VVVVV rwwï¬ 34Msetttitteilers Aoarticlos tor till 1961 CHEV so tall aood farm truck or camper body good can be certified Aalomanc $375 or best offer Telephone 487525l i972 FORD HALF TON F400 standard three speed 302 Good condition Asking by POOLMINDER or 20 aCks the pool each night leaves no chlorine residue DOM MAC lncreases filter and pump lile ae the oxamlner My July so 1917 MIiieliilehenieslltrallers l7Eeesestereilt RUSSELL CHURCH TOWNHOUSE On Eaetvlew bus route two MOblle Homes bedrooms immaculate eon LL THE HELP YOU NEED RIGHT HERE I976 Chev van 350 four barrel 16000 Ltd dmon fa mama hull miles approximately captains chairs SERVICES $205 plus all and utilities Gilli l8 pioneer stereo completely customized 7283646 mynodog Awardwintlerï¬ail3222029anytime Id rod l976 DODGE VANv3 automatic wer RU parts and Seerce Phone 7284752 Need help Just look Over the ads below The advertisers steering power brakes heavypcduty A022 sus ension st Chl Df° munand9pmJ TF listed are experts in their field and will assure you at the 910 miles alsoginTélnegggie 73697937 ORG gt 3W °°d°° lines lob possible trim mahrmrï¬rféxgiaï¬slzli Lis I9 JEEPJQFW m°l°rr 9W ex base Immaculate condition Private MOdU Homes PUGET COURT Prestige luxuryaand lief C°ndlil°m Willi 3500 $1450 Afterstelephone 4357662 HOBIE CATCATAMARANS bedroom townhouses Selective neIOh Telephone 7231736 borhood References 275 Blake For in 1971 CHEV V2 tor v3 automatic radio PRINTING EQUPMENT mm 50 bdm You buy Travel Trailers formation call from to pm 726236l camera arc lamp plate maker paper new paint bucket seats mags certified Emma mmz PRINGLES HOBIE CAT MARINE cutter Telephone728l632 Com chm idiomatic ggLrrlngggggggggzggggn 000 best FOR SALE 60 06 Mm sum orillld 705325l7la CYQW b°°°°°r ALUMINUM CERAMIG omnmnovMEm PAVING l976 TOYOTA PERUP new March my3ifedénï¬fzrfggeï¬gflfï¬mgg Terms To I5Years Mm up mm meme no NORTHERN CARPENTRV Did Wmt 77 mm an S950 cash YTelephone 7266l02 $275 monthly 3722 MNTEREKs CEMSLIOO and walnut mmflom man Gum bumper 6000 miles only Rustproofed Highway il South THREE BEDROOM dedlacheiL rogse GIBSON andrepairs7266263 mmwomqumonwml long box Prices3700Phone 4875i63 SESZVMmTgiEeN ï¬gfggï¬rngak rm with are anae 170 Burton Ave 7289866 mull 3pm 09 to 9p in New REPAIRS mvwom carpMm Drivewoys Parking Lots lggglrllcsgemPlczulgégsgraogï¬gzgc mums one WNW double Hung We have truckload of CHI at ll required $325 monthly call DRESSMAKNG small plumbing electrical exteriorinterior Tennls Courts I600 phone 72633752 tubs and stand Hoover washing ferent sizes shapes and colors 7297959 Alcan siding soflit Trough E9 siilthingiumiturs 72643053 c°ncrete work EUR Tmmggyeï¬ï¬hï¬gr 59 gï¬cï¬lml ï¬ï¬pmflmfey 13 92 at fibreglass and aluminum AMBASSADOR MOBILE HOME 60 ORO FOUR BEDROOM living room Doors wlndows Awnlngs DRESSES FIT It made by JOle AQUINO tric brakes Three ton EDBRO MOIST agsgrtggrpluï¬tbin lrldselectTlcal sup canoes zIlnsmekTe°ih°°n5 dinindroom kitchen rec room Specializing in pantsuits gowns and altero FREE ESTIMATES willfitonafour speedtransmission I966 lies 50 99 snow lance lar uttllt TRAIL STAR TRAILERSOIW glardtag 57tl290thrgauzghgilgï¬tmgvggstczJ32 tlonsJREflenia st Phone 7266000 WEDOIT Written Guarantee JEEP model CJS cylinder excellent franc plus mm other ttémsjunsopy SPORTNAVIN MARINE ce no ondt wil sn gungalntsxigps trisking SL995 Phone references reddired TOiBRhone 779279 ll DRmAll epainï¬ng 5289 0w ow men IilEAvymDUTY sCuttingJ ftorches gall Mile East at Rome DETACHED bedroom home Clean Home Re airs imcnrv nnapiaornifo 2552c91225iio on SiNutty Bay Rd I975 SUNSET 17 foot trailer shower finished rec room W2 baths 987899 ll IiLOTTA DRYWALI and tapin residential sawing simcoe county engine power brakes automatic radio 726IO0I toilet Irldge furnace and oven Sleeps fridolr Stove drapes included No d093 II and commfldol no lol 00 ï¬t or mall Roofing heavy duh suspension white spoke NIR FREEZEdMachlne top girdlth Accm rree Cutting Y°° mo cow minimlliiillia°ic Au3 Telephone 724r4033 tion $2495 or best otter Phone 4363720 Km l4 FOOT SPRITE travel trailer cam EXECUTIVE LAKEFRONT home In Authorized dealer You Name PICTURE FRAMING W2ng VAN nggT raEls E2°e3°stillï¬xrleimlï¬isiilirï¬i