Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 20 Sep 1977, p. 15

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SECIAL non CA Death Notices Engagements Births $550 maximum 40 words addltIonal words to cents per word Card of thanks 40 words $550 Additional words 10 cents per word In Momorlam no verso $550 Verse per count lino extra 22 cents per line Coming Events 3122 per column inch sruorNrsrrcrAr Dont be out of the news when youre away at school this yearGet Student Subscription to The Examiner Only $1950 For an month subscription Postage included Send cheque or money order with your name and complete address to the examiner CIRCULATION DEPT 16 Bayfield St BARRIE Offer Expires Sept 30 TF 81 births SWAINGinny and David are happy to announce the birth oi their daughter Sarah Margaret Irene Monday September 1977 at Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie Is oz slster ior Krista Proud grandparents are Mr and Mrs Swain oi Barrie and Rev and Mrs Jewitt Parr oi Mississauga Ontario HOLLINGERDr and Mrs Bryan Hollinger oi Sault Ste Marie are thrilled to announce the birth on Sept 14 1977 at Megan Ann wee sister ior Dean Proud grandparents are Mr and Mrs Roger Hollinger Mr and Mrs Frank Bemrose and great grandparents Mr and Mrs John Bemrose all oi Barrie HOLLINGSHEADLaird and Heather nee Baxter are proud to announce the birth oi their first child girl at Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie Shallen Anne arrived Wednesday September 14 at 744 Weighing lbs 01 Proud grandparents are Mrs Doris Baxter and Mr and Mrs Lloyd Hollingshead Thanks to Dr Peachey Dr Johns and nurseson Ward 4A Mondays Child is iairoi lace Tuesdays Child is iull oi grace Wednesdays Child is iull oi woe Thursdays Child has iar to go Fridays Child is loving and giving Saturdays Child works hard ior its living And child that is born on the Sab bath Day ls lair and wise and good and gay Children hearing this verse by Counter Cullen always want to know which day at the week was their birth date Keep this and other important information ior your childs iuture An Examiner Birth Announcement Wlll include the name oi your Chlld the day of the week month and year oi birth the weight and other vital information printed message can become Permanent record in Babys Book or Fam ily Albums The rate ior an Examiner Birth Notice is only $5 50 maximum 40 words Addi tional words lOcents per word PHONE 728 2414 83 engagements MCAULEY MACDONALD is Mr and Mrs Alex McAuley ol Elmyale an nounce the iorthcoming marriage oi their only daughter Mary Lillian to Mr chard Wayne MacDonald only son at Mr and Mrs RobertMacDonald oiBar no The marriage Will lake place in Elmvale Presbyterian Church on Salur clay October the first at tiveoclock 85deatlts PERRAS Helen Alma At the St Catharines General Hospital Monday September 19 1977 Helen Perras of 303 Glenridge Ave St Catharines in her 62nd year Wile oi the late John Perras dear mother oi John and Brian both oi Toronto Gerry and Barry both at St Catharines Mrs Gerald Jean Parent of Thorold Michele and Dorothy both in Barrie and Mrs Chester Patricia Fogel oi St Catharines Sister oi Martin Mearow oi London Douglas Mearow at St Catharines Truman Ton Meadow oi Kincardine Mrs Jack Jo Hughes oi Hoityre Ontario Mrs William Florence Grewar oi Cornwall and Mrs Owen Kay McAlIister at St Cath arines Also survived by l0 grand children Predeceased by her husband John in 1972 one daughter Geraldine in 1943 one sister June in 1945 her lather Martin in 1939 and her mother Helen Jean in 1974 Resting at the Darte and Son Funeral Residence 39 Court St at King St Catharines until Wednesday morning September 2lst at 30 mass tor Christian burial wilt be said in St Julias Church at 10 am Interment in Victoria Lawn Cemetery St Cath arines Memorial remembrances to the Canadian Cancer Society would be ap preciated bytheiamily EXAMINER WANT ADS 728 2414 ROUTES ARE NOW AVAILABLE 85 deatlis LEAR Norman Yates Member oi Minerva Lodge AF and AM No 304 Stroud At the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie on Saturday September 17 1977 Norman Lear in his 73rd