the examiner fIIIIVIednesdayI August 1977 Rotepoyer president claims Shocking irregularities in Wosogo election WASAGA BEACII Staff There were shocking ir regulanties in the December 1976 Wasaga Beach municipal election Gene Lzmgevin presi dent of the ratepayers associa tion said Sunday night Ratepayer candidate Ernie Thomson was elected reeve and Velma Longwarth and Gus Ellis also ratepayer eanA didates won two of the four council seats lrregularitics ranged Irom Inadequate parking or ad vance voting to improperly sealed ballot boxes Langevin claimed in the course of To minute speech on town pro blems judicial recount of election results was held in January under Simcoe oiiiitv ouit Judge James Clare and Langev in We are certain had we pro ceeded with the irregularities we could have had new elec tion Langeviu said The first box opened for the recount didnt have the envelope with election records Iiangevin said Langcvin said Judge lare was called and he asked Wasaga town clerk Ion Rayner where the envelope was Rayner had the envelope in his personal files Langevin claimed The third ballot box opened had no ballots missing said langcvin and Judge Iare ask ed that the missing ballots be marked down as an irregulari IV The ratepayers association did not try to get new election said liangevin as it would cost around $2000 to overthrow the election Only three polling booths were set up election day said Langevin The ratepayers as sociation asked for six and got four Voting was slow he claimed with some people waiting as long as houis to voted It was possible to see how people were marking their ballots he claimed Ballots boxes were improper ly sealed by town clerk Rayner he claimed and the ratepayers association sealed advance poll boxes itscl Ratepayers wont vote on costs for sewers WASAGA BEACH ISIIIIII plebiscite should be held on the Wasaga Beach sewer ques tion the ratepayers association decided Sunday night motion calling for plebiscite was passed alter more than 300 people heard 70minute presentation about town problems from Gene Langevin association presi dent and former reevc oi Wasaga Beach The Ontario government has offered to pay 75 per cent of the cost of installation with Wasaga Beach paying 33 per cent Estimates of the cost of water and sewer services range from Sfltlmillion to Sit million Langcvin claims Darcy ItKeougli Ontario treasurer used the $to million ligurc in visit to Wasaga Beach lasaga muncil wants the in taiio govcmnient to pay ltillpcr cent ol the costs tor water and sewer services langcviii said The government ordered that water and sewer services be in stalled alter the enlarged town ot Wasaga Beach was created by order in council Iasaga Beach is the only town in in into to have provincial park within its borders Iiagcvin told the ratepayers meeting at akvicw Uliilitulli ty Centre that Wasaga council would go tor the 73 per cent 23 per cent split The proiincial park would be charged enough for the use of the water and sewer system to make up lasagas 25 per cent payment Shocking reveotions about oreno not made WASAGA BEACH Stati The shocking revelations about the purchase at the Wasaga Stars aieiia by Wasaga Beach promised by the ratepayers association Sunday night didnt come Instead Gene Langcvin association chairman and former Wasaga recve said Duane Patiield detcatcd tor Although Iatlield has recent ly resigned as board cliairiiian said Langcvin his ltSlLlllIllilll has not been brought to council for discussion new Joli is being proniotid in the town says IIlitlll director ol sports The position clalins Laiigcviii is worth between suitim and Milli with ex penses ot $3 ooo Duane