The Examiner is member of The Canadian Press CP and Audit Bureau ol Circulation ABC Only the Canadian Press may reApubllsi news stories in this newspaper credited to CF The Associated Press Reuters or Agence FrancePresse and local news stories published in The Examiner ADVER TISING Len Sevick manager Randy McDonnidcityedilor SALESMEN Sheila McGovern assistant clly editor Dan Gaynor Bill Curran county editor Lyall Johnson Werner Bordon sports editor Barb Boulton Bill McFarlanewirccditor Dana Graham Hopi Dmnpsoy litoslyic John anecky Mmlna Quallror chi photographer Jane Guthrie POR if John Bruco Paul Dolonn Rtrhni Dunlnn Inl Gun am hi all linsklns hiltflit MI yovci sur Out ki NEWSROOM Sean Finlay managing editor BUSINESS Marian Gouqh accountant Betty Armor Dorothy Bowland Gail McParlond Vikki Grant Published daily except Sunday and statutory holidays WEEKLY by carrier 90cents YEARLY by carrier $4680 BY MAIL Barrie CIRCULATION $4680 Jon Butter manaacr SIMCOE COUNTY Linda Halkes asst manager 53650 AfldY Hauahlon MOTOR THROWOFF Judy Hickey Mayan AV ELSEWHERE CANADA Elaine Porter Gary Prinotc 338504 year the examiner Tuesday Sapt 20 1977 serving barrle and simcoe county Published by Canadian Newspapers Company Limited l6 Boylield Street Barrie Ontario LAM 4T6 The Barrie Examiner claims copyright on all original news and advertising material created by its employees and published in this newspaper Copyright registration number 2038l5 register Nationaladverllsin ollices650 Siw CLASSIFIED an oronto864 l7l0 640Cathcarl5l Montreal Ruth liars supervsor Lenlcy Young rmtn Shinnar Korin Alknnon Pouoy hnpell The advertiser agrees that the publisher shall not be liable for damages arising out at er ran in advertisements beyond the amount paid for the space actually occupied by that per tionol the adveriiLement in which the error occurred whether such arror is due to the negligence at Its servants or otherwise and there shall be no liability for naninsertion of any advertisement beyond the amount paid for such advertisement Elio Agostini rrrrr publisher ADVERTISING 7266537 ClASSlFlEDS 7282414 NEWSROOM 7266537 CllCUlAYION 7266539 BUSINESS 7266537 Queen park Further county changesneeded Although rcvisions wcrc madc in rcprcscntat ion rulcs only five ycars ago Simcoc County council should soon bc considcring turthcr chaugcs to chcck thc growth in mcmbcrship Back in 1972 thc county council action rcduccd thc ovcrall mcmbcrship from pcak of fit to 43 councillors including thc wardcn privatc bill was passcd by thc Ontario lcgislaturc iproving thc rcviscd rcgulations But with thc incniiicrship now back up to 53 with lll dications of morc growth within thc ncxt couplc of ycars duc to population incrcascs it is How for furthcr chccks it is iccognixcd that cvcry onc of thc iiiincmbcr niunicpahtics want to continuc to havc rcprcscnta tion schcnic idvocatcd tow ycars ago which would rcquirc illagcs and smallcr townships to amalgamatc with ncighbors failcd to nicct popular support In fact thc plan cncountcrcd strong opposition and was discard the some Spiriï¬ of re rm which has cried 16 ï¬ï¬iiiï¬ ion sect By DON OHEOARN lOPOS it taint fur her Shop Give private public are government labor and the private sector In the deliberations which decide on the courses to be followed there has been one no ticeable absenteethe private sector Government of course always has had united voice and labor through its con gresses has been able to talk with some over all and common approach But business has not had one central cd tndcr thc 1972 rulcs which still prcvail cvcry municipality is cntitlcd at lcast onc mcnibcr rcgardlcss of population lhosc with 2500 municipal clcctors or inorc qualify for dcputy rccvc Proposals to update the lattcr rulc varicd from 3500 municipal votcrs to 6000 The latter figurc sccms preferable since it might avoid making another revision within the ncxt fcw ycars again For placcs with more than 5000 clcctors present rulcs entitle the rccvc to two votcsat county council and for 7500 both recve and deputy rcevc two votes each It was suggested this could bc changed to 7500 and 10000 For years there has been widespread feeling the coun ty council representation has bccn out of proportion with actual needs lhc administration hasnt the rcspon sibilitics it oncc had when the county jail justice depart mcnt and courts were part of its jurisdiction Thcsc responsibilities wcrc taken over cntircly by the provin cial government nearly decadc ago At one time ward systcm of clcction was proposed Another suggestion called for smaller villagcs and ncighboring townships to have joint rcprcscntation Ncit her of these idcas proved acccptablc lhc propost new changcs mentioned abovc would bre ing about