And they dont particularly want any more Lindsay theatre group gets few grants LINDSAY Ont CPl Lind says summer theatre reper tory company attracts more the population and does it with vir people than grants The towns Kawartha Theatre with Dennis Sweeting as its producer played this tually no federal government Summer television guide MONDAY EVENING VIEWING 600 ll News Hollywood Squares Toronto CBC Newshour Definition 197 Polka Dot Door 25 Nouvelles 79 CITY Pulse News 630 News Mary Tyler Moore 11 Party Game to Readalong 25 LActuel 640 t9 Cover To Cover 655 Women 01 Ontario 700 Hollywood Connec tion Manntx Cross wrts SMary Tyler Moore To Tell The Truth Bobby Vinton tl Youna Danl Boone 19 Dont Ask Me 32 Fernwooa Night 25 Daniel Boone 730 Hollywood Squares strikes Snares Misses Variety Special 5118 000 Queslicm Head rte Hunters 19 Movie the Yellow Balloon Pi lot Al Saner And Son 79 tove Thi Runaway que 800 11 Little House On The Prairie Betty White rrEmergency One 2San Pedro Beach Bums Waltens t9 Comedy Shoppe 25 Cause De Mon On cle 830 Front Page Challenge 19 Education Of Mike McManus 25 Le Poni 900 27 M0yie Gable Ana Lmbardl 357 SuperspeCial Betty White 79 NFL Football Grand Old country it Eight Is Enough to Power Play With iudy LaMarsh 35 La Pecne Miraculous 22 Second City 930 122 Maude Saab 1000 15 Newsinaualine Rattertv Delvecchio It Family tu Speakinu Out 17 News 15 Le Son Des Fruitcais DAmeriQUi 1030 35 Man Al ye NOuvclte 1100 ll News 19 Nightmusic 227 Pop Goes The Coon try 1105 75 Arsene Lupin 1120 97 News 1130 News Mone The Girl Who Came Gilt Wrappedl 117 Lynne Gordon l9 Comedy Shoppe rwinners Circle 1140 Twuight Zone Mowe The Lady In The Car with Glasses And Gun 1200 JonnnyCarson News lronside ll Marcus Welby MD 22 Movie Flare Up t9 Education 01 Mike McManus 79 PTL Club 1205 75 Les Nouvelles Avon lures De Vidocq 1230 MovielDraqneti t9 Communique 1240 Crown Court 100 Movie All The Young Men 11 Merv Grilln 130 Tomorrow TUESDAY MORNING VIEWING 30 NivVS in im ft $0 imntr nu Vi we Lt urs Dir Celt ttwr 15 Fr etdly Grant Le Jardin Des Sunsa ms 55 t9 CtV7TVUnth0 900 34 He tl turn PM imu wav titty Cantu an Cayal tr Art at Cooking ll Barbiat 10 Youth Under the In tluencv You Hou 77 Latin American Spanish Show 1015 Boniour Au LirJin ermt 1030 Hollywood Souarcs Mr Dressup Price is right virtarian summer to audiences averaging 77 per cent of its 682 seat theatre capacity and for some shows ticket sales rose to 90 per cent and more We dont get and we dont ask for great deal of support from the arts councils Sweet ing said in an interview ld rather run almost com mercially because weve got lot more independence Some theatres are so damned depend ent on the councils Lindsays Academy Theatre was built in 1893 in the 1930s it was made into motion picture house and in 1959 it was closed and threatened with demolition local chamber of com merce drive raised $100000 to save the building and Sweeting then theatre producer in Toronto was iii vited to advise the town on how the Academy could be revived Lindsay has population of about 13000 bill the Kawartha Festival draws audiences from much of thc sunounding area which in July and August is populated with summer cotta gcrs Still most of the audiencc is composed of permanent resi dents many buying