In CNE contest On Aug 17 Tammy Myers Miss Barrie Fair will compete in the Miss CNE Sweetheart of the Fair contest in Toronto Although she has moved to Toronto Miss Myers 18 says she is still hometown girl and her year as Miss Barrie Fair has helped her gain confidence Miss Myers talks about her year on Page 16 Saturday auction Contact Barriebased volunteer co ordrnatrng service is planning an auction for Saturday Organizers are looking for ob jects to auction and will split the take on large items For details see Page 16 Nurses coming back The lure of wealth drew many Canadian nurses to the United States but everything from homesickness to the Toronto Transit Commission is drawing them back One nurse explains why she came back on Page 16 Scene is changing MONTREAL tCl Harried housewives looking for the perfect laundry detergent anxious mothers seeking cavityproof toothpaste bumbling husbands waiting for their spouses to dish out the latest in frozen gourmet foodthese are but few of the stereotyped characters in advertisements which came under fire during International Womens Year in 1975 At the time it was pointed out that while more than 45 per cent of Canadian Women over age 15 were employed full or parttime outside the home ads portrayed women whose sole fulfillment in life seemed to de pend on shiny floors and spotless china Men also complained about their helpless Archie Bunkerlike media counterparts whose prowess in the kitchen seemed limited to turning newspaper pages and criticizing coffee To many advertising seemed to be playing back 19505 image of 19705 world CHANGING SLOWIA Now two years later people in ad dea ARCHBISIIOP MAKARIOS Prcsidcnt of Cyprus Mokarios dead at 63 NICOSIA AP Archbishop Makarios who survived plots against his life and his leadership in 17 years as president of Cyprus died early today of heart attack He was 63 spokesman at the presidential palace said the archbishop suffered the attack Tuesday night and died at 15 am t11pm EDT Tuesday The Greek Orthodox prelate the first and only president of this deeply troubled and divided island was powerful figure who symbolized the strength of the Greek Cypriot majority in its centuriesold con flict with the Turkish minority His death aroused fears of new political turmoil Only God can protect us now said one of 2000 mourners who gathered outside the archbishops residence many of them weeping openly He was our father Now that he is dead the dangers are too big for us spokesman said the GreekCypriot National Guard and police were placed on alert The national council grouping all im portant GreekCypriot leaders scheduled meeting for this morning the Greek Cypriot radio said presidential palace spokesman said Spiros Kyprianou president of the all Greek parliament will serve as acting president until successor to Makarros IS elected About needy students TORONTO CP The provincial gover nments studentaid program IS making unrversrtres less accessible to needy studen ts by giving them just enough to stay above the poverty line members of the Ontario Federation of Students said Tuesday Miriam Edelson federation chairman said at news conference that the program forces students to work parttime to sup plement their loans and then penalizes them dline All in days work Teacher Sherrie rompton helps Jennifer Knapp find the solution to puzzle all part of days activities at Kiddiskool Day Care Centre On Page 15 operators of local day care centres explain what day care is all about Examiner Photo vertising womens and mens groups and the academic community say things are changingslowly Its improving slowly but not as quickly as women are changing said Dr Alice Courtney professor of marketing at York University in Toronto Most advertisers dont understand how women feel about ads that show them in limited roles They feel that if you take women too far away from the kitchen their ads wont sell study conducted this winter by students at Guelph University indicated that 72 per cent of both men and women still are cast in traditional roles in television ads Students monitored commercials on three Ontario television stations and compared their findings with those of similar study conducted four years ago They found no change in voiceovers 94 per cent of the disembodied voices in adver tisements were still male More than 80 per cent of women in corn mercials were demonstrating the products use in the home and were cast in domestic roles with all earnings over $75 month deducted from their award Last week Harry Parrott minister of colleges and universities told the federation he will announce major changes in the student loan program in September In case of PO strike TORONTO CP Distribution centres for tickets to miners reunion being held in Toronto in September are being set up across the province in case of postal strike Don Brown chairman of the Gold and Silver Reunion said in statement Tuesday that locations of the centres will be ad vertised in newspapers and on radio if postal workers go on strike before the reunion to beheld Sept 1618 About 1250 tickets to the reunion