Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 23 Jul 1977, p. 8

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the examiner Saturday July 23 1977 SATURDAY EVENING VIEWING 600 Winners 30 22 Newsweek Number To Call News Movie The Boy In 25 Deli Movie The Girl In The Plasiit Bubblc Toronto The Goon The Red Velvet Sw News 830 ing Amdllnq Kreskln Movie Sudden WMovie Walk ll FOFDSI Rangers Fury Crooked Mile ly Polka Dot Door ll Bot Nowtiart 117 Movie Sam 15 Genics en herbv 19 Camera And The Whiskey 79 Song 79 Laurel And Hardy 30 95 Holt Patrouille CIaSSIcs tnomry 77 F780 For All 40 79 News 9300 an Whos New Movie The Heart Is II 256 ll Football 77 Lonely Hunter Movre The toth Vic la Stationary Ark it All in the Family tim Nouvellos 711 Starsky and Hutch 1200 35 Moye Keep It In Saturday Nirth Partout The Family Mowe Games 700 Movie The Blue 19 Movie Ecstacyl 72 Desiun Explosmn Angel 79 International Hm Haw Colombo Cinema Disiistm New And 30 1240 Why Mixcd Doubles Alfred Hitchcock Bot McLean AIILC 100 Kirkland And Com l000 25 Cinema party Switch 120 Emergency Feather And Fathor Challenge 11 Fricrtdi of Man Gata 125 19 Vision On Beauty Paueont ll MoVIe Before Casinos 197 ll BOIIQIO 27 Codt 10 7A 130 730 79 Comm Don Kirshnors Rock New Treasurt Hunt 10 30 Concert That Maritime Knn oi Kcnsinaton 140 Feelin 17 Second City Maverick Lots Go In Tho Nouvellcs 150 Rncvs 77 Wrestlino News it Great Dubatc 11 00 200 Merlin 77 145 ll NPWS NIOVIO Th0 Long 17 Ontario Swonps MUVIC Popil thlll 800 Cinema Movie The Third Fmirruoury 05 Man Hapny Days 11 Wt Franklyn 350 Maty TylerAnnie 1115 MovietBorn To Be Nitttlt Woman News Bad Forsimitcis II320 4200 19 Famous Notwl Prize News Movie Backtrack Joe Cavllard Winter Comes SUNDAY AFTERNOON VIEWING 1200 130 313° mm Lm 0mm Canada Concentration CW 7V MW Issues And Answeis ml In pm miyp Deg Summer Sports vvin IGiioii Morn Ws MU Haw iliti MI Dlvcl 700 77 Aqap Journal 47 Cl 400 Movw iA Diminn Charts tlio 315 Go TriiiiinIti 00 Sam Aras Sports World now IV Ml 079 10 Ln metrique CEst Si SIiiia AI ii iifll ll Simple Fiva in riinmia AV III Pi IValI Life l5 l7 Ollllttlltl Dc Giilt Du WEIV Out Canada 34 ElnisDlxtilrvw pawns Ilt 12 30 toiliaiiistnvMonday 430 1m tan 05 77 mey Talks iirii it 1mm Mow Tllt cl iv itiitt FB Mm MM Flyl Womon Colt Vuw Quostion Pei ttid I30 ltjil 11 Tiny TnieiitTioie It Atlli lUro prnr 2130 Elnrrc cmvpmw IJS WW UM 7v Naino it The Camp ll Bimini Rimw lufr 00 Rn Its 01 Tllytlt MLHINII itir Ci pl BUG BUM Rand Oil il IIrIIlitIJ tin RUN Mnyw Wai II in 13 Wrvr Como Ll La of WIIH WW Ii vain Kiniiaom Nilisii Il Smi 19 Sflkalnu mnm Triioilw tit Ila Vtllllw ll Alnvvrv vliiizwwnu lL WItI 5230 mtk Cawwt Camera American LIIVSIVIO Id Viilnows vallts CVW JUYI Davidson iS DHrti it 1Illrtlll lv Nah Ni it Ill Ni ll anrotii WCtk Nitm rm If eri vlitiL SUNDAY EVENING VIEWING 00 800 IO 30 Nwiw M1 Minai It What Is Truth Np tiiaiIrs lt Caitiltlit 17 Flici NIIUx iVIyVlil Sim iantn Nouvollis on on vi AiIIIINIMall ll100 lr Polka Dll or Hilly an vti R7011 News or LIIIKHV Cilvmni Ontario QuintIa 7i rni Mum Talia IIZIS inniva To moi Natmn Business 6230 830 Il0 Wild inirt in Phyle Ncws niiditCaniwm tlr vim lit II130 Harp rill Now Elmo ltfiilxli Movie It Happened News Prov All Ollt Night It Nw Lon5 900 World At War 10 Winns ristwr UlltlttiS iok Mary Hat tman any Sinn Mai Hartman NttlVil The Talmud Larry Solway 35 72 in loan or Ywi too Hominy slimi LOlii Imiin s1 Hill 1140 Nov Im nrdil MoVIe Lydia 00 1150 GM iv Tim vwi Dim rum Flow iwriiri 1200 my tinA 134 Block Marcus wwhy MD Nam Move Only with TN mm Ntitrrivd Mew Cold 11 Fyggoii avg MW 19 invoriiIirtal Qiiutxo any ii uw 1265nm II it Davn Susikiitd 1000 l30 130 so mu mm 140 ii in ry