Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 21 Sep 1977, p. 29

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the examin er Wednesday Sept 21 1977 29 E2 mongages 01 property for sale 01 property for sale Immediate Tst and 2nd vacation and commercial REAL ESTATE LTD Home improvam MLS REALTOR APPRAISALS 98 BAYFIELD ST BARRIE 7284067 TORONTO 416 8899487 Construction fun 12 mortgages IE YOU NEED MONEY Open Mortgage Loans Anywhere on all homes cottages farms properties To consolidate debts low monthly payments ants anyworthy reason To pay all existing or maturing mortgage ds free advice try us 21 room board SINGLE ROOM 3rd tloor color TV home cooked meals Close to downtown also room mate tor double room students welcome 535 weekly 726 3670 ROOM AND BOARD tor young gentleman in centrally located home Lunches packed light laundry parking Abstainers Telephone 728 7568 23ottices stores lor rent MODERN OFFICE space for lease small or large suites immediate 0c cupancy short or long term 726 3400 Angelou TWO OFFICES iust over 500 square teet each can be ioined together $150 mon lhly each includes parking and heat Located Dunlap St downtown Barrie 12 cars for sale 1968 CHEVELLE cylinder automatic transmission radio Some body work re quired Nol cerlitied $300 or best otter Telephone 728 7945 aller6 pm 1969 DATSUN looo Deluxe good condi lion as is $200 new brakes Telephone 726 7910 1968 DODGE MONACO door hardtop stereo tape in car heater two mounted snow tires good condition 5500 Telephone 7217 3969 I971 DATSUN door standard transmission radio snow tires new muttler needs fender work as is $250 Telephone 737 2206 I971 MERCURY Colony Park wagon good running condition power steering power brakes radio 400 engine Recent 34 trucks and trailers siiiricgi DATSUN AO articles for sille $AVE 50 wticles for sol GAR LIPS 75 RANGER XLT 1975 Ford F100 XLT V8 automatic ps pb only 32000 miles Two tone brown and white with mal ching Ford custom cap This week onlyI3850 Reupholsterng DOLLARS liecover it Yourself Wide selection of discount fabrics °Foam cushions 711 We have ready cash to purchase mortgages MORTGAGE FUNDING Tools both amateur professional Needles threads twines Buttons mode to order complete line of upholstery 549 Bayfield St iust north of Georgian Mall Barrie 7370254 valve iob as is 5400 Telephone 487 2936 alterbphi AI 1973 CAMARO tor sale 44000 miles ask ing $2500 Also tiberglas canoe 14 11 $150 Telephpone 737 0074 alter pm 1973 TOYOTA tor sale 40000 miles 5500 OPEN DAYS WEEK WEEKDAYS UNTIL Mrs Belch 726 3338 ORILLlAMAIN 5T Lease or sale unique Victorian building attractively renovated Ideal lor retail store or professional ottices downstairs HAD MEETING EXCLUSIVE AGENTS $23 FOR stars Total 1400 or best otter Telephone 718 6485 after 110 La Lg 29 DUNLOP 51 EAST Co Anytime 847 BAY STREET iguaripiéeTeBenipappioximaieiy $600 pm supplies monthly Telepllonenb 1763 19 FIREBIRD II 1973 FORD RANGER XLT ton BARRIE ONTARIO 24 Hour TORONTO ONT steering power man EQlifce i211 pickup 360 Clo vii automatic POWPl MOHURSl 7260931 Phone Service 36332 Condition Call alter pm 3357 steering power disc brakes radio tinted windshield whitewall steel radial 976 MALBU beaumm Condilon two tires step bumper and wheel covers Lic Open Sat Sun noon till dusk 737 1877 BEDROOM APARTMENT $130 mon tllly plus utilities two bedroom apart ment and garage $180 monthly plus util ities In Angus Call 424 6035 anytime MIDLAND ONTARIO Overlooking th Member OnTOlIO Mortgage Brokers ASSOC door hardtop with many extras p783 I693 Ca 726 In an pm Telephone two door hardtop With many 728 S965 daytime II 72 89 asTcepwmm 378 I970 FORD FIOO CImp IInae Div otFabric8 Orman IBIII an 57 Chuck Lambert 728 8001 ds lotIITnIICIIiEvIaeriIToo oriIginnl lTlllESdSlX sIandIIIII IraIISIIIIssIOIII Camper as ISI Drapery MIIIouIIeI vansnotoll 8221575 Larry Brewer 7289745 econ leapts to rent 500$quare Feet Etvody $00iiéaéiniidemiiiiiiiiliiiesfigo LiL H35716$l48 Douglas Lincoln Mer BertCufl 7284067 Harry Magill 7263864 MORTGAGES ARRANGED can DIVIde orexchangefor smallcar1767i155 $33555 