reduction of six to cight down to 43 or 46 mcmbers There is no doubt this still Would be more than amplc but at least move in the right direction simcoe yesteryear llerc is icw of the original Sirncoc ounty court bousc crcctctl in llllii whcn Harric was chosen administratiyc crntri for thc arta Photograph was provided by Simcoc ounty ar chivcs Interpreting the news Charges touch off furore about who runs Britain By Bltlf Lll lJll LONDON 31 Who runs Britain group of lcftist Labor mcnibcrs of Parliamcnt says the electcd politicians should but in cflcct powcr clitcof senior civil servants has taken ovcr This chargc has boon rcpudiatcd by lhf Commons chxnditurc committcc but it has touchHl oft lurorc which thrcatcnr to our shadow thc coinnnllccs main ricoinincnda lions Ilxpcrts noting that both thc leftwing clcincnt and the civil scrvicc wcrc blamed in the past for much of Britains aches and pains arc calling ll rare casc of scapegoat biting scapcgout The ferocious attack on scniorcivil scr vants came in thc form of proposed 11 pcndix to thc committcos main report The appcndix was by 13to11 vote AlTlIitES ATIENIION chcrthclcss thc scathing denunciation captured morc public attention than thc rcport itself Emphasis is being placcd on tho fact that 11 Labor incmbcrs voted to include the zip pendix in the report on thc civil scrvicc while only onc chairman Michael English votcd against the movc chcn Labor committcc members didnt show up for the votc English was supported by 14 Consorvativc MPs Ihc rcport took two ycars to prepare It was the first llousc of Commons inquiry into thc civil scrvicc sincc Queen Victoria was on the throne and William iladslonc was at 10 Downing strcct Ihi report cxprcsscd concern over thc dcgim of control by clcctcd rcprcscntativcs ovcr non tlcctcd civil servants The coin mittcc concluded that currcnt controlis too tax and lliltillltlitrtl In that rcgard both sidcs arc in gcncral agrccmcnt WANTSONIROIllANtillD Perhaps thc most important rccom mcndation of thc committcc is that rospon sibility for civil scrvicc tfficicncy should bc nturncd to thc ticasury lhc vicw is that tho squiration of control of expenditure from rcsmnsibilit for cflicicncy is indcfcnsiblc The problem is that cfficicncy on the part of senior civil scrvant is difficult to measure since his primc responsibility tics in advising his dcpartmcntal ministcr The main report rccommcnds an extensive system of checks and balances dcsignod to curb thc powcr of civil servants lhc rcjcctcd appendix went much further It clainicd that Vich mentality cxists in thc forciin officc and lot the home officc is st uffcd with rcactionarics Civil scrvants it said had littlc to offcr in practical way and that they frustrate thc will of ministers in varictv of ways Brian Scdgcniorc Labor mcmbcr for Luton Wcst who wrotc much of thc rcjcctcd up pcndix said civil servant had taken on the role of governing thc country They deliberately misintcrprct policy dccisions slant statistics and withhold in formation from the ministers he said The fact that civil servants arc prohibitcd by law from rcplying is not lost on Sodgc more former civil scrvanl Scdgcniorc admits his aim is not so much to get his views into the rcport as to firc thc opening shots in what hc cxpccts will bc lengthy battlc for total rcform of thc civil scr Vicc The world Your business liy VINCENT RINK Business and onsumcr Affairs Analyst Thomson Ncws Scry lt You win sonic and you lllSA sonic lhc consumcr niovcmcnt in thc United States has just lost onc with thc Scnatc in Washington voting an 18month post poncmcnt of thc govcrnmcnts ban on sacr charin lhc ban was to havc bccn imposcd by thc Food and Drug Administration IFDA largely on thc basis of nscarch sponsorcd by thc anadian govcrnincnl showing that thc artificial swcctcncr causcd bladdcr canccr in laboratory rats onsumcr advocatcs had bccn urging lllt US ongrcss to trcat thc anadian tcsts so riously and to support thc FDA proposal to rcmovc saccharin from thc inarkct But thc dictinduslry lobby in Washington hcapcd ridiculc on tho Canadian rcscarch fin dings as thcy fought against the ban Now thcy havc succccdcd not only in pch suading majority of US scnators to block thc ban but also to kill proposal that canccr warnings bc includcd in advcrliscmcnts of products containing saccha rin LlINfilllY llISlS lhc artificial swcclcncr has bccn widcly uscd for 80 ycars For thc past 26 ycars rcscarch has bccn un dcr way at Canadas llcalth Protcction iiian ch bocausc of suspicions about thc safcty of the product originally to tcst spccific imr today By JOHN HARIIRON Forcign Affairs Analyst Thomson Ncws Scrvicc WASHINGTON Once again Canada has rejected thc invitation to bcconic full mcm bcr nation in thc