ch awnrune gtheoxaml Juyaa1m LADIES and Men too This contest is open to clubs organizations plus individuals COOK BOOK RULES MUST BE OBSERVED Entries must be typewritten or printed legibly and doublespaced using one side of each piece of paper Contestants may enter no more than I0 recipes each Recipes should not be clipped or copied from cook books or magazines Its Cook Book Recipe time again Enter the Examiners COOK BOOK Contestants must sign their name address and telephone number on each entry Entries will be accepted from anywhere in The Examiner Market Place circulation area All entries must be sent to the COOK BOOK EDITOR The Examiner 16 Baytield St Barrie Ont panel of iudges selected by The Examiner will choose the winning entries Product brand names should not be used in entries unless they are vital to the recipe Many of the recipes submitted including the six winners will be published in The Examiners Annual Cook Book August 30 I977 All entries become the property of The Examiner t+L ORGANIZATIONS lst$100 2nd $50 3rd $25 Send as many entries as you wish to COOK BOOK EDITOR INDIVIDUALS lst $75 2nd $35 3rd $15 the examiner IN CASH PRIZES Legal services topic at library meeting What to expect from lawyer what is legal aid and the importance and need of set ting up community informa tion service in Barrie were some of the items discussed at meeting on legal services held Wednesday evening in the Bar rie Public Library The meeting which is part of series of meetings designed to discover the needs and re sources available to the com munity was attended by 13 peo le Jack Currie of the Legal Aid office in Barrie was on hand to explain procedures for in dividuals who cannot afford legal services Hormazdiar Damkevala teacher at Central Collegiate said he would be glad to assist along with his law students in Community Information Ser vice providing assistance to people needing information on legal matters Sara Maley of the Barrie Public Library said the library often has visitors asking for assistance in looking up legal information They usually want informa tion about their particular pro blem so they can judge whether or not they have leg to stand on before hiring lawyer she said DOING SERVICE Bill Leslie lawyer who at tended the meeting said he feels he is doing service by recommending that potential client go to someone he knows in the legal business who specialized in particular area Most lawyers know feel the same He was speaking in reference to the queston of How does person go about finding lawyer Currie said he could not JACK URRIE recommend particular lawyer to any of his clients NEED FOR SERVICE David Smith consultant on training programs seminars and conferences who heads the meetings says there is need in Barrie for an information service especially to assist those who dont know where to turn or where to get the in formation they require for specific incident Currie said he would be glad to appoint special duty coun cil if such service should be set up but that he has three secretaries who can answer lot of questions and lawyers in town will recommend legal council to those who wish it Damkevala stressed the point that such service as an in formation centre is needed for the middle class We provide le aid for those who cant ford to pay for it The rich can hire their own lawyers but its the middle man the middle class people who we are concerned with in providing an information ser vice Leslie said he didnt think there were very many people in Barrie who couldnt afford to hirealawyer LIST OF SOURCES Damkevala also presented the group with list of sources from which legal information can be obtained An information centre has recently been established in Orillia and Damkevala inform ed the groups that George Taylor MPP for Simcoe South had told him he would look into the one in Orillia and see about getting one for Barrie Services provided by Park dale information centre Toron to which has five fulltime lawyers and students from Osgoode Hall were discussed The centre provides booklets written in laymans terms from which person can get an idea of what his chances are in fighting court case The next meeting of the In formation Centre group will be held next Wednesday August at the Barrie Public Library in the Gallery at pm The topic will be Child Care and Protec tion Anyone interested in pro viding the group with informa tion on the needs of the com munity sources for informa tion or assistance in this area or anything else connected with child care and protection is ask ed to attend the meeting For more information on the service contact David Smith at 7268314 or Janet Krelove at 7281010 wedding album Ouellette McAIIister White and yellbw mums blue camations and white candles decorated Central United Church June 18 when Laura Marie Oullette of Barrie mar ried Brian Robert McAIIister of Lake Cowichan Given in marriage by her father the bride wore white chiffon over crepe gown Swiss lace covered the bodice and long full sleeves Her head piece was band of white roses with scalloped three tier finger length veil She carried yellow and white roses with English Ivy Mrs Robert Dyer of Burl ington was the matronof honor Bridesmaids were Mrs Philip uellette Guelph and Krista Palmateer Shanty Bay and the flower girl was Jennifer Dyer of Burlington Peter McAIIister of Toronto was the best man and ushers were Philip Ouellette Guelph and Geoffrey Ouellette of Bar ne Rev Jay officiated the ceremony and reception followed in the Roof Garden of the Continental Inn The couple will make their home in Lake Cowichon Mr and Mrs Brian McAIIister Barrie Amnesty group seeks release