mortgages IF YOU NE EDMONEY 12 mortgages Immediate lst and 2nd Open Mortgage Loans Anywhere on all homes cottages farms vacation and commercial properties To consolidate debts low monthly payments I29 DUNLOP ST EAST BARRIE ONTARIO 7260981 Call Anytime 24 Hour Phone Service Home improvements anyworthy reason To pay all existing or maturing mortgage Construction funds free advice try us We have ready cash to purchase mortgages MORTGAGE FUNDING 347 BAY STREET TORONTO ONT 3633421 Member Ontario Mortgage Brokers Assoc TF 12 mortgages 16 opts to rent SECOND MORTGAGES T0 85 0F VALUE 371 We are mortgage brokers and since we specialize can guaran tee prompt and individual at tention to all mortgage inquiries ensuring maximum mortgages under the most favorable market terms Ample funds for residential commercial and recreational properties We also purchase existing mor tgages for cash Call Mortgage Manager tan Kerr for valuable advice BUS 7871881 RES TOLL FREE 4875385 KlNZlE LIMITED 107 Dunlap St East BARRIE Member Ontario Mortgage Brokers Association TF Household Realty SECOND MORTGAGES No bonuses No brokerage fees No finders fees FAST SERVICE Come on in or call the nearest office of Household Finance Ask for Mortgage Ser vices 25 Dunlop Street East BARRIE 7266534 TThSN26 MORTGAGES bought and sold more diate action confidential David Wass Real Estate Broker call 726 4651 evenings COMPARE our rates First second third mortgages appraisals Gerry Syvokas 487 3362 Pat Quinn Ltd 737141 14 mobile homes trailers RUSSELL CHURCH Mobile Homes Ltd SALE RENT parts and Service Exclusive Dealer for Bendix and Glendale Modular Homes Northlanders Travel Trailers Corsair Glenette Cygnet Terms Up T015 Years Highway 11 South 170 Burton Ave 7289866 TF TRAVELMATE 25 Motor home sleeps rental or sale fully equipped Reserve now Barrie Tent and Awning Bayfield St 726 6438 TANDEM Citation Bendix deluxe trailer luxury furnishings king size bed sacrifice at $7000 firm lcost $9500 new usedonly six times 705 145 1180 LOVELY bedroom mobile home fenr Ed yard $13000 Unfurnished Drapes and carpeting included Telephone 174 10130r 424 5817 16 opts to rent WELLINGTON PLACE APARTMENTS 135 Wellington St West ONE TWO and TWO BEDROOM apartttleills available immediately and two bedroom available September lst $230 mortttlty plus hydro Releiences no pets Parking laundry Incililies 7281035 LARGE TWO BEDROOM Apartment available immediately Centrally located Telephone 726 5465 FURNISHED APARTMENT miles from Barrie suit business person ab stainer Non smoker preferred Phone 728 8067 REDECORATED BEDROOM apart mentfridgestoveparkinqpr1vate en trance available August 15013250 mon thly First arid last months rent re quired references Telephone 718 8474 ONE BEDROOM at Midhurst available September lst Stove fridge laundry faCilities parking First and last months rent No pets Telephone 726 6725 after 111 ONE BEDROOM turitishcd apartment overlooking the lake main floor 194 Dunlap St East 0110 year lease re wired $185 monthly 726 8120 or 726 0211 FOUR ROOM APARTMENT second floor Close to shops QUiel and com tortable IiiAlliston Garage Good home for responsible adults 435 76119 TWO BEDROOM apartment for rent available September lst Painswtck Parking and utilities paid $211 monthly Telephone Steve 17 0486 TWO BEDROOM Apartment married couple only no children $225 monthly first and last ntunths rent Laundry and parking facilities Available September Telephone 726 4966 TWO SMALL BEDROOM apartments blocks from downtown fireplace heat and hydro included $230 monthly Available September Box number V15 The Examiner LARGE TWO BEDROOM apartment private yard balcony parking and laun dry room $275 including utilities and heat Telephone 737 274 ONE BEDROOM apartment Stove refrigerator laundry faculties utilities parking $200 merrilin First and last month redoired 248 Steele Street 726 9469 BRADFORD STREET Newly decorated Older home completely sell enclosed upper floor two bedrooms plus third floor as storage balcony and closed in porch Downstairs is beauty salon Parking Adults only please $250 monthly plus utilities Available October lst Telephonu 726 5167 or 728 828 ONE BEDROOM APARTMENT Available September 1st Close to scoop ing and bus FOUlr Appliances included $200 monthly Telephone 726 8954 TWO BEDROOM September lst $195 monthly Business couple No pets Telephone 116 217 2982 CENTENNIAL PARK area two bedroom vnry clean fridge stove and parking $250 monthly Telephone 728 8082 TWO