lark said some players had been working out plays during the summer aca Harrie eiilral ollegiate will be out to defend its threey car undefeated senior football record this year ciitral has not lost or tied game in tit matches The club has been working out regularly since the beginning ot school lteccnlly the team moved into heavy equipment practice from left the examiner Saturday Sept 10 1977 15 lliotost iuiichiiig tackles were the topic of the day at the senior football practice at Barrie eiitral tnllegiate yesterday The club will be out to defend its lttlll of 20 consecutiu wins The team has etcran nftensiye and deteiisiye backfields aml players haye been working out all summer to stay in shape nacli llrticc tion and plays were clicking in training like they should during Ilie regular season Slotback who also plays safety laiil herry gets tackled during scrim inage lidde linebacker lim Williams lett comes in for low tackle lillt dcfensiu tackle lllaine Webb right crunches in for hard shot Central Collegiate 300 Defends unbeaten record Barrie tentral ollegiate have everjmne In the citys high school senior toothall league atter them and Ilic coaches want it that way lhej re gunning tor us saId delensite coach Bruce lark prefer haying ttieni chasing us rather than us chas Ing them stated nttensiye coat flay iarland entral has not lost game In three season In fact tlie club hasnt even tied game in III games and the coaches are con tideni Ilie club can keep tlie streak going The ehib has It returning players this season with IT slinwing up In training camp tiailand said the others were good solid tumor players and tenral would have solid team tlll year Aere smaller at sIc this year compared In other seasons tlaik said lint well make up for it in speed and quickness Harland said the club Iii past years had great depth in all positions and good balance eve always been blessed with good kirkeix Harland stated lhis Is the largest turnout weve ever had larlz said referring to the number of player turning out to practice lhey all look like tootball players In the past didnt know about some nt them and had to wait In find out If they could playf Garland said The detence will have veteran corps with the likes of end liin Williams linebacker tyajviie thureh tackle lilaine Webb sater laul tiiciry lllttlmt lerslelt Long and Mike Leniinx iarland said the ofteiisive hnc would be green with only two returning players but those filling out the linemen positions were good junior players lhc olfence will be strong again this ycai the coaches said lhe backfield has lotir solid ltlltllfl In laul Laking liin Gleason ltick lliughlcy and liave tritiiitl Garland said all tout were good IIIIllIllS but the club could use only two so two would have In go IIIIII Ilie detensive batkt iild plajtottsf xlltlllltl tell you something lark said So that tiarlanll said have yaldnek would be the teams quartet back this year talilnck played lttlitttl last season and was natural athlete laik sltlltl yaidock would be able to play Ite year as well and this would ltt the lust tune since the Me started coathue that one IIIIIIeiliacll ytlt lIII played lIItitIltlsltllllttlti llie nttence will haye balanced Iuniniig and pawni attack Harland said lie Iltl the team was strong III both areas and the opposition would tIo easily deteiice one attael II the tcan specIalIed in II lllllt tertainly the other Icaii will be attcr us this year Harland said We ri not think it seems as It eyerynne III Snot ne Inunty will gunning tor us lidllitlllttlll IiiIIislltti Harland said IJrillIa lenetan and Alhstnn would Itii IlI tough opposition tor the tlHlt tlail ilttl tlie team was tip IIII season He said the players had been asked to stay III shape during the summer and some had been UIIkIlIL out in groups giiiiigoyei plays Iiailaiid said after tlie tirst pract II the ottensiye backlield tlll Iletensive line were tlltk mg like clockwork and running Iiytt positiins and plays llttttilll ta re proud ol ntir record iiid so ate the kids tiarland IIILII is llttlllLltiltttgisy said laik saidIliIteainliadsoine pretty tough gaines last yeai especiallyintheplayntts Ivlfillltr easily during the liip III to lfip ni iip III it III III la llil tti playiniI tor winner ltll lttitli haiivtled tiltIII titsAIII give time III the players head tough sports calendar ll ltlSS it ttt iaitIc ltaceytiij sltlt lt it lt tari ic Speed Iy Sunset Speedwa Stfl ll ltIt lt lljl tarrie Ind liistiiet tints Sottball League ttp III at Queen lark Ialldayi ll lt toli low nsy iew Ti laatriee hotels lct of three int semi Iinal IIIIll tirst gainenl best of three liit seiiii tInaII ltl IH at Harrie eiiIraI tairIISei onds vs lorniito tari ie lusts London lllIl Kl ll llt ll Midget ips open camp at ltai rIc Arena Harrie ll crs at ltarrtc Arena Slll Sttllt2lt iarrie vs Ishaw liiited liaSl iew ollegiate SUIIIillil Ipin tpin ys llarric ilass and Mirror doubleheader at Shear larlz Iv testlwnd IItltKluY lllllll3 Harrie llti