Sunday Surprise Dim ni tmim 200 Hunt Movie Tho rucl ohm iI r3 Spa Hi li at ivq pm ill on Doarv NUWi MONDAY EVENING VIEWING 600 7a NillliS wril 1040 I1 it vlrl Iv EllHi4th sma L4 Nllfl gt 71H Aiiitry Hm liran inn ti it ll II whim Ni illtltIS NiitlvtltiK tfuvzivtir Quilllltllt CW tuaiitl ivi ill my Lining 615 41 1120 At viiii is NI wr 630 Vllil 1130 iAt Niyy 530 lotvniiyfavsi in Tilt ii Miam yniini my 11 pm iy win Haitirm Etris itll ll Lari Solon ll Opt xtnns VI in 1Egti Vl vi my Gum iiiwiw 11210 700 00 mam Bcvw 1200 ltt Llltll Umiig Arman Evil lITlI Niqit Clint VII Strwtlt of San own ow tram xi T7 lwli lvI Trit imtsitii ll ttii lI ti ii NW Mowdrum mom In MW 3i mun Niitl1liviil Iovs iii II 730 tTL or Holy iti llO rki iviv imlt 100 Ii mu Moutw it Hm riiiiti It itow nx Iv FutilFViiolli illilIvt ytlly Linngm 800 LllvHihim Prair 30 ftJp ill Avu JV lel4Vt Mutt PH lot 110 11 Tun 2215 Noviv TIII Unlzkntiii Hot WlllltIl Duplicate bridge results Winncrs at lhc Barric Duplicate Bridgc tlub lllttllIlL on Friday July It wcic North and Soulli lirsl Mr and Mrs Nick Kiittis second tIlivi IIcrsvv and lcg Iorc lhiid ItlltlEhtlltlgllitlll and John Killiy Winnch of thc East and Host scclion 1t first Nclln Schncll arit Iaudc Iclcaltc sccond Suc Graham and Bill lltilll thiid Danny Schanichorn iiid Viv icn ltlltltS in Monday It cams com pctcd and thc winncrs wcrc first Siic irahain lolin llazcll lIinic nine and iary lCd moiids sciond Bill litt lon Allison lacl Kirby and Danny Sihainchorii third lIIla Soancs trvilla topp ivian Iliiniilton and Dorothy lillcy To present play by Fugard cntaur lhcatrctonipany of Montrcal has been invited to proscnl its production of Simi Bansi is Bad by thc South African playwright Altliol Iugard in IIIx1 sIasons English theatre program of the National Arts IIltrc Maurice PodhrIy will direct with Iton Kumalo left and Errol Sliic who created sensation in Itflllltfll last season Photo the bi By ER liIAIILRD Adventure action romance and daring Buccaneers return to the big screen in lnivcrsals Swashbuckler And its about time too The only time gct to sec an ex citing pirate film is on tclcvi sion providing of coursc st ay up to watch it on some late Iatc show among Saturday Inor ning cartoons All great classics uorth sceing ovcr and over again Blackbear lhc Spanish lain Captain Blood starring the king of all the swashbucklers Errol Flynn Then came the new trend of priate films that wcrc destined to becomc true classics Mutiny on the Bounty and Billy Budd Wall Disncy jumped into the act with lreasnre Island and Kidnapped lhcn suddenly lhcrc wcrc no more pirate epics to come sailing out of Hollywood The bUccanecrs wcrc replaccxl by sccret agcnts No more would we sce two ina jcstic pirate ships do battle on thc high scas Instead we were given films with mighty bat tleships and fighter planes engagcd in modcrn sea warfare where pirates once fought It looked as it thc skull and cross boncs would fly no inorc lovcrs oi adventure and roniiincc lhe daring bawdy buccanccr and his notorious crew thc spiritied htrtiltIOltrtlISIICSS the cruel hlackhcartcd villain bumbling soldicrs dazzling sword play booming cannons and all the period trappings of much misscd scrcen cntertainment hayc finally returned to the scrccn in this grandscalc piral advcnt urc AVEISI Kingston Jamaica and tho aribbcan in the early eiglr tccnth century providc the col ortul setting for this swecping advInl urc story Iiikc any great screen Piralc aptain Lynch Robcrt Shaw prcparcs to touch the IiIglIspintietl Jane Barnct IIncvicic Bujold lrsson or two about sword play adventure film the action starts right after thc credits The opcning sccnc is hang ing It seems some poor soul is about