Ld 555 Rdr Barrie élustnIorth of to JOhn celwe 7267726 Simon BeekhUizen 7373795 Reasongble Rules pJalEthrlTlcrlllggvglffblghcéiemgaléeggoull bk 969 TRUMPH SPHFIRE new FEST 1973 FORD F250 pickup V8 tour speed oorglon Ma Doug Baker 7283274 Larry DeWilde 7283253 EXSmQ only 726 0988weekdays Join 45959g0900 C0° transmission LIC H40 71552588 Douglas 7371510 Jim Harris 7267173 Frank Hooey 7280676 r°rtg°993 gaggfiggénggmgggygg muggy SIIzmrf IIIzcIIIfIII BRAND new 1977 pom parmme Egirierl$°ssi5mm8 Em Rd and ive er Harold DOVIs 7287543 Peter Bracalente 7263916 urc use retrigerator and stove supplied Call lwomlorl lnyl we Ya 305 mm mm 90 Vw plkup UCK speed an Fred Reynolds 7285333 JPauDumoulinFRl For Cash 737167dbetween57pm Atthe BARRIE finaliziéfzwm CNE pmne Wm WW0 Teephm $7944 specal mi aERS 487 3333mm ase imi quanli Paul Arbour 7263897 SIRIAII 73707 Mortgage LIIe lrsurance XEETIIIUITIRGNIIStéfi ILngcIOEEERSgaM SHOPPING PLAlA ma BUICK LE SABRE TJS pt I965 DODGE FpARGO VAN IdeII tv Cash and carry while supplies last II lT TIllIllI IIIITIIITITI Avm ab hydro and waler LnLIUded SOVC Space 5019Ile For socnlllagogfinlvillkflgidliogallglogbrrlfifigj uncertitied running conditionsyAsklng gallyloglsléaEirlIehOh 73231237panCESl 80 lullllillllllllllllllillllll llI IN C°5 °Y Chmrm III $350 Also tree 1966 Buick Skylark for 900Telephomm3115even095 FT BOAiWfffigéh IIII II ii preterably abstainers Available till tore pans and IImfi mow pang InICr IraIIer I0 II ID AJIO 50 also TIlll ENTERPRISES sepemm T°e°°°78 795 ltoilio andTV changeable tor abuw rar Call Bob 35Servceand repars biclycles TeleptllfnegglllBIMOSO M0 Ws Grr lnm 726 439 in Real Estate 1111 eAvnriosT Missssauga CourT Tm We 726 30 gxta°nr°£$ffrgcngzr Igflggtthwo FIWMM AlWrel II MILES speed AMFM Radlo radial wepeklendsy Tglloohongnrljlelli lg DISCOUNT WAREHOUSE it II lk apartments available October and one on 0P lair WI 0w 099 36auto accessories Some say IS llea Al CONDITION make OltLr Office Hours am pm apartment available November Call hbnc 319 elc 718 3361 BRAND NEw GOODYEAR allwinler APOTmen 516 four bur little strange but his OIL PAINTINGS COVER BEAUTIFUL RANGE by appointment Member Ontario Mortgage Brokers Association 1973 BUICK LE SABRE uslnm door hardtop V8 automatic power steeran and brakes air londilioniliq radio ex collent condition asking $1050 or best otllr TClcllllolll 414 IIIIaIter 5p in CERTIFIED BUICk LeSabrI new prl111 Phone Don Orme 416 9252851 radial snow tires set at two on rims to til MaverickGranada Askinq$l25 37motorcycles I974CZ lcr MOTORCYCLE Good can rlilion Lairl down air shocks $350 Also ner electric stove in har vest gold $119 New gas furnace with blower fan $195 Double pedestal oak Professionals Since AE LePAGE ONTARIO LTD 355 Bayfield $1 BARRIE Ontario 14477 Lake Park TWO bedroom 59 lot new brakes XlClltlll OTTUIllUll desk 59 moble hOme EEO Ofs lmedmsi musics ULCCHCAlwaIl flame and private sall Tull pliOlil 751 0587 33100 055 bums 550 TL phone ll°l2 22439 onsnllll ate Dover son dswuns °n mom Jlm Cancllla 7371597 Bill MCreary 7281865 Ior call 526 7953 I531 Ig IIIIIIII583139 11976 crash bars lugoaor carrier and Carpets Enid Day 7266904 Verna Mullin 7282875 IOVERLOOKING THE BAY bachelor building wanna lwlltnl Ullmlwn TUEDWW BIg sovIngs on womens Muriel Jeffery 7266383 Judy Pennell 7371264 MobIIe Homes figIIIIlleIIICIIIrIIIIfig DZELIIIfIlCIOsIégfiISII Im Buick 1L sneer inur Llillrl itdrtll IWI KAWASAVI I00 II now my 400 and hld Jock Slessar 7266280 Wayne Pennett 7371264 1726 miter 126 8120 WW WK mills 3473 or hell olior Also two hel re Inner rear seat Speakers Car is irrllriiirlrliitl IIII so IDIIfIIIOIIQ 728 7r COOTS Bev Neill 7260205 ONE BEDROOM aparlment STOVL arid consondmed bude IOIIIYWIIIOO gt 5160 IiOC YAMAHA for sale 1974 best 0t ADAIR VOLUME SALES Ilridoe parking Central Iomli0ii they start at $49 1197 CHEV IMPALA lwn lUtir hardtop IIII mhc fiiiw We momth 77¢ 91fiIdfiQrbp corporationlllmted lnod OlldlllOn Telephone air Lllllllllllllllnll split bent ti Slilli 11 lUNFURNISHED blydnmm dpdrlncn Mwro IlttOl DIU ltlrllly llllrrl uplrrrll 01lll 18 mm ME