Toronto Blue Jays second baseman Steu Stuggs leaps mm New York Yankees Yillie Randolph after forceoui in It Illl SSlitl Tlli Illliss HIIIeIIIeKaIIsasIle lloyals are runmng away with one IIIeIIcaII League dIIIsIoIIII IIIII llIe Nev York Ililkll lIII IllIIuIsl IhI IItlIeI one In IIghIen up the Rasals IIII IIIeIr lLEIlI sIIaIghI game SunIlaI lIttlllll Minnesota Twins he Ito Ils have an gIIIIIe lead oeI IIIIIago YIIIte sox and appear headed IIII IlIeII secondslraight esl IIIsIIIII title the Yankees meanwhile split IIIUIIIIIIIaIleI IIIIII the epIIIsIoIIIsI lIIrIIIIo Blue Jays IIIlIItlL IIIeIIrsI gIIIIIi IIId lIIsaIg IIII IIIghIcap III their lead over second pIaII Boston Red NIX shrunk II games as the two teams gr read tor crucial llltt gIIII sIrIes III Next IIII IIIII IIIIII IUesIla Illllllll IIae ltltl last wetI ll sIIIIIIIIIIe llIlfl IIIII Inc IIIaI we III um ahead right now and Kano lI liIIlllill anIIf IIIImp IIIII IIllliilIIL senII sIIaIgIII the road sure help in ItId conIpIIIe gInII IIIIII Cincinnati whip IIlll ll IIHCNS IIIcInIIaII IIIIts IIIIcIIIng has taken ponnrhng Ill WT and II look toll on the NaIIIIIIaI League baseball IIIIIIIs mental IIIIIIIIIIk say Iiillllll IIIIIIIII IInIII Yon haw lll plI con IIlIIII game and of cIInIIdrnce was laIkIIIg In certain areas tench said Sunday alter ke mg It VIItor oeI IiIII IIIIII IIIIrl mg los ngelIs keeping me pennanI clinching IIIIIgII won her at eight IIII lIIe lilillfltls IIneh said IlHlJlIL was the IIIl Hassler III and Frank Iinles iIIII IIIIIIIIg agaInsI IIII lIIIIIs YIIIII knocked III III runs against NIIIIIIIsola Ill IhreI Nkilllllillllts IhI YIIIkIes IIIIIII play par lIIIIIaIlI ItIIIIIl IIIIII agaIns IiII Blue Ias II IIIIsI lit IIIIeIIIIII Is the worst III IIII IIIaIIII IIaIIIIs lIIr IIImg llIllliiliIlllll ll lI the Blue IIIs saIIIIIlII Iw IIIIk IIIIllil IIIIIIIII3lt IIIII II itll III IIIII IwII gIIIIIIs snndag lo IIIIIIII has split ILT gaIne IIIII theYankeesIIIIseIIsIIII Ill IUlI lIIIII IIIIpIIj IIIIIlIIl sI II IIIIIgs III six III trail and sInIIn IIIIIII llll IIIII lIII III the III keesIII IIIIIIIuIIIIIp llI IIIIIII IIIIIIII slIIIlIIUI IiIlIIII lliltls Iv Iai IIIIIIIII IIrIIIII IItItIIltIl IIIII lIllIll lllllIllSIlrtIl1ililll llllltliitttlllllll41lilli IIIIklIIIIl lIeII lillllll IIIIMeIsI lillllIIIIII1lllI lIIIIIIII II sIIlII lllllllllllIlill IIIII IalIIIIIIItII liLtls liftIll lII IIIIIII II IIII IlIIIIII lllLIllllItill lll LilliIns ItlI IIIIIIIIIIIIl IIIIIII ILIIsIIII llltl IIiip II III the collapse IIIII has lIe lllltllllltIL III III IllIll IIIIIns IIIIIIIIIg me had llllll week IIl lze IItoill IIIIII II II gIIIIIIs IwnIh IIIII IIIII IIIIlllIlt imlI lIghled tour IIIII Ills II II ll LIIing IIIIII lIIII IIIIIs IIIIIIIIl lIIIIlIIsIIIIIIIIIeIIIIIIIIIIIr ltilllIIllllt III IIIIILer nt lIIIsIIuIJI IIIIIIIs 1s pulling out II IIIIIIIIII IIII all IIIIIIIIII LeagnepIIIIIIh lhs IIIIIIIIII goal III IIIIII III help the IIrIItI JIII llit IIIIIIIIIII IIIIIII IIJIsl title IIIII Andretti claims race but not driving title MUNIA lltllllli IIIIran Mario IIrlIrIII III the inner INIIIIIs III his best seaIn IeI III IvIrIIIula racing IIIIII Ihe Italian Brand IIIx IIII Sunday but saw hIs slnn hopeot IIIIIII Ing Ibe world drneis IIIII IIpIIraIe lIaIIaIiIIornvIIIIIIIII II IIIII IIId IIIs lourIlI IIIIII III the season III his Lotus lI ltltlifl clear III the IeII III III