REVEL CRAFT cabin cruiseII 24 plete with fridge burner stove adda Barrie Landscaped grounds maintains EAVESTROUGHING customized interior headers side pipes Assorted milkshake syrups sundae top mahooany iaPSIIoke Vii iniflcepter room new tires towed by any size car ed Four bedrooms two bathrooms or OATEs 32 Dunlop St East Custom AMFM cassette player with power pings chocolate and buttelscomh cone sleeps four adults comfortably 34300 SI6ooor bestoner Telephone 4249356 completely equipped furm5hed GRAHAM EAVESTROUGHING gov immina 0i WP sloth many amp Best otters phone 7253133 alter dip 50 per cent of wholesale One double Call 7373433 or 3267393 weekends Fireplace dishwasher ireezer washer irou hinginstolledCoii7286628 Phone 7283270 my rs I972 DODGE 3l3 Maxlvan heavy duty GEORGIN Lg HHWfl cone dip machine Call At 424 54 or W74 22 STARCRAFT CHIEFTAN cabin custom camper PB PS auto All can €359 mlageeeï¬wcegbgaggg June SUPERIOR EAVESTROUGHING smlollm lacking masonry and chimneys roofing 96 FORD owl0N plCKup 352 4240630 cruiser fully equipped with extras plus venlences pop up top radio many ex 3me Rooting and rooting repairs rm estimates Estimatucail7269135 ABBEYWOOD automatic Homemade wooden camper LOCAL SMMMWG p001 dealer has tree City Marina slip new top Fuliprice Iras Original owner Like new 45000 FOR RENT Near Edenvale Real nice ClallMortln Verstroton424I956Newlowoll top 5300 or best ollerl Must sell limited number Gel ingmund poo $7900 phone 7263235 ales Cost $9000 Asking $5500 Sign gaxmegyggnlï¬m l3 neakucsgir PRODUCTS ayestkouclimc contractor and repairs INCOME TAX CUSTOM PICTURE FRAMING Telephone 7250655 at greatly reduced prices 16 it 32 it sOLiNEETIPETiTAySIlm Jac BatesFreeestImaiesll7BurtonAve RETAILCOMMERCIAL v31ï¬N5iEiropioi2Badge litijilé inground $3333 installed Other sized tacking Jib trailer excellent condition an WM Allandale7268657oher5pm INCOME TAx returns prepared Anguslion CHARGEX ASTERCH ARGE automatic heavy duty springs good comparativer priced Call Polynesian $40000r bestoiferCallMurray Barrett em to rent LARGE MODERN HOUSE oyerlooklng Elimlc rt 6ssup Dobson 42459loo ir tree ziebart undercoated includes Pools iolliree I300261612l and ask tor 4163640244 or 63626533 mfgyflgsrgmwghpï¬fripfgggl °Siding Eavestrough 5° Mm 7370832 alumiurn Cap Will certity $2000 Tele ogejgitorwJ poutfï¬m€ï¬ytsgphead gm walkglm t6 sun deck flrom kitchen SJIXS SOTIII Windows PETER GAMELE Electric Commercial Le AGs STEREO comp Vim Sleeps 00 hp MercurX Inward mom sewcomalned sune so pnldmllul lnduflmt nuanaflons and See our ad In the Yellow Pages tracknturn table AMFM radio in good includes slip at Barrie Marina $7000 Fear Doors 37 motorcyc es not 3250 Tel 7286852 Tel 7239333 APARTMENT HOMES Fine present tenant could be retained 07264996 BOTTING PROPERTY Services Spring WEE MM 59v lion 933 ep9 AvailableAugust 25th Suit aduitlamiiy Shutters Awnings cleanups prunln lawn and Wm ul¢ï¬Â¢ can low 03 Wt 1973 HONDA 750 Borranirims Dunstail ESTATE SALE 42articles wanted Barries Finest Lease and references Telephone AddiionsR°°n maintenance Ia scoping sodding Free mmflmingt exhaustlclean and well maintained ask IMPERIAL TOWERS 722 im°s753° ing $1500 Telephone 7282410betore430 Friday Saturday Sunday 1973 Impala pLEASANT THREE or tour bedroom Porch EnclosuresStonework 95 °m°° Rosanne gardenln and tree cuitlng PLUMBING 77 my Chevy household items appliances 7269580 726499 house with rec room and replace on ROSIdential Farms Good rates Give us col at 7261634 bel you CAN OWN 1976 Suzuki 7500 955 green stove and fridge Hoover spin Adults wooded lot on Shanty Bay Road 8350 For tree estimate hf mnlpmand5pm NEW WORK and repairs drain and sewer han you think Excellent condiion washer few antiques 2I9 Yonge Street monthlyTelephone 728l285evenings calm spuumc 959 doninp Complete kitchen and bathroom ust sell No reasonable offer refused SLUEJELLL Two BEDROOM older home in Alien Elechlca Consulilng Miralien cromic tile Bilotla Call7282490daysor726oiigeyerflgsV AUTOMATIC WASHER tor sale inglis dale area available August 15 Large 20yrs experience mumswflpwmytngmowlwtdg tim GT 250 suzUKt excellent condi whites in good condition3160 Telephone THE