the examiner Tlruradav Julv 14 1917 DEL COLE big job Drflha planned for stop Snow Ontario Northland Railway will consider scheduling stop at Orillia on its Timmins DOUG Toronto run this fall Transpo Minister Jim Snow said Tues day The new run times in Barrie twice en route to Toronto and tWIce en route to Timmins It also stops at Washago about 20 miles north of Orillia In the Legislature Gordon Smith PCSimcoe East com plained that the railway did not stop at rillia Snow said the addition of stop at riIlia will be con sidered when two more trains are added to the railway this fall Snow said the Washago stop was scheduled to allow crew change hawkestone bv Muriel Hart 4872030 St Aidan ACW members are holding bake sale bazaar and white elephant sale at St Aidans Church July 16 at pm St Aidans congregation and Lnited Church members had an unexpected pleasure when Bishop Allan Read of Toronto conducted 10 am services recent The pews were ull and cof fee hour was held after the ser VICC VACATIONING Mr and Mrs Crawford Leig and Jim of Willowdale and Mr and Mrs Mike Bulter and children of Thornhill are spen ding their vacation with Mrs Clarke Crawford and other relatives in the area TO TRACK The Oro Township Senior Citizens were hosts for bus trip to the Woodbine Race Track in Toronto recently leaving IIawkestone at am Despite occasional showers and cool weather all enjoyed thetrip ATTEi FUNERAL Mrs Hart and Mrs Morris Shclswcll attended funeral ser vices recently for Miss Frances Pugh at St Thomas Church in Shanty Bay VISITORS Mr John Noble Sr of Port Dover Mr and Mrs lack No ble of Hamilton and Mr and Mrs Palmer Hart of Mississauga were visitors with Mrs Hart recently DOUGLAS DOUGLAS DOUGLAS DOUGIAS DOUGLAS DOUGLAS SCHOLARS Elaine Richard daughter of Mr and Mrs Yvon Richard was an Ontario scholar at Twin Lakes Secondary School with 868 per cent BAKE SALE The Marigold Jolly Elders of 0m Township recently held successful bake sale and bazaar at the 0m Station community centre Mrs Wilcox daughter of Mr and Mrs George Campbell of Guthrie was the winner in the draw for crewel picture SHOWER Mrs Tim Jermey held miscellaneous shower for Miss Gloria Smith of Uxbridge recently Miss Smith is marrying Peter Simpson son of Mr and Mrs Bert Simpson and grandson of Mrs Leslie Jermcy in Ux bridge July The shower had 28 guests in eluding aunts and cousins of the groom Mrs Smith mother of the bride Mrs Simpson mother of the groom Mrs Jermey grandmother of the groom and cousin Mrs Ed McBride of Scarborough Mrs Sharon Millman and Mrs Diane Millman sisters of the groom and sisterinlaw Karen Smith assisted in the opening of gifts and Jane Smith and Heather Millman made hat from ll bows CARD WAS CLAY KANSAS CITY Mo AP The first known Fathers Day card was written in Babylon about 2000 BC reports Hall mark historian Sally Hopkins The card was in the form of clay tablet that asked the gods to grant good health and long life to the father of an individ ual named Elmesu Del Cole named committee head AId Del Cole planning board member and city develo ment chairman at city counci was named by plann ing board Tuesday to chair the committee which will oversee proposed core area revitaliza tion study for the city Also named to the committee Tuesday were Mayor Ross Ar cher and board members Doug Skelton Roger Oatley and Bill Sakeris They will be joined by representative of the consulting firms which will perform the study and by the chairman of stilltobenamed