44 dogs pets help wanted 7i help wanted 71 help wanted 71 help wanted 78 tenders 78 tenders the examiner mud Juy 14 1977 sales TOOL DE MAKER VILLAGE OF TO5TTIESEAP CONTROLS Gals aw 3° AND ANNOUNCEMENTS required for Automotive Supply flimum Y°°r 5335 flLpiltiisffzimcdnhfliï¬iï¬i Company for Barrie and lourneyman papers reqUIred Sealed tenders clearly marked as to contents will be received by tree to good home Telephone 7284579 anytime GERWN SHEPHERD Pups illweeks Mr Fleck Clerk Village of Tottenhom Box 3l0 until 300 pm local time on Friday July 22 1977 The work includes the supply and installation of well pump star Up to $780 per hour Paid benefits PRIZES TIIIS SUMMER WITH PARTTIME surrounding areas Experienced preferred Supply own car 55 OTIC ASH T5 old purebred not resisleled $75 each wages Phis C0mm55i°nt Death Notices Engagements Births $550 Elspltone QEL AflilY 01 Apply ter floatless control contalcter agd centerfle re Iciysécogmuto one maximum words addmonal words ween word mew gdurst logggnwag and DEMPSTERS smmey root and Die Lid w° Card of thanks 40 words so on E12523 TEE up AUTOMOTlVE SUPPLY alrixggcgzggflnï¬gggfgz 20 dgzoh 9031 me Clerk Additional words IO cents per word ROEOSISgnEeRSETSJaggLaLnidExggse r3303 Routes are ava In LTD Orillia Ont Queen Street North ronenhom or may and Assam In Memoriam no verse $550 ll 3257812 Verse per count line extra 22 cents per line girlfmznd dmlmEd the 723 98 Vldona Street or CO Limited Consulting Engineers and Planners 52 Morrow Road Comm Events $3 22 Gr comm Inch italics marinateForemost areas mCOe Bowie On MUS Barrie onion is it sum ofSlo00 which will not be refunded to amflflflfï¬gllï¬llï¬ 773iwLld 737 0190 Rece Each tender must be accompaniedy atIelnder dreï¬osit inhthe firth gt BASSET cuN ma our years lo certified cheque paya to age at en am gggglewgguggaigï¬g no papers reas Jy l3 1415 amoum of of the Tomi Tender price SI IIIIIIIS coin n9 events GERWNSTIEPlTéhmppiesfaag Tenders are subiect to formal contract being prepare an Mondays Child Islairol face lcpgagegzlanbeggjdlgfféongï¬gzdï¬zazzg 1A Required for professional office executed The Owner reserves the right to reject any or all tenders Lffï¬easzzï¬gggfdllymï¬ajgé wormed Ready to 90 Telephone immediately Shorthand ability and the lowest tender will not necessarily be accepted girlIngzYéiï¬giilgllgsilagifzjooénn 835 MECHANC preferred Salary and benefits VILLAGE OF TOTTENHAM CONSULTINO ENGINEERS Salurdays Child woras head logits HEBEKAH AND ODDFELLowS Sitgarden SUPP es TF commensurate with ability and Fleck Clerk Ainley and Associates Limited living CHOICE TOPSOIL Excellent lor lawns g°bifp°f° rigfuxng experience Box 310 Consulting Engineers and Planner 323 ï¬g 5° EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT ertenc in air con la 82m ciivzilï¬ï¬‚ifléifl Partme Kitchen and Counter Help anti uni Wt weighed Reï¬ll Im mg 1°°h°m°°° sï¬xggmgnfggo g53333317333113 300 pm QsFBEEALE Large or sma qua Com on benefits qua cahons 14 Cullen always want to know which day ol I00F HALL FERRIS LANE es Deiveed i°° °e ca reqUIre BOX U80 JY 13 the week wasfheir birlhaate Keeplhis t$100 froshmemboom 1231997 APPY wrlng °nlY3 The Examiner and other important iglarmationstï¬i ac p0 Th TF Sltrees and shrubs your Childs future An xaminer Ir BA RE MW Mn no CLASSIFIED mfiliï¬fiil is histogram select your shade tree We have large and year of birth the weight and other selection and small deposit will hold 22 $2gangaléonbemgrggfdréggfzag gsgrl$lapgcgilpnbérggï¬ Garden centre 26 McBonaLIJd Babys Book or Family Albugh The ratefor an Examiner ice 52well and bubs Canadian Motorists Service is only $550 maximum 40 words Addi TROPICAL PLANTS lor your home or Ont Association in its 301 year or 7282414 °aw°d5£8l ed gléiceéaleetgr Baggsfarden Centre Attention Students JV growth requires additional Gassmed udumiumms and aim bf Eém Interested in gaining financial independence McDonalds will