Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 12 Sep 1977, p. 10

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10 the examiner Monday Sept 12 1977 scoreboard National league THE l1l tltlTSN llnladeIphIII St Louis IIII1IIaI tIILIlt Atlanta 115111 Diego 11 lZ1sl llouston S1111 ltanclsco II Pvt illl Probable Pitchers Today lhxladelphia H11 11 1127 New York 1711hr tl III at tIttshnrgh tII 11 11151 Montreal IBahnsIn Itll 7151 Itlitlgn 73 tvti 11 lilI 111111s 74 1151 117 I1I Pardongit 11111115 111111 11 Montreal 111 1111 14 Ilnladelpltta Itlntstenson 11111 11 11111 11 11 1511 11 11 11 111 est ttI111g111tt1nr1s 1I ItI at Ios ogctes 11 111 1111 Louis 1i nrlerwoorl tI ttII II tIIc11111111 111 1111 1I II 1111 Houston III 11 Houston Richard II II at 5111 IIr1111I1s111 11 II 111 It 11111I11111111 Ioto 11 It It 5111 111111111 Ht 5111 Itogo lIreisleben 11 I111I1 1t It 111 11 I1s 1111111s 11111111 1111 I11 111 1111111 litstilts 11m lIII11IpI111 11t t1II11s I1111 Nicklo It tI 11 IIIsII111I1 II l1111II11l 11 I11n11s111 111111 1II IIIL 11211 11 Ins 11g1l1w III 11 111 III l11111 t11111 l111s11 1111111s 11 11k tnltazi IIIIII1I IIIIIIIIIIII tl1 It 1111s111 lt111sI111 111 ntk l11n1t11 111111l1 litslllts 111 1111 111111111111 t11c1nzatI nceies loniIal l1tst1urgt1 lntslunglt tt l11l11I1I11l111 thuagnat St Louis 5111 l111L111 at I11s 11getcs tlanta 5111 I11111s111 American league Toronto Itt eu lurk l11 111e111111lc1une 1s1 t1l1tor1111 hrcago l11 Illt Oakland t1l1nke1 1I I1 III Baltimore 11 II eland I1I I111 wt Ransas 1111 111 Minnesota Il Ic1s tattlc II l111lI111 I111l111s l111l1 111 II IIItroll ti11111l 11 1111 III slIth II Ileel1111l 11111nd Ill III III 11 H11 31 r11 l1wr ll1l11111111 I1I1111r I1II at Toronto 111111Ic It It 111 II I1 11 111 111s11t t1 each 111 I11I s1s 11 t1I1lIIII to It III II Il1ts1III ltctltcin wt 11 thong Itcrtko 111 III 111 It1sntts 1111111111 lt11I III ic11 l9 In ltttstll t1n11s IIII11 Ittltl Iloso 1I I1 t1nIs1I11 II1111u1 11111111II1s I1ns1s1 s11 H1 Is 1111 11111 top 10 11I1i 111 11I 11 I1tl ll l1 till lIl1lt Il1lt II ll III 11111 t1I ltlplrs 1111 11111111 11 11 Pm I11I1I ll sl1n 11111 I111 r1 iv I11 l11111111 II 1l11111 football tlll tl1l llll 111 1111 111 11111 I111 11ur111 sunvla 11 I1111111 l71 slll 1111I11j aturd1 UI 11Il11r ms 11 111 111w11I1l11Il11111II IIsI r11 l11111111 111111 t11111s l3 gt I1 I11II II11111 II Ii 111II1III lacrosse tt IItI II1 llll lltl1 s1111 11111111 1111 l11111 11111 II11I1I1 11 A1151 It II 1l 1111II I111 H111 11 1111II1I111t l1 1111 lirarnpror Ottawa Rough Riders running back Mike Murphy 30 hearts for tltc lurt after tripping thl lontreal Alouettes player John tlear bottom during II football action in Ottawa Sunda Montreal defeated Ittawa ltil lhoto Ottawa mistakes costly Als capitalize to win II II ltl lttl IIIIII11 Itfiu 1s1111111 I11 III iII HIIt 115111I l11I 1111I1 11 IIII II 111 1111 1i III tI1 1II Iil iIII 11 ll Illill II 111 II 1111 Ill IIIIIJI II II gt llllv1li II Ill 111 IIIIII I1 111 lII 11 II 1t it I1III II 11 2111 II 11I1I1I1 ll 111 1111 II 11 11 I1 11 11 1111 III IHI II 11 I1 II 1111 I11 IIIII Il1rI