NEWLY DECORATED 0110 bed room apartments available now in the downtown area th1 fridge and stoic supplied Rent SIJ plus hydro Call 9p 7261237 TWO BEDROOM Aparlniints avail able Septenher and OLliIOtF Chisi to downtown Revi 318 and 3200 Cal1 9p 726 375 IMMEDIATEOCCLIPANCY lthgifFflll apartment yyitti refrigerator and stove Large liyna room Wlllt lllï¬lr1r ldiiaI for three to Sndt Sorry no pets or children Onryet1ivlnonly 317 intlity For appfllll1illl to 0117 ail 28 5771 am toopm Bachelor $135 mthly Clean broartlioniezt OdJflTlLlll apart menl very private Baytii ittltl Curt dies Available minediately 716 WIS THREE BEDROOM Apartment large balcony playground utilities and car peting included Close to shopping S2515 monthly Available September Tell plight7371237 17houses to rent On Eastview bus route two bedrooms immaculate con dition full basement oil heat $205 plus all and utilities adults only no dogs Phone 7284752 Between and pm TF PUGET COURT PRESTIGE luxury 8i bedroom townhouses Selective neigh borhood References 275 Blake 7262361 to pm Evenings 728 9682 TThSvTF THREE BEDROOM dClaCltfd house with garage in Allandrlll Heights Aailable September Option to pur chase it required $375 monthly Call 726 7959 TOWNHOUSE three to four Itedrririrris baths four appliances brririrtlriom throughout garage $375 monthly in cludes cable and wattr lose to schools and shopping 7261338 SUBLET BEDROOM townhouse $290 17 houses to rent TWO BEDROOM HOUSE One acre lot highway 90 $275 monthly Heat and hydro extra Available for two couples if necessary Call evenings 726 0170 THREE BEDROOM townhome with fridge and stove Available September lst $305 monthly View on Thursday evening August 18th between and pmat413 BlakeSl THREE BEDROOM BUNGALOW Iiv ing room dining room all broadloomed four piece bath rec room with fireplace heated garage and workshop large land scaped lot maior appliances Lease available Available September 1513325 monthly Telephone 728 1217 LARGE HOME Bayfield area Beautiful surroundsing Has green house For executive or professional people Also suitable for offices or business Telephone 737 2600 or 726 2055 THREE BEDROOM condominium on North Street bathrooms broadloom throughout Available September 15th at $290 per month References required Telephone 728 7499 taapts wanted to rent RETIRED GENTLEMAN bachelor apartment Must be self contained on lower or second floor near shopping conveniences By October lst Please apply giving full particulars to Box VIII The Examiner THREE OR FOUR GIRLS looking for apartment near college Two bedroom preferred Phone collect 466 2400 20rooms to let LARGE FURNISHED ROOM Share kit Chen four piece bath with two other working men 10 Codrington St upstairs For this central location pay only $75 or $20 weekly Call 728 4967 after 530 FURNISHEDROOMinAlIandaleatbus slop cooking facrlities available Gentlemen preferred Telephone 728 4268 days or 728 0810 evenings NEWLY DECORATED furnished rooms downtown location Reasonable rates Call Mr Marshall 728 3865 EXTRA LARGE FURNISHED ROOMS show kitchen For singles or young couples Linen supplied Downtown area 7266392 CENTRAL FURNISHED ROOMS common rooms free parking laundry facilities726 7186 COMFORTABLE BASEMENT BED SITTING room private kitchenette television shower toilet and parking gentlemen preferred Monday to Friday inclusive go away weekends Telephone 726 8998 anytime FURNISHED ROOMS clean modern central location Parking available now Phone Hamilton Real Estate 7371000 COMFORTABLE ROOM to rent in private home Kitchen privileges Mature business girl preferred $25 weekly Telephone 72kt 8612 after 30 pin LARGE FURNISHED housekeeping room suit single lady laundry facilities Available immediately Central loca lion Telephone 728 075 TWO ROOMS kitchen and summer sun porch downtown area child welcome Avaliable September lst Telephone 726 923 21room and board RETIREMENT HOME Home like surroundings indiyidual at tention comfortable rooms excellent meals laundry common room Near Dark and downtown Immediate upon ings Telephone 716 8671 23offices stores for rent MODERN OFFICE space for lease small or large suites immediate 0c cupanc short or Ionn term 716 3100 Angeluff OFFICE SPACE available from 115 to 1200 sauare fue Rental rate 5150 per sq ft Call 5111 Sakaris National Trust Company 728 9201 1700 so it of OlliLt spaci for Downtown area 54 Maple Ave Ampli parkhu Available startntq September 15 Call PetIr at 7211 1741 before rn Or 128 6149 dltur 7p 111 SUBLET