of current and former residents of Northern Ontario mining towns have been printed Death toll may be 150 MAPUTO Reuter About 150 miners were feared killed in an explosion Tuesday in coal mine in Moatize in western Mo zambique the government announced today It said nine foreigners were killed in disorders that broke out after the disaster About 150 workers were buried when an explosion ripped through the mine with lit tle hope of their being rescued Grave incidents and disorders broke out following the accident and nine foreigners of various nationalities were killed the announcement said statement from the Mozambican coun Ci of ministers said the explosion took placi at the Moatize coal mine near the town of Tete on Tuesday afternoon ORDER RESTOR Ill The communique said the Tete provincial government restored order and that rescue work was still going in the mine It gave no further details of the incidents but indicated that workers might have at tacked foreign technicians employed at the mine It said the government has ordered an inquiry into the disaster The statement transmitted to news agen cy offices here gave no furthcr details of the foreigners Unconfirmed reports said Portuguese and Belgians were among the foreigners killed City concert cancelled The Grass Roots Concert schcdulul to be held at Molsons Park Saturday has been cancelled spokesman for Molsons said this morn ing the concert will likely be held in September Organizers were experiencing difficulties lining up performers for the show and need time to complete arrangements the spokes man said Big pipeline issue OTTAWA CP Foothills Pipe Lines Ltd said today its proposal for $10billion pipeline through Alaska and the Yukon can go ahead despite call for twoyear delay in construction made by special govern mentordered inquiry Any dela recommendation produrcs an element of isappointment but the one ad vanced by the inquiry is not fatal to the status of our overland pipeline project said company president Robert Blair delay tends to boost the hopes of rival plan to ship Alaska gas as liquid by sea to United States markets study carried out by Dean Kenneth Lysyk of the University of British Columbia law school said Tuesday start of corr struction should be put off until 1981 from 1979 primarily to allow time to settle and implement native land claims The Commons debates the issue in special sitting Thursday and Friday after which the Trudeau cabinet will go behind closed doors to make decision It is eX pected in week to 10days weather Thursday sunny with cloudy intervals in the Barrie area isolated morning showers Lows tonight 11 to 14 Highs Thursday 24 to 27 3th yearNo 177 Wednesday August 1977 5° Per Copy Carder Home Dellvery 90° Weekly 82 Pages the examiner serving barrie and simcoe county Police wont confirm deny details in slaying of boy Shoeshinc boy Barry Ed ards lit is told lry policcman Monday to leave the corncr of Yongc and lurrdas Sts in Toronto whcrc shocslrinc boy lilycarold lCmarrutl Iaqucs Mls picked up by stranger and slain within hours Barry said be had worked thcrc for two years and nccdcd money to lrclp his family Photo Changes in language bill to be introduced by P0 QUEBEC Itl Thc Iarti Qucbccois in tcnds to introduce about 30 amcndmtnts to Bill 101 the hartcr of thc Frcnch Language luring committcc hcarings to bc convcncd to lav Election day request made WASAGA REACH iStafl Ontario clcc tion lay should be on Ihariksgiving says the Wasaga Beach Ratepayers Association More than 300 members of the association Sunday night passed motion to be scnt to the Ontario government asking that election day across the province be Thanksgiving Day The association also wants thc date when new council takes office moved up from the present Jan Ratepayers also passed motion urging Wasaga Ilcach council to givc top priority to fireball in thc Springhurst arca ofthc town The town now has firchall in the downtown arm The next meeting of thc ratcpaycrs associa tion will be held on Thanksgiving said lcnc Langcvin association president tultural lcvclopmcnt Ministcr amillc Laurin told reporters latc lucsday some 30 amcndmcnts would bc made to articles in thc languagc bill aflccting business commcrcc justice and the public administration No amendments to provisions concerning the language of education were planned the minister said but this could changc depen ding on thc all it udc other provincial prcmicrs takc loan offer madc by Qucbcc Irciiricr Rcri Icvcsquc has asked tlic prcmicrs of the other nine provinces to guarantcc that children who mch to their provinces from Qucbcc will ha re the right to schooling in liltlRll In return Qucbcc would allow English speaking children from othcr provinccs to at tend English schools in Qticbcc As thc language bill stands all anadian citizcns moving to Quebec would lc channchxi into French schools The possibility of rcciprical agreements among the provinccs is to be discussed at mcctirig of provincial prcmicrs in St Ari drcws It next week liauriri spoke to thc prcss after Bill 101 passed second rcading or approval in princi