MAYFAIR élrsiisnflmllnéï¬ï¬Ã©335 3433133 °°° F°Y 5°55 City Masters tic118 m4 shrub limmi° RIDING INSTRUCTIONS ï¬hal at°st99a9° Altigigéï¬EENWiGRWSTHte Tor COLLECTIONS VIC Triemstro 7260427 c5 er 99 one n9 Barries newest building 72537 NORTHERN ALUMINUM Products Soiilt 728 3234 HORSEBACK RIDING and horsamunsht 1973 HONDA 350 IN 559 V9 Chars NEWS Accumulations hoards in exce lent condition THREE BEDROOM two storey house Fascia Siding Trough All colors Guar lawns 550 hes MEL Also Mm chopper bullet square table Good condition one am bgdw upon near Wellington Plaza on nice lot with mfeed72626097269002 or as am re Bike very good common $250 Caunégyl 7V Canadian Sllver cams merits With nice View and many garden $300 monthly Includes heat CIR PowER CLEANING Lots lawns drives TeJSBfl90£3é3 FENDER STRATOQASTOR Gmlar pre I966 100 over lace lediules cabe and Md °p°a Yd Industriai Commerclal ott Bis building manaoomsnl MM 00 i975 SOLEX MOPED low mileage Ask T°5°W°°d Fedbe ac° shared Last month deposn Owner 7373556 195150 Telephone 424 0333 anersp beautiful tone case included $400 value 7370027 lives in back apartment Phone 7263727 Siding somFoscio sFarrn opesldentml rm RA anld Rooting Ne Asphlolt shingle 5km bow Fender twin reverb ampiilier two 12 kers S400 Call Ted Kent728 7613 lll WWW W0 W° 5296 townhouse with 9ara9e adultslogiy $290 °Shuiters Wlndows Elecmcgeal so vrzg°gg957mc°$ bx 235mgg10223g5325fne 25 CC TWO SINGLE Mullion windows 726 my monthly plus Utilit es Avai im ers an as AN KNICELY MASONRy Brick block New on Repairs eLe 44 x57and 48x610ne windowwith m9£2NlAgrlglgnle5Â¥iJaLï¬9 hum mediaey Cenlramocamn Telephone Doors eavesrough RY ID ng 21d stone work Fireplaces IPOCialty Freaostlrnotesa221397aftorbpm 975KAWA5AK Dorp 93 35 aluminum storms 33 40 and one JY30 adult bulldlng No pets Reference For 7264324 Call today 0° Freeestlmate 7054245l58 his °W 2420 ï¬rgé38gngsl foot cupboard base unit with sink information 7239632 90 Hoiaate Apari FobiaeoROOM semi iv storey IV QUALITY SINCE i949 AURIER E14L CASH FOR old furniture books dishes ment102 baths two years old immaculate up nlmnnrmntn Unlstone Free es ï¬vEE SNOW TIRES two shell Polar belted old pictures clocks odds and ends Pre pURNlSHED ONE and two bedroom Avallablelmmediately 5330 Telephone 7233896 tmassc°llr Sangulntnuoas YAMAHA 8030 Endiiioi 4000 nearly new F775 fourteens Paid 337 l950items7283234 43533I9or4630669 miieSI 900d condlilon Asking s400 each Will sell for 20 each Call 7373753 apartments ave lab at on ra meonemgm I2 HEWED eARN BEAMS Call Corby only 7260903 weekdays STAYNER Two bedroom house $195 APPLIANCES EXCAVATING Flat digging Adams 7236329 or 7262611 00 ng ar 0M AND Two Bedmom apanmems monthly Available immediately Phone W73 01 250 MOTO CROSSflew Dislon FOR SALE One pair at L90 tires on BOOKTNQ Eycherï¬e possessed lrom 31w monthly central locatlon Robertson Angus4240306 HECTROlUXlCdnddOIitdnduihofizod spies ROBERT BOYCHOFF Excavating haulage Gravel 30 0V9 exia and 35 5400 chrome 15 reverse rims Asking $80 First and last required Appliances and BUNGALOW three bedroom lakefront °d Wk 8A°cmd 7253391 hrn ro hs seriesS aof septic systems trenching loader work Kai Km U9 09 gravel 4364556 436 257 rade tor snowmobile of same value Cali New and Re airs Iter 430 4361617 Telephme 20333 all 9m ASK l°r the Phenwick Women paperback Call heal included Telephone 72694 after on Hwy 93 at Orr Lake All conven 9239 7264193 after430pm Wide assortment of colours Pm iences SI90 monthly includes hydro and REPAIRS Eavestrou In 1972 Holcoï¬odIrndtareycle excellent 1975 Gufï¬ï¬ï¬sg Nrpémgigggnt rt ll bl water No pets Phone 3221230 WEST GROVE Wiarton Flagstone ondmonl new res saddle bags hel dim $1500 or has ofler Telephone PIANO WANTEDapartmentslzeoood BE°R°°M we REPAIR British Euro ean and Japanese CommerCial me ram 5th many extras Reason condition reasonable price Telephone September lst bachelor apartment FREE RENT at two bedroom house in CONSTRUCTION By SpeCla Or er 7282662 m7 7280558 core Coronation Auto MGTY able offer 424 1200 ext 250i or after aItallabblle honing renéllrlcludes alI gtllitielsé exchange for small repairs Lolcated It 72654 kh onsin ROSIdenlIOI ALMOST NEW household