STORE On Essii Rd at Gowiin $200 monthly including heat and light 10 months etcphoni 17 618 TWO OF ICE lust over 300 square toot eat It can be llf1tl trialtrier $150 nlon thly each InClUUIS parkint and heat Located Dunlop St downtown Barrii Mrs PLtch 716 IJIH 24space for rent rrnt PRIME INDUSTRIAL SPACE i100 60000 sq ft fully spr nktrreLt transport and tight truck loading dnr ks It lil It clear part of large expanding induslr rtl mall 726 7130 FOR LEASE industrial spare and warehousi Telephone 726 1400 AnurIntf VERY NICE Industrial building on Dunlap tt Went Will large encid in property pTTUTIt 718 7011 or 416 635 0617 BARRIE CENTRAL1200 sq ft com mercial industrial use Compressed air Iiiat hydrouupplitrd 3100 716 87 26accommodationsto Share GIRL HAS TWO Bedroom apartment to shiri Reasonable rent lItilliis ini Iud ed Eatt Irrid on bus route Available SerrllrrtbLtl 111776 16rfltir 7111 7818 FEMALE SENIOR CITIZEN dosres srtnil lfi Shari small TIIJmI n11 lakefront at Alrrinri Beach Reply to Brit v11 Brit Flt tainirior COMPLETE ACCOMMODATIONS availabil now for two business 141011 to share completely furnished ttiiiisi with same Near bus and math $170 Iriunttil 726 9119 tftir rn 28cottages for sale LAKE SIMCOI ORILIII Lririti lwit Dlillllnl turnitmd wmIIiilerl uttnqi Boat house marine railway Sand boarh cedar hedges Mllf from town S4750011rt11 70 17i851tevLtiirig SACRIFICE WINTERIZET COT TAGE completely renovated larvae blial ttousr With sun duck ntilrini railway Udrdqt3Der61t Tellphone 416 1718 32 cars for sale 1911 BUICK Dannain sale VB steoi ilUlNTlrIlll Good CUTIOIIITJTI is Reasonably priced Call 4749578 anytime I972 PLYMOUTH FURY IV Grand Coupe 44000 origi mitts Tires like new Excellent condition will crrlify $1500 or bet offer Call 78 6017 after pnt 1976 FURY CUSTOM tour door power air conditioning Virin roof radio whittwillis and whetl covrr 7000 miles Chrysler Canada car With balance of warranty LCJ 405 34795 Red Smith Motors Ltd tdl Bayfield Street 737 0801 full 32 ears for sale 1974 CORVETTE 350 automatic air conditioning stereo luggage rack mag wheels power windows steering and brakes Excellent condition Best offer 705 415 6765 1971 AMBASSADOR WAGON V8 automatic good on gas S950 1975 PON TIAC passenger Catalina wagon all power AMFM air undercoated $3695 See at Park Motel Wasaga each 1972 VEGA GREEN witIiMrra flake finish Automatic radio good condition $1995 Telephone 17051 41873483 1975 AUSTIN MINI Good condition 36000 miles Extra tires As is $1000 or best offer Must sell Call after pm 728 8348 WWI Mou TH ti YITWo agar sIanT six Needs body work $500 or best offer Telephone7269672 after 10 pm 1971TEIUMPH GT6 pills 34006 miles good condition Best offer Telephone 726 6617 after pm skier George 1970 FORD XL 390 power steering brakes and windows Runs well $650 Uncrertified Telephone 7728 4350 012 SALE 1971 JEEP WAGONEER four wheel drive Best offer Telephone 728 8183 1975 CORDOBA Owner driven Low mileage Power steering and brakes air conditioning new tires 726 1506 1970 CHALLENGER 340 four barrel V8 automatic power steering power brakes air shocks new transmission Uncertified $575 In good condition Telephone 737 0229 1974 OLDSMOBILE custom cruiser Sta tion Wagon air conditioned and lully equrpped in good condition Asking $3300 Telephone 726 1527 1963 PLYMOUTH BELVEDERE lust restored inside and out Slant SIX push button automatic 25 35 mpg 1965 Dodge van V8 automatic heavy duty drive train 7285684 or 322 2410 1972 GRAND TORINO blue with black vinyl top 48000 miles power steering and brakes radio Very good condition $850 737 1743 1971 TOYOTA COROLLA four door sedan standard transmiSSion radio clean interior 52000 original miles snow tires included uncertified good condition Bestolfer Telephone 728 1247 GOOD VALUE 1974 Oldsmobile Delta 88 Royale four door hardtop Car is very well equipped plus air conditioning and in mint condition Only $2400 Telephone 728 5470 1968 CHEV BELAIR V8 automatic power steering power brakes 38000 original miles As is Asking $500 Telephone 728 2343 1974 LE GRAND FUNBUG 20000 miles five Michelin ZX tires sunroof rustprooledM1ng glazed AMHFM eight track Matty extras Excellentconditian Best Offer 726 5103 DUNE BUGGY for sale Fiberglass body Very little work required to be Ler tified for the road $800 Phone 737 3098 1975 PONTIAC LEMANS Sports Coupe bucket seats maroon radial tires radio 43000111iles Certified Telephone 435 5589anylime 1961 VALIANT slant automatic 8400 original miles