Whatever next How we respond to light can color our lives By DOLULAS GREENWOOD Science and Technology orrespent lose your eyes What do you see grey nothingnessoracol orlul image If you see nothing but grey you are non VlSIlilllltl lf you are Visualizer youll see nice bright scene of whatever you choose to imagine Recent experiments in what is known as visual imagery have shown that what we see when we close our eyes tells great deal about our psychological makeup For one thing it indicates whether we tend to be energetic almost ASTROGRAPH Bernice Bede Osol flow cl till LJl Sept 1977 Take time this coming year to man your course in advance tt you have definite game plan amt follow it vour chances of at lftifllflC your goals look promis lttQ VIRGO Aug 23Sept 22 Cer tain people you know are looking to an opportunity to say smietti no derogatory about you today Dont give them any fuel f0r their lir LIBRA Sept 23Oct 23 tliimlrt vow stamp of approval tron thermos or plants vou know ltlllF abut it talk about things wt den comprehend other om IlV this quickly SCORPIO Oct 24Nov22 Business SclilrllOfS are extreme ly tr ca txr you today Take ntitrtitt qraited Examine closet llVDllil you are asked l0 9H SAGlTTARIUS Nov 23Dec 21 Mid to dye in before vrm IM leut the water in 1a asked to commit ntwts Hwvw exactly whats evtailed CAPRICORN Dec 22Jan 19 Attigrrwrfuti tw rpore than yrli ac tardte today will initially make tvlL As result tv tlit to to your best AQUARIUS Jan 20Feb 19 cw att who KNOWdill itl tn tlFfl oday Lookr lr ren if wall net you ex thongs at zero PISCES Feb 20March 20 li or purpose is re tt siirress to xnit Mi rihwrtyce tsi ti1 rir tr Navy 14 Ova do lV rim ARIES March 21April19 four at ri wmiiiate people and It iml null setback imi mild th astray by Cr tilt m1 it£ jriinpletï¬ly it to TAURUS April 20May 20 fur rare today where tfr acquisitior 0t high pr conceined You Muir naridie money With your ll 10 MT GEMINI May 21June 20 Any today to those yr charm ll must he par tir um exntvi tt not mis mi nos r1 contusion mart CANCER June 21July 22 yr are iottixnr abrl it friends and Euro Ci Hm assntaate today that you wrluldrt say to their faces Better still refrain from par ticioatinq in any discussions LEO July 23Aug22 Finanmal advice from wellrmeaning pals Ould be more harm than help today even the words of those whose information is usually good as gold hyperactive tense and possibly creative people or whether we are calm placid patient and perservering This is only the beginning however for research has also shown that how we respond to light stimulation can in effect color our lives in more ways than was ever suspected CATS COLORS Dr Barbara Brown Chief of Experiential tsicl Physiology at alifornia Medical Center began investigating the sensitivity of cats to colors It was originally thought that cats could see only shades of grey Dr Brown discovered that although cats did not respond to the standard tests for color discrimination leg food for one color no food for another their brainwaves were distinct ly influenced by different col ors As she points out Cats are notoriously perverse creatures they never let you know what they know about anything anyway When Dr Brown investigated human response to color she quickly found that she had opened up an entirely new con cept of human phenomena Her work led her to what is now known as biofeedback where our brainwaves and other sub conscious functions can be con trolled OLOR AND SICK In the meantime other sctcn tists were working on and fin dlng fascinating things about how color affects both the mind and body of the lower animals and man himself tWomen He fights truancy KthiSlt iiii man in charge of ensuring proper attendance in high stlttttil tor the Frontenac toun board of education has gone back to school to find ways to combat truancy Its growing said llarley Shaw in an lnltlVltu lt dis turbs me and intend to find somcsolutinn Shaw is one of about 40 tario attendance counsellors taking summer course oper ated by lltt ministry ot cduca tion at Queens lniyersil He said high school students lll lriiiiteiiac oliiity skipped lllllt classes in the 1070 77 school year than he has seen in tinarsontheyib Shaw had no figures avail ablc but silltl ton man stus lltlll tlt fllvtll SllSptllSlllllS ittl short periods ltisl term be cause the continued to skip classes despite warnings and discussions at itli their parents Normal absenty rate in tlitirils is about lo per cent tlllt ltt sickness or other reasons itll The SlllHIVlS HISVlllltldSllLl Shaw said bleak tinciiiplny ment picture has caused many young people to stay in school rir return from the Jill mzirkrt llnateyir some of these come to school for social rather than educational reasons The pltsttitt til thrst stu dents mtllicncis otliirs Shaw said peti pressure is maior tillls of lltlltlitll together llllttlltltllli llit course for ittndancc counsellors discusses three strategies for dealing Willi truaiit students The tirst is appealing to stu dent reasoning telling them the are only hurting them selves Shaw said Second is the art of friendly wistiasion and the final one is pourr of thr law They are ap plied in