plc in the Qucbcc national asscmbly The votc was 40 to 30 with the Union Natiorialc party joining the libcals in voting against the government bill Rowbothams lawy er Walks out of preliminary Robert Rowbothams lawyer may face con tempt of court proceedings after he walked out of the latest session of his clients preliminary hearing on trafficking chargcs Tuesday aftcrnoon Moishc Reiter Rowbothams lawycr throughout the yearlong preliminary hear ing walked out of the courtroom after losing leger argument with provincial court judgc Don lncli over the admissability of evidcncc concerning an alleged sale of cannabis oil thashish by Rowbotham to an undercover RCMP officer on Aug 21 1975 Reiter contended that the evidence could not be introduced because it had no bearing on whether Rowbotham 26 should be com mitted to trial for allegedly trafficking in marijuana on Sept 1975 If youre going to put man on trial he said put him on trial for those charges for which he has been arraigned He also ar cud that admitting the evidence could preju ice the case of John Mcpstead 25 who has been charged with Rowbotham for trafficking in marijuana in the alleged Sept 1975 incidenc but not on the other charges relating to alleged incidents on Aug 3andAug2l 1975 Judge Inch accepted Reitcrs argument concerning Mcpsteads case but decided not to allow evidence on the Aug 21 alleged sale of drugs because have already allowed ex tenisve questioningon it As RCMP evidcncc officer Wadstcin continued to testify about the alleged salc Reiter objcctcd calling the procetxiings in credible When Judge Inch refused to review his earlier ruling Reiter asked for an adjourn ment to give him time to seek an order stop ing the hearing until higher court cou review the judges dccision Reiter walked out after the judge refused to grant the adjournment will not be party to what the court is doing he said He also asked that the court record show that Rowlxrtham who suddcnly found himself without defence counscl does not agree with what is going on If he Itowbothami is staying here Reiter said he is staying here as TORONTO CP Toronto construction worker appeared briefly in court Tuesday charged in connection with the death of Toronto shoeshine boy Three Metropolitan Toronto homicide policeman were to fly back from Northern Ontario later today with three other men charged in the case All four are charged with firstdegree mur der in the death of Manuel Jacques 12 Some police sources say Manuel was held captive for 12 hours and made the victim of homosexual orgy before being drowned in sink full of water However other police of ficials refused to confirm or deny this report Manuel had been missing since 530 pm Thursday The construction worker Saul David Betesh 27 was whisked in and out of court under heavy police escort Tuesday He was remanded to Aug WOMEN YELLEI As he left women in the courtyard hurled insults at the prisoner and one shouted hope they hang you Inside the court building he was segregated from other prisoners for his own protection Police said they could not say where he was being held His lawyer Richard Parker said his client was placed in special quarters decause of the nature of the charge but would not say where the location is Parker said Betesh had no relationship with Charlies Angels Yonge Street sex sho Manuels body was found in green gar age bag on the roof of building behind the sex shop Parker said he had recommended psychiatric testing and his client agreed Also charged are Albert Wayne Kribs 41 Joseph Wood 26 and Werner Gruener 28 all of Toronto and employed as bouncers at Charlies Angels They were taken from Vancouverbound train by provincial police in Sioux Lookout Wasaga Beach town clerk answers Langevin charges See Stories On Page WASAGA BEASII Town clerk Ron Raynor this morning replied to charges levelled Sunday night by Gene Langevin president of the Wasaga Beach Ratcpayers Association Raynor called Ilangevin pro who can takc any situation and make it secm illegal or immoral At the ratepayers association meeting Sun day night Langevin in 70minute speech recounted alleged misdeeds by Raynor and other town officials including irregularities in the last municipal election appointing defeated council candidates to town positions and naming friends and relatives to salaried positions paid for with taxpayers money Raynor dismissed charges that be im properly sealed ballot boxes during last Dcccrntxrs municipal election and that 150 ballots were found missing during judicial remunt conducted by county court judge James lare There was judicial recount because of the closeness of the deputyreeve and mayors contests he said and no ir regularities were found by Judge James Clare He said accusations by Langevin that former town councillor Carl Mitchell was ap pointed by council as tourist director of the Chamber of Commerce and that he took of fice while still councillor are not true Identification move defended HAMILTON tP Dr btnam On tarios chief coroner defended on Tuesday two forensic experts who mistakenly iden tified the remains of child