oftwo prisoners The Barrie Group of Amnesty International has been asked to work for the release of two prisoners of conscience held in detention for their political beliefs The request to assist the prisoners man in Thailand and woman in Rhodesia came last week from the Inter national Secretariat of Amnes ty International in London England David Mair of Barrie ex plained that Amnesty Interna tional is worldwide human rights movement which works impartially for the release of prisoners of consciences men and women detained anywhere people and places Seniors picnic The ninth annual senior citizens picnic will be held Wednesday Aug 10 at Spring Water Park in Midhurst The picnic is for all senior citizens in the Simcoe County including the homes for the aged The bus pickups will leave Parkview Centre at 930 am and will be making stops at the Dominion store on Johnson St and the Wellington Hotel Mrs Bertha Cameron has in vited those attending the picnic to come and view the new ex hibits at the museum free of charge graduate Ma Lori Anne Mitchinson recent ly graduated from Georgian College and is the recipient of the Georgian College Faculty Association Scholar ship for Academic Ex cellence in the Nursing Divi sion She has accepted posi tion with the staff of Royal Victoria Hospital in Barrie From Portage Mr and Mrs Chuck Gibson and family of Portage La Prairie Man are visiting Marvel and John Sammons of 59 Henry St Gibson was sta tioned at CFB Borden before moving to Portage Kellas Scholar Carol Maw has been designated Kellas Scholar for the spring term at Russell Sage College in Troy Miss Maw is the daughter of Mr and Mrs Bert Maw Bellevue Circle Barrie The Kellas Scholar award is given to students named to the Deans list for three successive terms excluding the onemonth January term Graduates The Sheridan College School of Nursing will celebrate its fourth annual convocation Aug with the largest graduating class ever Helen Margaret Eakin of Barrie is one of the 115 nursing students eligible to graduate The ceremony will be held at pm at Glenforest Secondary School 3575 Dr Mississauga William Cooke chairman of the Sheridan college board of governors will be master of ceremonies and Sheridan presi dent John Porter will ad dress the graduating class The Credit Valley campus became part of Sheridan Col lege in September 1973 when the provincial government placed all nursing schools in Ontario under the jurisdiction of community colleges for their beliefs religion or col or who have neither used nor advocated violence Mair will be coordinating the work on the prisoner in Thailand Dr Lert Chirasiri Dr Lert is physician in Thailand who has done research into traditional medicine hope that some local physi cians and nurses will take an in terest in this case said Mair Dr Lert is being held in Bangken Detention Camp Bangkok without having been brought to trial on any charge Any person in the Barrie area who would like to get involved in this case should call David Mair at 725448 Hope Anderson of Shanty Bay is coordinating work on the release of the Barrie Groups second prisoner of conscience We are not free to publicize details of this womens case at this time says Mrs Anderson This prisoner has never been brought to trail but is being held in detention in Rhodesia under the Emergency Powers Regulations Mrs Anderson would welcome assistance and can be reached at 7260059 The annual membershi of the Barrie Group is $15 an the group welcomes donations for which receipts will be issued for income tax purposes Pay ment should be made to Amnes ty lntemational Barrie Group 14 Mountbatten Rd Barrie The group meets once mon thly with members telephoning each other as they receive responses from governments in their efforts to abolish torture and free prisoners of cons cience Mair president of the Barrie group said we always use forma and courteous approach to Iernment authorities abou our prisoners we never resort to an abusive or sar castic tone Eileen Mair treasurer of the group said Amnesty lntema tionai is independent of all governments political fac tions economic interests and religiouscreeds mm Drug answer is repeated Dear Ann Landers am teacher in junior high who must work 12 months year to make financial ends meet So here am in summer school teaching eighth graders and learning plenty am not exactly ancient turned 35 last week but some times think Im living in different world from the one grew up in The 13 and 14yearolds Isee scare the living day lights out of me Many smoke pot and Im sure at least dozen students in my classes have been experimenting with harder drugs In 1967 you wrote an effective answer to young drug abuser lclipped it out to read to my students and have done so many times since Although that column is now ten years old your basic philosophy still applies Will you please rerun it Thank you AnnLong Island NY Dear LI Thanks for the compliment Heres the col umnSeptember 10 1967 Dear Ann Lenders am getting fed up with your attacks on drug users You give the impression that anyone who takes drugs is mentally unbalanced This is fascist lic Drug users are the only sane people left in this crazy world am speed freak and challenge anyone to prove am mentally sick AM sick however of war conflict between black and white sick of seeing poor people living in hovels that arent fit for pigs am also sick of crooked politicians filthy water and polluted air The only way person can keep from cracking up is to get stoned or spaced out People say the youth of our country are rebelling Well who can blame them We are creating our own world because we cant live in your world