Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 12 Sep 1977, p. 6

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Joycees mcirk 30th onniverso By HOPE DEMISEY Iaininer Staff Reporter Service to the community is what the Barrie laycees arc all about They are men trom the ages of lit to 40 who are interested in improving themselves as well as the community Sept lit to 24 is laycecs week in Barrie and the laycees are celebrating their loth anniver sary the Barrie chapter chartered in April 1047 Last year our meintxrship stood at 50 men says pltSb dent lony lioubert This year were aiming for 03 But laycees is world wide organization There are layeee organia lions countries with over 500000 members throughout the world In Barrie the club is restricted to men only but in other parts of thitario there are some omen Jaycee clubs ln illowdale for example there is an all women laycee cluh llliiiik its because loioii to is so big and there are lot more professional people there says Barrieta cec past president lreg llenn Across tanada and in ollier parts of the world the clubs can be mixed it depends on the community ltDlI ongoing protect of the Barrie laycees has been the Santa laus parade This years parade to be held Dec will be the litth parade It is the largest north of loronto says Foubert It requires about 4000 man hours of work and plans for this years parade are already underway Its day aimed at children and the community as whole says lioubert Last year we held it on Sunday and about 12000 people came out in past years the laycces have been involved in events like the Dominion Day Regatta in the earl 50s The lavcees were one of the originators of the Barrie Winter ariiival and are still involved with it to day Vita larcours jogging and exercise eoiiise at Sunnidalc Park was set up for the coin munin by the jaycees In the mid 50s the laycees ran clean up Barrie cani paign where members swept the streets of downtown and worked on city wide clean up lllltIllttllllIRS The laycees work in conjunc tion with other community organiations as well We help other organizations by providing the man power says len Martens tXtLttlth icepresident ol theJay cees We work with the antique car club Molsons the hilario lloiserBreeders ssociation and we helped with the Grass Roots concert to name few parade engagement Mr and Mrs Donald Ieri weather of Harrie are pleased to announce the engagement of their laughter Darlene lern to Wayne John eir son of lr and Mrs John Web of ttiillia he wedding is to take plai Oct at pm at St tilcs nglicaiit hurcli Hart ie Weeks bridge results for two Barrie clubs Winners of Battle Duplicae Bridge Sept were norl soutl liktslliil Joni Hacil aisd Ernie lllt tart Mcnees and John Kelby gt5 coiid Marge lowell and Audrey Maon third lit the east west Slttil Elia Swain and tllzve Hersey tirs Marg Flewthug anl Midge stubbinias lt Graham ant tiavy hllrtainds third Momla it were norhsoutii Ralph Brawl and lohz lark Midge Stubb ings and Helen Home second firs lf1tni Yitf firs and John Haell and till DeWitt third In the east west division Dorothy Tillcy and Vivian Hamilton first Marnie and Sherin toulth seiond and Sylvia McLarnej and Lea alley third Winners in Ha Bridge lub in the open pairs northsouth division were Sliaerin Boultcr and Sven Hansen first Dave Lewis and lohn losliiikotf scr conrl aniiihird lohn Haltll and lantfibson In the castwest division Uhvc Hersey and ltuss thurch first and tied for second were lllla Swain and Larry iartner with Marnie Boultcr and Josie Hansen In the nonrinasters north south division Sylvia McLarnly and Bill lhompson trs till Manning and Jiii lloopcr second and Maude leciate iiid rvuitrcy Mason third The eaVwIs wnncrs were Mar Gould and Laura Mcttaig lll Sheila Vaiiileiseyrler and ltiane amplicll word and viudrey llnflr and Lorne faiiipbell Hard The money we raise is turn ed back into the community says Leo Miritisch chairman of the Jaycee week committee line of the future projects for the laycees is improving baseball facilities at Queens Park We are hoping to buy and in stall complete electric scoreboard for the park said Foubert The score board alone will cost about $4500 dollars ItlENTIClClHNti Ihe laycees are also planir ing an orient eering course It will be course in naviga lioii on land says Fouberl It will involve familiarizing peo ple with how to work compass and read maps We are aiming this course at the scouts cubs people from amp Borden and anyone who may be