that order Pirote station William ltill native of Windthornt Sunk works parttime as disc jockey at lllMOFM in Fort Thimo Quc 1000 miles north of Montreal The Port himo station in one of several pirate radio Htatiuns in the north who operate without liccn Tl Wirephoto too Dr Julius Axelrod at the National Institute of Mental Health and his coworkers Drs Charles Rust and Roland Meyer discovered that the ineal gland situated in the rain has profound effect on the other glands in the body when light stimuli transmitted through the optic nerves trig gers the secretion of an enzyme found only in the pineal gland Development of the sex organs for example was affected in various ways by light and color In one experiment Japanese biologists Oishi and Kato show ed that quail with heads painted green did not develop sexually whereas those with orangepainted heads showed gonadal development The Canadian pineal gland the Third eye of Hindu mythology is near the surface of the skull in quail it would seem that there is in fact some deep organic reason for red being the classical whores color since the days of ancient Babylon Again Dr John Ott Director of the Environmental Health and Light Research In stitute in Sarasota Florida showed by his work on heart cells from chicken embryo that there may be connection between the high red content in the spectrum of light bulbs and coronary disorders in humans He also demonstrated the effect of other colors in such wide ranging areas as plant growth the tissues of rats and mice and General Electric hyperactivity in children Just recently Reuters report from England cited British psycology researcher Peter Cottam who suggested that men like black underwear for women because it implies surrender contrary to the traditional white flag of physical combatants He also warned men to watch out for green because with that color woman is out to catch man he said Could that be why green has also been con sidered unlucky by women Also dull greys and drab browns in factory can cause absenteeism according to Cut tam And if your boss wears red shirt youd better lie low for he may be on the rampage ltcd can also raise your blood pressure and respiration rate Also according to this resear cher if youre yearning for warmth and sunlight youll pro bably wear yellow Maybe Jacob had sound reason for wearing coat of many colors When Dr Brown discovered that we are all divided into non visualizers of color and visualizers she also established the astounding fact that the brainwaves of nonvisualizers could be synchronized to red flashes The brainwaves of visualizers however were not affected by red flashes but could be generated in pulses that were in time with blue flashes Since nonvisualizers are the active tense types of You deserve it Labor Day is more than day of rest and relaxation it is recognition of the hard work rsons it could be that blue is tter color for their environ ment and dress whereas the placid easygoing types would perhaps be better suited to red and orange hues What further farreaching effects color will be found to have on our minds remains to be discovered But theres ob viously enough evidence already to suggest that for the good or bad life for success or failure love happiness sadness popularity and whatever else make up our in dividual character in life we shall eventually all be better able to influence it by choosing the right colors for our lifelong search for that crock of gold at the rainbows end by individuals who make up the work force in Canada the men and women who contribute their services to produce our daily needs and services They are the mainstay of this community the backbone of this notion Theirs is the honor this Labor Day weekend oUrs the tribute We achievements as employers Labor Day make this country great are proud of their is day of thanksgiving to all the workers who help The businesses on this page recognize the contribution made by their employees the examiner Saturday Sopmbor 1911 Skateboard sales seen doubling TORONTO CP Sales of skateboards in Canada should double this year to 200000 spokesman for Collegiate spor ts stores said Friday Brian McGrath national buyer for Collegiate said sales this year including safety equipment will run $4 million to $5 million in Canada In the United States the industry is predicting slbillion market for skateboards including ex ports Collegiate is subsidiary of Imasco Ltd of Montreal major consumer products firm Margaret Duiley AMus AitcT is pleased to announce the opening of MUSIC TUDIO 15 Clupperton $1 Barrie Pupils of all ages are now being accepted for in struction in classical and modern piano and theory including preparation for Royal Conservatory For more information please call 7289976 after pm SIEGE DE TOILETTE TOILET SEAT HARPER TIRE Sales Service ltd 34 Anne St 1266443 Suppliers to Plumbing Electrical and Heating Trades in Central Ontario Fronchiser to HOMESTEAD PLUMBING WAREHOUSE With Homestead you have friend in the Plumbing Business Two locally owned stores Wm Forester 49 Anne St Barrie 7371300 We Salute You and the Job You Are Doing IMPERIAL EASTMAN CORPORATION OF CANADA LTD 15 Dyment Road 726189