tickets for all nine prixluctions in nine weeks This season the company did William lngcs Bus Stop icorgc Bernard Shaws An driiclcs and the Lion and arln Goldiinis The Servant of Two Masters in their repertory itll SONIC ID While the anada ouncil does not subsidiZc summer stock operations as rule chcting did get some federal money mere $1200A this year to pay directors for an cx tra wccks preparatory iirk In the case of AndrIcles and the Lion the theatre hired stu dents who had summer jobs to cally to make up the crowd scenes lherc were 13 students from San Salvadorc six from Dennis Sweeting producer of thc Kawartha Summer Theatre in Lindsay lnt points to graph of attendance figures for thc ninewcck theatri festival The rcpcrtnry ctiiiipany attracts more people than its towns total popula tion llt000t with virtually no federal government grants lhiitil French Canada and six English anadians all singing nward liristian Soldiers in the language of their choice Lindsay is 23 miles from lcterbiirough where there is struggling summer festival dc voted to anadian plays many of them being produced for the first time What Lindsay has in fine ar ts theatre the Academy lctcr borough sadly lacks lhc lctcr borough Summer Festival this year played in an iciiustically poor high school auditorium Sweeting wishes the Peter show biz sessincnt of how well it is run it lctcrborough succeeds we could collaborate chcting said We could collaborate in advertising and say nmc to Lindsay to see good commercial ciiiiicdy and then go in tctcrbiiriiugh tn scc exciting and mtcrcstmg new anadian plays lhcn ll wi startcd music tcstival llmcmcc iabiiut half way bctwccn the two tlltillllt iiiticsi we could rcally havi quitc festival Barrie to mark iubdee Twentyfive years ago Queen Elizbaeth 11 took the throne Next month Barrie plans to mark the silver jubilee of the coronation with concert at Central Collegiate And Jim Paul managing director of the Glen Echo group which is giving the con cert is wondering if any Barrie and area residents are going to celebratetheSilvcr Jubilee Letters about the concert to be held Oct 14 at pm have been sent to all Barrie service clubs industries with 50 or more employees and senior citizen groups The concert sponsored by the City of Barrie will feature Bar ric tenor Tom Park musicians Bill and Georgina Burnett and Alex Anderson dancer Jerry Gray and pipe major John Wakefield Those attending from Base Borden will include base com mander BrigGen Bcattie the hand master litCol Liberty base branch heads and coin mandants from 10 of the Base schools Tickets at $4 each are available at The Examiner the Little and Bayvicw branch of The Royal Bank Iity the downtown branch of Municipal Savings and Loan Iritcs Tards and Gifts Bayfield Mall Parkview Senior itivieiis tcn tre and members of the Get Together Club and the Barrie Horticultural Society Rock star query Klimt23231t5f22titiwil ask Mitch Miller Hy AND EA HERMAN oplcy News Scrvice Mitch Millcr aims for the gut Im oncof the few whnsc got to the top without all the bull Yet be honest with you Ive been off since llavcnt even been asked to do special Why llccausc Im not pawn tn the conglomerate guys who run networks You know theyre all lawyers and accountants and packagcrs Wc dont speak thc samc