Borne parts and SerVIce WAIIIIIZUgILI IIII7IIPII thlUlllllllly1llU 1185170 REPsnowmobiles 73742 24s acefor rent 97 METEOR RimU so ll EXCluswe Dealer for THREE BE 0900M 090 lTdYllllll 78 rlUTlllllillI 00 Tlll RHPP Ndl IRO 44 ingwmomlol lbrod00nvdI 300 mommy IIrSI mm pRIME INDUSIRIAI rIPACy In IIIIII IIIIIII IIII wII IIIII wII II Lllxtll 111 ion new lrac or best Bend and Glendale jlnsi mourns rent frlrllle sioyb lleirl 60000 sq ii ruiiyspprminmy irIi IIVIII IIIIIIIIfIIIIIIIIIQIIITf III CWTIE trillr 16 Wlllillllll st or rill 4851 IMATREssEs Now at factory to you Modular Homes Ill110i rtnllprllkinilinlluillLllrupllWIllI alelllIlltiruck lundirinrinrkx lAll 1811 mm oran rii Morrnr finlc MWVL prcesTWMZeSMreedeweryea Northlcinders one Chllll TlrtllrrLU 716 IWI clear piirl ill IriruI expnllrliiill industrial Llrl HI Ennil PU Barrie 7M iriil rterms Barrle Matress Factory 15 lDunIop St downtown Barrie IT IEmOI WEIEJIVBIOIONIII AfIflflIMflIIII mfg lwi FOPI PINTO ITillllIN WAGON BE PREPARED FOR SNOW 17289927 rave roi ers V1 Ab lllltUgt IrI Sllrlll all tour Iilid ir slr llrlrilll llrll ylll as Ipiirking includerl AVrTlldllOllDtt 111 Narrgrruugp Tiiiiplwllr 126 1100 mum LNWT WI LII NI lyiTlvI lIIllI lWRNGER WASHER wm lmer 900d Corsair Glenelle Call 776 2910 IAlltlelIlH W1 68 Duuriln worn Miir on Ilr worklngconditionsparesetofwrlngers III ICaIlatterép m728 6184 Cygney 17houses to rent IVERY NICT Industrial lJUlldlllU Ill lt1 ill RU 31 ill TI IDulllOp st West wrltl ii irlrl Illtt 111 my LORD Topwo LITE Tr DRYER 195apalmemszews new are Terms UP70 151905 Two BEDROOM partly Turnisiibri Hwy ornpvrlr Phillie 778 nu or no iuinirrmii In Pa irrrir mil Mini Started greased checked Smger sewing machine mo crime fsettinqs SIOO or best offer silverware 615 061 Lrvrnq anrtchestSSO 7117 3264atter3pm lNANTF EMT NT LUOH iriirli 1Il mills train riiilirl wtiitirulii wlr tliti Li NIT Agent for Pineview Estates at Midhurst sevlrl Barrio we Kilnrirli Slllltt lxillnliln Lilrrrilii hiit 90 room dining room klIllln basement old KING K0 but they nghwoy 11 South JUST $995 tori Ave 7289866 Owner Will nr wirri oilinn to bu slls ll ll 81 Eur or lion 7288017 per BE 425 117031 or lorry ouran lllllll yn llIy min Ml II FR 91 of ark HI JOHN COLE GUS Ls 28 TF imUnllllr 716 06 TrlepiiriiiliHi ernnnlltr 6p in 51 EE Gas are brand new never TOM CAIRNS 72870653 AL CALHOUN lio toll 835 274 LOVELY STOREY dbl17001111101110 IgviI Mr URY MUN My plugs Ilncludes full service and oil check ERNlE BLUM 487 2299 ART MAW 728 1346 LTRAV LMATE 75 Motor home slug dOUhll rlr Durant talllrly rnorn Willi 26accommodatlonsto Share Ilwrl llririlluli rlUlvlnlll lK Fll SUHOCOCar waSh 331W our mural 5IITUyIquppg Rnsnrw Itlrepllicln lieaulilul yard Alliillriale vilin rnul lrllll wllllrshilll lulrll COLONIAL HUTCH and bullet $260 row Barrie Turn and Awninq 31 HiTglrls SSlioliiontrily IiolrllllllHSIHUUl SHARE UA tVlYi Lir No JY mm in ii Urilrir Plus numerous other articlesTelephone ll BayIIeId SI I8 0d IIIILIIIIIIIII 305 iIyi trill vanlMliRli sliiilIr of rIlltl LIIII IIIIIMIII III iIIIIII II Ir III IiIII III 176 9008 ii rTANDEM Citrlllml Bend Ocluxl STROUD BEAUTIFUL bedroom IIIrIIIIIIfiIIIIIIIIIITIVLIIHIjl IIIIIII IKIRBY VACUUM cleaner and ac makes lust rallor lUxUl luriTrliinrls king 519 broadlorirn leplS tirenlilcii lctrUL lot Twp COME ryl Hilll JUTIHITT Iii ICOSSNICE Excellent condIIIonI ICIth LCIII IIII rIIIU III 37 IIII IIIIII IIIOIII $9 500 60 IDUISI TI yIIIIIIIIIIY TGICDIIIIIII PFRSON TO SHARE fnrty tiniva in IIIIIIi IIII my TI TII II old 5350 Telephone 7261906 after 430 Ilffvi rialrt iiily six mis 7051451an 136 456 ZIVIIUIf WWW 11 it nltl Timi Iron in 1in on Open days lVlOBILE HOMES 10 on lot won 170 TwooeowociMIiuriniiriw mil Line in JAl oweek IRIFLE 3o calibre M1 carbine and Double sile ll trurilngr On waubnsiieill Bar qnll l1$lllT0¢y115tlIgy Frqucnnmywy INIIUII lg1 342M Iii 71 ril mini slope best otter In good condition and simnq near by Trrzid to sell lrlil ld Utlllni extra $700 monthly 323015 for 50 him iilll llsnilii llll Illlirl lVll $212905H Telephone1268503alter5p 79m Examining17 06 