CLASSIFIED ADS the examiner Saturday July 13 1977 19 7282414 DEADLINES BUSINESS HOURS The Examiner Offices are open from 830 am to pm WORD ADS pm the previous day or noon Saturday for Monday SEMIDISPLAY 48 hours prior to publication CANCELLATIONS Accepted up until am les 38 I7 13 found 70 opportunity for men women74 property tor sale or rent 08 snowmobt 8t cottages to rent 27 farm machinery 64 houses °5 zszirzznosdahons Show $3553 motors 4t cottages for sale 28 farm machinery wanted houses wanted to rent t9 toys for sale 04 pasture for sale proper manogdement rlg kebaskegnhnunu pasureorem proper wane 07 cottages wanted 29 food seed 9mm 60 in memoriams mar opts to rentci 235IJefllfllef 56 deohs 85 ï¬nancial instructions 69 marriages 84 posture ranted 63 public notices 33 summer properties for sale pï¬scigafgres ren card of thanks 86 dogs pets 44 om 39 insurance to mob homes trailers 14 parsona sh 6g resorts 73 ankles re can for sole 32 empoymem woned 76 runs and gambit 67 andscaping money to loan Iuortpsgggz byubs 3250 leper 20 Mars 78 33 engagements 83 garages 25 easing mortgages omcles wolfled 2l°yeeits 88 exClllmge garden supplies 50 legal 77 motorcyles 37 Poultry and chicks 59 rooms wanted 22 llch 20015 oumons so es 36 commgrciol so 09 forms for rent 06 help wanted 71 livestock for sale 57 nursing homes 15 professanal directory 90 sales help agents 72 eeks an ds ruI 35322 repairs 35 construction machinery 55 larms lor sole 05 home improvements 47 livestock wanted 58 oftice stores for rent 23 property for sale Ot serVIce and repairs 54 Lie an trol OIS OI property for solo 0t property for sole propertyfor sole property for sole OI property for sole COOKSLANE DEVELOPMENTS LIMITED PRESENTS PHASE NOW ON SALEII few features include sundeck over garage with direct access from the 2nd floor extensive living and dining rooms bedrooms OI property for sole property for sale 01 property for sole The choice isyours handful of useless rent elpts property for sole OPEN DAILY FROM AM PM family room with fireplace family size airy kitchen high basement COMTEMPRA ll 2800 SQ FT AND UP ARCHITECTURALLY DESIGNED CUSTOM BUILT HOMES ON HWY 27 JUST SOUTH OF HWY 89 IN THE GRACEFUL VILLAGE OF ON LARGE ACRE LOTS cooxsrowu FULLY LANDSCAPED STOREY SOLID BUILDINGS CLOSE TO BOTH TORONTO AND BARRIE AND TO ALL SUMMER AND WINTER RESORTS 34 COOKSTOWN Hwy 89 ARTIST couccwt Yo ca be ome owner rlZss than the costof rentllIgXourchoice from $39000 SENECAII SEMI PLEASE CALL DIRECTLY BARRIE LINE 705 4589431 TORONTO LINE 416 8627365 PARTICIPANT IN Add ur husbands wifes ttal salary together 3lfit is $10500peryearor moreyouie In $1580 down payment to qualiï¬ed purchasers VISIT OUR MODEL HOMES AND SEETHESE BEAUTIFUL FEATURES FOR YOURSELF Patiodoors abedrooms Broadloom throughout apiece bathroom Largelivingroom Decorator designed kitchen HUDAC NEW HOME WARRANTY PROGRAM DDKSLANE DEVELOPMENTS LIMITED STF 57 IDIEILUSEESIE $44900 NEW HOMES Under Construction Georgian College area Quality Built by On The Shores of Beautiful Lake Simeoe lD agar494 gmm PRATT HOMES phone 7231259 Separate dining room Extra Large master bedroom IN ORILLIA or 7267972 LEI ITIA HEIGH IS cumzsno II DIRECTIONS mewflu OFFICE nouns our m4ogaflhlsitlopsh MIDHURST LARGE unfinished brick In arrle WWMDMIBD Littth lelton ï¬ne house 539000 Also lots $5000 each weakendsllam 79 NorthonAnneSt 96 2745 Toronto evenings to LetltIaSt TALL TREES $48900 detached raised Leftonleï¬ï¬ast bunoatow bedrooms finished rec room den fireplace broadtoom attach ed garage I1 baths Immediate posses sion 10° down Murray Warsh Realty Call Marllrxnii Knowles 72R 9636 737 73 862 RETIREME NT HOME Well built 1mm3ofl bungalow with car garage and paved Irtvw lidrms separate din rm com torlahtn tiv rm vat in kitchen tinished lain room ourst rm or ten tm irtarulale homo With bdlm over hdwd qu landscade lot Close to bus stop 317 900 Larry Thompson rep Taurus Real Estate Ltrt 717 3000 PRIVATE SALE $13500 three