IISIIlI IkI lauda voHeybaH team loses Bill llftlIlZANllL Brazil ItlI Ianalla gIII oIl to shaky start and except tor lIrIrt third game spurt tell to more Inspired learn fI IIIII Yenc uelI III Inens action III the mold IIIIIIIII volleyball llllllll pIIIIIshIps Sunday The Venenelans capitalizing on lIIsIIrless display by the Canadian IIIeII around the net lumped into II II luid III the openmg game en route to 134 lTrlI ll Victory To meet all your travel needs Downtown Barrie 41 Maple Avenue 726 IIIII wronrt place and six IIIaIanIInsIIIp IIIIIIII llt enough In Inake lInIla almost certain IIl IIIkIIIg Ins lillllll IIIIlIl IIIII just as be secured his III III IIIIII III IIar Lli the end ol IIII ILIIIIIpIIII season lllt Austrian IIIIJ lead the ehIIIanonshIp IlltllllllL Illll IIfi pIIIIII III South IIrIcIII Jody Srheekler l2 and II Ilreliis it While landa needs Inst one point lroIII IIII IIInalnIng lhIII liranrl lllfI IaIe III Ianada Iat Mosporl IIII IIII lifl III the lniterl Stairs and Japan to secure the title belore leaxIIIg IIeIIarI II llll end III the season SIIIIIkler must win IheIn all to stand itlII IhanIe IIl ealrhmI the LCI year old Anslrian hiring the it lap race over IIIII ti kllltllllll IIIIIII Inlle Andietti several time IIIIIkI the lap rIeIIrIl held by llll Ronnie lelerson Iowei mg II alinml Iwo seIIIIIIls III III lel est lap Inly IIIIIIol thIJIl star terslmished Australias Alan iIIIIes III Shadow took third place and JIIelIeII Mass of West German was four AIRSEA LANO 397 Silliiirs game Buck lll grounded III slIIIIIsIIIp rim ordbrook starting pa Il lIIIIIIII Red Sox sweep Tigers to challenge New York IlIIIIIIl liltIiIlLl II LIIIIII topped xlllllllll II IIIIII eIgIIl IIIIIIIIII III iIIIII lIII stis VII IIIIIIIII IIIII II III III ILIII IIII III II IIIIgt IIanII IIIII lII II IIIII Illl IIIII II II ll IIII II IIIIII IIII Ilt IIIs IIIIII no2 kl1 laiinm sI lidll IIsi and illl IIIIIIII ldmld IIIIII sex III IIt IIIIII III Iu Yolk IlIll IIIIII lInI III JIIII lliIanIIliwIsl IIIIIII III ltllll lllliilll lllllill IIIII Is III lI III IIv IIIII gIIIIIIIIIII IIIIII II II III II III IIIIIILIII II at lIIli lIII eluding ton gum sweep II IIeIIIIII lIIIllIIll llll llIII Illt lllll llltl can League llIIllII IIII iIuIIleI lIIII InI II llIIII lIIIlIII llle llIsI gIIII lIl$l III IIIII Iu III lIIIIII hrs lItllll III III tll iI III ilIl Ii II II IIIIII iIIs Iil IIIIIIIII II III IIII II IIII season IIII tIIlIIlIsI Indians one III Iv II 1ng IIII IIIIIIII IIIIIiIIlll IIIII III III II s3 III II llllIIIlr II1Il IliklIIlllll IIIII lII II Il llIII IIII IIIIIw IIII lIIll III wgn iIII IIII IIII III talInIIII III lit IIIIIIeI IILIIIII IIl III lw llIIIIs IxrI IIIilew In II III1 IIIII II II lllli Il IIIIIIII II II llIlll IIIII IIIIJII III III III In IIIIIHIIIiIIIIIm Ivillilil II 11 III II II 1w llII lII IlI I1 III II llIlI II EII EI gtII Dodgers 62 lI IIIIIIIIIIEII III III IIII III sIII II II IIIII IIII Illl 5II ltsv IlII lllIlIllI IIIII IsIIeII II Irv III IilIl IIIII II II II lIIl III IIIEI II III lll ltl ltllll IIII Ii lzIIIIII II IIIII Il llt II II III III IIIIIII II ltI IIIII III II= III III II Ilnnrvlw IIIIIII 1I II IHI lIl II iII IIII XIIIIIIIIIII llllll III ll III IIIIIII IIII Illii III tIgII LI III llIIlIIllJIlilltl IIIIIHl III tlizii IIII Itll IIIIII lIl IlIlllIlllllIl Ia II IIII IiiII IIIIII IIIIIt IlIInIIlI In IIII