hire representatives Are you of me pages Km be waived by pm day 85 deaths EmTPJIiiJï¬ï¬‚ 20 to 35 parttime employees legal age ambitious and preceding agitlicotion iththe exceplioaio ROBNSON Theima Lou on I976 Benefits include above minimum wages food discount uniforms posnive thinker Are you free gypYLe$sw°r Twhogcï¬taoctéu gahaalgwoékrlllyinlggr 1311 20 PROWLER supplied scheduled pay raises shifts per week 3035 hrs to travel on short lgcal trips publication year Beloved wwe MUM Robinson I976 model Contact manager on duty 7° w° Wlh Your 0W 5° YOU BIRTHS ENGAGEMENTS dear mother of Brenda oi Thessalon DETROIT AP Mark approximately hrs daily days week MARRIAGES DEATH NOTICES words $550 Additional words To cts per word David of Woodstock Alice Mrs Graham Dow of Kitchener Lorraine and Craig at home dear sister of qualify you will be guaranteed an ex comp equppe weekly income plus substantial tras Ideal for family on Florida Monday thru Thursday 330 to pm Jy678ll12l3l5l6 The Bird Fidrych wont be talking to any allstar baseballs CANT LEND il holiday s°°Y5° H°d°Ys bonus POYmemsi °PPOHUMY CARD or THANKS 40 words $550 Addi Efrzeeï¬afHaggefwéoï¬ï¬gc uï¬erafg this year 728 00 726 7680 II°ldOVOlld drivers licence advance Into management as tionalwordsl0ctsperword vice in he chapel Friday July 15 at What he calls tiredarm 47 or over 21 yrs of age your abmty warrants Act IN MEMORIAM NOTICES Na verse ssso pin intermentrwoodslock Cemetery appears certam to keep mm out JY 26 pass medical today tr P°°°v P° HOGAN Winnilred At the Royal We of the allstar game to be COUNTER HELP commonnits toria Hospital Barrie on Tuesday July Then we WONT 12 I977 Winnilred Owen beloved wife of played next Tuesday night in Write Sales Manager AYERS Answer Your $322 per column inch New Yorks Yankee Stadium NEED camper boat or vacation F0 and Parlme reï¬lled for ShIls new c°uer SYle Box 474Barrie WOWMINIMUM the late Michael Hogan dear Sister ol loan See Barrie Community Cred Doughnut Store opening soon at the corners of Bayfield and Sophia ca Mrs SI intend wed in Examlner VMe T°°°I Bernard Jams Fldrych pitched to only four Unlon aComer 728519 rs you CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Cash Dscou Ontario and Mrs Neale 77 Wharf newiews will be store on Thursday and Friday Juy 14 0C r0 area Rates apply if paid Wilhln7d0Y5 one lW0 Margaren 53 Diegot camornia omn qe ays rs In WANTED TO RENT by responSIble Lines Carrler insertions em word insertion Three Resting at the Sleckley Funeral Home the opening inning at Tiger Sta tamlly cl fully eqmpped camper and l5lr°m 9°tm Pm 00 Jy9162330 30 Worsley st Barrie alter vanmotor home August mm 31 Please 13 I4 wm° °5 P°w° dlum Tuesday night before he none 778 5805 settion total $648 Six consecutive Inser UVSdaV Ferd 55 aFYS havin 50 HARoroo 31 Etalzfshi inmeAllaiglgn eqruéitfgnéï¬Ã© w°d i°i° °° itifiSilhiniéfiléfllsJééln32 Sign was Camperg $9995 9224 Multiple insertions may be ordered arm rou eS criipnrgr lraebigar sgagicngenlgcgmgrswisrgleeis $32367 rirgrrggeam to 530 pm ask for subiect Io cancellation when satisfactory 86 card of flunk Manager Ralph Houk who imammVw rm bt adM th le at cellenl condition telephonerge 363 me COMPANY HAS two part time and one $12032 522 570 took Fidrych out Immediately FÂ°ï¬ Uriel CANADIAN tilllresriss $262922er as cl swr i3ttr 22 5am later the much had 555i2Sicofiélliihhéieupnliï¬giEngelé7 MANUFACTURER necessary Can earn $520 to $600 an paw wmds 393333 ovalsgympathtl also genelrous ausï¬Ã©e 13 slde hour Barrie or surrounding area ERRORSANDCORRLCTIONS nations totheCancer Society atthe re eng ermap ace n0 I974TRAILSTAR Hardtop Trailerstove fpnghicc D4032 2tjegv February I976 Sleeps of elecmcal appliances now has eMake money 155911993EWEIERLC Phone hm or 33de Cg2 35 dear wle and daugmerm usually too dangerous re are TENgnEAMPEbR for renl Fully adip or Part Time several openngs Enloy more HA ESSE Izzvzldgllztdotkdjefï¬slzgIsgftltarlment