certified 1973 Dodge Charger V8 automatic door hardtop low mileage Both excellent 728 8729 or 726 3201 1950 AUSTIN A40 Fully original In good condition Must be seen 27000 original miles Beslofter Telephonean 5916 1971 AND 1972 PINTO $225 for both unrcrtitied Telephone 726 A236 WRECKING 1966 Volvo 1225 196 541 Sport 1970 GMC Van Wllll HD eQUip merit Telephone778 7658 1976 CHEVET TE 1600 8000 miles In ex cellent condition Asking $270001 best of fer Tullphone 778 0660i1fter 6p 1971 pONTIAC LEMANS two door hard top 150 automatic PS PB rear window deloiiger rado UnCLFlllllld Call 778 3562al1Lr 1974 GRAN TORINO1111nir1cuatircundi tron many extras low mileage cor tifiIt Telephone728 7291 1971 TOYOTA COROLLA 59000111rlis As lr $250 or best offer Can he sec11 at 418 Cndrinuton Call 728 7917 197 FORD GRAN TOTIIth diirir hard top automatic ft power Idlll radial tirig burgundy wtt whiti Vinyl roof One owner 16 000 Ill Sharp HUlt 53 31795 Red Smith M01111 Ltrt 341 BaytiIld Strutt 7i70l101 19111 DODGL COUPE 1917 Ford two doth 5700 Dual exhaust for Mustang 320 1911 CTNV halt ton complete $400 Tifllplllfllf 76 61 1971 PLYMOUTH STATIONWAGON for Iompluti $500 body and frame Srfll niiits some body FtDiIIT Power Slltlillg puww brakes auttimatir trarrumissitin $1000 as is lll1lllt 7111 1776 1771 FORT PINTO tfardluii standard radii two shows Viry iiood running car A311 rll SHOtl lfflffplllfllt 71711 677 ask for StirIIry 19761R7air crinrtitiiininit AM FM radio with law tirk rid With pinik interior 14 SN mills CIrliliId Aki11tt$il00 0r Destiitliir 15 1017 1968 DODGE MONACO 5001ower steer inn 1an brakis but kit seats Vinyl ruol lmtllitculillii condition Munt bi scin Tullphone 718 2148 COLLEC TOR CAR 1966 Valiant inii vertihli bucket seats stick shift radii autritnatii To 04 gold at is Telephone IYi litIii 190 COIL5 grind Inotlir body fair Askiiii SIIs as is Good riiiiriiiiit rar Telephone116 1970 33cars wantedto buy TOP PRICE Int 10 cars Toke MUTUT Ltd lIrBradfordSt Barrie788111 JUNK CARS WANTED Highest prues pairl Same day pickup Holt Auto WrCLkIr 726 F1711 TRACY WANTS cars 1an trucks for wrecking and parts trip priciy paid FFQITIIUD Telephone7268187 COLE BROS Cars and Irurk wanted for wrecking Fast pit kup Days 43 6127 After 111 174 5949 WAN TED Clrari used tars Barrie Hon da Autti Salts IlGowan St 726 6488 SHAKELS WRECKING and Towing scrap metal ars bought over scales BISTTFICQr paid 416 3677 34trucks and trailers 4x4 1971 LANDROVTR 22000 original 1111 CB radio must sell best rea Sortable OllIF Telephone 728 2410 before 30 FOR SALE 1976 GMC TON six cylinder Standard 11000 miles Asking $3500 Tellphone 728 154 days and 72h 4299evening 40 FOOT FLATBED Semi lrailurcr1m pittr wrttl racks Best offer Telephone 726 6145 between to weekdays 1968 CHEVY VAN SIX rylindIr start darrl in good condition Uncerlitierl $660 Telephone 7211 8690atter 1971 CHEV TON 307 standard with 31 motorcycles 1976 CAN AM 125 TNT Low mileage like new street or trail 3750 Telephone 4246312 afterd pm 1972 HONDA CB 350 for sale in excellent shape 11500 original miles Asking 5550 Telephone 7281066 KAWASAKI 500 10000 miles In good condition As Is Plus accessories 3950 Also dune buggy frame and motor Best offer Telephone 7281 149 after pm 1973 HONDA mini trail in good condition the exanfner Thursday August 18 1977 15 ALL THE HELP YOU NEED RIGHT HERE 49cc Telephone 7261710 40 articles for sole Reupholstering DOLLARS liecover it Yourself Wide selection of discount fabrics IFoam cushions Tools both amateur professional ONeedles threads twines OButtons made to order 0A complete line of upholstery supplies UPHOLSTERY SUPPLY SHOP Div of Fabric Drapery Mill outlet Just north of Georgian Mall 7371510 WINETr ALUMINUM GIBSON ALUMUNIM Old Fashioned Pride Siding Soffit Trough Awnings Doors Windows 10 Discoum Available BARRIE 7265609 GEORGIAN BUILDING PRODUCTS ALUMINUM CUSTOM FENCING RESIDENTIAL FENCING Chain llnk custom wood fences Improve your property 737 1507 COMMERCIAL ART COMMERCIAL ARTIST Lo design art work layout etc Here cal collect 416 9362631 DRESSMAKING DRESSES FIT If made by 10516 AOUINO Specializing in pantsuits gowns and altera tions 42 Eugenia St Phone 7266000 DRYWALL BILOTTA DRYWALL and tapln residential and commercial no lab too ig or small Telephone 4584233 EAVESTROUGHING GRAHAM EAVESTROUGHING troughing installed Call 7286628 SUPERIOR EAVESTROUGHING Specialists Roofing and roofing repairs Free estimates Call Martin Verstraten 4241956 New Lowell Eaves Daily Business