lr By JOHN BRUCE Examiner Staff Reporter ORO STATION Wrestling With snakes wasnt in the job description but Joe Starr has done it more than once since he started working at the Oro Sta tion Community centre Starr Ken Baldwin and Paul Curran are working on renova tions to the community centre under $21325 Canada Works Program grant The project was to provide work for five people for 28 weeks but two of the original crew members have left to take other jobs and havent been replaced yet The first thing the men had to do when they started working was clean out the basement which Baldwin said was full of 500r 60years worth of junk Thats where Starr met the snakes Youd reach down to grab hammer he said and youd get snake by the tail It was like the Black Hole of Calcutta down there Baldwin said That was back in April The two basement rooms look much different since the men cleaned it up put in drywall painted and installed new lighting PLAY HOBBY Baldwin says one of the rooms will be used for playroorri and the other will become hobby room where arts and crafts will be taught when the renovations are coni pleted next fall The corrirriunity centre also has new cedar sundeck at the north side of the building lt is 10 feet long and eight feet wide Still to be completed are panelling in the main meeting room insulation eaves 1roiigliirig painting around the The Oro Station Community Centre is getting facelift thanks to $21325 Canada Works Program grant The pro ject is designed to pmvide employment for five persons in outside of the building and poin ting up the masonry work There is still lot to do Baldwin said but were being slowed up right now because the hall boardt is getting low on money for materials The project is due to be finished in October but Starr said they could use years labor to do everything that needs doing Before he started working at the centre Stairliad just begun looking for new job after finishing job at Base Borden Baldwin went from basic carpentry course at Georgian College to community centre job where he has applirrl what he learned Curran project foreman was not at Work Friday He was home nursing the bmken ribs he suffered early last week when he fell off ladder Fiveweek extension for arena renovation itTHRlE The Oro lowrisliip Arena Board has been granted fiveweek exten sion on its tanada Works Pro gram project which the board hopes will give the workers enough time to finish im prmerrients on the arena building The crew has been busy since lay sanding and painting the steel roof beams replacing boards around the ice surface painting the hallway office dressing rooms and washrooms and cleaning up around the arena grounds Les Hughes is the job torenian lary rGentler and are the only guys left from the original crew he said Some of the workers left to take fulltime jobs he said while others have been fired Hughes is sensitive to com plaints that anada Works pro jects are waste of money little more common sense They cant complain about this one he said If guy doesnt pull his weight hes not here too long The arena project called Facelift 77 was approved last spring it was to create six jobs for 13 weeks at cost of $10817 The project was to finish July 29 but with the extension it will wind upon Labor Day ONLY FOlB One reason the project was extended was because there are only four men working at the moment But Hughes praised the work of Gary Gentle Dwayne Barr and Leo Hiltz Theyve all been pretty good he said except some of them were pretty nervous the first time they climbed up onto the scaffold to sand the beams Sanding and painting the beams was the biggest job the workers had to tackle Hughes said We took iigallon drurri full of rust off those beams he said before the men could put coat of paint on them second coat is on the agenda for the next five weeks Painting has been big job too Hughes said The men have painted the four arena dressing rooms the hallway the office and the washrooms Hughes also hopes to get at least one coat of paint on the north and east walls around the ice surface between now and Labor Day WELL SPENT Hughes said he feels the money spent on the job 1011 than $13000 in wages rid materials has been well spent Its been very expensive he said but think the people in the township will appreciate the facelift needed from CMC Hansen GUTHRIE Canada Man power in Barrie has been co operative with organizers of the ire Township Arena Canada Works project But coordinator Paul Hansen wishes CMC had shown little more common sense in choosing employees sent out looking for work Hanson said one person Man power sent out was Siyearsold and he shook so badly that he couldnt hold onto piece of paper And they sent him out for job painting and climbing scaf folds he asked Part of the problem could be the pay Hanson said If theyd given us little more money for the project he said we might have been able to get better help When the arena board first approached Manpower about the project Hansen said they were thinking of paying the workers $135 week When the project was approvlt ed the weekly pay had been cut back to $122 week Its only $13 he said but for some people $13 can be quite bit of money NOT OMPLETELY DOWN Though there have been pro blems Hansen stressed that he is not completely down on the Manpower people Theyve been fairly c0 operative about it he said noting the fiveweek extension given for the project He also said he is not unhap py about the work that has been done at the arena Theyve done lot of good work he said Theyve really worked hard at it Collingwood resident wins steam show award OUKSTOWN rsom Following are the winners in the Georgian Bay Steam Show at Cookstown last weekend WINNERS LIST Best Steam Engine in the show was owned by Jim Adams of Collingwood who drove his 1917 Waterloo 2222 HP tractor at the head of Mondays parade There were prizes for three categories of tractors First was the prior to 1931 class and the winner was Harry Frazer of Sheltanham with his Mogul Next was the 1931 to 1941 class Winner was Russell Hill of Owen Sound with his Oliver 99 1941 model The third class was the over 1941 class which was won by Brian Richards of Stout fville with his 1952 McCormick Gas Sngines trophy was won by Bruce Hill of Newmarket for his six HP Gilson The car trophy was won by Ilint Truax of Midland with 1914 Ford Ed Cooper of Maple took the small engines trophy with model case Junior efforts under 18 trophy was taken away by John and Albert Hall of Woodbridge with their gas engine Small farm antiques prize went to Banett Muir of Shanty Bay Small house antiques was won by Albert Hall of Wood bridge The clock draw was won by Linda Hall of Hamilton the quilt draw by Joan Flemming Tottenham the rug draw by Joyce Foster Holland Landing and the camp light draw was won by Jane Swantko of West Hill Dispatch project The Simcoe Rescue Squad has become pilot project for dispatching service only under the ambulance services section of the Ontario ministry of health The pilot project for dispat ching services will be run under the Georgian Bay ambulance dispatch system Tickets for the Civitan Club draw Aug 27 for 1977 Mercury Monarch are $10 each not $1 as reported in Thursdays Ex aminer But he reserved special praise for project foreman Les Hughes Youve got to give Les Hughes lot of credit Hansen said Hes been there since Day One and seen everything straight through The project couldnt have been completed without him By the time the project is finished next month more than $13000 will have been spent on the arena About $2500 of the total has come from arena board coffers to pay for materials including paint sanding materials scaf fold rentals Foreman Hughes said he felt the improvements have been quite expensive but Hansen arena board chairman dis agreed dont think that is lot of money considering all the things weredoing he said Tilden rents big choice of trucks for moving mer chandise or furniture By the day week or month at very economical rates 77th 34 Buyfield St 7370800 Featuring Chevrolets and other line trucks Arena commnity lVSHOUYNOHJMD€r1irrt VVVY the examiner Wednesday August 1917 ntre renovated in Oro about 35 feet above the concrete floor to sand and paint the arenas steel roof beams The work is part of renovations to the arena funded by $10817 anada Works Program grant Examiner Photo It Dwayne Barr left got an unusual introduction to his new job at the Oro Township arena in iiithlie Friday On his se cond day on the job he joined tiary lentle on scaffold eluding Ken Baldwin who finished basic carpentry course at Georgian ollege before getting the Oro Station job Baldwin lines up radial arm saw to cut wood for toy boxes Examiner Photo and save Create your own smashing toll look its easy and inexpensive when you sew with these tst quality fashion fabrics Soft and Feminine Print lnierlock Knits our mro cry SAVE 50 yd Special Purchase of Throws yd Ppvy Wynn tot rTrr it 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