12 the examiner Friday August 26 1977 Wataglanoe may in ille Jerniey left and Logan ruise of Midland took the ISM Barrie Fair horseshoe pitching title Wednesday They lost only two of Iti games scoring 428 points Ted llmms and his uncle Ross Emnis of llarrie finished with 126 points Examiner Photo Ian Atkinson lfl ltlt Barrie and his heifer calf lauline get ready to leave the show barn Wednesday after winning first prize in the Barrie Junior Fairs Junior Dairy Heifer com petition Ian was happy to win because at times it was hard to tell who was leading whom around the shth barn limminer Photo The doctor says Mycin drugs neuroroxic By THOSTESON MI Dear Dr Thosteson Six mon ths ago had an intestinal ob struction with infection barely survived the surgery but now am feeling much better except for one major problem have no control over my sense of balance My family doctor told me it was caused by the mycin drugs had to take during my illness was told by another doctor that might be this way the rest of my life am 65 cant walk outside by myself without my cane but get around pretty good in the house would ap preciate your commentsMrs JI The mycin drugs par ticularly streptomycin can be what we call neurotoxic tnerve poisoning when large doses are used for long time You had serious problem for while which probably necessitated that kind of treat ment The balance mechanism vestibular of the inner ear is especially vulnerable No one can say how these matters will progress how long for ex ample the loss of balance will last It could be permanent Your age might work against you Nerve damage is slow to heal suspect you do better iii doors because there are more nearby objects to help you get around Outside you have only your cane to guide you think with time youll get handier at it Some of the new walkers are quite light and manoeuvreable Try to avoid looking at far dislt tant objects while you are walkv ing Dear Dr Thosteson This is the first time in around 10 years that have missed that time of the month Im 22 mar ried and not on the pill It could be possible that am pregnant However the last time my husband and engaged in in tercourse was four or five days after my last menstrual period ended Isnt it true that one can en gage in intercourse at least up to week after menstruating without use of contraceptives and not get pregnant Could tension have something to do with missing periodNIt Women should not depend on menstruation alone in figuring out the safe times of the month Pinpointing the ac tual time of ovulation month by month is the only relatively safe method of natural birth control Even then it can be hazardous because the male sperm may live in the vaginal area for several days after iii tercourse You yourself cite another reason why men struation is not safe indicator of the fertile times Anxiety or severe illness may cause an absence of menstruation or cause it to be earlier or later You should ask your physi cian about discontinuing any medication you may be taking until pregnancy is ruled out Dear Dr Thosteson Are salt substitutes good for meII They can be helpful for people who must avoid salt such as those with high blood pressure nes Im familiar with contain potassium and too much of that can beharinful ln moderation the substitutes are OK BRIDGE Oswald and Jim Jacgby West sets up South misplay 26 NORTH At VAKH OA10972 dKIOS WEST EAST 5085 63 VJ987653 VQIO 03 OJ85 483 JAQJ976 SOUTH AAKJ10972 OKQ64 442 Neither vulnerable West North East South IO 24 Pass 2N Pass 4A Pass Pass Pass Opening lead 84 By Oswald James Jacoby South was so proud of his good spade suit that he overlooked his tremendous diamond support and merely bid four spades Of course North must take some of the blame for missing the easy diamond slam He didnt have to rehid in notrump Still four spades with bun dred honors is not really bad result but South compounded his crime and found way to go down after West gave him chance to misplay the hand East won the first trick With the jack of clubs and con tinued by cashing the ace and leading third club South ruffed with the jack and West didnt bother to overruff He simply chucked his one dia mond New South got greedy He decided to go after an overtrick and led diamond towards dummy West ruffed and led heart South was in dummy and was faced with problem Should he finesse in trumps Real thought would have told him not to If East held three trumps his distribution would have been Hitti and West would have been dealt eight hearts but South wasnt used to real thought He took the trump finesse and had inanag ed to collect only nine tricks we 73 An Iowa reader held xVxxx 6A xxxxulrx He wants to know what we would bid in fourth seat With everyone vulnerable after the bidding went one heartone spade by partner four hearts We like to live dangerously hate to shut out and Woulit try four spades AStIOG Ia Bernice Bede Osol Aug 26 1977 Advantages youve dreamed about in your work or career could become reality this com ing year This would enable you to better your living conditions and get