furniture for pus ca ea par ngc use av ie Angus Must have some knowe ge ac oe xcav sale Living room dining room suites Mali Telephone 6046 renovation Phone424l5930r apply at 46 BIRD Tr hin RR 11MDHURST For esflmafes co Mo double beds and single bed NO St tbasementa artment dressers and color TV Tye hone aylngtop prices or vergo co ns TWO BEDROOM apartment 3200 mon 19 it H°riz°malAu erin 7370652 7267769 973 MOTOR SM good condition has 73MB collections Call 7370557 before pm kafrtgs gfgmeï¬miï¬xmï¬3333 taapts wanted to rent PURPLE MARTIN Houses logl5eé8Aapply 092 Th er Teiephone 75677437 any 22 CUE 50m 09 Woods eel from Monday to Wednesday Me eA eBarrleorne WVmï¬wi7777 33 Apt noon until pm no pets MATURE aqsmEss WOMAN mm ros RPEMRY ROOFING AND Odd Jobs snmaï¬ TOW MOdTO SKIESTIltï¬ingoad COQUIXLIZT gazztdgroeeze brand new 3369 Telephone 446095 and pets AVAILABLE AUGUST Two bedroom rigglrrtensienstefiilgmdsrarig REPLACE MICROWAVE OVENS 9°°d2m ï¬enfLSUSETTE susablgifl part HEELB SPACE HEATER brown BARRIE POOIDLE SalonShabmrstwr9 clipping ai bree Op apartment $232 monthly Includes stove fridge and parking where pets AND General Contractor Kitchen rec SEWING MACHINES elephoneau 0596 enamel WI tank 3150 Quebec wood i°° fiii° iwi3°u£r °e PW TJALZTIIITQJI °° °° STONEme and unim won W= 05 MCROWAVE SALESI SERVICE 40 articles for sale °V° mm WW 5° 33353525flintrtNcMproluunai LrRNISIITEEESNCEaIad5leW beder SEPTEIVIBOER lst eoriftrtrttclebedroom aPENTER loil2ing in rat rooms in 3izgghr zztzzZszirztesigmd Services SEWEAS aweiggaitgnï¬zggsgbgï¬er In grooming aye bgeftsiiIdPickup and de apartments available Central Adults apartment or house preferably Barrie terior remodeling trim etc Please call swcblmng in Mural on and omlqué Ampnal Llï¬onPanasomcl EMMY fanning121 lirrcgcsnsizi FACTORY REBulT AfrENhON RCA Steam AMFM livery728 6L 576210 Proms oniy72098iiweekdays Approximately SRO$160 Married cou maea4atter6pm brick workmanship guaramad Hm Had Toshba sanyo 059 he machlnï¬ speakers modem cabinet on wheels MAYS CO SELF CONTAINED two bedroom has pie Write Raddy 67A Metcalte Cres mama MAKER European trained Kit Hensfra737287l 73H $70 RCA TV black and whne 330 stonal clipping and grooming reason merit apartment In modern country wm7595073 charts vanities Pine furnonovdtions FLOOR REFINSHING soles Amana sanyo Adwndmpfl l5 Dumop Eastjptz able rates Elsphonizz6om1 home Fridge stove and carport 20rooms to et alterations Domestic Commercial 726 ear warrant M0 popular model in och ALUMINUM DOOR compee size 34 TROPITAL FsH ï¬es tsegggbllg emuzuz flh HARDWOOD FLOOR Installation and nooo In mummy an 8232 Car radio 9piece walnut dining °W Aquarums 51 LARGE CLEAN two bedroom turnish aRlGltT VERY large newly decorated uCENCED CARPENTERS Custom homes on Amana Save up to 75 on Hydro PAULS SNOWILOWING residential and commercial reasonable rates tree esti mates Call Paul 7373064 refinishing Old and new guaranteed not to room suite modern style 7261004 Prices Wings and Weekends chip or peel 3258341 hill Aquaria i43 Ardagh Road7260094 ion ed apartment Carpeted newly rooms to rem downtown locatlon cottages renovations repairs Satisfdci decorated Parking and laundry Suit ramus Real Estate Ltd7373ooo EoranteodRandJConstructlon726746I GARAGE SIRE Sunday July alfbeT slop quality mh ween9ando Three mileswestot Barrie SAMOTED Puppiés rwrme Wbrw adults Telephone 7230755 IDEALTcmfafTe CARPENTER will do rec rooms renovations HANDYMAN 7264177 days wnlollrs sNoprowmQ Small comm we 050 hafe faclles on Highway Numerous household male and female $75 Call 7267885 Two BEDROOM APARTMENT l6 business person age 20 30 Large nmodoilingotcNolabiosmm clol and residential Reasonable rates custom rebUIid your own ttwigelhtflggï¬tfl1ilu494g aflYlime slittillltildttlll 0i eleven suite building modern furnished home central air All CONSTRUCTION licenced carpenters GEN MM MUSIC EmuNM Dependable726W engine spygtijgï¬mtic Westinghoufe good DOBERMAN Pups for sale lieclawed Middle oped couple preferred Phone conveniences Bayfieid and Cundles to renovations additiOns homes cottages NTENANCE condition 50 Call 7264900 tails and shots all done Ready to 90 Call TODDLERS CLOTHES ladies dresses R395 36 