citizens ad visory committee Secretary will be city planner Rick Jones team made up of James MacLaren Ltd and Dia mond Planners Ltd has been recommended to perform the study at cost of $61000 The recommendation must still be approved by city council The choice of Cole as chair man does away with proposal to hire Skelton professional engineer as paid chairman of the committee Skelton and board vicechairman Ken Byles who had also been con sidered for the post have both said they cannot spare the time to act as volunteer chairman BIG JOB Cole described the chair manship as hell of bigjob before agreeing to accept the post He said later he hopes to call meeting next week to get working on the project One of the committees first tasks will be inviting various groups to name representatives to the citizens advisory com mittee Groups expected to be invited to participate include the Downtown Improvement Board the Greater Barrie Chamber of Commerces civic affairs committee and varie ty of others The study which would take seven months under the MacLarenDiamond proposal is aimed at providing official plan and zoning amendments and other policies to back up an earlier official plan amend ment designating the core area as the heart of the city DOUG SKELTON introduced about month ago stops fourfI GLAS DOUGLAS DOUGLAS DOUGLAS DOUGLAS DOUGLAS DOUGLAS DOUGLAS DOUGLAS DOUGLAS DOUGLAS THE ONLY DEALS WE MISFS ARE THE WE INTEND TO BECOME TIIE Car Truck Retailer in the Bowie area VOLUME LOW DOUGLAS DOUGLAS DOUGLAS DOUGLA lt CD OVERHEAD IS lt OUR SECRET I977 MAROUIS BROUGIIAM DR IIT Automatic power brakes power windows vinyl roof 460 V8 WSW bumper protection group rear window defroster air con ditioning tinted glass light group body side mouldings Lic No KYY73I Ford City Sale Price Only on lt $6888 Vt 76 Plymouth Volare 2dr V8 automatic PS P8 radio air cond gloss WW WC rear window defogger Lic LKV530 Ford City Sale Price Only $4888 in 76 FORD F250 VB auto PS PB radio H78 in 851 Ford City Solo Prico Only $4838 76 BUICK LASABRE DR IIT V8 outo PS PB radio WW WC Lic No Lil434 Ford City 5an Price Only $48I8 76 PLYMOUTH VOLARE WAGON cyl auto PS PB AM radio WW WC lugg rack Lic No KTP 828 Ford City Sale Price Only $4258 77 PINTO WAGON cyl auto lugg rack Lic No DOUGLAS DOUGLAS DOUGLAS DOUGLAS DOUGLAS DOUGLAS DOUGLAS DOUGLAS DOUGLAS DOUGLAS rues we DONT KNOW ABOUT AS 1on AS VISOGG SVIDOOG SVIOIIOG SVIJIIOC IF YOU QUALIFY TRUCKS IN STOCK FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY FORD MOTOR CREDIT AND BANK FINANCING AVAILABLE If you are New in On tario If You owe money on It you have little or no yourcor credit If you are 18 or over Our experienced finan ce personnel can probably find plan to suit you If you have been turne down by other dealers If you are new on your job WE HALLENGE ALL COMPETIION mucx SALE TRUCK SALE ovmflocxm OVERSTOCKED In Towners and Out of Towners see MERCW Douglas first We decide on your credit VEM quickly Drive home today in the car of your choice PICKUPSBIVANS PlcxupsaVANs FORD CITY can give you for the KIND or CREDIT YOU Brand New 1977 immediate Immediate NEED and still save you money Call for fast credit check by phone 7285558 delivery Comet Dr Sedan Special value package 250 cyl automatic WSW power steering rear window detogger radio Serial No 7IC31 L515985 Ford City Sale Price Only $4Ili8 76 VW RABBIT cyl spd AM radio Lic No KYX868 Ford City Sale Price Only $3758 75 MUSTANG GNIA I93 delivery rrr 511 