re EHéflEQBBEFQIUEFEU9141 Lirer phtysmlan an Cliaretnlfe cd Slce sx Avalablé Jul 12 23 WECAN OFFER YOU Meetfriendl eo ie Experienced hairstylesl required for quires ad advertisers tokindly recheck their iVings on ec oe gndlrompAugUSI id gist lhleresled Earn high commissions in the se°dy ye°rround em nus EASY Ylevpen if You dpuénlomrrlnbggggv Excellenrtflwéage advertisement immediately after Inst insert diagnosis partcs call 728 3386 home insulaï¬on industry clean Id piul go laIL IquilltleS co 9icen lion in order lhal any error or omission may Fidrychis sudden departure FOLDING HARDTOP camp trailer payment never 50 are now Ia tFDBY 93t mg bereportedbelare9amin orderthatsame Sleepssix$500 Call7261354 cub C°SC°M°US People oNolayolls for details 7239652 or write ELSELEEEBL91€E°£€7£l my be rectified for the following day We every endeavor will be rom game 1c I971 TRAVEL TRAILER roll out awn reqmred IO 07905 and Good earnings AVON Box 485 BARRIE Soicgoiiï¬tlilllfflï¬s 35335531ilieir3fl wlï¬hcanon he Ellamlnetrdsmsptonhtgfdm made to forward PM to box gers eventually won 21 appar Sjgibjilsgiggglegésvoï¬gt giant around Barrie No canvassing please telephone on of five years experience in all pahses ol ThTF $vyeartrdytizhnolyItcilhooemncl numbers to the advertiser as enlly ended his Chances or Ill campground Oro ask iorwatson Appointments sUPPied N0 PERSONNEL MANAGER w1hrp 233333 cgmegEgg91331 portion ol ed that involves the misprint Er soon as possible we accept no Chlhg the allStar game The 57ivesiock for sale perience necessary Call 728 7371904 and analyze monthly financial state f°igilav°f ZINE liability in respect of loss or ghtghietrshgge tag Eisnegfehmuï¬i merits budgets and to supervise accoun TACK SHOP English equipment Ger between 10 am pm WANT ADS ting 513 Salary dependant on qualifica tions by make goods The Examiner reserves damage olledged I0 OIISB man saddles and bridles Robinson Hardware 31 Dunlop East 7280431 ONE HALF standard bred horse and saddle for sale Good disposition Asking $350Iirm Phone 737 I738 alter 5pm APP GELDING years old quiet good for children broke to ride and drive Quarter horse mare good conformation and disposnian ycans old well trained Telephone 456 3877 evenings S9poutrychicks DEKALB READY to lay pullers Brown ego pullcts available Also farm fresh cgris Craig Hunter Poultry Farms Stroud 436 IHII 60ieedseedgrain HAY FOR SALE good quality so lb 77 help wanted JY5 Jytii213i4i5 help wanted PHONE 7282414 7i help wanted Now That Youre In Real Estate patterns lluickest Flt tions and experience with company paid benefits Please forward complete resume to Box U75 Barrie Examiner EXCELLENT COMMISSIONS lull or part time Earn high commissions in the home improvement industry Clean cut conscientious people are required for areas in Barrie and Simcae County Leads supplied No experience necessary Call 72816206 NEEDExtRA EASIi haTvé open ings for partlime personnel in our new oliice Please call Mr George7737 I904 NEEDED FOR Saturday reception du ty good telephone voice and excellent typing abilities essential Please call Mrs Dickson 73772300 MATURE reliable babysitter needed to babysit 2chidren in your home One will Printed Pattern 4504 the right to classify revise or reiect any want ads PHONE 72824 through either failure or delay in forwarding such replies however otherwise Medicine woman works miracles EDMONTON CP Until two months ago Marys life was hometown and asked the stat to pick out 10 problem children crowdpleasing Bird would be selected Houk said there was no chan ce Fidrych would pitch until af ter the allstar break Toronto swimmers swim Lake bales sl per bale Contact Brian fegï¬oicehfzy97a 9°59 WAIST following pattern typical of theworst ofthelot l9 it Fol50 COOK MawFem experienced 49 so many Melis adolescents Her idea was totake them on LONDON CP Two To 64tarm machinery FORGE HARVESTER for sale also hitch sprayer