zottheefalpiner Wednesday August 1971 Sepo rotism Quebec youfh views SHERBROOKE Que tPt The curlyhaired lfryearold boy at the pinball parlor in downtown Sherbrooke finished his game wiped his hands on the seat of his pants and laughed when asked if he favors any political party Im Pequiste he giggled turning and pointing to the let ters PQ embroidered on the back patch pocket of his well worn blue jeans See His two young companions joined in the laughter and nod ded their agreement It may be coincidence that Quebec manufacttuer has chosen the initials of the larti Quebecois as the logo for line of what amounts to the inter national uniform ot modern youth But it is no secret that Que becs young people are support ing the party in increasing numbers REXSONS VAR In this quiet Eastern Town ships centre the reasons given by young people in series of interviews were diverse rang ing from 15yearolds be cause we dont like the Eng lish to concerns for social and economic justice expressed by Francois lluot 23yearold president of the University of Sherbrookes student organization Sitting on the back steps at Montcalm high school watching girls gym class 17yearold Marc Labre said he would have voted for the in the provin cial elections because there isnt enough industry here at least not for us The voting age is 18 Im for the larti Quebecois because its new chimed in Marcs tricnd Jean Benrier 17 Utrr wealth will stay here for us he added Downtown Hearold Yvan Letarte junior college stur dent said he agrees with the partys program and is na tionalist And 24yearold Daniel Clou trer dairy bar owner and some time student at University ot Sherbrooke paused between dishing out cones and sard he is tor the Pt because we needed to get rid ol those who were lll power HE lll When the great debate over Quebecs tuture inorout ot¥ anada moves out of the news papers and into the polling booths the tutshort whether ltrcnchsrwaking youths sup port for the will translate into votes tor trebec irrdcpend ence will become vrtal one majority of them are better educated than their parents and seemingly more nationalistic Young people between the ages of 13 and 24 account for more than 12 million ot the prov inces six rnillionplus irr habitants lose to million ol these young people are lrencli speaking And by litdtl or 1981 when many oltscrers expect retcrn endunr on indtrxnderrtc to take place the lrgcarrold high school studerr who was spend lltél hrs lurtn lrtrll rtcentl 1n the prrimrl parlor will he elrr grble to 2H tr who rrra zrrrartrr rro tnrporan ballotrrr tr A5 of ro no part or group will atlrrrr if llrlrllltl or or ou gr for tirt sotaha oe the rer ercrtdorr trlttttr plan in prhm nutt trltfut Jum ot the youths rtrtwtf ad more thar ten fttrm to 11 Urebtt orr of IrtilitltWrh torurru tttt lizt ltg haw writ9 of the latt ma rrrra uppor by lrcmt pcrlrrg young purple kej Illtrier lll stratcgj oi garrnrtg littltptlll errce through rrrcrearrrg arr tonorn trorrt fr twierrrl go crnrrrerrt tre and even tually litrltL itltttirillnt on soverrrgnln The part ha good Hirtrtr to hope tor that ilJllll Although breakdown ot irov drtlertnt age groups votHl lit the Nov provrrrcral electron according to age of oters not available poll before the birllotrng showed more than tilt per cent oi those aged til it were planning to vote for the lRtHl HAS Nl MillIlls The poll conducted under the direction ol Mctiill Trriversrty professors Maurrcc linard and Richard Hamilton received re spouses front tBSil voters throughout the province ol which 1521 almost half lell irr to the lit 34 age group The polls findings on sup port may be high since it pro dicted the Pt would get so per cent of the Vote while in the electron the party actually en led up winning 41 per cent of the vote ltut in terms of gauging ltrcn ctrspcakirrg youth support for the the tut per cent figure is almost certainly conservative since llrrglishrspcakirrg voters who were far less likely to vote were included in the sur vey In any case the tigure rs irrr pressive corrrparul with sup port from other age groups The poll showed lt support drop ping olt sharply to 48 percent in the 3544 age group and con Continued on Page 2l Last year over 350000 people took advantage of our passport and took their families to the ONE We want to make this years CNE even better for you so weve assembled 1977 passport that has double the value of last years We hope you and your family will enjoy the rides events and the food Save $5000 worth of cash register tapes from Loblaws andor Ziggys Once you have collected the tapes turn them in at your Loblaws Courtesy counter and for only 1¢ you will receive Loblaws CNE Passport worth over $2000 in savings to you and yourfamity ti rt tree adrnrssron tor child under 12 years to the CN er coupons good for $5100 off on each purchase ot $300 Conklrn Farnrly Ride Book lhroc Coupons good tor 25¢ oil the admission price to Ghosts ol the Globe Theatre lhrco coupons good tor 50¢ 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