at llari ie Arena the know they ll be tlaiti ftttl tlic coaches dotrt hold the teams record over the Harland added the players do II Iheniselyes Uniens laik Slessni and lertard Vs toinliai doubleheader at iliclnir1snn iarkQueensllntel knowing the kind of team they Lilli areplayinglni yeai The tumor club at tentral had on players shiny Iip tnI the first practise toach lnlin lnii Igoniery said the tltllI had already been cut down In It players ltul tlieyre all green is Inniortiani Argonauts host Hamilton tonight ll llll1 lll lltlISS Jtlll security and team iiinialc are the locus ot attention III botli camps as lniontn Argonauts and Hamilton liger tats prepare toi Iniiight llastei Football toiitei ence clash lhe lIcat ttIttl into lnrontns llllltlllltt Stadniin Itli two Iyttis tgttltist slx losses the worst reeoitl iII lllt lilt IiiIl seycral new laces III the lineup as head coach Itiili Shaw at ltlllltl to turn the Scitsntt around lttI lI liib in the only other lllt game this weekend tlllilil lfIIllIll ltiIlIIs Ti play host Sunda In Montreal louettes the game will be telerised on the tlit lIastei II network beginning at in IZlit Jimmy lldxiards llainittnii slai Ittlttllttt back has ttIIlI plained that team spirit Is sutteriiig limit the constant sliutllent personnel llnwe ci Shaw disagi ees in not ttItIttllIttl about bringing in nee lach all thetune said Shaw who employed similar philosophy ltttltlt an earlier stint as lietd boss oi the Argonauts It not disruptin lorce Anybody III professional sports knows that II he doesnt produce hes gone Sure Iiinrale is low It should be when you art2 Meanwhile Argos general manager llll Shatto adopts tlie opposite opinion to lidwards and looks at Hamiltons player tur nnver as potential danger to his team lheir guys are lighting for pills and that is big iiint ivator he said livery time the lIcats look like they are In trouble they coineupbig linyletlrangc Loon yard ltlSlItl tnr tlie Argos two seasons ago will be the licat tiillback Saturday whilc Angelo Wells will line up at one of the defensive ends with linebacker detensivc tackle Al ltoinann also added In the lineup All are imports and recent cuts of National Football League teams LINEMIIN ll To make room for the trio defensive linemen Ken IIoni browski and Jim Wolf were cut while defensive back liin oil was placed on the Injury reserve list with broken toe Argo cnacli Leo Tahill said no changes are ant icipatcd from the lineup which finished the game against Montreal last luesday game in which loronto now 373 halted Montreals unbeaten string at seven Wllll 20 victory near sellout crowd of about Illntm fans is expected at It tawas Lansdnwne Park as tlie Aloiiettes without first string quarterback loe Barnes attempt to rebound troin the loss to loronto iarnes is sidelined indefinitely with separated shoulder picked up against the Argos Montgomery said lhirtecii tetiiiiied from last The uinot chili made It tn the semi llliill lasI year and the ltitll tlie year before iiid the Miiiitgiiiiieiy Is looking lotXtJIIl to another good ltlgtl Mike llowiang also coach Ini the spa Beatrice drops 53 decision OASA semifinals now tied 11 lIowi1siew Sports deleated lieatriee Foods last night to tie tlic IIntarIo Amateur Soft ball Association liitciiiicdiatc st rtesl lIowIIsyiew took II lead in Ilie tirst tuning and never really looked back although lieatrtce did make it In the second in nuig linwnsview increased Its lcad In in the fourth tuning and added single runs In the titth and sixth leatriee sttlt evl two more runs In the bottom at lltttlLltlll lttlllllL lillilll min Ine picked up the II III for ltownvaew and gaye up seven hits strut out three and walked two batters lIIiii McKee took tlie loss on tlie inoiind toi Beatrice and was relieved by Len litlttllltl in the lll lil III the two llaiiic pitchers gaye up In hits struck out sI and walked one liattei llownsyieyy eoiiiuntted lyyo errors whtlc lieatrice was guilty ot one The winners felt men on hastwhile iairie stranded Iiye Mike tallitzan lul ott tlie top oi the first inning tni Inwnsview Hllt single lle advanced on It passed hall ittltl lacllonald tlieii reached base on ticlders choice alligaii came liniiie on ltnn Bakers single and Macllonald scored on single by tiary lenkins Pl UN ll SII lleatrice put tnrby Adams on base in the bottom ot the timing on an error and he made it to third base lltlttlt Ilie Inning ended hnck icico led otl the bottom ot the seiniid inningI withadnnble ped out triple to make the score Ienkins reached base on an error In tlie top of the fourth in ning tor the visitors Then with He scored when li lyee rip Connors fights for US title lIIltllSllllLliS Il Stati IIpencliainpinnslip Illl it Isiiot gonigto lieeasy lhIs is In tournament Iin national championship and all ouvl better below lni Iiot going to give that saIIltoiiiInr thistitleupwithnut ii Iiiilt Mttlttltl Iltl players the Ipeii cniininttee decided to follow thencwa Issued rankings compiled by