Its lunchtime Children are required by the Day Nursery Act to have hot meal at lunch vvvavvaVvVvVYVVVvvvyvv the examiner Wednesday August 1971 15 are Its much more than babysitting Joan lluliy left supervisor at Tiny Tots and Erin Turnhull work together on HIlll dur ing ereative playtime liildren at day eare centres in Barrie learn through play The early years ol ehilds development are important So it youre parent who has to work then Day are eentres may be the answer lor you and your etiild lhere are three in Barrie and though laeilities may differ eaeh eentre proyides the ehild with an atmosphere in whieh the hild can learn and grow Diane Barrow supervisor at Raggedy Ann Day tare tentre says the years between two and live are important in growing ehild These are the years when ehild develops logie Day eare is still new field and is slow growmg but people ai beeoin ing more aware of how inipor tant the early years are lot ol people are misunderstanding what day eare is all about says Mrs Harrow We are not babysit ting service Our program is definitely edueat ional We have tour playrooiiis where ereative aetivities go on It is not struetured learning program but one where the ehild learns through play The other eentres Work in the same prineiple and John lliiby suixrvisor at liny lots says the first thing is that its home atmosphere here Tiny Tots loeated on Hayfield is Ill an old house it was started It years ago by Audrey Mason in this house witti about live or six ehildren Audrey aetually lived here At the end ol May this year the Free Methodist tiuieh aeross the street bought the centres and right now we have about it ehildren Wllll an expeeted number of 45 lor the hit ure Nll FIRST Kiddiskool ltay are eiitits owned by latrieia Howard and established 12 years ago was one of the first eenlres in Bar rie We provide learning ex perienee for the ehildren here says Sherri romptoii one ot the leaeliers at Kiddiskool lhe toys in the playrooms and the equipment outside are all geared to the lllltl teaming while he is pla mg There are so lllltlltll at the Raggedy Ann eentre and the liildren eoiiie tor the lull day There are also handieapped liildren attending lor hall days The llillltlltitlllxtl ehildren are integrated with the others so they will learn normal behavior by being with other ehildreii explains Mrs ltar row Raggedy Ann gets no ptl eeiit ot its lunds lroin the tiiitario government The other 2o per eent eoines from parent par tieipation through lund raising pioieets and lioni donations trom the lnited Appeal lund raising aetivities iiielude rum iiiage sales and the selling olt shirts and eook books Without fund raising there would be no day eare eentre says Mrs Harrow There is lot of money to be raised This fall we hope to get support lroiii some serviee elubs Parents must pay to send their eliild to Raggedy Ann but fees are sealed to ineonie Hll DAYS Kiddiskool ollers hall day as well as full day programs Fees are $215 or the full days $32 for tour and $27 for three days The daily rate is $1litt hallday without luneti $650 and $7 50 with luneh lhe nursery seliool which is only hall days is $60 month Kiddiska also has day eare eeiitre on ltaylield lor lll fants six Weeks to two and halt years Fees there are $10 for five days $17 for tour $3 tor three and $1275 lay Half day rates are 30 without luneh and $95 wii lti At Tiny Tots fees are $33 week for the full lay program The eosts of running day care eeiitie are quite high Mrs ltarrow ligures it eosts Rag gedy Ann about $9 day lor eaeh child btit says that varies All the centres serve the ehildren lullreourse meal at lunehtime Its one ol the re quireiiieiits set out by the pro ineial la Nursery Aet The meat has to have stareli meat vegetables and desert nd eliildreii get lo siiaeksa day The ehilttren must also have at least an hour ot outdoor play and an hour of sleep day The eentre must also be in spttted by pubhe health of lieials the tire department and must be Iieeiised tor zoning They must hae eiiiergeney its and the lieeiise and menus lorthe lunehes must be posted lot ol the parents arent aware of the dillerent re quirements says Miss romp ton All the eentres run similar programs lor the ehildreii The day usually starts around and goes till about in The eliildren are divided into groups aeeordiiig to their ages They do arts and eialts have sing songs eirele titiie and all the time they are learning iur eeiitre meets the needs ol eaeh individual eliild we have here says Miss trotiipr toii lhe stall at the eeiitres all hold diplomas in lCarly hildhood ltlllilllll Parents who bring their ehildren to us know their ehild will have better program than it the ehild was left with babysitter all day says Mrs Barrow At Kiddiskool the ehitdreu gel the nursery sehool at mospliere along with the lay eare Every ehild gets nursery sehool no matter what age says Miss roiiiploii ltilisiegoals ol nursery sehool are to help the eliild develop soeially emo tionally physieally and in elleetiially iur program here meetsthosegoals There is city subsidy for those who eaiil allord day eare says Miss roniptoiL We want to eneourage parents to send their ehildren here so they will get more st iiiitilatioii at this time iii their lives says Mrs Harrow Diane Harrow has tipsy job planning program for children at Raggedy Anti Day Tare en tre No twodays are eVer the same says Miss Harrow but she enjoys her work Lynn Ilarttett tlelt helps Jennifer Murphy at Kiddiskool with her hair after her nap The idea heliintl the eentre is to provide homelike atmosphere