liquid manure tank 1000 gallon row air planter 400 tons of Al dilion Also 37 ll steel sell feeding rack How are you doing assist ChefManager days per week Training provided Apply in person to Waldom Catering Company at Ontario Government Stall Development Centre for recreational products Salary and But the efforts of Cree medicine woman may help her escape the treadmill of pover miracle woman in her work journey search for their identity and growth toward spiritual wholeness whole It has always been the ronto girls have signed up to swim the English Channel this summer and one of them will be Bigpay Point Barrie ty alcoholism and prostitution Every human being has tryingittwice MATURE PERSON as companion and which has tra man of her three elements sical men MASSEY HARRIS model 60 sell homemaker for semi invalid woman 80 18 ppe and at affnysa Mrs Audrey scat secrgtary of propelled combine with pick up attach Color TVhiliover English cottage by the Channel SWlmThlng menIPlioni3416 775 738afier6pm the lake $50 week plus room and Rose Auger spiritual Auger Problems arise when Association said Cindy INTERNATIONAL 82 pulllype combine 903Sal3°hal¢6Pmr7269994 leader considered somewhat of one of the elements is not 19 ho IC as as With pick up cut crops excellent conr SALESPERSON reqmred experience for bunk silo 466 3049 alter pm ALLlS CHALMERS WD hydraulic both ends small loader new Iires and engine trade for Massey Pony with all at lachments Telephone 424 5749 tsla rm machinerywanted FARMALL or Super needed for parts state of wear not important must be completeTelcphonc 124 5749 really doing If you are like most people in the industry you are aware that getting off the commission full time Apply in person to Oro Mobile Home Ltd Highway 11 north ol Barrie EXPERIENCED TAPERS and board persons wanted for Collingwood Wasage Beach area Call in 3971 alter 7pm REQUIRED IMMEDIATELY waiter waitress must be mature punctual able to assume responsibility and able to with troubled youngsters has given Mary growing sense of selfwmth Marys home in small town in northwestern Alberta was threebedroom trailer she shared with her parents two brothers four sisters three spiritual that is not whole for our people Along with spiritual training Mrs Auger gave the children firsthand insight into both the good and the bad that Indians and Melis are doing throughout Alberta and as far south as Bis corlquered Lake Ontario and has crossed the channel three ti mes may claim two records For layearold Loreen Pas sfield itwill be first attempt Cindy is down to swim about the end of August and again at the beginning of September Mrs Scott said by telephone work well with le Full tm 67lruitsvegetables cellenl gratuitiespleorpperson wifh 8033 12095 ahda SISICT SbOYhlehd 103er ND from her home in Kent Dates ï¬ASPBERRlES ï¬ckyéugognasna ground brings finanCIal delays We have posmons available for New Home ingpersonalityApplyinpersontoJBs There were JUSI too many TALK TONATIVES are dependent on wmds and per quart Picked SI 50 Boxes supplied First farm on ten past intersection oi Blake and Grove Old hwy ll North 68 personalsw HOLIDAY IN THE SUN Write Clover Motel Apts 2l2 108th Av Treasure Island St Petersburg Florida 33706 We have vacancies from July on ward efficiency units from $75 week for people Phone 728 3136 for information WThFAui7 TELECARE Why light your problem alone Lei it friend htlp Call Telccar 776 7972anyltme ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS 728 6581 you drink thats your business if you want to quit tliatsours Call any time UNWANTED HAIR removed safely permanently medically approved Ly dia Hrchctiuk Cartiiicd Electroioqist 737 267i Sales People with burning desire to succeed We offer immediate financial rewards progressive sales training and marketing techniques and unlimited growth LICENSED PERSONS ONLY Interviews to be held on Thursday July I4 1977 at Brookdale Inn Dunlop