Telephone 26 96911 ittlr All in will him llyl rIInI Tlll TITmm 47 COLLIER ST we Iri Iilllllilt gr TIWSTRAVEL iniLEplbmssx Iiii EXECUTIJE THREE BEDROOM ll Ices or sae CORNER or OWEN8COLLIER STREETS lyiouopm To many iirmir All nurm in Manual iiivim mi olr rw Rum Allmlino 40 Times 559 BARRIE 726261 canlprnri tQUILTlLl plus luwmu elmp erlfitlllIr IAIIiléllfilflh II lglbléllllllrllll lel altvi vi riuIilIliv itll in Vw 41 muer Show rlirivri OHUIlllTll Tlltpllltllt IlplOlii ulii lllrll ltllilyliilllg lupin in i2 HOUSE rm ow Tm SEDAN DEVILLE ri 71 ADVANCED VAcuuM DOVOhY MOCQUONQ 7286358 Helen Hopkms 7284662 FOlé RENT lrirn IiIVUHTIT antiile Close to sr llllitli and stirppnrr East lllll Fully loaded 11000 llllleb TWA GRAND iillt yer lltitll iw Corby Adams 7286829 Ross Leeder 7269245 hump 61 ill Shamrock plrtLl BETFVH or lurlhel IlllUtlYIdTlilll II in 11 Inner 77 rlriwu MU COSTer ST Baffle JIm QUIIIIOII 7260873 20 Mriliile Home Park Alluus slni man telephoni 136 Iiillalrbr 6p in new 599 510W lIU kill lll inii 71mm null mi illly de wfh 1th Land rental $72 monthly plus THREE BEDROOM bungalow condilioll For further in SATWI =llil 20 Ulllills Appr Ms 100 80 Hal brurlillcrrilli lull lmsrlrielil garage III IMTAL ClllOM llfltlr hardtop ouf rlce ROsLIYINI IgdflIIlIIII 09commcrcIaIIndusgria IIUWUg IIVGHODIIOI In WIWII l0°° °PP°3 lxlnrrnrvinrn SlllLIrr tllilllll Tllrllll no One of the Oldest and most complete vacuum services north Of grimrm 08 TRAILER sToRAnE WIII lilv nets lrlirmumWH 914 TELEPHONE Tti Toronto MS Ii Tree lieumhns SlldDrU Illil II II III II III III II of TTQr nn SOL rthll Lorinor GARHGE 00 gt4 will WW Jim rlMIT THREE BEDROOM huuil in Essa 726 6474 523 mi HR rilUVT 41llllli ii 111 ltli iri II 111 lll Trinriil llllli trll rill liliilliir ltr III II III Ir an Wagtlll lTi Am run July 01111 CI 11 town rp Ill In lirelalmiiroirllh Frilixi tilepliicu Brltllr millr rlnill To in lraslll Jllll ilio mml lirlt lrlllrrt vii RecAc T7v10r4li7 ifil EVlrf1llrllllltllllilTltll AvililatTIl Or rlrilir lilflll Hi Intercomsy Or Uoli arate unlu VIEW 539 5m chli My Foster THREE BERCZr army lnrrrnlw Till room nilE ansun Carroll 726 how I9 comI III IIIIIIIIII IIIIIIII III will now Wm llll1i Pans not Inc 737 2300 or 322 2838 Fernval Trust Arlrlact Cnilt Cyrilli Mr rent Ttii llVJlLl WW Mill Ll ID IIIII Ii IIIII yIT yIII Wi Mr Nil rill 1w II it Tltll Its machn Dealdr charming DrlLIUS rlf no lllrillJ wool Di TACHF Bl ROOM births 719IOUIynlHIlyIjIIlII UTTH11I IiIIIII IiII IN II 93 Id mos 95 SOCk We also r8bUlld 11 21 vflv ll ir in vacuum rose PROPETITESOl lI bl flu er EnnTl lilillli Till TJlU llllrrlri Tr llfirrigrlllllqhouil lirltlwrll yflllslc lib WM DART IWlNhf Ylmll lli llI lllllll l4 ll MI by nrr it AI in AM 8713330 ii rm langfla OIlr y2 Motown 1le 1111 illTllll liakillil 1U DIN 5365 plus ut Mill Fill iillrl lilil wlIUlIMH leIIII find MI Ill DO lake Chance on door door $9an you are losng In will ii ii ilir ill III 3J1 IpsrIII IV II éflIII All model homes now on Sirplwltw 10 UR slll Ttllplilrllldlll Mil nil mi ll GAS SAVE OY is ill igt BEDROOM BUNGALOW HM lrIiTId Brrr wlUg Trrw dis la have been drastically THRU HWOOM Ultlliflr WW FOR MI III IIII anw rinm ilil 11 AdVOIKed I5 service wormmy depoy for HOOVER EUREKA mom mynoqrmmflwn nE1I3Ji gt U1T111lllllllflrrUlll all lirorrrtllilrlli tlrur PII III II II IIII II or ltllli TltfTlIli1Illiyilif WWW Sign way ing than Exitith CENTRAL 15110QIJuriIilvi reduced some as much as pier mill 1011171 erll iiiTniir IIIIIIIIIIlII SjtIIIIVIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIZIILQIW rm Iii CHM 50 and ROYAL IO Of the town If 7r II II lg CI JO1 CMvpryISId TTrI hydro Sup twilld iriul itll workshop llIL ti ll l1gt Iit gsgIygngigx$1 WonWit $4000 Buy now and save IIIIIirsawrii inppm IWJ METEOR Vlt irliumIIIIII WWI irII If SERVICE IN BARRIESINCE1961 compleely furnished whh TERRIFIC BUY II It mm 507 iii iflzkEiriu Paved streets recreotlofi LPUS rVileIlllt Ayriilabll October Slurring brain 580110 tTlllttr rvltlltl IIjIr FUNIH AlfLIU llllllll llIlYllIULr 011 III rrly Il rl Wm 11 111i llll in mortgages Id III