Directory Need help Just look over the ads below The advertisers listed are experts in their field and will assure you of the finest iob possible HOME IMPROVEMENTS MWEDOIT Painting Home Repairs Roofing Tree Cutting You Name It 7284812 or 4365549 EXPERIENCED CARPENTER Renovations locking masonry and chimneys roofing Estimateslta117269135 CONSTRUCTION House raising faun dations renovations additions Phone 4362955 or 4364175 afterbpm NORTHERN CARPENTRY Decks rec rooms renovations extensions etc etc Guor anteed work 7262410901r 72691172 GENERAL REPAIRS renovations carpentry small plumbing electrical exteriorInterior painting Refinishing furniture 7260038 INCOME TAX PAVING PAVING DRIVEWAYS PARKING LOTS CONCRETE WORK ALL WORK GUARANTEED FREE ESTIMATES BARRIE 7370179 MANIERI PAVING Driveways Parking Lots Tennis Courts Concrete Work FREE ESTIMATES Written Guarantee Siding Eavestrough contractor and INCOME TAX returns pro red An us Bor SWIMMING POOLS to renl WIll lease 50 Windows repairs Jock Bates Free estimates 117 do area 35 up Dobfgn 4249910 after and install forhamgteowners family size Burton Ave Allandale 7268657 after sandwggkmd glritminurri syrrmming pool ï¬th patio Focia Doors Wm Serving Simcoe County orce es mee ing encrng regulations on one two or three year Shullers Awmngs MLNG For 17 Years rental basis with option to own Try EDITING PROPERTY Service Mo before you buy Call collect anytime Add°5 R°°l9 PETER GAMBLE Electric Commercial inlpmntnglrawn and 906 mziï¬mmx all FRAMING 17416 663 9508 for early installation Call anytime 416 663 9508 BRIANS SINGING with happiness at the great buy the boss made on these brand new PC LIVING ROOM SUITES at only $299 in Herculon or nylon fabic In cludes Chesterfield high back chair swivel rocker and ot toman many colors to choose from Free delivery No money down in store finan cing UNCLAIMED FREIGHT 202 Dunlop West just west of the Barrie Arena 726m Au24 excellent 7263135 USED FURNITURE Small tridgrs for condition Asking 5550 Office or Clarks Hami freridiIiver 718 284 SWIMMING POOL CHEMICALS A191 31 Dunlop St East 718 2411 COLOR TV RENTALS RENTAUPURCHASE 26 Electrohome per week $495 20 Toshbo per irreeli $390 20 RCA XLTOO per week $565 26 Panasonic per week $650 NO MONEY DOWN NO PAYMENT TlL OCTOBER 77 Phone tonight Delivered Tonight KRAZY KELLYS IARRI SHOPPING PLAZA 7371182 MTThFTF LOOK AT THIS chr Ontacolirr portable until October tonight no payments tonight deliver TV 737 1182 PRINCE JIMBOS Crown is his to wear as he sits and rocks in his rocking chair The price is right its his delight to demonstrate MAT TRESSES day and night Double size box spring and mattress $98 Fee delivery No money down in store financing UN CLAIMED FREIGHT 202 Dunlop St West lust west of the Barrie Arena 7262900 SWIMMING POOLS 1977 models slight at pre season specral of $1288 Call now collect ELECTRIC Semi Acoustic Guitar and Amplifier approx months old Both in Aircondilioners cottage solves freezers odd hairs chestertield sets lawn fur nituro and bedroom sUites Furnishing Warehouse ban Kaypool etc Robinson Hardware You can buy this new 10 super Zenith color teleViSion now for only $4 weekly No money down Phone Kraxy Kellys Porch EnclosuresStonework For free estimate ly scratched in transport Fully war ranted complete with pump motor filter fencing walkway and deck umusulmc Suggested retail price $2295 Available 7166907 Local Family Business fNONTHENN ALUMINUM Products 7501th Fascia Siding Trough All colors Guar entered 726 2609 7269002 FRALICK ALUMINUM Siding Soffit Fascia Shutters Windows Doors Eavestrough Call today 4361830 smouo APPLIANCES IELEcTROLux Canada Ltd uuthorizod sales grid service IRAllignce Blvd 7283392 AUTO REPAIRS WE REPAIR British European and Japanese cars Coronation Auto Serv 17 Mary St 7765441 LL 1111111 trellis PURPLE MARTIN Houses for sale Apply c1192 Metro Ave MIND07 telephone 7735283 scourrrmc 15TRUGGLING WITH BOOKS7 few hours imonthiy keeps books current financial statements Save taxrdallars 73771254 CARPENTRY AND General Contractor rooms renovations guaranteed 7871507 ICARFENTER Speclalizing Inrru rooms in inner remodelling trim etc Please call neeoluytiorop CABINET MAKER Europoari mind kii hens vonitles Pine furnlfure renovations alterations Domestic Commercial 726 39 LICENCED CARPENTERS Custom homes cottages renovations repairs Satisfaction guaranteng RahdJConstructionLnb74761 CARPENTER will do rIK rooms renovations rgmodelling etc No pl to small 7261271 CONSTRUCTION