the examiner Tuesday Sept 20 1977 extra Kidnappers not threatens life if ransom nOt paid MONTREAL CP new communique believed to be pers of Charles Marion threatens to cut off the head of the Sherbrooke Que credit union employee if from the kidnap ransom is not paid within 48 hours Radio reports here said today the sixpage handwritten communique was found late Monday outside the northend offices of the Frenchlanguage daily Journal de Montreal af ter an anonymous telephone call The me$age currently is being authenticated by the Que bee provmcral police in Sherbrooke but it is reported to con tain the seven signatures of the 57yearold Marion that credit union officials have demanded as proof he is still alive The communique apparently wams officials of the Caisse Pppulaire de Sherbrooke Est that this is the last time the ki nappers wrll communicate with them It also threatens action against other credit unions in the province New work laws planned TORONTO lCP Federal Labor Minister John Munro says he plans to introduce occupa exposes them to unnecessary hazards In speech to the annual conference of the Canadian Society of Engineering on Monday Munro said the legislation will be similar to provisions already passed by Ontario and some other provinces The legislation would also authorize the establishment of joint labormanagement committees on health and safety within industries that come under federal Iaborjurisdiction Back to work for UN UNITED NATIONS CPI The UN opens its 32nd General Assembly today with the focus sharply on the quarrelsome Middle East and the equally turbulent African continent tional health and safety legislation in the next session of Parliament that will include provision to allow workers to refuse work which they feel EDMONTON CP Dele gates to the Canadian Chamber of Commerce annual meeting unanimously voted in favor of restructured constitution Mon day when they considered two resolutions sponsored by the Quebec and Montreal cham bers One resolution suggested the federal government refrain from intervening in matters not essentially federal in nature or jurisdiction The other urged that there be an opportunity to proceed im mediately to realignment of the separation of powers be IAItENTltAYMONI based on speech tvveen the federal and provin cral governments This would occur after estab lishing suitable process of dis pussron on principles on which it would be necessary to ayee before starting meaningful con str tutional amendment delighted Frenchspeaking Montreal delegate said after the policy session that the resolutions were partly based on Senator Ernest Mannings speech Sunday Change in constitution supported by Chamber called for realignment of powers ADD TO PROBLEM Claude Aubin secretary of the Aluminum Co of Canada Ltd added they were also based on the endofterm speech made earlier in the day by chamber president Bernard ParentRaymond who said Canadians are contributing to the problem if they are not per sonally involved in preserving in which he nationalunity GEORGIAN COLLEGE CONTINUING EDUCATION Evening Classes REGISTRATION now IN PROGRESS Join us for Credit Career Management or General Interest Courses Continuous in person Registration at our Barrie Campus Office 40 Duckworth Street MONDAY TO THURSDAY ¢m to pm FRIDAY mm to pm FOR INFORMATION AND YOUR FREE BROCHURE CALL 7284951 IMPORTANT NEWS ABOUT CANADA SAVINGS For over hill years Canada Savings Bonds hate provided millions of Canadians with safe secure mt estmcnt that cums good interest Since the first issue in 1946 Canada Satirigs Bonds have alu uys kept pace uith the times And this year even greater steps have been nilten to ensure that Canada Savings Bonds remain wry attractive savings instrument THE NEW FEATURES CHOICE OF TWO NEW BONDS Canada Savings Bonds Will he offered in two new forms starting this Fall There will he new Compound Interest Bond and new Regular Interest Bond INTEREST ON YOUR INTEREST Interest on the Compound Interest Bond is left to accumulate earning interest on your interest after