year Beloved husband oi Audrey Bland oi Sandy Cove Acres Stroud Lov ing father oi Diane Mrs Riley oi Burlington Dear grandfather ol Pamela Jim and Janet Dear brother oi Winnie Fields Vera Aykroyd Kitty Bradford and Frank Lear all oi Toronto Resting al the Jennett Funeral Home 152 Bradford St Barrie Service at St James Church Stroud on Tuesday September 20th at pm Interment 6th Line Cemetery masonic service under the auspices of the Minerva Lodge AF and AM No 304 Stroud will be held Monday evening at 730 Donations to the Canadian Cancer Society would be appreciated 86 card of thanks ROHLINGVV The iamily oi the late William Rohling wish to thank everyone concerned for their donations cards let ters oi sympathy visits and calls Special thanks to the Innisiil Police and Fire departments ior their valiant el fort Werner and Irene Rohling DENNEYV Sincere word oi thanks irom the Denney iamily to the many iriends who expressed sympathy With iloral tributes charitable donations and kind words during our bereavement at the re cent passing oi our mother Mrs Alex Denney Special thanks to Dr Nazerali and the stall at the Kempenielt Manor JOHNSTON To everyone who shared our sorrow wrlh comiorting words ilorai tributes and other deeds we extend our sincerest gratitude Special thanks go to Clowes Womens institute Rev Arnie Chamberlain iriends and neighbors oi our communities staii oi emergency and 6C Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie Ambulance Service Dr Cutbusti Dr Peachey and Steckley Funeral Home Family at Evelyn Johnston 88 coming events Georgian Coflege Continuing Education evening classes Brochure Is Available For Your Copy Call 7281951 S9IO131415192021 ANAF BINGOT Every Wed Night Early Bird Games 730 pm Regular games 800 pm Jackpot 5300 must go every week Admission $1 00 for cards Air conditioned hall GEORGE ST BARRIE TTF NOTICE deadline for classified word ads pm previous day noon Saturday PUSHER FINEI LONDON CP John Kerr was stopped by police whilc pushing his nephews pram and was fined for being drunk in charge of baby Kerr now pushes his own infant son around the garden because he is banned for year from push ing pram in public 79 auction sales AUCTION SALE Of home furnishings motor vehicles SAT SEPT 2477 at 11 am for MR MRS ALLEN MURLEY RR Stroud One mile south on Hwy 11 from Stroud to Can lnnisfll Twp then east to the lake and follow signs to sale Sole includes arborile table and four chairs piece bedroom suite single bed Philco color TV 22 on stand GE avocado automatic clothes washer tables swag lamps etc West Bend 40 hp outboard motor needing minor repair snow blower moped Cody 10 speed bicycle Voliant 1967 car operating selling as is Valiant for parts 1964 1967 Chev Von V8 automatic equipped with way fridge burner stove hydro and water selling as is Only few of the many useful items plus the unknown treasures from the store barns Terms Cosh day of sale cheques accepted with ID For further information contact owner at 7054364090 ALLEN HORNER Auctioneer SCL No8 7054584589 5162023 xaminer patterns lnnt Knit Ewes Its the cardigan above all for travel Knit it now Look closelyeasy knit purl stitches create geometric deSIgn Knit of synthetic Shetr land type am With 15 nee dles Pat 253 directions long Short cardigan 1016 incl $125 for each pattern cash cheque or money order Add 25¢ each pattern for first class mail and handling Send to Alice Brooks Needlecraft Dept The Examiner 60 Progress Avenue Scarborough ln tario M1P4P7 Ont residents add 9t sales tax Print Iain Pattern Number Your ante ddress Value 225 deSIgns to choose from in NEW 1977 NEEDLE CRAFT CATALOG lree pat terns msrde Send 75¢ now Stitch Patch Quilts $125 Crochet with Squares $100 Crochet Wardrobe $100 Nifty Fill Quilts $100 Ripple rochet $100 Sew 8i Knit Book $125 Flower Crochet Book $100 Hairpin Crochet Book $100 Instant Crochet Book $100 Instant Macrame Book 3100 Instant Mono Book $100 Complete Al ans 145100 Easy Art of Needle int 3100 Complete Gift 800 $100 Book of 16 Quilts ill 60¢ Museum ill Book 60¢ 15 Quilts or Today 60¢ Book oi 16 Jiffy Ru 60¢ 12 Prize Afghans ll 60¢ and Win