Ilie ssociation of Ten ms lltIltltttIIl computer tllltlt listed Swedens Bjorn Borg one out itaii Snell reached base cnniputercantakeaway the ranking lIIlltl IiIniii nnneis but real live flesh and blood lttltll player lll be needed to take away his lnited No andtnniiors computer will put llIttIII Inp lltIItl llpeii crown nntiors was more than little upset at that slight When tore had In detault III match tutlltt this week because of strained shoulder tniinois look the opportunity to ting the Ive gotten taitIIei than he has so maybe now the computer II he wins couple nl matches this weekend it just might oniiors was scheduled in play unseeded nrradn Barauittti late today In the Ipen semi Iinais victory would send him in to Sunday Iiiial against tle winner of todays Iiiatcli between tnurtli seeded IaIIlIernin Ias and No llarold Solomon for the $IIIII tirst pine and more importantly to tonnors the ltlinui1h tonnnrs suIiiIed ttttttttlt ot back injury bev tore the ltIlltlLttIttltl started It has not attected his play ExNHL player King comes to Flyer camp liarrie lIIyers have an ex National Hockey League player in its training camp Wayne King originally from the Midland area played last season with the levcland liarniisandtalitornia Seals He also played tor while for Salt Lake tity in the entral llockey League King played his itinior hockey with the Niagara Falls lyers in the Ontario Ilnckcy Assoeia lion Junior League ltandy Lacey ot Harrie the trainer tor the Dallas Black Hawks in the ential league said last night King was lnistl ing hockey player and digger nitlieeoiners Lacey was the trainer for the leis si years ago and said the ninth Hawks would be in llarrie to take on the llycr Sept King said he had good season with the Iainiis until January last yeai when he had to undergo surgery seperated shoulder The right winger stated he had not heard from the chili and he didnt want to stop playing hockey so he is trying out for the lltt llie Ityeis had Io playeis out to camp last night and team general Inanagcr Steve ripps said had already come to camp CL£°U Carts Clare is ready to help Leafs ByllllllltltAN hi much better physical shape than last year with his weight down tlare Alexander is looking forward to what he hopes will be his best season with lorontos Nat tonal Hockey League Leafs lhe tollinanod native is fully recovered from torn ligaments in his knee which plagued him last campaign Willi the Toronto club Then he fractured his wrist last February to give him Iurttier trouble But thats in the past hope he said IlllKlltllls ccllent health again lll sure give it my best shot Alexander and the rest of the Leafs will be starting their training camp on Monday September III In preparation for the regular Ntll season which gets undei way in cittlt tnber The defence stalwart who perlroined tor thillia seniors before innvmg up to pro ranks will be playing under the new coach ltoger Neilson who tormerly was in charge of the Oklahoma club in the fentral League He wasnt in ttklaliniiia when was there but know hes good com merited Alexander The hockey veteran stated he got along well Willi torniei Leaf coach lted Kelly who always treated him well The tnr mer Detroit lied Wing defence star was replaced by Neilson alter licals disappointing shnwmg last campaign New players will be given chance to make the team against the veteran linckey leftovers at the training caiin Until the fiilt prospects are looked over it is difficult to tell how the Leafs might tare in the coming season but Alex ander is optimistic Last month Alexander was among pro liockeyists wlin helped at training camp for young hockeyisis at lWIII Lakes arena in tlrillia Veteran llockeyist to Play Again lttlntt Harrie hockey star George Ford who is now 47 has reconsidered an earlier decision to retire as player in order to play with ttiilha Ildtimcrs in leniiiark next Mar tll The veteran pro for tli years who was forward shar pshnoter with Ilarrie lltlS few seasons back says he will start to get into hockey shape again soon In the meantime golf and road work hascnablcd him to trim his weight to ttln pounds which is near that of his younger hockey days The native of ltalmy lleach who played minor hokcv in Toronto was imported by ttarrie Flyers and played Junior here back when he was lit Illill Alter helping the locals capttire the Junioi ItllA championship he went to tialt IllliltilS and then to the ttnitcd States where he was signed by lIddie ShoresSpringfield liidians Iiiwirge performed for different pro teams including Vancouver anucks Los Angeles Blades and Victoria nugars before coming back to this area in 1964 as playing coach with trillia seniors Later he came to Barrie and played coupleof seasons with the Flyers had been thinking about retiring last spring but lwould like to make that trip to leuaaik said the hockey veteran Willi smile when asked about his current plans When manager Walter Varty of the Iiillia Ildtiiners apprnachisl him about playing