important NEW YORK AP study of the sexual practices and preferences of American men shows that most want their sex within context of marriage and do not consider it the most important pleasure in life large majority of men say they need or enjoy smooching even if no sexual intercourse follows and about onehalf say they have never cheated on their wives or steady girl friends the study shows Asked about who the would like to settle down wit more opted for brains than beauty but most wanted women who would look after their needs The findings appear in an ex cerpt from Beyond the Male Myth by Dr Anthony Pietro pinto and Jacqueline Sim enauer in the current Ladies Home Journal The book com ing out in December is based on interviews with crossscc tion of 4066 men and is de scribed as the first extensive study of male sexuality in the United States since the 1948 Kinsey report No figures are given on how often the men had sexual inter course but three to four times week is given most often as the frequency with which they wantit To the question What do you consider the ideal sex life for yourself 505 per cent chose marriage with the wife being the only sex partner Another 199 per cent chose marriage but with some sexual activity outside the marriage Living with one woman but without marriage was chosen by 106 per cent CONCERN FOR NEEDS Given list of qualities to be desired in steady sex partner the men checked off woman with concern for my needs 284 per cent of the time sincere woman 23 per cent affec tionate 208 per cent in telligent 161 per cent self confidcnt 122 per cent sexy 111 per cent and having sen seof humor 103 per cent In all categories the study explains those surveyed might choose more than one response while no response answers were admitted which is why the figures do not always total 100 per cent Asked how they feel about hugging and kissing 591 per cent said they enjoyed it even without intercourse and 123 per cent said they have real need for it Eight per cent said they hardly ever do that sort of thing or do it mostly to please woman 0n preferred fr uency of sex 346 per cent the men thought three to four times week is ideal 253 per cent chose five to seven times week while 182 per cent opted for once or twice week At the extremes are 131 per cent who said more than once day and 21 per cent who ranged from once month or less to never Are they cheaters Never said 495 per cent Another 285 per cent said they were but only with one or two other women Thirteen per cent said yes with lot of other women and 55 per cent said they had strayed with the knowledge and consent of their wives or steady girlfriends New student grant program aimed at helping students TORONTO CP Details of new provincial student grants program were announced today the ministry of colleges and universities Under the Ontario Study Grant Plan students will no longer be required to take $1 000 federal loan in order to be eligible for the nonrcpayable provincial grant The new program will make students eligible for total of eight grants for periods of 10 to 19 weeks each Thus the minis try said student taking fouryear postsecondary cour se Would be eligible for two grants year The announcement said the program is aimed at giving more aid to needy students while encouraging them to complete their studies quickly Because of its time limits the Ontario Study Grant Plan will clearly favor students with full course loads and efficient study habits said The ministry said cligibilty for grants will continue to be based on an assessment of stu Garage sale for school Peter Pan Nursery School will hold garagc salc Friday from pm to pm and Sept 24 from 10am till noon at too Bayvicw St Items of all kinds will be for salc such as toys dishes for niturc and bake table Donations are being ac cepted all 721tH7l7 7280105 or 7202377 for additional informa tion obituary Norman Yates Lear Services were held this week at St James Church in Stroud for Norman Yates Lear who died Sept 17 at the Royal Vic toria Hospital in Barrie at the age of 73 He was the husband of Audrey Bland of Sandy Tove Acres Stroud father of Diane Mrs Riley of Burl ington grandfather of Pamela Jim and Janet and brother of Winnie Fields Vera Aykroyd Kitty Bradford and Frank Lcar all of Toronto Lear was member of the Minerva Lodge the ministry dcnts financial resources and theircosts Parental income would be consideration unless the student is married or has been Working fulllttime for at least three years In the case of married students spouses are generally expected to con tribute SIMMEB JOBS COUNT However the ministry said that the students contribution from summer work will be cal culated on actual earnin in stead of the fixed contri ution required in the past An appeal board is to be set up to evaluate requests for ad ditional funds Partvtime students will be cli gible for grants but will be held to the same eight time periods eng Er 913 agement as fulltime students The ministry added however that needy parttime students may be eligible for provincial bur saries The ministry said graduate students usually will not be eli gible for the study plan grants because of the limit of eight but they can apply for federal loans and provincial graduate scholarships These scholar ships are to be increased to $l 500 term or $4500 year up from $1450 term and $4350 year The province has set aside $74 million for student assistance grants this year and the minis try said the allocation for 1978 79 although it has not yet been determined is expected to be at least equal to this years budget Mr and Mrs Lloyd Fletcher of Oro are pleased to announce the engagement of their daughter atlierine Joan to Robert James Sutherland son of Mr and Mrs Fraser Sutherland of Barrie The wedding is to take place Oct ti at 330 piii at Oro Central Presbyterian Church Celebrates 40th anniversary The Midhurst Loyal True Blue Association celebrated its 4011 anniversary reccntly with it banquet at the Midliurst oininunity llall Taking part In the anniversary dinner were Goldie Iobson lelt Mary Bowell and Isabel Gray The groups aim during the past 40 years has been to provide assistance for orphaned children Examiner Ilioto Ann Landers Spanish law raises anger LL Dear Ann Lenders few days ago read somewhere that the reason Spanish law punishes an adulteress but lets the unfaithful husband off scot free is simply because man cannot get pregnant According to the article infidelity cannot be equal before the law for man who returns from dalliance because he cannot get pregnant The woman however must carry the blame and pay the price because God has given her the role of