the exgminer smug Sept 19 1971 extra Reprimanded in shells case llillitlxlt itl airporal in the tanadian Armed orces 1111s reprimanded Friday by the president of mili tary court attcr he as found guilton Violating the National Detence ct 1111 conduct to the preitidice 111 good order and discipline tpl Kenneth 1ne thuter 1111 was charged after ar Illltl shells ere brought tanada froni ligypt as souvenirs lie was 111111111 not guilty 111 11111 other charges and it 10111111 charge 1s11111ppe11 111111112 incinlicr 111 111111111111 torces for 11 years testi tied that 111 would not Ii1e sent the shells 11 11111111 known the ere dangerous lai lolin illi11n 1115g111r111111111econrt that it is corn 1111111 practice 1111 1111111111is 111 the armed torces to break ItLUlJlIWt thing army aircraft 11111111 personal goods He said appliances such 1s treeers washing machines 11111111311s 111c beentransported11111111l1rnicd ltllttSilll planes Some rules are 111c11111l broken 11111 with the small 1111m 1111 111 personnel 111111 111 the armed tort1s the rules time 111 be bent 1111111111111s1111111I1111c the major said 111315111 111scribed thuter as one 111 the most efficient knowledgeable 11111 hardworking scrucenicn 111 his ttllll 11111111 Certification vote won ltlliUNlU 11 The International Brotherhood oi lcattistcis has 1111 certification Vote 111 represent 111111111sc employees 11 consumers Distributing 11 The Ic1ms1crs 111111111 xhich replaced the Laborers lltltlr 111111111111111111111111 111 I11 inc1i11 as the bargaining agent for the warehouse employ1s has 1ls11 Signed tllllttlht 1g1e1111c111 1111 the 11111111111 They ioin millionaire ranks 111111 Nltl tl lll 11111 1111111l1la1111111 11211111111111111 111111e1l 1111 111111111111111 ranks 1111111 when they picked up their $1 11111111111111111111111111 1111 1111111 1111 l111111c1al I111 tery11r1 lis 1111 11 1i111111t1 i11cptioizis 1111 the post 111 111e s1111s11c1n111111111141111111 sclt 1Ittllliitil repairman 11111111111111 sin1111111112s1111711111111111 1111111111111111s1111111l1iiglic1s Critical of labor s1 11 811 I1111I 1111 11 1111or111111111nl1 11111 1111111111111 111s s1111 111slew ll r1p1111111111 11111131 1112111 Imus and 11 111 13111111111112idol11121111111 mm 111 11 11111 11111 1111 114111 sett 11 11 1111 11111 11 111111111 wtL 1111111111111111 SongMung 11ir111 11111 lilderi rents blg hole of 11 111111 has 11111 trucks for IYIOIllg lYler 111111111 11111 11111111111 11111 Chang funmme By me 11 13 11 llWi day week or month at verY 11le 11111 GCOttOthKCllratrn ir 111111s11111 tj 11 5111111 1111 11 911 1111111 111 lr1 r1111 111111 31 11111 111111111211 111 111111s 11 111 11 111 11111111 111 11111 11111 11 1171 1111 11 ef rims 111 111 TILDEN gt11 141 1111 1111 llll 11 31111111111tlt11 1111111111 11 1111 11 11 11111 1111111111 111111i11111111i11111111l St 1111111111111t1111L Ilt ELF Slli lll Solar energy reaches 1111 ear 111 111 111111 1a1 111 1111 Featuring Chevrolets and 1111111111 litilft1 1111 1111111 oiheriineirucks 111111 7370800 with all lDuPontl pfOtECtEd poor covrsrzs at PRE SEASON LOW PRICES BNU 30 MIL WATER BAGS $595 FREE WINTERIZING SEMINARS Barrie Friday September 81 It 11311 111 North Barrie Plaza 7264606 411 The giant 3211111Nlgallon fuel tank billed as the backbone of the KS space shuttle rolled out of the Save up to $350 on materials Thats right If your home was built before 1921 in Ontario well pay you 23 the cost of your insulation materials up to $350 when you improve the insulation in your home Tank to end all tanks hangar at the tank llrotoi Mithouil Assembly lacility in New tlrleans Friday About 1301 persons were on hand to iew the 327r111illion disposable Bilingual civil servants lt1lAWA Cli The long sinnnering dispute between the government and the Public Ser Vice Alliance of Canada PSfi 11Ver bilingual pay bo nuses for federal civi servants ended Friday wrth agree ment that most qualified bureaucrats required to use both official languages on the job are to receive an extra $801 each year But new dispute between the treasury board and the ISAt is heating tip over the governments intentions to re vrse the language training cour ses for federal workers and ter nnnate all such programs as well as the bonuses in six years We are 111 no way convinced that by 1111 the education sys tern in the country will have progressed to the state where educational facilities 111 both languages will be such that it Will no longer he necessary to provide ltlrlllillst training ISAt Iresident Andy Stewart said in news release No one can forecast 111 1977 what will or might be the sitti ation in 19811 For that reason the alliance cannot support the announced intention of the gov ernnient to phase 11111 the pay ment of bilingualism bonus the intensive language training programs or the system of con ditional appointments conditional appointment is the awarding of bilingual job to unilingual worker on the condition that he or she take language training courses However Stewart said he re gards the agreement for the $8011 annual bonuses as major breakthrough The agreement now must be ratified by the government and the National RUG Jock Duffy Cut our fuel ill as much as oneJth And you may save as much as 13 on your heating bills for years to come The Canadian Home Insulation Program of tax able grants was created to help Canadians conserve energy by the Federal Government Insulation is eas to do An outlay of about 525 for instance should purchase enough materials to do the attic basement and some Are You Eligible Everyday Specials 10 off all remnants Industrial Home Carpeting 7372860 305 BLAKE ST SIMCOE PLAZA Bonus dispute is over Joint Council group of gov ernment and union representa tives Stewart said the bonus agree ment was victory for the un ion because the government ac cepted the lSAt proposal call ing for acrosstheboard cash bonuses instead of per centage increase which would have discriminated against em ployees in the lower salary scales RIOT Joe Harradine If your home was built before 1921 in Ontario you may qualify for grant of 23 the cost of materials up to $350 Yes my home or apartment in building under three storeys was built before 1921 in Ontario Yes Im interested in insulating with CMHC acceptable materials on or after September 1977 Yes this is my principal yeaeround residence 12 If youve answered yes to all three questions well send along our exterior walls of an average home Well provide you NAME with complete details ADDRESS PROV Your home must have been built before 1921 in Ontario to qualify for this phase of the program And only materials purchased and installed after September 1977 can qualify for grant If your home was built after 1921 stay with us Over the next seven years most homes will be included Canadian Home Insulation Program Honourable Andre Ouellet Minister English kit 19$ ati Government of Canada complete information kit Please print this is your mailing label CITY POSTAL CODE Send to Canadian Home Insulation Program PO Box 700 St Laurent Quebec H4L 5A8 Note You may also qualify separately for assistance under provincialIyfunded program in your province Check with your Provincial authority Canadian Home onProgram in Canada Ministre French kit Gouvernenient 11 401077 Programme disolation thermique des résrdences canadiennes LIionorable Andre Oueltet