Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 14 Jul 1977, p. 2

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ian Addictions Foundation told Prevention of alcoholism growth industry WINNIPBU ttl The Canadian Ad dictioiis Ittlltlltltll ion was told Wulnesday that the examiner Thursday July 14 1977 extra US helicopter alcohol in I960 to 247 gallons in 1974 an in Newfoundland should launch drinking crease of 72 per cent Reeve said Hopedale which has 160 persons of legal moderation education campaign complete drinking age most of them on social assist downed in Korea WASHINGTON AP US Army helicopter was shot down over North Korean territory today and the Com munist government said three crew members were killed and fourth was captured The United Nations command in Seoul said the Chinook helicopter had intruded unintentionally into North Korean airs ace and requested the crew and craft be retumed an lately While the official North Korean news agency announced the deaths of three of the men aboard White House spokes man Jody Powell said the fate of all four men was uncertain Other US sources said beeper signal was heard iii dicating at least one crew member had survived President Carter was advised ofthe incident as he listened to musical selections with visiting West German Chancellor Helmut Schmidt at postdinner en tertaimnent at the White House The president coolly followed thnough with planned private session with Schmidt then went to the situation room to keep up with developments There he conferred with State Secretary Cyrus Vance De fence Secretary Harold Brown and Zbigniew Brzezinski his national security adviser Retiring at 1230 am to the family quarters Carter said Weve done all we can do tonight There was some confusion over exactly where the helicop ter was brought down Powell said the incident occurred on or near the northern portion of the 25mile wide demilitarized zone which sepalt rates North and South Korea Delighted it vote called OTTAWA CP Joe Clark Progressive Con servative leader said Wed ncsday he would be delighted if Prime Minister Trudeau called fall election because no doubt wed win it Clark was answering reporters questions about results of public opinion poll that showed his partys support among decided voters had taken another tumble The poll taken in June showed the Liberals had the support of 51 per cent of de cided voters up from 47 per cent in the last poll The Con servat ives held 27 per cent in the latest survey down from 32 per cent The New Democratic Par ty held steady at 18 per cent while 31 per cent of those questioned said they were undecided good year says the CBC OTTAWA CPJ Despite allegations of bias in CBC reporting the last year has been one of great achievement for the publiclyowned broadcasting system says CBtpresident Johnson Johnson said in his amiual report tabled in the Commons on Wednesday that the various groups involved in broad casting should work together to strengthen the national system The BC as host broadcaster provided radio and tele vision coverage for more than one billion people around the world during last summers Olympic Games in Montreal the CBC president said And the corporation had continued to spread radio and television service to remote com inunit ies throughout the country JOE CLARK with the steady rise in the consumption of liquor the prevention of alcolnilism is ii growth industry in tanada llavid Reeve from Alcohol and Drug on ceriis hit of Toronto non profit drug abuse treatment centre said there is It world wide trend towards more consumption ol alcohol and nlciiiol related problems can be expected to grow He said that between ltltill tilttl lllill the average consumption of alcohol in iii dustiialited countries increased by more than 40 per cent and in more than Tl per cent In Ontano per capita cimsumptioit ot 11 gallons of absolute alcohol rose from National unity st OTTAWA ttl study group on national unity began operating Wednesday without Quebec representat ivc JeanLac Pepin Cllilll man told reporters that Que bec representative will be an nounced soon and that the delay should not be considered abnor maI It took two months to get British Columbia represen tative on the antiinflation board said the former chair man of the agency The study groups formation was announced earlier this month by Prime Minister some icgions by Irudcau and so far contains six membeis lepin said the study group hopes to meet every two weeks and as often as possible outside Ottawa so the opinions of Ill Canadians can be solicited on the national unity question The fiist meeting with lead ers of several llOlI governmental organizations from across the country will be held July 28 in Ottawa Pepin said he does not know when or where the next meeting will be held statement published after the first meeting of the study Ilc said higher consumption inevitably results in more problem dnnking alcoholism and related social and health problems lNSl lMIIItN CLIMBING The alcohol consumption per adult in aiiadii will continue to increase at roughly