II III III how III III III Illl IIIIII IIIII IIIx llltn Illi II IIIIIJII IIIIIIII IIII IIII III II ICIIIIIIIII FIIIIII llIlllIl III III II III II llltllllilll Im ll ltlr lll line II II iIIIIlIIIIIIIIueIII IIIIII llIIlII lIlIIIl lII IIlIIfIIIlIIIIIII lIII1l IIIl Ititl III III II II IIII II WIIII III III IIIII ea III II IIIIII1I II III II II IIIIII II IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIILIIII Ii liIIlIJ II II IIIIIIII III llill IIII II II IIIIII II lIIasIIII II IIIII lIltI lilll In IIIIIIIII II in IIIIlIII lltllillllitlll II II III II I1 IIlltl IlIIIlI IIIli IIIIIIIIIII IIII ItnIIII II IIIIII IIIIlkIp Ilillllllll IIIIIIIIIIII lIIiIlIlIl IIsIIuIIIIIn lIII IIIIIIIIIIII IIIIlI tuIIIII II III IIIIi II III III IIIIIII III IIIIIII It IIll II pulled IIl IIIII II II IIIIIIl IIIIII HIIIIIla IIIII III held IIIIIIIII IIIII llli IIIIIIIIIIrltlIIrIIIIIlIIIIflI IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII1II IIIIII lIIllIt IIIIIIIIIIl IIlll Iianlsf sIIII HIltldilllIy IIIIIIIsIIII IrIIII IIIIII lllllI II IIIIII III IlII IIIII liIIIIII IIIat IIIIIIslIIII lIII III IIIIIIIIIII IIIIIII fI IIIII IIIa hitIgn IIIIIIII lllllllllil1l IIIIIIHI IIIII IIuIl llllltll II IIIIIlI years ter 549 qufield St Cecil is retired and Canadian Frir es Pilot who has rusirlrgrt in the Barrie area tor the past five Al Simror Duisan were growing to serve you but SIMCOE eighth llIIllII lllI IIIIIII Ill IIIIIIIII run am IIIIIIIIIII IIIII IIIIII lll Iltl llII=IlI II IIlIIIII IIII IIII IIII IIII Illllliii III IIIIIIII III II IIIIIIII II lawII NEW DIVISION TO SIMCOE DATSUN Wr ll SIIIIIOO are pleased to an nounro lhe upporniinont of Ceril Moon In our lease Heel IlIilsurI new Manager mm 7370254 after Jays split NEW YIIRK IAII New York Yankees created light situation for themselves by splitting fourgame series with Toronto Blue Jays over the weekend but Yankees catcher lhnrman Manson isnt worried Well beat the Red Sox luesday because theyre not playing in their phone booth said Manson of crucial threegame series between the Yankees and Boston that opens lIIesday at Yankee SI adium New York leads the Red Sox by 11 games in baseballs American league lIIasI IIIVIsIoII after dividing Sunday doubleheader with the lastvplace Blue Jays winning the opener it but dropping the nightcap The Yankees could have been accused ol looking past loronto this weekend especially since the Blue Jays IIHIII record is the worst in the major leagues In Toronto has split l1 games lll New York this season including melt lIIronIo Ictory on Sat today We made this series special by losing to loronlo said Reggie Jackson whose twovrun homer gave the Yankees in III the lead in the opener This was the series the were sup posed tocollapse Tom Murphy made his first start since Iéliit and allowed just one Hill andst hits III six Innings Iclc YIIekoVIch and Jerry IIIIII saw ais Save $550 Quartz Halogen sealed beam 549 Reg $1099 Fits high beam on cars with headlamp systems Value 287 485 321 SimpsonsSears Ltd Sears Barrie Georgian Mall 509 Baytield St 7264451 The Blue Jays didnt collapse in Sundays second game as lIIlIIIsoII IoIIIplIIell the game with Johnson picking up his the examiner Monday Sept 121977 11 Yanks not worrie Mustangs starReason with win over McMaster By THE CANADIAN PRESS Western Mustangs got off on the right foot Saturday in de fence of