simcoe cunt antarm computer keeps 1¢ Keeping his hooks up to date is an important part of working farm using computer book keeping says Ron McKeown of Elmvale He enters the daily transactions which occur as part of running the farm At the end of the month these forms are sent to computer in Guelph recorded as part of his operation and reports of various types are returned to Mclxeow ii for his records Assistance from agricultural representatives is big part of working with anfarm McKeown says Examiner Photo It will do anything says Elmvale farmer If there were more farmers on Canfarm in Ontario right now there wouldnt be so many of them in trouble says Ron McKeown of Elmvale What does the farm computer system do for him Itll do anything for you have been on it for two years with the Farm redit hrpora tion and three years with the agriculture office in Elmvale think its great McKeown purchased his 150 acre farm in 1972 and is raising feedlot cattle That is cattle which he buys at about 400 pounds and finishes or feeds until they weigh around 1000 pounds and are ready for market When bought the farm was advised to specialize and beef was selling at good price then so thats what went into Canfarm has helped lot know where stand on mon thly basis Each month get summary of my business and quarterly receive report on all facets of the farm to date for the year All famiers operating with the assistance of the computer program are supervised by contact agent either through Farm Credit or the agriculture offices at Alliston or Elmvale Bob Humphries is big help to me He got me started with Canfarm in the phase three system EXPERIMENTING Since its inception almost 10 years ago Canfarm has been experimenting with new more efficient and useful methods of operation The phase three method of keeping farm records is the most recent who is an representative with the Ministry of Agriculture and Food in Elnivafe trains fanners in the skills of working with computer record keeping ttumph ries agricultural Its really easy once you know how to do it McKeown says Hob took 10 of us on strictly on an experimental basis two years ago to learn the phase three system lm completely switched over now At the very first meeting farmer attends once he has been accepted to go on thc conr putcr plan he is required to br ing an inventory of his farm equipment machinery etc This information is listed and coded and filed with the computer This input is the basis of the farms position frorii this point on Included in the reports McKeown receives back from Guelph is farm opertion state merit which gives him an overall view of his business He also receives bank ac count report credit account report and cost accounts report In fact he can receive as many or as few and as often as he wishes Reports can be sent to the fanncr once month or once year or various com binations in between its his choice DONT MOTHER Some fanners dont bother to keep books Thats not so good today When first started farming didnt either just knew if didnt make enough by the end of the year worked harder the next year summary of farm expenses by Enterprises Report divides the various farm components into separate sheets under such headings as beef crops grants overhead This is the benefit of coding It helps the computer separate items so that they may be look ed at airefully to see if they are doing their part economically and efficiently The ymrrcnd report is thr niost valuable to me McKUown says can see just what everything cost and where stand can also compare it to the year before The inventory report evcn lists the amount of crops taken in from the farmers field Corn hay sileage straw and others are listed by the ton and by the dollar value which is assessed by the agricultural representative using Ministry of Agriculturcdata lot of the information receive is repetitions but it is used for different purposes Mcfxeown grows most of his own feed on his 130 acre farm He has two huge silos and large fccdcr barn in which he can keep up to 300 head of cattle At the cod of lllt year he also receives VetHot Study which compares his operation to It others in the same area This is really big help can see how much they are making how they are doing it and compare the figures with mine The information is all con fidential no names arc includr ed in the report Figures from Ontario are also given to the farmers which is beneficial for comparison and planning McKcown who lives on the farm with his wife Marlene and two boys Kevin and Michael says the program wouldnt work half is well without thcag reps We have lot of good ag reps here This is lot of work for them but know it get into any problems at all can just pick up the phone arid ask for help flc says that the ycars he has been on the anfarm comr puter program thcrc has only been one keypuncli error know your county Mrs Royce North Park Rd Barrie correctly iden tified St James on the Line church Ienetangnishene in last weeks Know Your County contest She wins Sunday roast courtesy