enmg sizeI4Cribandsheetsbarbecuestereo PUREBRED RSH SETTER pups STUCCO RUSSELL TEXTURE SPRAY Exterior stucco 7266063 Call 7265303 rm estlmales 4354995 BEDROOM apartment Available LARGECLEANbrightquietroomRF GENERAL CARPENTRV work Additions Auousi ist Loroe balcony or yard chen privileges linen supplied Please gorogo rec rooms built in Closet drywall Terms can be arranged subject to qualifications WARREN BROWN DJ Mule lor people who WI ndows Cleaned like to dance Good rates 7289545 General lawn care ep ne ks field champion lines no in PIANIST AVAILABLE FOR WEDDINGS Recap interior textured walls and ceilings Free bar Ilreplace Reasonably priced Tele Wee cplgsygrt traggrtaaltiollldllzs slilgrllllqï¬g Mam mm 3353 flying Fm mam PM Clean up and fertilizing no OWNER PARTIES ca 72652 on imam Duh Rumu Mums phone Lrdsupply phone my fegregllagitin ASkSilmiigts tattoowilrtig caKnEl 726 7234391 gtgtv Avv FURNISHED ROOMlnAllandale at bus FIVE plEcE DINETTE SET round Sound use map 9737269 stop cooking tacilitles available Padgrees Make we Garages and basements FURNISHED APARTMENTS arid Gentlemen preferred Telephone cleaned table like new $I25 Also day couch $25 5193769151 rooms for rent centrally located Call 7294268 chys or 72303l0evenings Telephone 4364484 WELL DRILLING PAINTING 39 High St 72359 fl GREAT DANE brindle W2 years old 5m youn ring cleaning today Now opensilturdcystiifl AIR CONDITIONER Electrohome phone 424mm attero MW FURNISHED BEDROOM use of kit mlmliguyuurcorppelswithAICarpoislium LUNGA pAlNTlNG and Moral Gilbert Water Well Drilling Farms an speed wwdgrain ï¬nish on on 6000 registered mac TENANT MUST SUBLET nice two Chen Centrally located 30 weekly chum 726ml RGIUSO removed terlor exterior Work guaranteed Esta ilsh grtncilcflztï¬gsggmat Y° BTubrandnewSacrificepriceTeie Waimrmme gedrwmbaparTemlbé zertZmbers lemme 737310 COMMERCIAL Trees and hedges wywrsnb 2225 726 SWIMMING POOL Sacrifice Leading DLITQTE€BLU LL puppies two male tour tarnails Phone easona ren lncu 9e ove LARGE BRIGHT wAvNE FOLEY Professlonal painters Ex and all utilmes phone 7263142 alter 93 Canadian manufacturer and distributor 4589673 afferépJnweekend allday rooms centrally Iocated Telephone trimmed and cut tuner and inlstlor Fr llmum W° has aluminum pools left over from I976 WlIllard Automotive Hh pm 7373923 CWï¬CL my d°9 promoted72673 Season V2 price Guaranteedinstallation Six PARTISAMgYEDDUIZSezor 5551 $53535°°2332°30JJ 33335 mflmï¬Tï¬m $31533 °° Dori SIESIING Proloï¬slonai painting i3 LONE STAR 13ndl teamsggaimmdaysw Mnms as eres ERIC with3e Siexmweeks old rooms downtown location Reasonable lorior°Xl°ii°f POP °99° W° gig if LL arm Reasonable rice 4246l30 $I70 monthly Telepholte 776 790 rates Call Mr Marshall 7283865 CONCRETE Satlslactlon guaranteed 7264mm WELL DIGGING INDOOR SHOWROOM 4fuli sized pools Many types in stock Good factory war hBORLhDER chuEhs marwe slzQ ARmNDTONEDWbEdmw 39 TWO ROOMS central location PAINTING PAPER HANGING experienced on display Comeintoday or call7264606 ranly Pratt Motor Supply CO Ltd 39 black and tan $20 each No papers ment or rent close to downtown available immediately kitchen facil rtmqlJackmchordgon7264012 STROUD forree 32 page bookletotmgmund and High SLIUHNLHNOWOW Sawmays Paremsarearï¬dws Cfllanyflmemu have oois lo on go magaeewaeswranssyercrgegggkinzgzg mesparkngTelephonena1290 Fit5K5 grplun nee week7284579 BEDSITTWG ROOM cemra grapes none inn uad Htttsmls DECORATING Interior ax 310191 213L SPALDING oif clubs eleven iece Illlseggazgisreponmly ï¬r and as man located Shared bathroom and kitchen Panosl sdewalks my Y° °° T°ph°° forlor wailpuporino CUIOM UXV W°5 mm c9°9 Farm dlsW SWIVWWG FOOLS WI lease Tighihandedgc and 539 dwesl 90 PgNYl llmllgt gwrlgsdmugcglig mï¬ï¬m Telephone 7204977 steps curbs ML and ceilingsTeIephohe7059355357IOC0L gaï¬hlflyaiï¬oncroto Tlifll and install torhomeowners family size will sellseparate Telephone 7291346 age sggnwgaï¬ 90 good home TRA ARGE FU NISH DRodMs EXTERIOR INTERIOR Painting Free °° aluminum sWImmlng poo watn patio saddle avauable Sneglérstibeflftilï¬gstosglvntoï¬onm SEltéw kiLchen For RsinglesE or young and garage cors Complete Renovahons estimates Also cutting trees phon