languagc They talk lcal talk entertainment wouldnt get rid of thc tat guy or the bald guy tlll my show just hccausc they told me to lat guy can bc just as ltHlllll as handsome guy Hes pen plc And those arc people out the examiner Monday Sept 19 1977 Portrays DivineSarah lnsh actress Siobhan McKcnna creator of thc Sarah Bernhardt rolc in this years Guelph Spring Festival production of Memoir by John Murrcll will repeat the role in Dublin pro duction this fall Miss McKcnna will play the great Sarah for four weeks at the Olympia theatre in Dublin Ihotul leather shoulder bag Smokes strong cigars and he tells you hes gutsy tidyearnld who still gets kick from life the pulse of New York hard work and gnixllniiking women Leaning hack in the office chair and swigging on dict soda Miller rof singaliing fainci mines out punching He gives sock and chop to TV films record companies and all those bankablc notalents who make millions by dressing up and blasting your cars out Millir calls them plastic stars The basic principle lS simple Miller say The cntcitainiiicnt market focuses on one group Its 18 to 32 Programmers arc devoted age We Epitome Artists Inc Showbus Attractions AUTUMN 1977 SEASON SEPTEMBER ATTRACTIONS Wed 28th Vanities Diner and Show Tellers Cage lers 29th Frank Zappa Maple leaf Gardens Fri 30th Grenadier Scots Guards Maple leaf Gardens OCTOBER ATTRACTIONS Sat lst The Millionairess The Show Festival St to this one area of the popula Mummy Der ll Bl hnh All ll up Ohm fl llN thcrc hopefully ilcrt lhcv lion Whatever THEY huv in Sun 2nd Pete Seeger Massey Hull JK til CITY PulrtNiws 0t anlt giiy Morley Satcr iiihost of the Mill HIIHH lll Filills but lllt UN Wyn HIltutl deep OtElmf FM 00 CBS Msmygmm MllUllS Ill llilVl it LUVl lllllllllW WIT WNW Millcr lSl built like tiriv nlllllllliiINlI ll it Hi huts es muglc we Keefe centre Ilium wneil iirunr to we all HJDDI om win1 Sinil inlg it mm 108 ill illi loprwhuuu hm MM hump gm Nurng mp Sat 8th Much Ado About Nothing Straï¬ord mm icmm in lb ll ill Hll talking about ratings and now Hisfaccrcvcalsaflashing Sun 9th Randy Newman Massey Hull 930 in ma turcs too the orchestra in London in lllili He will up urwwlvd KHHH mm Ed Arm Safcr was iaxiing the plane without its pear in Boston again this year as guest my Mm hiï¬ Im 50 l5lll RICllOId lll Strutford Tvlllealls new C10 lmnuglll mli lmL all us ylllxulwl mlMlV int lltlllllllllllt llllllllllllllt llldllilllll ltlS irc inikiilli There are generous reduclons Ollered lo grouPS Of lo or more 10 on lm Ea 54 flf ll lllrlll ml lffl ll flml ll and his thltt takes on thi tcr such great music whv do thcv peOple ti Em Tmum municipal iu port maiiagcr harlcs 1ilcr Nrics began in Lin the lust pops concert Hm WI HHI WI Hum 1011 Forfurther information on the above or future attractions please 7350 mva Cic err said Friday in incinnati was cnndiiclcil in 1000 by llltll contactusoiihenumberbemw on 1115 llc in mg Slltpltl shirt sound equipment hv do they 7V in ruqt my Us Oral Ms rt imp Ill ll llllllll plan ll 055 Nam hlllllr llll llmsll ppm it the neck llll dress in trcikv costumes Why Please be 5W9 b°°k ele 05 mere are 0W llmiled number 00 rm sh gnu Magnum aw grassy infield and onto the main runway died last wiek in Britain lhv lvdmrm he muq lm of 5905 available or each