II 331 TIlrnpilitllt 1181117 winhome new lthis sy lLTT iml ronrl II he U90 CpInforIIhTE pg My Ur in cor rive eau luv Il 41 WLlll fireplace l3UVY1UT1JlCl ljy Lilttrrll II one of Ihe m0 5mm IllIh MW IIIIII IIIIII IIIIIII IIIIIIIIII no money down Irens Se wwli back in mm lm rmd 09 BARRII TEN Mli WEST twl NrleVTOUTHUlUMlllr INN1 IIIII 0eces onl wih allowing rrrmpiee privarr Aalrinu beautllul parks ANYWHERE shilly ltlrrv bwdrmirri simmriniir wiih Slwrilhi inrl blahv élulUllilIll iii pl ii 1l360 Iiil lttw Will lltfllltli $75 or Crlll DU Ctrsfll FYTITTF Nill all umv in wood the brirri WM HR II II Tinnr piCIIII ESINII IIJI V276 IOII IIIIIII III Coll Quilllus Real Estate pthyrllll ilt Trl rllld lir iirmtric rrrnT I728 lildllvllllllll IIIIII IIIIIIIIII IIIIII III IIII IIIIIIIII II II III 71706161 suite 319 55 Eli St lllonTroraigtrlwirrlii in inuw in llI DODIIT CttfRtl upll litl wrli Tim Tm iiiii in ivri=v Available Daily A1 These PRIVATE SALE Dnqu bidrulm Waterloo Ont NEW lirNtrrlrimirnrmI lliltllillliltll mill 10 Gilll wlltl wllll WWI Mil lwi wur ltill llll rim illtl ii 51 lillr nuke fhe deal great wrllil611l3pilllllrlufiffflmfilTlllufT warrior $7M tTlthll Rltlrirriuu rr rllflllll Hill DUNN allvi rllll 71h inhl SImCUQ alnrlirvInt Must be urnn 1r rip N2J 4K8 5l98867730 qurril 717 1711 virtir piillly Llll DOWN lrlnkv liill Itll Cii liliirl Tldtf 33 cars warned0 buy OaIerl 11VlMlllQUldltll Iilllilliiiiir $rl7lillTTIFTsr031Jlrywrnl ll llurnberry ESOlea IdlreC lUUp Br UVOOML llllllli 10m Lllllll lilicliliun Smill or lll Illlll 5193572037 Hl TWO one TITLEDlrlrJ llUlll llfllrttll lanai lot near TTIlllllllt 77M III llW4lt in lUl WC ll lllll lllk Mml Fuda Foods Hwy 11 SECOND 02property wanted Mile wesIOIwInghOIIII swnlllnilrri and iriltinq Tlllltltlt lib pm Ltrt Ilvllinrllrirrlfil Ballir Hill111 371 Hiitliilt Tl11i lVl PONTIA WILSON lllll Imiililr JUNk Alt 1341 ATE PARTY HdTVli tn pUV ilzl BAYFIELD AND CUNDLES arrii and brakes prtllrrlr turn in rirnirl lUtlll lrll Tillll Mr lTIIr HP mil Oro StOHOn General Store are If IIdIIr firm II 88 IV p1 SUI hiKTYllOTTt Viry 71min tIrII basement an HTUITH Tilst litter Call IWFII 30 lUdwagfln pr ml ml YLIWDLN OPT5 TO rent qdfdltt ldlllll room available Sll 726 1161iiltlir 6p in TRACY WANTs rni iiirl hill in tin on 0y enero ore I37 731 teilllirT mm or October liltl Clill Hall T1931 FORD comi MIIUM LXIOIlIIIl vim Mill rillll Irrril llli In rm Jain 717 3000 or 727 991 ITIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIII II IINI IIIII III IIII III II IIIII III rm ge OO OXOCO 044015 for sale 11340 NEE HOME TILL SPRING Will roller All hir 1i irlorlliiiiir riilirili rir lr rtu Million agree Sun Va Restaurant Hw 11 BARFIii EN Tine illlir 79 vow APARTMENTS rent you rW Centrally Iorntvtl lully lur Tilriiriorirnmrrllm 77w Milli ini Witi lnnu Inst nil lIlp iTy are 10 909 10 ors an lllSllftl liriirir With fiftpldLP colored II III inIr dlwCilyrlld IllBrlylrlllrr lliiwriT It 5w II 1MB LTMOVILT all Xltllllll till 114 ll its mm GI when and T5 Since we speclauxe can quorum 51 W95 frlIII igi rlllrtl Ili TTIiITIIIIvTIHUI szlllII rlirinii Hm in bi itmll all lll Il WAN TH My my Tim River Garden RESTOU rant 11 tee prompt and individual at ONE TWO and rlwlilibll lrlnpmlll fibriltiilhriill Vll on If Wm and Wlh tawml lnr3 UUUI THREE BEDROOMS 1191 BUICK LE SABRE WU lllll villyl 1R KING llttl lllWITH HW rii Exalniiiu St Ikll downlan SllUliTIini UM hummus Phil On lon mortgage ADULTS IBEDROOM HOME top pliwrr sliirinri iiirl lllrlkigt it rsrrriii Tlillill rii tiriiirilir rrvir mu rr $325110 CIril ill Mar ha rin IanIrIesI onsunng mammum II IIdI Sylsn TIIII iiutrlliiillr rirllral tillu lltW Dirtkl Help ll 1er 167 BonbUry MorkeT HWY gururi miscfllemié llllimmmu mart as ride th mo For Oppowmem Vew olui Ulllll mthiIEKIulrltllidr nlorlllaiioli Hm TV Mr VEHIUI WWW Inn lONESOME GEORGE in llfi 00 $11 l1 II 726 3827 rall Al Beiirrick rep Unigroup lllr 00 Iplir iT pull frvll llllllltfllrllr rill inpI HlIISdOIe General Slore and lNDUITRIIIIL Hig may all avoroble market Qrm$ 1975 FORD LTD rililllry lqllltl ilrtlllnl Imrum in Will the