Bisngthslorgoiol fwdlcaeï¬grzsiglgzngnï¬agworfrzrgnfégg boats and momrs lag1530 ML 21 3mg a°l Cm $°6 695 5° °°° Work Guaranteed umrpentry mas Dmmrm rggtal basis with option to own Try pEDiGREE WEIMARNER pluppiesblo par hit us an as man rent AMhï¬mg ll ll tme sale wormed shots Exce ent 99 7939mm7°°72i329519 zlroom nd board FREE ESTIMATES plumbmg linear663 gnaw co 8c any dogss2oo Call72896369f7913351 TWO BEDROOM unfurnished apart ï¬IM emasonry wor etc is ï¬j ï¬t TH Items fridge ohm stove olentglofpark ROOM ANDI BhOARD Lord YIJUIPIQ BOBDUMIS MAIIA WELL DIGGING fYWKngllchgd gorinsporrogsilfyfllgar 47home improvements rig ay own ro irs an as rent gentlemen unC es pac avemen of 195 named com me with um motor Rome requiredAvailableAugustL728 5135 washing donecentrailocationparklng mm mm tencmg walkway and deck ONE BEDROOM apartment lurnlshed TeEP°7975°8 driveways andlloors Reasonable rgtes Free 322 1062 Parklng Lot Palntlng Home Farm Collage suggested retail price $2295 Available ALUMINUM overlooking the llake Suitable for one 23 Ofï¬cesores for rem Estimates445594lor4263206 TThSAu9 concrem we ï¬les at preseason Special of $1288 Call now MAYBE NEVER BEFORE war ing personS90monthiy One year co ec for early installation Call collect msgmreggiggé Dunlop St M0515 OFFICIE Sp 19m CUSTOM FENCING 0M5 mppovmgm 64 or hymn Pump installations gritgain219$ï¬i2ltÂ¥usï¬cgangraï¬a MAYBE NEVER AGAIN sma or arge su es mme iae oc BACHELOR one bedroom and two cupancy short or long term 7263400 RESiDENTW FENCING Chm MW INTERIOR Rmooettmo Kmth For Free Estimate Ampliiier approx months old Both in For ilmli9d lime onlY Siding Supplied Iii bedroom apartments for rentIUtilities Angsltillgtflw wood ions improve Y° POPOW 737 momscullflu5363w11uharb3opm pvnc all 7284634 excellent condition Asking $550 26 GOIIOlll 3i8ChFY$IBT gteued at $129 per sq IL Featurth Hunter ï¬fgggegzvégdï¬g suppW ï¬ï¬pace lo rejï¬ we slotcosavujiabio 77991195 Inboard includes all ac Douglas Climatic siding we also sell sofm 44 cccccc REED MORE living space rec room extra Wlll BROADLOOMED FURNSHED Wt PRIME lNDUSTRlAL SPACE 4550 bdroom playroom laundryoiilcosloraoo Hes cessgrfes be cane Fascia eaveslloughs doors windows furnished one P2df00lll apartment 60000 5q lully sprlnklered transport Space Also pointing wallpaporing Murray condmon A5kn9 $81000 awnin and rouï¬n All work uaramelid OW CLEANING ggfgmaï¬gflgp°vgq°$ and Mom truck loading stocks In it no Bradford Balm89°6 LL Call RICK HARKER 7054562355 medgï¬ew prleprflérred Tmghone clear parloi large expanding Industrial 99 cusTOM REC ROOMS Complete asement ALLEN BROTHERS Window Cleaning Apart 011g Old 7264940 73714 m9°r72340 Pknning and determine PiVUCY ments Stores Houses Factories Reasoni pn AU22 ï¬rm mooï¬sï¬rnï¬ï¬zï¬ï¬EOR FOR LEASE industrial space and Dame and patiosééalungnutgogoor The number in able rates Telephone72Bl9l4 76 14095 Jy30Au23 SHarden supplies warehouse Telephone 7263400 your 58 TT ing us tlliy plus hydroI relrioeralorI sloveI Angelo Quality chain link fence SPECIALIZING Tuck REM DRIVEWAYS 27 FT SHEPHERD mama Wal parking Available Sept Married cou VERY NICE Industrial bum we won brick and so Mn VI PARKING LOTS 5473 TlLs double on cylinder Chrysler inboard SOD FOR SALE large or small quan ple no children no pets please Dunlap We mm argeecgdï¬n supplies at lower prices do ï¬nd fpano Mn 927 931 Open Daily 23 motor Ai condition Asking $2500 eS Delivered i°b h°m° whommm err Roomy Pnone mm or no Do it yourself or we install mausotm CONCRETE WORK lETTIIIS SERVICE GUIDE elephone 43542456tter4303m gm 4119°7 3€E33 Efï¬e 350537 CONSTRUCTION House raising touri WORK GUARANTEED you USED FURNITURE Alrcondltloners BOAT W74 Winner Flybridoe sedan Sltrees arid shrubs ldgé and hydro included close BARRIE CENTRAL him Sq ft tor OUTING dations renovations additions Phone small fridges for office or COtYEQE comPIEIEIY loadear Sleeps IOUI 3000 commercial industrial use compress 436955or4364l75alter6 PIIONE 7232414 solves freezers odd chairs Chesterfield new otteredior only $5000 Slipped ln SHADE TREES NOW is he W°Wc1l5m°l 773LLVL on air heatand hydro supplied 7263736 CUSTOM aUILDING FREE ESTIMATES sets lawn turnlture and bedroom suites Leiroy