Prizes GUNNOAK AREA WELDONNAPIER AREA VESPRASANFORD AREA DONALDFRANCIS AREA LETITIA HEIGHTS VESPRA SANIFORD AREA DONALD FRANCIS AREA LETITIA HEIGHTS Please fill out the application below and return it to THE EXAMINER Circulation Dept 16 Bayfield St Barrie or Phone 7268539 Shift students urges council on universities TORONTO CP The On tario Council of Universin Af fairs says small universities may have to enrol more stu dents during the next 10 to 15 years to ease enrolment pres sure at the larger campuses and avoid unnecessary ex pansion William Winegard chairman of the council said an enrol ment boom during the next five years followed by plunge will leave Toronto universities full but many smaller ones with vacancies The boom and the projected plunge are the result of the postwar baby boom moving through the university system Winegard former president of the University of Guelph is charged with advising the pro vincial government on policy for its 15 universities The council is urging the gov ernment to avoid constructing buildings at universities with enrolment pressure and to shift students instead The councils recommenda tion would mean Toronto stu dents will no longer be able to expect place in local univer sity DEPRIVE 0F CHANCE An official of York University in Toronto said the policy would deprive York of chance to grow But Williamson dean of science at Laurentian Univer sity in Sudbury says Tough bananas He added There was time when people up here had no choice but to go to university down south Dont ask me to add one more yard of concrete at Erindale the University of Toronto campus in nearby Mis sissauga or York while theres what they euphemislically call lack of space at other univer sities You get locked into that con crete eventually and thats the last thing Ontario needs Northerners recall Haileybury fire TORONTO Pl George Smith was 10yearold lll Io ronto in 1922 when forest fire destroyed the town of Hall cybury in northeastern ntnrio but he remembers the day well Smith one of 1000 persons here last weekend fora miners reunion remembers the day Hailcybury burned because he watched workmen from the Toronto Transit Commission lifting old wooden street cars to be hauled to Haileybury for emergency housing remember it was because it was Ihc first beating ever got from my father he said adding that he spent so long watching the cars thal his fil ther sent police searching for him Ten years later the rlcprcsi sion drovr him North to look for Work and he found the strcct cars again GAVE 111M ARTHRITIS People were using them for chicken burns but they had lived in those things They tell me you C2111 still find it few around llailcybury For the next decade Smith worked in the mines around Kirkland Lake 110 rcmctnbcrs Ihc 125pound drills that l121l to be hcftcd into place to cut the rock nearly Illllt lxIow the surface illltl lllt soaking weir loss of the Illllli lllill gave him arthritis in lilltl lift And hc ItllltllllXIS the win or of ISMIHI when the Mine Mill and Sintllir Vtorkcrs Union led an ibiirtivc fourrmonth strike for union ricogniliun About 300 provrntitll pll were brought in from southern Inlilllil to policc thc picket lines Eric Newton £2 who liws in ESpilllillil west of Sudbury said he worked in gold mines from ht Illilils until lllil when ht moved south and lived in To ronto for it Illllt T110 nrmy turned llllll down because ol silicosis ht says hr got from working III the mines so he found industrial jobs in Windsor and Toronto But he said the North is still thi best place to be In Iinirnins you could ix walking down the street illll if you happened to czilch llli cyt just want to Write few cheques and earn interest on the money save Regular Savings Account is the one account that does it all its exactly what need right now Regular Savings Account gives you chcquing and interest together Your money is always there when you need it and all your transactions are recorded in handy hank book You can also use it as joint account for two of you of anyone even stranger youd smile Iohim he said When we lived in Toronto you didnt even speak to your