Organiration of Amcrican States OAS bascd hcrc The latest of many approachcs to Canada was madc to thc primc ministcr last week we want your opinion Sonicthing on your mind Send us letter to thc cditor Ilcasc makc it an original copy and sign it Wc dont publish unsigned lcttcrs although pcn namc will be used upon rcqucst lncludc your addrcss and tclcphonc numbcr bccausc wc havc to verify lcttcrs but Wc Wont print your address should you prcfcr Wcvc found that short lettcrs arc thc bcstrcad llccausc of spacc limitations public intcrcst and good taste wc sonictiincs havc to cdit condcnsc or reject lcttcrs Lcttcrs to tbc cditor run chncsdays and Saturdays Scnd yours to lcttcrs to thc cditor lhc IIxamincr Box 370 Barrio Ont L4M 4T0 purity found in saccharin and latcr to test puril icd saccharin As with much other scicntific rcscarch thcsc tcsts wcrc carricd out on rats becausc it has bccn shown that thc results can nasonably bc rclatcd to human expcriencc and bccaltsc thc liftspan of cach gcncration is convcnicnt ly short liathcr than giving low dosages to tens of thousands of rats scientists administcr high dosagcs so that thc cffccts can be obvious in managcablc numbcr of animals lhc tcsts showcd that pcoplc who drank one can of dict soft drink which contains sac charini cvcry day would have 151 per cent risk of bladder cancer vs normal risk of 150 pcr ccnt As Dr Morrison of thc llcnlth Protection Branch said this showed that saccharin wasnt of cyanidc potcncy Alllill BAN lhc socallcd Dclancy Clause of the Food Drug and fosmctic Act prohibits the usc in food of any ingredient shown to cause canccr in animals or humans and so thc FDA was rcquircd to invoke thc ban llowcvcr it would have banned sacchurin in any casc the FDA said because of the gcncral nquircmcnt that no food additivc so approvcd unless its safcty can bc shown llcrc in Canada thc food and drug direc toratc required that the usc of saccharin in foods cosmctics and drugs be phased out gradually but allowed thc continucd salc of saccharin in pharmacies In thc US opposition to the ban was ini prior to his jxtrticipation In the signing of the Panama anal trcatics by thc United States and Panama Alc was invitcd to take part in this historic event along with the loaders and represen tativcs of 26 other hemispheric nations by the organizations secretary general But like all Canadian prime ministers before him back to Mackenzie King in the late 19305 who was asked to have Canada join the Pan American Union the predecessor organ tuition to the 27mcmbcr OAS Mr Trudeau suggcstcd only that wcrc getting closer Aftcr ncarly 40 years of moving closer to mcnibciship in tlic intcrAmerican system Canadas road in this direction has set rccord in the snails pace procedures of in ternational diplomacy It is true we have had an official observer at the OAS since 1972 with the rank of full am bassador but no membership Our official observer cannot take part in any of the organimtions public activities only watch them in silcncc and makc his con fidcntial rcports to Ottawa OBSERVER ONLY Canada is one of thrcc nations who have of ficial OAS obscrvcrs but who arc not full member nations The othcr two Guyana and the Bahamas were British crown colonics in the days when Consumer movement in US loses saccharin ban fight mediate and loud Opponents seized on an un fortunatc statement issued by Canadas health branch to the effect that the dosagc used on the rats exceeded by at least 800 times the exposure of human who drank 12 ounces of diet soft drink each day This was twistcd to suggwt that the only risk was to people who drank 800 cans of pop daypatently absurdor to laboratory rats Others were indignant because they thought foreigners Canadiansqwere telling Americans what they couldnt eat The sound and fury helped to obscure the validity of the Canadian research methods and conclusions It is scientifically respec table to use high dosages in such tests and to relate the results to humans And even if it takes high dosage to produce cancer it should be matter of con cernr because an equally high dosage of noncarcinogenic substance won Some 37000 Canadians will die of cancer this year Their tumors arént labeled with the name of the substance that started the cancer development years ago Businesses that produce saccharin or use it in their products have legitimate right to be concerned about the ban But consumers can be cvcn more concerned about the continued widespread use of productnot essential after allthat carries risk to health If the same cvidcnce existed against spinach for cxamplc it would be off the shelves tomorrow Canada rejects invitation for full OAS membership Canada first said no to intcrAnicrican in vitat ions four decades