in nlxnhagen he agreed to do so enjoyed the hockey tournaments in llnllaiid and Swit IAllitlltl and decided to take part again explained ienrge in reference to European trips made by the tIrillia IIld timers during the past couple of hockey seasons In Switzerland last spring tlrillia ldtimeis won their division with live st raighl victories with lIords ziggiessiyc play receiving special mention Holes in one at Green Acres iotters at ireen Acres entre are still talking about the achievements at the annual par three golf championship tournament which was highlighted by Iiot one but two holes fit one Brian lespins of Angus and fluffy Mclliee of llarrie both need the short fourth hole about tit yards during the com petition which attracted IZI playci Also receiving much credit were ltcx Maguire of Ilarrie and nllingwmds Leslie Price for winning the mens and womens championships Maguire racked up par 54 for ttI holes in taking the liniiors won last year by Dennis Taylor The ladys champion registered 62 score letthandul swinger Kelly Taylor from ookstown top ped the junior class by firing resiwctable 57 score while another Barrie entry Ken llogg captured the Mnlsons put ting award lternie Macdonald annnuncul low net winners in the suc cessful tournament were llrian Shealiaii of Barrie for men Muriel lhllicr of Midland for ladies and Martin Price of oll ingwond in tliejuiiioi class Business tiirls gnll champion At Shanty ltay golf club on tilasinan is receiving con gratulalioiis for winning the ttlTi business girls section championship and ltarb West for taking the handicap series Joy iefcatcd Ann Smith in the keenly contested finals while ltarb had to win over Rita rnwell They thus replace last years winners Karen llnnper and ernice leetes as club champions In the ladies section Sue Major captured the 1977 title earlier lrophies will be presented to these and other winners at the annual lrnphy lay presentation ceremony at the clubhouse on Saturday Sept 24 If the weather is favorable mixed twoball foursome is planned that day Animal election of officers will beheld on Sluiday Oct Stan Shier is completing an active term as mens president and Millie Whalcn as head of the Womens section Last tournament of the season for lady golfers has been arranged for lucsday Ilct It At Siiiicoeside club near llawkeslniie the animal Jack trelnar open mens tournament is Stlllletllttl tor today The mens senior championship and low score trophy competi tions also have to be completed this month grade 13 student and slotback on the left Barry Norton is tackled by linebacker Wayne hur hmci is also grade tit student Both players are veterans on the team that saw players from last year show up to play again tExaminer on an error to third baseman Gary Hines Jenkins came home on the play StOREl AGAIN Downsview scored again in the fifth MacDonald reached base on walk and moved to se eond on wild pitch He scored on single Downsvicw scored its final run in the sixth Snell led off with single He moved to third on alligans single and crossed home plate when Burak singl ed Beatrice started rally in the eighth inning Adams went to first on an error to the catcher lie advanced on llines single Willi one out MacNicol hit the ball deep to centerfield MacNicnl was out but the run ners came in to score in the bottom of the ninth inn ing the Barrie squad went down in order and Downsview came away with the victory Cbnada loses BELI IIURIZONIE Brazil IPI Brazil defeated Canada 1543 151 1545 Friday night to win the first game of the womens quarterfinal round at the world junior volleyball championships Earlier the Canadian mens team evened its record at 22 when it defeated Peru 158 15 12 159 Sixteenyearold lsbel Salgado led the way for Brazil spiking the ball into the Canadian court for more than half of her teanrs points As result of Fridays game Brazil moved into sole posses sion of fourth place anada is sixth and can finish no worse than eighth at the tournament Ali takes ï¬ghï¬ng seriously NEW YORK AP Muham mad Ali says he takes serious fights seriously So in the 25 lays since hes been in his eei Lake ta training camp to prepare for his Sept 29 world heavyweight boxing title de fence against Ernie Shavers hes been away eight days Madison Square Garden the promoter is upset Ihe cham pion not only ant train when hes not in camp hes not avail able to talk the press about the fight for which he is being paid $1 In illion plus expenses Ali sees the Gardens point but indicates that the Gardens view shouldnt be that they are dealing with fighter but with Muhammad Ali Madison Square Garden is right said Ali upon his return Friday from his lastest forayM with the president of the United States Im going to too many places and seein too many people But Ive given these people my word and cant break my word Ali was in Washingtyn Wed nesday for dinner noting the signing of the Panama canal treaty and the next day at tended reception for lvlesident art er mottier