omodion 9145 shearinnffilind ll lt if Cap Mm 1130 int igi ant ria iiigi amour Inside Ou it Artbody tuicv wooden propeller Millcr said Another FleldS CranSTOn WHlllll llml ll We 0U LD OilADM Yiuvu rm Safcr who could not bc rcachcd for com H143 BY mu Llllcjullllh Im mm mm Frday OClOber Leave pm incnt was Is 1000 is unwiil Il hursday iiiislitlp of famcd comedian it iclils has nut rmmhm Lu hp pp $25 Chfldre must be accompanied by on adult gm No For Wuien Only YHU MW mpwruhw ilzr Val Il ll bcarcr lllS grcat grandson another dict soda WW simunqwrvat mflgm Mhmm 11 Mfr 11 William Fields 111 Fields grandson lllAWA itli An cnthu Surc the stars burn out 111 330 JON SW he isltlflllnlï¬ll Chili Lillllm oilltl lllc line was continued Will the birth of Siastic crowd almost lllllllll ll ii lic sins But in thc queen sllI urnel on Uni1 WW wair tmci WM lllSlIrSl child named William Fields tawas ivic cntrc ice arena business they iust punch the 7266256 My otth say Damp l5 llllS Wlll the former Linda Wcier gave standing ovation rcccnt lllllltlll Ill scarch of another 1ï¬llfrllï¬ illilll WW lm bach gave birth to the scvcn pound iv to the opening pcrfiirmancc prcttv face that sells Just Sdll It It lllUtl lll1ltlillll llll iiuncc hov Fridiv ll llllt ilunty of liillcr rinstnns icc shim watch lhcinricvclc craft muld not leave the ground without llS Il 1700 ialli Whit win morial Hospital which lS on cross ciiunt ry And thc iiidiciicc swn ear in 39a 00 llic hospital is not far from Darby Pa tour is nilnpaymg audience My HA Hnnerscirr iv any MWqu MON WW AppOInfed conductor lltrt tli ltllltttllilll was lltllll llllitlll iaiistiin and his 15 sktiti 1S Iliiy ii hiimi lhiy lt tiitd Winn 135 twirl laudc Dukciilicld on Jan 29 ltlttll llc later gavc virtuoso pcrlormance ill from their dull dreary Jobs il fifiém SM is Fermith Damon Fyv at my lelNNAll Ali Erich Kilncl ciin lIVHl lllllillltllllllil lWlltl litginning dance on icc which wotl tltiilSc And thcy watch almost 715 and 900 Neqrtiinrvmm Hli ilvmtim sidcrcd by many the heir apparent to stagi and film career that included such trnmtlttawa critics anything MM 315 fffrvrfrkm Boston Pops Orchestra conductor Arthur lUVHS as lhc lltlllk Dick My Little Though the audicncc 0b The real test of talcnt Millcr 73 hwinte En Lint Feidlcr has been named head of thc iiiwlv iickadcc and Never iivc Sucker Ill VillllSlV tllltchd the show it saw is when cn lc my to see 200 It Young and tile gt Mm Hun maySS crcatedt incinnati Pops tlrchcstra lawn liicak was left wondering who must at you It the unflintt naughtieto loometo 32538 Finn Hom iy Lls Apomtitr there can be no hcir ltl Arthur ti iiillci lllt pmlld nc fallici is loinicr ltl tltc tXlllirllltrSWHV llt lUlldlKlS mitlllr 01 800mm funniest madcap comedy of MMW Alan Harriet Custos Kunxcl rcsulcnt conductoriif tlic incinnati agcnt and currciitly an assistant nl There was no housc program chistras year lthals 120 coir the year Now 370000 pVdmli PM pii SymphonyOrchestra said Friday tiiriicy in lhiladclphia listing thc participants and ccrtsi dabblis in real estate Man BllllSfttl 15 BOUIn Star 0m Hm Fm Jr thcii iiiim cis and the air Ines til tiliniiin Manhattan Liéï¬fï¬pt NW NI 430 nounccinent of their namcs on apartment on weekdays and on Hfmwnhs 22twmn Hrp51 Eggfigs thc PullllllitlldlSSlSySltlllIWiilS