of Brennans Meat Market If you think you know this weeks entry then send your name address and phone number to Know Your ounty thc llhtllllllltl Ilox 370 Barrie tnt 111M 11 Winner of Know Your fouiity receives Sunday roast from Brennans Meat Market track of things on farm Simcoe County farmers have bookkeeping system available to them which pro vides an almost on the spot picture of their business situa tion on monthly basis The system allows the farmer to see what his financial state is how well his operation is do ing what areas of his business he should cut back spending in and most important it gives his banker clear idea of the kind of businessman he is deal ing with The name of this system is Canfanii computer geared to accept digest store and disperse information sent to it by member agencies It is valuable tool used by the farming community to measure the iiiancial success of it as whole as well as iii dividual farmers Although numbers of farmers to whom the service is available is still limited due to the newness and complexity of the system it is hoped that all or most fanners in Sinicoc county will eventually operate with the help of the computer located at the t7riiytisity of Guelph Application for use of thc scr vice is taken at the Ministry of Agriculture offices in Elinvalc orAlliston nce accepted when an opening becomes available the farmer undergoes training To use the systemit is necessary to fill out forms each month which are mailed to Guelph CODING SYSTEM The forms contain each transaction which takes place affecting the farm The various operations are coded For instance if farmer sells some livestock the transaction is written on the forms for that month including the code number for livestock the price date quantity and very short description of the sale Every transaction which at fectsthc farm must be included or true picturcof the farms business position will not merge At the end of each month the forms are sent to Guelph to be added to the information already stored on that par ticular farm as well as with other farms of similar size opertion in the same locality All information is strictly confidential Noonc sees the records except the farmer when he receives statement back showing liirii what his financial picture is at that period of time At the end of thc year he will receive package of records clearly showing him how be compared throughout the year with other larnis of the same size lll nearby count ics Did he spend too much on far exceed the other farmers Did he spend too much on heat and hydro in comparison TAX RECORDS But financial picture is not all the system gives the farmer Tax records are also provided at the end of the year The ser vice provides reports and records of farm transactions which took place during the year and enables the farmer to make his tax decisions for moneysaving benefits The computer provides an in come for tax purposes report and schedule of fixed assets and capital cost allowances CTAI Some farmers still operate through an accountant who fills out the forms but many do it themselves Fann wives often help with the daily bookkeep ing The system providts unique feature report is sent to the individual during the year so that he is able to forecast his final tax position This enables him to make and carry out tax management decisions before the yearend OTHER SERVICES The Cantarm system is geared to an individuals needs and his goals for his future in farming ne of its btst assets is that it is flexible farmer may want only general financial record for tax purposes or he may want physical record of all parts of the farm business Canfarm provides loan calculator service which lets the user know exactly where he stands andwhat his respon sibility is regarding loans The loan calculater supplies schedules that show the amounts of payments when they come due and how much the principal andinterest will This service permits an in dividual to compare interest rates so that he can see clearly for exam le what the dif ference is etween nine and nineandahatf per cent rate In addition it shows the farmer what his position is for refinancing Cashflow statements can be supplied by Canfram to allow the farmer the opportunity to consider changes in his opera tion and see where his business is heading MACHINERY NEEDS Machinery planning in cluding purchasing versus custom hiring and replace ment is another service provid edby Canfarm It is sometimes difficult to make wise decision whether to purchase new piece of equipment or hire someone else to do it Canfarm can help parison of the costs be buying machine and the costs of hav ing custom work done It also supplies unit breakdown showing casts per acre per mile per hour or whatever unit the user wishes In addition the service calculates cash requirements as well as accrued costs so that the effect of what the purchase will have on the farm as whole can be seen Detailed costs between old and new machinery taking into account re airs depreciation tradein va ue fuel