nextdoor neighbor Grant Gibson who was 12 when the fire swept through Haileybury recalled how his family survived the blaze We went down to the lake and my father built sort of tent out of thc dirtingrrxim rug and wet it down We sat under there for four or five hours Others waded right out into the lake and it was cold 11 cto her The Gibsons house was one of those saved and that night it was filled with homeless neigh born Gwen Sullivan resident of Toronto who left Kirkland Lake ywm ti said It was rough town ut lovely place to live There was friendship there Youngsters are found KAIUSKASING nt LP Six young persons who spent night in the bush after their truck got stuck on back road were found safe Monday by ministry of natural resources official provincial police said police spokesman said the six boys children of William Robinson of Kzipuskasing ranged in llgl from five to 18 ORILLIA 93 COMMERCE no 705 3266485 JERRY SMITH TIEDEN RENTACAR AND TRUCK SERVICE RATES DAILY WEEKLY MONTHLY YEARLY Featuring Chevroleis and other fine cars Public misled on seals VANCOUVER CP David Lavigne an assistant zoology professor at the University of Guelph who took part in an ae rial survey of the harp seal pop ulation off the East Coast says the federal government has misled the public on the seal hunt issue Lavigne released statistics showing that the governments ota of 170000 harp seals for It 1977 hunt represented about 75 percent of the seal pup population The survey showed pu to tal of 230005 before the unt opened last March he said This years kill is 148907 says an Ottawa spokesman for the fisheries and marine serv ice The governments program of seal management as scien tifically naive and totally mis leading to the general public he charged He said the program is based on 1976 computer model of seal pupulation which puts the present total of animals aged one year and older at 12 mil lion The census was made by the University of Guelph and the fisheries and marine service in conjunction with commercial firms It was to remain con fidential but Lavigne said that because copies have been leaked he released the in formation Four arrests include boss MILAN AP Four alleged members of gang that tun nelled into Home bank and looted safedeposil boxes of val uablcs estimated at $6 million were arrested here Monday One of those arrested identi fied as Frenchborn Pierre Pi lisi 60 was described by police as the boss of the ring Police said Pilisi rented the laundry store from where the thieves tunnelled into branch of the Bank of America and Italy in Home About 300 safety boxes were looted in the break last week Police said jewels possibly stolen from the safety boxes were found in the apartments of those arrested EXTERIOR HOUSE PAINTING 0Free estimates OSatisfaction guaranteed OReasonable rates Coll 1311295 BARRIE 341 BAYFIELD ST 705 7370800 JIM RAWN fighilr MNL Bonus WAPPINGERS FALLS NY AP Shes cute friendly 13 weeks old and being evicted from an apartment complex here Her name is Simba and shesalion Charlie Lewis 24 bought the cub for $500 as an anniversary present for his wife three weeks ago Hugo Ascenzi manager of the Village Crest apartment complex ordered Simba out last week when he learned about her Im sure its cute Everyone tells me its adorable he said But what concerns me is that it will grow into 400 pound beast dont think theres place in apartment life for IIpound African lion But Lewis said he will go to court to keep the lion If neces sary he said he will move somewhere where the 30pound cub will be welcome wouldnt part with her for anything said Lewis who has fouryearold son and year old daughter CAMBRIDGE Mass AP The detective told the suspect to cough it upand he did Detective Sgt Domenic Sca lese said he was questioning Pedro Munoz 30 of Cam bridge about the theft of $350 your Cigarettes the examiner Tuesday Sept 20 1971 15 the odd spot diamond and sapphire ring and other items from the Primaver Jewelry Shop Suddenly he noticed the man choking tried to help him out Cough it up cough it up said Scalese said And he coughed up the ring Munoz was charged with lar ceny and