Ontd arponius for renovations additions homes cotton Free estimates 4354995 GENERAL CANPENtttr work Mdiiioni garage re roams built in closet drywall tlxture spraying etc Free estimates Phone 73° 3°53 igmt CLEANING START YOUR spring cleaning today Revitalire your carpets with carpet steam cleaning 7266321 c3513 INSTALLAth CARPET AND VINYL flooring installation Guaranteed work at reasonable pme 72177873 CFRAMICS rec fireplaces Knchen additions Residential Industrial Installation and set yice 7264996 SIMCOEFLFCTRIC Industrial Commercial Residential Farms Lighting design EleCtrical consulting 20yrs experience City Masters Lic 118 7288234 It PARRTFLFCTRICAL 0ndustrial Farm Cornmercial Residential Electric Heat Dryers Ranges Roof Deicing QUALITY SINCE 1949 7283896 EXCAVATING ROBERT BOYCHOFF Excavating haulage septic systems trenching loader work gravel 4SbIISSBLQGII2S7V WEST GROVE CONSTRUCTION Backhoe Excav Trenching Horizontal Augering 7289833 FIREPLACES STONEWORK and fireplaces IpKIalIy Vic Watson for free estimates 7281599 FIREPLACES cimom buillf Siiiidéiignw Specialising in natural stone and antique brick All workmanship guarantoed Peter Henstra 737728707 rturwooo FIREWOOD for sale Chain sow work and wood splitting gall noaooggicr pm noon mINISNING HARDWOOD FLOOR Installation and refinishing old and new guaranteed not to LWPrr 92ml HANDYMANW GENERAL MAINTENANCE Windows cleaned General lawn care cleanUp and fertilizing Garages and basements cleaned Refuse removed Trees and hedges WINTERICKS CERAMICS Floor and wall filing and repairs 72662621 CONCRETE MANIERI PAVING Patios sidewalks steps curbs and garage floors Work Guaranteed FREE ESTIMATES 7260081 TIFFIN FENCE C0 160 Bradford Street Barrie Quality chain link fence supplies at lower prices trimmed and cut BARRIE 4362387 FREE Garages Vcleanerd Ira1hr hduled away Just give us your castoffs Telephone 487552570r 7763441 HANDYMAN WILL DOVliiriiiiiir in and refinishing Realonable Te ephone 4875389 for estimates WALL WASHING Painting smell mov ing loos lat clearing and brush Window caulking Garages and sheds dismantl ed Reasonable 728 7267 HOME IMPROVEMENTS INTERIOR REMODELLING Kitchens rooms Call Russ 4363681 after 611 pm Referenceliarvailable Itrlpp roles NEED MORE lIying space rOc roorniextro bedroom play room laundry office storage spate Also painting wallpapering Murray 80119388906 CUSTOM Ric ItooMs COmplo planning and decorating privacy Ic and patios aluminum door The number for all your needs 72889 landscaping Free Iodding 224536 estimates LAWN CARE FERTILIZING WEED spraying mowing hedge md shrub trimmiing Also rough mowing licTriemtra7260427 MAINTENANCE CONSULTANT POWER CLEANING Lots lawns etc Big building management 1373556 MASONRY STAN KNICELY MASONRY Brick block and stone work Fireplaces specialty Free estimate 705 4245158 MICROWAVE OVENS drives services DELL MICROWAVE Services Amana Litton Panasonic Hitachi Toshiba Sanyo Sales Amana Sanyo 100 year warranty on Amana Save up to 75 on Hydro 7264177 7days MUSIC ENTERTAINMENT WARREN BROWN DJ Music for people who Ilke to dance Good roles 7739545 PIANIST AVAILABLE FOR WEDDINGS RECEP TIONS DINNER PARTIES Call 7265213 after GUITAR LESSONS Classical and Popular Marcel Potvin Guitar Studio 7261409 DANCING INSTRUCTION Ages years and over Tap Ballet Jazz Baton Enrolling now for classes commencing in September Tofephone 7264713 REGIONAL 411th or oANCING 51 PAINTING VELLINGA PAINTING and decorating In terior exterior Work guaranteed Establish ed Myeors 7262225 7269032 WAYNE FOLEY Professional painters terior and Interior Free estimates Work wrantud 7267389 DON SIESLING Professional painting iri terior exterior paper hanging custom work Satisfaction guaranteed 7266M PAINTING PAPER HANGING exporiencod free estimates Jock Rlchordson 7262012 17568874 HILLSDALE DECORATING Interior ex terior wallpa ng custom textured walls and ingslphore 705 8325367 local ROOFING CONTRACTORS AIRLESS SPRAY PAINTING We Paint Factories Any Size Both Interior Exterior Also underground parking areas and small commercial buildings All won ounmmo PAUL FORBES 737 081 Au31 N0 JOB T00 SMALLI Exterior Painting Home Repairs OATES 82 Dunlop St East Custom framing of all types We stock many slzes Phone 7283770 ABBEYWOOD CUSTOM PICTURE FRAMING RETAIL COMMERCIAL CHARGEX MASTERCHARGE 737 0832 See our ad in the Yellow Pages ARTIFRAM Custom picture framing Wide selections Fast service Low low price 7288633evenings PLUMBING NEW WORK and repairs drain and