childbearer and it is her responsibility to protect her body against wrongful use The article says the feminists in Spain are campaignin for abolition of law which can put an unfaithful wife in jai for as long as six years The only way cheating husband can get punished is if he keeps mistress openly this bringing shame on his wife and family or if he insists on putting her up in his own home along with his wife and children What do you think about this sort of discrimination Ann Landers Appalled APlenty Dear Plenty think the feminists are going to win be cause the reign in Spain is going to be pain for husbands whose morals are on the wane Dear Ann Landers My eldest sisters daughter was married recently We were not invited to the wedding but we did receive an announcement asked my sister what her daughter might need as gift Yesterday was informed that they had purchased an ex Eussnsive bedspread and to please send check coveripg the feel my sister has put me on the spot What do you think ML Dear ML Yes your sister has put you on the spot but you gave her neat assist The moral of the story is Dont ask questions if you dont want answers Dear Ann Landers am girl 12 years old For some reason have been getting the hiccups lot lately hic loudly and my mother says it drives her crazy When told Mom dont give myself hiccups they just come she said Yes you doand want you to stop it Honestly dont Miss Landers Please tell my mother hat people cannot give themselves hiccupsBlameless In aliforn Dear BC Sorry lambchop people CAN give them selves hiccups Impot saying you do blitit can be done There are many ways to stop hiccuping The method that gt works best for me is this Take glass of water sip slowly and hold your breath as long as you can between sips Dear Ann Landers Recently woman wrote about those poor disabled people in wheelchairs who are denied sex life believe your readers deserve to hear the facts from someone who knows themfirst hand Severely disabled people paraplegics quadriplegics and others can and do have fulfilling sex lifeand know be Im an attractive ablebodied woman in love with quad assure you that our sex life is fantastic by any standards No we cannot complete sexual intercourse but he is the sexiest man know When you feel good about yourself and know how to share your life with lover and how to understand his needs dis ability is the farthest thing from either of your minds Im There Now Dear TN Thanks for letter that will bring encour agement and hope to many You have proved again that the most important sex organ of all is the mind Erma Bombggk Kids eating killing mom Do you know what is the biggest complaint children have agaimt their parents Accordin to recent survey 58 per cent of the children interview resented the fact that parents make them eat food they dont like In all fairness have to tell you that gave birth to children with unusual diets They tolerate only hot dogs that cost $125 in the ballpark hamburgers onefifteenth of an in ch thick asphyxiated by secret sauce charred mar shmallows speared on bent coat hanger and anything left under car seat that has touched dirty hand They refuse to eat anything they havent danced to on TV Okay so lied when told them it was good for them Ilied when told them it would make them big and strong And lied when said there were one million children in Argentina waiting in line for their Brussels sprouts But did not stretch the truth one bit when told them to clean up their platesthey were killing their mother The way licked their plates clean after every meal youd have thought was sired by cocker spaniel drank milk out of glasses that stuck to my lips pork chops that have been used as gavels whipped potatoes that had served as dams for gravy and vegetables so mid you could taste them And did they appreciate it They did not We have an en tire generation of kids growing up 58 per cent to be exact who regard Waldorf Salad as form of punishment My kids never shaped up until threatened You keep that up and Ill pant Eu to bed WITH SUPPER to my diligence and eating all their proper foods was the one who grew up to be big and strong One day tur ned on the disposal and as the motor whirred around noisily heard one of my childrens playmates shout Hey Andy think hear your mother calling From that day forward gave up cleaning my childrens plates The first time initiated my new philosophy said to my son If you dont eat this Im going to throw it out Thats not much of recommendaton he said Now they tell me Pollys Einters Dry clean crayon stains DEAR POLLY After taking the clothes from the dryer discovered some yellow stains on dress shirt belonging to my husband Before finished my folding found the source of the trouble was yelloworange crayon my little daughter had left in the pocket of sun dress have tried using many washing products that should remove stains but with no luck would ap preciate some help MRS WK DEAR MRS WK Heat from the dryer and piece of crayon can certainly play havoc with load of clothes You could try loosening the stain with kitchen shortening apply detergent and work all into the stain Then launder as usual If you wish to repeat the process pretreat with liquid household cleaner The American Institute of Laundering suggests that such clothes be taken to the dry cleaner for safe removal of crayon stains Always check pockets before doing the laundry POLLY DEAR POLLY My Pet Peeve is the practice in papers and magazines of not numbering every page and the newspapers leaving the dates out of different articles they print do not know why they do this but it certainly does not help readers My Pointer concerns way to make small Christmas tree like to create new things with throwaway things save pret ty buttons tiny perfume bottles empty lipstick cases small spools beads etc and find these and other such trinkets make pretty decorations for small tree that is painted and sprinkl ed with glitter while still wet When dry spray with clear plastic spray With bit of imagination and practically no money one can have the prettiest and most original tree in town ROSE DEAR POLLY am answering Hazel We would all like to look outside and see the things people do but do you honest ly think that is fair We learn from what we see and others could learn beneficial things by watching you too God bless you GRACE DEAR POLLY Doilies are not being used any more so took one my grandmother had made years ago and applied it to the front of round pillow It is really pretty and when do ing this the work shows best if put over pillow that is darker in color than the doily KAREN

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