Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 20 Sep 1977, p. 6

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the examiner Tiesday 543331720 977 The Simcoe ounty Health Unit is involved in several aspects of public health and is becoming involved in more ways But says Dr Peter Watson new director and riiedical of ficer of health for the Siincoe County District Health Unit the main etfort must be on preventive ca re The health ungt carries staff ol about 90 people across the county with about to at the Simcoe County dministration tenire at Midliurst The four main branch otfices are in tirillia Midland tollingwood and Alliston My job is to supervise and advise on community needs in ditferent areas and make sure the job is appropriate Dr Watson said in an interview with The Packet Theres fair administrative reponsibili ty that way The unit works mainly under the auspices of the county hoard of health ounty council and municipalities are among those with rcpresentatrvcs on it The board makes tinal deer sioir on policy and the use of tunds Theyre very interested in the health aspect and they like to do research on these things beloie they go ahead So lni really the agent or the hoard iii carry mg out the programs ilINER lRlllltlCR Dr Watson was general practitioner in Barrie tor Professional STEAM CLEANI Wall to Wall Carpets Rugs and Furniture lifestyle For new health unit director prevention IS main concern years before he sought to become involved in the public health end of medicine If tiiey havent been done earlier we give them the full program This year the health unit plans to initiate new immuniui tion programs to prevent scoliosis or curvature of the spine School health is big part ot the nursing program Dr Watson said Nursrs who go in to the schools and find children wiio are havrng health pro blcms will often work with the parents to help them understand their childs needs Prevention of dental disease is another program involving the unit more than ever Weve been able to have checkups for nearly every child in the courtly Brushins with whole classes of children haVe been most successful Ad ministering fluoride to help prevent tooth decay was also working well Yes we can document reduction in dental decay over the last few years Watson added IllstlSS lllRlll UNIROI Family planning is yet another division Dr Armbrust is in charge ot that program which concerns itself with discussing birth control nieihods particularly in high schools in the murin Were tryrrig to establish ad visory committees on family fits John Dupain NG In Your Home or at our plant FREE PlCKUPAND DELIVERY um YES we clean velvet furniture min SIMCOE CARPET Established I948 II III 5W 728476 Inventory Clearance Sale 124000 yards of discontinued fabrics and colours planning in different munities Watson said The committees would in clude parents education representatives doctors as well as representatives from the hull unit Letters on the subject have already gone out out to doctors in Barrie and similar plan is in the works for rillia Olll The main idea is to start in formation services on family planning perhaps through an information booth as well as provision for group discussions and private coiistiltat ion lhere scents to be certain amount of resistance to this sort of thing in some areas Biit there are still unwanted va Dr Peter Watson takes command pmgnancies There certainly is need Parent study groups are get ting underway iri Midland where steering committee has been set up with school principals the public health nurse and representative from the mental health centre in Pcnetang INVIISIIUAIE lllllREAKS Another concern of the health unit is epidemiology the origin and spread of disease doctor might report case of salmonella infection for exam ple and the health unit will in vestigate to find out where it originated whether in the home of the infected person or in public place The same pro cediue is followed with tuberlt ciilosis vencral distcs incri ingitis and other contagious diseases relatively recent field of in terest for the health unit is in geriatrics work with the elder ly but we havent done too rriuclr with that yet Dr Wat son said The nurses are called upon to work with number of senior citizens visiting their homes to advise them on health matters They get quite lot of iri forrnatiori about nutrition both from the dental division an the pub ic hudth nurse good half of the staff works in the nursing division Dr Watson said although the health unit asks every year for increased staff and larger budget to work with they dont always get it Every year we ask for more staff but were working with less than we ever had tcw years ago Dr Wat sons position was shared by thrce administrators He has twoyear contract as director but may remain in that position indefinitely Huronia Symphony needs greater support tlrchcstra rehearsals for the ltlfi Tit season of the lluroriia We re cleaning our closets and you re the henetrcrary We slashed prices on wrdt selection of fabrics that must be cleared out to make room tor tall shipments This rs great chance to do your