the same rate exixrienced during the period lost to 1971 he said Allcii lallett of the International Grenfell Association which runs hospitals in Labrador for thc Newfoundland government said alcohol is destroying the native people of Labrador He said those whosell alcohol to he natives are no bctl er than heroin pushers group Wednesday saidoneol its main tasks is to encourage and assist the work of the non governmental organizations in their desire to keep anada united The group has also decided to engage in detailed research so informal ion can be made public to encourage the discussion of the issues throughout Canadian society Initially the group will have staff of about 50 but should it become the greatest thing since sliced bread the staff may be increased Pepin said lohn Roborts the other co Justice minister upset $1 Quebec police took copies of language submissions QUEBEC CP Justice Minister MarcAndre Bedard said Wednesday he disapproved of the actions of provincial p0 lice who picked up copies of submissions to the government on language legislation for analysis He made the statement in the assembly after motion was passed unanimously con demning Tuesdays action by the intelligence services of the Quebec Provincial Police The motion said the move was likely to sap public con fidence in the assembly and its committees What made matters worse some of the briefs had not yet been made public Bedard said In fact only 62 briefs had Government report agrees with Francophone concerns OTTAWA tCPl special report prepared for the secre study group to investigate com been heard before the language hearings were cut short by the government last week Bedard minister responsible for the police said he would discuss the matter with the di rector of the force and take necessary steps to guarantee such incidents would not recur Earlier Liberal opposition leader Gerard Levesque cited the police action as dis turbing aspect among many others in the current language debate Levesque told news confer ence convened to air his par tys reaction to the latest language legislationBill 101 lnllctl said the tiny community JEAN1T IEIIN RATES DAILY WEEKLY MONTHLY YEARLY 93 COMMERCE RD When some toyour Granada Colour ance such as welfare or unemployment in suranceis typical of the distressing Labrador situation He said enough beer was sold in the com munity last year to keep every man woman and child drunk every day of the year and the Eskimo proprietor of the beer store made enough money from returning the empty beer bottles to buy himself cabin cruiser LOW SELFEST HEM Pallett said the poor housing low economic status discrimination and poverty all con tribute to lower the native persons self estcem and lead him to seek comfort in the bottle of Pallett said that in the short term udy group starts work chairman and the former Pro gressivc Conservative premier of Ontario said the goup will report its findings to the gov eminent Imbarts said economic dis parity and constitutional change will be two chief areas of study because these are prime sources of discontent Other members of the group are Mayor Ross Marks of 100 Mile House BC Richard ashin president of the New toundland Fishermen Food and Allied Workers Union Muriel Kovitz chancellor of the lniversity of Calgary and John Evans president of the University of Toronto RENTACAR AND TRUCK SERVICE ORILLIA BARRIE 3418AYFIELD ST 705 3266485 705 7370800 JERRY SMITH JIM RAWN Featuring Chevrolets and other fine cars with advertisements to counteract alcohol ad vertisemeiits For the long term the federal govemment should take close look at the systems it largely pays forthe judiciary police and hospitals the systems the Newfoundland government places heavy burdens upon through its present alcohol policies William Shannon professor at Dalhouse University told the conference that study of druguse patternsincluding alcohol and tobaccoamong 3858 Nova Scotia teenagers between 1969 and 1976 indicates girls have entered the midstream of drug dabbling Shannon said alcohol remains the favorite drug among Nova Scotia adolescents For Top Variety in Dance Music 2001 Disc Jockey Service Parties Banquets Dances Wed dings Taverns Hotels Resorts with Complete Sound Visual Effects Call 4295721 Wosogo Beach storey home with bdrms full bsmt car garage SWAP level bedrms 02 full baths with 02 car garage Negotiate any cash difference Private Box U72 The Examiner happens fit GRANADA REhme VancouverWindsor London Guelph KitchenerSt Catharines Hamilton Bu rlington Brantford Toronto Oshawa Kingston Ottawa MontrealQuebec City glam frgm the fiedcmghhgcs that there are growing signs RENTJNG VS BUYlNG ary sta epartment con rancop ones ors ue cc huriumanism and mm year ompdilson Flon language talks curs with recommendations of FrenchCanadians outside ilfaglalnism in the government GRANADA BUYlNG TORONTO CPI Ontario AttomeyGeneral Roy MC FTrenChSPwkIhg groups OUl Quebec say that lack of Levesque accused the YR $292 08 307 54 Murtry offered Wednesday to meet officials of the Quebec Slde Quebec that the federal