ago The historic reasons for refusing used to be our closer ties with the British and French world commonwealths in which Canada remains an important link The interAmerican system was formed largely without Canada and we said blandish ments from its member nations in our direc tion were being made to use Canada asa counterweight in the organization to the US Well since the end of the Second World War we have had growing and closer di lomatic trade and aid commitments with at the countries of the Americas and we are now considered part of that hemispheric network But Canada has come up with new official reason for delayin OAS membership namely the internal isarray and uncertain future of that international organization Mr Trudeau strengthened that view after the Panama Canal treaties signing by suggesting that Latin American leaders are not all agreed on the me and validity of the OAS He also indicated the presidents of Panama Venezuela and Colombia had askcd for greater Canadian role in interAmerican affairs This is the same kind of plea which Latin American leaders havc made in our direction since the 1940s spokesman It has had the Canadian Manufacturers Association which essentially is concerned with big enterprise It has had the Ontario Chamber of Com merce which historically has been catch all of small and medium sized business And then there have been groups such as John Bullochs a$ociation for small busi nesses and large number of industry trade and business associations But there has been no organization which has spoken and spoken with muscle for the private sector MUSCLE NOW It appears that now the Ontario Chamber of Commerce may be in the first stages of moving into this vacuum Over the years the chamber has come in here annually and made presentation This has been pretty well nothing thing lot of generalities presented by people with ob viously very little muscle But the chamber has been going through resurgence Last spring at its annual meeting it had heavyweight speakers and heavyweight au diencc Then few days ago it was here for its an nual presentation And what difference from former years There probably has never been such showing of brass in one group in these buildings The president of Shell Canada was there So was the president of Dow Chemical In fact of the more than 100 men in the delegation everyone was president chair man chief executive officer or senior vice president And the presentation was impressive Fac tual tough and covering broad spectrum 1f the chamber is moving into senior and responsible position this is welcome Our major problems today are economic In planning to meet them industrys voice is needed Also the private sector needs to understand more about government and continuing contact with central group can abet this Canadas story Noted trip to Victoria By BOB BOWMAN One of Canadas most successful governors general was the Marquis of Lorne whose wife was Princess Louise daughter of Queen Victoria The province of Alberta was named for her Alberta was one of her names and so was Lake Louise The Marquis saw great deal of Canada even though the transcontinental railway had not yet been completed In 1881 he crossed the Prairies to Calgary travelling in covered wagon and guided by Indian Chief Pound maker In 1882 he and Princess Louise visited British Columbia which was very unhappy about having become part of Canada delay in building the railway was the cause of the trouble The Marquis and his wife crossed the United States by train to San Francisco and then travelled to Victoria by ship They arrived on Sept 20 and received an amazing welcome The city looked as though it had been trans lanted from Europe with fake castles an battlements put up along the route One circular pcdiment bore sign Loyal Hearts and English Homes The Marquis saw good deal of the island and as much of the mainland as he could in cluding the Cariboo country to Kamloops Princess Louise stayed in Victoria while he was on that trip and enjoyed herself walking along the streets and visiting the shops On one occasion she went behind the coun ter of bake shop to inspect something more closely and was gruffly ordered out by the proprietor who did not know who she was She made herself so popular that Premier Beaven urged that Vancouver Island be made into separate kingdom with Princess Louise as the Queen bible thought That thcy all may bc onc as thou latlicr art in mo and in thcc that they also may bc one in us that thc world may bclicvc that thou hast sent me John 1721 Why dont vc quit waving church labels and just not ship thc Lord This is what Jesus prayed for long ago llc is the way the truth and life lhc answcr thc diffcrcncc everything Lets follow llim together