latticld says Langcviii is being set up for the job Questions PHOTO ALBUM ASSORTED STATIONERY Pilltll times Naiiiiw lined PACK RING BINDERS PC MATH SET LAURENTIAN COLORED PENCILS Stationery page LACH Pettcil case lairit iiltlblltlï¬ Ilaxiirs it more 200 SHEET REEILLS DUOTANGS pet pad BIC ms pet past Assateil calm iACll Olirsiniim set Stt 34 i4i iii OPAFK LADIES TSHIRT Nos LARGER LADIES TSHIRT Llltll Pia izli lip ti Sm 11 ltf If 7i IADIES HALTER TOPS ii iAll LADIES HALF SLIP oiw my ii 133 BUY WITH EDNFIDENCE SATISFACTION DAYS ON LY ï¬lllllllllllll Prices in effect Aug456 or while quontitie lost Family Hosiery LADIES SPORT HOSE Acrylu ii Iiylull liliiiid 00p pin it ll AciA AUTOSTAR no SPACEMAKER sum UNIT POCKET CAMERA 01 74 24 688 Oliistiiinatit comma ill 17 hit Woiidgiaiii linizli MnljllJiIm llashcuhe itiiiii IJNIT DPAIII oKli Im MIRANDA REII SLR cmm Housewares ipai Lierpai dippiiliiiizr scon CASHMERE 4n Irc CANNISITEIIIISEIIIIII oiiAth lit ii tLIaI 8ng BATHROOM 188 88 388 Ii iwyiil orixiiii it Ill TM 16 PC MELMAC DINNERWARE sn 88 CHILDRENS CREW SOCKS Vii ins Ripir liliif ll pair BROTHER POCKET CALCULATOR litjlliitlglhllJlfiAC adaptoi Milli if iioi Udtl Music Records LLOYDS CASSETTE RECORDER PLAYER it ACUC iiiitii Uiiiner plates breadlbuttei plates Otixueitiowlsti mugs riri OUART PUDDING BOWL 88 I6 PC MELAMINE DINNERWARE TISSUE roll pock Limit packs per customer 88 0E At It LADIES DUTY SHOES W44 83 688 tr who this PC STAINLESS STEEL cooan opma HIGH FIDELITY 3mm smxm in 701 WM ill up LADIES SANDALS LYIIIII dI it lov 56 33 2i 1988 Blitili oriniionrAaii TRACK mini CGE MISSES SANDALS III III II II it WW ii Hint Waive lot Jil 288 id EMIH lill WEST Inmo com MAKER MENSSANDALS lumiieii atyw olprs Hcii we liq 13 33 idil 288 WM m4 BEDROOM sum nocron SILEX sum 5mm IRON LIK Mixing Tl With 24 88 oily EADS EARRINGSII BRACELETS 02 roll pack orb IRONING BOARD com sn Jwtinnituiaiiie Opyj iv It We 4i leil packs per customer GROWING lindiuzm iiiiil Ii fl Sii norm EARRINGS IRONING BOARD PCE SOEA CHAIR reeve in the iiiiuiicipal election Musizlus Tiiflnllillllt BIKINISANTNON III Hi HIFH iiiii by association candidate Ernie in my II EAIRRINGS lINECKLACES FRESHENER Thomson had been nemcil sixii Iiiiil initii ri MW chairmanofthe arena board lt gounu nun llllli 55s 0i ii it Patfield receives 84o for each choice Ivttlr sit lot on ii il MA hm Mm BRIEFS 0R BIKINIS oi so am MUSCLE OVEN nun meeting he attends claims nis Iiri iiitiiieuislicr on llll NWTQI mer lmhlm vi usil Shortlv alter latlicld was ltItiillllitlit iiiri Inii III RIIIIIV 5ll 54P Pas 88 In alive 88 an irelativcot llv II it id it is hdiicii1rne secretary SIL in Il pillow do whim Iililtl SKHW Childrens Wear ONESCOOKI 20BRENTWO0D coma TV mm GU um the arl at iol iii ti illilwlwll 5k Mimi WHI HI Often ngiir sprite ItIIlIiIiIiiiIilIijIr oi oiiinicrcc tourist 11rlt cocoum MARSHMAHOW II IMIVII IJIU3 0559i it IVORY LIQUID laiigcvin told more than ioo mumsufpm II We iIVHIIIu people II oakvimt onininnity IIII s3 SANYO iS cu FLREERIGERATOR III cntic that then town ounc iivt1tgtr cmrnnmnsumuows Mit lMCH tail Mitiliil had bun naniid tourist director tor Wasaga by AS it INN STYROFOAM CUPS tlicllianibcrot loiniiiercc NEAL FrenCh Fresi COIeSLOW Palmsawaupa IItnd The position said Langcvni pigs tel mon tenor sauce pe pt pins Scion Ittt with ex WISCNUMESWITHS 28 bUt RESOLACEXTERIORLATEX PAINT new pie cIII 11 vero mi Uii WMESPUN SENIVIETTES IXAIITIIIII as town coun Elmos BIB OVERIIMLS 04 xiitit iv piiuiligc tilloi llllti picstiit cd town colIiI IV iflA comPIeTe is on Analog pMNT PKG cil iit the IIItIlltiII to create tlit POT OF GOLD Alkyii vein inpiziiul INC position and took llltJUI Nov BLACK