pm ll ll jl III III In It tII IIII 11 11 111 I1 I1I1l 11 I1I1II in II 11 1l11I I1I IIIlt tall VIIIt IIII11III 11 11 ll11111I111 l11111111111I II 111 I1II lltll II1I iI IPIIIIII iIII IIIIII I1II IIII III IIII1t1I1I I11111Y1111xih1111W IIIII lI1III IIII r1III 11 s1 I1III lII1II1 IIII 111111 IIl1 I1II 1IlIl I111I1IIII IIIIIIIi 11Ile1 11I1 I1 Low 1111 11 11 111slI1EJ191II1111t 1111 111i i1IIIItzrIIIIIyII1111111111I111I1I11 Il111l1 211 111 1111f111III11 III y1111 111 lIj l11111I I11 InnI tI11 ol III 111 1111 c1111l11 lII 11 II1I l1l I1III111II tIIlII III 111 I11111111t11I112I1 III I1 1Ii I111 1I11 1111I1I111I Imlt CoonaSunnbt offers Price lnsurance to beat infanon Todays Prices Guaranteed on Homes 0r Cottages ordered Now for delivery next Spring It 111 rr planning to hortd IIII year why wart arid ltI the chancnot poor1r1rroaoltthitmay orr11rhtt1rr1 pIaCIrtrI your Order now III II guarantor your price no matter how much llllfll1ll tnnldrnq ttIIttr1aIrrIIy go up The otter aattahlr tor limited time only and tor hrrntwl lttltlllflfl OI ordnru 311 r1111 tilairtrotnlt dealer torlay IM litMil I1111 IIIII timorI 11 tour or 111 111o11111 ylrvII1 III1111 IIleIrJy to 11111 or 1111JI111111 r1Hrwrrlrr1I HI AVAILABLE NOW Full colour catalogues and print lists 1111 1111 II11I1t 111 11 bl 00 141111 st 011 II II I1111II11111 11 COLONIAL SUNNIBILT 51111 Homes Vacation Homes 41 111111 13111 111 11t 19111121 11IraIIeI Ii f1 t111111111tl11117 Years MI Mtlit awnable 11 Illt Colo111111r111Iir1 v11111111111r11111111 M11111l111 11111111l Varntmo 11It1iry1I Spermlty 1lr111t11111 II1111 deIwrIlltthealrrrs srrerII 111t1r11 111irt1 IIIII Nor tI11111111 Special Bonus Otters Now in effect SAVE UP TO omol111I1111111r11I Mortal11111 of mm See Fullsi1ed models in our Display Courts 11 I11Iu1 II 111 CHMA It111111I 111111111111111 IIIIIiIaI 111111l11u1 1111l 11I Ioiontos only touchdown l111111 1I11s1tl 11111 the 111111111 IIIIIIII11 111111 carnc alth lltlwards tttrnliled w11l1l11stl1n1tIIeIrlI11alI1111l11I I11I1 liIlItI1 1111IIl11 atInsounJiyardI111111111Itl1c l1st play I1I llll garm lie at I1 I111 111111IIII11111s 1111111 IIII Argos recovered 111 the nest kII kIIII two comerts and printer 111 II 11 11111Ic1111l III play 11111111Il11cl1 l1111k IIalc l1111l11k11l1IIIl t1 angles 1111 11111111 1I111 1I11I1 Itl threat scoring strike to 11111 l111t1tl Ilitl timtl 11111111111 other I1IIIIII1t1IIIH 11mg l1111I1 I111111111 lctaaw IIyl WM 11111 1non 1111111111 Ittlll111l l111II that scorec11111I111l III the iwrl 1111I11111point s11IIt 1n rnec tearnrwt I11h 1111112 Iourth quarter and t111ltr1II11I II11 1111111I111I11lttI1 III11III l11111w 1III111l I11 I1Iet IIII1IIIIII to II11111II1111s It1tII 111 11 lItll illl1 1I1 IIII1111I111l11s1111 11 111 ltIIIlI II11ll11t1ItIIII loncs IIl1r1l 11nd IIIaIIIII lEI IIII I11l111111spm 1111s learned to IlIItllIIl 11 1111Il H1I11IIIlt I111 Ll 1IIII 11II 1IrttlI lll 11111111I I1 IIl1II lItII1l1lI is llII I1III added 111Il I11 11 l1111e men 111l 111111l11t1111 I1111 IIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIUI ot the 111111111 1111 III the IlanitiIItI 11111 that