Street Call MARIA MARKITON 7281312 TODAY ONLY Jyl4 Big Boy Restaurant Georgian Mall Mord 9r Tuewvlwm Earn9 LICENSED MECHANIC required to work on trucks alternoon shill l2 Please mail resume to PO Box 845 Barrie FULL TIME permanent car washch re quired hourly rate paid weekly Sunoco Car wash PARTVTIME waiterwaitress must be available days and nights Ia years and over experience preferred Apply to Mr Cornbeel 280 Dunlap St Barrie bet ween 10 am and pm STUDENT REQUIRED for Midhursl employer for short term period Must have some knowledge of drafting mapp ing surveying Must have transporta lion Contact Canada Manpower Centre lor Students 7264240 BARBER STYLIST for busy Angus shop good hours good pay 726 7783 evenings WAITRESS WAITER wanted lor part time Apply in person to The Colonial Restaurant 165 Wellington 5t 72sales helpagents Large Financial problems at home So she ran away By age 13 she had long his tory of running away and po licc record for smashing up her fathers car and for breaking and entering In her last flight from home aided by three friends and lit tle liquor she helped steal truck and they headed for Ed monton CAN HANDLE PROBLEMS That was where Mrs Auger stepped in In one month she convinced Mary she can handle her prob lems rather than react nega tively against them Mary also knows she doesnt want to get into trouble again Ive learned to respect people and not to feel sorry for Travelling in van camping outdoors or on the floors of na tive centres the adolescents talked to natives who were working to better their lot as well as to prisoners in jail While most of them started out not knowing what they wan ted to do with their lives all have come back with goals in mind Mrs Auger has worked with disturbed young people since 1966 They are the young people nobody else wants They get placed in institutions They get into cycle First they get into trouble then they go on proba tion then back into the in stitutions Mary has decided she wants tides The other girl is to swim about Sept she said Cindy and Loreen are the only two Canadians to have signed up so far in what is shaping up as record year for crossChannel attempts SENT INFORMATION have sent out more than 100 packets of information so far Mrs Scott said Physical conditioning slows aging OTTAWA CP Physical 539GDLNEJZUCBTION Indoor arena Organization myself says Mary to work with young people She conditiomng conSIstlent wimy Haugh gdrm algéicOlge minutes requires eWmonths g0 Mrs Auger is Staying with Mrs Auger this and regular baSIS can 0W WHY SUF FER agony withv Corns and walkedmtothe services summer to learn more abOUt down the gglng Process says Callouscs new now is yours from SALES offices In High Pralne Marys her traditions Proms 5003 and Preyen Engmm Camamn Com Caps have live medicme at Laval Univer been sold for over century with eltcc Feel free easy comfortable live rcsulls mcdicalid pad that really docs llle iobl Corn Caps or Callous Caps now ayaiiahlt at Cusdens Shoppers Drug Mai ts rIlId all rlrqutsls lNTERNATIONAL INVESTIGATION in elasticizedwaist panls whip up several pails Youll enioy wealing them with all your for the Barrie area Starting income to $300 per week if qualified Three year Janets adamant sity Dr Bernard Talbot who has worked at the Royal Ottawa Hospital and was on the Council IviC in in tops all week any season EDFVCIIGIZITCOC Ditcreilrndalonfiddzgtgl anng Program I0 benefnsi Ideal for knits blends COLLIERALBERT AREA no overlghl lravel OP Printed Pattern 4504 Wom in it and aging at 3855 Ogigydhdacnfencihb Klimt PUGET VARDEN AREA munncv Sanfagemem in ï¬gs 4329543 34 35h37 DnltSbcriitycof Otfawa that aging through Fndav phone 773 8868 UIUIG rite llO resume IO lnC RIDE WANTTED FMWW M6 N0RTHDWEN AREA the $125 to each pattern cash NESTOR FALLS Ont CP taking flying lessons in Picton Engehysgzgl uggggfbgltï¬teay 313 $3gt°2l° PERSONNEL MANAGER cheque money den Add Tweniytwoyearcld