the first year at the average annual yield to maturity of the Series DIRECT DEPOSIT OPTION The Regular Interest Bond which pays interest each Nov offers the desrrahlc option of having interest deposited directly into your chequing or savings account DENOMINATIONS The Regular Interest Bond Comes in denominations starting at $300 while the minimum denomination of the Compound Interest Bond IS $100 ADDED CONVENIENCE Since the new bonds do not have coupons there is nothing to clip handle or possibly lose NEW SIZE The new bonds are smaller in size than those previoust produced This makes for easier handling and safekeeping BONDS THE TWO NEW BONDS THE COMPOUND INI 11R II BOND This Iollil ltllltl olll tlititi st iutoinatimllx tillllllltj IllltliNI or Ii ltttvrtwt Illtl Illk llrt tinii il tliv LT ILK annual Hold to iuuutit wt tln kl It Interest tx IIIllttllll Ittll tln irc ILilLLlllttllIlAl IllIlllrll ll Itll it iSIOOhonrluilluroutoiliv 17 iY years THE REGULAR INIItRlzgI BOND This horid II too llLlll it till lllLUlllLtdtIl Nov You Ilill lllk Il at wt receivingyouriiitcnwt other Iiiiii ii direct tlcptnlt Illlil otir thetpiiii tr lliLN account SECURE INVESTMENT Both new honils retain thi tmr lllt iii have helped to iiiilittiinitli If il the fdVotltIlt Intesiltlclit for Ilillll If Canadians Theyre more IIILI Illk it inl theyre instant ooh iIIlVllllIL You may rlflllllp Ito tor the new in rpl fund IntercstBontlontht Iiroll So ian Idll ir pilrtiCipatingplantminlottii IL Canada StiirtingOtlolwr In it It IK xx bondscan he purchased for Lislt LT you bank or invest The iotnpi iiind it crest Bond may iilsohe Illltllilwil on IIIL intlil Savmgs Plan YOUR SOCIAL INSURANCE NUMBER IS IMPORTANT This year yourSotiiiI Insumnt ii rnlwr Will he requestid when you Ill III finnIi Savings Bonds Thu lllllllltl will pri itlc accurate iilcntifiinion of until in it Sayings lionduitount and ill Iw riulc litrtiini ittniint nuinlicr for you no innitr hon iimin In inIs itll Itl or Ilkll oii buy them It Will Illlh LllrllIL IIIL Bank of iiiitli to pri Wkly iii Vt ltli ILIILT llitl IANILI tnlu Ill tlu event tlmt you write to tllqllIIL ihout the titii of unit bonds REMINDER TO PRESENT HOLDERS OF CANADA SAVINGS BONDS IIIL IIIIr itliit Ill in of the new Iniinls has not rtuliiitil Illl IIITI lllllk of lllt illiihlil inL1 Inindx IIII now own TI hey are iIiiilIt tr iIIII Lttlillllllt tupriivlilt tl itlritlt lclI THE TERMS New initli Savings Bonilx irc dated Nonltilicr 1977 and Held in average iiuluiI IltlLlCt III 500 when held to Illlftllll in I9hh Each new horitl Iwgiiisuith Iltttrct tlit illI year and earns H23u llllLltNl for CIICII of the remainingt years The tortilinetl ti ital purchaw limit for this issue 513000 MORE INFORMATION For more information th tor the Privroll Savings Plan in iltlcr where you workor iIlILI Ucti ilwr ICtIi IIIIdln the Trinadn Savings IM ind IiILI folder wherever you bank 06 Average Annual Interest to Maturity HIGHLIGHTS orriie TWO NEW BONDS Compound Interest Bond Interest is left to accumulate ml is payable only when the bonds Illt redeemed or at maturity See Note Interest Payments Method of Purchase flash Monthly havingslliui cl lziyroll Sayings Iliin Slim 5300 $500 $I000 $5000 Denominations lashablc anytime at late value plus Redemption earned interest Iixchangcahlc wuhout cost for Regular Intcrcst Ilondol thisiuni hornx starting at the minimum ol $lllll Exchangeability Note Simple interest on Illt pii iIIlIt IS accrued monthly in Iltt Itltillll annuer rate Liimrxiund interest is calculated each Nov in the iIVtIiIut annual yield to maturity of the Series on all interest earned asnl Nov and is accrued in equal monthly iiniounts over the next twelve months hiis Cilllpfllllltl interest IS first accrued iIIItII ytfilf find month have elapsed Department of Finance Canada Ministére des Finances Canada Regular Interest Bond Interest is pziitl ouch nv by cheque or II you choose it the time purchase by IIICLI deposit llllf your MCCOUIII Lisli slot silio sumo $Siioo iisliulili anytime at Incc Villllc plus interest