II11111111I IIIII 111111511 11I11I tomato 1111 Ill olIIt 11 IIIII l1 ptIIIl111 ttl 1111 11111 111111 I11II 11111111 1111 11111Il IIII 1111 lllllrlltItl1lI gaze 11111IatIIII1irItI11wc 111 11p 11 11II 111111l1 lot lltIlI1II11IIlI 111111111 IIII IIIII 111I I111 I111I1 III111I1I I1I I1111 II1111II1111 I1lII1 1111 II11II III11lIIIlIIII ll111llllllllllt 1111111l11wnIIitrslm quarterback 11 IzirrtIIIIItI1 l111 111l1IIIIIIIIIl 1I111111111I lII1111 I1111 Hamilton ILII In 11 l1111 II11II1 VIas psets Connors take term crown IIIILIIFI lIllI 1II1l IIIII 11II1I1I 111 liIItIIIIIII III1II littliltltl11 111 1IIII1II71I INIII 1111l111111 Iv 111iI11tIl1Ii IIIII11II l1II II IIIIJ IIII1lIII sIIl IIIIIII111I1I1s1IIII111III sIIIIIIIII s11 IIl 1111111 111111 l11111 IIIII IIII 11I11l l11II 11IIlltlII Il1 In IIitotttatI In 211 happy I1l1111j 1I1111l11I 11111111I1l1 am 11111 I11l1111III113IIIIIIIIIIII Ill ll 1II 111 tl to 11111 lII lttlittllt II1l IIIIII Il11 11I1l 1I1111II 1I1111Ii71111111l11t l1111Ill 111111111I1I11111111l11III1I111 IIIlIIIJIIIlIIIIII lls IIII lI11Il stltl In 1111I11Il11IIII I1IIII1I31 11 L1H PLOW IIIIIIIIn Il111111 I1II11j 11111111slI1ItIl1111Il111 II wilphmume HMUWIM 71I lrtHItlI It II IIII NWIIIIC ll 11 II 11llgtIIIIIIIIIIIllI1 Ilnhk he 11111111IIIII1II It sltll1tl 1l111gt IZIII III III 111I 1111 111I 1111II11111I111 l1 III II It IlIIltltlltI 111I1111 tonalit tttIItiiII1 1111Ii Iy111IIp111111111I1sV 1II 1111I1st i1III1ntsot Il11 III 11l111l III II I11II1 tIIlII1IlttllltlldIIIIIIl III 1I1111 11 tennis II1I1 12111I t111t111ilrirIlI111IIII1l 11111111111I11 tl11 21211 1111 11Il111111 onions 111111 1Itl1 II 1111 1111 11 Hhhhlfipmw Iitrl IIIIIII III 11II I111tl1 IIII llltlIst ltlll llII 1311 IIIII IIIIJIIIII 11lllt the 1111 Illa11 11l1111 5111 1111 Jami Hr in ll II lIillIhIIHIIIIIII larl IIct tor 2111 itIII HI IllVllidtlutt t1 III lie It11n III the 1t11l111II1I M1 th 11 Ill Ihc Mo 1311 1s IIpIn 1111= 111111 11111I1n111111 1l111I11111oIIslIIIIs III IIII7 II111111111II I111 111I111 the lid1 III Ilze sIIIIIIII 11 i1III11I111I1111I£111I I111 Illlltl 111 11111 1111 1l1 lm 1I11 1111I1111III111 had 111 1I111I11I1 IlltlIlII this M11 51111 1pI111 111 1111111111s wrong 111 1111 IIIIIII l11ll tournament l111111 111 IIIIIIIIIIIIIHIII 1111111111 llt Illtl 1111 1111111I1l I11111It11 Ij st um 11I1 11111 the 11111I11111II Hit put 11 et II11s blocked 111 hp 111 111 1l111I111I1r1at Ill InII11 happy tor ttlI tl111t1r11tit 11111I1111lhor t11IIo1tl1111 IILilIII HIIIII III Ar NOTE TO THE PUBLIC 3K VR wishes lo inform lhe viewing public lhal we are making every efforl lo resume broadcasling in lime for our fall season launch on Seplmber 19 Iue lo lhe Efforls of many people 7K Vll officials have been able lo arrange for Ike erection of lemporary 1100 fool lower The lower has been loaned lo us by WC and will operale in eonjunclion with Channel lhree an lennae being shipped from Halifax Work on lhis lower is already in progress and should be compleled in week We will be broadcasling al slighlly reduced power however viewers in lhis area should enjoy good receplion upon completion of lhe lem porary lower 