interested We hope to start running it in the spring on some property owned by city around Little Lake lhe Barrie Jaycees also hope to get involved in fund raising for muscular dyst ropby The taycees in the United States are one of the biggest contributors in the Jerry Lewis Telethon for Muscular Dystrophy says lioubcrt We hope to be involved with that soon Ntlllllilt lKl individual development is another facet of the Jaycee organization laycees hold courses in effective speaking committee management meeting orocediire leadership in acitoii income tax advancec public speaking money management and wills The courses are open to Jay eees and their wives frce oi charge The instructors come from outside the group as well as the members themselves iilti itli lhe hard work has been taken out of pram pushing for mothers all over the world by the invention of retired aircraft engineering expert for globetrotlingdaughter The Baby Buggy which weighs only sl pounds and folds fit one simple operation in to the shape of folded inn brella has revolutionized baby transport in 10 years Every week 13000 Buggies leave the assembly lines of factory in Long Buckby North amptonshirc 30 miles nor lhwest of London and more than half of them go overseas to wduferent ttlllllllltS For the taby Buggys in ventor twcn Maclarcn the whole thing began as retire ment hobby in 1906 when his fir st grandchild was born His daughter was married to airline cei utivc the baby and its mother travelled lot Refinement is keynote in fall footwear line KW YttltK =Ali tefine ment is the key note for fall foot weal says The Fool vim com ll Elegance and sweeping attent ion to detailing will be the hallmark of mens women and childrens shoes The easy Silhouette and inter esting textured fabrics of readytowear Will be con plemented by glazed leathers higher heels and lots of new boots In men shoes smooth highly polished leathers will be most important for liessy styles Joining the rank of browns and blacks will be whole new range of lighter colors Taupes wheats and brightened greens will start going to the office Styles Will include tassclod loa tcis wing lips eyelet ties and plain totd anklehigh boots iidIrslated trims and small metal touches will be the pre lcried details latcnl leathers Will begin to make inroads in the mens areas and the coun cil predicts burgundy wine and grey will become popular collt ors tpdated classic looks will count for leisure wear Toes will be softer blunter The shape of this type of shoe Wlll be wider than dressy styles Irepe soles and hand stitch mg will share the spotlight along Willi Western type boots with pitched heels lumbcrjack boots highly styled sneakers and unlined moccasins Nostalgia Night for RVH Auxiliary It was nostalgia night Wednesday for members of the Royal Victonii Hospital Auxiliary They were celebrating the organilations Htltli anniversary and in honor of the occasion lllt women dressed in old fashion clothes Here are tl few of the members lora Marshall left Edna It Smith and Helen Smith right all from Barrie Examiner Photo lot of people in the public eye got their grounding from Jaycces says Foubert leo ple like Premier Bill Davis and John Kennedy were Jaycees Jaycees combine work with social activities at their con ventions There is yearly regional convention as well as international and national conr ventions This years international con vention in November will be in Johannesbcrg South Africa The national convention will be in July 1978 in Vancouver MANY AWARDS The Barrie laycees have developed good reputation in Canada and throughout the world says Heiiii The unit has won numerous awards in the past years Jaycees have been concerned with public awareness pro grams too In past years hicy cle rodeo was held to teach children safety with bicycles And Lock it and pocket the key was run in 1976 in conjtlnc tion with the Insurance Bureau of Canada Barrie city police and the Barrie The project was designed to prevent auto theft The tPP gave us N75 statistics which showed 80 per cent of car lliefls were result of people leavmg keys in their cars said Henri So the laycees decided that would be good topic for public awareness prograln It was well publicised and the results were good The number of car thefts did drop The laycees will have booth set up at the Bayfield Mall Sept l7 and an intro night is planned for Sept at 730 pm at the Municipal Savings and Loan Building New members are iinpor tant says Hciin We can always