spare bedroom cottage or den wrth beautiful custom draperies from Reed National Drapery However stock IS limited and its strictly first come first served deal 80 don put it UPTO rittW ljlrl1ltt on Custom Drapery Treatments Dynasty Madcrra Keyboard forgot Sheen as low as toot uipla fullness25000 yds aw l1Ir vim gt4 vi AalLiH Mr Hamilton Md 90 Iriole fullness Regular Sale Price pram Sheer $144 78 Scallop Sheer $156 $90 lIlIIIIIIIlIIIIIIIIII Prints reductions to 0412000 yds 7Width Md 961 lined Regular Sale Price $266 $183 $365 $163 $308 $163 Damasks Brocados Antique Satlna up to 37 8000 yds Width 144 96 lined Regular Sale Price Silk Shrintung $388 3278 Samantha $278 $220 Lyons $395 $338 lioavlor Wanvcs Basements Ptlcii Orion Weave and Fishnets up to 42 Savlnos to 03 47000 yds 32000 yds Widths 144 96 lined Regular Sale Price 7wrdth5 144 96 unlined itegulzir Sale Price Flag Stripe $323 $163 VISlOfl $144 84 Alpine $221 3192 Polytok $219 5146 Aurora $512 $221 Vale $234 3146 Limited yardage All orders subiect to prior sale we Sale prices are complete no extra charge tor it home consultation measurement and delivery Call now for savings and our free no obligation visit by one of our QREED 7263401 DRAPER Beautiful custom drape in as little as seven days shop at home decorator Out of town call colteci Symphony Orchestra are underway at Haklcy Park School The orchestra is igaiiieon ducted by Arthur Burgtii who has had Ito years of experwnce with the anadian Upera om party the National Ballet of anada and the Bt Sym phony He also played french horn With the Toronto Synr phony for rniie years Burgm now heads the music department at Banting ilcrriorral High School in Allistoii oncert master is Jack Mon tague violinist who is con ductor of the youth and tumor orchestras lhc if regulars the or chestra are mainly from Him coe ounty including Barrie tlrrlha and surrounding areas Professionals are soiiictlrnes brought in to fill an illness vacancy or perform solo llIIIISI The first orchestra concert ol theis years series wrll feature fllainc Winters Barrie teacher who sings iii the ollicr Street lrnted hurch choir llic Barrie soprano who is also member of antbrlc oi al tlroup anrl the Dickens Singer Quintet of loronto Wt perform with the orchestra Nov to at tcnlral tollegiate The second presentation wrll tcature the Barrie Boys thoir under the tilltiltill ot Barbara Mcfann of Barrie This coticcrt Will beheld March at teiittal ollegiate Guest soloist Desmond Malcy Barrie pianist will perform with the orchestra May it This is the twclth season for the orchestra Free concerts are planned tor the Barrie malls in the near tuturc in iiopcs of boosting series subscriptions lll1l PIN li Attendance has been poor considering the area we live in says publicity chairman Jcrrry McPherson Duty 32 scries subscriptions were sold last year and about So pcople were admitted at the door prior to each perforriiarice in an auditorium which should seat Lilli this isnt very many The concerts hacnt been well supported by the public be said The group welcomes compe tarit musicians wanting to take part in the orchestra at any of its practices held Wedtnsday eveningss at tlaklcy Park School The group consists ol eight committees artistic publicity audience development lurid raising orchestra programs new slcttcr rim outs and yoonlli orchestra As well thcrc is board ot directors and Womens tiilllA mittcc lickcts lor the series or more information about per forinarices may be obtained from Mrs Noel Stephenson TillVZIHT Vpeiiople places iiicst llonored Mrs Joan lrcstom Van iiilik ot Deventcr Holland has been the guest of Mr and Mrs iuthrictfhittick Attending luncheon for her were Brig and Mrs Spragge Ashbiirn Dr and Mrs Lloyd Pidgon of Shanty Bay Mrs Margaret Mcrrctt of Alliston Tot and Mrs Barshow Millar Miss Hilda McDonald and Mrs Warren Wilgar Mr and Mrs isrnond Rowe entertained at supper and lVlrslilary Winslow cntcrtamul at cocktails Mr and Mrs Thittick also held welcome and farewell cocktail party for their guest To ttawa Peggy Sue Norton 1977 graduate of Barrie North olr lcgiatc will be attending Carleton Unchrsity in Ottawa this fall Miss Norton is the daughter of Mr and Mrs Ronald Norton lIdgehill Drive Barrie Riirnmange Sale The Mello Blends local ladies barbershop chorus will hold rummage sale this Saturday from it am to in on the northwest corner of Dunlop and Mileastcr Streets Lady Lions The Lady Lions started off their seasons activities with dessert and coffee party at the iioriie of Mrs William Dyrrient The women are making plans for the return of Kitchener Watcrloo Productions to Barrie this year The musical Ap plaiis wil be presented at Bar rie Central Collegiate Nov 19 with Alan Liuid directing obituary Reta lurnbull Funeral services were held at John Thomas Funeral Home Alliston tor Reta Beatrice liirnbull ol Alliston who died recently at SitVeriesori Memorial Hospital Mrs lurnbull 77 was born in Sunnidalc lownship and was the daughter of the late James and Susan Davidson She was member of the Baxter Presbyterian thurch rid the Golden Age Club of Alliston Mrs lurnbull is survived