1K VIC is presenlly making arrangemenls lo conslrucl new 000 fool lower and viewers can expecl full power viewing again as soon as possible We al VR would like lo hank you for your assislance and underslanding Win 332 Lions lead west by ll JOHN KUROIlANIK THE NIIil PRESS British olumbia Lions opened 1111 fourpoint Icarl atop the Western Football on lerenIc standings with 3572 Victory over algary Stam pcders Saturday while Wins Iiipeg Blue Bombers created three way tic lor second place by running 311 17 over Saskal chewan Sunday The l1ons win in Vancouver was the seventh III nine games lot l5 Ihe Bombers Saskatchewan Itoughrrders and Edmonton Bs kIInos all haVe with to points algary has Ittst two points in llltll gilllilh British oltnnlnas Victory Passaglia has lead in west ll lllll 1Il lltllSS critic ltnolt of Winnipeg Blue Bombers gained some ground in the Western IIootball tonterence scoring race Sun lay by kicking live converts IIIId goal and single as the Bombers beat Saskatchewan ltonghriders Itt 17 The leaders Iassaglia Bt 11 211 25 EH utlcr Ii 11 2t 22 Hit Roull 11211 ll 74 Tllaeorttti 17 tlil XIIFall 11 24 711 Scott II II It 42 11111111 11 11 ill tierrnany II 111 1IIIIIIIt 11 11 III Iolnar f1 11 II III IIIIrI111 It It fit Jambrosic scores Illat III llll ll1IIl1IIII MI l1111l11o11 who onl IonIeIl Ilarniltor III 11nd IiinI ltltkltl three IIIIII IIMI IIIII11lItIIl1 pair III 1I111 cits Saturday as thr ltgcr ats deleatlII 1111111111 Argonauts 115 in liastern I1111tl11ll IonlcrenI JIIIIIIII IIII point 1I11rtI11IIIIIIIII 111111111 1HII llannlton llnrri 11111 I1 point Ill Ilt tlttltlt InII naulted Inrn IttlI1 Iourth place the Ill scoring 1111111 where I1I1111It kers hold doer the Itiplotllspols Vlllt IIIIIIIIs ll Ill seem ll I1 11 71 IBM 11 1153 1111 Ilei11yt1y11l II II II 1111 IIIIII1IoI II II It llolnie III 11 11 llairws ll 11 11 11 11 llllitl Ha 11 11 11 111l11 Itl 11 11 I1 1111 11 holes II 1111 IfIluaIrIs II 11 1111511 11 11 II It tarots 11 111 IlA11l1 11 11 11111 111 It 11 11 11 II Kill 11 11 11111 lllllts II 11 11 11111 MARY LOU FALLIS ANNA RUSSELL Internationally lamous concert comedienno Feb I978 betore the largest Empr re Sta dium crowd this season Zlit was expected as they con tinue to sparkle under the direction of quarterback Jerry lagge But the Bombers showed uni usual etlectivencss in avengrng 211411 loss last weekend In Re gina Saskatchewan showed better ballcontrol hart the more im pressive oltensive statistics and some outstanding in lividual ellorts but the Bone bcrs created their own op portunities and their took tull advantage of them Allst ar tackle Butch Norman returned from an injury to stabilize the Winnipeg otl cnsive line that played with the con sistcricy it has lacked since the second game of the season llINIIIIIIIttlJIS lhe Bomber line opened holes lor Jnn Washington and Richard rump to run through it handled the likes of Bill Baker and Tim Roth and provided WIIInipeg quarterback Ralph Brock with the best protection he has had in six games Brock responded to com pleted only eight ol ltl passes but three of them were touch down