use new ideas and fresh blood in the group tonventional pushchairs were much too heavy and ruin bersomc for my daughter to take on to plancs so made up my mind to invent what she needed said Maclarcn now Tl In fact had only to look around my village to see how diffictilt it was for mothers to get around with toddlers strug glmg on and off buses often with heavy shopping to carry as well He was well eqtnpped to tackle llltjtth after lifetime in aircraft engineering his ex periencc covering everything from test flying to managing the aviation seryicc depart inent of the Dunlop to He has always enjoyed inventing things and ow ltS several patents in the aircraft field as well as one for the iadaboul light weight folding chair for spor tsincii which he also makes threw away lot of models before finally got the push chair pattern right he recalls hit always knew there must Mr and Mrs ry Vi Leo liritscli tseatisll laycec week committee chairman and inemhers of the Barrie lavcecs look over plans for the week From the left are Greg llenn past president louy loubert president and Len lartcns eecutive vimpresident aycec week is Sept IK to 2t and the Barrie laycccs are celebrating their l0th anniversary tlIvainiiier lholo lifestyle retired aircraft engineer takes the work out of pushing be an inscl he pi obleni wa to make it told easily fit two th lttllttll ll iilltt sii llltll mother could do it with one hand ll tlwl bail to in pililn tol coiiilort Hill of colt it weight was veiy lllllittllilll using tiibiilai tllllllll1lltl managed to make it to pounds lighter than all otlic ptlsli cliaii on the niaitat at the llltlt The first liiizgies were ltslttl niotheis lll Maclarcn villaitc and he gave another proton doughth trietal ooii other people lwgol iskltl tol them so he started pioiliii tib about 30 week bf hand lllI the help of few people ftoiii the Village Itili lioll tiiii lit matter of months he hcl to move production to bigeer piciiiiscs ow he he five fat torns within lcw lllllt ol each other low ltlthtlt work foi people the only tll dustiy iiia tiiiiiiiiigiiie Maclnrcn research and de velopment teain still is based in the workshops at his home where he first produced the buggy pram version was launched last year and there alsoisonetoaccommodatetwo babies There are even single and twin llay Buggies lordolls Many of the operations in the factories are automated the result of laclarcns abilin to invent machines which will do repetitive iobs more simply and lastei thanbyhand Most of the itidiftercnt pieces which lorm the tuggy are niaileat the factories More than three million Maclaren biggies have now been sold throughout the world quite apart from all lliosc made by imitators llioiisaiids of children in lrica and sia now sit in them in stead of on their mothers backs lisklllltis drag them across the snow on skis and Maclaren has even one iiioiiii ting the slopes of volcano wedding album Hargreaves Hargreaves Cooper St Marys Catholic hurch Barrie was the setting luly when Tracy Dawn daughter of Mr and Mrs lohn Cooper Barrie married Thomas Charles son of Mr and Mrs Marvin Norman Hargreaves of Barrie ltcv Leonard Mallcy of ficiatcd the ceremony Given in marriage by her father the bride Wore floor length gown of white satin with ape and hood of white lace She arried bouquet of yellow roses and white carnations Vicky lorsythe of Toronto was maid ofhonor and bridesmaids were Linda Lee Itichtirdson and Kathy ooper both of Barrie The best man was lIdvvard Welter ol Scarboio and ushers were Barry Richardson and Bill Bell both of Barrie recept ion was held at the oiitmenlal hm andoiit of town guests were from loronto lIil monton and the lnited States people places Secretaries Ihe Barrie liapler of the Na tituuil Secretaries Association will hold its monthly meeting Set titat tlzflttp at Deilbiss ianadal litd Anyone wishing to attend please contact Mary Morris at bill graduate and Lynn Kelly daughter of Mr and Mrs Howard Kel of Trenton and grandaughtcr of Mrs Lordon Kelly 37 William St Barrie graduated at the June con vocation iinivcrsily of Western Ontario London with Bachelor of Arts in Honours sociology arol will be entering the faculty of medicine therapy fall occupational at Western in the liot iiliIl lllttlo Mr and Mrs De Zoete De Zoete White lew bows decorated St James Anglican hurch Trown Hill Aug 20 when Willy ltoubos daughter of Mr and Mrs John ltoubos of Barrie married Samuel Karel De Zoete son of Mr and Mrs Karel Dc Zoete of