sewer cleaning complete kitchen and bathroom renovations ceramic tile Bllotta 4504233 ROOFING and Roofing New Asphalt shingles Repairs guaranteed quality work Reasonable 14168957533 collect AND ROOFING New and old Repairs Free estimates 3721897 after 68711 LAURIER SHEET METAL Flat roofing Tar Gravel New and Repairs Eavestroughing Commercial Residential For estimates call 7263492 ROOFING AND Odd Jobs Free estimates Work guaranteed 4240021 SEWING MACHINES SALES SERVICE SEWEASY CO Service calls from 35 Specialists repairs all makes industrial and house machines New used sales 7371621 SNOWPLOWING PAULS SNOWPLOWING commercial reasonable motes call Pau737r3064 WRIGHTS SNOWPLOWIINTG Small commer residential and rates free esti cial and residential Reasonable rates BEflPbrZE5Z STUCCO RUSSELL TEXTURE SPRAY Exterior stucco Interior textured walls and ceilings Free estimates Dale Russell Midhurst telephone 7204392 WELL DRILLING Gilberts Water Well Drilling Farms homes cottages Free estimate 10 years Kpl1n Angus 42455657 WELL DIGGING MAZIA WELL DIGGING RR No Barrie Home Farm Cottage Concrete well tiles Pump installations For Free Estimate CALL 7284634 mytime wmoow CLEANING ALLEN BROTHERS Window Cleaning Apart merits Storei Houses Factories Reason able rates Telephone 728 914 Tell them what you have to offer in The THREE BEDROOMS monthly Available 15m 01 August 1030 cap Asking $1900 irlilieit Tclcpllotlf Au24 Do Yourself or we 150 SPECIALIzINo in Jack pointlng mung SATISFACTION GUARANTEED oISrritimmr TrIipiioneiis 884 890 MONTE CAR NU IOIIIIIti 72 6067 bk °°°° CdlMll hummer busmess ADULTS air Vinyl roof 2W1Vfl buckets Must 197 CHEVY VAN Vii automatic for free flimmes ca 40 mid 900 10ltt W07It gutOW III immen to view can ETEECIJEIVYIEI 1023s ï¬g tvyo 50 BISI Telephone IM 107l power brakes power steer1119stahllilflr °Pp° 30 ï¬lmfh OLL ea WWI bars radio New Hair 77700 miles Buysa beautiful it RCA color Spanish CUSTOM BUILDING Noii liltingfaurda ll 7263827 légslgoggrgphowlnzb 811mm 7M W74 GR EMLN blue and whim $4600 Call 728 104 alter 30p 101m 0m onsmc yeleviston No money firms and basements additions and renova MWFS9 Tr aulflttlafirslkyltrlltrrarflylltirls10w 1910 FORD VAN shall rarpit as is down nopaymvntsuntilOrtoberPhone °°S C°°97Ell9 WELL wwwwww ivw gogaumClTExovillqglcag Sldexfrge mittage Excellent condition BfSl ntlrr Chrome wheels needs some work Best tonight delivery 10019111 Krazy Kellys KANEFF APARTMENT HOMES Barries Finest IMPERIAL TOWERS 7269580 7264991 Adults TF MODERN LUXURY VERY LARGE and bedroom apartments for lease Quiet adult building No pets References 7289682 90 HOLGATE Apt 102 TThSTF FURNISHED ONE and two bedroom apartments available Central Adults only 726 0988weekdays ONE AND TWO Bedroom apartments from $160 monthly Central location First and last reOUirtrd Appliances and heat included Telephone 776 9418 after 6p rn TWO BEDROOM apartment available September lst bachelor apartment available now rent includes all utilitiss plus cable and parking close to Bayield Mall Telephone 776 6046 FURNISHED ONE and two bedroom apartments available Central Adults only 776 0988 weekdays BEDROOM apartment Available August 1st Large balcony or yard Playground area all utilities included Close to transportation and Shopping Please telephone 737 2649 BACHELOR one bedroom and two bedroom apartments for rent Utilities refrigerator and Stove supplied Call 737 1674 between 7p LARGE CLEAN completely furnished apartment Parking laundry Su11cou ple Telephone 718 bedroom bungalow huge kitchen and eating area Furnished or unfurnished including 5x applianre Available September References redoired $375 or$400 monthly Call 776 1173 SPLIT LEVEL HOME Witli double qarage located in McGeortle Subdivi sron Angus Available Septembirl $100 monthly plus utilities Call 4246221 for Viewing THREE BEDROOM house available September lst For further information phone 718 7204 weekdays only TWO BEDROOM HOME fridge stove large bark yard $200 monthly plus UIlflIQ Angus Telephone 776 7704 ï¬iieiims Telephone158 9116 1971 PONTIAC VENTURA six ylindir automatic radio mechanical condi tion good mileage Certified Prired to sell 73711170 REPOSSESSED 197 Bunk Skylark Clean car in good running ordrr Accep ting offers Contact Jim Carr1psallBank olMontreal TelephoneNH 5919 1974 MAVERICK four door eight Yllflflfr bucket seat Iluor console vinyl roof chrome trim Call Ellen 456 3708 after noon hour 1966 FAIRLANE in running condition needs minor repairs As is 