strikes tolom Scott Brock scored one touchdown himselt on threeyard keeper and handed oil to Washington for an 18yard touchdown scant per The three key plays that de cided the outcome all more In the second quarter when Winni peg outscored Saskatchewan 1735 to take 24It1 halftime lead Ra Honey recovered Paul Williams tumble on the Sas katchewan yard line and on the net1 play trotk hit Scott in the end 7one When lton Lancaster who scored both Saskatchewan touchdown marched the HI er 111111 scorintI position late 111 the quarter hIIIk 1111ls made rlI 111g IIIlltI tron ol pas Ill lttltlttl tor titan Ullara who as Me open In the end one lltntiIIII lIIIi tiurrip shook GEORGIAN COLLEGE CONTINUING EDUCATION Evening Classes oll nine dlltcrent tacklers to re turn punt 42 yards to the Bus katehewan 13 and on the next play Brock lound Scott in the end zone Bernie Ruoll converted all live touchdowns and added tield goal and single Bob Macoritti converted one of Lancasters scores and booted field goal and single lIIIINt SHORT Saskatchewan piled up 443 yards net otlcnce IIZI more than Winnipeg but they were inside the Winnipeg 25yard line only tour times loey Walters caught seven passes for 145 yards and Tom 1in Reamon carried 16 times for 1113 yards Washington carried l8 times for 1013 yards and Scott hauled In five catches for yards lor the Iombers In Vancouver Iaggcs ball control oflcnce and timely play selection were the telling fac tors in the Lions win lagge stunned Calgary with 76yard touchdown strike to Terry Bailey three minutes into the game then went to his con trolled passing game late in the opening half for 1+yard sc0r 111g pass to Al hatuk with 12 seconds lett Delcnsive back Rocky Long scored the other major when he ran 10 yards on take tield goal to give the Lions 14 11 Instquarter lead Lou las saglia kicked tour field goals and three coIIVcrt Quarterback John Butnagel and wide receiver Tom Forani were almost the entire oi tensiyc story lor Calgary Hut nagel threw touchdown passes III 12 and It yards to Forzarn who caught total of nine passtn tor 124 yards including two point conversion If ril Mclrall kicked two field goal and convert llutnagel completed it of fit pas tor 411 yards bu laggc ht I1I 11m to for LIII arIls are 11 I11 11 Id goIt 11111 Il111 111111142 11 Jili 1Ili ilt 1y REGISTRATION NOW IN PROGRESS Join us for Credit Career Management or General Interest Courses Continuous in person Registration at our Barrie Campus Office 401 Duckworth Street MONDAY TO THURSDAY um to part FRIDAY to pm FOR INFORMATION AND YOUR FREE BROCHURE CALL 7281951 Barrie Concert Association 197778 Series begins October I977 ARIOSO TRIO Mary Lou Follis sop James Cam pbell clari pianist also featuring Paula Elliott and Marie lorcini Flute Harp Duo Nuvmnbur l9 M1111I1ill97ti Students $6 Mrs Phil Bishop RR Shanty Buy Ont lOl Phone 72857 net Kathryn Root ANNA RUSSELL The Winnipeg Symphony Piero gumbo conduct Aiiifiiriiiifiiiii Admission to all concert by series ticket only Adults St 200 For your series ticket please contact 00

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