the examiner moanesday August 1977 17 Quebec and organized crime Lack of subpoena rights deplored MONTREAL tCl Quebec should have the right to serve subpoenas outside the province on witnesses called to testify before the organized crime in quiry report by the inquiry recommends The report descrilied as de plorable the fact organized crime figures can escape testir Killed in crash WINDSUR tint itli An inquest is unliker into the deaths of two men killed Sun day when the motorcycle they were riding crashed into po lice car at roadblock coro her said Tuesday The mishap which ended highspeed chase early Sunday claimed the lives of Kim Dun can Paine 23 of Windsor and Alexander Shaw 24 of Blen heiin hit Dr liroadwcll said he intends to wait until blood alr chohol test results are available but at present he is not inclined to call an inquest Police said the two men who died ere being chased by po lice cruiser for suspected speeding Sears Fashion knits to mix to coordinate Stripesnplains big autumn values ae Dress up your young miss with great looking coordinates by Pert Canadian manufacturer of fine knitwear All pieces are fashioned from easy care acrylicandpolyester shapekeeping knit MW that machinewashesdries and looks terrific again In green stripes and solids CSSli 714 aStriped short sleeve tap pulls on comfortably has solid bib and bow trim 998 bSotid pullon gauchos big fashion at small price 998 SimpsonsSears Ltd Sears Barrie Georgian Mall 509 Bayfietd St 7264451 fying before the inquiry by re maining in other provinces where the inquirys subpoenas have no legal value Quebec authorities should be able to serve subpoenas outside the province because organized crime knows no frontiers said the report made public Tuesday at news conference by Quebec Justice Minister Marc Andre Bedard The report also mentioned connections between certain banking officials and kingpin William ttibiei ibront de scribed as the iiiiderworlds leading financier lt recommended banks adopt regulations to control the grant ing of credit and the profes sional behavior of employees noting the underworld had used bank credit to fund many activ ities including loansharking and drugs IItIlSIlICI€INiS During the eight weeks that it held public hearings earlier this year the inquiry heard testir mony about chartered banks Malia branch at bank man agcr guaranteeing bail for known Mafia figure and several instances ot financial in st it til ions aiding the work of the underworld The report said the Quebec revenue department should set 981698 up section to deal with the au diting of the declared and unde elared incomes of persons iden tified as being members of the underworld It noted that prosecution of organized crime figures in the US had most often been SUC cesstul when authorities pur sued income sources that had not been declared for tax pur poses The inquiry was in favor of federal legislation granting broader powers to police say ing wiretapping and bugging constituted an essential weapon in the light against or ganiztdcrinic u7 nunnun lul cWrap tie striped cardigan sweater is cosy trimming and belt 1098 dSmartly styled pants with elasticized waist stitched front creases 998 ePopular overalls have taken dressy new twist here in this beautiful styling with vertical striping front and back slantstriped pockets elasticized sides for more comfortable fit and zipper at the back 1698 iCanada Standard Sizes Store hours MON TUES SAT 9130 am to 530 pm WED THUIBS FRI 930 am to 930 pm cover up shell wear year round Has solid color D7TIGIrIs Wear Enjoy it Charge it now Use your All Purpose Account lADIES and Men too Its Cook Book Recipe time again Enter the Examiners COOK BOOK Recipe Contest Win $300 This contest is open to IN CASH PRIZES clubs organizations plus individuals COOK BOOK RULES MUST BE OBSERVED Entries must be typewritten or printed legibly and doublespaced using one side of each piece of paper Contestants may enter no more than IO recipes each Recipes should not be clipped or copied from cook books or magazines Contestants must sign their name address and telephone number on each entry Entries will be accepted from anywhere in The Examiner Market Place circulation area All entries must be sent to the COOK BOOK EDITOR The Examiner 16 Boyfield St Barrie Ont panel of judges selected by The Examiner will choose the winning entries Product brand names should not be used in entries unless they are vital to the recipe Many of the recipes submitted including the six winners will be published in The Examiners Annual Cook Book August 30 I977 All entries become the property of The Examiner ORGANIZATIONS Ist $100 iNDIVIDUAlS Ist$75 2nd $35 3rd $15 2nd $50 3rd $25 Send as many entries as you wish to COOK BOOK EDITOR the examinen