MAGIC CNOCOLATES mp1 WI Wm my OS tings 1976 while still councillor CHILDS TOPSI omi wp3w PkgL Langcvni claiiiied IltlÂ¥ PADCO PAINTING KIT Plllliiimll llllilri tilï¬ 0iiiï¬ wiiiul ti ram titlici problems include chargi of $3 tor information Iroin town hall 388 elfin GIRLS PANTIES Bakery auy HouSehod eeds Deluxe Mtllllllll washihlc Robertson says VI asaga 60 PLAIN GABARDINE Toys ni rclusai by town otticials to it in APPLE PIE jfTll1l give tax information over the ngii oiling in am mil III HI phone pair llllMlll ll Sporting Goods imvision ol the towns Pro in perty Standards Bylaw which ï¬sts Smoking Supplies ma Iowa5 says unlicensed cars on MURAM MINI HO primit Iinomeiy must IH WH 88 Iva LITE FLOATING CANDLES VHM 88 rcmovci or ic owner is in lithium IIIIMII III II up WI II IIIIVII WH in in mini iiiiiiiiiv 128 OZI bottle SKOTCH cIoom QUALITY BATH towns slump in the town Iiuildttltl pi not °lAtill gol sizeI 0mm an 53 trade Laiigcvin suggested RELICE CANDLES leIT per customer iltllmalliWt ovaiiiitispiiiiix IOVCIUIWIS Iit IlttiuliliOd will titans iiiiliiiiiec illSUliIllli Di Mill open up more land by cutting digit ti mix loo WW amount 64 70 restrictions Fabrlc Notions st W005 TOURIST °Polycsivi tileii iilettll 91 report from Mayor flaire bottle 988 °lliitsiilie liiillit tum Beach residents liaVc tree en lllll com Wll TULIP 00 towns ll tlI Im llnlliclfll flit 0A tilllfti little gm fills II SLEEPING BAG Ollaili law Mont ILVIIIU IiiltIaIiiIIv tItIItIV mm WI llli Hill limiii °lACll cxcep ic as 60 LINEN LOOK DOUBLEKNIT Aiiiiitc iivlnc Wei LN All Pol tiniiiiii comwmo ttimtiilumti oiniiiiiiww hat is rue sa id ammonium INN XIII lian cvin who read out HalliU iWi pctiiion from Wasaga resi All wag yum no COILEMAN DURABOND COOLER dent calling for stickers to be 60 PRINTED MW mm IIHWI IAIIII17V given licacli residents allow lllllitiiiilwM II it viiiiiiiiot km NORMARKEILLETKNIFE PUaTmacy UaIUES beach at all times 0YNIIJ Milllt Ill lllllillltl If you are giving points for personality this little Slieltii ii tourist 1qu is also slum UCURHIN unmc Luggage otuiiitiisisliiuiiti 1010 5er on by cross puppy has to get full score At It weeks oli nor ping Sm Imgva mum HmnIIIIIWIIIIIII WIH Iustin rugs mion of unusual coloring makes her appealing and her antics make of general economic condi ownomm 2PIECE LUGGAGE SET 00mm mum her adorable after all it takes IIISI of humor to sleep tions and the switch to camp OYAIlD VW WW Hardware om SH 900 on your back VHLII all four pavvs pointed skyuard Anyone iii in suggpslpd mun pro In covmmc Nyltill llllilli mums SW mm OUAKER STATE MOTOR OIL terested in prmiding good home for this weeks Adoptable can see her at the Barrie Humane Society Animal Shelter on Patterson Road Examiner Photo 2788 88 motion of Wasain licacli at tractions and regular advcr tAljll CACHET PERFUME or kiti lien oi IIIIJIII liiiilt tlthll 0128 oz bottle oiiiwiii sine liloiltl tising as cure YAHU leII per customer $211M mum rAeIIPo SAYELlE KNITTING wonsno KODAK EK4 INSTANT MN T001 30 SOFTIOUE BATH on mos ply Ill ilttlltl COLOR CAMERA wll ml at lleitiiil UI Requlai Aifltltltlil colors Claims Plilll Oiled til it 6V7 33 5W OSKII saiiiiliix prints bottle Ultlll JUMBO ELEPHANT CORD ACII SYLVANIA GI BULBS GAOL AXAHVI 48 stitclitiil yaitls KODAK PRIO COLOR HIM Iill wait it Illll watt 16 Aifllllltiti points Dill oxpiisiiii part Iiiillis iAijii lell Ulllll pet pack packs no CHARGE UNDERGROUND PARKING OPEN EVERY NIGHT UNTIL 900 PM SATURDAY 600 PM 5676 BAYEIELD STREET BARRIE entrance off Maple Avenue FIbergIass Concrete Vinyl Llner Pools Kits All Shapes and Sizes Never needs palntlng Call John Campbell BARBIE 7280492 Ridge IRIoad Shanty Bay