CV7lv 35 Wm TF W801lr1lltllfllUIlltXlIlltllTlDtlllI 1H Am le funds for Id tl Pmlwny siding pawr room wallr TWO BEDROOM house lur will on 101 IIIIIII IOW IIIIIIIIIII NI IIIIWII III WIII 77 srnrrvi onderin WW H9910 Dr arr WI IUUTl commernal and recreational Ililir Orri llirlr rplrllli rind UlllllllS IIIIrI IIII IIIIII NIkIIIII QIIII IIIICIIIIIIIII IINDOOD SHOWROOM 4UHSI1IIHII0S gINGER UPRIGHT VICUUIII Ieaner In SUIT llquIVIrS 1111 led Biirrir 716rll available Or trililr Int Telephone IIIIIIIIK IIII II III II II properlles F01 3th NGWCS COT Dtclet 4°06 uoorl condition one year old Cost $129 32mg PM Twp LM 1m 1971 GRAND TURINO Dllrl Mucky Ilul lll 12palili tirioklol inqmund and SoIISSO IeIephonedu I337 evenings rryynr so urc 03° oxisin illlovr llrlrllllil lll TI illIir Pools Nl 18 aptswanted to rent and Hurrii alripi luillllluln DilWlr IIIIIIIIIIII pIIIIII SOLID OAK antique dining room surle with tough lleréulon and baby proof too he MIDHUPST rlCL lulu ii WUJTJIWA tgoges for cash Wldld jIVttllpnCHl iii ltii Ilarir itI Minnow pran Twin swoon Soimwccll Mortgage Manager Ian smirl lil nuiInolr rirl llliN OWN Kerr for valuable advice slelrinq illrl llrilkfi SLIITWUI lllrl1lllr NEEDED URGENTLY Mother wrth Ca WIITI two hilrlrvn illeds two or three bedi ooln home by October Isl Rrnl must be un l9 MERCURY 0er Ir Vlnlll with sideboard lour piece living room soile one year old Both in good condi lion Reasonable call 737 3794 Barnes Finest IMPERIAL TOWERS El ELTRIC fiirrlIiArIiustir Alllplitlil Hiprll Xttllllll 0llll1 GUIlTlr and liliillltlsnlrl Both in Asklllll $550 GOOD CLEAN LATE MODEL AUTOMOBILES TOP CASH irla 48 0131 anytime mills eyrlliqu 176 281 diiy 718 7185 7269580 776499 Id $700 NMIIIIYIIIIII Iaulornalic llrlllflllliilllll niuiri TerlIll rmI II CUSTOM BUILT three piece livingroom ll $1310 su ri nt Ik new has Chosen Tltls Iece EITTIITIIIT To Clllll in pr 737 138 Adults IF II9h0useS wamed Io rem IIIY IIIIIIIIIIIII IIII IIIIIII IIIIII II III III IIJTLILI TIURNITUHE Airionaimms TIIItprIOIIfngngN FREE Wkcy1l Illlil tllII tor illicv tllugu 05tarms for sale 87 5965 BARRIE ACCOUNTANT Wishes 10 Imlvvs noriris nun limits illIlltlltld STOVE 30° ELECTRC sma was room sune Illst for Trent two or three bedroom house IWNCRI Im XEIIISUIN 08 Isoli lawn lUllTllUTl and tierlrnnivi suites burnorr elem heal TilO HOBBY rr 117181fvl11 and $0 AVAlLABlE 161 Jfil MBF Steele Slfttl School area pretermu 176 BRADFORD 728477 IClrilks llUllll Furnistilnu Warehouse Wkkaw hn Fabml wm Sldmg chall tycurrrim 1jrnlftll apartrrilzlil sell wrlll tour Willlel lllti LLUllUTTlItitl lii I655 org cod CondIIIon Ca MN All 11 DU lllllqa 151Vrllllv Dun Op ST EOST III II gr III IIIIHIII IVII References provnlerl Telephone 716 410 savor IOIOIIIIOIIII 515 MIC III TF lrIilllivor 728 llrtl VIIO 621 458 Wing II To BARRIE Tnillullis limn norm Utilitietrll3 sl6i ORAN IORINOI IIII IIIIII WIIII IszMMlNc IOOI cHEMICALs Allll fCRE FAWN ELMHLE arrii CAREFUL TENANT Wllllptli wislTiatri hall kaypool tlt Robinson Hardware rnrinthly Phonl 416 Ml IllIltollUl llrlk vinyl llip 46000 Trilli $1 ill Ull rvrur iEl Mme OmarioMorreoee Two Wt 235SlJuiiffl 34 Trucks and Trailers FIREWOOD chesterfled gtr ill gt Brokers Associatlon Clllli rinlrnll lllrrlllfll Avnilniilr or Km 77 43 JOWL 5M WW0 13 liblr $774 mnniliiy Tlllptllllll LlNCOl CONTINFNIAL lWli An WWW Mxed 55 hadWOOdr $35 delivered Choose from mm Wllmrll HM TF 7211 148 TWO BEDROOM lUVllillCtl suilr or two IIIIIIIIOIIIIII pow IIIIIIIIIIIII Ono Ollfll tliii Iltlor tor Tory lire Contart face cord delivered 30 Ick 7II ACRE AVIA IIIEII II yrzl1uIryrIrtl gt IturllistlTd rooms wlltl klUlL Iml MI Now WWII pwaIiI LII MOHHW pdw several COIOUIS nrlrrlt Huer linrii inrl lii rtl rt ll SMALL ONE 5n lrUrilnItiii nirIiit lparlI 1181le to mid December for lilllllly wlltl $7 IIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII II l976 Chev Van VAB llllly Inrllllt011lrtlllt 70 ll 170 or 136 4179 UP INSTANT SNNOE livrilwt Full with 80110 Call mm 007 UOWVWWHT illVl lllrtrcclllldrlll Torn rioiicaollynullmii Town tilrliqdlr IMI mg my lriarir Illrullrl Availnrilo