to forfeit his life in the name of freedom But as lhc scntenco is read we find out that this man is not liberator but the murderous piratc Nick Icbrett James Earl Ioncst lie scents destincd to meet such an end as he takcs the final step into thc gallows arrying out his cxcculion is lhc dedicatcd spit and polish Major Polly Beau Bridges He can think of nothing but carrying out his orders from the acting tryant Governor Lord Durant Pctcr Boylc The drums role as Nick chrett stares into the hand mans noose Suddcnly pirate ship sails around thc point with its can nons blazing IN SHOCK Folly in thc state of shock cant bclieve what is happen ing The outlaw pirate ship lhc Blarncy Cock looms up to thc SYLVIA TYSON AUG 345 TOTTENHAM INN 300 ADVANCE 400 AT THE DOOR BLUE GRASS FESTIVAL Beginning July 4th you can enjoy the sounds of Bluegrass featuring the Kent County Pickers July Rural Retreat July 1116 Oren Rood July 1823 and Wolf at the Door July 2530 at the Tottenham Inn Come ioin us Licensed Dining Lounge and Air Conditioned Mill St Tottenham 9364952 execution dock lhc ships mascot rooster aftcr which the ship Is naincd crows with delight The infamous daring buo cancer ltcd Ned liynch ltolxtl Shaw wings in true piratc fashion from lhc ships yar Ilaim to tltt gallows lock Ilcts his friend and swings salcly back with him to the ships rig ging Thc Blarncy ock sails off with its guns still blazing and the advcnturcfillcd story is on think Ill go and scc it again jHugely lot of meaty laughs TVMailbag Angels Kate is Scorpio By TO ICAD oplcy Niws Servici HOLLYWOOD The TV Mailbag When is Kale Jacksons birthday and what is her Zodiac sign Also where can write hcr BB Wheeling WV Trcat llc also played in the Saturday morning series luggsy llis first movie was Bugsy Malone high schoolsophomore he is currently enrolled in private school in New York 11 While on the set he is tutored Kate Jackson who plays Sabrina Duncan on Bs popular harlies Angels was born on not 29 and is Scor Yes and no pio You may write hcr at Spcllingtioldtxrg Production in carc of 2llhcntury Fox Film orp 10 Bov tltltl Bcvcrlcy llillS 90213 Wheres Linda Whatever bccanic of Linda Evans who played in hc old western scries Big Yancy Shcs still acting Leaves SIIOW would like to know what happened to onc oi lllt Scmonski sistcis on the Lawrencc Velk show Ihcrc yIrc always six of thcm and now only fivc arc on Vc havent heard anything about why she was dropped from the silo KI Van Voorhis Ive received many inquiries about the absence Diane Scinonski thc oldest of the sisters Diane says shi ncvcr wanted to stay with the show becausc her main In crest is in Composing She joined her ivc younger sisters on mporary basis but lasch ycar Shc rlcpartcd the show in latc Fcbruary About Scott How about some information about Scott Baio who plays Anthony on Blanskys Bcanlics San IIIIII native of Brooklyn Baio bccamc intcrcstcd in acl ing in school Hc startcd out modclling clolhcs and eventually moved up to commercials and movies He made his ltllr sion dcbut last fall in Luke Was Ihcrc IINIERTNMENTShorts lOBthTI Pi CBC FM radio will broadcast Gcr man Composer Richard Wagners romantic threeact opera Tristan and Isolde livc from the 1977 Bayreuth Festival in Germany on Sun day The CBC said in statcmcnt Thursday the opera will bc thc first livc stereo broadcast from con tinental Europc Thc sixhour pcrlormancc also will be broadcast on CBts FM network Frcnch service Dircctcd by llorst Slcin thc production stars tenor Spas lcnkoft and soprano atarina Ligcndza as thc ill faled lovers lhc broadcast 1053am lilll Hes 142 ltSt 1W Itcntcri HJ ycarold tnan living in the So vict rcpiiblic oi Azcr baidzhan is to star in film