possession of burglars tools Scalese said two other missing rings and watch were not recovered GREENFIELD Ind AP Its not rabbit and not quite cat Marian Pitcher calls the furry creature that purrs as it hops around her home cab bit We dont know much about what we got but its something different Mrs Pitcher said She believes her pet Stub byis mixture of cat and rab bit because he has cats head and body but his legs and tail resemble those of rabbit Stubbys walk is slow clumsy waddle When excited his gait is rabbi tlike hop Dr David Osgood professor of vertebrate anatomy at Butler University at In dianapolis said that it is not impossible for rabbit and cat to mate and produce of fspring Thanks to SmokEnders dont smoke anymore Graduate stop smoking on Nov 4th it you JOIII smokEnders now and lollow our pleasant program Until recently as smoker you had very little choice Either you con tinued to smoke or you suffered the agony of cold turkeywrthdrawal Now there is REAL choice SmokEnders At smokEnders you smoke as much as you want until you learn to qurt WITHOUT hyp riosrs climbing the walls or scare tactics No one has to tell you what Cigarettes are dorng to your body You know What you need to know is HOW to quit SmokEnders Will show you how SmokEnders is committed to making the quitting experience easy rewarding and truly uniorgcttable Plan to attend FREE EXPLANATORY SESSION and bring by November 41h you wont need them anymore Singercomposer Barry Manilow winner of gold albums gold singles and platinum albums is an enthusiastic smokEnder having stopped smoking than almost anything have ac complished in the last 10 years will beforever grateful to smokEnders FifiZWW Bony Manflow Boy dies after eating bad bread SEOUL AP nineyear old boy stricken along with 000 other children after wting parently spoiled bread die onday He was the first fatality in the mass food poisioning The Seoul prosecutors office has arrested three officials of the Korea Food Industry Co whose bakeries supplied the bread in primary school lunch program One of those arrested was the firms president Chung Sehak Most of the schoolchildren who fell ill after eating the bread Friday have recovered but at least four remained in hospital and 50 others were reported absent from school SPIDERS BEWARE HIGH WYCOMBE England CP Spiderhater Cyril Gee has come up with in invention to take the fear out of catching creepy crawlies It is trans parent box on long handle Most people cant stop laugh ing when they see it said Gee but it works am more proud of winter vacation is my reason for saving And Bonus Savings Account is going to help me take it Kit cant write cheques on the account so the money stays put until Savings Account helps your money add up faster You earn good rate of interest Since its strictly avings Account you cant write cheques You can of course withdraw cash whenever you need it Its good account to use with Personal Chequing Accountyou cant get better match for saving and budgeting FREE SEMINAR LOCATION SESSIONS STARTS come to any one Orillla Thur Tnui Sundial Motel Sept 22 or 29 Oct Hwy It at Sundial Dr 30 pm 30 pm Barrie Thur Thur Continental Inn Sept 22 or 29 Oct 395 Dunlop 30 pm 730 pm West oi Highway 400 Newmorket Tues Tues Trinity Church Sept 20 or 27 Oct 168 Main Street 730 pm 730 pm iliitquulyn Rrigtrs Mclhu 209 Blue Heron Drive Oshawa Ontario Over the years my reasons for saving have changed But the Royal Bank has always found way to help me reach my goals Term deposits are good place for amounts of $1000 01 more If youre saving for retirement we have Retirement Savings Plans Or if youre saving for home there are Home Ownership Savin Plans Its all just matter whats right for you Whatever your savings goals are we can help you reach them We have many different ways to help people save and invest their money just tell us your reasons for saving and well help work out plan just for you ROYAL BAN for allot of reasons With over 580 branches in Ontario to serve you EIB® The 1inin In Quit Slllilklllan SmokEndes Inc 197Irrev 9l77l Willuuuw

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