tltllllS Jnuilncys one hour Mrtr so garici as unni nor nacoun ry muse WI Mr WW 2133Wr g7r gihlc He has passion for reading ty 7t lCiuulliiIH WWW Liam on WWW spnkcsman tor the show He studics music and collect iv We Be ttil 7140U Dririw II LiiItPiiurit YHAltltllllillW it li on cranking out product rccr in 1070 Willi what he div will Why PlltlldmS Vllll lM pi oluinbian ml and in lv Communique EétlmfNlrt 3Y terry Salsbcrg is clown people will buy scribcs as terrible show lrflllltm 11 lllllorm lltllctalchillyS lllt tlmdllt llll trl rris 12 55 Fir QNILWEWZHLW 500 ham and unfunny mm guy 5415mm begun mg Mmg 10mlth ant cs wines with lllldllt ial Slit ccss tl rt lil 100 Cinema Hrilan itcriie id winu Show 00 lff stagc thi 28£llrlll Cnmaflm fllliqtlll Iinu MWW WW WW Summ£r iva at tiii applars Mlop Alder Jtitlrllruirn I5 lake in Pauper Snnitnnt far more cliniplicalcd than lltt lurk snow on 130 ml nu uu110umui mom FamousNobel rum in Th Family Vsilm Sliml character hc plays lhs una azuch mamn xii £35 bashed low for fun and qun CINEMA SHOWTIME 70 900 wa PW iz sense of humor lS tcmpcrcd Na citrCmslmi with sharp pcrccpl ion and una batiiig Sellcriticism Commander Trim All In The ldlltlly Orlri nupti 130 It 147201 Our wins ll Omen Hrlpll Bythetunelewoi ï¬i 90 Ellwvain Im my mm my figure out whodunmtmyou laughing Plpbmlcmk abilitics hc siid in lll inlci 77 Match Game VI View in perfectionist It TUESDAY EVENING VEWING not often that am truly salts 00 May tThc Yellow tVfW ii oi Milii tied with pcrfiirmancc WARNING Some scenes and language may be offensive Balloon Pt Mary lturtrnlin ll Hun yjwnfliylilandnu ll uanlnrd And Son Witnefl lo Yll1 lV lnrlulll hl WW up new now lives whcn he not on the 700 Mun 800 1105 road he says he likes living in 00985 Tar DJ mt it 71 New 96 Canada and intends to stay do Black Sunday 910 tr Mini nt Door BW WV spite thc infroilucncy iit uicy 726994 CINEMA NnuItlc ts aitiii la WW Now Happy my r130 at ily it vu 630 Md MM like film hc said But lAMlStOtfl TIER liAlk trrnrti Show Johnny iii Slit My MW toyMW mm tw WM muniiiNNiss LIMIANLHlMUt iiAViiiNivuv lHLR sun Black 830 Mm Mum far between Ihc emphasis is our lY MAM II SMITH NANlY WALKER ISIIJ WINMXIII iwwm 0i I8 IO 10 ppmldlm The Pink Panther 19 Frenrli Show LArtuul Education 0t Mikr Cl tY Limits 40 MrManUs 535 ll Cnvm tn mm Lawrue Amt mlrlcr li ltllll ft on ManWomen Youths 655 95 WELCOME 59927 you IIIIISI 800 0mm 60 ms Mw it Join anytime No Contracts Stallwont Clitltiir MOV 50 ROYAL CANADMN 60 snow IT Wm Married Woman Movu tMiivc Ovcr we Rona Barrett ABCTV iltli mum on it 1P Slum 86 410 St Vincent 51 nu ll ovict pi cr uni airie Chasm ly Outrearn Ontario lrflfllfll PJTI SI35 33mm iIIggmp Thurs 930 nm EVERYONE LOW lTltIlltrT Everuric MManil lane Downer Area Director Fllpmnas Everywhere MUVI ltii Brothcr THE Dr Who 50 or MOI iin PTt rii it gligilrxm sgï¬fllwm 05 we cvmc OF MIDNIGHT rininouut PICTURES msms 75 Cinq Epismlm tn laiggtl 581pm Hirgrrlalla Iilltlll unununiiiui SlAmtht 730 Hanoi 40 WARNING MARIE FRANCHISIER Munpil Show 37 Wrwtrl NW Some Scenes 3W 1030 Crown iltfl llnnguuge may SUSANSARANDON Cusmr Pie Barney Miller 100 be offensive Anynhnq ll Ont rinada tomorrow yl mm Gm ll UWH to All MliVIt illiiiui iki As ADULI Searn Anil iiis uc ll 00 134 ll News ll Mervhrittin