thc government newspiipcr Izvcst ia reporch lhiirsday As the oldcst inhabitants of Azcrbaidzhan lcdzhid gichv and his wifi Khatiin 97 will havc central roles in tlic Illlll cnlitlcd High In Ihc Iciika lllllS begins at Its parody of soap opera Soap 30 minutes lhc most outragcous adult soap opera coincdy leads lVs tall lint up in comedy Soap is parody of all soap opcras and inanagcs to carry this Iavoritc North American obsession lnt outrageous slop furthcr Soap pokcs tun at all human frailtics whilc racing through thc compch personal livcs it two LJIIIIIIICS the Tales and thc ainpbclls lullandish dialogue scan danUs personal trysls and mindboggling plots shouuld makc Soap smash Iiil IVEW STATESMAI genuine mventlve original EVEVINE STANDARD Lovable lunacy ONEWS of 7H WURID If GUAiDAV QOL UMBIA PICTURES and MICHAEL WHITE present JABBERWOCKY BY ItRRY GILLIAM Starring MICHAEL PALIN HARRY HCORBETT JOHN MESURILR WARREN MITCHELL MAX WALL Lo StaIIing RODNEY BEWES JOHN BIRD BERNARDBRESSLAW TERRY ill 1AM NLIL INNES TERRY JONES SCRL NPL AY BY CHARLES ALVERSON AND TERRY GILLIAM IROM till WIS CARROLL POEM EXECUTIVE PRODUCER JOHN GOLDSTONE PRUDI it BY SANDY LIE BE RSON DIRECTE BY TERRY GILLIAM AN UMBRE LLA ENTERTAINMENT PRODUCT ION TECHNICOLOR 00 DUNLOP ST V4 SHOWN DAILY AT 700 900 PM cm 7280081 MIND AMI IIEIIIMIII llcr Hunter which CBS rcccntly cancelled at showbiz rcccnlly heard that NBC cancelled Emergency show my LItlltlikll rcally enjoy Is it true DJ olunI bus 111 llcll yes and no Emergency has not been cancelled but Bt hasrcplacmt it as weekly series Instead the EAL FWHHPIL show will he aircd as an an occasional twohour special most recent scrics was July 24 pm Exhibition Stadium CNE Toronto Tickets Reserved Grandstand General Admission Field Available At SAM THE RECORD MAN Concert Productions International Presentation an NBt Spccial lzvcslia said thc couplc have 12 living dcsccndanls Vaccaro weds DALLAS Al trcss Brcnda Vaccaro has niarricd William Bishop ii ttiytatroltl lawyer For lht inlornial ccrcmoiiy Wedncsday the groom wort bluc corduroys and red plaid shirt and the bridc grey pantsnit Ms iccaro 37 inadc onc am cnd incnl to the traditional marriage VtS Hold on minute shc IIT tcrriipled at one point Icts lake oiil this til death do us part and as long as wc both shall livc stuff Nothing lasts torcvcr The marriage was Bishops first Ms Vaccaros prIvioiis marriage cndcd in divorcc Danish ham WASHINGION lI Victor Borgc lIft Thursday for an cngagcmcnt Ill Saint John bctorc hrict tour of wcstcrn Europe and then thc opcning of now show on Broadway 2i month from now The tiycarold entcrl iincr said lc dont make fun of music we hiivc Inn with mu sic Lakeview 185 Dunlap 7285151 Sunday Special TOP ROUND OF BEEF With Horse Radish Sauce This is complete dinner including special dessert MONDAY ROAST CHICKEN TUESDAY BREADED PORK CHOPS With Apple Sauce WEDNESDAY HOME MADE CABBAGE ROLLS With Tomato Sauce THURSDAY OPEN FACE TURKEY FRIDAY GRILLED OCEAN PERCH With Egg Sauce $325 Children under 12 $225 All above dinners include Soup or iulce Potatoes Vegetables Rolls Butter and Beverage Lets all go to the CANADIAN NATIONAL EXHIBITION by TRAVELWAYS Yes We are offering day excursions to the CNE from Barrie with packages like these BUS TRANSPORTATION $695 BUS TRANSPORTATION And Gate Admission BUS TRANSPORTATION Gate AdmissionGrandstand Show $1405 ALL RETURN FARES DEPARTURES DAILY MON SAT $895 AND LOOK AT THESE EXTRAS Air Conditioned Coach Hostess Service on some depar tures Express service to the CNE No Parking Problems Here or There For Further Information call us STOCK BROS BUS LINES LTD TRAVELWAY PHONE BARRIE 7280700

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