at Brand New I977 F150 Custom Styleside Pickup Seat knitted vinyl power steering dual bright swing lock mirrors heater high output rear step bum per Serial No FISBCY49I I7 Ford City Sale Price Only Brand New I977 E100 Cargo Van All std factory equipment Serial No FU48HY20522 Ford City Sale Price Only $4558 Brand new I977 F100 Custom Styleside Pickup All std factory equipment Serial No FIOBCY95487 Ford City Sale Price Only cyl auto P5 P8 air AMFM radio WW WC Tglass Lic No 23 KEE060 Ford City Sale Price Only Brand New I977 E150 Cargo Van Brand New I977 Rear door gloss deluxe bucket seats in I977 S9°P We d°° mims F250 Custom high output heater power steering AM til F100 °° °9 °°P Sam SterSIde Pickup or 633 USTOm EI4BHY18825 Sf on 351V8 dual bright swrng lock Ford City Sale Price Only PCkuP mirrors spare tire pkg Serial No CYI Sland Wsr AM °d°t Dual bright swing lock mirrors F25HCY80044 fgfgfg °° P°°°d high output heater 1475 lb rear Fod CIIY sale Price onlY 58rd City set Price Only springs Serial No FIOBCY95485 Ford City Sale Price Only 23 $4468 73 Mercury Montego MX Station Wagon V8 automatic PS PB radio power tailgate WW WC Lic FED087 Ford City Sale Price Only $2333 Brand New I978 Courier Pickup Soft ride springs cold weather group rear step bumper radio Serial No SbTATMlAOOB Ford City Sale Price Only 254388 Brand New 1977 F350 Custom Chassis Cab 10000 60W package 351 V8 heavy duty trim optional axle ratio power steering dual western mirrors with clearance lights heater high output radio Brand New I977 F150 Custom Styleside Pickup Paint tape stripe knitted vinyl seat dual bright swing lock 70 Ford F100 mirrors body side mouldings Tmï¬cfrlifrggxsr gggzrmléghgzzi cigar lighter rear step bumper U0 ee up tery auxiliary reOI Springs Ply manOQSViOOOO SVIDDOG SYIODOO TOWEL SETQGGG 50593013 LYV532 Ford City Sale Price Only Serial No FISBCYO4940 Ford City Sale Price Only tires Serial No F37HCY80032 With camper cyl stand trans radio Lic H357I6 Priced to sell $4238 76 FORD GRANADA DR V8 auto PS PB air Tglass WW WC Lic No KYXBbb Ford City Sale Price Only DUGLAS DOUGLAS DOUGLAS DOUGLAS DOUGL DOUGLAS DOUGLAS DOUGLAS DC Open Mon to Thurs until pm Fri and Sat till Sunday for inspection DOUGLAS DOUGLAS DOUGLAS DOUGLAS DOUGLAS DOUGLAS DOUGLAS DOUGLAS DOUGLAS DOUGLAS DOUGLAS DOUGLAS DOUGLAS DOUGLAS DOUGLAS DOUGLAS DOUGLAS DOUGLAS DOUGLAS DOUGLAS We PROTECT you 12000 mileI2 month WARRANTY available on all advertised USED CARS Ford City Sale Price Only Ford City Sale Price Only $5778 sI788 73 METEOR4DR vs auto PSP8 radioWWWC PARTS Lic No AOHISb Ford City Solo Price Only Our Retail Parts Counter is open daily from am to pm Tues Thurs to pm Call direct 7285915 suityour drivrng DIsDcltillNT 728 58 requirements The cars shown Will be sold exactly as advertised $4678 Service Special FRONT END ALIGNMENT MS 288 on most domestic passenger vehicles $1758 Lease Any make or model tailored to DIAL DISCOUNT NOTE WE ARE HAPPY TO SERVICE YOUR VEHICLE REGARDLESS OF WIIEIIE YOU BOUGIIT IT WERE STILL IN BUSINESS DOING WHAT WE 00 BEST LOOKING AFTER OUR CUSTOMERS WE WILL BUY YOUR USED CAR WE NEED USED CARS TOP TRADEIN PAID LINCOLN MERCURY SALES LTD ESSA RD BARRIE NOW YOU GET HERE IS YOUR BUSINESS NOW YOU LEAVE IS OURS FIESTA BOBCAT CAPRI MONARCII COUGAR COMET MARQUIS LIGIIT TRUCKS NEVER NAVE so MANY run so um roli so nucu If you have any problems at all we want to hear about it personally 072 All cars subioct to prior sale No dealers please One to customer