found in April near Barrie Ont as Jason Rallo lr Cotnam said in an interview that the judgment of the two experts at the Centre for Forensic Sciences in Toronto was reasonable based on the information available at the time Every available method was used when they examined the remains the first time he said At that time there was no other missing child in Ontario that we knew of Mist akcs are rare but they do happen the coroner said They happen in other jurisdictions as well Earlier Doug Pollington of Cambridge Ont the grandfather of the sixyearold Rallo boy said he was shocked and angry over the mistake in identity Pollington said he was disappointed in the people with the forcnsi centre Investigators now believe that the remains are those of Jaime Shearer an Alberta boy who disappeared after coming to Toronto with his mother year ago Jaimes mother shot and killed herselflast month in Alberta Police had been searching for thc Rallo boy after his mother Sandra and his fiveyear old sister were found dead last August Jon George Rallo the childrens father has been committed for trial on murder charges prisoner and not particrpant in the hear ing Rowbotharn is currently serving 11 car sentence for comspiring to import hashis in to the country When Reiter moved for adjournment on the grounds that Rowbotham no longer had counsel Judge Inch turned him down telling Reiter You know better He later asked for an adjournment through Me stcads lawyer Ansis Sernenovs but Ju ge Inch refused ounscl did not choose to remain in the courtroom the judge said adding that he would consider contempt of court charges against Reiter He also said Reiter would not be allowed to participate in the preliminary hearing without the leave of this court Reiter later returned to courtroom and told Judge Inch that the judicicial review board should be allowed to settle this confronta tion When he suggested that both our actions can be judged by thq board the udge cauv tioned Reiter that he was getting angerous The tourism directors position had been in cluded in the Chambers last two annual grant requests to council said Raynor The request was turned down in 1976 budget but was approved for 1977 Mitchell was named to the job before his council term expired Dec 31 1976 he said but the appointment did not take effect until Jan 1977 If he did some preparatory work before his appointment took effect fair enough Raynor said Langevin also trained his si deputy reeve Duane Patfield He said Patfield who was defeated in the last municipal election was named chairman of the Wasaga Beach Arena Board by council that relative of Patfields was named board secretarytreasurer and that he is now after new town job called director of sports at $20000 to $25000 year Raynor said it was true that Patfield was named to the arena board by council but the chairman was elected by the other members of the board Raynor defended Patfields appointment to the boar saying Duane was the one man on council who actively promoted the arena purchase from his chair on council He said Patfield has resigned as chairman of the arena board because he was unhappy with few things but it was never ac cepted Accusations that Patfield was being set up for the sports directors job were partly true Raynor said He said he urged the board last March to hire someone fulltime to promote the arena to get the most out of the towns invest ment Raynor admitted he suggested Patfield for the job but the arena board declined saying the appointment would be political suicide Nothing has been done about the position since then he added Raynor was unable to say where Langevin got the salary figures he used in his speech Sunday night No salary figure was ever mentioned he said When you need figure you dream one up he said of the salary figures Langevin produced Sylvia Bowers the arena boards secretarytreasurer is Duane Patfields sisterinlaw Raynor said But he denied that Patfield took an active role in getting her the job Patfield did not have any participation in the selection at all he said He was never present nor did he comment on it ghts on former inside local 10 llfesfllo 15 18 entertalnment 12 sports comics 24 classlfled 25 28 27 goorglan mall 20 page fudas page ly close to being charged with contempt of court If you have no more respect for this court than that Judge Inch said suggest you remove yourself from this courtroom The lawyer relented and explained to the udge that he did not withdraw from the case ut left the courtroom because he did not agree with the judges ruling on the evidence did not withdraw and leave Rowbotham alone Reiter said Actions speak louder than words Judge Inch said refusing to rule out contempt pro ceedings Bruce Calnan an RCMP undercover nar cotics officer alle edly received six small containers of canna is oil and small amount of marijuana from Rowbotham on Aug 21 1975 Constable Wadsteirr an evidence officer with the RCMP office in Toronto testified Wednesday that Constable Calnan had received the drugs from Rowbot ham Ihe hearing will continue Sqrt 12 at the county courthouse