educatlonalv culture and government of muzzling the 0p Bar Association to discussthe langaage issue relating tothe g°mmehl mUSl accelerate governmental S€TV100 lh WCh position and questioned the YR 24396 36747 ma of Gerard Fina action to prevent their chwould soon result in French competence of Deputy Speaker PM YR 21828 41452 McMurtry made the offer in letter to Viaeur Bergeron aSSImglatlon into the hiiglisti being Sp9k0h 0hly lh Quebec Louise ueirierSauvc who Fr TOTAL $754 32 S1 089 53 association president Speaklhgmalhrll BTMN cm presided at Tuesdays sitting Om Filion and 14 others face conspiracy charges in connection Among the rxommendahons The Canadian Press Obtained when Bill 101 was tabled month DIFFERENCE S3352l with dredging contracts He has asked that his trial be sepa the report WT it by Ottawa Copy the report w9d195day Mrs Sauvc had to suspend sum 7n rated from the other defendants and be heard before Fren socmlogist ReneJean Ravault althhugh It was hot 305th fm debate three times during the chspeaking judge and jury 8395th that Pet PUblC mnsumplmnt stormy procedural wranglcs 80 rlzwml lliiigili vfjjm 36 In an earlier telegram to McMurtry Bergen said who manent federal body beestab Many Ol Manns Shgges during tabling of the bill Should be tried in bilingual court in Ontario lished to contribute in the hth reverse the d9 Ol 8551 Saying that the Liberals BMW 2W But the attomeygeneral who has promised simultaneOUS 1051 mixth Why 90531th 10 mlatm also concur Wllh would make known their IC ibséivfiluw issw nfijwintivi translation servicesthroughout the trial said in statement the develolhhent 0f the French recehl Pronouncements 0f tailed position on the language Wednesday the case was very complex and that there should not be separate rials No nuclear sales yet OTTAWA tCIl External Affairs Minister Don lamieson accused by opposition critics of changing Canadian nuclear policy stressed on Wednesday that Canada has not yet agreed to resume uranium shipments to West iennany and the rest of Europe Faced with barrage of Progressive Conservative questions in the Commons following optimistic statements by West icrman Chancellor Helmut Schmidt Tuesday the minister said anada has only agreed to put new proposition before negotiators Nurses pay hike slashed BRAMPTON Ont CPI The federal antiinflation board has reduced by more than half 43percent salary in crease for leel regional health unit nurses provincial arbitrator awarded the 4¥percent increase to the health nurses to give them parity with hospital nurses in lecl However the antiinflation board announced it has rolled the award back to maximum award of about $2400 fmm the arbit rated increase in the 197576 contract The nurses have agreed to lepercent wage increase in 1976 contract which will go to the antiinflation board af ter it is ratified by the Peel health board Northern inquiry order TORONTO ICPI cabinet order authorizing Mr Justice Patrick Ilartt to start his inquiry into development in Northern Ontario was signed Vcdiiesday Environment Minister George Kerr said the inquiry which he expects to last from two to years likely will begin public hearings in October UNLESS THIS EMBLEM IS ON YOUR CAR YOU PROBABLY PAID TOO MUCH Receive 50 gallons of gas FREE with the purchase of new car or truck from our large inventory offer uper July 20 I977 GEORGIAN PontiacBulchGMC HS Bradford St 7264885 speaking communities outside Quebec The federal government ear lier announced formation of temporary interdepartmental Prime Minister Trudeau who says EnglishCanadians must be more accommodating towards their FrenchCanadian neighbors CORRECTION Corrugated Fiberglass Panels were priced in correctly in the July 13 Examiner They were priced at 99 however this should have read $399 We are sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused our customers CutOut let Graphics Illuminated Signs Artwork Posters Billboards Printing Gold Leaf etc etc 311 Tiffin St ters Sheets OUTDOOR ADVERTISING LTD Barrie 728971 bill at later date Levesque promised his party will act positively to suggest amend ments Meanwhile the government revised bill brought some praise from business leaders and generally negative reac tion from the Englishspeaking and ct hnic conimiinit ics Don Peacock president of the Provincial Association of Prot estant Teachers PAPT said he was profoundly dis appointed at the adamant re fusal of the government to lib eralize the entry requirements for English schools bIEHTINE Youve tto be little to yourown colour ill Together at Dunlop and Maple in Downtown Barrie REOPENING FRIDAY JULY IS AT 40 DUNLOP ST BARRIE UNBIMIIEB Featuring an attractive choice of the finest in lighting and distinctively different gift items pleasing selection of pleasant prices 133818 AUVW All Granada locations are open daily from AM to PM and Saturday till Give us all soanWere listed in the Yellow Pages lOl 338 Yongc Titiect South Rn limoth Hill 884 4433 Toll Free 7enitlt 22850 13581 073M V8 DUNLOP STREET WES Beside the Roxy

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