crirnctl stutt rirccipt II Inst tntcrcst piiyiricnt except il rttlccincd in Sept or Oct Scc Noli Iixcluingtiililt wrt IHHII cust Ir ii Iiirnptiund Inttrist Imntl iiI thc saint Scrics tip and intliitlnu All II I078 Note Owners cashing bonds during Sept aiiiil It will rittt ivt IHCC Viiluc With unearned iiitiiist iIitliictecl IDCLJIUSL interest for thc IIIIIC year Will he piird in Nov EDMONTON CF The federal government is going to help small business through tax cuts easier access to govern ment information and reducing government paperwork requirements the minister of state for small business said Monday TONY ABBOTT Cuts in taxes paperwork promised of by Abbott Tony Abbott told delegates to the annual meeting of the Cana dian Chamber of Commerce the policy statement covers busi nesses with 100 employees or less in manufacturing and 50 employees or less in other see tors Abbott said what is needed to solve the problems of small business is new attitude among policy makers and those the small entrepreneur At later news conference Abbott said government pro curement policies will be used to favor small business Save on Sears guranteed brake jobs and exhaust work Save 15 Sears complete brake job 350 Heres what we do Install new brake shoes andor disc pads Replace caliper hardware Remove rust lubricate guide pins Replace front grease seals repack bearings Rebuild wheel cylinders andor calipers Machine turn all drums andor rotors Inspect master cylinder hydraulic lines and hoses Free and adjust emergency brakes Check rear seals f0r leakage Flush and bleed hydraulic system Road test mmmmmmmmmmmMMmmMMNmmMMNw Complete brake Iob guarantee Dodge Dart cyl wheel drum brakes Reg $11000 Sears brake shoes disc pads and brake parts when used in private passenger car service are fully guaranteed parts and labor against manufacturing or material defects and against wearout for 18 months or 18000 miles whichever comes ï¬rst mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Get one Multifit wheel rim for 12 price when you buy two Save15 Sears Guardsman muffler 615 Our finest muffler at great saving Designed for maximum protection from internal rustout condensation Air tight crimp locked seams guard against leaks blowouts Lifetime guaranteed 287 463 000 Dodge Dart cyl All models Reg $1399 197374 Ford Torino and Montego finder and V8 302 Enines 197175 Fury Polara and Monaco V8 360 and 400 with 2BBL Carb 197172 Full Size Chev Pontiac V8 350 with 2BBL llrsntiuiuiittittiesisaustrdrditsamnsï¬ï¬ï¬mm Guardsman lifetime guarantee lg Lifetime guaranteed to the original purchaser as long as you own your North Americanmanufactured private passenger a1 car Mufflers for imported cars guaranteed El year Ask for complete details at your lg Sears Tire and Auto Centre iii WI WI WI SW SW Ni SW WI 3W Sï¬ï¬jï¬j regular priced snow tires on this page Universal Wheel Rim 49 14 each 15 each Bought separately 14$1699 5$1799 Sears Deluxe Snowguard tire ea A7813 Installed Deep wide tread design Built with polyester body plies and fibre glass belts Whitewall 95R 036 000 series Snowguard 4ply polyester the on A7843 3399 Installed Popular nothump bias ply tire provides smooth quiet ride Fourply polyester Whitewall 95R 026 000 SimpsonsSears Ltd Sears Barrie Georgian Mall 509 Bayfield St 7264451 Check your Sears Auto Centre for tire sizes to fit your car Keep your car goingstop at Sears Change to winter tires easily With your spare plus one extra wheel you can keep your winter tires mounted all year 14 fits Chrysler GM intermediate compacts and American Motors vehicles 15 fits Chrysler Ford GM full size cars 957 440 509 Our best steel belted radial snow ea 17513 200 Installed Rugged construction Built with two steel belts and two rayon radial plies WhitewaII 95R 043 000 series Guardsman steel belted radial snow ea BR7813 Installed Built with two durable steel belts and two polyester radial plies WhitewaIl installed 95R 088 000 series Store hours MON TUES SAT 930 am to 530 pm WED THURS FR 930 am to 930 pm public servants who deal with