Orlntllr hi WM CHEVY NOVA ETUDlrSTJUIT TIo Customlled Wllh BVGIY COW lImTmIIIIIEQSIIIiIZgIfiLIIm3 If Gnu m5 ennrnr 17 NM LOAN PAOYMELVI Phone 716 7316 20r00m5 lllUlllflltILlllJtkliti1iIAMFMIllIrIlU C8lv0bl0 option Finished in rillliiiiniilli inllllllllllt llllll Vilitli Lilla lll AMOUNT BACHELOR AMRTMI N1 urliunil l1 in ii 07 vbusmess OppOITUanICS 501 5336 floor uiparrill llllrrillli Clliilg lli liUi 5RNIEmiaOaxIlIlIyfignngtlsImalt hm kc mu MN hm H6 mm black wnh bIOCk cud Gd TillyllIlIlTIillerITyIT mulQllllIIlluIIIllIwl if HON III II II III $100w $10671 stop and shopping kitrtlill appliiinu gIIgIIIImLIn Drowned IIIIIIpIIOIILI IllVlllmt II custom Interior Only l7000 IIIIIII IIIIIII WIIII IIIIIIIIII III IIWII NII 06 Ulrllillld llt ti llti Hrrll Ilid liydrr Ll Al ill TI Mlhwlw ll WIN mm Barn 5000 Zfi 41 llKllidrrl ltLlli lltlltlllll Thiilh 778 7081 nu ddym OHOlWnlngs ulllitilITixtris Asklllli $3880 MllillM mlles Thls V9 mus be seen lgilllllllilllwtlirllllllriellllllgiodglllvfxllllu UV LQLONlAL PRINT Cleslerledr W°°d AL ilIONhOOM idlrl trir gitl ullUll ril $70000 ant CFNT RAL FURNISHE ROOMS Imprm In CI 17¢ him to be apprecuned IFWIMMINI lrllli makes Into 34 bed and matching 00 315951l7 PY° rorlilnon rooms tree parking laundry 197 l11lLllll Lflit 50 excellent condition White excited too when they oirilr small llulllr ALSO BUILDlNoI 717 47m 2000 5r uirrr ll In Ir ls tll slornl FURNEHl BAOlELOR mm lslilihlly rllrlll llltl iii trans ort Full bittlroum ilk Ind jfh1lllllrtl lor lTiIJiIlJlllrllfl rtlTl llllli 25ymamm WV lUdl3 who 76 86 CHEV WWALA Wllr ll Willlitllllll tltllllllll Willi OUTTTIL liiiilnly 776 070 aps $5 Telpnone I010 Wm WIIrIIIIIII my 400 heat hydro and piirkinii Nile are FURNISHED ROOMS clean mridlrrlli OltdllIOllLrlllltl lllllllltlrtl kIIrllllll IIIIII IMIIIIIII WIIIkwIIy IIIIII IIIIIII SIIg LADI saw HN ll Tnlldlfvlllll ITllfitnldlld tr Compare WhOl You are paymg BUSI00510Y Noplli 7761 wmml Imam Fldrkmgl Ill2le hwy extras prtLlll to I10 Tlllpllon lumlvd Hilmllmw V795 Now Nmm STTQESTEOTAOT Stlm Llmnescommg virr mail etisliqu Iiir long Irlll lrirI now for car loonI personal loan BACHELOR APARTMENT overlooking ErI005 mm 31559 Ill $1188 NU payments till 1278 ler GIrls SHINmob Issilml 23258 girls we erI build to Suit tlnrlnl llllrril tor irriyi Ih the lake Furnished Parking and tilat 1966 BEAUMONT er lust 7116 llliltirill llllvlry and installation Ctlll CIOIIIIIIq 91068 TcIepIIDIIC 8065C II Trinirir lraiir llltr Tlltfrrllofl i187 2111 on CC im Iurterl I94 Dunlop St rlnt yerir FURNSHED ROQMC 30 flUlllllhlit M11511 50 allot gt30p in b° in ItlIir lji It UriT is in SI an ImeI 1010 Ilil tl wwer b0 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII II III III IIWIIOI IIIIIII II save OIIIIIW IIIII IIII IIIOIIIIIII IIIHIIIIIIS EXTRA LARGE TURNIsHED rooms pSI FBI IIqu I500 MIIIII IIIIIII ruslnorlllolGeorgioriMoll IIORK IIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIOIIIIIII Id osror sloo lirm Telephone Tim Wayne DObson3222838 utilities 10 cable Close to Bayliiilit She kICLlCn For SIITJlILS DOV Vast TelephoneBJS ilvlaltllli 10 Barrie TimTIT unhinan 35100 TPIIIImIIIII USED COIN OpERATED autos inen sIr ie own II was in RLSTAURANT TAIVT rm bury busI OFFICE 7269262 mi WW are Hm i974 1m CAMARO isriluur spun llllllll 7370254 III6 1001M 726 tool mam III 50 CCIIIS sIoISI 72 $1 modern mall in Barrie Excellent Irinrl mills Many extra pertrirlliarirl parts 523 HARDWOOD VtlHOlOtTTlyW1T1tlrS$ OdCll Telephorrenfi 6646 IIIIII loam EMIIIIPIII IUInIIVN lrs mortgages from 7a TWO BEDROOM iiprrrtlnliil opposilr FURNISHED ROOM In rent in Tall III cellpIII IIIIIIIIIIIH happymmi III IIIIII III III III runva IIaIdwaIIU TrillplllirrrAlbUl300 we buy and sen Ming mm Simrlrr Plalir oyrrlookriig liir liikr ITroLITI areaI ICIomnletl use ol Niches 1725 am IIIIIIWWIDWI 139 lgIaLIIognrfiRsrfR Vfi ggéagf k55°II °W°W IT ri rlciiies Ta lroom rec room all VI CeoI IngI an Hm Mum Qaaas Avamm Of ma PONTIAC TIROUOHAM luw WUH PCJ5BUW WéMmV FlRl wooD lnr snlu Pllkllll up or wliilocoiisolo Tvsso skiswith bindings No Money Down $774 monthly Ttltfpllffllt 726 