of war racial strife phoney politicians poverty and pollution Anyone who can tolerate what is going on has got to be crazy Ir Love Dear Dr Love too am sick of war conflict between white and black shameful housing for the poor phoney politicians filthy water and polluted air But Im hanging in there without drugs thank youtrying to keep it all togetha attempting to cope with lifes problems and hopefully looking for solutions Unfortunately the world you escape to is private world imaginary and temporary It is only place to visit You cant live there It takes guts to keep your head on straight to fight ignorance prejudice and injustice But its the only chance the good guys have to win Presi dent John Kennedy said The most valuable natural re source of any nation is its young people If the youth of our country opts to cop out and drugs ARE copoutl we are finished as nation The next twenty years will sec crisis in world history You and your contemporaries will be in leadership positions We cannot meet the challenge of the future with generation of fried brainsAnn Landrrs CONFIDENTIAL to Find It If You an did find itand its worth repeating Thomas Murphy Chairman of the Board of General Motors said Success is now suf ficient evidence to invite scrutiny by the government to determine how success can be remediedas if it wcrc disease To win is to lose and the losers are not just the com panies found guilty of success The real losers are thc con sumers Erma Bombegk Surviving terrible twos have written two books play ukelele and can drive car without looking at my feet but do you know what singular thing impresses women when am in group The fact that have survived twoyear old In all modesty must admit am not the only woman in North America to endure the terrible 25 but am possibly one of the few who can talk about it without knotiing my handkerchief One of the reasons think was so successful is that ad justed earlier than most women My kids were born being two years old They seemed to have full set of teeth for biting an emergency supply of saliva for spitting and little legs that ran the mile under three minutes One evening said to my husband cannot go on like this Iam exhausted He said Youre just little tired When you fall asleep on an obscene phone call said youre exhausted Do you mean to tell me bald baby yard high with smile that could defrost Mount Everest is getting you down You dont understand said Between 830 am and 1230 pm he put the cat in the dryer got his arm caught in rake put his training pants in the oven ate guppy pulled over the flour canister sat on my geraniums put his ortho pedic shoes in the bathtub dropped television knob down the register tore up my card for jury duty and talked 15 minutes without operator assistance to housewife in New Mexico Have you tried naps asked my husband Ive tried but he keeps crawling in my playpen and slob bering Mama play Then my husband remembered an old Burt Lancaster movie in which he was prisoner of war In order to main tain his sanity he disciplined his mind to concentrate on things other than the pain he was enduring The next time my twoyearold oiled his tricycle with my $550 jar of eren tin was to bring everlasting youth to my chins smild ad recited the declaration of independence When looked up from bridge one night and saw him site ting on the steps with nothing on except 45 rpm phonogra£h record slung over one ear recited the alphabet backwar Come to think of it was the only woman on our block who could recite all the vice presidents from John Adams to Al ben Barkley Pollys pointers be An ant ielly kills red ants DEAR POLLY wonder if you or any of the readcrs know of spray or solution that could be put in the cracks of the cupboard shelves to prevent those little red grease ants from taking over am plagued with them every year have had this trouble in every house have ever lived in and two were newly built homes guess ants follow me wherever go HELEN DEAR HELEN discussed your problem with professional exterminator and was told that the best thing to use is an ant jelly that comes in tube If there are no pets or children in the house squeeze some out on piece of foil and place on the shelf near crack The ants will come to get it and even carry some back to the nest It is Important to kill the queen and the young so what ls taken back will work on them too If there are children around put some jelly In bottle cap and then top with another cap and put tack through to hold them together These little red ants are the easiest ones to bait POLLY DEAR POLLY have few suggestions for prospective puppy owners childs old playpen is an ideal place to keep puppy when you first bring him home because you always know where he is This is also great help when house brcak ing the little dog as he is confined to one area We have found that medium size plastic dish pan also makes very satisfactory bed for small puppy Place an old towel or baby blanket in it as the pad and he will be very com fortable When one is not really prepared for puppys arrival and does not have dish for his food the large size margarinc on tainers make ideal dishes One can be used for food and another for water MRS DEAR POLLY The other day laundered three full length sets of sheer curtains for my wife filled the laundry tuh wrth cold water and that liquid for washing woolens soaked them for five minutes squeezed out the excess water and hung them on the clothesline rinsed the curtains on the line on both sides with the garden hose and let them dry This was much easier than rinsing them inside the house and the biodegradable soap is excellent for the lawn wTHOMAS