3150 Telephone 705 487 3483 30 resOrts CEC ROBERTS TV Barrie Plaza 7371182 REPOSSESSED KAYAK above ground offLr Telephone 436 7091 1975 FORD RANGER half ton Insulated 91 Undecmluli 900 TEICPWN swimming pool With sun deck walk and co 5ICY complete filtration system Must sell for bank No reasonable offer refused Call auo accessores Credit Manager collect 411 2714340 ENGINE FOR SALE witii transmis WSOeVenWS sion out of 1968 Firebird In good can dition Best offer TelephoniI after n177166 Anthues 37motorcycles Bought Sold Pine River Antiques 76 King St Angus 4245473 Open Daily 1973 HONDA 710 Borram rims Dunslall exhaust clean and well maintained ask ing $1500 Telephone 728 2411011140 30 TTh$ A1123 311 Tresorvtsi 40 articles for sole FAMILY CAMPING hanng Lia to 175 ACRES ON THE Hawkestone General Store MAGNETAWAN RIVER HIMBURY LAKE SANDY BEACH SWIMMING POOL TENNIS COURTS PLAY GROUNDS FISHING REC HALL LAUNDROMAT MINI MARKET HOT SHOWERS FULL HOOKUPS RR NO KEARNEY ONT 7056367888 POA 1M0 BLUEGRASS FESTIVAL LABOR DAY WEEKEND SEPT Fudas Foods Hwy 11 010 Station General Store Shanty Bay General Store Ridge Road Texaco Sun Valley Restaurant Hwy 11 River Garden Restaurant Hwy 101 Lee Texaco Hwy 11 Banbury Food Market Hwy 11 40 utiolos for sole EMERGENCY SALE overloads our warehouse 23 1977 at aluminum 16 24 swimming pools Mus be sold immediately includes sundeck fencing filter and safety stairs Sale price $1750 installation and terms ar ranged Call Terry collect days or even Ings 416 4818802 ALCAN ALUMINUM SIDING for file do it yourselfer $59 95 Telephone 726 5609 GARDEN TRACTOR for sale with al attachments Sears old Telephone 424 0810 tor further in formation per square 40 articles for sale THE EXAMINER AVAILABLE DAILY AT THESE SIMCOE COUNTY MERCHANTS ll Hillsdale General Store and Post Office MISH late summer 12 It one year 40 articles for side NESOME GEORGE is lonesome no more He has met Prince Jimbo and he knows the score This beautiful Panasonic 20 Inch COLOR TELEVISION only $359 No money down in store financing UNCLAIMED FREIGHT 202 Dunlop St just west of the Barrie Arena 7262900 A024 LOCAL SWIMMING POOL dealer has number of steel lnground pools at new low prices 16 ft 32 ft inground $3803 Installed Other sizes comparatively priced Cell Polynesian Pools toll free 1800 761 6121 and ask for operator goes straight straight stit ching that is and 219 zag too This lovely SINGER SEWING MACHINE Is only 864 Many other models available Waltz In to fall with him sew and save together No money down In store financing UN CLAIMED FREIGHT 202 Dunlap Street lust west of the Barrie Arena 7262900 Au24 articles for sale 40 articles for sale Automatic LIQUID CHLORINATORS by POOLMINDER My DINING ROOM sELECTION is pleasure to show buf fet hutch table leaf and five chairs only $499 delivered Shocks the pool each night Leaves no chlorine residue Increases filter and pump life SC SERVICES 10 WINDY dozfï¬clrkair nanc ng 728 3646 FREIGHT 202 Dunlap St West Liquid chlorine delivered ins was of me Barrie A£2 Arena 7262900 Au 24 THEODOR ls really pleased at the won derful response to his fine selection of OIL PAINTINGS Buy one for someone special the sale continues UN CLAIMED FREIGHT 202 Dunlap Street West lust west of the Barrie Arena 7262900 Au24 CHINA DOLLS press back choirs sets wicker baby carriage round table with chairs square table dressers etc etc Telephone 487 5309 ZENITH CHROMACOLOR television With remote control $600 15 cubic foot Coldspot frost free refrigerator freezer coppertone 31175 General Electric con tinuous clean oven S275 Colonial hutch and buffet 5260 Five piece Scandlna vlan bedroom suite queen size bed ssoo Plus numerous other articles All items as new Telephone 726 9000 PANASONIC AM FM eight track with microphone new Marltso portable typewriter new with guarantee Ken more portable sewing machine new with all attachments Phone 429 5796 HELP Fight inflation by purchasing ï¬PEED QUEEN freezer Two sizes 12 cu ft and 15 cu ft for as low as $837 per month CALL 7266558 Ask for TERRY KROEHLER ROCKERrecliner brawn naugehyde $85 apt size portable bar and stools oak dr custommade and leather 5150 small tlle top ac caslonal fable s5 Torcan 44 baseboard heater 7501500 wall 315 Van Wyck electric food grinder used twlce $15 All In Ivery good condition 728 9830 pm on MEXICAN POTTERY Hand stitch leather croft Wooden and onyx chess set beautifully assembled bead doors lewetlery and hammocks two large carved hark hangings All new 429 5796