5247 grounds Lille SUDPIHU lelenlmnl Llll MIIII extras Minu Illllllrl Ulldlfllilkl 51 av llt at Ir Or rTTleT l7 us Xt lion lll llTill HIIIIIWII I60 pIIInII IIIIILIIFIIII IIIIII muI MIWIFIJF ONI 8f DROOM APAR IMF II 2I56 attir 00 RIIEII0I6IIIII8III IIIIIII MIDI IIYIILIIII wIIIIIniII M400 NWCI IIIIIIIIIIII III III IVIIII I1IIIIIIIIIIrI ll 1i TlllOllL HIT 9167 irI gtxvzgwtlill medium $25 Temphone hsore Financin III IIUIII II WI IIIIona IIII UIIII IIIII IUIIWIIIUWIII my IIUIIIIII rum IIIIWI FRE ROOM tor lllllrllt senior itI1lli NT AC BROUC HAM III lrtl roarl Ptinlll Nil 95611 ltllwtlll lllI Innewymme IIIIIXI Mummy ComImnIIIII 19 It Ip IIIIIWI WITMIIIYII BASEMENT SALT ane sent two GARAGE SALE September 24 and 25 xiTrue Cnulls lvlftllllq 116 2815 diiy 1110110 l7il llllli 1Xl tiiillnlly llrllt ltthltllrllJ nulls and Reasonable Cilllallurnrl lll 718 6184 NW GREEN FORD hall toll piikiirr SWW lwrr itV OUTPY Down 10 iii to pm 224 Warnica Roadl llitlll ikiills ski boots rlrpllS lire ix 51000 bicycle television LPs bed 7W mils sllip tor other Ptndlt5tllr citinli All Iliarkiriri and ulllltils tll llltlttl Available nugnung In in airmm ll yonII FEM household privileges Close to bus slop II II UNIFIURlXSHIlDI lwo rp 728 4463iilllr 00p lll 1977 IIRVLSI ASPT two llttttr fIIIIIIIII bplm tiliguishir llnor polisliIi 11 gallon spreads paperbacks toys much more ACNE CMPGRUUNTJ til Ilfi mt Vt all QUINN RII HI TAUJinn 59min options inrliiililig II on Iiiiluaiiuni 1M rriplinliii and stand pAIR BAUER HOE mum to ltrmlld JlIrIHI ltt fllV Inii children llriprls CriirpllaprIlllrit Apri CLEAN UmI510 lied Slllllg III IIIIOI IIIVIIIIIrIVI Duran II warm 176 CIIEROKT CHIT parkam thlllfilll 11 129 QI tKEY SKATES Sill mini Asiriiiu TillMIN ili Gnrrl Tlilill rlr Arlnslronq HIrrlwirr rir phone KlpVllllll CIOSMOUUW III IIIW III III II mrIIIr i160 4V 10900 lllllC Loanlll qualilm pd Mk 90 OCKEV Fthrrill Id 705 in 70111 rVTninris Inn 7441 lovim Telephone 728 192 I156 IIIII lliiii ll root inrlr TLliIltllinl 71 um fItIIIILIIV UIVIILII in UUSUITINOIkIIng boy pair 01 pads Tolephom lllll Hp Iliil IT 150 thtRf ROOM Turn Sllttl it rtlllellt TWO UNF lRNlSllF bVU gt ilNt CHFVROLTI llllt tor 1$140 monthly trillgl llill allivlll contan nmh Perm ham on Illfigivipzhfiig 51ZVILWELL llfllf lliil Never HtlllWlllllll llml Tl JIljI1I 00d wmkllm BEDROOM FURNISHlNGSr COlOI CO Duno 12mortgages III we yII Baytield arlrl Cuntllvs Iilenorl1ur route TIC TD IIIIIII TIT 0rdlllilteil Tinuser wardrobe box spring deodIIne to lo5srtiod NOIWTSUHIIIIUHIII lecfllllnti 7116541 bdktIl 10 011 STACI Ill A11 sIirilir Suptr and inntlress headboard bedspread MORTGAGES bought and sold irriini IdodI TIIRT HEADNOth dpdrlllltlll laull Tltlr in I197 Orl toll 11 llllll ltllllllill ml liIal Ii 100 llTLls Combination rtrIIpIs mirror $125 nietal lypeyInter rlilllA dlllll Irrlllllllftllldl Davin IWI MUSTANG lvrbni lull power word playerradio Nut woilnriu sell lilllll so wooden tableSlO 737 1423 even the Iarrlo Arena Wass Riiil isntatl ltruklrr It 76 Hemp vmwm GUN 30 VH11tWlelldli One owner L011 lOlllhllnt limp AIIIQW WVll 105k llIlr rind 1119 IIIIIHII IIIIII IWIOUS do srrrTIIIIuoI Iriionlrily Call 710677 n0 prlvrllti syllqi lyillrliliilvoiiinns Tim GMCI Suburban III II riinoIdIsx 48 5661 SNOW IIRES In Gm II I5 wimcr IPIIONE IoMpxwf rm min lirat upwind AV 196 cliRYsi EH NI WTORT door tour by tum lulImnnlT rmwor lllillrrlklNMORl ELI CTRIC RANGLwlllle radials Used onlr winter $65 so iiiirrl llllllr1tl riprrrdlsrlls 000 SOUdOY ONE BEDROOM urouml of and VIIIIISI IIII IIIIIII WMIUnnmgIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Iprinr steeriiiri 76 snow lwillrluwrllltlllvrlldnor Also Iw vw Bug COVER like new blue vinyl tor l5 boat SNOW 67 Gum mm Avqmme mwlnmy comm $400 is is or DPSl ltlltl TLltDlllllll Twill lroRD piriruii will ttlllllld TI Darts $100 will CT blsl otter 75 BASE BOARD HEATER thermo III IlTKrlllgll 3100 llllllllll1lylfitzltjl60i only No 316900 IIIIIIIIIIIIIII Wm lullphone 416 154 statcontrollellSlO 717 3732 atter2pm 56 I9 23 pt Tune IUTZI

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