Janet She returned to the resort in ne not slow down asmuch as vow TOMORROW today Tarot cards PEELGROVE AEEAAREA Th 82 U79 25¢ each pattern for llrsi reggh saysshiiï¬ldflelmined the spring asllatcoï¬l She hag was first thought and led nun rendile Fer appointment xaminer min om ecomca us pi er priva pl Icence an WW PERRY DUNLO ino all gigs my She has her commercial pi when she wasnt working the Normally With age we 70lost and found FAIHVIEWSOUTHVIEW AREA Punt plainly SinV Style um lots licence has been hired by owner allowed her to fly in suP dondt thcaraélrsee as lIell Ing FEMALE CATparkprownpinoertige WELLINGTON AREA EXPANDING CANADIAN Oil Company her your Name Address Send Nor weswm FXmg secheS Plas 59 She coud accummale con rm glgonatozesslow stripe Springtian Drive and Cundle needs dependable person who can work Mme Adams pattern Dept In this town 60 miles south of flyingtime senso ll magi3 235 Ms BURTON AVE TRAlLER PARK wmw pgvsmc 5er ltélémï¬i Kenora and has gained the ac This spring she received her rate than th Persoh Wh3 CODRINGTONNELSON AREA $35 314 $6 wme The Examiner 60 Progress ceplancc of the other pilots But commercial pilots licence and he eCfShYSlcal aetVtY hIP 13de Dick Pres Southwestern Petroleum Avenue Scarborough On the final lest is whether she will she and her fiance returned to 53 NEEDED NOW Five people with the desire to earn money Call MR JOHN SON 7374904 Please ï¬ll out the application below and return it to THE EXAMINER Circulation Dept 16 Hayï¬eld SL Barrie Qrémp00906T7Jét 76employment wanted EXPERIENCED DAYCARE Fulltime Reterences Toddlers to five years Con slant supervision in fenced yard Children to play with Allandale area Phone 728 7086 BOOKKEEPING to be donein my home picked up and delivered Telephone 43673824 tario MIP 4P7 ANSWER to inflation sew and save dramatic dollars Send for NEW SPRINGSUMMER PATTERN CATALOG Clip coupon for free pattern Separates iumpsuits dayevening dresses Send 75¢ Instant Sewing Booli $100 be accepted by the male sports men who hire planes to fly them into fishing and hunting camps Miss Keogh born and raised near Picton Ont is not the fir st commercial woman pilot but she still is rarity She took kincsiology at Uni northwestern Ontario to get jobs as pilots Since started Id say Ive nl about $5000 on training said This winter Im plan ning on doing more training The pilots around here have accepted me well They gave Talbot said daily exercise maintains the bodys elasticity so that rson is more aware of the ys posture resulting in less chance of tripping or falling Also the car diovascular system functions at an optimal level so arteries and versity of Waterloo and two me just as much of chance as blood vessels are kept open and Jylo Sell It Knit Booli 515 years ago worked for the sum any guy coming in bad tissue sla health 0f Instant Motley Crafts $100 mer at flyin resort about 40 Miss Keogh said she doesnt ys Instant Fashion Booli 8100 miles east of here She said she see her job as feminist assault STIMULATES BRAIN reached Experienced in fabricating to Deadline for classified realized she was in world where the airplane was the ma on maledominated career field Another benefit from physical activit is brain that word ads jor transportation method and Men arent womens 15 more adept VINE less 1088 manufacture aggregate Name parlofawayoflife enemies she said Its of memory and sexual ability of ment always liked to fly but women who are womens Ihï¬ ummPalled inn Puma never figured it as career be enemies enrolls gaggrfldboggmglln causeyouneverhearofwomen lserae day plBVlOUS WAN commercial pilots Miss VOTEDINPRIVATE wreslmhdmsext Talbotsaid 7370628 7282414 Keogh Said Canadian voters in federal He53ldfhele heed not be an Telephone Age noon Saturday Instead of going back to uni elections cast their votes se psellmltmrelahngtoandlov ll versily in the fall she started cretlyin 1878f0rthefilsttime ngomersr It