Monster Holland ltev Jack ltitsema of ficiatcd the ceremony liVen in marriage by her parents the bride wore poly satanglo gown with Venetian lace trim on the bodice It had full skirt bishop sleeves and deep cul fs mother of pearl cap held her full length tulle veil triiniii Roubous ed in lace and she arried bouquet of red sweetheart roses vhite carnations and trailing green fern Shirley ltoubos ol Barrie was maidot honor and Kim lloiit lager of Stayner and Sonja De Zoete of Holland were the bridesmaids liob uem of Holland Is the best man llsliers were liene ltc oete of Holland iiid led ust ot liri ie reception was held il the Suniiidale toinmiinity tentre and gticutu liom Holland at tended The couple ill live in Hart Il the examiner Monday Sept 12 1977 Ann Landers human bite is dangerous Dear Ann Lambrs My boyfriend Buzxy is sweet guy but now and then scesignsof terrible temper Last Friday night when we were horsing around on the floor got toe hold on him ti learned it from watching wrestling on lVi think he went little eray Ann The guy actually hit me on the hand dont mean just nibble mean real bite that broke the skin When saw the blood nearly fainted Buzzy said he was sorry that he lost his head and promised never to do such thing again forgave him The next day my mother saw the teethmarks and asked what happened was going to put the blame on luffy our dog but decided ld better tell the truth When told Mom Buzzy hit me she was horrified said human bite can be very dangerous is this true So far am Please tell me if Mom is rightNippcd By Nick Dear ippcd Yes she is right You were lucky Every human mouth is loaded with bacteria You could have gotten bad infection If that clown ever bites you again wash the wound with soap and water see doctor promptly and send Buzzy for long walk on short dock Dear Ann Lambrs Am too late to sav word in behalfof the skinny oncs versus the fatfies hope not The Skinnics in our office put out twice as much work as the obese babes They are also much better natured than the constant nosher who waddle down the aisles The Skinnies in our office put out twice as much work as the obese babes They are also much better natured than the constant nosh ers who waddle down the aisles Im Skinny and my pantsuits look great even without jacket which most women wear to cover bulging hips and big behinds Doctors keep telling people to lost weight think you could have been little kinder to us Miss Landcrs How about an apologyIEtficient Dear Sorry my four top secretaries are all light ing the battle of the bulge and they are the most efficient women have seen in AN office This is not This is not plug for obesity txicausc these energetic females are not fat but they can ccitainly outwork any Skinny in the USA The Doctor Game Being patient By illlllllflIS lll never forget one day at the Harvard Medical School The professor unexpectedly walked into the classroom with several large trays of stomach tubes and quickly informed us that we would all swallow one within the hour it suddenly stopped the usual classroom chatter and some students started to turn pale shade of green but it was an im pressive experiment for second year student to attempt to pass one down classmatcs throat and then have one thrust down his own Being patient is good training for wouldbe doctors It would also be an enlightening experience for Canadas 30000 physicians if they were all attached to renal dialysis machine lust for single day it would give them many hours to think about the increasing number of Canadians who anxiously vait year after year for new kidney and how most doctors had failed to help them GlFFtllJI£S SHOULD ALStl be attached to that machine realized there was problem getting the right kidney for the right patient also correctly surmised that it wouldnt be fun having to rely on machine for life but like most doctors had no idea of the magnitude of the problem until decided to check into it For instance in spite of the tremendous efforts of the Kidney Foundation of Canada and many dedicated doctors working in this field were still unable to detach most patients from these machines Every year the situation gets worse In Him about 330 pa tients received kidney transplant butanother 800 people who needed one were added to the list Well never win the game with that kind of batting average and thats why think we need new fresh grass roots approach to obtain ing kidneys After all if this approach works in politics why cant we use