their Canadian lntcr collegiate Athletic Union loot lall tillc much to the lis pleasure of McMaster Marau dcrs The Mustangs opened their OntarioQuebec conlerence schedule with 444i trimnph in Hamilton with Nigel Wilson scoring two touchdowns for the winners III other games Bishops ai tors beat McGill Redmen 227m oncordia Stingers shaded Car leton Ravens 2726 Windsor Lancers whipped inclph try phons 2271 loronlo Blues bom bed Waterloo Warriors 37 WIIlrid Laurier iolden Hawks whipped York Yeoman 1771 and IIttawa ice ices beat Quebec at lrois Rivieres IHI Manitoba Bisons downed Sas katchewan Huskies 1710 while British Columbia Thunderbirds and Alberta Golden Bears fought to 2929 draw in West ern Intercollegiate Football League games The Atlantic intercollegiate season begins next Saturday The Mustangs who beat Acadia Axemen in the IAU fi nal last year trailed 30 after the first quarter on field goal by John Harrison But Western took the lead when quarterback Jamie Bone threw riftyard touchdown pass to Wilson Harrison kicked another field goal for McMaster but Bone hit Wilson on another touchdown pass and that was it for the Mauraders EAIR STARS Bruce Gair led Bishops with two touchdowns of 33 and 13 yards on passes from Jim Et chevcrry 287 446 300 series Reg 327 Bruce Wilkins scored Bishops other touchdown also on pass from Etcheverry Nick Arakgi kicked all three converts while 4yard single by Etcheverry rounded out Bishops scoring McGills scoring was led by Bob Baudin who kicked three field goals and convert Guy Thiavo of the Stingers kicked tiesbreaking convert with three minutes left in the game at Montreal to beat the Ravens from Ottawa Concordia trailed 266 going into the fourth quarter but tied it up with converted touch downs by quarterback Andy Morley Carleton and Mike Hume and 19yard touchdown by Rich Carbonc Chiavo booted two field goals and all three converts Carleton missed two field goal attempts during the fourth quarter Save $1 When you buy quarts of Sears AllSeason 10w30 oil 4I30 Do your own oil changes and save when you buy quarts of Sears AilSeason 10w30 Its lowcost way to make the frequent oil changes that your car needs Meets car manufacturers and API SE specs Shop Sears today 28R 011 301 90 ea for the price of Sears quality filters aAir filter for better gas mileage 287 446 700 series Reg 1439 Only $958 bOil filter for longer engine life 287 446 800 series Reg 687 Only $458 cGas ï¬lter for best engine performance Only $218 7174 Chevrolet cyl Very accurate engine analyzer 998Reg 16998 Performance synchronizer our most advanced engine analyzer with largest dial has accuracy reading of plus or minus percent Fully transistorized unit with separate battery switch 287 445 204 Chilton auto repair manual 299 Chilton 19661973 how to books have everything you need to know for major or minor adjustments 2BR 045 409 Store hours MON TUESI SAT 930 am to 530 pm WED THURS FRI 930 am to 930 pm Charge it Enjoy It now Use your All Purpose Account Save $5 Dwellltach 249° Economicallypriced standard dwell tachometer for cyl engines Instructions included 287 445 210 Save 31 Inductive pickup DC timing light 4498Reg 5998 Do it yourself and save Instructions are included Check timing distributor action vacuum advance and centrifugal advance Has xenon strobe flash colorcoded neoprene leads 287 445 124