Harbour fully paid for until 59 Your Shade 99 We have ONE BEDROOM apartment Close to om andb 539 Clarks Home Furnishing Warehouse March i978 Call7371000 selection and small deposit will hold downtown fridge stove heat water and 25garages tree deliver 7232343 ï¬gï¬ofglfTTVERUNETD VEir for fall pickup Brays Garden Centre 26 P° 75 °Y WFox c9mlgcmm mo SWlMMlNG POOLCHEMICALs iï¬gl immaculate condition iiseeh Johnsde D72°5 vï¬ goggiNlmLSL°5¢$Tgtxiï¬Ã© 533 ban Kaypool etc Robinson Hardware m0t0rigcludes triiiebr auto tilt control 52plants and bulbs or can 31 Dunlop St East72B24al converi top or many extras Anne street south Available August Ist LL 333563 Pageant Eyercoarli 3939931791711 32 EMERGENCY SALE lat3 summer Ififigllflfllflï¬afl gt7ï¬r lilagECeQL 3L3N5Tgowuhorrge mus dmo 63759 am my 27coages rem can or so 32 cars for sale 32 ears for sale 32 ears for sale gmm 13 szwmfgigozll 33ml crclIisZIrs icogtAFLteggsfmrLSE Fernclaie or most Abha LE RE gt LA4 NEW ATTRACTIVE Apartmentfor rent i9 COUGAR XR7 automatic power i973 DODGECHARGERNQ hadwl I967 DODGE be sold immediatel includes sundeck enaines camper back lots of extras in stayner bedrooms all appliances MONTHS July August available sand steering power brakes radials black V3 automatic power steering POWer automatic possrLAgéerlngd°°goï¬f ï¬lgdogellsglé33ES£$56 fencing filter andysafety stairs Sale 510900 Telephone 7288234 5Haum9 equPmEI and broadloomed Lease required Tele beech inside conveniences boat slips witnwhite top and interior Excellent brakes Ming glazed undercoated Only brakes dgm new in wm new price mmnmion and terms ar MERCURY POWER6 my new phone 42034i5after 6pm Silï¬LflZuv LEF c°d° 1500EEUJQP 779915 300 mlgi2o5k9 50 7753729 air shocks battery starter and brakes 33cars wantedto buy ranged Call Terry collect days or even 3400 will set 00° hes Men Phone Egg LREALrggagmgggl Two DEDRooM semiturnished apart 2Honages to sale i975 CHEV CUSTOM impala 350 v3 39995 A5is$600Caiiailer6pm 7269796 294l33°7 737 72 stove and rumc 52 200 Telephono ment on bus route immediately avail automatic P8 P5 radio rear seat 1972 PINTO HATCHBACKasis Bestof IQTIMOUQa rRommrw RMLWAY ES 5a regmar sim able parking facilities Call 726ml LAKE COUCHICHINGamilesnorthol speaker rear window deiogger tilt lerCanoeseenatcnewsrexacoohan °° men Temphone Sun Valley Remuran l6 SUNRAY FIBREGLASS abut co °4é from l0am to930pm Orillia Winterized summer home steerint steel belted radials white with l1ï¬gycgnymelhlsfléeksï¬ mcoks wisdmeeliresrgtrtstyitcsksmlrrlOgltld2IT For Daniels N9W95 03 090 737 0086 vemme to wm 70 hp Chryser eiec FOR IZENTt 8V molt cgnlger Tvv ReafgoAAwAPARTMENTkcen Eggï¬iaifï¬ngii Lgï¬gbdxgniizgï¬maig mmulltfmggpglalgggngmggmg 330° geercgferï¬ï¬‚fwifegongï¬xggr gill 3i000 or best offer Telephone 1370 CUgCHMAN WEE Exit léliiilfall3°21lgiyliggéipiiiélélli figs5 Nicola Selfcgntarinegg ra ocae ge sove par ing horsepower electric start Good condi ulglitigs included $220 monthly Tele Tégisngnd PBe RPM 9w 539 weekdays 900 93° TfliflSQDEJSJPQ i97sï¬Ã©OJGKRiifiidVéFï¬ï¬rTjï¬ GOOD CLEAN LATE MODEL m$450 TEEDMM 75030 lee newszmub 22 leslzerhmgliéstntea cupboards and vw i977 GRANDE MARQUIS MERCURY power steering Wipe brakes are E°°MAMET moo dilating il£°£ll6°si£l l°il°rilfildialzaaz°xizuz it 332° 2202 Low AUTOMOBILES °° L°¢°t it 13223Llil°ilï¬2lï¬1i 23 loor ge stove eat water so HENRI Mieaoe immaculate contition Askin plied Central location $86 monthly 33flm94flfl€L9IW SNNWI 0590096 395 OIIW radio Reasonable Oro Campgrounds S4700Willcertify7233395 ORV HARDY MOTORS gt Telfl£fl3 90 MM 7370536 pm 71633 Hwy ll North Lot 47 or tote hone rrirï¬ lRoOuOls CAMPER with addaroorn mvgo6Amste Enggces App 30resorts days ask for Enzo 43726 19 PONTIAC VENTURAI six cylinder 76 AD 0RD ST 7284272 S450 sleeps five good condition mr we automatic snow tires rad engine has Two BepngM unfliirglislied apart ORR LAKE CAMPING Make your £3RAMWR31¢TJ mezwttltulfymeï¬ fggmzupgjefï¬leggggï¬nggcgggg 3°°°° esdmw ï¬nk Tm ngxlo 53 men avaa enowsua eorawork ISYsem neesmnor bodwork 95 mum cm two and VW 2° °° emr Excellent condition economical automatic new paint brakes tront and 37 TOP PRICE for top cars Toke Motors Avallable Dally at These