by her husband Hector Douglas lurnbull one daughter Jean Mrs Allen Gibson of Alliston one son Harvey of Utopia two sisters Vera Mrs Roderick Ward Mindeii Muriel Mrs Victor Pridhaml Utopia ten grandchildren and eight grcatr grandchildren She was predeceased by one brother Wilfred Davidson wedding albm Mr and Mrs Henry Centen Centen VanderGaast Gladiola decorated Rchoboth hristian Reformed Church Bowmanville recently when Jean VanderGaasl married Henry Centen The bride is the daughter of Mr and Mrs Albert VanderGaast of Bowmanville and the groom is the son of Mr and Mrs Peter Centen of Bar rie Rev DeJager officiated the ceremony Marsha VanderGaast of Bowmanville was the soloist Cam and John Yates also sang accompanied by Bert Kaldeway liven in marriage by her parents the bride wore white satin Aline gown with lace covered bodice and la cc sleeves satin covered cap held her three tiered floor length veil trimmed in lace and she car ried bouquet of white roses yellow daisies and blue sweet peas Linda VanderGaast of Bowrnanville was maidof honor Iracy Devries of Oshawa was bridesmaid and flower girl was Joanna Mulder Bowmanville George Centen of Ottawa was best man Ushers were Walter MacMillan and Perry Centen ot Barrie and Gary VanderGaast of Bowmanville garden party was held at the brides home followed by reception at the orps Hall Oshawa The couple lives in Waterloo Canadian Mr and Mrs Cameron Cameron Evasuik St Annes thiirch ilace Bay was the setting for the re cent marriage ot Deborah Ann iivasuik and George Jordon ameron Rev John Macl ougall of ficratcd at the ceremony Sitaniic iracic was solist Win the ampbell was organist and Wa ync act tity re wa guitarist The bride is the daughter of Mr and Mrs ieorge lilvasuik ol ilacc Bay and the groom is the son of Mr arid Mrs Reg Srigley of Barrie iivcn in marriage by her parents the bride wore semi fitted satin gown with thiilt layering it was tashioned with scooped neckline shoestring straps tucking bodice and had chillori oveivjackct with pushup sleeves all trimmed in satin circle of French silk roses held her shouldcrrlength veil and she carried bouquet of yellow roses babys breath and green ivy Friends and relatives atten ding lrorn the Barrie ara were Mr and Mrs Jack amerorr Mr and Mrs Reg Sriglcy Mrs Dorothea loinpkins Mr and Mrs lvor Rogers Mr and Mrs Bill Silk Dale Midwood and Davie Root The couple lives in Toronto Mr and Mrs Albert Paddison PaddisonSchollaert Central United hurch was decorated with flowers and rib bons Sept when Maria Schollaeit daughter of Mr and Mrs Oscar Schollaert Barrie married Albert Paddisori sort of Mr and Mrs Herb Paddision of Barrie Rev Donald Jay officiated liven in marriage by her father the bride wore white satin gown with sheer silk sleeves and yellow velvet waist band The dress was trimmed with lace on the front and sleeves Her headpiece of white and yellow flowers held her flowery silk veil and she carried boil quet of tiny roses and carria tions covered in babys breath Carol Schollaert of Wasaga Beach was riiaidolhonor Flower girl was Anita Schollaert of Wasaga Beach David Hall of Barrie was the best man Ushers were Jim Allen of New Lowell and Brian ieorge of Barrie dinner was held at Lakcview Dairy and dance at the Shriners Hall The couple lives in Barrie Ann Landers Ann agrees advrce was bad 45 Dear Ann Landers Why dont you wake up and smell the coffee You told Bertha to iron her husbands shortsafter she told you he has been wearing them unironed for seven years Why do you suppose man would suddenly demand that his shorts be ironed And instead of asking her in person he leaves her smart aleck note yet that starts out with Unless you are sick dying or dead And to that insult he tells her he is going to check on Tuesday to see if she followed his instructions Where is the guy going that all of sudden he needs his shorts to look so good Any idiot should be able to figure out that the old boy as taken up with some dishy doll For smart dame you sure fell flat on your face when yot answered that one couldnt believe your replyOne of Your Adoring Public Formerly Dear Ad You and several thousand others And now that think of it cant figure out why something so obvious escaped my notice OK Im awake now and the coffee smells lot better than my answer Ill take seven lashes with the cord of my own iron Read on for another blast on the same subject Dear Ann Landers If didnt have confidence in your sobriety Id swear you were under the influence when you told Bertha to iron Sams shorts Your theory that Bertha would burn up less energy ironing the darned things than complaining about it cuts no ice The Sam in my house figures he does his share when he puts in eight hours day at his job put in good 16 hours day here at home and lot of things do should be Sams responsibility It rankles me that gave up promising career to get into this mess but walked into it with my eyes wide open so wont complain wash everything that comes down the chute and iron everything that needs it but refuse to iron shorts until theres letup on the pressure around here Fold them neatlyOK Iron themno way