costs and interest can be calculated by the Canfarm machinery replacement service Does it seem complicated It isnt Once the user gets into the habit of correctly recording each transaction and sending the forms to Guelph the benefits begin pouring in From farm mangement point of view there is nothing which is more helpful accurate and complete allowing good strong moneysaving decisions to be made based on accurate personal facts and figures In 1971 approxrmatety 5000 Canadian farmers were enroled in Canfarm At the present time there are over 14000 farmers from coasttocoast using the period fced lid his vetcrnarian bills complet financial an It provides detailed com service Most advanced system in world but it isnt for every farmer anfarm computer system is the most advanced in the world says Hob Humphries agricultural representative with the Elnivalc office of the ntario Ministry of Agriculture and Food People come from all over the world to see our systerri computer The anfarm Ron McKeown stands in the new barn which he btiilt last year The barn will hold up to 100 feeder cattle and two huge silos near the barn hold one years feed The young farmer is operating with the assistance of the anfarm computer pro gram which gives him monthly picture of how is business is progressing Examiner Photo system is project run jointly the federal and provincial governments and thc tnivcrsir ty of Guelph large computer housed at the university records and corripiles riidividual farmers monthly records and sends back statement of the farms financial posit ion We have 50 farmers working theoriin tanfarrrr in North Silll me at the prescnt time with many more on waitiiiglist fliiiiiplirics said As lllt program is still relative ly new lot of stijxrvisioti and assistance is st ill required from the agricultural rcpicscn tativcs to teach the method and sec that user farmers get the utmost benefits from the pro gram We feel we can adequately handle more than 30 The pco plc have to be trained and we have to visit each farm quarter ly to go over the books with the faiiiicis Humphries says the program is self disciplining one which requires the farmer to rtcord dayrtordtiy farm activitcs The information receiver back from thc computer is only as good as the information sent in by the farmer lot this reason it is necessary that care be taken to ensure accuracy 11 farmer does make mistake on one of the forriis sent to the computer it can be corrcctcd either by himsclt on the next months forms or with the assistance of the agricultural representativc Ioliri liwrcncc liicf of Pro gram Development with anr farm says new system which is based on generally acv ccpted accounting system is be ing intrmluctxl into anada and it is hoped that within another year all farmers will be work rrig on the new program tine of the riiain reasons governments show so much in terest in our program is because of its ability to gather and compile farm related statistics These are also benefit to farmer in that he can compare his operation to others in his area who have similar size and type business He says the Milk Marketing Board is now asking selected farmers to keep records on cer tain aspects of their operation and the result will be tabulated through anfranr The results of such study would likely be used in bargain ing and price setting by the board Humphries says the system is the most modern developed so far but it its not for everyone person should have some basics in lxiokkeeping and the control to keep at it When person gets behind or makes several mistakes they tend to lose int crest thlIllINllAl He says also that the system is completely confidential If farmer wishes he can sign release form which allows the information he sends to Can frani to be compiled with others on comparison basis Even then the farms are coded and names are not used An alternative to the corn puter system is the Blue Book commonly used by Sim coe ounty farmers and others across anada This book is provided free of charge by the ministry Humphries explained But the main difference is that the coni Sulky racing an attraACtion at this years EImvale Fair ELMVALE Staff Mid way attractions sulky horsp racing and livestock show will be among the highlights of the 1977 Elmvale tall fair which is currently receiving attentions from the executive of tlic ElmvaleFIos Agricultural Society We are making special of fort to make this another outstanding fair said Larry Tlcrnent who is serving his third year as president of the sponsoring society The two day exhibition will be field on Friday and Saturday Oct audit The sulky races are usually feature of the fair it was pointed out as st reSs was given planning for the lowprogram Records of the fall fair socre ty indicate that Mr lenicnt is the ttith president of the or ganixation which dates back to ltltitt In its early years it was known as the lVlcdontellos Agricultural Society and the first fair was held at the Hamilton lnir grounds at Lot 00 toiiccssion of Itlos which was near