MM rig arge sites serviced 30 amp No renmcenllled4975202 but we esM Ltd Bradford St Barrie 728 am downtown no pets please Telephone change for winter storage Telephone mfgï¬mam07 TIT5 75 cng °° nu ma LESABRE custom tour door EM cARSWï¬rgéjf TA 533 5mg leglmpmflmbiGer 7335520 hfl Hi Wr 7053324631 harm pow swarm flex k°°s New hardtop power equipped air condition ml was none Ounw erc ants annuity JeISD MI Er tefisugi mo TWO aEDROOM Apartment in Maple 32 radio rim mg par wmacer mo MONTE CARLO low mileage va lngS3950rbesIotferPhone4363720 Wreck r6ay A° °° Ave main floor one block from nos cere Ol air power steering and brakes Tele PUREBRED ARABS three year To Double rattles Stallion broke two year old Bask Gelding excellent show pro Musï¬NG FASTaACk I97i keystonE mags renegade Fees road hugger 650s automatic radio 302 cubic inch ital Fridge stove and utilities Call We Hm pm Cairns 7230653 or 7372i0i SE EL DUCKWBETH ST AREA l9 PLYMOUTH SCAMP cylinder TRACY WANTSESFsitd trucksior wrecking and parts top prices paid Free pickup Telephone 72o3437 amusï¬lsievenjnqs I973 PLYMOUTH Cricket in good condi tion Rustproofed bucket seats rear Centarl paint Call 726nor725m Cs Mu movmg Abrm power steering radial tires AI condl modicumlzmimrzizcls MAPLE one owner in new £9L5w9£2liï¬Â°hzi° lists Wills 35 JMSANNE ST Slimiiiiililiinil° manSiISmonthlyCall Betty 7233376 MlmmlmuEm T977vOEToodondltion Ts rï¬w °° 35631A°69M47459 FOUR YEAR OLD PPM0° 90 rack no rust Si 000 miles certified Two BEDROOM Buarmemmsl gymb z137 mvggï¬ig XI Eflyrejéspgi rwvw 105° be oherlITeepMme 9356 wANTED Clean used cars IIIEgg month old Buckskin saddles and bridles Immediately andtwoaedroom available min lm OLDSMOBILE DELTA four door Mishap CUSTOMEW Queue cm deAulo Sales it Gowamggggghm 6655 September Ist mo monthly plus hydro ï¬mï¬mmsr hardtop power steering and brakes in dltlon low mirage 33200 lemon SHAKELS WRECKING and Towing K0 APP GELDNGI References no pets Parking laundry 76 ONDA CVC WT WI ml good condition 72000 miles S600 7263473 scrap metal cars bought over scales 0006 Childrem 50 GM facilities 7264035 24Hour Towing 55343ggilgaquglgbgmflcoalw ITaglepnone mom after pm ask ior 33HAMCTMEAmT Wm 636 PARKSIDF VARIETY PARKSIDE ST llfmtiowlgdlmiitpm ug Mr rma on spa on seven years l7housestorent Mechanicailepain Km LNCOLN CTNTNENTALI Mo ï¬cï¬msï¬mcmrgwaa gutzmaflc lltoylrar steering power 34trucks and trailers old well trained Telephone 4563377 Autalody door town coupe luxurious and well vehicle amt 6° °°°°°d° flint qulppm Telephone 72365 am ï¬sL11L°£ Has been well cared for Asking $1200 4x4 I973 LANDRovER 22000 original DUBLE unisW ONE JULY SPECIAL Im W72 VALIANT rliint six automatic Telephonggtszoolm TDRAILER aaie AI conditi radio power steering radial tires 52 000 22 sortable offer Telephone 72324lo betore mu IIOM Complete palntonly I937 CHRIYSLER rum verly low mt good conch cmuled I97DATSUN2401owmlleagemnder 430am Telephona72393l2 cage mmacuae co ion uxury pylon coa ed no rust xcelent condition rH sa ur Yor tor rent car fitted with every conceivable extra 3ifl New radials new shocks new exhaust CHEVYyAN uube Wm RV 6rolï¬greliorho 9er Fzrncius airconditioning cruise control radio cm CAPRCE WW 5999 Sellor trade for van or four wheel drive Mm 26 Wheebase 551 °W 97 00d my act 593 up no power brakes 307 motor radio Best at 72554 mileage 7266403 days or 7372666 even Mlm RR Tm 7055 double garage Highway 27 North new sacrifice $6996 call 7262633 AMEN an FORDT wrungTr hm WLL fï¬gï¬nfl°hfmï¬ imu anytime I974 PLYMOUTH SATELLITE air con l975 DODGE TRUCK slant standard Flwluu 3224654 ï¬mnsnï¬ï¬fm3Fï¬Qnjga ditioning new tires 32500 or best offer £32312 ï¬e°gdï¬g shift radio undersealed H000 miles Eflmcnam CallflnYllm 726 Country nine passenger station wagon mflbï¬nflflflééi mwg Chanically needs some body wotit mwt WM005 GELDINGI Old or TorontOBal2515 fully eaulpod loaded Top condition we FORD FALCON S250 as is Also around rear lenders only Not been 71 VENTURA CHEVY VANCrrtiiled matemgï¬mr lgel IiélI4zI Ants MAMEAuto Sggg$30if5ncenltled Phone AI lrtei7 amglï¬rhggso can be certilied ï¬zzIii aggeaisesst gï¬gtabderhMust sell Iélï¬gohoxdig Load tires new paint lob M23 SMTngsco of one WEN