Sam handed me your column and saw red Do me big favor Ann and suggest that he help me position that heavy ladder so can do the necessary maintenance on the upstairs window frames Bumin8 ill Cleveland Dear Burn What are you doing on that ladder anyway It sounds as if your Sam is hopelessly spoiled and nothing might say would make dent Husbands and children must be trained at the beginning Sorry dear Dear Ami My husband and have teamed from statements she has put in writing that our 20yearold daughter is having sex with her boyfriend As if that werent enough she has been sexually active with at least six others Betty is now checking into motels and taking terrible chance with her reputation if not her body Shes on the pill We are just sick about it Should we play dumb Betty lives at home and has had two years of college Please tell us what to do Another Mother Dear Mother In calmnonjudgmental way tell Betty you know she must have problems and youd like to make counselling available If she accepts the offer fine If she doesnt dont pressjust keep the lines of communication open Fgr What its Worth Mother Worth foiled again fit By MARGARET WORTH The house is still and very quiet Only the sleepy murmur of the fridge and the occasional plop an on adventurous gup py disturbs the silence have been waiting fot this moment all day put cautious foot on the stairs Slowly and with enor mous care start to make my way up the soft green carpet placing each bare sole squarely so that not single creak will give me away Almost to the top nowhold my breathpast the ficus benjamina plant careful not to rustle the leaves turn the corner gently now only two more steps to go make it and exhale very gently My hand gropes to the right reaching for the doorknob There isa sudden rush of noise thump flash past my bewildered eyes and the sharp slamming of the door Foiled again Someone beat me to the shower For those of you who havent guessed already am the un trained mother of teenagers There are those Ive heard who sail through the traumatic teen years of their children with serenity and gracious smile The house always sparkles the aroma of freshly baked bread mingles with the perfume of home grown flowers and the childrens socks always match Of course have never actually met one of these phenomena ladies but believe that they do exist Then theres me have wondered if rhaps there was night course could have taken when tiigy were little Just something basic to prepare me for the stereo turned up to pain level the seven pairs of jeans that absolutely have to be washed tonight and the gallon of shampoo that mysterious Iy disappears in three days Dont get me wrong They are beautiful people my kids still remember the time they baked me birthday cake IS minutes before walked through the door and iced it straight from the oven accept as painful inevitability denial bills and car pools but takeanumber and wait your turn to use the bone So here am standing outside the bathroom door at 1130 wondering who could possibly washin what Wait do hear sound above the sp ashing of the very last drop of hot water contented little whistle should of known That man can outdistance the children any thy of the week Maybe if get up very early ks New cure for cat odors DEAR POLLY My cat wet on my rug and cannot get rid of the odor even though have used disinfectant in water and pine scented ammonia After anything dries the odor is still there PAULINE DEAR PAULINE Perhaps Mrs EPs letter will be of help to you DEAR IOLLY use the same method getting rid of cat odors that my mother used many years ago put small rag in frying pan and set it on fire This is not dangerous if used carefully and it removed the odor completely Keep lid for the pan in your other hand so as to smother the fire if necessary do not think sprays for the air will remove cat odors MRS EP Pollyl note Do not set the pan on your carpet but hold it in your hand near the places that have the odor and follow directions for holding the lid so II to have it ready if needed DEAR POLLY My Pet Peeve is with recipes that say eight tablespoons of butter or whatever instead of onehalf cup and three teaspoons instead of one tablespoon which is the same That is making us do it the hard way LOIS DEAR POLLY keep container of those promoistened towelettes by the chair sit in while knitting or doing em broidery work That way wipe my hands before starting any such work so am always sure they are clean JOYCE DEAR POLLY During these days of high utility bills an energy crisis etc remove all wash and wear garments from the washing machine and put them on plastic hangers to dry Willi our cooler turned on they dryquickly and save on elec tricity and gas have gas dryer Pius less heat is generated in the utility room Cathy DEAR POLLY Why tug vacuum cleaner all around when an empty clean and dry deter ent bottle will do just as well Prior to painting those insi and outside windows clean dust out of the corners by squeezing such bottle The air will brush away dust particles and you are ready to paint or varnish MRS EK

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