ï¬g mm Pjthegxaminer Saturday Sept 101977 Yankees win Joys edged 20 NEW YORK iAPI hll loliiison is hitter who can eat eh not catcher who can hit lliere is dilferenee dream about hitting Johnson said after slugging solo home run Friday night to start New York Yankees en route to 2H Itlttt ovei Ior roiito Blue Jays ltt an ineiiean League baseball game timing is ust like blood its always on your mind Johnson said ltrit his love ot hitting also helps him behind the plate call the game beearise Im hitter and know how hitter thinks hesaid think may have an advantage over ealr tlier who is play ing beeaitse ot hisdelensiyeskills tit course prteher Mike Iltlltl iiiade Johnsons iolr easy loirel ltHL gave up only three hits two by Steve ltowl mg in hurling his ninth ioin plete game in his last It our mgs lle loriezr had good eur good slider and two good tastballs sinker and rising ast ball Illllllsitll said lorre threw only ft tilltltt and retired 12 eonsetutive Io ronto batters between the lirtlt Ill and eighth innings on lost It titttltts The Yankees iightliandei had to be good to beat loiontos Ililtln IHIN uItIIliI Jerry tiaiyin it If who was touehed for only lie hits by the East luvrsion leaders He was throwing good stutt Yankee oittlielder Iteg gie laikson said of iitlYlll laekson never got the ball past the inteher walking twiee striking out onee and boiiiieing baek to itt in in his loin trips totlieirlate baseball record National league llll llTI Ilinltll leigiie lsi Iit lt ur it it ri av il sr 1i liIlIJ ltrsiills rlho 1il rw ma an itgwi lh retr in rHal li tire iirii Sure lti Illilt IlHIIAIi liiitiris toil er ix in American league lltlrtir Ira ii Im il is Kari ist IV 1IiIlKlrIrl tii tei Ilvlikt rtrrr It It IIII Itl IItl aiionrl li igtti It Il lii Iiint Il er 11 top 10 Ilobaiili liti Iltl Iodi lie 11 l2 txs lr rr tl rd tiiii ii in it il urnH ii IilllJll Ilrll tt It It in ii lr lit It rt ii ii lil In Ill ITRATION Sat Sept sat Sept 124 pan Ages 818 IO I977 17 I977 Stroud Recreation Complex Stroud ltesides Johnson the only Yankee to really solve iaryins pit ehing was thurinan Minison who singled twiee and scored New Yorks seeond run on liris hainbhsss singleinthe sixth lorontos lone llireat was blunted by third baseman iiaig Nettless tine play on an attempted saerifiee hunt and line Itl that was toul iii lies Howling led oll the little Its third with single to right ter an Ashby walked lirn Nordbrook hunted down the third base line lint Nettles iaeiiig with the piteh threw to seeond to toree Ashby and leave iuniieisat first and third Stee Staggs then lined the ball down the right tield line but first base tiinpire litiiwood Merrill eallrd ll loul Redskins win 147 Brown grabs interceptions By THE CANADIAN lItlISS Ideie Brown says hell play eoinerbaek for Washington Redskins biil he prefers to be at safety position at whieli hes more eonitorl able Brown who usually runs baek kitkolls and punts tor the Redskins was pressed into ser vice at eoineilxiek against New York Jets on Friday night after regular loe Lavender siiflered eoneussion iii the first period And lid lie burn the Jets Brown grabbed lo llllttr eeptions whieh were riiiiekly turned into touchdowns to give the ltedskins ietory Iii EASTVIEW POWER SKATING SCHOOL Eastview Arena Sept 19Oct 977 Qualified Instruction For applications Phone 7266630 7289966 the final exhibition game tor 2416 and aklaiid Raiders blanked los Angeles ltaiiis 21 liolli elubs before the start of next weeks 1977 National Foot ball League season In other games Friday He troll Lions defeated leveland ltrowns 24721 ireen liay laek ers downed Iliiladelirliia Gales leniiessee 0R0 MINOR HOCKEY ASSOCIATION REGISTRATION I97778SEASON DATES SotSepttO l0am2pm Tues Sept 13 pm pin Thurs Sept 15 pan pan Sat Sept 17 to am pm PLACE Guthrie Arena only CATEGORIES Novice to iuvenile House league and Rep plus second and iuvenile team limited registration for power skating Coaches managers and trainers are also invited to apply for all categories Deadline September 17 I977 For information contact Bruce Chappel 7282I67 Don Fralicli 7266310 Harold Proulx 4873740 larry Carson 4873032 Owen Sound turned down by Jr league OWEN SOUND CP Owen Sound Greys learned Friday their bid to join the Ontario Hockey Associations Provincial Junior league for the 19n78 season has been turned down Ive only played one exhibi tion game at corner and that was three years ago said Brown fouivyearqiian froni Askiis aboutyou Come and tell us what youre looking for in job Tell us what you are today and what you want to be tomorrow Ask us if we can offer opportunities and challenges tomatch your needs No obligations on either side Well be glad to talk And we may have just what youre looking for But youll never know until you ask Visit our Mobile Recruiting Unit Canada Manpower Centre Barrie 81522 28 Sept I977 THE CANADIAN ARMED tw it Ilwr ll lws tlilrt lia it ervl Lr ni ri iie ii Ilr tnl lirsll it iir trig lirr the Made One hart of no intuhdit r5 wiflht 91 rs illOuttftli tr nor rr Fluclil it i316 13 tfi Btlltlrtrrrrrn girdled ilt saving story flu llttf ltit3tiittrig ii siding I5 griarartere tor not to llil tarw or new eliminate the sort and rt hattilltttflioi at least that can save you lot For instant rye in and it now rosts you an per paint rot you ran arm at War the 20 year guarantee permit todays prices Imagine ï¬fthi lm if iiirm rr Aer lustthe halt of rt lltr mi rr it ri the inside story New Alcan Sirlingantl bar keilroarrl Styrofoam SM ltBtllEllltilr Existing exterior wall of tlr Rndjhe InSlde The new side to the Alcan savings story is munléitrnn Well rap your home in warm 1inch layer of rm jtyrvrioatn SM SuperInsulationThen rit that with insulating haekerhoard and money Alran srdrng lt can add full 68 to retinal tOSlSlatlt0 of any wall Even for newer in wrth R7 insulation inside the wall cavity the rrrtrlatiltrri improveinent is 60 And for most tutti homes with no cavity insulation the 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treiloinianr Altilll replacement windows lw at uni doors erillllllt tletoia lint tr rrrr run ittt tiltr lhr rlylriratril irliItltxlittttltdtttt Newrloulrle itlrrerl lltttttrrtlly lrltrlllt torture erl ulr rrrrgi riwyrnirrl rnvetrlianr noliei energy tttrlrirettritrlWItrtlirWlliil lllllltlttllt llllthtllrlllrtltrtltlrtl lttlllrlllillllllltltllltlllllltill diallrrrrl lliIrlltllilll redur lrerl trial ry or ill ion my lull low Made how heavy dulyaluiniiruiir it lï¬wsa IA llllllltll iir lulud wlrrte eirainil jun ltt uloiii lilleil to any Ieil wrndow tirrmri IAlri Wm rr Alcan Building Products rllllllllrr Division of Alcan Canada Products Limited