more joy out of life VIRGO Aug 23Sept 22 Something youre working on can be done more efficiently and economically You could dis cover this shortcut through the unusual happenstance of profitable mistake LIBRA Sept 23Oct 23 Dont be tightwad With your pals to SIUDENIS SPECIAL Typewriter repairs cleon oil and adjust irom only $l 00 Free estimates Callus now at day but dont spend money like its going out of style You could bite off more than you can chew SCORPIO Oct 24Nov22 In matter where there is much of value at stake things might not w07k out well at first today Be of stout heart You should end up with the lions share SAGITTARIUS Nov 23Dec 21 Today you may unthinkingly hlurt out something to hurt another You WI have chance to rectify your mistake and perhaps even strengthen the bond CAPRICORN Doc 22Jon 19 That which you gain today wrll exceed that whlch you lose However If you can avouf acting Whitfield Winthrop YOUR PRIZE l5 ATPIP TO BEAUHFLJL SAN CLEMENTE Mes BREADWElL JUAN till IIVII dram Il leE BUGSY THE PEva LINE Yourz JREEIJH BC orncr ournmiis V6 CHANGED 737020 fixl 1HEM WITH THE NEW 1AK LEVY EWTOFF NATUEDNAL AgKETALli wELL RAISE THE BASKETS Two FEET AND TO SATISFY THE COMPLAiNERs wELi we RAiSE THE FLOOR Ilwo BARRIE PLAZA erratically you could realize no losses at all AQUARIUS Jun 20Feb 19 Friends hold you in high esteem today If something irritates you dont make an issue of it It could tarnish your image PISCES Fob 20March 20 Your chances for success are very strong today provided you d0nt swap horses in midstream Stick with those plans youve made after lengthy deliberation ARIES March 21Aprll 19 To day you may learn of something excning that you could get into wnh modest cash outlay Con sult experts before writing check TAURUS April 20Mly 20 You ©lbvll MC 54 fleets AND WEMlNlSCE ABOUT THE TIME vE Warren FEW takes To 761 THEM FUNNY THEN lrs GWEAT TO SIT HERE take setbacks in stride today Dont panic if someone throws monkey wrench into your plans Youll bounce back with alacrity GEMINI May 21Juno 20 If youre planning something social today dont invite coworkers Steer clear of mixing business types with regular pals CANCER June 21July 22 It may be necessary to cancel some leisuretime plans today to take care of matter vital to you and others Dont hesitate to do so LEO July 23Aug22 The mak ing of important decisions wont be left entirely in your hands to day but you must find way to voice your opinion wlthOut rock ing the boat weccï¬latzes ONLY Two gone THINGS Il5 AGREED mi Mano no Io so 38 vi racmrme ON FIXEDINCCMES SHCULD BARN iaeHTi over Beaver daily crossword TLL Jug MARK THAr FLO ONLY GOT Lime ER ABOUT TEN MINUTES AGO Know BUTSHES JUST BEATEN iM AT M216 AN ES STILL SPEAKM 1o 32 DN ACROSS 42 agriecklarrriathe Answer to Prevnius Puuli PAY TAXES QOWEK TAKEs Fiï¬1N9 N0 HmE Satllng 44 naradise maneuver 46 Sunable Nugget 47 Ecuador Krï¬ Perfect serve Capital In enms 50 TV emcee l2 City in Linkletter Norway 52 Jesus l3 Racecourse monogram 14 Lyncm 55 Conjunction Gershwin 56 L602 en my 58 Hole in pan 272 fabricator 16 Inter 59 Brake bread 60 Rainbow Emanuel 61 Family of Wing Fr 38 Arab Born Loser 19 Bigylggaga medieval 10 Whlp handle 39 Once around deny 62 Ferrara ll Food track L70 Fisi lTleN TthAflERWFIWEK TQvN Day Heb 19 Pollen bearer 11 Homedocmr in g3 63 Not one 21 Compass Wm 30 HA IWKFIMR here more to noise than meets am 64 Cook slowly pom 43 HON TKlWEK harles llett chief of artifact conservation at the anadian the gowntime Unwanted 39W 08 23 TM agency 45 onservation Institute restores graie markers hewn out of signal from radio TV radar or 29 P33 DOWN mm 47 Fixes pm FlNgEKlA timbers from Sir lohii Franklins vessels Franklin sailed in other sources that may interfere 33 Rowmg 25 Curve 48 BMW search of the Northwest Passage in 1813 and he and 129 crew with com uter erformance can 6c me 26 AClieSi implements Indownuy preposition members perished in Win They were last seen at the entrance br don10d by he antenna being 34 Roman poet Foreign omce Fontaine 49 The same to Lancaster Sound The badly deteriorated gravemarkerh adjusted by technician Nordic 36 Part of to be branch abm 27 900 wellaltl mi made from the timbers of HMS Terror and Arabua were Jackson in ppfially imulmod 37 Salutation Sonsoape EWWUIS 51 Rumcund brought tr Ottawa so fiberglass replicas could be molded and testing room at Iloca Raton 38 C°lCl° In supfllort L835 per 53 Amth Wd in lhtil Pliltt WlltDhOlOl Fli testin laborator of IBM Pa 93 31 Goad 39 Carries with pame pan Not so much SWGVL difficulty Spoil 35 Green 57 Depressmri int 40 Living Forest mountain tials conductors product state abbr 58 French article 3mm USE WW SHOULDNT THINK so NSL NORTHERN STATIONERY 29 Dunlop St 7373880 Your wedding invitations Announcements Headquarters We provide annual service Itorhrster Lanceril coach Don lopovic strikes prayerful stance its the rain pours down in the first half of the Lancers NASI playoff game with the New York Cosmos at Giants Stadium hiiiaglia of the osmos had just scored oiimos won to advance to the final round Al Winphoto