the same principle in medicine To see if it made any sense called one of my client editors and he said it did and that his newspaper would cooperate Hopefully other newspapers will do so because it would make 2000 pa tients very happy lust iinagaine yourself attached to machine three days out of every week If youre at home it also means that member of the family must be in constant attendance This would be bad enough for few weeks but suppose your doc tor said it might be four years or more before you received kidney How you would begin to hate that machine and your fellow man Why would people insist on putting their useful kidneys in thousand dollar casket when they could give you gift of life This useless waste of kidneys wouldnt seem logical to anyone on machine and it doesnt make sense to me ONE EXPERT ltlltl ME that Belgian doctors solve this problem quite easily They simply removorgans if they can be of use to anyone else It brings up good point as to whether we should own our bodies after death Since the state gives us baby bonuses unemployment insurance medical care and old age pensions surely the government could get at least kidney in return it would quickly get 2000 patients off these machines but in addition to being humanitarian act it also makes economic sense when this country is reeling from the stag gering costs of medical care Renal dialysis in the hospital amounts to $20010 year and its recurring expense renal transplant can be done for around 810000 but doubt that theres one politician in Ottawa who has the intestinal fortitude to bring it up in parliament lit the long term public pressure will demand the use of these organs once researchers have totally solved the pro blem oftissiie rejection The unearthing of this secret will be as epoch making as the discovery of penicillin bill it will also mark the beginning of the great dog tight for organs as people with ailing heats livers and lungs line up for transplants There will be utter chaos unless these etgans are easily available WHAI AN WlC Dtt in the short term to detach 000 tanar dians from this machine Because of the efforts of the Kidney Foundation some provinces now have an organ donor card as part of the drivers licence Sign it ll you have one If you dont have this card write for one to the Kidney lttllllltllttll of tanada Post Office Box 422 Montreal 379 Que and enclose self addressed stamped envelope Also let member of the family know how you feel on this inat ter This will help to get more kidneys for more people However national programs because of their sie are iii clined to be iinixrsonal Thats why think we can improve the results by grass roots approach The newspaper mentioned earlier is going to do follow up article on their local siliiation How many people in their community need kidney How long has each one been waiting Each month for year theyll remind everyone by reporting whether theyre making process or falling further behind hope that when anadians see that their own neighbors require help theyll stop burying useful kidneys in years time well at least know if it works in that community One expert on renal transplantation told me couple of in tcresting facts He said that lnosl donor kidneys come from areas that have renal dialysis centres In other words many Canadian cities simply havent developed the habit of think ing kidney He also stressed that thisilogians of all faiths were often more active and useful than doctors in obtaining kidneys from families whose loved one was near death Since kidneys must be removed with in an hour after death you must plan ahead Yet nurses in the intensive care units of several hospitals told me how suitable kidneys were often lost because doctors failed to ask for llieiii lreahxe that its difficult bringing up this qiieslioii when families are facing great sorrow but it must be done If we want to solve this crisis Remember that not all renal dialysis patients are suitable for transplants and some who are dont want kidney certain number refuse to undergo major operat iou tttlieis realixe that theres always the chalice their body will ttJttl another persons kidney so why take this risk ct surely kidneys mould be readily available to those who want them It you llinik that every community should try to lick its own problem why not write or call The Standard We could eradicate many dial sis machines llllllt air or two ll we all try little harder

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