llillsdalc lhc first exhibition included farm displays and livestock coliijxtltioris hilt it was fit ferent than now In some rcspects it more resembled picnic outing than fair it was stated After the sltcccss of thc first lair ti was made an annual event and held at different farms of the area Elmvale was first chosen as the site in ltltll when the exliibir tion was held at what was then known as the Elriivale driving park lhc present grounds in the central part of the village became the ironic of the fair in 1111i and has continued there since Mr lcinent succtcdcd Lloyd tinilopas president of the sponr sorriig fall fair society Mr rgt lunlop has continued active and is looking after indoor booths for the current years fair Don Bertram was president of the fair society just before Mr lunlop and he followed the late Earl Elliott former Sini coe ounty warden and recve of ltlos Former rccvc ecil French preceded Mr Elliott The record for having headed the fair the longest was 14 years served by Reginald Hen tram llc headed the fair socie ty from 1952 to 1900 First president to appear on records of the society was John Johnston He was followed by John Ritchie Robert Peters Richard Graham and Walter Rowley Thomas Smith was presi dent from 1927 to 1930 and George Fleming from 1931 to 1040 Tipping followed for three terms and then former warden Walter Middleton for pufer does all the figuring stores the information and sends back yeartodate report from which the user can base his operating decisions The Blue Book is an accurate method of recording if kept up to date It contains many of the same headings as the Canfarm fonns but requires much more work to get an uptodate pic ture OST T0 FARMER The cost of belonging to the Tanfarrri system including the assistance of the agricultural representatives the many monthly reports available on farm financial positions tax reports as well as many other types of reports and services which the farmer can make use of is $10 year Most fanners in Ontario pay the same although some work through an accountant agency who pays $15 for processing to the government and appliS his own charges to his client The federal government is responsible for processing and development of the Canfarm system while the provincial governments supply the field men through their Ministry of Agriculture offices and the University of Guelph assists with the design of the program and personal Canfarm is available in all provinces and in some cases the provincial govemment picks up the entire cost of the program The aim of the pro gram setup is to eventually train farmers and then turn the system over to private agen cies Lawrence says It is the job of the ministry extension services to introduce Midhurst BOB IILMPHRIES the program into the provinces At the end of March 1977 there were 3000 farmers in On tario using Canfarm Lawrence says There are over 14000 using it in Canada would say our potential cliental is about 100000 farmers He said the commercial farmers in Canada with less than $2500 in sales was 258000 last year This figure includes parttime or gentlemen farmers also Humphriess entliusiam over the Canfarm program is ob vious He has worked with it in Simcoe County since it was first introduced and also had hand in developing the new program which Lawrence says has resulted in better acceptance and use of manpower and energy Humphries says if farmer is willing to put the effort into working with the Canfarm system There is nothing bet ter which will help him make sound management decisions farmer says Canfarm gives clear picture Gord Wright of Midhurst runs 200 acre dairy fanii with around 100 cows 50 of which are milkers He uses computerized book keeping under the Cantarm computer program rating out of the University Guelph through the local agricultural offices What does he think of the system do around $100000 gmss year and the computer keeps fairly accurate record of things for me At the end of the year get condensed reports back and comparison of my operation with others around here of the same size This gives you pretty good picture of how you are doing Say maybe your veterinary costs were way up over the others then you would know you should cut back Does Wright find it hard to keep uptodate with the daily recording of farming ac tivities No my wife does most of the bookkeepiing she fills out the journal and sends it in Canfarm gives you real clear picture Its real asset to thebusiness can sit down at the years end and compare my operation and plan and organize my business for next vear Wright who has been on the system for four years says he would highly recommend that any new farmer go on the corn puter system of keeping records Its probably necessity to day young fellow coutdnt go for far off track Its right there in front of him all the time There is bit of bookkeep ing to it but farmersarejust go ing to have to get used to it in order to be successful It used to be you could practically keep it in your head but thats impossible now