bedroom townhouse in small development well decorated ll baths cedar deck com ptntnty proadloomed Principals only the HomeTownifr Condominium Townhomes from $37900 Spacmus Balconies Front units otter beautitui View at Law Simcoet Extra pr Washroom Three bedrooms Full broadlaomed tYour choice it color Bus Route past tiont door Minutes om Schools Beaultlully wood trimmed introsus wtlt trig It stove SUDDIILO Dining room has cathiittrat itlinq Private courtyards minutes trorn Downtown Onllm Planned rimming pool Tennis Court All Units have access to Lake Strut on We still have tow chaice units Facing the Lake Model Suite Open Daily pm Dusk Weekdays it am Dusk Sat Sun Call Collect 17053251622 LANKIN DEVELOPMENT PROJECT DUWN lD2 MORTGAGES Call 728 89ml after 30 PRIVATE OFFER in Barrie spotless bedroom with many extras year old raisod bungalow inquire 776 4064 FAMILY HOME or it bedrooms tami Iy room broadloom over hardwood plaster walls car garage pavnd drive landscade lot immaculate $47900 Larry Thompson Rep Taurus Real Estate Ltlnilld 717 3000 BRAND NEW $44900 bedroom split entry bungalows close to Barrie Hurry they wont last at this price Call AI Bomork Hit or 776 7949 rep Unigroup Inc Broker PAINSWICK Brand new side split with garage rec room with fireplace walkout from amino room and large 75 200 lot For lurther intormation call Al Boacmk 737 l77l or Unigrouptn RE Brcker FREE INFORMATION on how to buy Ontario Tax Sale Properties Dept Ex Box 5380 Sln Ottawa Ont KZC 23 PRIVATE SALE Custom home on three acres ravme lot in Painswick three or tour bedroom $165000 Jib 244 4468 PRIVATE SALE Beautilul three bedroom townhouse equipped with one tour DIPCO bathroom and two Ypiece bathrooms attached single car garage cold room in basement recently decorated With archways and new paint and wallpaper throughout Asking 51000 down Vendor will take back Second mortoatte Pleasocall 737 002i VERY LARGE bedroom home Baycrest Drive DoSIrable area lOO 200 lot bathrooms double garage Toiephono 77¢ I636 LARGE TREED Lot rooms Iiroblicr lull tvasomont 20 miles southwest 01 Bar riI Tlltpltoltf JLJ 647i 726 7949 rep 7263111 89 BAYFIELD ST BARRIE Photo Multiple Listing Service BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Fully equipped to unit brick motel on busy Highway ll North only miles from Barrie Snack Bar plus bedroom living quarters over acres Asking $129000 100 ACRES with 38 56 bank barn slab silo completely fenced water and hydro approx 70 acres cleared remainder mixed bush 9th of Innisfil just west of Highway ll Make an after NEAT TWO BEDROOM cottage with some furnishings right of way to lake Crystal Beach Rd off 9th line of Innisfil Lot 66 149 Asking $24900 WHITE BRICK FOUR BEDROOM HOUSE On lot 66 250 Corner of Lebanon St and 25th sideroad lnnisfil Well insulated well treed hedged excellent spring well IMMACULATE THREE BEDROOM aluminum bungalow on lot 75 208 Utility room off kitchen attached garage Asking $44900 50 IOO LOT on 9th of Innislil Approx 200 yards from the lake well treed shell cottage l6 22 Asking $12900 Jy 16 Esther Kennedy 424547 Vicki Kent 487250l Leo Cavanaugh 7281207 Bob Saunders 7263883 Larry Wood no toll 4873l48 Ross Batstone 7263043 Marg Wood no toll 4873148 modular home setting for retirement or recreational use and if winter is not your idea of living live with us during the summer and go south for the winter Come see us this weekend and go for relaxing walk through our community Directions Take Highway 27 north to Highway 26 cut off for IS miles and turn right at Klondike Park Road and follow signs for miles See you there 7054292594 Open daily Jy t5 to 22 23 so tlte home folks TILltd cat about people 47 COLLIER ST CORNER OF OWEN COLLIER STREETS BARRIE 726261 THREE BEDROOM starter home on large treed lot financing available open for offers Call Corby Adams 7286829 Jy lb Dorothy MacQuorrie 7286358 Corby Adams manager 7286829 Helen Hopklns 7284662 Jim Quinlan 7260873 Ross Leader 7269245 ALL